ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z
Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
Miscellaneous Directory Section1  Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs, County Officers

This 1900 Auburn NY Directory Also Includes Town Sections

Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory

VOL. 30
FROM JULY, 1900, TO JULY, 1901.

For ab., read above; al., alley; ave., avenue; bds., boards; bel., below; bet., between; c. or cor., corner; ct., court; do., ditto or same place; E., east; h., house; A. H. S., Academic High School; N. Y. C. & H. R. R., New York Central Railroad; N., north; n., near; opp., opposite; pl., place; r., rear; res., residence; R. R., railroad; L. V. R. R., Lehigh Valley Railroad; W., west. The word street is implied.
Names in Bold Face Letters are Directory Patrons.


Eades Melita, silk op, bds 38 Mattie							

Eagan Catherine T, shoe op, bds 115 Grant ave							

Eagan James F, emp D M O & Co, bds 115 Grant ave							

Eagan Margaret M, shoe op, bds 115 Grant ave							

Eagan Michael H, paniter (sic), h 115 Grant ave							

Eager Kittie M, mill op, bds 57 Division N							

Eager Leona K, mill op, bds 57 Division N							

Eager Mary, widow Henry, h 57 Division N							

Eager Rosie A E, mill op, bds 57 Division N							

Eager Susan Mac L, bds 69 Seymour							

Eagles Nancy R, widow William E, res 10 William							

Earls Frank H, mason, bds 10 Mc Master							

Early Clarence, blacksmith, bds over 8 Dill							

Easson William H, shoe maker, 139 1/2 Clark, h do							

EAST HILL MARKET, Theo Baldwin, prop'r, 36 1/2 E Genesee							

Easterbrook George J, mason, h 168 E Genesee							

Easterbrook Georgia M, accountant, bds 168 E Genesee							

Easterbrook Maude M, nurse, res 168 E Genesee							

Easterley Eliza H, h 4 Linden place							

Easterley Milton H, bds 25 Washington							

Eastman Delia A, widow J B, h 73 North							

Eaton Elizabeth M, twine op, bds 141 Van Anden							

Eaton Harriet, weaver, bds 73 Division N							

Eaton Henry, shoe op, h over 12 Fort							

Eaton Joseph, mechanic, h 141 Van Anden							

EATON LEWIS W., City Bill Poster, Distributor and Sign Writer, office and studio room				
	6 Smith Block, Exchange st (See adv)						

Eaton Nellie, mill op, bds 147 Perrine							

Ebert Ralph, m'g'r Roch clothing Co, over 116 Genesee, bds 20 South							

Eccles Bertha E, res 201 Genesee							

Eccles Carrie M, res 99 Aurelius ave							

Eccles Edna C, winder, bds 12 Myrtle ave							

Eccles Florence E, res 99 Aurelius ave							

Eccles James, machinist, h 12 Myrtle ave							

Eccles Mabel A, weaver, bds 12 Myrtle ave							

Eccles Nicholas, die sinker, h 99 Aurelius ave							

ECCLES RICHARD,	manufacturer Carriage Hardware, also bicycle parts and sundries.				
	office and factory 1 to 7 Division S, h Genesee, east cor Washington   (See page 3)						

Eccles Richard E, h 13 Washington							

ECCLES WILLIAM W., with	The Richard Eccles Carriage Hardware Works,				
	1 to 7 Division S, res 201 Genesee						

Eckert John S, teamster, h 12 Steel							

Eckert Maude K, res 12 Steel							

Eddy Carrie B, bds 36 Franklin							

Eddy Rev Charles M, pastor 1st M E Ch, h 27 Grover							

Eddy David B, student, Theo Sem, res do							

Eddy Mrs Ella, cook, 16 State, h over 103 do							

Eddy Maude E, accountant, over 87 Genesee, bds 36 Franklin							

Eddy Samuel, bds 43 Walnut							

EDDY SAMUEL M., bookkeeper Cay Co Sav Bank, also Steamship Ticket Agency, 115 Genesee, 							
	h 18 Grant ave						

