ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z
Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart -
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
Miscellaneous Directory Section1  Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs, County Officers

This 1900 Auburn NY Directory Also Includes Town Sections

Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory

VOL. 30
FROM JULY, 1900, TO JULY, 1901.

For ab., read above; al., alley; ave., avenue; bds., boards; bel., below; bet., between; c. or cor., corner; ct., court; do., ditto or same place; E., east; h., house; A. H. S., Academic High School; N. Y. C. & H. R. R., New York Central Railroad; N., north; n., near; opp., opposite; pl., place; r., rear; res., residence; R. R., railroad; L. V. R. R., Lehigh Valley Railroad; W., west. The word street is implied.
Names in Bold Face Letters are Directory Patrons.


Mabbett M Augusta, bds 38 Grant ave				

Mabey Mrs Eva, housekeeper, over 19 Wood				

Mabey Fred G, machinist, 146 Genesee, res Fleming				

Mabey Lulu, bds over 19 Wood				

MAC see also Mc				

Macciotta Giovanna, clerk, h over 2 Garden				

Mac Clenathan Robert, electrical eng'r, DMO & Co, bds 54 1/2 Fulton				

Mac Cullom E, lineman, A C Ry, enq State c Chapel				

Mac Donald George J, machinist, bds 191 Clark				

MAC DOUGALL GEN. CLINTON D., pres The New Birdsall Co., h 108 South				

Mac Dougall James, chief eng'r U S R M, res New Nat'l Hotel, 31 E Genesee				

Mac Faden Beulah V, compositor, Daily Adv'r, bds 167 Van Anden				

Mac Faden Florence, res 167 Van Anden				

Mac Faden Maude G, compositor, Daily Adv'r, bds 167 Van Anden				

Mac Fee John, blacksmith, 35 Garden, h 13 Pleasant				

Mac Innes Kenneth J, student, Theo Sem, res do				

Mack Carrie, housekeeper, 9 Sheldon ave				

Mack Harry, twine op, bds 256 Seymour				

Mack Lulu, shoe op, bds 256 Seymour				

Mack Walter, twine op, bds 74 Owasco				

MAC KAY see also MC KAY				

Mac Kay Alexander, carpenter, h 32 Augustus				

Mac Kay Charles, machinist, h 200 State				

Mac Kay Donald, harness maker, 3 E Genesee, h 20 Lincoln				

Mac Kay Maude J, res 20 Lincoln				

Mac Kay William R, carpenter, bds 32 Augustus				

Mac Kenzie Alexander, saloon, 196 1/2 State, h do				

Mackin Andrew, attendant, The Pines, bds 5 Cornell				

Mackindare Mrs Ida, seamstress, h over 54 State				

Macko Dunka, iron worker, h over 107 State				

Mac Leod Daniel A, student, Theo Sem, res do				

Mac Manway Elizabeth R, widow Thomas, h 15 Holley				

Mac Manway Georgina A, milliner, bds 15 Holley				

Mac Manway Louisa H, milliner, bds 15 Holley				

Mac Manway Susanna M, compositor, Cay Co Ind, bds 15 Holley				

Mac Manway Thomas G, draper, (G W R & Son), bds 15 Holley				


MAC MASTER CHARLES E., Chief of Police, office City Hall, h 146 Seymour				

Mac Master Charles H, retired, h 146 Seymour				

Mac Master David B, horseman, bds 143 State				

Mac Master Mrs Malanah, dressmaker, over 139 Genesee, h do				

MAC MASTER WILLIAM J., clerk, Am Ex Co, h 9 Woodruff Place				

Mac Millan Mrs Elizabeth, dressmaker, bds 50 Clark				

Mac Namara Hugh, laborer, h 10 Aspen				

Mac Naughton Daniel M, h 11 Perry				

Mac Nicol Harriet E, widow James, res 15 Orchard ave				


Macomber Clarence G, core maker, bds over 42 Lincoln				

Macomber Dwight S, carpenter, bds 55 Market				

Macomber George H, with The Birdsall Co, h 20 Gtrant ave				

Macomber George W, carpenter, h over 42 Lincoln				

Macomber Helen F, tel op, bds 42 Lincoln				

Macomber Mrs Minnie L, bds 11 John				

Macomber William G, carpenter, bds 42 Lincoln				

Mac Phail Sarah J, domestic, 68 South				

Mac Phee Samuel D, student, Theo Sem, res do				

Madden Mrs Bridget, boarding house, 32 Clark				

Madden James F, mechanic, h 53 Perrine				

Madden Jennie. mill op, bds 35 West				

Madden Jeremiah F, iron worker, h 8 Westlake ave				

Madden John E, salesman, 75 Genesee, h 19 Chestnut				

Madden John H, blacksmith, h 35 West				

Madden John J, tailor, h 32 Clark				

Madden Josephine, dressmaker, bds 35 West				

Madden Lauretta, student, bds 32 Clark				

Madden Lena M, mill op, bds 8 Wallace ave				

Madden Margaret G, dressmaker, bds 53 Perrine				

Madden Mary, shoe op, bds 32 Clark				

Madden Michael H, drug clerk, 57 Franklin, bds 53 Perrine				

Madden Thomas J, vocalist, bds 32 Clark				

Madden William H, blacksmith, bds 35 West				

Madio Toney, laborer, bds 99 Orchard				

Madison William R, hammersman, n 128 Division S				

MAGEE, see also MC GEE				

Magee Alice, res 2 Janet				

Magee Chester, painter, h 9 Auburn ave				

Magee Chester, Jr, painter, h over 79 Van Anden				

Magee Mrs Clara, h 10 Adams				

Magee David H, ins agent, bds 56 Clark				

Magee George W, shoe laster, h 103 Cottage				

Magee James, laborer, bds 22 Garden				

Magee John, gardener, h 78 Franklin				

Magee Lucy, domestic, res 7 Auburn ave				

Magee Mary, widow Henry, h 78 Franklin				

Magler Anthony W, emp Cordage Co, h 13 Cottage				

Magner Margaret A, dressmaker, res 26 Grant ave				

Magnusson Andrew, prison foreman (iron and brass), bds 41 Garden				

Maguire Lizzie, attendant, 3 Grover				

Mahady Thomas I, sewing machine agent, 82 Genesee, h 20 Seward ave				

MAHANEY, see also MAHONEY				

Mahaney Catherine, widow Dennis, h 63 Cottage				

Mahaney Charles, mill op, bds 174 Perrine				

Mahaney Cornelius, teamster, h 74 Fitch ave				

Mahaney Daniel J, laborer, h 100 Van Anden				

Mahaney Ellen, widow Stephen, bds over 10 Aspen				

Mahaney James T, twine op, bds 8 Aspen				

Mahaney John, mill op, h 174 Perrine				

Mahaney Julia C, bds 8 Aspen				

Mahaney Lena, shoe op, bds over 28 Dill				

Mahaney Mary, widow Timothy, shoe op, h over 28 Dill				

Mahaney Mary E, (Moloney & Mahaney), res 12 Church				

Mahaney Mary E, widow Stephen, h 8 Aspen				

Mahaney Nellie, attendant, 61 South				

Mahar Mrs Ilma, res 14 Hoffman				

MAHER, see MEAGHER also MARR				

Maher Arthur J, shoe op, bds 8 Fort				

Maher Bertha A, res 8 Fort				

Maher Bridget, shoe op, bds 22 Barber				

Maher Eliza, widow Timothy, h 29 Baker ave				

Maher John, painter, bds 29 Baker ave				

Maher John J, coremaker, bds over 51 Holley				

Maher Kate, housekeeper, 133 1/2 Seymour				

Maher Maria, widow John, h over 51 Holley				

Maher Patrick T, painter, bds 29 Baker ave				

Maher Peter, laborer, h 3 Wallace ave				

Maher Stephen, electrician, bds 32 Clark				

Maher William H, delivery clerk, bds 29 Baker ave				

Mahler Philip, iron worker, bds Empire House, 34 Dill				

Mahlstead Harry, bds 30 Lincoln				

MAHON see also MOHAN				

Mahon Honora, h 14 Perrine				

Mahon Patrick F, machinist, bds 209 State				

MAHONEY see also MAHANEY				

Mahoney Catherine, widow Dennis, h 63 Cottage				

Mahoney Daniel, quarryman, h 128 Cottage				

Mahoney Daniel W, helper, bds 128 Cottage				

Mahoney George, shoe cutter, res over 12 State				

Mahoney John D, agent, bds 33 Water				

Mahoney John J, shipping clerk, bds 128 Cottage				

Mahoney Philip, ass't undertaker, res 60 North				

Maine Anna Elizabeth, res 33 Grover				

Maine Asa D, iron worker, h 46 1/2 Orchard				

Maine Charles L, machinist, h 28 Arch				

MAINE FRANK E.,physician and specialist, (Chronic Diseases,) office 33 Grover, res do	
	Hours 11 to 1 and 3 to 5 P M, except Sundays			

Maine George T, contractor, h 33 Grover				

Major James, mechanic, bds 133 Van Anden				

Malady Catherine, box maker, bds 7 Moravia				

Malady Edward A, emp D M O & Co, bds 29 Lincoln				

Malady Margaret, widow John, h 7 Moravia				

Malady Patrick, fireman, bds 29 Lincoln				

Malady William, emp D M O & Co, bds 7 Moravia				

Malady William, emp D M O & Co, bds 29 Lincoln				

Malane John, h 22 Delevan				

Malane Patrick, ass't florist, bds 195 Clark				

Malane Thomas, laborer, bds 22 Delevan				

Malaney Agnes, shoe op, bds 8 Frazee				

Malaney Carrie C, weaver, bds 8 Frazee				

Malaney Ellen, mill op, bds 8 Frazee				

Malaney John F, twine op, bds 22 Division N				

Malaney Kittie T, mill op, bds 22 Division N				

Malaney Margaret, widow Michael, h 8 Frazee				

Malaney Mary E, widow John W, h 70 Washington				

Malaney Nora, domestic, 50 South				

Malaney Thomas, wood worker, h 162 Clark				

Malaney Winifred A, widow John, h 22 Division N				

Malaniff William, painter, bds 38 Water				

Malay Richard, boiler maker, h 103 Owasco				

Malcomson Margaret A, attendant, 29 Washington				

Malick Stephen, emp D M O & Co, bds 46 Perrine				

Malley John, emp D M O & Co, h 17 Gaylord				

Malley Joseph H, machinist, bds 17 Gaylord				

Malley Sophia, mill op, bds 17 Gaylord				

Mallon Thomas F, d'v'y clerk, h 62 Perrine				

Malone ellen, dressmaker, bds 130 E Genesee				

Malone George W, emp D M O & Co, bds 112 Fulton				

Malone James, city policeman, h 112 Fulton				

Malone John, moulder, h 17 Academy				

Malone Mary, res over 40 Orchard				

Malone Mary, attndant, 6 1/2 John				

Malone Mary, widow Cornelius, res 12 Woodruff place				

Malone Theresa R, stenographer, bds 112 Fulton				

Maloney Belle E, mill op, bds 30 Division N				

Maloney Jennie E, shoe op, h 56 Clark				

Maloney John C, h 120 Wall				

Maloney John D, stone cutter, h 66 Nelson				

Maloney Josephine M, twine op, bds 66 Nelson				

Maloney Julia A, twine op, bds 66 Nelson				

Maloney Mary E, salesclerk, 79 Genesee, res 58 Clark				

Maloney Nellie, bds 66 Nelson				

Maloney M Theresa, button op, bds over 44 State				

Maloney Patrick, twine op, bds 15 Catlin				

Maloney William C, painter, h 30 Division N				

Maloney William F, twine op, bds over 44 State				

Maloney William G, hammersman, bds 66 Nelson				

Mallory Mrs Julia H, musician, res 10 Evans				

Mandell Jacob, wood worker, h 12 1/2 Barber				

Mangas Edward F, carpenter, h 180 Van Anden				

Manley Dennis P, helper, bds 28 Frazee				

Manley Frederick J, barber, bds over 50 Orchard				

Manley Lewis G, shoe op, bds over 50 Orchard				

Manley Margaret J, widow Sylvester H, h over 50 Orchard				

Manley Maria, shoe op, bds 29 Myrtle ave				

Manley Mary A, nurse, bds 28 Frazee				

Manley Nellie M, housekeeper, 28 Frazee				

Manley Patrick, laborer, h 29 Myrtle ave				

Manley Thomas A, woodworker, h 15 Aurelius ave				

Manley William, watchman, h 28 Frazee				

Manley William F, shoe cutter, bds 28 Frazee				

Mann Honora, h 14 Perrine				

Mann James A, iron worker, h 53 Fitch ave				

Mann Martha J, bds 4 Benton				

Manning Bernard W, tailor, 87 Genesee, h 148 Seymour				

Manning Bert G, emp D M O & Co, bds 48 Lansing				

Manning Frank J, shaving parlors, 68 Franklin, h 48 Lansing				

Manning Grace M, shoe op, bds 168 State				

Manning Iris, laborer, h 94 Washington				

Manning Leland B, mechanic, bds 94 Washington				

Manning Margaret B, widow William H, h 48 Lansing				

Manning Nathan B, mechanic, bds 48 Lansing				

Manning Nellie M, student, A H S, bds 103 Franklin				

Manning Pearl E, seamstress, bds 94 Washington				

Manning Raymond D, drug clerk, 109 Genesee, bds 94 Washington				

Manning Robert A, mill foreman, h 16 Anna				

Manning Rev Samuel, h 103 Franklin				

Manning Satie F, housekeeper, 148 Seymour				

Manning Susie B, school teacher, bds 103 Franklin				

Mannion Patrick, laborer, bds 56 Orchard				


Manro Bettie S, teacher, Seymour St Sch, bds 11 Washington				

MANRO CHARLES H., with Manro & Hugg, 66 State, h 8 Mc Master				

MANRO FRED J., (Manro & Hugg,) h 108 North				

Manro Helen C, widow Jonathan, h 8 Mc Master				

MANRO & HUGG, (F. J. Manro and J. J. Hugg,) Coal Dealers, 66 state Phones--Auto 484, Emp 3				

