Deciphering handwriting on these early Latin church records is a difficult task. Occasionally, due to poor microfilm image quality and/or illegible handwriting, this transcription may include entries with blank/missing names or names with questionable spelling. This transcription is a "best judgement" scenario. The microfilm is available at the Cayuga County Historian's Office in Auburn NY, and may be used to look closer and review or confirm information. | ||||||||||
Date Of Birth | Name | Father | Mother | Place Of Birth | ||||||
March 11, 1875 | Burns, Mary | Michael Burns | Mary Mulhall | Cato | ||||||
March 20, 1875 | Lynch, Eugene | Dennis Lynch | Margaret Meehan | Cato | ||||||
March 28, 1875 | Graney, John | Gerald Graney | Mary Franey | Weedsport | ||||||
February 17, 1875 | Cosgrove, Mary Helen | Mathew Cosgrove | Winifred Kelly | Cato | ||||||
March 22, 1875 | Murphy, Eugene | Patrick Murphy | Sarah Kenelly | Weedsport | ||||||
March 24, 1875 | Powers, Johanna | John Powers | Johanna Sullivan | Cato | ||||||
May 1, 1875 | O'Grady, Charles | Jame O'Grady | Anna Mack | Cato | ||||||
June 13, 1875 | Quinn, Frances | Thomas Quinn | Mary McEvoy | Cato | ||||||
July 22, 1875 | Stevens, James | Thomas Stevens | Mary Eagan | Weedsport | ||||||
July 27, 1875 | Houlihan, Helen | Paul Houlihan | Mary Kenelly | Weedsport | ||||||
August 30, 1875 | Mulhern, Michael | John Mulhern | Sarah Kenelly | Weedsport | ||||||
July 31, 1875 | Hickey, William | James Hickey | Genevieve McNam? | Weedsport | ||||||
August 2, 1875 | Carberry, James | William Carberry | Julia Deering | Weedsport | ||||||
September 12, 1875 | Collins, Margaret | Mathew Collins | Catherine McArney? | Weedsport | ||||||
September 22, 1875 | Henry, Mary Elizabeth | Michael Henry | Mary Hays | Weedsport | ||||||
August 23, 1875 | McEntee, Edward | John McEntee | Margaret Henry | Port Byron | ||||||
August 31, 1875 | Riley, James | Mathew Riley | Mary Mochler | Port Byron | ||||||
October 25, 1875 | Goff, Catherine | John Goff | Esther Doyle | Port Byron | ||||||
September 10, 1875 | Rice, John | Michael Rice | Alice McNaney | Weedsport | ||||||
November 8, 1875 | Wesley, Catherine | Augustine Wesley | Anastasia O'Neill | Weedsport | ||||||
November 20, 1875 | Whalen, Mary | James Whelan | Mary Coyle | Weedsport | ||||||
November 20, 1875 | Scanlon, Martha | Michael Scanlon | Elizabeth Benn | Weedsport | ||||||
November 12, 1875 | Duffy, Edward | Dominic Duffy | Bridget Leahy | Weedsport | ||||||
December 5, 1875 | Sullivan, John | James Sullivan | Mary Enright | Weedsport | ||||||
January 8, 1876 | Connors, Mary | John Connors | Helen Coumey | Montezuma | ||||||
August 13, 1871 | O'Brien, Rose Anna | Thomas O'Brien | Mary Keefe | |||||||
September 27, 1875 | Hearn, James | Michael Hearn | Alice Walsh | Montezuma | ||||||
April 28, 1874 | Carr, Charles | Thomas Carr | Margaret Gaugh | Weedsport | ||||||
December 2, 1875 | Setright, Helen | Patrick Setright | Bridget Griffin | Cato | ||||||
December 5, 1875 | Burke, Mary | William Burke | Bridget Goss | Cato | ||||||
January 30, 1876 | Callahan, Agnes | William Callahan | Bridget Slevin | Weedsport | ||||||
March 9, 1876 | Quinn, Thomas | Hugh Quinn | Bridget Coyle | Centerport | ||||||
January 7, 1876 | Coolighan, Anna | Thomas Coolighan | Mary Tighe | Cato | ||||||
April 14, 1866 | Cloonin, Mary | SylveSter Cloonin | Catherine Hickey | Weedsport | ||||||
March 13, 1876 | Grady, Frances | Jeremiah Grady | Mary Franey | Weedsport | ||||||
April 20, 1876 | Connor, Margaret | Thomas Connor | Helen O'Hara? | Montezuma | ||||||
February 28, 1876 | McKeon, Hugh | Hugh McKeon | Bridget Hogan | Weedsport | ||||||
May 13, 1876 | Parsons, Helen | John Parsons | J Berns | Weedsport | ||||||
February 28, 1876 | O'Brien, Mary | John O'Brien | Eiizabeh McKnight | Weedsport | ||||||
June 5, 1876 | Campbell, Peter | Patrick Campbell | Anna Coyle | Centerport | ||||||
June 11, 1876 | Kelleher, George | Timothy Kelleher | Ida Gerlock | Weedsport | ||||||
June 12, 1876 | Snider, Roanna | Sylveter Snider | Mary Snider | Brutus | ||||||
June 27, 1876 | Finnessy, William | John Finnesey | Bridget Powers | Weedsport | ||||||
March 14, 1876 | Putvin, Joseph Gilbert | tephen Putvin | Emma Hammond | Meridian | ||||||
May 25, 1876 | Heron, Michael | Michael Heron | Alice Walsh | Montezuma | ||||||
July 18, 1876 | Hogan, James | Daniel Hogan | Catherine Widrew | Weedsport | ||||||
Sepember 14, 1875 | McArthur, Elizabeth | Henry McArthur | Johanna Burns? | Spring Lake | ||||||
September 29, 1876 | Sullivan, Francis | Laurence Sullivan | Helen Coony | Weedsport | ||||||
August 29, 1876 | Quinn, Margaret | Thomas Quinn | Mary McEvoy | Port Byron | ||||||
August 23, 1876 | O'Neil, James | Patrick O'Neil | Catherine Gardener | Weedsport | ||||||
August 21, 1876 | Breshenan, Edward | Maurice Breshenan | Sarah Henry | Port Byron | ||||||
