Published by the Association |
At the annual meeting of the Weedsport Rural Cemetery Association held June
10, 1895, the following ordinances and suggestions were reported from a
committee, consisting of C. C. Caywood and M. C. Remington, who were appointed
at the annual meeting of 1894 to revise and formulate more complete rules
and regulations for the government of the Association. At the same time a
brief history of the Association from its organization to the present time,
by M. C. Remington, was submitted by the committee, which was ordered published
with the ordinances. After the adoption of the complete report of the committee,
the following resolutions were passed:--
Resolved That the Committee on Ordinances, above named, have merited the
thanks of this Association for the able manner in which they have discharged
the laborious duty imposed upon them.
Resolved, That said Committee are hereby authorized to procure the publication,
in book form, of their entire report.
Resolved, That the minutes of the preceding action and resolutions be included
in and become a part of the publication above authorized.
W. J. Donovan, Pres.
C. C. Adams, Sec'y.
In the early history of Weedsport a burial ground was located on the east
side of south Seneca street, which, until 1860, was in common use for the
village and vicinity. It was small, and, as its present appearance indicates,
was arranged in conformity with the usual custom of an earlier day to accommodate
the greatest number in the least possible space.
At the time above named it became apparent, from its crowded condition, that
more room would soon become necessary, and a goodly number of the most public
spirited citizens, inspired by the example set by other villages and cities,
resolved it possible to provide more spacious and beautiful grounds for laying
away the dead. In obedience to this resolution on June 2nd, 1860, a public
meeting was called for the purpose of organizing a cemetery association.
There were present at that meeting Caleb Whiting, James M. Bryant, Ebenezer
W. Turner, Myron B. Rude, George Coon, William Watson, E. Byron Lattimer,
Solomon Giles, William B. Mills, Edward Dixon, John T. M. Davie, Samuel G.
Wise, James Henderson, Geo. Cramer, William Faatz and Edward Flynn.
Dr. George Coon was made chairman and William B. Mills secretary. Articles
of incorporation were adopted pursuant to chapter 133, laws of 1847, and
the several acts supplementary and amendatory thereto, under the name of
"The Weedsport Rural Cemetery Association." The number of trustees fixed
upon was six, and those chosen were Caleb Whiting, William Watson, Solomon
Giles, E. W. Turner, James Henderson and James M. Bryant, duly classified
as to term of service, from one to three years, in the order above named.
The time named for holding future annual meetings for election of officers
was the first Monday in June, of each year, at 2 o'clock P.M. Articles of
incorporation of The Weedsport Rural Cemetery Association, duly certified
to by the chairman and secretary, were recorded in the Cayuga county clerk's
office, on page 415, in book A of miscellaneous records, on June 5th, 1860.
At a subsequent meeting held July 2d, 1860, it was resolved to purchase 8
3/4 acres of land, being that portion originally mapped out and used for
this purpose. In accordance with this resolution the land above referred
to was bought of Gillead S. Brisbin, and a deed executed by him and his wife,
Sarah A. Brisbin, conveying said land to the trustees of The Weedsport Rural
Cemetery Association, dated August 1st, 1860, which deed was recorded July
22, 1880, in book 155 of deeds, page 65; consideration $787.50.
A subsequent purchase was made and a deed executed by the same parties, viz:
Gillead S. Brisbin and wife, for one acre, being an addition of a narrow
strip of land adjoining the eastern bounds of the first purchase. This deed
is dated Sept. 1, 1860, and was recorded July 22, 1880, in book 155 of deeds,
page 66.
It appears that at a meeting held August 16, 1860, Solomon Giles was authorized
to employ, and subsequently did employ, a landscape surveyor, Mr. Burton
A. Thomas, of West Sand Lake, Rensselaer county, N.Y., to plat and map the
grounds, which was done in September, 1860.