Manro Sibyl H, principal James St Sch, bds 11 Washington				

Manroe Thomas J, h 11 Washington				


Manroe Mina S, widow Nelson, weaver, h 92 Mechanic				

Manroe Mortimer R, delivery clerk, h over 32 Dill				


Manrow Abram, tinsmith, bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North				

Manrow William H, mechanic, bds 73 Orchard				

MANSELL & HENNESSY, (M. R. Mansell and C. C. Hennessy,) dealers in Select Ales,
	Wines, Liquors, cordials and Cigars, 28 North			
	A new place entirely refitted and refurnished, embracing all the modern improvements and			
	appliances for the convenience of patrons			

Mansell John, call hoseman, Hose 3, A F D, 129 Clark, bds 145 do				

Mansell Mary F, dressmaker, 17 Cross, res do				

MANSELL MICHAEL R., (Mansell & Hennessy,) h 17 Cross				

Mansell Thomas J, delivery clerk, 14 Baker ave, bds 90 Orchard				

Mansfield Catharine, housekeeper, 90 Orchard				

Mansfield Ellen, cook, 33 William				

Mansfield Dennis J, laborer, bds 90 Orchard				

Mansfield John, twine op, bds 24 North				

Mansfield John M, shoe op, bds 89 Orchard				

Mansfield John T, mechanic, bds 90 Orchard				

Mansfield Lizzie, housekeeper, 90 Orchard				

Mansfield Mary F, widow John, h 89 Orchard				

Mansfield Michael, flagman, L V R R, h 90 Orchard				

Mansfield Michael, saloon, 82 State, bds 17 Water				

Mansfield Michael, Jr, shoe op, bds 90 Orchard				

Mansfield Thomas, delivery clerk, bds 90 Orchard				

Mantel Anton, prop'r Mantel's Hotel, also Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, and Ales, Wines, Liquors, etc, etc,				
	17 Water			

Mantel Elizabeth, salesclerk, Bell's Bee Hive, res 17 Water				

Mantel Frank A, student, A H S, bds Mantel's Hotel, 17 Water				

Mantel's Hall, Anton Mantel, prop'r, 17 Water				

Mantel's Hotel, Anton Mantel, prop'r, 17 Water				

Mantel Mary T, res Mantel's Hotel, 17 Water				

Marback Cliner B, emp 80 State, h 57 Capitol				

Marando Fortunato, laborer, bds 52 Mechanic				

Margison John F, carpenter, h 60 Nelson				

Marion Carrie, housekeeper, 161 State				

Marks Mrs Alice A, mill op, bds 60 Walnut				

Marks Bertha E, stenographer, res 152 Van Anden				

Marks Cynthia, weaver, bds 66 Division N				

Marks Edward S, toolmaker, h 152 Van Anden				

Marks Elizabeth C, weaver, bds 66 Division N				

Marks Eva E, res 152 Van Anden				

Marks George, mechanic, bds 1 E Genesee				

Marks George W, carpenter, h over 26 Steel				

Marks Joseph H, emp D M O & Co, bds 71 E Genesee				

Marks Sarah E, widow Thomas H, h over 120 Wall				

Marks William J, button op, bds 60 Walnut				

Marks William, J, machinist, h 66 Division N				

Marland Frances M, shoe op, bds 12 Burt ave				

Marland George, tinsmith, h 12 Burt ave				

Marland Robert A, student, bds 12 Burt ave				

Marland William, moulder, h over 57 Elizabeth				

Marlowe Edward E, prison guard, h 49 1/2 Clark				

MARONEY, see also MORONEY				

Maroney Mary E, teacher, Grover St Sch, bds 22 Owasco				

Marquart Jacob J, barber, 21 Genesee, bds 29 Frances				

Marquart John, piano maker, h 35 Bradford				

Marquart Joseph, piano maker, h 38 Walnut				

Marquart Mary, tailoress, bds 29 Frances				

Marquart Otto, piano maker, h 16 Mary				

Marquart Rose, salesclerk, "Kiemele's," res 29 Frances				

Marquart Thomas, piano finisher, h 4 Mattie				

Marquis Nellie C, student, North St Sch, bds 6 Seminary				

Marquis Mrs Nellie M, bds 6 Seminary				

Marquis Walter H, mechanic, rooms 101 Fulton				

MARR, see MAHAR, also MAHER and MEAGHER				

Marr John, miller, h 184 State				

Marr Mary E, domestic, 16 James				

Marr William, blacksmith, h 1 Lizette				

Marr William, laborer, bds 184 State				

Marsh Anna I, shoe op, bds 116 Clark				

Marsh Clara M, accountant, bds 81 Lewis				

Marsh Daisy B, seamstress, bds 95 Van Anden				

Marsh Etha P, housekeeper, bds 81 Lewis				

Marsh James S, meat cutter, bds 34 Orchard				

Marsh Johanna E, widow George G, h 95 Van Anden				

Marsh John H, ass't eng'r A C Ry Co, h 116 Clark				

Marsh LeRoy E, cabinet maker, h 81 Lewis				

Marsh William P, machinist, h 95 Van Anden				

MARSHALL A. & D., (Alfred and Dorr), sample and reception rooms, 9 E Genesee	
	Our Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars are selected from standard and popular brands			
	Please call and make our acquaintance			

Marshall Albert, meat cutter, 9 Genesee, bds 42 Perry				

MARSHALL ALFRED (A & D Marshall), res 4 Cayuga				

Marshall Alice E, bds 127 Owasco				

Marshall Beatrice, res 6 Westlake ave				

Marshall Cornelius A, (Marshall & Thomson), h 16 Maple				

MARSHALL DORR (A & D Marshall), res 4 Cayuga				

Marshall Edith, student, A H S, res 6 Westlake ave				

Marshall Hardware Co, (J G Marshall and P F Gillette) hardware specialties, 22 E Genesee				

Marshall Harriet N, bds 15 Perry				

Marshall Jennie F C, student A H S, res 7 1/2 Barber				

Marshall John G, (Aub Ext Co), h 127 Owasco				

MARSHALL L.,Clothier, hatter and gent's furnishing goods, 22 and 24 State, h 6 Westlake ave		
	(See adv, next page)			

Marshall Milton L, student Yale College, res 6 Westlake ave				

Marshall Mrs Maria, h 15 Perry				

Marshall Mary J, widow Edward W, h over 61 Lansing				

Marshall & thomson (C A Marshall and F B Thomson) tailors, over 24 State				

Marshall William H, saloon, 10 Division S, h 7 1/2 Barber				

Marsley Albert T, meat cutter, 9 Genesee, bds 42 Perry				

Marston Russell, machinist, h 59 Division S				

Martello Mrs Bertha M, mill op, bds 11 Augustus				

Martens Otto M, machinist, h 47 1/2 Barber				

Martin Albert S, 2d hand goods, also boots and shoes, 59 State, h 12 Grove ave				

Martin Anna, widow Lawrence, h 48 Holley				

Martin Anna T, stenographer, D M O & Co, bds 48 Holley				

Martin Catherine, attendant, 3 Elizabeth				

Martin Catherine, tailoress, 87 Genesee, res 48 Holley				

Martin Charles, laborer, h 109 Division N				

Martin Charles, saloon, 115 State				

Martin Charles W, carpenter, bds 60 Seward ave				

Martin Ella, attendant, 210 Genesee				

Martin Estella G, bds 123 Seward ave				

Martin Frances G, tailoress, 87 Genesee, res 48 Holley				

Martin Frank, grinder, h 250 State				

Martin Frank B, salesman, Ehrman Brew Co, h 103 Van Anden				

Martin Fred, laborer, bds 170 Van Anden				

MARTIN H. CORNELIA, dealer in Art Embroidery Materials, Ladies' Furnishings, 142 Genesee, h 60				
	Seward ave			

Martin Helene, tel op, res 74 Wall				

Martin John, laborer, h 22 Parker				

Martin John, prison keeper, h 91 Washington				

Martin Joseph, gardener, h 36 Letchworth, Melrose				

Martin Julia A, widow William, bds over 32 Dill				

Martin Lewis E, emp D M O & Co, bds 16 Howard				

Martin Lydia M, housekeeper, res 22 Parker				

Martin Mary E, h 15 Maple				

Martin Michael, lineman, Emp Tel Co, h 5 Button				

Martin Nellie M, dressmaker, bds 123 Seward ave				

Martin Mrs Thomas, h 2 Logan				

MARTIN WILLIAM A., dealer in all the standard makes of Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries, also Cayuga				
	Co Side Path Com'r, office and salesrooms 146 Genesee, h 6 Woodruff Place			
	Repairs of any description executed			

Martin W Nelson, teamster, h 123 Seward ave				

Martino Michael, laborer, bds 2 O'Neil ave				

Martino Salvator, laborer, h 4 O'Neil ave				

Martlew Prof John, instructor of Athletics, h 24 Augustus				

Marvin Maria H, widow Ralph D, res 158 Seymour				

Mason Charles F, carpenter builder, bds 41 Garden				

Mason Clara B, salesclerk, Bell's Bee Hive, bds 3 1/2 Lewis				

Mason Edwin H, h 14 Capitol				

Mason Edson, bds 8 Lansing				

Mason Emily, widow Zephaniah, bds 65 Wall				

Mason Eugenia L, widow Clarence, h 3 1/2 Lewis				

Mason John W, com trav, h 84 Fulton				

Mason Robert, carpenter, h 25 Elm				

Mason Robert B, emp D M O & Co, h 6 Sumner				

Mason Scott H, emp D M O & Co, bds 25 Elm				

Mason William H, emp D M O & Co, h 2 Paul				

Mason William L, piano maker, bds 25 Elm				

MASONIC CLUB ROOMS, over 141 Genesee, New Metcalf B'd'g (4th floor)				