September 16, 1876 | Flynn, Catherine | Daniel Flynn | Bridget Bell | Weedsport | ||||||
October 30, 1876 | Lawlor, John | John Lawlor | Margaret Harmon | Weedsport | ||||||
October 28, 1876 | Setright, Mary | John Setright | Anastasia Lynch | Cato | ||||||
August 23, 1876 | Cooney, Eugene | Eugene Cooney | Mary Lonergan | Weedsport | ||||||
November 21, 1876 | Dower, Catherine | Michael Dower | Catherine Callahan | Weedsport | ||||||
October 28, 1876 | Goss, Thomas | John Goss | Catherine Keily | Conquest | ||||||
December 9, 1874 | Clooney, Alice | Thomas Clooney | Catherine Callahan | |||||||
January 6, 1876 | O'Connell, Mary | David O'Connell | Honora O'Neill | Weedsport | ||||||
December 31, 1876 | Murphy, James Edward | Patrick Murphy | Sarah Kinnealy | Weedsport | ||||||
December 25, 1876 | Kenely, Charles Edward | James Kenely | Sarah Byron | Weedsport | ||||||
March 15, 1877 | Emerson, Catherine | James Emerson | Bridget Campbell | Fox Ridge | ||||||
March 15, 1877 | Emerson, Helen | James Emerson | Bridget Campbell | Fox Ridge | ||||||
April 8, 1877 | Carner?, Catherine | Patrick Carner? | Anna Carroll | Centerport | ||||||
July 4, 1876 | Cornell, Mary Eva | Joseph Cornell | Mary Connor | Port Byron | ||||||
September 30, 1876 | Holmes, Anna | John Holmes | Mary Ann Wall | Port Byron | ||||||
? 1877 | Gough?, | John Gough? | Nellie? Doyle | Weedsport | ||||||
April 19, 1877 | Rice, ? | Michael Rice | Alice McNaney | Centerport? | ||||||
May 4, 1877 | Keily, Catherine | Patrick Keily | Mary M? | Weedsport | ||||||
July 8, 1877 | Graney?, Johanna | Jeremiah Graney? | Mary Daly | Weedsport | ||||||
July 3?, 1877 | Carroll, Thomas | Laurence Carroll | Honora Hubbard? | Montezuma | ||||||
August 7, 1877 | Belinap?, Gertrude | Charles Belnap? | Elizabeth Lynch | Weedsport | ||||||
September 7, 1877 | Breen, Alice | John Breen | Helen Enright | Port Byron | ||||||
November 20, 1877 | Sullivan, Mary | James Sullivan | Mary Enright | Weedsport | ||||||
November 27, 1877 | Hobin?, Mary | James Hobin? | Anna Murphy | Weedsport | ||||||
November 22?, 1877 | Holmes?, James | Thomas Holmes? | Elizabeth Murphy? | Port Byron | ||||||
September 26, 1877 | Flattery, Charles | William Flattery | Anna Clarke | Port Byron | ||||||
November 9, 1877 | Brosnihan, Julia | Maurice Breshenan | Sarah Henry | Port Byron | ||||||
December 30, 1877 | O'Donnell Margaret | Peter O'Donnell | Helen Cronin | Weedsport | ||||||
December 31, 1877 | Dunn?, James | Thomas Dunn? | Helen Lawlor | Weedsport | ||||||
November 5, 1877 | O'Brien, Charles | John O'Brien | Elizabeth McKnight | Weedsport | ||||||
January 12, 1878 | Powers, Edward | John Powers | Elizabeth Harris | Weedsport | ||||||
January 20, 1878 | Healy, William | Thomas Healy | Honora Cooly? | Weedsport | ||||||
March 30, 1877 | Bagge, Mary | David Bagge | Helen Finnegan | Weedsport | ||||||
February 9, 1878 | Fedigan, Mary | Laurence Fedigan | Bridget Muldoon | Weedsport | ||||||
January 89, 1878 | Nye, Francis | ? Nye | Mary Ann McNerney | Weedsport | ||||||
January 30, 1878 | Dawson, Margaret | John Dawson | Anna Ryan | Port Byron | ||||||
February 20, 1878 | Quinn, Elizabeth | Thomas Quinn | Mary McEvoy | Port Byron | ||||||
March 9, 1878 | Enright, Catherine | Michael Enright | Mary Hayes | Weedsport | ||||||
March 26, 1878 | Cauling, Mathew | Mathew Cauling | Catherine Carrol | Centerport | ||||||
March 24, 1878 | Connors, Patrick | John Connors | Helen Conway | Montezuma | ||||||
April 18, 1878 | Keegan, Frances | Patrick Keegan | Bridget Taylor | Port Byron | ||||||
May 9, 1878 | Calahan, Mary | William Calahan | Bridget Slador | Weedsport | ||||||
February 2, 1878 | Scanlon, Mary Evangeline | Michael Scanlon | Elizabeth Benn | Cato | ||||||
June 24, 1878 | Breen, Anna Johanna | Richard Breen | Bridget Lawlor | Port Byron | ||||||
April 20, 1878 | Dower?, Margaret | Michael Dower? | Catherine Callaghan | Weedsport | ||||||
June 16, 1878 | McKeon, Elizabeth | Hugh McKeon | Bridget Hogan | Weedsport | ||||||
July 3, 1878 | Cloonin, Elizabeth | Sylvester Cloonin | Catherine Hickey | Weedsport | ||||||
July 8, 1878 | Stephens, John | Thomas Stephens | Mary Egan | Senate | ||||||
July 24, 1878 | Tobin, Michael | William Tobin | Anna Cauling | Centerport | ||||||
March 27, 1878 | Clarke, Agnes | John Clarke | Bridget Dwyer | Port Byron | ||||||
August 9, 1878 | Lawlor, Elizabeth | John Lawlor | Margaret Harmon? | Weedsport | ||||||
June 17, 1878 | Tubberty, David | Michael Tubbarty | Johanna Dwyer | Weedsport | ||||||
August 12, 1878 | Kelleher, | Timothy Kelleher | Ida Gerlock | Weedsport | ||||||
August ?, 1878 | Carberry, Mary | William Carberry | Julia Deering | Throop? | ||||||
September 22, 1878 | Cooper, John | John Cooper | Mary Byrne | Elbridge | ||||||
September 29, 1878 | Heron, James | Michael Heron | Alice Walsh | Montezuma | ||||||
January 20, 1870 | Carr, John | Thomas Carr | Margaret Gough | Weedsport | ||||||