The original price of lots was made low, and during the two decades following,
residents of surrounding towns, as well as those of Weedsport, eagerly sought
this opportunity to secure for themselves and their posterity permanent and
attractive burial places. A large part of the space fronting on the main
avenues, as well as much in the rear, was taken and rapidly occupied by death's
silent tenants.
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In the year 1880 adjoining land was offered for sale, and in view of the
future need of the Association, the board of trustees, vis:--William Watson,
Orrin W. Burritt, E. W. Turner, O. C. Clark, Leonard F. Hardy and William
Henderson bought of Mrs. Betsy Crampton, widow of Levi Crampton, 8 1/2 acres
of land adjoining the previous purchase on the east. The deed for this addition
is dated July 6, 1880; consideration $1,200; recorded July 22, 1880, in book
of deeds No. 155, page 67.
The purchase of land, fencing, grading and other improvements have called
for nearly all of the money realized from sale of lots, and to replenish
the treasury it was resolved, at the annual meeting held June 6, 1892, to
fix the present price of all lots, fronting on driveways to the depth of
16 feet, at 25 cents per square foot, and all rear lots at 20 cents per square
In the year 1892 a receiving vault was erected at a cost of $1,025, which
has been found a great convenience, if not indeed an indispensible necessity.
In the year 1893 under the direction of the board of trustees, viz:--William
J. Donovan, M. C. Remington, O. W. Burritt, C. C. Caywood, C. C. Adams and
D. C. Knapp, there was constructed upon the grounds a system of water works
by means of a well, wind mill, reservoir and necessary piping, by which abundant
and wholesome water has been conveyed to all parts of the ground. This is
found a great convenience in the care of lawns, lots, shrubbery and flowers.
In the summer of 1894, under the same official management and direction,
a more correct measurement of lots was taken, a revised list of lot owners
made and nearly all the remaining vacant space in the original grounds laid
out and a new and greatly enlarged map was executed which supplies a long
felt necessity.
The cemetery grounds as now constituted contain 18 1/4 acres of beautifully
diversified land which for the purpose used is unsurpassed by any; and many
of the monumental designs, as well as some of the vaults recently erected,
are imposing structures, and will compare favorably with those to be found
in any of the most noted cemeteries in central or western New York.
Under the present law of the state any lot owner may set apart a portion
of his or her estate, to be left in trust with this Association, to be invested
as best it may be and the annual interest therefrom to be applied to the
care and improvement of his or her lot; or any person of abundant means may
safely provide that a portion of such wealth, left at death, shall be set
apart as an endowment, the annual use of which must forever be applied to
the improvement of the entire cemetery grounds. To what purpose can wealth
be better devoted than this? In what way could the donor more effectually
perpetuate the memory of his or her name? In life we may show reverence and
love for our friends in a thousand ways; but after they have been taken from
us, our love and sympathy can only find expression in our endeavor to make
secure and attractive their narrow resting place and its surroundings. It
is a solemn obligation resting upon us--a debt which we owe to the dead!
We take a just pride in making attractive and beautiful homes to be occupied
only during our brief stay in life; how much more should we care to provide
and beautify a last resting place in "The Home of the Dead," where we shall
lie for all time?
Our possessions in life, however extensive, will soon be in other hands and
known under other names, and nothing will remain to remind the passer by
that we ever existed, except our silent home and its surroundings in the
As the passing stranger estimates the intelligence and moral worth of a community
by its school houses and Churches, so must he judge of our humanity, our
sympathy and our love by the provision which we make for the final resting
places of our families and friends in "The City of the Dead." M.C.R., Weedsport,
N.Y. June 10, 1895.
The Board of Trustees of The Weedsport Rural Cemetery Association do, by
virtue of authority in them vested, hereby ordain and establish the following
Rules and Regulations for the government of said Association, viz:--
I. Organization. All the business of this Association shall be managed
by a board of six trustees, two of whom shall be elected annually, by ballot,
by the proprietors of cemetery lots, at the annual meeting hereinafter provided
for; to hold office for a term of three years, as specified in the original
articles of the Association.