MASONIC HALL, over 7 and 9 Exchange				

Message John, emp D M O & Co, h under 52 Mechanic				

Massey David H, engineer, L V R R, h 30 Arch				

Mastin Alice. res 37 1/2 Grover				

Mastin Mrs Clara, h r 57 Holley				

Mastin Eddie S, music teacher, bds 42 State				

Mastin John C, dining rooms, 42 State, h do				

Masuccio Germano, laborer, bds 12 Clark				

Mather Daisy E, machine op, bds 181 1/2 Van Anden				

Mathews Carlton B, h over 114 Genesee				

Mathews Mrs C B, dressmaking, over 114 Genesee, h do				

Mathews George H, artist, h over 3 Evans				

Mathews John, mechanic, bds 121 Wall				

Mathews Nicholas, watchman, Emp Wringer Co, h 128 Clark				

Mathews Sylvester J, The Antiquarian, res 7 Morris				

Mathewson William, hostler, bds 88 Owasco				

Matsunaga Fumio, student, Theo Sem, res do				

Mattison Charles H, student, Theo Sem, res do				

Mattison Luzerne, tin pedler, h 6 Lansing				

Mattison Mrs Mary E, salesclerk, 93 Genesee, bds 30 Lincoln				

Mattoon Bessie L, shoe op, bds over 13 Exchange				

Mattoon John M, carpenter, h over 13 Exchange				

Mattoon John W, carpenter, h 1 Sherwood				

Mausnest Mary F, widow William, shoe op, bds 102 Cottage				

Maxfield Almira, widow William, bds 8 Wallace ave				

Maxwell Annie E, widow John, h 20 Owasco				

Maxwell Catherine A, compositor, Cay Co Ind, bds 20 Owasco				

Maxwell George A, dining rooms, 24 North, h do				

Maxwell George A, moulder, h 74 Perrine				

Maxwell Mollie, res 20 Owasco				

May Adolph, emp D M O & Co, bds 32 Walnut				

May Edward, com trav, bds 10 Mac Master				

May Edward J, shoe op, bds over 141 State				

May Mrs Hattie, seamstress, res 37 Van Anden				

May James, com trav, h 10 Mc Master				

May James F, machinist, h 33 Frazee				

May John, plumber, bds 9 1/2 State				

May Joseph F, emp D M O & Co, bds 32 Walnut				

May Joseph F, Jr, accountant, bds 43 Walnut				

May Margaret, widow Martin, h over 141 State				

May Patrick, ball player, h 37 Van Anden				

May Patrick F, moulder, h 11 Pulsifer				

Mayall Samuel, iron roller, h 17 Wadsworth				


Maycumber Milo E, car service clerk, N Y C f't office, res 103 Wall				

Maycumber Orson L, freight handler, h 103 Wall				

Mayen John, emp D M O & Co, bds 24 North				

Mayer andrew, sign writer, h 29 Catlin				

Maynard Fred F, painter, bds 18 Holley				

Maynard Carrie, bds 24 Mary				

Maynard Fred F, wood worker, bds 18 Holley				

Maynard Horace, h over 24 Mary				

Maynard James B, painter, h 18 Holley				

Maynard William H, yardman, h 25 Delevan				

MAYWALT CHARLES L., barber, 21 Genesee, h 22 Walnut				

Maywalt charles W, emp D M O & Co, bds 93 Lansing				

Maywalt Edward F, saloon, 89 Mechanic, h do				

Maywalt Emma C, shoe op, bds 24 Walnut				

Maywalt Frederick, barber, 74 South, res 24 Walnut				

Maywalt John E, mill op, bds 93 Lansing				

Maywalt Joseph, mechanic, h 24 Walnut				

Maywalt Joseph, emp D M O & Co, h 93 Lansing				

Maywalt Joseph H, emp D M O & Co, bds 93 Lansing				

Mc see also MAC				

Mc Alpine Arthur W, bicycle repairer, bds 86 1/2 Owasco				

Mc Alpine John, painter, h 86 1/2 Owasco				

Mc Auley Minnie, domestic, 110 South (ref)				

Mc Auliff Ella B, domestic, 46 South				

Mc Bride George Mc Cutchen, student, Theo Sem, res do				

Mc Bride Helen S, dressmaker, h 18 Van Anden				

Mc Cabe Alexander J, student, St Bernard's Sem, res 207 State				

Mc Cabe Alice T, student, bds 207 State				

Mc Cabe Anna L, shoe op, bds 60 Hamilton ave				

Mc Cabe Bernard, engineer, Ehrman Brew Co, h 106 Van Anden				

MC CABE BRO'S, (R. J. and J. S.), furniture, carpets, stoves, &c, 8 and 10 Genesee				

Mc Cabe Catherine A, shoe op, bds 207 State				

Mc Cabe Edward, iron roller, bds 20 Division N				

Mc Cabe Francis J, shoe op, bds 60 Hamilton ave				

MC CABE JAMES A., maltster, also Supervisor 8th Ward, h 25 Barber				

MC CABE JAMES S., (Mc Cabe Bros) also gen'l sup't Aub Electric Light and Steam Heating Co, office				
	and station 24 North, h 25 Logan			

MC CABE JAMES T., floor walker, 91 Genesee, bds 207 State				

Mc Cabe Jane F, widow Felix, h 54 Holley				

Mc Cabe Jennie G, button op, bds 60 Hamilton ave				

Mc Cabe Louise, weaver, bds 20 Division N				

Mc Cabe Margaret E, res 207 State				

Mc Cabe Mary J, button op, bds 60 Hamilton ave				

Mc Cabe Michael, moulder, h 207 State				

Mc Cabe Michael J, steam fitter, E L Co, h 28 Steel				

Mc Cabe Patrick J, mason, h 60 Hamilton ave				

Mc Cabe Paul J, mechanic, res 106 Van Anden				

MC CABE RICHARD J., (Mc Cabe Bros), h 84 North				

Mc Cabe Mrs Rosanna, h 110 Mechanic				

Mc Cabe Rose E, bds 207 State				

Mc Cabe Thomas, laborer, bds 20 Division N				

Mc Cabe William B, shoe op, h 52 Mattie				

Mc Cabe William F, prison guard, bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North				

Mc Cabe William H, shoe laster, bds 207 State				

Mc Carrigan Patrick, mason, bds 34 E Genesee				

MC CARTHY, see also MC CARTY				

Mc Carthy Alice G, mill op, bds 54 Owasco				

Mc Carthy Andrew, shoe maker, h 112 Division S				

Mc Carthy Andrew E, steam fitter, h over 106 Genesee				

MC CARTHY BILLIE, prop'r Osborne House Cafe, 77 state, bds do				
	The choicest brands of Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cordials--Competent assistants and service			

Mc Carthy Bridget, widow Dennis, res r 3 Burt ave				

Mc Carthy Bridget, widow Michael, domestic, 13 Greene				

Mc Carthy Bros, mason's supplies, etc, r 39 Water				

Mc Carthy Catherine B, button op, bds 54 Owasco				

MC CARTHY CHARLES A., treas'r Dunn & Mc Carthy Co, (shoe manufacturers), h 113 North				

Mc Carthy Charles B, student, A H S, res 4 Lincoln				

Mc Carthy Charles X, bds 36 Lewis				

Mc Carthy Daniel, laborer, h 59 Cornell				

Mc Carthy Daniel, mill op, bds 158 Mechanic				

MC CARTHY DENNIS, (successor to Quinn & Mc Carthy,)  sample rooms and reception parlors,	
	20 State, h 4 Lincoln   (See card)			

Mc Carthy Eugene J, mill op, bds 57 Frances				

Mc Carthy Dennis, laborer, bds 75 Nelson				

Mc Carthy Dennis F, meat cutter, 5 1/2 Clark, h over 162 do				

Mc Carthy Dennis J, emp D M O & Co, h 6 Walnut				

Mc Carthy Dennis J, shoe op, bds 59 Cornell				

Mc Carthy Dennis J, wood worker, bds 57 Cornell				

Mc Carthy Dennis J, Jr, emp D M O & Co, bds 6 Walnut				

Mc Carthy Edward D, student, A H S, res 4 Lincoln				

Mc Carthy Elizabeth, mill op, bds 55 Cornell				

Mc Carthy Elizabeth, widow James, h 54 Owasco				

Mc Carthy Elizabeth, widow John, bds 6 Mill				

Mc Carthy Ellen, widow Michael, h 16 Van Anden				

Mc Carthy Eugene E, shoe foreman, h 11 Liberty				

Mc Carthy Eugene R, student, Harvard Coll, res 45 Grover				

Mc Carthy Felix, emp N Y C R R, h 36 Lewis				

Mc Carthy Florance (sic), laborer, h 57 Cornell				

Mc Carthy George E, shoe dealer, 111 Genesee, h 45 Grover				

Mc Carthy George M, shoe op, h 22 Park ave				

Mc Carthy Hannah, widow Dennis, h 42 Morris				

Mc Carthy Helen, bds 160 Clark				

Mc Carthy Helen G, mill op, bds 57 Frances				

Mc Carthy Isaac A, shoe foreman, 45 washington, h 17 do				

Mc Carthy Isabella C, widow Eugene F, h 190 Genesee				

Mc Carthy James F, plumber, bds 57 Frances				

Mc Carthy James H, machinist, h 77 Division N				

Mc Carthy Jeremiah, emp D M O & Co, bds 44 Walnut				

Mc Carthy Jeremiah, mason, h 81 Cottage				

Mc Carthy Jeremiah, moulder, h over 73 Perrine				

Mc Carthy Jeremiah A, (Mc Carthy Bros,) bds 42 Morris				

Mc Carthy Jeremiah J, emp D M O & Co, bds 36 Lewis				

Mc Carthy John, laborer, h 57 Frances				

Mc Carthy John A, city policeman, h 19 Paul				

Mc Carthy John C, mechanic, bds 34 Bradford				

Mc Carthy John E, steam fitter, h 3 Cottage Pl				

Mc Carthy John F, emp D M O & Co, bds 19 Paul				

Mc Carthy John J, (Mc Carthy Bros,) h 42 Morris				

Mc Carthy John J, shoemaker, bds 44 Walnut				

Mc Carthy Kate, widow Michael, h 266 Genesee				

Mc Carthy Kittie, seamstress, bds 81 Cottage				

Mc Carthy Kittie J, mill op, bds 57 Cornell				

Mc Carthy Lawrence, twine op, h 31 Park ave				

Mc Carthy Lillian E, res 113 North				

Mc Carthy Lizzie, widow Daniel, bds 25 Chestnut				

Mc Carthy Lizzie B, shoe op, bds 112 Division S				

MC CARTHY MRS. LOUISE E.,ladies' and children's hair dressing parlors and dealer in
	toilet articles of standard reputation, 74 Genesee (basement), h 11 Liberty   (See adv, next page)			

Mc Carthy Margaret, button op, bds 57 Cornell				

Mc Carthy Margaret, tailoress, bds 81 Cottage				

Mc Carthy Margaret, widow Dennis, h 82 Cottage				

Mc Carthy Margaret E, mill op, bds 160 Clark				

Mc Carthy Margaret T, shoe op, bds 36 Lewis				

Mc Carthy Martin, emp D M O & Co, h 38 Perrine				

Mc Carthy Martin, Jr, mill op, h 36 Perrine				

Mc Carthy Mary, maid, Hotel Brunswick, 55 Market				

Mc Carthy Mary, mill op, bds 155 Mechanic				

Mc Carthy Mary, shoe op, bds 81 Cottage				

Mc Carthy Mary, widow Daniel, h 3 Howard				

Mc Carthy Mary A, shoe op, bds 112 Division S				

Mc Carthy Mary A, bds 19 Paul				

Mc Carthy Mary E, twine op, bds 59 Cornell				

Mc Carthy Mary F, milliner, bds 3 Howard				

Mc Carthy Mary F, mill op, bds 54 Owasco				

Mc Carthy Mrs Mattie, forelady, 41 Washington, res 22 Park ave				

Mc Carthy Michael, emp D M O & Co, bds 62 Lewis				

Mc Carthy Michael A, machinist, bds 158 Mechanic				

Mc Carthy Michael J, carpenter, h 160 Clark				

Mc Carthy Mrs Nellie, domestic, 91 E Genesee				

Mc Carthy Oscar F, jeweler, bds 172 Van Anden				

Mc carthy Patrick, twine op, h 1 Parsons lane				

Mc carthy Patrick F, dyer, h 38 Cottage				

Mc Carthy Peter, laborer, h 13 Baker ave				

Mc Carthy Robert, tel op, bds 3 Howard				

Mc Carthy Rose A, widow Daniel, laundress, bds 104 Clark				

Mc Carthy Theda E, clerk, 45 washington, bds 17 do				

Mc Carthy Timothy, insurance, h 19 Cottage				

Mc Carthy Timothy, moulder, h 41 Grant				

Mc Carthy William, moulder, bds 16 Van Anden				

Mc Carthy William, U S A, res 13 Greene				

Mc Carthy William A, student, C G S, bds 113 North				

Mc Carthy William H, barkeeper, 22 North, bds 19 Paul				

Mc Carthy William P, U S A, res r 3 Burt ave				

Mc Cartin Abbie, weaver, h 6 Lizette				

Mc Cartin Catharine, bds 3 Westlake ave				

Mc Cartin James B, shoe op, bds 6 Lizette				

Mc Cartin John, emp D M O & Co, bds 10 Miller				

Mc Cartin Mary, button op, bds 41 Division S				

Mc Cartin Mary, widow Michael, res 3 Westlake ave				

Mc Cartin Michael R, machinist, h 13 Bradford				

MC CARTY, see also MC CARTHY				

MC CARTY CHARLES P., foreman, The New Birdsall Co, also Alderman 9th Ward, h 254 Genesee				

