Sittser Cemetery, AKA Community Cemetery, AKA Western Cemetery;
High Bridge Road, Town of Throop, Cayuga County, New York.

Updated burial listings on this website were provided by Jessica Armstrong in May 2020








































Modern Tax Map (above) showing portion of Lot 96 and 97 of Throop.


This cemetery has been mowed, but there are several stones buried under grass, in the brush in the northwest corner [the brush was cleared upon a subsequent visit and three new entries added], or fallen over face down (and too heavy to lift safely) throughout the cemetery.  It appears there are several plots in which a stone may have once stood, but are not there now.


This listing is complimented by Evelyn J. Twining from 1980 and the previous listings from Frank Skilton and the DAR. Information from Twining in { }, information from Skilton/DAR in plain text and ( ), notes/corrections by me are in [ ].


See also the Find-A-Grave page for this cemetery; [It does not list all of the information found below.]



fs: Footstone

b.: Born

d.: Died

y: years

m: months

d: days

* stone present April 2020

{stone present 1980



*Barns, Amos; d. July 12, 1862 in 61st year. [Mason insignia.]

*Barns, Phena, his wife; d. March 18, 1881 in 81st year [dual stone with Amos.]


*Barns, Augustus; b. August 14, 1797; d. March 5, 1880 [dual stone with Betsey, upright]

*Barns, Betsey; b. January 30, 1800; d. December 11, 1896 [1886]; fs: Mother {fallen in 1980}


*Barns, Miner (Milner); d. April 3, 1842 age 24y 1m 8d


Barnes, Thomas, son of Chester & Hannah; d. September 5, 1831 age 10m


Barnes, see Mills.


*Barnes, Maria, wife of Chester; d. March 19, 184[3] age 45y 19d


[Four sided stone lists the following:]

*{1. Barnes, Warren; d. June 17, 1901 65yrs {85yrs} [86yrs]

*{1. Barnes, Sarah, his wife; d. Feb 22, 1811 {1871} age 52y 1m 3d

*{1. Barnes, Sylvia [M.]; no date

*{1. Barnes, Theron {Thoren} J.; d. March 18, 1874 age 1y

{“Children of W. & S. Barnes}

*{2. Thomas H., no dates;

*{2. Mary E.; d. December 13, 1862 age {22y 5m 18d} [eroded]

*{2. Eveline, no dates

*{3. Secelia A., no dates

*{3. Viola {O.} [D.], no dates

*{Charles W., no dates


*{Barn[e]s, Thomas {Esq.}; d. August 24, 1844 [{1841}] age 69y 17d {17, 27?}


*Barns, Mary, his wife; d. December 28, 1844 age 67y 7m 2d


*{Barns, Esther, daughter of Thomas & Mary; d. December 26, 1842 age 24y 5m 9d


[*Barns, Mary, daughter of Thomas & Mary; d. August 10, 183(3?) age 17y 4m 15d


[*Blackwell, ______; d. February 17, 1832 age 1y 1m 21d]


[*{Chriscaden, {Gorgie}, son of Wm & Amelia {Thalia?}; d. December 13, 18(6)7 age 1y 7m 1d


*Chriscaden, William L., Co. H, 26th Regiment NYS Vol.; d. December 21, 1886 age 53y


*Davis, Samuel; b. 1809 [1801]; d. 1862 [Davis are all on one stone together]

*Davis, Sarah, his wife; b. 1800; d. 1893

*Davis, Waterman; 1822


*{Doty, Adelmor., son of Wm & {L.}; d. October 15, 1864 [at Washington Heights, N.Y. City] in 19th yr {The top portion of the stone contains a deep recess in which are three sculptured hands portraying ‘deaf-and-mute’ signs.}[The fingers that extend upwards have been eroded, making the signs not exact.]{Top epitaph: “The ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Isaiah 35 chap. 5 v _ Selected by his teacher.” [second half of 35:5.] Bottom epitaph: “We loved him.”}[According to the Doty-Doten family genealogy book by Ethan Allen Doty, three of William and Lucretia’s children were “educated at the New York City Institution for Deaf Mutes.”]


[*{Doty, Lucretia, wife of Wm Doty; d. May 7, 1871 in 63rd yr {was not legible in 1980}]


Doty, Timothy; d. August 14, 1854 age 82y 29d


*{Doty, Deborah, his wife; d. October [broken] 1863 in 90th yr


*{Faatz, Philip; d. June 15, 1859 age 78y 3m 1d {fs}


Faatz, Frank L.; no date *fs


Faatz, Mary J.; no date *fs


*Farguson, Mrs. Lucy, wife of Daniel; d. April 3 [8], 1834 age 78y 6m 27d


Green, Lydia, wife of Hudson J.; d. July 4, 1856 age 25y


Hosford, see Johns


{Johns} Jones, Horace; d. June 3, 1875 age 71y 1m 7d [fs: Horace]{I will lay me down in peace and sleep, for thou Lord makest me dwell in safety. For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.}


*{Johns} Jones, Sarah, his wife (former) [{& wife of Morton Hosford}]; d. December 9, 1888 age 75y {76y} 10m [fs: Sarah][Weekly News and Democrat: Dec 27, 1888: Funeral of Mrs. Sarah Hosford was held Tuesday the 11th at Throopsville.]


