Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project
Your On~Line Guide To Genealogy Research In Cayuga County, NY |
This index page provides links to websites that contain information to assist you with genealogy and family history research in Cayuga County, NY.
Some of the on-line information was compiled and published on the Internet by volunteers as a part of the USGenWeb & NYGenWeb Project. The information provided is intended as a secondary-source research tool for personal genealogy and local history research. We do not guarantee the contents of research materials and/or the expertise of any professional researchers or look-up volunteers.
Links to external web sites are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or approval of any of the products, services or opinions contained in any external web site. Neither the USGenWeb Project nor its members are responsible for the contents of any "third party" site which you may access from a link on this page."
If you are interested in adopting a county or want more information about the NYGenWeb Project, contact Bob Sullivan or Tim Stowell, the NY GenWeb Project State Coordinators. |
An E-mail List Group has been created for you to ask research questions and share information related to Cayuga County NY genealogy & local history. This new email group will replace the former 'NYCayuga' List Email Group that was previously offered via Rootsweb. The new group link is https://groups.io/g/nycayuga and you can subscribe for FREE from there. |
Below Are Links To Our Good Neighbors In Adjacent Counties - |
Visit the Tour Cayuga Website at www.tourcayuga.com/harriet-tubman/places-to-visit/ to follow in the footsteps of Harriet Tubman as you explore the places she frequented, hear stories of the people she knew, and the progress she made in the fight for abolition and women’s suffrage. |