Mc Carty Clara M, student, res 254 Genesee				

Mc Carty John C, student, res 254 Genesee				

Mc Carty M Elsie, pension clerk, res 161 E Genesee				

Mc Carty Nora, attendant, Woman's Prison, 50 Wall				

MC CARTY ORIN, pension attorney, 103-104 Metcalf B'd'g, 141 Genesee, h 161 E do   Notary Public with Seal				

Mc Carty Paul A, student, A H S, bds 254 Genesee				

Mc Carty Thomas, mechanic, bds 176 State				

Mc Carty Veronica M, trained nurse, res 254 Genesee				

Mc Carty Frank J, train dispatcher, L V R R, h 26 Washington				

Mc Caull Hannah, widow James, h r 61 E Genesee				

Mc Caull James, shoe cutter, h 29 Orchard				

MC CLARNON EDMUND A., Sample Rooms, 25 North, h 19 Seymour
	The best brands of Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, always in stock   			
	Please favor me with a CALL			

Mc Clarren Absolom, laborer, bds 7 Lincoln				

Mc Clelland Charles W, salesman, 93 Genesee, bds 168 Van Anden				

Mc Clelland John J, d'v'y clerk, 9 Clark, bds 168 Van Anden				

Mc Clelland Robert B, agent, h 168 Van Anden				

Mc Clelland Robert B, Jr, salesman, 114 Wall, bds 168 Van Anden				

Mc Clements Margaret, widow William J, res 5 Frances				

Mc Clements Robert G, loom fixer, h 5 Frances				

Mc Clements William J, cloth inspector, h 11 Frances				

Mc Collum Earway, electrician, h 6 Canoga				

Mc Combs Anna, widow William, h 15 Ross place				

Mc Connell Adelaide, acc't, 85 Genesee, res 2 Washington				

Mc Connell, Catherine, domestic, 3 Elizabeth				

Mc Connell Charles H, emp D M O & Co, h 6 Lincoln				

Mc Connell Charles P, salesman, 85 Genesee, bds 2 Washington				

Mc Connell Elizabeth A, widow Frank, h over 5 Church				

Mc Connell James H, machinist, bds over 5 Church				

Mc Connell Louise, student, res 2 washington				

Mc Connell Margaret, salesclerk, 85 Genesee, res 2 Washington				

Mc Connell Rose, widow Frances, h 104 Clark				

Mc connell Sarah, res 68 Perrine				

Mc connell Thomas, dry goods, 85 genesee, h 2 washington				

Mc Cormick Agnes C, salesclerk, 41 Washington, res 58 Nelson				

Mc Cormick Alice C, tailoress, res 58 Nelson				

Mc Cormick Andrew J, truckman, h 116 1/2 Wall				

Mc Cormick Anna, student, A H S, bds 116 1/2 Wall				

Mc Cormick Charles J, shoe cutter, bds 58 Nelson				

Mc Cormick Edward J, teamster, h 56 Holley				

Mc Cormick Edward J, clerk, 9 Genesee, bds 58 Nelson				

Mc Cormick, Georgia, button op, bds 3 Lizette				

Mc Cormick James, carriage ironer, 29 Water, h 58 Nelson				

Mc Cormick John, piano polisher, h 3 Lizette				

Mc Cormick Joseph S, machinist, bds 116 1/2 Wall				

Mc Cormick Josephine, bds 3 Lizette				

Mc Cormick Margaret C, shoe op, bds 58 Nelson				

Mc Cormick Mrs Mary, cook, Hotel Brunswick, 55 Market				

Mc Cormick Mary I, bds 116 1/2 Wall				

Mc Cormick Patrick H, mechanic, bds 116 1/2 Wall				

Mc Court Sandy, laborer, h 1 Allen				

Mc Crea Alice H, res 7 Cross				

Mc Crea Charles F, h 7 Cross				

Mc Crea Mrs Franc O, h 46 Augustus				

Mc Crea Frank M, emp D M O & Co, bds 46 Augustus				

Mc Crea Frederick W, emp D M O & Co, bds 46 Augustus				

Mc Crea Kate, h over 12 State				

Mc Crea Leslie E, baker, h 74 washington				

Mc Crea Lulu P, res 7 Cross				

MC CREA THOMAS A., Wholesale and Retail Baker and Confectioner, 12 State, 
	h over do   The Celebrated New england Bread is our product   (See page 8)			

Mc Cuaig Christie, housekeeper, 159 E Genesee				

Mc Cullough Blanche, waitress, Quinn's Hotel, 3 North				

Mc Dermott Adelaide L, stenog'r, room 301 over 141 Genesee, res 8 Mary				

Mc Dermott Agnes T, salesclerk, 93 Genesee, res 8 Mary				

Mc Dermott Anna I, salesclerk, 93 Genesee, res 8 Mary				

Mc Dermott Frances M, attendant, 62 South				

Mc Dermott Isabelle A, res 8 Mary				

Mc Dermott James, coachman, h 32 Garden				

Mc Dermott Katie A, domestic, 139 North				

Mc Dermott Martha R, salesclerk, 93 Genesee, res 8 Mary				

Mc Dermott Mary, widow Thomas, housekeeper, 63 Van Anden				

Mc Dermott Michael, coachman, Bell's Livery, bds 41 Garden				

Mc Dermott Thomas, h 8 Mary				

Mc Donald Albert, night clerk, W U Tel Co, bds 173 Franklin				

Mc Donald Anna, widow Edward A, h 156 Cottage				

Mc Donald Catherine, domestic, 149 Genesee				

Mc Donald Frederick, attendant, Quinn's Hotel, 3 North				

Mc Donald James, painter, h 90 Lewis				

Mc Donald James B, janitor, Metcalf B'd'g, 141 Genesee, res do				

Mc Donald John, expressman, bds 9 Union				

Mc Donald Joseph F, city express, h 109 Van Anden				

Mc Donald Kittie G, button op, bds 39 Bradford				

Mc Donald Libbie, domestic, 3 Linden Place				

Mc Donald Maggie, maid, 185 Genesee				

Mc Donald Mary, widow Daniel, res 14 Jefferson				

Mc Donald Mary, widow Garrett, h 39 Bradford				

Mc Donald Mary R, button op, bds 39 Bradford				

Mc Donald Michael, laborer, bds 9 1/2 Union				

Mc Donald Michael, laborer, bds 9 1/2 State				

Mc Donald Michael T, button op, bds 39 Bradford				

Mc Donald Terrence J, shoe op, bds 156 Cottage				

Mc Donald Thomas J, shoe op, bds 156 Cottage				

Mc Donald William C, shoe op, bds 156 Cottage				

Mc Donough Andrew P, marble cutter, h 147 Seymour				

Mc Donough Catherine M, shoe op, bds 61 Holley				

Mc Donough Emily C, laundress, res 147 Seymour				

Mc Donough Frank L, mechanic, bds 147 Seymour				

Mc Donough John, button op, h over 96 Mechanic				

Mc Donough John J, button op, bds 61 Holley				

Mc Donough Joseph, waiter, bds 61 Holley				

Mc Donough Joseph M, butler, 137 South, res do				

Mc Donough Joseph S, emp D M O & Co, bds 48 Cottage				

Mc Donough Kittie, shoe op, bds 80 Clark				

Mc Donough Kittie M, res 147 Seymour				

Mc Donough Mary A, dressmaker, bds 147 Seymour				

Mc Donough Mary A, housekeeper, 61 Holley				

Mc Donough Margaret M, button op, bds 61 Holley				

Mc Donough Michael, gardener, h 61 Holley				

Mc Dowell Charles B, plumber, bds 54 Perrine				

Mc Dowell Frank S, emp D M O & Co, h 41 1/2 Mechanic				

Mc Dowell James, boarding house, 41 1/2 Mechanic				

Mc Dowell James A, clerk, bds 54 Perrine				

Mc Dowell John, h over 5 E Genesee				

Mc Dowell Mary, widow Johnson, h 54 Perrine				

Mc Dowell Michael J, bds 41 1/2 Mechanic				

Mc Dowell William J, core maker, bds 54 Perrine				

Mc Entee Charles, teamster, h 33 Wall				

Mc Evoy Christopher, laborer, h over 44 Pulsifer				

Mc Fadden Mrs Ellen H, h over 40 Lewis				

Mc Fadden Gertrude E, seamstress, bds over 40 Lewis				

Mc Fadden John, moulder, h 62 Mary				

Mc Fall Eugene J, laborer, bds 167 Lake ave				

Mc Fall Frederick C, painter, h 165 Lake ave				

MC FARLAND GEORGE W., sup't Metropolitan Life Ins Co of New York, offices 201-204
	Metcalf B'd'g, over 141 Genesee, h 18 Cayuga			

Mc Fee John, blacksmith, h 13 Pleasant				

Mc Gann Elizabeth, widow Charles, res 64 Division N				

Mc Garr Catherine, widow William L, h 64 Cottage				

Mc Garr Catherine A, button op, bds 102 Lewis				

Mc Garr Elizabeth F, housekeeper, 102 Lewis				

Mc Garr Frances, salesclerk, 91 & 93 Genesee, res Melrose n limits				

Mc Garr John J, guard, Woman's Prison, h 102 Lewis				

Mc Garr Mary A, shoe op, bds 102 Lewis				

Mc Garr Michael J, twine op, bds 102 Lewis				

Mc Garry Mary, domestic, 10 Hulbert				

MC GEE, see also MAGEE				

Mc Gee Alice, domestic, 2 Janet				

Mc Gee Celia, shoe op, bds 75 Lewis				

Mc Gee James J, emp D M O & Co, bds 75 Lewis				

Mc Gee John, h 75 Lewis				

Mc Gee John, Jr, emp D M O & Co, bds 75 Lewis				

Mc Gee Mary, res 75 Lewis				

Mc Gee Sarah, bds 75 Lewis				

Mc Gee Thomas F, salesman, (G W R & Son,) bds 75 Lewis				

Mc Gee Terrence, laborer, bds 11 Mc Master				

Mc Geer Altie, student, A H S, bds 66 Fulton				

Mc Geer Clara E, accountant, 24 E Genesee, res 1 Court				

MC GEER JOHN A., Storage Warehouse for Household Goods, 24 E Genesee, h 1 Court	
	Rates are the lowest and conveniences the most desirable of any place in the city--Painstaking 			
	care taken with all goods entrusted to our charge			

MC GEER'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE, Household Goods and Vehicles Stored, Fire Proof Brick Building   				
	Best Accommodations and Low Rates  Office 24 E Genesee   (Steel Rooms if desired)			

MC GEER ROBERT T., horse shoer, 15 Dill, h 134 Owasco
	Particular attention given to the care of horses' feet and interfering, also balancing--LIGHT FINE			
	SHOEING	   N B--None but Expert Workmen Employed		

MC GEER WILLIAM O., horse shoeing, blacksmithing, wagon making and general repairing, also				
	manufacturer World's Fair Wagon Jacks, 21 Wall, h 66 Fulton			

