Church Bulletin July 15, 1900

Front Page

SUNDAY JULY 15, 1900

The Saturday morning paper will hereafter publish the hour for the different regular church services and the sermon topics chosen by the various pastors of the place.  This is as it should be.  Religious affairs should be given prominence by the press.  We extend our thanks for the courtesy.

"The fool's foolish proposition to his soul," is the pastor's Sunday morning topic.  Text: Luke 12:19.  "And I will say to my soul, Soul thous hast much goods laid up for many years: take thine ease, eat, drink and be merry."
Rev. Coughey, pastor of the first Congregational Church of Elbridge will occupy the pulpit at the evening service in exchange with our pastor.  We bespeak for Mr. Coughey a large attendance and for those who attend a spiritual uplift.

The Epworth League extends a cordial invitation to all to attend the regular league service at 6:30 P. M., to-night.  The topic is: "How mission work will gain success."  Acts I:6-14.  Leader, Mrs E. C. Ball.
The following program will be carried out at the service:
Song Service Program --------- Chorister
Book Review ------------ Miss Mary B. Moore
Reading - "In a Tiger Jungle" ------------ Myrtie E. Smith
Duet - " No Father, No Mother, No Home" ---------- Mrs. Bentley and Miss Putnam
"The Missionary Movement Among The Young People" ---------- Lenna Craddock
A letter from Miss Jennie Moyer will be read
It is imperative that the meeting commence on time.  Don't be late.

Thursday evening prayer service at the usual hour and place.
Topic: " How to get everything you want."  Scripture Lesson.  Psalm 23.
One of the things we all want, is to come to the service and discover there (if we haven't before) how to get the other things we want.

The annual business meeting of the Queen Esther Circle for the election of officers will be held at the parsonage 7:30 P.M. Friday, July 20th, 1900.
Next Sunday morning is to be Epworth League day.  The leaguers are to decorate the church.  The chior is to render special music.  Prof. Wm Havens of Syracuse is to be heard in a solo.  The pastor is to deliver an especial sermon.  An effort to be made to have all these, who because of illness or lack of means of conveyance, or any reason, have been kept away from the house of God, present at this service.  Do you know of such an one?  Are you willing to use your conveyance to bring soneone to the service?  See Miss Moore at once.  You enjoy the church privileges regularly, will you help us extend them to the more unfortunate?

Don't forget the Sunday noon and Tuesday evening class meeting this week.  Your class leader is human.  You might gladden his heart.  When did you attend class meeting last?

One of our sister churches is closed to-day while their beloved pastor takes a little well earned rest.  We extend a hand to any member of this congregation who may be present this morning.  Be at home with us during your vacation.

REV. E. L. WALDORF, Pastor

Wm. Kevand, C.L. Mills, H. L. Burrill, D.L. Brink, James Roach, H.D. Titus, Percy Ewins, James Wright, L. T. Sturtevant, Fred Harrington, Wm Bibbens, Will Statham, M.O. Bentley.

Josiah Gailey, Fred Harrington, C.J. White, Daniel Bibbins, H. LaDue Jr., George Earl.

F.A. Mills, G.H. Brown, W.L. Cowell, A.J. Sprague, F.E. Bush, Eugene Hoyt, Lewis Mills.

Josiah Gailey

Miss Mary Moore

Rev C.J. Beach, Rev. Elias Hoxie, Rev. Walter Statham


Tuesday 7:30 P. M. Class Meeting
Thursday 7:30 P. M. Prayer Service
Thursday 8:30 P. M. Chior Rehearsal
Sunday 10:30 A. M. Preaching Service
Sunday 12:00 M. Sunday School
Sunday 12:00 M. Class Meeting
Sunday 3:30 P. M. Junior League
Sunday 6:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting
Sunday 6:30 P. M. Epworth Prayer Meeting
Sunday 7:30 P. M. Preaching Service

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