October 25, 1878 | Flynn, Helen | Dennis Flynn | Mary Sullivan | Centerport | ||||||
October 12, 1878 | Phinnessy, John | John Phinnessy | Bridget Powers | Weedsport | ||||||
November 14, 1878 | Sullivan, Charles | Laurance Sullivan | Helen Cooney | Weedsport | ||||||
October 10, 1878 | McGill, Mary Elizabeth | William McGill | Anna Doyle | Weedsport | ||||||
March 17, 1878 | Gaffney, Cornelius | Patrick Gaffney | Katherine Shandley | Cato | ||||||
May 15, 1878 | Tighe, Anne | Patrick Tighe | Sebina Costigon | Cato | ||||||
May 28, 1878 | Cookean?, Mary | John Cookeen? | Margaret Flynn | Cato | ||||||
December 27, 1878 | Owens, Thomas Edward | Maurice Owens | Mary Clooney | Weedsport | ||||||
December 27, 1878 | Madden, Frances | Michael Madden | Margaret Powell | Port Byron | ||||||
December 1, 1878 | Kiley, Mary Isabelle | Michael Kiley | Catherine Scanlon | Weedsport | ||||||
February 13, 1879 | Scanlon, Mary | John Scanlon | Bridget Moran | Weedsport | ||||||
February 8, 1879 | Scanlon, John | Patrick Scanlon | Ann McCarry? | Weedsport | ||||||
January 28, 1879 | Kenely, Francis | James Kenely | Sarah Byron | Weedsport | ||||||
January 15, 1879 | Breshenan, Joseph | Maurice Breshenan | Sarah Henry | Port Byron | ||||||
February 7, 1874 | Coyle, Anna | Charles Coyle | Mary O'Connor | Weedsport | ||||||
March 21, 1879 | Powers, Mary | John Powers | Mary Harris | Weedsport | ||||||
February 28, 1879 | Tubberty, Margaret | Patrick Tubberty | Bridget Moroney | Weedsport | ||||||
March 1, 1879 | Murphy, Mary | Patrick Murphy | Sarah Kinnelly | Weedsport | ||||||
November 23, 1878 | Rice, Catherine | Michael Rice | Alice McNerney | Weedsport | ||||||
March 7, 1879 | O'Connor, Helen | Thomas O'Connor | Helen O'Heron | Montezuma | ||||||
May 16, 1879 | Graney, Mary Ann | Jeremiah Graney | Mary Froney | Weedsport | ||||||
April 29, 1879 | Coyle, William James | Bernard Coyle | Catherine Dwyer | Weedsport | ||||||
May 14, 1879 | Fitzgerald, Helen | John Fitzgerald | Bridget Tierny | Montezuma | ||||||
July 22, 1879 | Nolan, Mary | Thomas Nolan | Mary Elizabeth Grant | Montezuma | ||||||
Otober 16, 1879 | Whelan, Peter | James Whelan | Mary Coyle | Centerport | ||||||
November 23, 1879 | Quinn, Anna | Thomas Quinn | Helen Lawlor | Weedsport | ||||||
October 30, 1879 | Tobin, William | William Tobin | Anna (Cauling) Collin | Weedsport | ||||||
October 28, 1879 | Rice, Edward | Michael Rice | Alice McMahney? | Weedsport | ||||||
October 30, 1879 | Finnessy, John | John Finnesey | Bridget Powers | Weedsport | ||||||
November 17, 1879 | O'Donnell, Mary | Peter O'Donnell | Helen Cronin | Weedsport | ||||||
November 1879 (baptism) | Doyle, Peter | Laurence Doyle | Anna Filkins? | Weedsport | ||||||
November 13, 1879 | Boliney?, Jame Bernard | Charles Boliney? | Elizabeth Lynch | Weedsport | ||||||
November 14, 1879 | Quinn, James | Thomas Quinn | Mary McEvoy | Port Byron | ||||||
August 13, 1879 | Burke, Kate | William Burke | Bridget Goss | |||||||
November 6, 1879 | Baker, Mary Elizabeth | David Baker | Mary Jane Keely | |||||||
October 7, 1879 | Henly?, Caroline Louisa | Bernard Henly? | Eliza Ging? | |||||||
April 26, 1879 | Griffin, William | Anthony Griffin | Margaret Coghlan | Cato | ||||||
March 27, 1879 | Hanlon, Thomas | Thomas Hanlon | Mary | Cato | ||||||
March 24, 1879? | Putivin, Florence | Stephen Putivin | Ema Emond | Cato | ||||||
June 24, 1879 | O'Grady, Charles | Charles O'Grady | Jane Gillord | Cato | ||||||
February 14, 1879 | Manning, Jane | James Manning | Maggy Wade | Cato | ||||||
August 14, 1879 | Holmes, Alice | John Holmes | Mary Wall | Port Byron | ||||||
January 13, 1880 | Holmes, Catherine | Thomas Holmes | Elizabeth Dempsy | Port Byron | ||||||
December 21, 1879 | Doyle, Robert | John Doyle | Mary Cullen | Port Byron | ||||||
November 16, 1879 | Kiley, Anastasia | Mathew Kiley | Mary Mochler | Weedsport | ||||||
April 4, 1880 | Callahan, Margaret | William Callahan | Bridget Slavin | Weedsport | ||||||
March 19, 1880 | Carnes, Elizabeth | Patrick Carnes | Anna McCarroll | Weedsport | ||||||
May 12, 1880 | Quinnn, Michael | Hugh Quinn | Bridget Coyle | Weedsport | ||||||
May 21, 1880 | Kelleher, John | Timothy Kelleher | Ida Garlock | Weedsport | ||||||
May 24, 1880 | O'Connell, Elizabeth | Daniel O'Connell | Honora O'Neill | Weedsport | ||||||
July 9, 1880 | Lawler, Mary | John Lawlor | Margaret Harmon | Weedsport | ||||||
May 23, 1880 | Right, Thomas | William Right | Catherine Devereaux | Port Byron | ||||||
July 8, 1880 | Quinn, John | Dennis Quinn | Mary Sullivan | Weedsport | ||||||
July 24, 1880 | Scanlon, John | John Scanlon | Bridget Moran | Weedsport | ||||||
July 10, 1880 | Riley, James | Mathew Riley | Bridget Ryan | Weedsport | ||||||
August 8, 1880 | Connors, Alice | James Connors | Alice Freher | Montezuma | ||||||
September 8, 1880 | Heron, Thomas | Michael Heron | Alie Walsh | Montezuma | ||||||