Mc Geevir Daniel, mechanic, bds 40 West				

Mc Geevir Daniel J, clerk, bds 1 1/2 Walnut				

Mc Geevir Edward H, clerk, bds 1 1/2 Walnut 				

Mc Geevir Hugh J, clerk, 11 Genesee, bds 1 1/2 Walnut				

Mc Geevir James Jr, mill op, h 31 Canoga				

Mc Geevir James P, (Mc Geevir & Murray,) h 1 1/2 Walnut				

Mc Geevir John, shoe op, bds 40 West				

Mc Geevir Michael, laborer, h 1 1/2 Walnut				

MC GEEVIR & MURRAY, (J. P. McG., and J. B. M.,) grocers, 11 Genesee				

Mc Geevir Mary, widow James, h 40 West				

Mc Geevir Nellie, shoe op, bds 40 West				

Mc Geevir Terrence F, laborer, bds 6 1/2 Bradford				

Mc Geevir William, shoe op, bds 40 West				

Mc Gill Annie, mill op, bds 3 1/2 Underwood				

Mc Gill Charles F, mill op, bds 3 1/2 Underwood				

Mc Gill James, emp D M O & Co, bds 190 State				

Mc Gill Jeremiah, laborer, h 10 Silver ave				

Mc Gill William J, emp D M O & Co, h 3 1/2 Underwood				

MC GINES see also MC GINNESS				

Mc Gines Alice J, school teacher, bds 1 Wheeler				

Mc Gines James, teamster, h 1 Wheeler				

Mc Gines Margaret J, salesclerk, 93 Genesee, bds 1 Wheeler				

Mc Ginley Felix, machinist, bds 145 Clark				

Mc Ginley James L, shoe op, bds 6 Mac Dougall				

Mc Ginley John J, coachman, 119 South, bds 6 MacDougall				

Mc Ginley Mary E, housekeeper, 6 MacDougall				

Mc Ginley thomas F, bartender, bds 6 MacDougall				


Mc Girr Clara E, saleslady, res 151 Seymour				

Mc Girr Clarence N, tool maker, bds 151 Seymour				

Mc Girr Davina W, salesclerk, "Bell's Bee Hive," res 151 Seymour				

Mc Girr Frank B, machinist, bds 151 Seymour				

Mc Girr Hugh, machinist, h 151 Seymour				

Mc Girr Hugh G, foreman, D M O & Co, bds 				

Mc Govern Alice J, button op, bds 142 Mechanic				

Mc Govern Farrell L, blacksmith, 9 Walnut, h do				

Mc Govern John E, drug clerk, 109 Genesee, res 1 School				

Mc Govern John J, callman hose 2, A F D, bds 9 Walnut				

Mc Govern Margaret M, box maker, bds 9 Walnut				

Mc Govern Peter, Gas fitter, h 142 Mechanic				

Mc Govern Peter J, mechanic, bds 142 Mechanic				

Mc Grail Anna E, housekeeper, over 61 Owasco				

Mc Grail Frank J, coachman, bds over 61 Owasco				

Mc Grail Helen C, mill op, bds over 61 Owasco				

Mc Grail John, moulder, h over 61 Owasco				

Mc Grail James T, laborer, bds over 61 Owasco				

Mc Grail Mary, shoe op, bds over 59 Owasco				

Mc Grail Mathew, shoe op, bds over 59 Owasco				

Mc Grail Patrick, mason tender, h over 59 Owasco				

Mc Grail Peter J, shoe op, bds over 59 Owasco				

Mc Grain Augustin, moulder, bds 27 Barber				

Mc Grain Frances L, shoe op, bds 27 Barber				

Mc Grain Inez J, twine op, bds 214 Seymour				

Mc Grain Lawrence S, bar tender, 113 Orchard, h 214 Seymour				

Mc Grain Mary A, shoe op, bds 27 Barber				

Mc Grain Thomas, moulder, h 27 Barber				

Mc Grain Thomas J, moulder, h 52 Perrine				

MC GRATH see also MC GRAW				

Mc Grath John P, weaver, h 310 State				

Mc Grath Margaret, housekeeper, over 2 Water				

Mc Grath Mary E, tailoress, 87 Genesee, h over 2 Water				

Mc Grath Michael, res 88 Clark				

Mc Grath Philip, moulder, bds over 2 Water				

Mc Grath Thomas, baggageman, L V R R, h 88 Clark				

MC GRAW see also MC GRATH				

Mc Graw Anna V, saleslady, res 189 Seymour				

Mc Graw Bertha B, student, A A S, res 11 Wright ave				

Mc Graw Catherine H, shoe op, bds 189 Seymour				

Mc Graw Edward W, engineer, L V R R, h 11 Wright ave				

Mc Graw Elizabeth, shoe op, bds 189 Seymour				

Mc Graw Francis A, shoe cutter, h 20 Washington				

Mc Graw Franklin F, blacksmith, h over 6 Fulton				

MC GRAW FREDERICK C., barkeeper, 47 Market, res over 49 North				

Mc Graw George E, wood worker, bds 11 Wright ave				

Mc Graw John, emp D M O & Co, h 189 Seymour				

Mc Graw Lena, bds 195 Clark				

Mc Graw Mary J, bds 189 Seymour				

Mc Graw Michael J, ass't sup't Metropolitan Life, h 189 Seymour				

Mc Greevey Henry, spinner, bds 44 Chase				

Mc Greevey John L, mechanic, bds 65 Cornell				

Mc Greevey Mary A, widow Patrick, h 44 Chase				

Mc Greevey Patrick J, stone cutter, h 65 Cornell				

Mc Greevey William, spinner, bds 44 Chase				

Mc Gregan John O, prison guard, h 26 Foote				

Mc Guigan Charles R, coachman, 37 William, h over 28 Clark				

Mc Guigan E Margaret, dressmaker, bds over 28 Clark				

Mc Guinn Agnes A, attendant, 79 South				

Mc Guinn Maggie A, domestic, 108 South				

Mc Guinn Martin J, emp D M O & Co, bds 29 Augustus				

Mc Guire Edward J, flagman, N Y C R R, h 22 Grant				

Mc Guire Elizabeth, attendant, 3 Grover				

MC GUIRE FRANK T., dealer in Liquors and Wines, 13 State, h 74 Fulton	
	A specialty made of Selected Stock for Medicinal and Family use			

MC GUIRE JOHN F., cashier, N Y C & H R R Freight Office, h 24 Chapel				

Mc Guire Lillie M, dressmaker, bds 166 E Genesee				

MC GUIRE LIQUOR CO. (THE), Frank T. Mc Guire, office and salesroom 13 State				

Mc Guire Luke L, meat cutter, bds 166 E Genesee				

Mc Guire Maggie, crockery renovator, Osborne House, 77 State				

Mc Guire Margaret L, widow John, h 166 E Genesee				

Mc Guire Mary, widow Charles, h 74 Fulton				

Mc Hale Mrs Agnes, bds 213 Genesee				

Mc Hale James, emp D M O & Co, h over 8 South				

Mc Hugh James, line foreman, Aub Tel Co, h over 6 Dill				

Mc Intosh Charles H, with Mc Intosh, Seymour & Co, res Cayuga				

Mc Intosh Elizabeth A, dressmaker, h 42 South				

MC INTOSH HON. JOHN E., (Mc Intosh, Seymour & Co.,) h 204 1/2 Genesee				

MC INTOSH SEYMOUR & CO., (John E. Mc Intosh, J. Alward Seymour, Wm. B. Morrison and Wm. L.				
	Ferrey,) Manufacturers Steam Engines, 101 Orchard			

Mc Intyre Andrew, mechanic, bds 72 Nelson				

Mc Intyre Arthur R, blacksmith, h 72 Nelson				

Mc Intyre Celia, attendant, 13 Grover				

Mc Intyre Libbie, widow John, bds 27 Bradford				

Mc Intyre Mrs Mary, attendant, Hotel Brunswick, 55 Market				

Mc Kain Mary E, widow Allan, h 36 Logan				

MC KAY, see also MAC KAY				

Mc Kay Arthur A, ass't pastor, 1st Presbyterian Ch, h 77 Lewis				

Mc Kay Clara A, widow Donald, h 92 Division N				

Mc Kay Edward D, acc't L V R R, h 92 Division N				

Mc Kay George, carpenter, h 118 Washington				

Mc Kay George L, mill op, bds 47 Orchard				

Mc Kay George W, carpenter, h 197 Perrine ave				

Mc Kay Louise, widow Daniel, h 10 Barber				

Mc Kay Luther W, machinist, h 47 Orchard				

Mc Kay Pietro M, shoe op, bds 118 Washington				

Mc Kay Woolsey J, salesman, bds 118 Washington				

Mc Kee David H, insurance, h over 120 E Genesee				

Mc Kee George E, moulder, h 155 Mechanic				

Mc Keen Charles J, coachman, h 16 Canoga ave				

Mc Keen George, d'v'y clerk, 145 Genesee, h over 42 Fitch ave				

Mc Keen Howard, mechanic, bds 100 division S				

Mc Keen John, teamster, h 24 Parker				

Mc Keen Peter, teamster, h 100 Division S				

Mc Kendrick Robert S, emp D M O & Co, h over 12 Frederick				

Mc Kenna Jennie, domestic, 4 Hamilton ave				

Mc Keon Edward, painter, h 157 Mechanic				

Mc Keon Elizabeth B, twine op, bds 10 Button				

Mc Keon Fannie E, attendant, 56 South				

Mc Keon Fannie J, domestic, 188 North				

Mc Keon James, laborer, h 10 button				

Mc Keon James, laborer, bds 46 Owasco				

Mc Keon James T, emp D M O & Co, bds 10 Button				

MC KEON JOHN F., Sup't and General Agent The Prudential Insurance Co of America,	
	offices 7, 8 and 9 First Nat'l Bank B'd'g, over 120 Genesee, h 6 Ross Place			