EDDY WILLIAM H., insurance and real estate, over 87 Genesee, h 36 Franklin							

Edick Margaret, salesclerk, 73 Genesee, res 19 Court							

Edmonds william J M, florist, h 7 Sumner							

Edson Dan M, emp D M O & Co, h over 12 Exchange							

Edwards Belmont E, laborer, bds 46 1/2 Orchard							

Edwards Charles H, prison keeper, h 5 Harrington Terrace, 78 North							

Edwards Claude S, machinist, h 161 Perrine							

Edwards Harry, clothier and broker, 48 State, bds 62 North							

Edwards Lulu, res 55 1/2 Fulton							

Eeles Ellie P, widow Edward W, h 10 Fulton							

Eeles May C, dressmaker, bds 10 Fulton							

Eells Granville N, harness maker, 84 State, h 1 Beach ave							

Effenberger Joseph T, mechanic, h 124 Cottage							

EGBERT CHARLES R., clothing and gent's furnishing goods, 75 Genesee, res			
	144 North   (See page 3)						

Eggleston Charles N, iron worker, h 21 Jefferson							

Eggleston Charles N, Jr, printer, bds 21 Jefferson							

EGGLESTON EDWARD G., manager Bell's Bee Hive, 59, 61 and 63 Genesee, rooms 64 do							

Eggleston Fannie S, widow Jesse S, res 116 North							

Eggleston George A, engineer, bds 21 Jefferson							

Eggleston Llewellyn D, salesman, bds 21 Jefferson							

Eggleston Mariette, widow John, h 21 Jefferson							

Eggleston Minnie, dressmaker, bds 21 Jefferson							

Eggleston William H, gardener, bds 124 Owasco							

Eggleston William H, mechanic, bds 21 Jefferson							

Egleston Albert H, salesman, 91 & 93 Genesee, res 14 Augustus							

Egleston George N, salesman, 4 Exchange, h 14 Augustus							

Egleston John G, janitor, 91 & 93 Genesee, h 14 Augustus							

Egleston Reuben H, insurance agent, h 14 Augustus							

Ehlers Albert, accountant, bds 34 E Genesee							

Ehman Alfred Roy, student, Theo Sem, res do							

Ehresman Elizabeth, widow George, bds 17 Hockeborn ave							

Ehresman George J, tinsmith, bds 11 Pulsifer							

Ehresman Lena, shoe cutter, bds 152 Cottage							

Ehresman Peter, laborer, h 152 Cottage							

Ehresman Peter F, mechanic, bds 11 Pulsifer							

EHRMAN ANTON, (Ehrman Brewing Co.), h 59 Clark							

EHRMAN BOTTLING WORKS, Joseph E. Jenn, manager, 127 Clark							

EHRMAN BREWING CO., (Anton Ehrman), Standard Ales and Lagers, 117 to 129 Clark							

Eiband Lena, domestic, 10 Beach ave							

Eich Francis, widow Ulrich, res 100 Washington							

Eich Frank, stone cutter, h 200 Perrine ave							

Eich Mary F, attendant, 98 South							

Eich William A, helper, bds 200 Perrine							

Elder Edward S, student, A H S, bds 40 Bradford							

ELDER JAMES E., teller Seward & Co's Banking House, h 42 Bradford							

Elder John, h 42 Bradford							

ELDER JOHN M., City Assessor, h 40 Bradford							

Elder Louise M, bds 42 Bradford							

ELDER HON. WILLIAM S., attorney-at-law, also justice of the peace, offices and Court Chambers over							
	124 Genesee, res 42 Bradford						

Elderton George W, twine op, h 16 Aspen							

ELDRED GEORGE F., (Barker, Griswold & Co,) h 9 Elizabeth							

Eldred Marietta B, widow Nicholas, h 76 South							

ELDRED NELSON B., executor Nelson Beardsley estate, also pres't Auburn Bulletin Co, office over							
	41 Genesee, h 80 South						

ELDREDGE FRANK A., sec'y and treas E D C M'f'g Co, also Supervisor Town of Sterling, res N Fair Haven							

Eldridge Bert A, yard master, L V R R, h 6 Sherwood							

ELDRIDGE CHARLES E., dealer in Pure Owasco Lake Ice, office and res 58 Mattie cor Swift, City							
	office 10 North   Favorable rates for season contracts or in quantities						