October 8?, 1880 | Feddigan, William | Laurence Feddigan | Bridget Muldoon | Weedsport | ||||||
October 25, 1880 | Enright, Agnes | Michael Enright | Mary Hayes | Weedsport | ||||||
October 8, 1880 | Power, Mary | Michael Power | Catherine McM | Weedsport | ||||||
November 4, 1880 | Bowe?, John | Edward Bowe? | Catherine Clonin? | Weedsport | ||||||
December 18, 1880 | Graney, Charles | Jeremiah Graney | Mary Frenly | Weedsport | ||||||
January 12, 1881 | Flynn, Mary | Michael Flynn | Mary Hickey | Weedsport | ||||||
January 31, 1881 | Stephens, Thomas | Thomas Stephens | Mary Egan | Weedsport | ||||||
February 11, 1881 | Tobin, Mary | William Tobin | Anna Cauling (Collins) | Weedsport | ||||||
February 27, 1881 | Hearny?, Alice? | Patrick Hearny? | M? | Weedsport | ||||||
February ?, 1881 | Rice, ? | Michael Rice | Alice McNaney? | Weedsport | ||||||
April 20, 1881 | Sullivan, George | Timothy Sullivan | Bridget Carr | Weedsport | ||||||
April 20, 1881 | Sullivan, Timothy | Timothy Sullivan | Bridget Carr | Weedsport | ||||||
November 13, | Fitzgerald, Mary | John Fitzgerald | Bridget Connor? | Montezuma | ||||||
October 23?, 1881 | Connor, Johanna | John Connor | Ellen Conway? | Montezuma | ||||||
March 27, 1881 | Manning, Raymond | James Manning | Kate Fitzgerald | Red Creek | ||||||
July 28, 1881 | Scanlon, Sarah Ellen | Patrick Scanlon | Bridget McNally? | Red Creek | ||||||
March 27, 1881 | Navin?, Catherine | John Navin? | Ellen Meehan? | Cato | ||||||
July 28, 1881 | Scanlon, Sarah Ellen | Patrick Scanlon | Bridget McNally? | |||||||
July ?, 1881 | O'Brien?, ? | Phillip O'Brien? | Bridget? ? | |||||||
August 13?, 1881 | Connors, Alice | Thomas Connor | Helen Ahern | Montezuma | ||||||
Marcy 17, 1881 | Coyle, Carlotta | Charles Coyle | Mary O'Connor | |||||||
January 9, 1881 | Foley, Mary Elizabeth | Dennis Foley | Margaret Glavin | |||||||
January 25, 1881 | Quinn?, Michael | Thomas Quinn | Helen Lawlor | Weedsport | ||||||
December 28, 1881 | Riley, Mary Alice | Mathew Riley | Bridget Ryan | Port Byron | ||||||
February 25, 1882 | O'Donnell, Peter | Peter O'Donnell | Helen Cronin | |||||||
March 12, 1882 | Fineran, Catherine Johanna | William Fineran | Theresa Cline | |||||||
March 3, 1882 | Murphy, William John | Patrick Murphy | Sarah Kanaley | |||||||
February 15, 1882 | Johnson, William James | Thomas Johnson | Anna Campbell | Port Byron | ||||||
May 25, 1882 | Whelan, Elizabeth | James Whelan | Mary Coyle | Weedsport | ||||||
Aigist 29, 1882 | Moroney, Mary | John Moroney | Helen Kane | |||||||
August 2, 1882 | Fitzgerald, Anna Augusta | John Fitzgerald | Bridget Sheehan | |||||||
August 30, 1882 | Quinn, Mary Anna | Thomas Quinn | Mary McEvoy | Port Byron | ||||||
July 28, 1882 | Lauchran, Anna | James Lauchran | Catherine Conway | |||||||
June 21, 1882 | Tubridy, Thomas | Patrick Tubridy | Bridget Moroney | |||||||
June 2, 1882 | Keleher, John | Thoma Keleher | Ida Garlock | |||||||
December 6, 1882 | Graney, Helena | Jeremiah Graney | Mary Franey | Weedsport | ||||||
July 22, 1882 | Enright, Sarah | Michael Enright | Mary Hayes | Weedsport | ||||||
July 10, 1882 | Kenely, Vincent Byron | James Kenely | Sarah Byron | Weedsport | ||||||
February 8, (1882?) | Kearns, Anna | Patrick Kearns | Anna McArdle | Weedsport | ||||||
November 21, 1882 | Daly, James Thomas | James Daly | Mary McNamara | Montezuma | ||||||
January 24, 1883 | O'Brien, Catherine Frances | John O'Brien | Elizabeth McKnight | Weedsport | ||||||
January 23, 1883 | O'Brien, Anna | Peter O'Brien | Anna Orr | Weedsport | ||||||
April 21, 1883 | Reilly, Elizabeth | Mathew Reilly | Bridget Elizabeth Ryan | Port Byron | ||||||
February 3, 1883 | Austin, Mary Agnes | Martin Austin | Mary Sullivan | Weedsport | ||||||
February 6, 1884 | Quinn, Martin | Thomas Quinn | Mary McEvoy | |||||||
December 2, 1883 | Fraher, Elizabeth | John Fraher | Mary Falvey | |||||||
January 8, 1884 | Nugent, William | William Nugent | Mary O'Brien | |||||||
February 20, 1884 | Daves?, Mary Etina | Macly? Daves?, | Rosina Ermond? | |||||||
October 3, 1884 | Enright, Daniel | Michael Enright | Mary Hayes | Weedsport | ||||||
April 10, 1884 | McDonald, Philipp | Hawely? McDonald | Mary A Morgan? | |||||||
December 15, 1884 | Kanaley, James Leo | James Kanaley | Sarah Byron | |||||||
October 21, 1884 | Austin, David Henry | Martin Austin | Mary Sullivan | |||||||
November 21, 1884 | Dunn, Elizabeth | Thomas Dunn | Eleanor Lawlor | Weedsport | ||||||
July 13, 1884 | Nugent, Patrick | Patrick Nugent | Margaret Tobin | Montezuma | ||||||
September 24, 1884 | Coyle, Henry | Charles Coyle | Mary O'Connor | |||||||
March 20, 1885 | Mills, John (Louis) | Benjamin Mills | Liza? Madden | Montezuma | ||||||
February 28, 1885 | Madden, William James | Michael Madden | Margaret Powell | |||||||
January 9, 1885 | Brodie, Maria Johanna | John Brodie | Rosetta Corrigan | Port Byron | ||||||