Mc Keon J J, callman, Hose 2, A F D, 57 Owasco				

Mc Keon John H, teamster, bds 18 Seymour				

Mc Keon Kittie, silk op, bds 1 Lizette				

Mc Keon Lizzie, housekeeper, 18 Seymour				

Mc Keon Lizzie B, domestic, 41 1/2 Fulton				

Mc Keon Mary, widow John, h 18 Seymour				

Mc Keon Mary A, domestic, 14 Chestnut				

Mc Keon M B, res 53 State				

Mc Keon Michael W, bicycle op, bds 10 button				

Mc Kersie Lydia S, bds 5 Gaylord				

Mc Kissick Bessie, dressmaker, bds 41 Seward ave				

Mc Kissick James S, mechanic, h 41 Seward ave				

Mc Kone James, laborer, bds 31 Catlin				

Mc Kone James J, iron roller, h 31 Catlin				

Mc Laughlin Bridget, bds 21 Chestnut				

Mc Laughlin Coletta I, twine op, bds 174 Seymour				

Mc Laughlin Daniel, shoemaker, 22 Market, h do				

Mc Laughlin Ellen, weaver, h 15 West				

Mc Laughlin Frances G, shoe op, bds 21 Chestnut				

Mc Laughlin Frank, driver, Am Ex Co, h 68 Van Anden				

Mc Laughlin James C, emp D M O & Co, h 174 Seymour				

Mc Laughlin James H, emp D M O & Co, bds 174 Seymour				

Mc Laughlin John, blacksmith, h 36 Frazee				

Mc Laughlin John J, twine op, bds 174 Seymour				

Mc Laughlin Joseph H, laborer, bds 38 West				

Mc Laughlin Lizzie A, mill op, bds 26 Chestnut				

Mc Laughlin Mary A, shoe op, bds 21 Chestnut				

Mc Laughlin Mary F, weaver, bds 15 West				

Mc Laughlin Michael, emp D M O & Co, h 26 Chestnut				

Mc Laughlin Michael, h 21 Chestnut				

Mc Laughlin Michael J, emp D M O & Co, bds 21 Chestnut				

Mc Laughlin Nellie, dressmaker, bds 26 Chestnut				

Mc Laughlin Patrick, lawyer, over 95 Genesee, h 86 Owasco				

Mc Laughlin Patrick, mechanic, h 9 Dill				

Mc Laughlin Patrick, moulder, bds 8 Perrine				

Mc Laughlin Rose I, coll dep't, D M O & Co, bds 25 chestnut				

Mc Laughlin Sarah, attendant, 107 South				

Mc Laughlin Thomas F, emp D M O & Co, bds 21 Chestnut				

Mc Laughlin Timothy, laborer, h 38 West				

Mc Lean Alton, mechanic, bds over 1 Division S				

Mc Lean Claude, mechanic, bds over 1 Division S				

Mc Lean Edwin H, teamster, h over 16 1/2 Genesee				

Mc Lean Henry W, boilermaker, bds 27 Garrow				

Mc Lean John, mechanic, h 27 Garrow				

Mc Lean John C, laborer, h 17 Augustus				

Mc Lean Joseph, emp D M O & Co, h 89 Owasco				

Mc Lean Loren, mechanic, bds over 1 division S				

Mc Lean Michael, twine, op, h 21 Augustus				

Mc Lean Peter, teamster, h 19 Augustus				

Mc Lean Milton C, mechanic, h over 1 Division S				

Mc Learie John, student, Theo Sem, bds 52 Lewis				

Mc Loy Frederick, moulder, bds 62 Grant ave				

Mc Mahon Frank, fireman, E L & S H Co, h over 20 Park ave				

Mc Mahon John, expressman, bds 40 Clark				

Mc Mahon John, laborer, h 7 1/2 Grove ave				

Mc Mahon John, machinist, h 7 Church				

Mc Mahon John C, laborer, bds over 13 Wall				

Mc Mahon Mary, h 4 Janet				

Mc Mahon Rose, h 4 Janet				

Mc Manus Barney, saloon, 113 State, bds 39 Lansing				

Mc Manus Bernard, emp d M O & Co, h 39 Lansing				

Mc Manus Charles N, student, Theo Sem, res do				

Mc Manus Charles V, barkeeper, 18 E Genesee, res 25 Franklin				

Mc Manus Henry P, laborer, bds 39 Lansing				

Mc Manus James E, emp D M O & Co, bds 22 Seymour				

Mc Manus John J, clerk, 79 Genesee, bds 22 Seymour				

Mc Manus Mary S, emp D M O & Co, bds 22 Seymour				

Mc Manus Thomas P, shoe op, bds 22 Seymour				

Mc Hanus (sic) William N, mechanic, h 65 Pulsifer				

MC MASTER, see also MAC MASTER				

Mc Master Frank C, student, Theo Sem, res 21 Capitol				

Mc Millan Celia, attendant, 9 Fort				

Mc Millan Mabel E, res over 13 North				

Mc Millan Metta, widow Daniel, h over 13 North				

Mc Mullen Catherine J, widow John, bds 63 1/2 Owasco				

Mc Mullen Fred, tinsmith, h 85 Owasco				

Mc Mullen George H, tinsmith, h 85 Owasco				

Mc Nally Anna, widow Patrick, h 46 Cottage				

Mc Nally Ellen, domestic, 93 E Genesee				

Mc Nally James, emp Birdsall Co, h 62 Fitch ave				

Mc Nally James F, teamster, h 70 Fitch ave				

Mc Nally Jennie A, attendant, res 45 Wall				

Mc Nally Joseph J, bartender, 3 North, bds 62 Fitch ave				

Mc Nally Margaret, widow Bartholomew, h 45 Wall				

Mc Nally Margaret H, bds 62 Fitch ave				

Mc Namara Catherine M, widow Timothy, h r 15 Wall				

Mc Namara Hugh, emp D M O & Co, h 28 Garrow				

Mc Namara John J, shoe op, h r 15 Wall				

Mc Namara Mara B, accountant, 4 Water, bds 15 Wall				

Mc Namara Susan X, dressmaker, bds 15 Wall				

Mc Naney Bridget, widow William, h over 90 Washington				

Mc Naney Mary E, weaver, bds over 90 Washington				

Mc Naney William H, saloon, 4 Dill, h 15 Coon				

Mc Nary John, bartender, h over 170 State				

Mc Neil H Cornelia, widow Archibald, h 60 Clark				

Mc Neil Lila, bds over 16 Fulton				

Mc Nierney Bridget, domestic, bds 158 1/2 Clark				

Mc Nierney Kittie, mill op, bds 158 1/2 Clark				

Mc Nierney Mrs Margaret, h 158 1/2 Clark				

Mc Nish Edward, emp D M O & Co, bds 42 E Genesee				

Mc Nulty Isabella, bds 34 Holley				

Mc Manus James E, button op, bds 22 Seymour				

Mc Queeney Anna, widow John, bds 47 Frances				

Mc Queeney James A, moulder, bds 37 Catlin				

Mc Queeney John, moulder, h 47 Frances				

Mc Queeney Mathew L, emp D M O & Co, bds 37 Catlin				

Mc Queeney Patrick, laborer, h 37 Catlin				

Mc Queeney Patrick, moulder, h 33 Frances				

Mc Queeney Patrick F, emp D M O & Co, bds 37 Catlin				

Mc Queeney William, bolt maker, h 45 Frances				

Mc Queeney William A, shoe laster, bds 37 Catlin								

Mc Sweeney Maggie, waitress, 202 Genesee								

Mead Benjamin C, law student, res 135 State								

Mead Mrs Cora, domestic, 52 South								

Mead Edward L, tillerman, H & L No 1, A F D, also dep't electrician, h 161 Genesee								

Mead Emilie L, stenographer, D M O & Co, res 15 Cayuga								

Mead George E, clerk, 178 State, bds 37 Grover								

Mead George W, millwright, h 92 Fulton								

Mead Harry W, student, Williams Coll, res 135 State								

MEAD J. WARREN, agent and Warden Auburn State Prison, official office and res 135 State								

Mead Lewis C, com trav, h 110 North								

Mead Louise A, widow Lewis, h 15 Cayuga								

Mead Mrs Mary L, dressmaker, 161 Genesee, h do								

Mead Norman G, electrician, bds 2 James								

MEAGHER see MAHAR, also MARR								

MEAKER see also MEEKER								

Meaker Bessie, res 14 Nelson								

MEAKER CHARLES G., Dealer in Choice Family Groceries, and Country Produce,				
	also Pure and Wholesome Teas, Coffees and Spices, 64 and 66 Genesee, h 26 1/2 Franklin							
	A daily arrival of new and fresh goods.	High Grade Flour a Specialty.			Branch stores
	33 Grant ave, 50 Lansing, 199 Seymour and 178 State							

Meaker Ellis, merchant, h 96 Seymour								

Meaker Henry W, salesman, 64 Genesee, h 141 E do								

Meaker Jessie May, stenographer, over 81 Genesee, res 96 Seymour								

Meaker Lucius P, dentist, office over 144 Genesee, res 14 Nelson								

Meaker Neva, res 14 Nelson								

MEAKER RAY P., (Wm. H. Meaker & Son,) also clerk Cay Co Sav Bank, h 34 Seminary								

Meaker Stanleigh R, dentist, bds 14 Nelson								

MEAKER WILLIAM H., (Wm. H. Meaker & Son) also Sec'y and Treas Cay Co Sav Bank, 115					
Genesee cor State, h 14 Nelson   (See page 7)							

MEAKER WILLIAM H. & SON., (Ray P. Meaker), Fire, Plate Glass and Accidental Insurance,				
	office, (basement,) Cay Co Sav Bank B'd'g, 115 Genesee   (See page 7)							

MEAKER WILLIAM R., plumber and steam fitter, also dealer in supplies, 144 Genesee   					
	Contracts made and work guaranteed  Phones Emp 546, Auto 546, also member Ex'g			
	and sup'g Board of Plumbers, h 94 Seymour   (See adv, next page)							

Means Ella M, box maker, bds over 41 Market								

Means George H, emp Emp State Tel Co, h over 41 Market								

Means Lillian M, box maker, bds over 41 Market								

Meckelnburg Augustus M, clerk, coll dept D M O & Co, res 36 Franklin								

Meddaugh Samuel A, student, A H S, bds r 23 Chapel								

Meddaugh Samuel L, prison keeper, h r 23 Chapel								

Medler Frank J, agent Singer m'f'g Co, h 75 Steel								

Mee Agnes F G, cashier, bds 236 Genesee								

Mee Bessie, widow Lawrence, h 8 Underwood								

Mee Catharine F, shoe op, bds 8 Underwood								

MEE JOSEPH F., city passenger agent, L V R R, h 6 Fort								

Mee Joseph P, car inspector, L V R R, h 102 Orchard								

Mee Joseph P, Jr, mechanic, bds 102 Orchard								

Mee Mary A, shoe op, bds 8 Underwood								

Mee Mary T, clerk, D M O & Co, res 236 Genesee								

Mee Peter, baggageman, L V R R, h 236 Genesee								

Meehan Annie, shoe op, bds 63 Perrine								

Meehan Edward, moulder, bds 353 State								

Meehan Henry H, gardener, bds 148 Grant ave								

Meehan Henry H, moulder, h 353 State								

Meehan John, emp D M O & Co, h 14 Lincoln								

Meehan Michael B, foreman, Conway's Bottling works, 49 state, h 223 Seymour								

Meek William L, twine op, h 45 Orchard								

MEEKER, see also MEAKER								

Meeker Mrs Jennie E, h over 90 Washington								

Meiske Emil, teamster, h 117 Division N								

Meiske Martha, nurse, bds 117 Division N								

Mellen Edna S, widow Dwight C, h over 63 Fulton								

Melrose Woolen Co., m'f'rs dress good and woolens, Canoga on Owasco Outlet								

Melvin James D, emp D M O & Co, bds 30 Lincoln								

Mendell Henrietta, widow Harvey D, h over 30 Foote								

Menninger Ferdinand, cooper, h 3 Mundt ave								

MERCHANT'S DISPATCH TRANSP. CO., K. Ward, agent, Wm. T. Shapcott, resident manager, office N Y C								
	fr't House							

Merello Pietro, laborer, bds 12 Clark								

Merrell Anna E, widow M Nelson, h 24 Orchard								

Merrell Ida L, accountant, L V R R, res 24 Orchard								

Merrell Laura H, res 12 Mc Master								

Merrell Nellie M, accountant, L V R R, res 24 Orchard								

Merrell Theodore, pattern maker, h 12 Mc Master								

Merrell William G, pattern maker, h 12 Mc Master								

Merriam Carrie, forelady, 161 State, bds do								

Merriam Elizabeth G, teacher, enq 12 Lewis								

Merrick Guy, mechanic, bds 32 Capitol								

Merrick Margaret, widow James, h 32 Capitol								

Merrick Thomas B, h over 159 State								

Merritt Aletta S, widow Evalyn, h 71 E Genesee								

Merritt Arthur D, salesman, 137 Genesee, h 10 Park ave								

Merritt Charles W, emp D M O & Co, bds over 11 North								

Merritt Edwin H, salesman, 99 Genesee, res over 11 North								

Merritt Emma D, widow Albert, h over 11 North								

Merritt Frederick B, mechanic, bds 10 Park ave								

Merritt Georgiana, weaver, bds 75 Aurelius ave								

Merritt Ida G, shoe op, bds 71 E Genesee								

Merritt Josephine E, seamstress, bds 71 E Genesee								

Merritt Maude E, seamstress, res 10 Park ave								

Merritt Noble, toolmaker, h 29 Canoga								

Merritt Oscar, laborer, bds 104 Prospect								

Merritt Ralph C, twine op, bds 71 E Genesee								

Merry Edith, res 13 Jefferson								

MESKILL, see also MISKELL								

Messenger Eliza S, widow Eugene L, h over 41 Franklin								

Messenger Eva L, nurse, bds over 41 Franklin								

Messenger Frank H, acc't, 305 Genesee, bds 41 Franklin								

Messenger Ray S, law student, over 141 Genesee, bds 41 Franklin								

METCALF BUILDING (THE), James B Mc Donald, janitor, 141 to 145 Genesee								

METCALF EDWIN D., treas D M O & Co, also pres Columbia Cordage Co, h 86 South								

METCALF EDWIN F., ass't treas Columbia cordage Co, res 86 South								

Metcalf Frances, teacher, A H S, bds 70 North								

Metcalf Harold G, student, Cascadilla Sch, res 86 South								

METROPOLE HOTEL (THE),	Jack Boone, prop'r, 341-347 E Genesee st, Syracuse N Y				
	(See page 88)							

METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO., of New York, Geo. W. Mc Farland,		
	sup't, office 201-204 Metcalf B'd'g over 141 Genesee							

Mettlach Alexander, plumber, 129 Mechanic, h 50 Elizabeth								

Mettlach Alexander E, com trav, bds 50 Elizabeth								

Mettlach Charles H, shoe op, h 7 Grove ave								

Mettlach Clara, teacher, James st sch, bds 50 Elizabeth								

Mettlach Hermon E, salesman, bds 50 Elizabeth								

Mettlach Louisa H, bds 50 Elizabeth								

Mettlach William C, plumber, bds 122 Van Anden								

Metzger George, mason, h over 96 Washington								

Metzger George A, blacksmith, 94 Washington, h 96 do								

MEYER, see also MYER								

Meyer Amelia K, milliner, res 234 State								

Meyer Clara E, student, C G S, res 234 State								

Meyer Elizabeth L, stenographer, bds 234 State								

Meyer Emma E, milliner, res 234 State								

Meyer Frank C, h 234 State								

MEYER FREDERICK J., experienced and practical tuner, also repairer of pianos and				
	organs, office at Butler's Music Emporium, 106 Genesee, residence 42 South   Orders left at 							
	either store or house will receive prompt attention   My references are all over the city   The							
	utmost satisfaction guaranteed							

