Throopsville Baptist Church Membership Records |
List of Female Members 1818-1884 |
First Name | Middle | Last Name |
Baptized |
By Letter |
Restored |
Dismissed |
Excluded |
Died |
Lucy | Abe |
1869 |
1870 |
Joanna | Allen |
1846 |
Olive | Allen |
1856 |
1893 |
Olive | Allen |
1836 |
Lucretia | Amos | |||||||
Amy | Armstrong |
1848 |
Betsy | Armstrong |
1846 |
Harriet | Armstrong |
1846 |
Lucy | Armstrong |
1854 |
Ellis | Arnold |
1849 |
Julia | Arnold |
1849 |
Julia | Aspenwall |
1854 |
Julia | Ann | Aspenwall |
1869 |
1893 |
Esther | Atkins |
1852 |
Betsy | L | Atwater | ||||||
Margarette | Austin |
1870 |
1896 |
Jane | Babcock |
1856 |
1857 |
Eliza | Baker |
1848 |
Lovina | Baker | |||||||
Prudence | Bankes | |||||||
Eunice | Barber |
1868 |
Phebe | Barber | |||||||
Nancy | Jane | Barnard |
1854 |
1862 |
Amelia | Barrels | |||||||
Abigail | Barry | |||||||
Mary | Baxter | |||||||
Prudence | Baxter |
1867 |
Eliza | Belcher |
1848 |
1857 |
Mariah | Belcher | |||||||
D | D | Belden |
1847 |
1849 |
Rebecca | Belden | |||||||
Delila | Benedict | |||||||
Elisa | Benedict | |||||||
Jane | Benedict |
1854 |
Samantha | Benedict |
1854 |
Cynthia | Benham |
1850 |
1919 |
Clara | Jane | Bennett |
1858 |
1872 |
Cornelia | Bentley |
1846 |
1869 |
Eliza | (Barber) | Bentley |
1854 |
Huldah | Bentley |
1850 |
Helen | Blades |
1858 |
1859 |
Mary | Braman |
1847 |
Rachel | Brown |
1846 |
1846 |
Abigail | Bundage | |||||||
Eliza | Bunnell |
1846 |
Phebe | Ann | Bunnell |
1847 |
Amanda | Cady |
1856 |
Caroline | Carman |
1843 |
1846 |
Sarah | Ann | Chapin |
1870 |
Betsey | Ann | Chappel |
1852 |
Mary | Chappel | |||||||
Margaret | Close | |||||||
Elen | E | Cooley |
1854 |
1860 |
Malinda | Cooley |
1860 |
Sarah | (Wayne) | Cooley |
1854 |
1866 |
Samantha | Cooper | |||||||
Elisabeth | Cowen |
1847 |
1850 |
Jerusha | Cowen |
1848 |
1858 |
Sarah | Jane | Cowen | ||||||
Caroline | Davis | |||||||
Electa | Dean | |||||||
Eliza | Dean |
1858 |
Phebe | Dean |
1848 |
1905 |
Julia | Decker | |||||||
Sister | DeForest |
1843 |
1845 |
Sally | M | Dickerson |
1853 |
Wealthy | Jane | Dickinson |
1855 |
1866 |
1905 |
Catharine | Dubois | |||||||
Adelia | Dunbar |
1865 |
Jane | Easterbrooks |
1847 |
Abbey | Edwards |
1849 |
1872 |
Deborah | Edwards | |||||||
Electa | Edwards | |||||||
Elisa | Edwards | |||||||
Mary | Edwards |
1865 |
Lydia | Farnham | |||||||
Nancy | Ann | Farnham |
1858 |
Sally | Farnham |
1858 |
Armena | Finister | |||||||
Grace | Fisher | |||||||
Clarissa | Foster |
1843 |
1845 |
Cynthia | Foster |
1845 |
Eunice | Ann | Foster |
1849 |
Sintha | Foster | |||||||
Abigal | Freek |
1845 |
1847 |
Sarah | Jane | Freese |
1854 |
1874 |
Martha | A | Friece |
1865 |
Ellen | Frisbie |
1863 |
1886 |
Mary | Frisbie |
1866 |
1845 |
Sarah | (Lyon) | Frisbie |
1854 |
Sophia | (Mead) | Furguson |
1862 |
Catharine | Gallagher |
1843 |
Hannah | Gallagher |
1847 |
Melissa | Garvey | |||||||
Almira | Gillet |
1855 |
1857 |
Rhoda | Gillet |
