ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V W  Y  Z
Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart -
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
Miscellaneous Directory Section1  Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs, County Officers

This 1900 Auburn NY Directory Also Includes Town Sections

Aurelius Brutus Cato


Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory

See also the names in DISPLAY TYPE throughout the Book. These are of live Business Men who take pride in sustaining this public necessity, and who do not need to borrow their Neighbor's Directory.

See opposite page 380 for Addition Names.


Albert & Tucker, machinists............................. 46
Allen Edward F, gas engines....................................... 47
Armbruster Carl, florist................................. 51
Armistead G F, hat m'f'r and dealer............................ 52
Armstrong George N, slate roofer.................. 53
Ashton & Smith, centractors (sic) & builders.................... 54
Auburnh Bulletin Co, publishers, book and job printers, opp......... 55
Auburn Savings Bank.............................................. 57
Austin De Witt F, civil engineer.................................. 58
Barber C James, dentist........................................... 6
Barker, Griswold & Co, clothiers................................. 66
Barnes D W & Son, mason contractors and builders................ 69
Barrett S H, plumbing, gas and steam fitting...................... 70
Barry William, custom boots and shoes...................... 71
Bayard Sons & Bayard, chemists.................................. 237
Beardsley Douglas, coal and wood........................ 8
Beers & Durnford, stoves and tinware.......................... 76
Bell Thomas J & Co, livery and hacks.............................. 78
Benson Frederick A, box manufacturer......................... 80
Boone Jack, music hall................................. 88
Bray Walter, harness, trunks, &c................................ 5
Brennan Charles, Central Hotel.................. 94
Burke Thomas, grocer........................ 104
Burlingham William E, livery &c............................. 4
Burroughs James W, book and job printer.......................opp 106
Business Men's Association........................... 549
Callaghan John J, saloon........................... 111
Cameron Thomas A, stoves and tinware............... 112
Carpenter & Hotchkiss, hatters and furnishers................................................. 115
Carr James J, sporting goods................... 116
Cayuga County National Bank.................. 6
Cayuga County Savings Bank....................... 7
Chamberlain & Phillips, lumber dealers................. 121
Chilson & Norris, livery, hitching, &c................... 124
Chatterton Lewie A, electrical engineer................... 3
Clapp E D M'f'g' Co, carriage hardware and coal.................... 6
Clark Herbert R, masons' supplies.......................... 127
Clifford Mrs E Lane, milliner............................ 129
Conklin Mark, architect....................................... 137
Conklin M H, horse shoer, &c...................................... 138
Conway Walter J, bottler...................................... 140
Cossum & Cuykendall, paper dealers................................. 146
Crane Mrs W W, iron and brass foundry............................. 149
Crosman & Swart, opticians............................... front cover
Crosman William C, jeweler.......................................... 152
Cullen James M, coal, wood and fertilizers........................... 154
Darrow Charles C, contractor, architect and builder................. 161
Dennis J Fred, dyer..................................... 167
De Witt & Cottle, cigar m'f'rs and dealers........................ 168
Dobbs George & Son, florists................................. 170
Donovan Dennis A, plumber.............................................. 173
Doyle John T, general painter................................................... 177
Eaton Lewis W, bill poster and sign writer.................................... 185
Eccles Richard, carriage hardware................................................ 3
Egbert Charles R, clothier, hatter and furnisher............................. 3
Emens Dr W J, dentist..................................... 189
Empire State Telephone and Telegraph Co................................ caption lines
Everts Bros & Pomeroy, doors, sash, blinds and hardware......... front cover
Foster Ross & Baucus, dry goods & c,........................................... top lines and 205
Furness Brothers, contractors and builders................................. 210
Gamble John, boots and shoes.............................................. 212
Gardner John J, general painter................................... 213
Gillette Brothers, general merchandise................................. 2
Goss M S, coal and wood................................................ 223
Gove Daniel F, livery &c, &c................................................. 224
Greene Merritt D, lumber........................................................ side lines
Gruner John, pianos, jewelry, &c................................... 231
Guppy Henry H, grocer..................................................... 232
Haley Daniel W, American Steam Laundry........................... 234
Hamilton Albert H, druggist and chemist...................................... 237
Harmon Dennis J, grocer......................................................... 241
Harmon John, cigars and tobaccos......................................... 242
Healy Brothers, coal and oils............................................. back cover
Heieck William A, shaving parlors................................... 251
Hennessy & Van Gorder, news dealers and tobacconists.................... 253
Herrling Henry F, meat market..................................................... 254
Hick Thomas & Son, florists............................................... 256
Hill Eugene F, carriage manufacturer......................................... 258
Holland & Quigley, wines and liquors.................................... 263
Holmes James H, bottler............................................................... 264
Hompe & Co, paints, oils, wall papers, &c....................................... bottom lines
Howland & Clark, lumber dealers.............................................. 269