Eldridge Henry, twine op, h 71 E Genesee							

Eldridge Olina E, widow John J, h 259 Genesee							

Eley Mrs Edith J, bds 6 Mattie							

Elger Amelia, weaver, bds 71 Grant ave							

Elger Anna, widow Frank, h 23 1/2 Frances							

Elger Anna May, organist, St Alphonsus ch, bds 71 Grant ave							

Elger Anton, emp D M O & Co, h 71 Grant ave							

Elger Anton, Jr, hammersman, h 182 Clark							

Elger Charles, emp D M O & Co, bds 71 Grant ave							

Elger Edward A, mechanic, bds 182 Clark							

Elger Emma C, shoe op, bds 71 Grant ave							

Elger Fred, machinist, h 2 Lizette							

Elger Henry E, hammersman, h 12 Catlin							

Elger Isabelle, housekeeper, 71 Grant ave							

Elger Josephine, school teacher, bds 71 Grant ave							

Elger William, medical student, bds 71 Grant ave							

Elletson Job, florist, 106 Franklin, h 25 Capitol							

Elliott Anna A, res 30 1/2 Barber							

Elliott Earl C, bds over 24 Market							

Elliott Mrs Ellen T, h 30 1/2 Barber							

Elliott Flora, widow Charles, res 22 Elizabeth							

Elliott George J, moulder, h over 29 Union							

ELLIOTT GEORGE W., alderman 6th ward, also G C Smith M'f'g Co, h 19 Franklin							

Elliott Henry C, com trav, h 22 Elizabeth							

Elliott Irene A, student, Cortland Normal sch, res 48 Logan							

Elliott James M, architect, h over 89 North							

Elliott Jarvis L, druggist, 1 Mary, h 48 Logan							

Elliott Katherine T, bookkeeper, bds 30 1/2 Barber							

Elliott Lottie J, res 48 Logan							

Elliott Michael J, shoe cutter, bds 30 1/2 Barber							

Elliott Olive, widow John, res 136 North							

Elliott Phineas W, agent, h 1 Augustus							

Elliott Violetta, bds 15 Sheridan							

Ellis Bert, emp D M O & Co, bds 3 Holley							

Ellis Birch, ins agent, h 7 Steel							

Ellis Edward R, ass't sup't Metropolitan Life, h 26 Van Patten							

Ellis Elias, livery and boarding stables, 5 Lincoln, h do							

Ellis Lillian, weaver, bds 102 1/2 Wall							

Ellis Newton S, ins agent, h 1 Cayuga							

Ellis Stephen E, teamster, h over 50 Division N							

Ellison Frank, emp D M O & Co, h over 50 Capitol							

Ellison John P, mason, h over 10 Logan							

Ellison Nettie, bds 12 Frances							

Ellison Richard, carpenter, h 12 Frances							

Ellsworth Truman, res 3 Court							

Elphee Bertha, seamstress, bds 5 Morris							

Elphee Frank A, clerk, bds 5 Morris							

Elphee Henry, emp D M O & Co, h 5 Morris							

Elphee Inez E, dressmaker, bds 5 Morris							

Elsohn Levi, Aub Loan Co, over 137 Genesee, h 12 Westlake ave							

Embody Clarence H, machinist, b 11 Wadsworth							

Embody Daniel A, blacksmith, h 78 Seymour							

Embody George C, student, Colgate Uni, bds 78 Seymour							

EMENS W. J., surgeon dentist, also Commander Crocker Post No. 45.  Offices and Dental					
	Parlors over 7 State, h do.Hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. (See adv, next page)						

