From: Joseph H. O'Hearn
To: cayuga@roadrunner.com Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 5:53 PM Subject: northville union society Hi Bernie I thought this item might be of interest in the church records section of The Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project. The document is the original Deed of Pew of John King from the Union Society It contains the signatures of a half dozen of the earliest settlers of Northville (p.o. KingsFerry) and the Genoa area. Information on this society be found on page 502 of Storkes History. The document is dated 1806. Dates concering these early settlers can be found in Chapter LI of Storkes History from page 484 - 506 The document is in my collection. I bought it on ebay several years ago. The text of the document reads: To all to whom these Presents shall come, know ye, that we, Jabez Bradley, John Atwater, Jonathan Brownell , Matthew N. Tillotson, Joseph Goodyear and James Milliken appointed trustees of the Religious Society, in the town of Milton, county of Cayuga, and the state of New York, known and distinguished by the name and stile of Union Society, for and in consideration of the sum of Seventy Two Dollars to us, the said Trustees, well and truly paid by John King and his heirs and assigns, one Pew in the Meeting House, lately erected by the said society, on lot number four, in the town of Milton, and more particularly known and described by number four, of the narrow Pews, adjoining the East Alley together with all and singular the rights, privileges, and appurtenances to the same belonging; to have and to hold the same to the said John King his heirs or assigns, shall use or occupy said pew for any purpose contrary to the true intent, end, and design of erecting the same, this grant shall cease, and become void, and the said pew again revert to said society. And also, in case the said building shall, at any time hereafter be sold or disposed of, for the benefit of said society, the said John King his heirs, or assigns, shall be entitled to receive part of the proceeds arising from such sale, or disposition, proportioned to the sum of said pew. IN WITNESS whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, the Fifteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Six. Matthew N. Tillotson Jabez Bradley James Milliken Joseph Goodyear Jonathan Brownell John Atwater |
Information On This Website Page Was Provided By
Joseph O'Hearn Of
O'Hearn's Histories
Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project Church Records