II. Annual meeting Notice to be given. An annual meeting of proprietors
of cemetery lots, for the election of trustees and the transaction of such
other business as may properly and lawfully come before them, shall be held
on the first Monday in June; of which meeting the secretary shall give six
days notice of the time and place by advertising in some newspaper published
in the village of Weedsport, or by posting a written notice in a conspicuous
place in the post office.
III. Organization of the trustees; appointment of committee,
superintendent &-.
From the trustees of the Association there shall be chosen, immediately after
each annual election, a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer
who shall hold their offices respectively for one year, or until their successors
shall assume the duties of said offices.
After the organization, as above specified, there shall be appointed, as
the board may direct, two trustees to act with the President as an improvement
committee; whose duty it shall be to supervise and direct all ordinary work
and improvements on the grounds, also to recommend for the consideration
of the board of trustees such extraordinary improvements as may in their
judgment become necessary or advisable.
The President and Secretary shall constitute a finance committee, whose duty
it shall be to examine and report upon the accounts of the Treasurer at the
annual meetings.
The board of trustees may, at their option, appoint a superintendent of grounds,
who shall hold his office during their pleasure, and shall receive such
compensation as they may determine.
IV. Duties of the President. It shall be the duty of the President
to preside at the annual and special meetings of the Association and at all
meetings of the trustees; to call special meetings of either at his option,
or when requested by three trustees to make such call, to appoint all standing
committees, not otherwise provided for or appointed, to sign deeds of burial
lots and all contracts made by the board, and to recommend by annual
communication, or otherwise, such measures for improving, protecting or
beautifying the grounds as he may deem proper, and to have general supervision
of the affairs of the Association in connection with the superintendent,
if one is appointed. He shall also, by virtue of his office, be a member
of all standing committees.
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V. Duties of the Vice President. The Vice-President shall have all
of the power and shall perform all of the duties of the President in case
of his absence or disability.
VI. Duties of the Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep
a record of the proceedings of all board or proprietors' meetings; to keep
a registry of the sale of lots in the cemetery and of all interments, giving,
when possible, the name, place and date of birth, residence and occupation
of every person whose remains shall be interred or entombed in the cemetery,
together with the date of death and burial and the plat, lot, tomb or vault,
in which such remains shall be deposited. Also to sign licenses for interment
whenever required to do so by any person who shall have acquired the right
to inter in the cemetery.
VII. Duties of the Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer,
before entering upon the duties of his office, to execute a bond to the
Association for the faithful discharge of his duties, with such sureties
and in such amounts and penalties as may be approved by the board of trustees,
or by a committee designated for this purpose by said board. It shall be
his duty to receive and safely keep all funds of the Association, or funds
entrusted to its keeping, which may come into his hands, and to disburse
the same only upon the order of the President, countersigned by the Secretary;
to report to the board the financial condition of the Association at any
time when required to do so, and to present at each annual meeting a complete
and detailed statement, showing all monies received and paid out during the
previous year.
VIII. Duties of the Superintendent, or Officer in charge of the Cemetery.
It shall be the duty of the Superintendent, or whatever officer or employee
may be put in charge of the grounds, to give such attention to the cemetery
as the board of trustees may direct, and especially during funeral ceremonies
and interments, to report to the secretary the name, place of nativity, late
residence, date of birth, date of death, date of interment and occupation
of every person who shall be entombed in the cemetery, together with the
plat, lot or tomb in which such remains shall be deposited; to exercise general
care and supervision over the cemetery grounds, including all fences, railings,
monuments, avenues, trees and shrubbery therein; to enforce upon visitors
due observance of all ordinances concerning the cemetery and to expel therefrom
any person or persons whom he may detect in the act of violating these
ordinances; to see that no stock is driven through or allowed to stray upon
said grounds and to promptly report to the president or board of trustees
any such violations with the names of the offending parties.