*{Johns} (Jones), Theron [{Thoron}], son [of Horace & Sarah Johns]; d. November 6, 1855 age 5y 4m 2d [8d] {four line epitaph [illegible]}


Johnson, Charles W., son of John & Mary; d. October 1, 1861 age 5y 9m 7d


*Mattoon, Mary, daughter of Waltham & Hannah; d. October 11, 1841 age 22y 11m 14d [date buried]


*Mills, Abram; d. March [11, 14], 1850 age [illegible] 2m 1d [Not found in Cay. Co. Vitals 1850]


*Mills, Phebe Bar[nes], wife of Abram Mills; d. Oct 2, 1857 age 48y 1m 3d

[Her name is broken off, partially buried, and the top piece is being used to prop the bottom half]

[probably 1850 Census, Mentz, #1900-2016]


*{Miner, Amasa; d. October 9, 1866 in 78th year


*Miner, Eleazer [Elizer]; d. April 6, 1884 age 86y [dual stone with Florilla][Will: Bk 31B, pg 235]

*Miner, Florilla, his wife; d. August 11, 1839 age 39y [also has own stone, “wife of E.”]

[*”Mother”: Florilla M., daughter of Elizer & Florilla; 18[**]6-1905][formerly wife of Cook Taylor; Death Index: April 14, 1905 at Auburn; ** some census has 1836, others 1846; death notice in Auburn Bulletin on April 17th states burial was in Ingall’s Cemetery, Sennett]


{Monument base marked “Miner”; footstone marked “F. M.”}


[*Footstone: A. L. S.]


Sittser, David; d. October 17, 1841 age 72y


[*Sittser, Sarah, wife of David; date broke, August 1st?]


*{Sittser, Peter; 1806-1888 [dual stone with wife, upright][fs: Father]{fallen in 1980}

*{Sittser, Emelina [{Emeline} J.]; 1815-1892 [wife of Peter][fs: Mother]


*{Sittser, Sidney [E.]; 1836-1865 {1863} [on stone with John & Abigail]

*{Sittser, John; d. January 6, 1859 age 59y [{57y}]

*{Sittser, Abigail, his wife; 1806-1892

[*Footstones for {J. Sittser; {S. E. Sittser, and “Mother”]


[The following are listed as “Starke,” but are “Storke” or “Stork” on the stone.]

Daniel; d. June 13, 1848 age 78y 4m


Margaret, his wife; d. March 17, 1856 age 88y 6m 23d


*{Stork}, Moses; d. October 7, 1831 in 27th year {“The grave of Moses Storke who died Oct 7, 1831 in the 27 year of his age; eight line epitaph ending “Where parting is no more.”} [epitaph eroded][{fs}]


*{Hannah Jane, dau. of Moses & Sally Storke; d. March 30, 1849 in 18th year.
[stone signed by A. Rucish, Auburn]


*{William H., Jr., 1st Sgt Co. A, 75th NYV Inf; d. May 27, 1863 age 24, killed {in battle} at Port Hudson, {Louisiana}


*{William; b. May 1, 1814; d. August 21, 1901


*{Emeline, {wife of William Storke}; d. June 24, 1858 {1850} age 36y 9m 17d [very eroded]


*{Taylor, Doty; d. April 14, 1852 [{1862}] age 20y 2m [fs]


*{Taylor, Sylvia, wife of Smith Taylor; d. April 10, 1862 age 67yrs [broken]


[Taylor, see Miner]


[*Unknown: Footstone: “Eddie.”]


[*Unknown: date: August 10, (1853) age 16y 5m 24d]


NOTE: Information on this website page was provided by Jessica Armstrong in May 2020 and is published on the Internet as a courtesy by the Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project. The NYGenWeb-Project is comprised of a network of volunteers that publish and maintain websites to share genealogy and local history information. The information provided, is intended as a secondary-source research tool for personal genealogy and local history research. We do NOT guarantee the contents of research materials, gravestone transcriptions, and/or the expertise of any professional researchers or look-up volunteers. We are NOT affiliated with any Local Historical Society or Organization, Cemetery or Cemetery Association. PLEASE, PLEASE, if this information is important to your research, confirm all names and dates by visiting the cemetery to view gravestones or seek & obtain original or alternate records (if they exist). Links to external web sites are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or approval of any of the products, services or opinions contained in any external web site. Neither the USGenWeb Project nor its members are responsible for the contents of any "third party" site which you may access from a link on this page." Links to websites with gravestone transcriptions & information for some other Cayuga County NY cemeteries can be found by visiting the Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project Cemetery Listings Website