1855 |
1857 |
Rhoda | Gillett |
1859 |
1863 |
Laura | Goodman | |||||||
Jerusha | Goodwin | |||||||
Mary | Jane | Goodwin |
1863 |
1866 |
Sarah | Goodwin |
1863 |
1866 |
Lucia | Griffin | |||||||
Minerva | (Hogan) | Hadden |
1856 |
Rhoda | Hamblin | |||||||
Hanah | Harlow | |||||||
Lydia | Harlow |
1860 |
1871 |
Mary | Harlow |
1857 |
Melissa | Harlow |
1865 |
Eliza | Harper |
1852 |
Isabella | Harper |
1846 |
Anna | Haskins | |||||||
Sally | Hatch | |||||||
Clarissa | (Wethey) | Hayden |
1848 |
Adalaide | Hazen |
1854 |
1858 |
Emily | Hazen |
1854 |
1858 |
Esther | Hedges | |||||||
Hanna | Hendrick | |||||||
Sally | Hide |
1855 |
1857 |
Olive | Hilles | |||||||
Mary | L | Hine |
1865 |
1884 |
Beulah | Hogan |
1855 |
1858 |
Bersheba | Hoover | |||||||
Honor | Hopkins |
1878 |
Louisa | Hopkins |
1869 |
Margarette | Hopkins |
1879 |
Betsey | Horry | |||||||
Anna | Howell | |||||||
Amelia | Huchinson |
1865 |
Sarah | Huggins | |||||||
Hannah | Jane | Hular |
1847 |
1855 |
Charity | Hultz |
1855 |
Charity | Hunt | |||||||
Amelia | Hutchinson |
1865 |
Joanna | Hutchinson |
1858 |
Sophia | Hutchinson |
1845 |
Wealthy | Jane | Hutchinson |
1846 |
Sally | Hyde |
1859 |
Mary | Johnson |
1861 |
1862 |
Phebe | Kelley |
1844 |
1852 |
Polly | Ann | Kennyon |
1849 |
1840 |
Anita | Knapp |
1844 |
1846 |
Pollyan | Lambly | |||||||
Lydia | Lamereau |
1854 |
Prudence | Lathrop |
1847 |
Emeline | Alma | Little |
1858 |
Eliza | Lomis | |||||||
Betseyan | Lyons | |||||||
Lulu | Lyons |
1865 |
Nancy | Lyons | |||||||
Phebe | Lyons |
1856 |
Mary | Maine |
1865 |
Elvira | Manro |
1855 |
Sibil | Manro |
1846 |
Emily | Mason |
1848 |
Louisa | Masse | |||||||
Cynthia | (Maynard) | Maycumber |
1848 |
Harriet | A (Cooley) | McCarty | ||||||
Harriette | A | McCarty |
1843 |
G | McLaughlin | |||||||
Polly | Mead |
1868 |
Sophia | Mead | |||||||
Elizabeth | Miller | |||||||
Martha | Miller |
1852 |
Mellissa | (Harlow) | Milliman |
1865 |
1871 |
Betsey | Monroe | |||||||
Mary | Monroe | |||||||
Cornelia | Montague |
1845 |
1847 |
Ann | Montgomery | |||||||
Elizabeth | Montgomery |
1869 |
Hannah | Montgomery |
1848 |
Mary | Morley |
1866 |
Olive | Morley |
1867 |
Rosa | Morley |
1866 |
Mariah | Morten | |||||||
Betsey | Mullen |
1843 |
Elisabeth | Mullen |
1854 |
1893 |
Sophia | Munro |
1853 |
Honor | Nelson |
1843 |
Roseylana | Niphen |
1849 |
1852 |
Lydia | Ann | Northrup | ||||||
Polly | Norton |
1858 |
Myra | Noslaw |
1849 |
Isabela | Nutt | |||||||
Ruth | Osborne |
1870 |
Laura | Paddock | |||||||
Louisa | Paddock | |||||||
Mary | B | Paddock |
1864 |
1865 |
Mercy | Paddock |
1857 |
Angeline | Peck |
1858 |
Janice | Philips |
1857 |
1858 |
Esther | Pitcher | |||||||
Dotha | Pollard |
1866 |
Martha | Pollard |
1854 |
Mary | Jane | Pollard |
1854 |
Eunice | Porter |
1856 |
Eliza | Race |
1848 |
Barbara | Rice | |||||||
Betsey | Rice | |||||||
Betseyan | Rice | |||||||
Harriett | Rice | |||||||
Laura | Rice |
1848 |
1850 |