Emens George G, bds over 7 State							

Emerick Charles R, salesman, 39 E Genesee, bds 12 Capitol							

Emerick Rena, mill op, res 20 Court							

Emerick William F, carpet layer, 77 Genesee, h over 84 do							

Emerson Alida S, seamstress, bds 67 Lewis							

Emerson Belle F, seamstress, bds 67 Lewis							

Emerson Benjamin, engineer, L V R R, h 7 Pleasant							

EMERSON CLARENCE W., ass't city clerk, res 78 Owasco							

Emerson Ethel V, res 78 Owasco							

Emerson Lewis D, delivery clerk, 64 Genesee, h 67 Lewis							

Emerson Lora L, widow Willard, h 78 Owasco							

Emerson Olive L, seamstress, bds 67 Lewis							

Emerson Royal E, emp d M O & Co, h 67 Lewis							

Emerson Mrs Sarah L, nurse, res 67 Lewis							

Emerson Theophilus R, salesman, 64 Genesee, bds 78 Owasco							

Emery George I, twine op, bds 157 1/2 Van Anden							

Emery John, mason, h 5 John							

Emery John, teamster, h 23 Union ave							

Emery Mary J, widow Eugene S, h 157 1/2 Van Anden							

Emery Rena, wrapper op, bds 90 Clark							

Emery Willard E, meat cutter, 28 1/2 Orchard, bds 157 1/2 Van Anden							

Emlaw John H, moulder, h 18 Miller							

Emlaw John M, carpenter, bds 79 Owasco							

Emlaw Joseph, machinist, h 26 Grove ave							

Emlaw Joseph, moulder, bds 79 Owasco							

Emlaw Nora C, silk weaver, bds 18 Miller							

Emmons John, twine op, bds 27 Garden							

Emmons Ralph F, machinist, h 5 Sherwood							

Emperor Brothers, (Mathew and Patrick), saloon, 3 Genesee							

Emperor Mathew, (Emperor Bros), h 17 Cayuga							

Emperor Patrick C, (Emperor Bros), h 25 Sherman							

EMPIRE HAND LAUNDRY, Wm. H. Johnson, prop'r, 12 Dill							

EMPIRE HOUSE (THE), John Bruton, prop'r, 34 and 36 Dill							

Empire M'f'g Co, C A Stout, sup't, m'f'rs overalls, duck coats, and wrappers, r 41 Washington							

	and gen'l manager, office over 102 and 104 Genesee   (See lines under caption letters)						

Engish Mary A, widow Conrad J, res 8 Janet							

Engler George Louis, student, Theo Sem, res do							

Engler Harry B, painter, bds over 64 North							

Engler William, cook, rooms 6 Morris							

Englert Catherine, widow, bds Mantel's Hotel, 17 Water							

Englert Frank A, core maker, bds 42 Chase							

Englert Frank S, shoe laster, h 25 West							

Englert George, shoe op, bds 42 Chase							

Englert Julia A, clerk, coll dep't, D M O & Co, bds 50 Pulsifer							

Englert Roma, agent, Koenig's lagers, h 72 Perrine							

Englert Thomas, teamster, h 42 Chase							

Englert Ulrich, sales agent, Koenig's Brewery, bds 17 Water							

Englert William, agent, Conway's bottling works, h 50 Pulsifer							

English John, real estate, h over 51 North							

English Philip J, salesman, 77 Genesee, h 75 E do							

English William, salesman, Big Store, res 9 Grant ave							

ENGLISH WILLIAM C., prop'r Star Laundry, 49 North, res 75 E Genesee   Our works recommends							
	itself   The latest improved methods and best work guaranteed						

ENNIS, see also INNES							

Ennis Frank M, painter, bds 3 1/2 Franklin							

Ennis George W, agent, h 39 Nelson							

ENO DRAYTON, dealer in fresh, salt and smoked meats, also sausage m'f'r, 5 1/2 Clark, h 7 Fort							

ENO'S CHICAGO MARKET, Drayton Eno, proprietor, 5 1/2 Clark							

ENTERPRISE MARKET (THE), Henry F. Herrling, prop'r, 35 E Genesee							

Epstein Benjamin, clothing, &c, 37 State, h over do							

Epstein Ida, bds over 37 State							

EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, Emmett Rhodes, general agent, offices rooms A and B,							
	Seward Block, over 90 Genesee						