IX. Moneys derived from the sale of lots, bequests or otherwise to
be used only for legitimate purposes. All Moneys derived from the sale of
lots, from bequests for general use, and from any and all other sources for
general purposes, shall be faithfully and economically expended as may be
required upon the cemetery grounds for their enlargement and improvement,
or otherwise devoted to uses consistent with the design and intent of the
Association, and shall in no event be paid to, or be permitted to inure to
the benefit of any member or members thereof, but shall be held or invested
for the benefit of the Association as the trustees may direct.
The Association may take bequests and gifts of real or personal property
upon trust to apply the income thereof as best they can, according to the
terms of such bequests or grants, if such terms are not inconsistent with
the original design and purpose of the organization.
X. Rules for interments. Only lot owners, their families and relatives
permitted. The charge for opening and closing a grave becomes immediately
All interments shall be made according to the direction of the President,
Secretary, or the Superintendent, according to the rules of the Association,
and shall be restricted to the members of the families and relatives of those
who hold a deed for the lot where interment is made, except special permission,
for the interment of remains of other persons, be obtained from the board
of trustees. Whenever application is made to the Superintendent, or any employee
in charge of the grounds, to open a grave for burial, by any person whom
he does not know to be the owner of the lot where burial is proposed, he
shall, before complying with the request, require the applicant to produce
and show to him a permit for such burial, signed either by the President,
Secretary or Treasurer.
In all cases of interment there shall be immediately due and payable to the
Treasurer of this Association for opening and closing a grave such sum, or
charges, as may be the rule determined upon by the board of trustees, not
exceeding four dollar for each full sized grave.
XI. No disinterment allowed without a permit.
The Superintendent or officer in charge shall, before he allows any disinterment
to take place, require a written permit to that effect, signed by the President
or Secretary of the Association.
XII. A Lot must be paid for before used.
No burial permit shall be given by the Treasurer, or any other officer of
this Association, to the purchaser of a lot until the price of such lot shall
have been paid or an approved negotiable note given; and any officer in charge
who violates this ordinance, by granting such permit before satisfactory
settlement is made, shall become personally liable for the price of such
lot, subject in all cases to the determination of the board of trustees.
XIII. The purchaser of a lot must include as a part of the purchase
price, corner posts.
The purchaser of a lot will be required to include, as a part of such purchase,
suitable permanent corner posts, designating the boundaries of his lot, which
will be furnished and set by the Association for the usual price charged
to others; unless the purchaser of said lot prefers, and agrees, to provide
such posts of his own selection, as may be approved by the board of trustees,
within one year from the date of purchase. In default of such performance,
on his part, within the year as above specified the Association shall have
the right, as a condition of the sale, to provide and set said posts or markers
and collect the usual price thereof of the owner of the lot.
XIV. Inclosure of lots.
The proprietor of each lot may enclose the same with a fence or railing,
not exceeding three feet in height, which shall be of iron or stone, and
shall be light, neat and symetrical, and the gate thereof, if any, shall
swing into the lot.
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XV. Expense of mowing and clearing lots may be charged to the owners.
All lots not properly cared for will be mowed and cleared off by the Association
and the expense thereof collected of the owners, as the law allows.
XVI. Construction of vaults, tombs, etc.
All vaults or tombs shall be constructed of stone, iron or cement and fitted
up with catacombs, and with the exception of the receiving vault of the
Association, shall be sealed up with hard bricks, stone or cement immediately
after the deposit of bodies therein, and the entrance protected with stone
or metal doors.
XVII. Objectionable and offensive structures may be removed.
If any monument, vault, tomb, effigy, railing or structure whatever, or any
inscription be placed in, or upon any lot, which shall be determined by four
the trustees for the time being to be offensive or improper, the trustees
shall have the right, and it shall be their duty to enter upon such lot and
remove the said offensive or improper object, provided, however, that if
said structure or presumed improvement shall have been made with the consent
of the board for the time being, the same shall not thereafter be removed
except with the consent of the owner thereof.