Lavinna | Rice | |||||||
Mary | Rice | |||||||
Rhoda | Ann | Rice |
1845 |
1847 |
Samantha | Rice | |||||||
Abigail | Jane | Sanders |
1858 |
1875 |
Amy | Sawyer |
1849 |
1893 |
Anna | Sawyer |
1849 |
Sally Ann | (Miller) | Schuyler |
1844 |
1893 |
Harriet | Seaman | |||||||
Carlotte | Sherman |
1854 |
1874 |
Charity | Sherman |
1848 |
Charlotte | Sherman | |||||||
Dorcus | Slater | |||||||
Charlotte | Smith | |||||||
Laura | Smith |
1874 |
Lydia | Ann | Smith |
1858 |
Mary | Smith |
1846 |
1855 |
Olive | Smith |
1866 |
Sally | (Thomas) | Smith |
1854 |
Mariah | (Norton) | Sothwell | ||||||
Mary | Sperry |
1861 |
Mary | A | Sperry |
1865 |
Sarah | Sperry |
1865 |
Avis | Sprague | |||||||
Marissa | Springsted |
1854 |
Francis | Ann | Stanley |
1865 |
1869 |
Helen | Steel |
1847 |
Mariah | Stephens | |||||||
Deborah | Stomacher |
1854 |
1855 |
Maggie | Sullivan |
1865 |
1913 |
Deborah | Sweet |
1850 |
Hellen | Sweet | |||||||
Janett | Sweet |
1850 |
Nellie | Sweet | |||||||
Polly | Ann | Sweet | ||||||
Sally | Taylor |
1847 |
Hannah | Tefft | |||||||
Arietta | Terry | |||||||
Betsy | Terry | |||||||
Elizabeth | Terry |
1851 |
Mary | M | Terry |
1850 |
1869 |
Huldah | Thomas |
1868 |
Lydia | Thomas |
1863 |
Lydia | Jane | Thomas |
1861 |
Sally | M | Thomas | ||||||
Betsey | Jane | Thompson |
1846 |
1847 |
Mariah | Thompson | |||||||
Lydia | Traver |
1851 |
Sarah | C | Treat |
1846 |
1855 |
Hannah | Tyler | |||||||
Phebe | Tyler | |||||||
Polly | Vallentine |
1857 |
Betsey | Van Aiken |
1847 |
Delilah | VanVliet | |||||||
Elisa | VanVliet |
1865 |
Ellen | VanVliet |
1865 |
Nancy | Verplank | |||||||
Rachel | Verplank | |||||||
Eliza | Wallace |
1865 |
1869 |
Anna | Wane | |||||||
Hellen | Wane | |||||||
Rhoda | Ann | Wayne | ||||||
Vella | Wayne | |||||||
Cynthia | Webster |
1843 |
1845 |
Henrietta | Webster | |||||||
Jerusha | (Farnham) | Webster |
1843 |
Sevilla | Webster |
1866 |
Alma | Wethey | |||||||
Anna | Wethey | |||||||
Caroline | Wethey |
1846 |
Jane | Wethey | |||||||
Polly | Wethey | |||||||
Ann | Wiggins |
1858 |
1859 |
Eunice | Wilcox | |||||||
Jane | Wilcox |
1859 |
Armantha | Willson | |||||||
Sally | Willson |
1852 |
Savilla | Withey | |||||||
Elisabeth | Wood |
1861 |
1865 |
Amanda | Woods | |||||||
Sally | Woods | |||||||
Ann | Woodworth |
1862 |
1863 |
Aramintha | Woolweaver |
1852 |
Rachel | Ann | Worden |
1852 |
Esther | Wright | |||||||
Betsey | Mariah | Yams | ||||||
Gertrude | Younger |
1865 |
1866 |
Membership records
were kept by various church secretaries. Some did very detailed records
and some just lists of names while others did not seem to keep any membership
lists. Phonetic spelling was very common. Maiden names are shown in brackets.
The above transcription was shared with the Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project websites by Alice Warren (Submitted in Jan. 2010) Return to the Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project Church Records Website |