Erhart Amelia, shoe op, bds 31 Chapel							

Erhart Catherine, widow George, grocer, 32 Owasco, h do							

Erhart George W, hammersman, h 69 Hamilton ave							

Erhart Jacob B, machinist, bds 80 Washington							

Erhart John G, moulder, h 59 Elizabeth							

Erhart Mabel, button op, bds 32 Owasco							

Erhart Mathew J, tinsmith, h 23 Fulton							

Erhart William J, salesman, 32 Owasco, bds do							

Erkenbreck Frank, paper hanger, h 113 Franklin							

Erkenbreck Jessie L, clerk, Big Store, bds 113 Franklin							

Erkenbreck Mary, mill op, bds 61 Owasco							

Erkenbreck Nellie, seamstress, bds 113 Franklin							

Erkenbreck Mertie B, res 113 Franklin							

Ernsberger Allen W, bicycle dealer and repairer, 55 North, h 14 1/2 Foote							

Ernsberger Clara E, widow Michael, bds 46 Grant ave							

Ernsberger Fred P, photographer, 83 Genesee, res 146 North							

Ernsberger Millard C, draughtsman, 101 Orchard, res 7 Franklin							

ERNSBERGER WILLIAM H., Photographer, Parlors, Studio and Operating Rooms over 83 Genesee,							
	h 146 North						

ERVING, see also IRVING							

Erving Emma J, mill op, bds 3 Case ave							

Erving John P, salesman, 155 State, bds 238 Seymour							

Erving Margaret, widow Samuel, shoe op, bds 3 Case ave							

Erving Margaret L, shoe op, bds 3 Case ave							

Erving Thomas J, mechanic, bds 3 Case ave							

Erving William A, mechanic, bds 3 Case ave							

Erwin Mary E, widow Samuel K, res 6 Washington							

ESENGARD, see also ISENGARD							

Esengard Frederick, shoemaker, h 20 Union							

Esengard Frederick V, emp D M O & Co, h 34 Union							

Esengard Hannah, res 20 Union							

Esengard Julius, shoemaker, bds 20 Union							

Esengard William, engineer, h 24 Grant							

ESMAY LOUIS R., accountant, 91 Genesee, h 13 Maple							

Espenhain Kate M, attendant, 9 James							

Estey Harriet, widow Charles, nurse, bds 55 Grant ave							

Evans George H, carriage painter, bds 13 Perrine							

Evans Letitia M, widow George H, bds 13 Perrine							

Evans Thomas C, carriage painter, over 13 Dill, h 13 Perrine							

Evans William E, coachman, 206 Genesee, bds 29 Parker							

Evans William J, machinist, h 75 Walnut							

Evanson Richard, porter, Hotel Archie, 64 State							

Everett David, mason, h over 39 Wall							

Everham William S, bicycle op, bds 44 Grover							

Everitt Amelia, widow John, h 158 Perrine							

Everitt Cornelia, widow George H, h 37 Fitch ave							

Everitt Edward H, shoe op, bds 21 Park ave							

Everitt Fred C, shoe cutter, bds 37 Fitch ave							

Everly Howard, com trav, bds 70 Holley							

Everly William C, shoe cutter, bds 70 Holley							

EVERTS BROTHERS & POMEROY, (Geo. W. and Chas. J. Everts and Theo. M.		
	Pomeroy, Jr, general hardware, stoves, ranges, furnaces, &c, &c, also doors, sash, blinds,						
	glazed work and interior finish, 137 Genesee   (See adv, front cover)						

EVERTS CHARLES J., (Everts Brothers & Pomeroy,) h 43 Seminary							

Everts George S, physician, 68 Clark, h do							

EVERTS GEORGE W., (Everts Brothers & Pomeroy), h 43 Seminary							

Everts Hester A, enq 38 Capitol							

EVERTS WILLIAM S., general manager, also sec'y and treas'r The boyle & Everts Co, h 64 E Genesee							

Ewald August, emp D M O & Co, h 15 Hockeborn ave							

EXCELSIOR, Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works, James F. Dennis, prop'r, 5 and 7 Water					
	(See page 167)						

Exner M G, rooms over 108 Genesee							

Eygner Edward, emp L V R R, bds 120 Van Anden							

Eygner Lola, twine op, bds 120 Van Anden							

Eytenbentz Mary, widow Louis, boarding house, 3 Franklin							

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z
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LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

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