December 26, 1884 | Duncan, Catherine Genevieve | Andrew Duncan | Elizabeth Griffin | |||||||
April 8, 1885 | O'Connell, James | Daniel O'Connell | Honora O'Neill | |||||||
January 17, 1885 | McNamara, Mathew | James McNamara | Mary Clarke | Montezuma | ||||||
May 18, 1885 | O'Neill, Frederick | Patrick O'Neill | Catherine Gardner | |||||||
May 2, 1885 | Corrigan, Francis | John Corrigan | Catherine Zelearo? | |||||||
March 25, 1885 | Wright, George Henry | William Wright | Catherine Devereaux | Port Byron | ||||||
July 25, 1885 | Sullivan, Catherine | James Sullivan | Mary Enright | |||||||
March 5, 1885 | Carberry, Helen | William Carberry | Julia Deering | |||||||
July 21, 1885 | Sullivan, Johanna Iabelle | John Sullivan | Emma Riley | Weedsport | ||||||
July 15, 1885 | Harrington, Peter Xavier | Daniel Harrington | Cecelia Moffat | Port Byron | ||||||
November 4, 1885 | Stack, John | Thomas Stack | Catherine Hogan | |||||||
August 18, 1885 | Moroney, John | Thomas Moroney | Helen Tyler | |||||||
February 17, 1885 | Supple?, Sarah | Patrick Supple? | Sarah Donahoe? | Weedsport | ||||||
January 24, 1885 | Finneran, Martin | William Finneran | Theresa Cline | |||||||
May 21, 1885 | Madden, Mary Alice | Michael Madden | Margaret Powell | |||||||
January 3, 1885 | Ohearn, Charles Edward | Philipp Ohearn | Bridget Pepper | |||||||
February 28, 1885 | Daniel?, Marietta | Daniel? Daniel? | Rosa Daniel? | |||||||
March 7, 1886 | Bacon, Sarah | Patrick Bacon? | Caroline Savero? | |||||||
April 2, 1886 | Graney, Mary Anna | John Graney | Emma O'Brien | |||||||
April 30, 1886 | Cloonan, John Henry | Thomas Cloonan | Mary McVeigh | |||||||
April 28, 1886 | Dickson?, James E? | Charles Dickson? | Mary Doherty | Weedsport | ||||||
April 12, 1886 (baptism) | O'Connell, James | Jame O'Connell | Alice Fraher | Montezuma | ||||||
Unknown, 1874 | Kinsella, Anabella | Edward Kinsella | Elizabeth Lee | Weedsport | ||||||
February 14, 1886 | Graham, Helen Elizabeth | John E Graham | ||||||||
February 10, 1886 | Lawlor, Margaret Agne | John Lawlor | Margaret Harmon | Weedsport | ||||||
January 16, 1886 | Moroney, Patrick | John Moroney | Helen Keane | |||||||
September 23, 1885 | Wright, Elizabeth | William Wright | Catherine Devereaux | Port Byron | ||||||
April 28, 1886 | Holmes, John James | John Holmes | Mary Wall | Port Byron | ||||||
April 2, 1886 | Burke, Mary Louise | James Burke | Bridget Gallagher | Port Byron | ||||||
July 13, 1886 | Supple?, George | Patrick Supple? | Sarah Donahoe? | Weedsport | ||||||
June 25, 1886 | Powers, John Louise | Michael Powers | Mary Horrigan | Weedsport | ||||||
March 1, 1886 | Higgins, Helen | John Higgins | Catherine Shields | Weedsport | ||||||
April 16, 1886 | Doyle, Elizabeth Agnes | James Doyle | Helen Holland | |||||||
September 13, 1886 | Ryan, John William | James Ryan | Helen Gleason | Port Byron | ||||||
September 28, 1886 | Graney, Edward Jeremiah | Jeremiah Graney | Mary Franey | Weedsport | ||||||
September 3, 1886 | Brodie, John | John Brodie | Rosa Corrigan | |||||||
September 11, 1886 | O'Brien, Mary | Patrick O'Brien | Edelia? Grant | Montezuma | ||||||
January 22, 1885 | Power, Dennis Geoffrey | John E Powers | Mary Harris | |||||||
March 17, 1887 | Stack, Catherine | Thomas Stack | Catherine Hogan | |||||||
April 6, 1887 | Fraher, John | John Fraher | Mary Falvey | Montezuma | ||||||
April 6, 1887 | Fraher, Alice | John Fraher | Mary Falvey | Montezuma | ||||||
January 20, 1887 | Carberry, Margaret | Carberry | Mary Deering | |||||||
July 9?, 1887 | Madden, Michael Howard | Michael Madden | Margaret Powell | |||||||
January 7, 1887 | Pardee, Arthur | Jul. Pardee | Mary Moriarty | |||||||
November 8, 1886 | Tyler, Mary Helen | Thomas Tyler | Helen | Montezuma | ||||||
January 2, 1887 | Schudt?, Mary Pia | Leonard Schudt? | Pia J Rossey? | Weedsport | ||||||
June 9, 1887 | Finneran, John | John Finneran | Theresa Cline | |||||||
March 19, 1887 | Jewell, Sarah Elizabeh | Charles R Jewell | ||||||||
June 14, 1887 | McNamara, Thomas | John McNamara | Hattie Blazek? | |||||||
September 1,1885 | McNamara, John | John McNamara | Hattie Blazek? | |||||||
December 5, 1887 | Graney, Julia Margaret | John Graney | Anna O'Brien | Port Byron | ||||||
January 28, 1888 | Wesley, Henry | Edward Wesley | Mary Mahoney | |||||||
January 25, 1888 | Kanaley, John Bernard | James Kenaly | Sarah Byron | Weedsport | ||||||
Oct 11, | Maher, William Robbin | William Maher | Helen Farrell | |||||||
March 17, 1888 | Dunne, William | Thoma Dunne | Helen Lawlor | Weedsport | ||||||
March 2, 1888 | Nugent, Martin | William Nugent | Mary O'Brien | |||||||
February 27, 1888 | Coyle, Julia Elizabeth | Bernard Coyle | Catherine Dwyer | |||||||
April 14, 1888 | Breen, Helen | Patrick Breen | Caroline Sears? | |||||||
May 9, 1888 | McNamara, Margaret Mary | Daniel McNamara | Lillian Parmington | |||||||
June 16, 1888 | Coonan, Anna Isabelle | Thomas Coonan | Mary McVeigh | |||||||