Hudson M Hawley, crockery and glassware.............................. 271
Hugg Robert R, contractor and builder........................................... 272
Hunt Ernest, m'g'r liquors and cigars............................................... 274
Hurn & Wheeler, plumbers, &c............................................... 277
Hutchings Brothers, blacksmith and wagon makers......................... end of book
Hutchinson David, livery and hacks.......................................... 278
Hynes Daniel A, boots, shoes, gloves, &c........................................................ back cover
Jennings William H, art goods and wall papers.............................. end of book
Jones thomas, meat market....................................... 287
Keenan John C & Son, marble & grahnite works......................... 2
Kelley Richard C, Troy Steam Laundry................................... 294
Kiemele Henry, baker and restauranteur............................... 299
Klemm Frank A, electrical engineer....................................... 304
Knapp, Peck & Thomson, publishers, book and job printers,.....opp 304
Knobles & Byrnes, dining rooms and cafe.............................. 305
Knox Clyde E, grocer....................................... 306
Koenig's Brewery and bottling Works................................... front cover
Lamey Alonzo P, publisher................................................opp 46
Laton William H, stoves and tinware..................................... 5
Leet Charles H, livery and transient........................................... 316
Lemmon H N & Co, glove and mitten m'f'r................................. 318
Loos Fred, shaving parlors............................................. 323
Louis Robert D, jeweler....................................................... 324
Marshall L, clothier and furnisher...................................... 336
Mc Carthy Dennis, sample rooms.......................................... 340
Mc Carthy Louise E, ladies hair dresser........................................ 342
Mc Crea Thomas A, baker and confectioner.............................. 8
Meaker W H & Son, fire insurance........................................... 7
Meaker William R, plumber................................ 354
Miles Fred S, grocer............................... 357
Model Clothing Co........................................ end of book
Mullin Fred P, city sample rooms.................................... 368
Mundt Ferdinand, hotel and cafe........................................ 369
Murdock David, dairyman................................. 370
Nash Frederick G, painter and decorator............................ 376
Ohlheiser George, hardware................................. bottom lines
Olmstead Herbert R, photographic enlargements........................................... 390
O'Neil John J, hotel and grocery..................................................................... 392
Osborne D M & Co, agricultural implements........................... Cay Co directory
Parsons & Franklin, carpet cleaning........................... 400
Patrick Alfred, florist................................................ 401
Pearl Printing Office...............................................opp 404
Pierce Edwin H, prof of music............................................ 409
Pimm John B, storage warehouse......................................... 411
Podworsky Bro's, cigar m'f'rs and dealers............................... 412
Poolos Nicholas, fuit dealer.............................................. 413
Porter Carlton A, lumber dealer............................................. 414
Prudential Insurance Co............................................ end of book
Puro Frank C, grocer.................................................. 418
Quinn Thomas, cafe and dining rooms......................... 421
Rathbun Franklin R, designer and draughtsman............ 425
Rea George A, signs and awnings............................ 426
Rightmyer Levi H, flag stones, &c............................ 433
Rittmann Fritz, saloon and restaurant............. 434
Robinson Brothers, marble and granite works...................... back cover
Rogers' Lumber and Coal Co..................... bottom lines
Ross Elmore N, grocer..................................................................................... 439
Scovill Edward E, prof of music.................................................................opp 452
Seward William H & Co, bankers.................................................................... 5
Shimer Daniel F, livery and transient............................................................. 461
Simon Adolph G, shaving parlors................................................................... 463
Smith Frank S, druggist, also bicycles............................................................ 468
Smith F M, auctioneer, broker, hotel negotiator........ inside back cover
Smith & Pierson, hardware............................. side lines
Sprague, Axtman & Nolan, shaving parlors........... 468
Springstead Don F, contractor and builder.............. 4
Stearns & Sons, tile and sewer pipe................... 477
Tallman Selah C, livery, also undertaker.............. 491
Traub Henry & Son, furniture, carpets, toys, &c......... 501
Tuxill Alfred J, veterinary surgeon................... 505
Vredenberg & Sambrook, Opera House Cafe................ 513
Wait Horace R, carpets and furniture................ back cover
Wait Thomas F, Central House................. 515
Walley M L & Co, druggists.............................. 518
Webster William E, freight transportation................ 524
Wegman Piano Co......................................................................................... front cover and 525
White Frank C, grocer.................................................................................... 532
White William J, hotel, dining room and cafe................................................ 533
Wildner G J & Wm, Wildner's brewery........................................................... 535
Williams & Koon, contractors and builders..................................................... 537
Wills George F, carriage manufacturer...................... 2
Wills James G, painter and decorator....................... 539

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LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

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