XVIII. All refuse matter from cleaning lots, or building or putting
up monuments or other structures must be removed.
In the erection of monuments, vaults, tombs, railings or any other structures,
or in mowing and clearing lots, no dirt, stones, grass or other refuse matter
or surplus material of any kind shall be left in the alleys, avenues or lots
any longer than is absolutely necessary for the competition of the work;
but the same shall be removed from the ground, or to some point on the ground,
which may be designated by the President, Superintendent or other officer
in charge.
XIX. All objectionable trees, roots, or running vines may be removed
by the trustees.
If any tree or shrub, situated in any lot, shall by means of its roots, branches
or otherwise become detrimental or inconvenient to the adjacent lots, walks
or avenues; or if any plants, flowers or running vines shall be set out which
are liable to spread by roots or branches, it shall be the duty of the President,
Superintendent or Trustees to enter upon said lot and remove such objectionable
tree, shrub, flower or vine and charge the expense thereof to the proprietor.
XX. The proprietors of lots and their families shall be allowed access
to the grounds at all times, subject to and observing the rules which are
or may be adopted for the regulation of visitors.
XXI. Rules to be observed by visitors on the grounds.
Visitors on foot may have access to the cemetery at all hours of the day;
but visitors on horseback or in carriages (except lot owners) may, in the
discretion of the Board, be required to present a special permit signed either
by the President or Secretary. All visitors properly admitted to the grounds
may have access to every part of the cemetery provided that they ride or
drive only in the carriage ways and walk only in the avenues and paths laid
out for such purposes; that they abstain from all disturbing and unnecessary
noises, that they ride or drive no faster than a walk; that they leave no
horse or horses on the grounds unattended without fastening; that they bring
upon the grounds no fire arms, fire crackers, or other explosive substances
and no refreshments other than water; that they abstain from smoking during
ceremonies or interment; that they refrain from entering any occupied lot
without special leave of the proprietor; that they abstain from plucking
any flowers, either wild or cultivated, or breaking or injuring any monument,
railing, shade tree, shrub or plant whatever; that they refrain from writing
upon, marking on it in any respect marring or defacing any tablet, monument,
tree, headstone or structure in or belonging to the cemetery.
That if they are under twelve years of age they are attended by some person
who will be responsible for their conduct, and that they observe in all respects
such rules of decorum and propriety as shall be harmless to the cemetery,
inoffensive to others and befitting well bred visitors to the resting places
of the dead.
XXII. Penalty for violation of rules.
Any person who shall violate any of the foregoing rules, in regard to visitors,
shall be expelled from the grounds, and become subject to the severe penalties
of fine and imprisonment which the laws in such cases impose.
XXIII. Disorderly persons to be expelled.
Any officer of this Association is authorized and empowered to expell, or
cause to be expelled, all disorderly persons from the cemetery grounds.
XXIV. Association not to be held liable for bodies deposited in receiving
Any member of this Association will be allowed, when necessary, to deposit
bodies in the public receiving vault on the grounds subject to such rules
and regulations as to time and otherwise as the trustees may prescribe; but
this Association will not become responsible for the safe keeping and care
of any remains so deposited in said vault, any further than to see that the
said vault is properly locked after such deposit is made.
Durability of Monuments, & C.
Special attention is called to the necessity of permanence in sepulchral
architecture. Dilapidation, displacement and disfigurement are very common
and painful sights. A leaning monument by reason of insecure foundation,
dilapidation caused by the action of the elements upon cheap and worthless
material or improper construction may be avoided. While it is impossible
to wholly prevent the ravages of atmospheric influences, a proper care in
selection and erection of the structures will greatly counteract and long
retard these influences and insure durability and beauty for ages to come.
Respect for those whom we have loved in life, and whose memory we would
perpetuate, and a proper regard for the taste and feelings of others should
at least demand from every member of The Weedsport Rural Cemetery Association,
not only this attention in first preparation, selection and construction,
but equal attention in the after care of his lot; for whatever the labor
and effort of some to adorn and beautify, if others suffer their monuments
to become dilapidated and their grounds overgrown and unsightly the contrast
becomes painful and the beauty of the entire cemetery is marred.