June 21, 1888 | Flynn, Jeremiah | Jeremiah Flynn | Helen Sullivan | |||||||
August 29, 1888 | Graney, John Bernard | Jeremiah Graney | Mary Franey | |||||||
"28" | Clossey, Harold | John Clossey | Johanna Welsh | |||||||
September 16, 1888 | Ryan, Elizabeth Mary | James Ryan | Helen Gleason | |||||||
September 11, 1888 | Loughran, Margaret | John Loughan | Elizabeth Morgan | |||||||
October 26, 1888 | Appell, William | Watson Appell | Margaret Van Martin | Weedsport | ||||||
October 2, 1882 | Wood, Henry Russell | George Lindeley? Wood | Cecila Bridget Williams | |||||||
March 21, 1884 | Wood, Frances Fellows | George Lindeley? Wood | Cecila Bridget Williams | |||||||
May 7, 1887 | Kelly, Edward | John Kelly | Addaide? Bickelman | Weedsport | ||||||
December 13, 1881 | Flint, Mary | George Edward Flint | Margaret McCarthy | Weedsport | ||||||
January 28, 1872 | Sweet, Mary Louise | August Sweet | Mary A Holmes | Port Byron | ||||||
December 7, 1877 | Cornell, Elizabeth | Joseph B Cornell | Mary Butler | Port Byron | ||||||
September 16, 1878 | Cornell, Honora | Joseph B Cornell | Mary Butler | Port Byron | ||||||
July 14, 1881 | Cornell, Mary | Joseph B Cornell | Mary Butler | Port Byron | ||||||
December 13, 1888 | Cornell, Benjamin | Joseph B Cornell | Mary Butler | Port Byron | ||||||
January 28, 1844 | Ames, James Carlomon | Lorenzo Ames | Harriett Rosett | Port Byron | ||||||
April 9, 1888 | Ritter, Benjamin | Fred Ritter | Margaret Mullen | Port Byron | ||||||
June 17, 1887 | Ritter, Francis | Joseph Ritter | Miriam Bartlett | Montezuma | ||||||
Deember 1882 | Fraher, William | Joseph Fraher | Mary Falvey | |||||||
July 4, 1873 | , Henry | Charles | Margaret Clark | |||||||
September 22, 1888 | Supple, Margaret | Patrick Supple | Sarah Donahoe | |||||||
January 15?, 1889 | Enright, Helen | James Enright | Mary | Weedsport | ||||||
Kamiaru 17. 1889 | Saloena?, Mary Mabel | Noe Salena? | Delia Lief | |||||||
January 31, 1889 | Falsey?, Leo Dennis | Dennis Falsey? | Margaret Glavin | Montezuma | ||||||
January 16, 1889 | Connors, John | James Connors | Alice Fraher | Montezuma | ||||||
March 3, 1889 | Stack, Helen | Thomas Stack | Catherine Hogan | Weedsport | ||||||
February 13, 1889 | Corrigan, Grace Agnes | John Corrigan | Catherine Jaleas? | Port Byron | ||||||
May 1, 1889 | Finneran, William | William Finneran | Theresa Cline | |||||||
May 27, 1889 | Tubridge (Tubridy), Francis | Patrick Tubridge? | Bridget Moroney | Weedsport | ||||||
June ?, 1889 | Kunkel?, Francis Joseph | Casper Kunkel? | Frances Backman? | |||||||
June 7, 1889 | Lenano?, Mary Helen | Jeremiah Lenaro? | Mary O'Brien | Montezuma | ||||||
July 17, 1889 | Mulloey?, Mary Beatrice | Philipp Mulloey? | Elizabeth Ames | |||||||
July 8, 1889 | O'Connor, Charles | Thomas O'Connor | Helen O'Hora | Montezuma | ||||||
July 31, 1889 | Rice, Alice | Michael Rice | Alice McNerney | Weedsport | ||||||
July 3, 1889 | Conway, John William | John Conway | Louise? Tebaly? | Port Byron | ||||||
February? 16, 1889 | Graney, Helen Johanna | John Graney | Helen (Anna) O'Brien | Port Byron | ||||||
June 10, 1889 | Forgo, John | Sima Forgo | ||||||||
September 27, 1889 | Moroney, Alice | John Moroney | Helen Cain | |||||||
November 18, 1889 | McNamara, Daniel James | Daniel McNamara | Lillian Parmington | |||||||
February 5, 1890 | Donohoe?, Anna | William Donohoe | Anna Casey? | Weedsport | ||||||
April 2, 1890 | Moroney, Thomas Edward | Thomas Moroney | Elizabeth Burns? | Weedsport | ||||||
January 14?, 1890 | Nugent, John | William Nugent | Mary O'Brien | |||||||
April 3, 1890 | Walsh, Edward Leo | John Walsh | Mary Quigley | |||||||
March 23, 1890 | Wesley, Daniel Emmett | Edward Wesley | Mary Mahoney | |||||||
March 9, 1890 | Madden, Margaret Rose | Michael Madden | Margaret Powell | Port Byron | ||||||
November 24, 1890 | Finnessey, Lucy | John Finnesey | Bridget Powers | Weedsport | ||||||
May 19, 1890 | O'Donnell, John Miles | John O'Donnell | Helen Cronin | Weedsport | ||||||
October 14, 1890 | Graney, Alice Kathleen | Jeremiah Graney | Mary Franey | Weedsport | ||||||
October 9, 1890 | Lenard, Michael James | Jeremiah Lenard | Mary O'Brien | Montezuma | ||||||
October 18?, 1890 | Finlin?, Julia Mary | Finlin?, | Elizabeth O'Neill? | |||||||
Marh 28, ? | Dugan, Mathew | Mathew Dugan | Mary McCann | |||||||
1891 (baptism) | Stahlnecker, Margaret Josephine | Allan Stahlnecker | Alice Nolan | |||||||
January 12, 1891 | Scanlon, Margaret | Patrick Scanlon | Bridget O'Malley | |||||||
December 16, 1891 | Kelly, John | John Kelly | Addaila Spacker | Weedsport | ||||||
January 9, 1891 | Stack, Johanna | Thomas Stack | Catherine Hogan | |||||||
August 22, 1891 | Moroney, Agnes Terea | John Moroney | Helen Keane | Montezuma | ||||||
August 23, 1891 | Supple, Elizabeth | Patrick Supple | Sarah Donahoe | Weedsport | ||||||