Meyer John (Meyer & Co,) also health com'r, h 233 State								

Meyer Matilda S, dressmaker, res 234 State								

Meyeur Mary, widow Justin, tailoress, h 188 State								

Meyeur Mary J, bds 188 State								

Mickleborough Martha, widow Daniel, bds 24 Underwood								

Miculicky Anthony, emp d M O & Co, h r 34 Perrine								

Miculicky Joseph, emp D M O & Co, bds r 34 Perrine								

Middleton Elmina F, widow William, h 174 Van Anden								

Milanesi Luigi, merchant, bds over 2 Garden								

Milche Abraham, shoe op, bds 3 O'Neil ave								

Miler George, emp "Kiemele's," bds over 92 Clark								

Miler Jeosepi, confectioner, 49 State, h do								

Miles Albert C, salesman, 134 State, h over 11 Garden								

Miles Alexander H, shoe op, bds over 11 Garden								

Miles Catherine, widow Patrick, h 2 Burt ave								

Miles Charles M, machinist, h 101 Fulton								

Miles Charles W, city health commissioner, h 67 Fulton								

Miles Clarissa A, widow Monroe L, bds 85 Wall								

Miles Edward J, student, bds 101 Fulton								

Miles Frank L, stamp op, bds 101 Fulton								

MILES FRED S., general groceries, 33 Gennessee, h 22 Grant ave   New arrivals daily					
	of fresh and choice goods   (See card)							

Miles George D, machinist, h 124 Fulton								

Miles Jessie L, salesclerk, Big Store, res over 11 Garden								

Miles John H, barber, 74 Genesee, h 2 Burt ave								

Miles Thomas, gardener, h 18 Logan								

Miles Walter C, shoe op, bds 124 Fulton								

Miles William J, electrician, bds 101 Fulton								

Milford Frances M, widow Lewis, h over 126 Genesee								

Milk Elizabeth, widow William W, res 11 Burt ave								

Milk Emma E, dressmaker, bds 11 Burt ave								

Milk Ida E, accountant, 12 South, res 38 Capitol								

Milk Mary, widow Jewett, res 94 Washington								

Milk Silas W, emp D M O & Co, h 11 Burt ave								

Millard Alling, student, C G S, bds 32 Chapel								

Millard Arthur D, retired, bds 71 North								

Millard Harriet S, h 71 North								

Millard Mrs S Jennie, real estate, h 32 Chapel								

MILLER, see MILLIER, also MUELLER								

Miller A Howard, clerk, coll dep D M O & Co, bds 21 Sheridan								

Miller albert F, physician and surgeon, res over 140 Genesee								

Miller Alex C, umbrella rep, over 102 Genesee, h 26 Logan								

Miller Alida, res 11 Grover								

Miller Anton, bds 97 Owasco								

Miller Barbara, widow Frank, bds 150 Cottage								

Miller Mrs Caroline, h 69 1/2 Fulton								

Miller C Burton, laborer, h 70 Washington								

Miller Charles, pattern maker, 40 Water, h 136 Seymour								

Miller Charlotte L, widow Charles, res 146 Van Anden								

Miller Conrad, emp D M O & Co, bds 36 Augustus								

Miller Cornelia, domestic, 32 Court								

Miller Edward A, tailor, 57 1/2 Market, h 12 Florence								

Miller Rev Edward W, prof, theo Sem, bds 80 North								

Miller Mrs Edith M, res 167 State								

Miller Ernest Le Roy, salesman, 77 Genesee, h 198 1/2 Seymour								

Miller Frances, widow George P, confectionery and notions, 102 Mechanic, h do								

Miller Frances E, widow Frank P, h 21 Sheridan								

Miller Frank, hostler, 43 Market, bds 24 North								

Miller Frank, shoe op, bds 102 Mechanic								

Miller Fred, emp D M O & Co, bds 39 Cottage								

Miller Fred A, machinist, h 10 Frazee								

Miller George, baker, h over 92 Clark								

Miller George, salesman, 102 Mechanic, bds do								

Miller Grace R, nurse, 63 South								

Miller Hattie, res 146 Seymour								

Miller Harry C, salesman, 87 Genesee, bds 21 Sheridan								

Miller Howard, emp D M O & Co, bds 21 Sheridan								

Miller John, machinist, bds 33 Washington								

Miller John W, tinsmith, h 31 Bradford								

Miller Joseph, machinist, h 229 1/2 State								

Miller Joseph, fruits, &c, 98 State, h do								

Miller Joseph W, student, Theo Sem, res do								

Miller Martin, brewer, bds 4 Pulsifer								

Miller Mrs Mary E, housekeeper, 39 Mechanic								

Miller Mattie J, res over 6 William								

Miller Orville, carpenter, h 28 Havens ave								

Miller Oscar, grocer, 173 State, h over do								

Miller Ralph, emp D M O & Co, bds 21 Sheridan								

Miller Stephen, expressman, h 8 Adams								

Miller Thomas A, lineman, bds 41 Garden								

Miller William, brakeman, L V R R, bds over 251 Genesee								

Miller William H, machinist, h 16 Jefferson								


Millier Frederick W, 								

Milligan Edward A, student, St John's Military sch, res 3 Grover								

Milligan Elizabeth M, res 3 Grover								

Milligan Jennie C, student, Grover st sch, res 3 Grover								

Milligan Mabel C, res 3 Grover								

Milligan Mrs Martha, res 3 Grover								

Milliman Charles, iron worker, bds 172 Clark								

Milliman Frank W, engineer, h 49 Park ave								

Mills Burdette B, emp D M O & Co, bds over 13 John								

Mills Charles, dyer, h 20 Case ave								

Mills Charles, twine op, h 101 Wall								

Mills Della, housekeeper, 19 Chapel								

Mills Edward, twine op, bds 50 Mechanic								

Mills Mrs Elizabeth E, h over 13 John								

Mills Fred H, N Y S Prison sales agt, res New York City								

Mills George H, real estate, h 56 E Genesee								

Mills George W, salesman, 75 Genesee, h 72 Hamilton ave								

Mills Henry C, shipper, Ind Dep't Aub Prison								

Mills Jesse A, plumber, bds over 13 John								

Mills Minnie A, mill op, bds 12 Mary								

Mills Raymond, drug clerk, 117 Genesee, res State n limits								

Milton William G, h 40 Fulton								

Miner James E, engineer, bds 54 Grant ave								

Miner Maude I, teacher, C G S, bds 23 Lansing								

Minns Georgietta, widow Thomas M, res 7 Washington								

Minturn Frank P, emp D M O & Co, bds over 17 Florence								

MISKELL, see also MESKILL								

Miskell Charles, shoe op, bds 28 Baker ave								

Miskell Delia J, dressmaker, bds 213 Seymour								

Miskell Edward V, shoe op, bds 213 Seymour								

Miskell Elizabeth A, shoe op, bds 213 Seymour								

Miskell John, laborer, h 28 Baker ave								

Miskell John, Jr, blacksmith, h 66 Orchard								

Miskell John , shoe op, bds 213 Seymour								

Miskell Kittie T, spinner, res 213 Seymour								

Miskell Mary F, shoe op, bds 28 Baker ave								

Miskell Michael F, shoe op, bds 213 Seymour								

Miskell Michael H, gardener, h 213 Seymour								

Miskell Nellie, housekeeper, 28 Baker ave								

Miskell William J, salesman, bds 213 Seymour								

MISSILLIER M. C., Carpenter, Contractor and Builder, office and res 58 Grant ave   Would be pleased								
	to submit estimates on any kind of Carpenter work and a guarantee of satisfaction and							
	faithful execution							

MISSION HOUSE (CITY), 106 State								

Misterka Piota, laborer, h 23 Division S								

Mitchell Albert F, emp D M O & Co, h 6 Grant ave								

Mitchell Alfred E, barber, 31 E Genesee, h 16 Grove ave								

Mitchell Clara E, attendant, 14 William								

Mitchell Clyde L, barber, 38 E Genesee, bds 6 Grant ave								

Mitchell Ella, laundress, 99 South								

Mitchell Flora M, res 46 Orchard								

Mitchell John, mill op, bds 10 Throop ave								

Mitchell Joseph, barber, bds 166 Clark								

Mitchell Robert C, student, Theo Sem, res do								

Mitchell William J, student, Theo Sem, res do								

Mitchell William P, shoe op, bds 6 Grant ave								

Mittwood Edith M, waitress, bds over 55 North								

Mittwood Minnie, widow richard, laundress, h over 55 North								

Mizener Luther D, plumber, enq 77 Lewis								

Mnch (sic) Vincent, moulder, h 60 Perrine								

MOBBS FRANK E., clerk, Hotel Brunswick, h 27 Academy								

Mobbs Mabel D, stamp maker, bds 27 Academy								

Mobbs Mary, widow Henry, h 27 Academy								

Mobbs William H, shoemaker, rooms 6 Chapel								

MODEL CLOTHING CO, (THE), Charles W. Wlof, Manager, Manufacturers and			
	Retailers of Men's and Boy's Clothing, also dealers in Hats, Caps and Gent's Furnishing Goods,							
	110 Genesee, Factory and Wholesale House 132 and 134 N St Paul St, Rochester, N Y							
	(See adv, end of book)							

Moffett Felix, salesman, bds 148 Cottage								

Moffett Margaret M, shoe op, bds 34 Frazee								

Moffet Mary, widow felix, h 148 Cottage								

Moffett William G, machinist, h 249 Seymour								

MOHAN, see also MAHON								

Mohan Frank, painter, bds 10 1/2 Burt ave								

Mohan Michael, moulder, h 22 Mattie								

Mohan Patrick J, wood worker, h 8 Howard								

Mohan Philip J, emp D M O & Co, bds 10 1/2 Burt ave								

Mohan Thomas, laborer, h 10 1/2 Burt ave								

Mohan Thomas J, electrician, h 11 Silver ave								

MOHR, see also MOORE								

Mohr Frank J, emp D M O & Co, h 5 Chapel ave								

Mohr Margaret C, widow Henry, res 26 Baker ave								

Mohr William, meat cutter, 12 South, h 26 Baker ave								

Moll Ed, motorman, A C R'y, bds r 25 Court								

Mollard John T, groceries, flour and feed, also baled hay and straw, 84 Genesee, res Skaneateles								

MOLONEY, see also MALONEY								

Moloney Hanorah, widow Patrick, h 11 Catlin								

Moloney James, boiler maker, bds 15 Catlin								

Moloney & Mahaney, (M T Moloney and M E Mahaney,) milliners, 140 Genesee								

Moloney Margaret F, (Moloney & Mahaney,) res 15 Catlin								

Molyneaux Patrick J, salesman, 14 state, res 3 Court								

Monoghan Catherine A, dressmaker, bds 62 3/4 Mechanic								

Monoghan John J, salesman, bds 47 Cottage								

Monaghan Kate M, waitress, 64 South								

Monaghan Lawrence, mechanic, h 32 Madison ave								

Monaghan Mary, widow Patrick, h 47 Cottage								

Monaghan Michael, gardener, h 62 3/4 Mechanic								

Monaghan Patrick G, emp "Kiemele's," bds 4 John								

Monaghan Sarah, dressmaker, bds 47 Cottage								

Monaghan Thomas K, general blacksmithing and wagon making, 2 Seminary ave, h 73 Nelson								