With the view to promote the best and most pleasing results the following
suggestions are offered:--
Inclosure of Lots.
The principal mode of inclosure are by posts and chains, posts and bars,
iron railing and coping.
Posts and Chains.
There are serious objections to all inclosures of iron, especially so, as
to posts and chains. The chains are quite liable to rust, and the posts,
from the weight of the chains and their liability to be used for seats, are
very soon out of place and unsightly.
Posts and Bars.
Inclosures of this kind are more substantial, and if granite posts are used,
set three feet in the ground, and the bars kept well painted it makes a very
durable and beautiful inclosure.
Iron Railings.
There is great objection to this on account of rust, and if used at all those
patterns which expose the fewest joints and crevices, to the action of the
weather, should be preferred. Careful attention should be given that the
foundation on which such railings are erected is securely set in the best
cement below the depth of frost, and that this, as well as all other inclosures
of iron, be kept well painted.
This mode of inclosure is usually quite unsatisfactory; and unless the foundation
is very carefully prepared it soon becomes displaced and unsightly. If used
at all it should be placed on a wall laid in cement, three feet deep so as
to be secure from the action of the frost; or if posts are used (which are
preferable), they should be of granite and bedded in cement three feet deep.
It is worthy of note that very few of the best structures of coping have,
for over one decade, withstood the action of front in this climate.
Corner Posts.
A simple granite post, firmly set at each corner of a lot, is the cheepest,
is not liable to displacement, requires no after care, and on the whole,
in view of durability and beauty, is believed to be preferable to any of
the inclosures above considered.
The form and style of monuments is of course entirely a question of choice
with the proprietors. In that matter we have no advice to offer or suggestions
to make, except that it is always in bad taste to copy after others on adjoining
or near by lots. Such monotonous imitation does not convey agreeable sentiments
to the mind of the beholder. Continuous uniformity in the same immediate
locality should always be avoided. Variety produces a much more pleasant
effect. To insure permanency great care must be bestowed upon the foundation.
This should be laid strongly in cement six feet deep--the usual depth of
graves. Lime stone will soon disintegrate in this climate and should in no
event be used as a base or otherwise in the construction of monuments.
Tombs and Vaults.
The preceding remarks will apply with equal force in the construction of
tombs and vaults in part, or wholly above the ground. There are certain general
rules and forms for construction which experience has demonstrated necessary,
but which we will not here take the space to enumerate. There are mechanics
who are skilled in this line in various parts of the country who may be
consulted, and those who contemplate the erection of such structures are
advised to seek the best available talent.
Shrubbery and Flowers.
"Discrimination should be exercised in selecting small shrubbery and flowers
that may be suitable to the purpose for which the grounds are set apart.
A burial plat arranged as one would a variety flower garden would be in very
questionable taste. Care should be taken that too many flowers are not set,
and that the kinds and colors selected are appropriate. No running or creeping
vines, which are liable to spread, will be permitted, and nothing coarse
or incongruous with the object and place should be chosen. Such as are simple,
unobtrusive and delicate in size, form and color should be preferred. Those
which are symbolical of friendship, affection and remembrance seem most fitting
to beautify the 'place of graves'."
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The information on this website page was typed and shared by
Dorothy Komp Baker
Website containing some early records for Weedsport
NY Rural Cemetery
Facts Regarding Weedsport NY
1900 Church Bulletin From Weedsport
M.E. Church
1861 Weedsport NY Bank $5 Note
H. L. Burrill & Co. Trade Card Weedsport
Weedsport High School 1909 - 1910 Catalogue
And Announcements
Weedsport High School Golden Anniversary
Catalogue of 1925
NY 1885 Panoramic Map
The 'Old Brutus Historical Society' in Weedsport
NY Homepage
Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project HomePage