May 2, 1891 | Cloonan, Catherine Elizabeth | Thomas Cloonan | Mary McVeigh | |||||||
May 25, 1891 | Fraher, Helen | John Fraher | Mary Falvey | |||||||
May 23, 1871 | Fraher, Honora | John Fraher | Mary Falvey | |||||||
June 29, 1891 | Falsey, David Harold | Dennis Falsey | Margaret Glavin | |||||||
September 14, 1891 | Schnidt?, Louise Anna? | John L Schnidt? | Pia Julia Boling? | |||||||
July 21, 1891 | Caneto, Thomas | Joseph Caneto | Mary DeBottis | |||||||
January 21, 1892 | Denny, Charle Daniel | Daniel Denny | Margaret Sullivan | |||||||
March 23, 1892 | Donohoe, Julia | William Donohoe | Anna Casey | |||||||
March 14, 1892 | Graney, Jame Bernard | John Graney | Tina O'Brien | Port Byron | ||||||
March 19, 1892 | Graney, Margaret | Jeremiah Graney | Mary Franey | Weedsport | ||||||
March 14, 1892 | Quinn, Dennis | Thomas Quinn | Mary McEvoy | Port Byron | ||||||
June 21, 1892 | Madden, John Henry | Michael Madden | Margaret Powell | Port Byron | ||||||
August 7, 1892 | Cooper, Elizabeth Mabel? | John Cooper | Mary A Burns? | Weedsport | ||||||
September 2, 1892 | Conway, ? | Mathew Conway | J? Parsons? | Weedsport | ||||||
February 9, 1892 | Nugent, Thomas ? | William Nugent | Mary O'Brien | Montezuma | ||||||
September 29, 1892 | Lenane, Catherine Agnes | Jeremiah Lenane | Mary O'Brien | Montezuma | ||||||
October 12, 1892 | Lawlor, Catherine Agnes | James Lawlor | Mary Kanaly | Montezuma | ||||||
April 4, 1893 | Graney, John Edward | John Graney | Anna O'Brien | Port Byron | ||||||
December 20, 1892 | Cameto, Mary | Joseph Zameto (Cameto) | Mary DeBottis | |||||||
November 26, 1893 | Breen, Charles | Jeremiah Breen | Margaret | |||||||
November 7, 1893 | Ryan, Helen | James Ryan | Helen Gleason | |||||||
October 20, ? | Bustada, William Edward | Herman Bustada | Margaret ? | |||||||
February 18, 1893 | Bondy, Angela | Walter Bondy | Alice NcNerney? | Weedsport | ||||||
April 21, 1895 | Cooligan, Louise | Thomas Cooligan | Mary Tighe | |||||||
January 27, 1895 | Graney, Anges Elizabeth | John Graney | Anna O'Brien | Port Byron | ||||||
March 13, 1895 | Schotz, Mary | Burt C. Schotz | ||||||||
April 26, 1895 | Cullen, Paul | Henry Cullen | Penny Gutchess | Port Byron | ||||||
April 20, 1895 | Cloonan, Francis Sylvester | Thomas Cloonan | Mary McVeigh | |||||||
December 26, 1895 | , William Michael | |||||||||
December 26, 1895 | , Walter Thomas | |||||||||
December 7, 1895 | Connors, Florence Agnes | Jeremiah Connors | Margaret Breen | |||||||
January 11, 1896 | Graney, Grace Irene | Jeremiah Graney | Mary Franey | Weedsport | ||||||
January 31, 1896 | Levy, Mary | George Levy | Catherine Kelly | Weedsport | ||||||
April 17, 1896 | Hearn, Frances Bridget | John Hearn | Sarah Madden | Port Byron | ||||||
March, 1896 | DeBottis, Anthony | Fr. DeBottis | Mary M. R? | |||||||
July 22, 1896 | Mulcahy, Edmund James | Michael Mulcahy | Anna Connors | |||||||
July 31, 1896 | Doyle, Helen Louise | James Doyle | Helen Holleran | |||||||
July 21, 1896 | Cullen, Magdalen Edna | Henry Cullen | Betsy Gutchess | |||||||
December 5, 1896 | Lenane, Bernard Mathew | Jeremiah Lenane | Mary O'Brien | |||||||
October 11, 1896 | Pease, Catherine Frances | Edward H Pease | Catherine Scanlon | Weedsport | ||||||
October 4, 1896 | Kelly, Thomas | Thomas Kelly | Helen Mullone | Weedsport | ||||||
November 1, 1896 | O'Brien, Helen Mary | James O'Brien | Catherine Connor | Montezuma | ||||||
December 24, 1896 | Lawlor, Charle Dennis | James Lawlor | Mary Kenely | Weedsport | ||||||
December 3, 1896 | Daly, John Patrick | James Daly | Mary Keller | Port Byron | ||||||
February 25, 1896 | Hearn, Catherine Frances | Philipp Hearn | Catherine Failly | |||||||
April 10, 1895 | O'Neill, Agnes Vesta | Thomas O'Neill | Adela Soule | |||||||
January 23, 1896 | English, Elizabeth | James English | Mary Corrigan | Port Byron | ||||||
December 17, 1896 | Conway, Theresa | Mathew Conway | Joan Parsons | Weedsport | ||||||
January 27, 1897 | Cooney, Mary Bridget | Patrick Cooney | Elizabeth Mullorly | |||||||
February 1, 1897 | Walsh, Alice Veronica | John Walsh | Mary Quigley | |||||||
March 2, 1897 | Hickey, Catherine | Michael Hickey | Mary Wesley | |||||||
February 12, 1897 | Nugent, Patrick Joseph | William Nugent | Mary O'Brien | |||||||
February 12, 1897 | McNamara, Mathew | Daniel McNamara | ||||||||
May 22, 1897 | Connors, Charlotte Mary | John Connors | Mary Bolinoy | |||||||
June 11, 1897 | Cloonan, Genevieve Irene | Thomas Cloonan | Mary McVeigh | |||||||
June 24, 1897 | O'Brien, John James | John O'Brien | Honora Kiley | |||||||
July 20, 1897 | Coleman, John Francis | William Coleman | Helen Sullivan | |||||||
August 1, 1897 | Moroney, Michael Richard | Thomas Moroney | Helen Tyler | |||||||
January 26, 1897 | Ferraro, Francis | Leon. Ferraro | Lissna Vandetiem? | |||||||
August 24, 1897 | Kenyon, John | Adal Henyon | Alice Breen | |||||||
November 2, 1897 | Devereaux, James Edgar | James Devereaux | Catherine Gleeson | Port Byron | ||||||
November 27,1897 | Connors, Mary Edna | Jeremiah Connors | Margaret O'Brien | |||||||
May 4, 1897 | Moroney, Regina | John Moroney | Helen Kane | Montezuma | ||||||
? | March, Joseph | Michael J March | Sanda? Gullibonn? | Port Byron | ||||||
February 6, 1898 | Moroney, William | W. J. Moroney | W. Schotz | Port Byron | ||||||
April 21, 1898 | Lalor, Roy Michael | James Lalor | Mary Kennedy | Montezuma | ||||||
January 10, 1898 | O'Neill, Francis Paul | Thomas O'Neill | Adela Soule | Weedsport | ||||||
May 12, 1898 | Lenane, Thomas Francis | Jeremiah Lenane | Mary O'Brien | Montezuma | ||||||
March 15, 1898 | Digena, Joseph | John Digena | Carmella Teveny? | Port Byron | ||||||
May 28, 1898 | Fraher, Lucy Margaret | John Fraher | Mary Falvey | |||||||
July 17, 1898 | Carey, Mary | Edward Carey | Mary Tempest | Montezuma | ||||||
February 1897 | Guzzo, Addina | Anthony Guzzo | Port Byron | |||||||
August 13, 1898 | Mulcahy, Michael Thomas | Michael Mulcahy | Anna Connors | |||||||
July 23, 1898 | Moroney, Mary Rita | David Moroney | Susan Doherty | |||||||
September 18, 1898 | O'Brien, Catherine | James O'Brien | Catherine Connors | |||||||
December 6, 1898 | Clancy (Glancy), James Francis | William Clancy | Margaret Connors | Montezuma | ||||||
? | Bassiano, Virginia | Carlo Basiano | Rose Rifinio? | |||||||
November 21, 1898 | Gough, Mary atherine | John Gough | Mary Callahan | |||||||
December 31, 1898 | Paul, Winifred Anna | Louis Paul | Anna Devereaux | Weedsport | ||||||
March 1, 1899 | Ryan, Mary Catherine | James Ryan | Helen Gleeson | |||||||
December 20, 1898 | Ferraro, Josepha | Leon. Ferraro | Elizabeth Vandittola? | |||||||
April 2, 1899 | Daly, James Thomas | Jame Daly | Mary Ritter | Weedsport | ||||||
April 2, 1899 | O'Connell, Thomas | Daniel O'Connell | Mary Whalen | Weedsport | ||||||
April 9, 1899 | Hearn, Mary Alice | Philipp Hearn | Catherine Failly | |||||||
September 9, 1892 | Wright, Charles Harold | W. Wright | Catherine Devereaux | Port Byron | ||||||
May 12, 1898 | McNamara, Raymond James | John McNamara | Harriett Blaisdell | Montezuma | ||||||
March 18, 1898 | Banditto, Joseph Anthony | Sam Banditto | M. P. DeBottis | Port Byron | ||||||
July 4, 1899 | Gough, Catherine Agnes | Adal Gough | Anna Moran | Weedsport | ||||||
Unknown, 1898 | DeBottis, Mary | Fr. DeBottis | Rosa Cassili | |||||||
August 28, 1899 | Moroney, James David | Thomas Moroney | Helen Tyler | |||||||
October 9, 1899 | Conway, Helen | Mathew Conway | Johanna Parsons | Weedsport | ||||||
October 9, 1899 | Maltby, Ruth Genevieve | Merril Maltby | Agnes Callahan | Weedsport | ||||||
November 14, 1899 | O'Brien, Mathew | John O'Brien | Honora Daly | |||||||
These records may also include St. Michael's Church in Montezuzma NY, but the Montezuma records are all mixed in with the St. Joseph’s Church of Weedsport NY records and St. John Church of Port Byron NY records. No doubt the results of shared pastorates. The first two groups of baptisms and marriages for St. Joseph's include all three churches. It was not until 1904 that St. John Church in Port Byron NY started their own church records, and at that date, the Montezuma births and marriages appeared with the St. John ones. The baptism record transcriptions only include the dates of birth, but the original records on the microfilm include baptism dates, names of sponsors, and occasionally names of spouses and dates and place of marriage. The Port Byron NY death records on the microfilm started in 1904. Before that, they would have been with St. Joseph's Church in Weedsport NY, and the only information provided in the filmed "death records" for Weedsport are entries for who purchased the lots in St. Joseph's Cemetery in Weedsport. There are no names or dates of death, so they are not transcribed. More details are already online in the cemetery listing for St. Joseph's Cemetery. |
View A Transcription Of Baptism Records For St. Joseph's Catholic Church In Weedsport NY For 1900-1910 View A Transcription Of Baptism Records For St. Joseph's Catholic Church In Weedsport NY For 1862-1874 View A Transcription Of Marriage Records For St. Joseph's Catholic Church In Weedsport NY For 1875-1910 A website For The Old Mentz Heritage Center can be found at: https://www.old-mentz.org/ Visit the Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project Church Records website |
Thanks to Kathleen Shaw Decker for transcribing these Latin church records from microfilm at the Cayuga County Historian's Office in Auburn, NY. The church records found on this website listing are published on the Internet as part of the Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project. This project is comprised of a network of volunteers that share genealogy and family history information on the Internet. We are not affiliated with St. Joseph's Catholic Church Parish in Weedsport, NY. |