Monette Albert, emp D M O & Co, bds 22 1/2 Division N								

Monette Louis, mill op, h 22 1/2 Division N								

MONROE, see MANRO, also MUNROE and MANROW								

Monroe Carl, emp D M O & Co, bds 24 North								

Monroe Eva M, widow George F, h over 28 Seymour								

Monroe Frederick G, carpenter, h 104 Owasco								

Monroe George R, emp D M O & Co, rooms 6 Market, 2d fl								

MONROE JOHN W., (Weeks & Monroe,) h 79 Wall								

Monroe Norman E, teamster, h r 88 Wall								

Montague Mary, attendant, 22 South								

Montgomery Abbie, widow Henry, h 20 Elm								

Montgomery Alice M, teacher Evans St Sch, bds 106 E Genesee								

Montgomery Alton W, shoe op, h over 118 Wall								

Montgomery Calvin S, laborer, h 248 North								

Montgomery Edward M, laborer, h over 21 Seward ave								

Montgomery Emma A, spinner, bds 248 North								

Montgomery Frederick G, moulder, h 181 Van Anden								

Montgomery Grace A, res 25 Frazee								

MONTGOMERY GUY R., physician and surgeon, The Pines, 137 South, res do								

Montgomery Herbert H, foreman, Col Cord Co, h 6 Pulsifer								

Montgomery James A, scythe plater, h 31 Wadsworth								

Montgomery Lewis P, carpenter, h 25 Frazee								

Montgomery Lillian E, res 181 Van Anden								

Montgomery Lora T, widow William S, h 106 E Genesee								

Montgomery Louise T, res 106 E Genesee								

Montgomery Stanley A, motorman, A C Ry, bds 248 North								

Montgomery Walter G, core maker, h 18 Grant								

Moochler Edgar J, painter, bds 48 Capitol								

Moochler Lois J, shoe op, bds 48 Capitol								

Moochler Mathew L, com trav, h 48 Capitol								

Moochler Orlando A, machinist, enq 8 Mann								

Moon Anna I, student, A H S, bds 72 Clark								

Moon Frank J, com trav, h 25 Seward ave								

Moon Joseph G, demurrage clerk, L V R R, bds 72 Clark								

Moon Lilieth M, bds 25 Seward ave								

Moon Louisa, widow Sylvanus, h 151 Van Anden								

Moon Thomas A, call ladderman, H & L, A F D, also signal op, L V R R, h 72 Clark								

Moon Walter R, pattern maker, bds 72 Clark								

MOON WILLIAM H., foreman, D M O & Co, also alderman 3d Ward, h 72 Clark								

Mooney Andrew, retired, h 161 Van Anden								

Mooney Andrew A, printer, bds 161 Van Anden								

Mooney Eugene V, mechanic, bds 161 Van Anden								

Mooney George, baker, "Kiemele's," bds 41 Garden								

Mooney James F, mechanic, bds 161 Van Anden								

Mooney Lawrence E, tinsmith, bds 28 Dill								

Mooney Mary F, bds 161 Van Anden								

Mooney Mary J, shoe op, bds 116 Clark								

Mooney Michael E, mechanic, bds 161 Van Anden								

Mooney Michael J, moulder, bds 161 Van Anden								

MOORE, see also MOHR								

Moore Adelbert C, meat cutter, h over 17 Genesee								

Moore Anna A, weaver, bds 29 Frazee								

Moore Burton W, bookkeeper, 22 Clark, res 7 Garden								

Moore Carrie M, res 51 Clark								

Moore Charles W, barkeeper, 9 North, bds 38 Lincoln								

Moore Clara B, clerk coll dep't, D M O & Co, res 9 Mann								

Moore Cornelia S, widow Wesley, res 38 Lincoln								

Moore David R, shoe laster, h 1 Mundt ave								

Moore E, tinsmith, bds 16 Clark								

MOORE ED. J., prop'r Hotel Brunswick, and City Fire Commissioner, 53 and 55 Market								

Moore Edward, laborer, bds 18 Baker ave								

Moore Edward G, carpenter, h 9 Mann								

Moore Edward L, twine op, bds 89 Lansing								

Moore Emma, res 51 Clark								

Moore Frank H, blacksmith, h 29 Frazee								

Moore Frank J, shipper, bds 29 Frazee								

MOORE FREDERICK C., ass't sup't, D M O & Co, h 44 1/2 Franklin								

Moore George, emp D M O & Co, bds over 3 Genesee								

Moore George, carpenter, h 89 Lansing								

MOORE GEORGE W., accountant, 79 Clark, res 9 Hulbert								

Moore Gideon T, pattern maker, bds 38 Lincoln								

Moore Hattie, nurse, 8 William								

Moore Henry G, carpenter, h 9 Mann								

Moore Henry G, machinist, h 7 Woodruff Place								

Moore James I, mechanic, h r 133 Mechanic 								

Moore Jane L, widow James A, res 51 Clark								

Moore John R, foreman, D M O & Co, h 16 Mann								

Moore Maude B, compositor, Aub Bulletin, bds 50 Nelson								

Moore Michael, laborer, h 18 Baker ave								

Moore Michael J, student, A H S, res 23 Pleasant								

Moore Michael, Jr, conductor, L V R R, h 23 Pleasant								

Moore Michael T, shoe op, bds 29 Frazee								

Moore Morris, blacksmith, bds 38 Water								

MOORE MYRON T., watchmaker and jeweler, 3 Aurelius ave, h 1 do								

Moore Nettie G, compositor, bds 89 Lansing								

Moore Rosie T, housekeeper, 9 Mann								

Moore William E, emp D M O & Co, bds 56 Swift								

Moore William J, shoe op, h 51 West								

Moorehead Lucy, widow John, h 7 West								

Moorehouse Mary, domestic, bds 31 Parker								

Moran Ambrose P, mechanic, bds 20 Madison ave								

Moran Charles J, bartender, bds 9 Wallace ave								

Moran Edward, shoe op, bds 9 Wallace ave								

Moran James, brick maker, bds 209 Seymour								

Moran John, laborer, h 20 Madison ave								

Moran John H, brakeman, L V R R, h 9 Wallace ave								

Moran John H, Jr, moulder, bds 20 Madison ave								

Moran Mary, domestic, 43 Logan								

Moran Mary, hatter, h over 77 Owasco								

Moran Michael, quarryman, h over 205 state								

Moran Nellie C, weaver, bds 25 Chestnut								

Moray Lena, domestic, 99 Franklin								

Moreau Edward E, emp D M O & Co, bds 221 State								

Moreau Frank G H, clerk, D M O & Co, bds 221 State								

Moreau Frederick A, emp D M O & Co, bds 221 State								

Moreau George H, emp D M O & Co, h 221 State								

Morelle Frank X, carpenter, h 51 1/2 West								

Morelle Jennie J, dressmaker, bds 51 1/2 West								

Morelle Joseph L, carpenter, bds 51 1/2 West								

Morey Mazzie, domestic, 5 Ross Place								

Morgan Allen D, mechanic, bds 31 Division S								

Morgan Antoinette O, widow Mortimer, res 144 North								

Morgan Arthur, iron heater, h 14 Parker								

Morgan Chauncey D, shoemaker, 18 North, h 67 Van Anden								

Morgan Clara M, student, Syracuse Univ, res 48 Elizabeth								

Morgan Emily, domestic, 21 Orchard								

Morgan Evan, bds 96 Lansing								

Morgan George A, moulder, h 241 Seymour								

Morgan George H, realestate, h 48 Elizabeth								

MORGAN HERBERT A., manager, sales dep't Egbert's Clothing House, 75 Genesee, h 144 North								

Morgan Joseph, mason, h 42 Seminary								

Morgan Mary, widow James, bds 21 Frances								

Morgan Sarah A M, widow Edward, h over 1 Orchard ave								

Morgan Sylvester W, clerk, h 69 1/2 Fulton								

Morley Patrick C, mechanic, res 104 North								

Moroney Mary E, teacher, Grover St Sch, bds 22 Owasco								

MORRIS, see also MORSE								

MORRIS CHARLES L., salesman, 107 Genesee, h 10 Lawton ave								

Morris Emma, shoe op, bds 170 Clark								

Morris Francis J, domestic, h over 12 1/2 Barber								

Morris Israel, laborer, h 30 Delevan								

Morris John H, machinist, h 170 Clark								

Morris John H, Jr, machinist, bds 170 Clark								

Morris Lauretta C, h 17 Howard								

Morris Lionel, hoseman, Hose 1 A F D, h 10 Lawton ave								

Morris Maria L, res 17 Howard								

Morris Mary A, res 33 William								

Morris Mary Ann, widow James, res over 12 1/2 Barber								

Morris Matilda J, res 17 Howard								

Morrison Amelia, attendant, 203 Genesee								

Morrison Andrew A, painter, bds 8 Spring								

Morrison Crawford H, dyer, h 8 Spring								

Morrison George, mechanic, bds r 25 Court								

Morrison Hannah, weaver, bds 8 Spring								

Morrison Margaret, attendant, 194 Genesee								

Morrison Nellie, student, Aub Bus Coll, res 8 Spring								

Morrison William, mill op, bds 8 Spring								

Morrison William A, student, Theo Sem, res do								

MORRISON WILLIAM B., (Mc Intosh, Seymour & Co,) h 2 Woodruff Place								

Morrissey Eliza H, widow Jeremiah W, , h 80 Van Anden								

Morrissey Patrick F, driver, Chemical No 1, A F D, h 38 Jefferson								

Morrissey Thomas T, mechanic, h 209 Perrine ave								

Morrow Hattie F, widow William, res over 17 Sheridan								

Morrow Howard A B, manager, The A G Harbaugh Co, office and res 17 Sheridan								

Morrow Margaret A, domestic, 193 Genesee								

MORSE see also MORRIS								

Morse Algie Lee, mechanic, bds 27 Derby ave								

Morse Charles L, scythe maker, h 18 Myrtle ave								

Morse Clara, machine op, bds 170 Clark								

Morse E Frank, horseman, bds over 38 E Genesee								

Morse Edwin M, attache, 102 Genesee, bds 20 Ross Place								

Morse Elizabeth E, widow John, h 20 Ross Place								

Morse Emma, dressmaker, bdws 170 Clark								

Morse Erwin M, shoe cutter, bds 20 Ross Place								

Morse Frank W, mechanic, bds 12 1/2 Church								

Morse Fred H, tel op, bds 170 State								

Morse Fred S, student, James st sch, res 20 Ross Place								

Morse George L, deputy Gt Com, K O T M, h 58 Capitol								

Morse Harry, emp D M O & Co, bds over 38 E Genesee								

Morse Hattie H, mill op, bds 27 Derby ave								

Morse James E, pattern maker, h 175 State								

Morse John, scythe maker, h 17 Canoga								

Morse John H, shoe cutter, bds 27 Derby ave								

Morse John H, machinist, h 170 Clark								

Morse John H, Jr, machinist, bds 170 Clark								

Morse Leander C, teamster, h 27 Derby ave								

Morse Margaret, widow Henry W, bds 46 Grant ave								

Morse May, shoe op, bds 27 Derby ave								

Morse William, scythe temperer, h 105 Wall								

Morse William L, mechanic, bds 12 1/2 Church								

Morton Claire S, teacher, A H S, rooms 11 Hulbert								

Morton Edith M, salesclerk, 91 Genesee, bds over 19 Perry								

Morton Glenn R, moulder, h over 6 Garrow								

Morton Herbert R, tailor, 37 Clark, h do								

Morton Lucy Ann, housekeeper, over 19 Perry								

Morton Lucy E, widow R Alonzo, bds 2 Cottage								

Morton Mollie E, salesclerk, 93 Genesee, bds over 16 Perry								

Morton Thomas, emp D M O & Co, bds 69 North								

Morwick William J, city express, h 52 Seward ave								

Moseley Edward, shoe op, bds 34 Mary								

Mosley (sic) Louisa J, widow Charles D, h over 43 North								

Moseley Mary, res 34 Mary								

Moseley Minnie, res over 43 North								

Mosley (sic) William, carpenter, h 34 Mary								

Moser Fred, barber, h 6 Wood								

Moser Henry, retired, h 33 Steel								

Moser John, drug clerk, 65 Genesee, bds 33 Steel								

MOSER WILLIAM H., pharmacist and druggist, 65 Genesee, res 33 Steel   Physician's prescriptions								
	accurately and carefully compounded							

MOSER'S BUSY DRUG STORE, 65 Genesee								

Moses Lewis W, hostler, bds 27 Seymour								

Moses Wellington P, stables, 45 Market, h 27 Seymour								

Mosher Adah M, clerk cost dep't, D M O & Co, res 11 Elizabeth								

Mosher Calvin A, horseman, h over 6 South								

Mosher Charles F, clerk, "Bell's Bee Hive," res 139 E Genesee								

MOSHER CHARLES P., (Barker, Griswold & Co) also Pres Business Men's Ass'n, h 41 Grover								

Mosher Charles S, emp D M O & Co, h 125 E Genesee								

Mosher Clara E, attendant, 171 North								

Mosher Clara Stella, attendant, 3 Clark, res over 18 Market								

MOSHER EDGAR B., Sec'y "The New Birdsall Co," also School Commissioner, h 157 North								

Mosher Edgar S, law student, over 125 Genesee, bds 125 E do								

Mosher Emma A, housekeeper, 29 1/2 Franklin 								

Mosher Flora M, res 7 Walnut								

Mosher Frank J, salesman, 110 genesee, res over 3 William								

Mosher George C, cloth cutter, 87 Genesee, bds 11 Elizabeth								

MOSHER GLENN F., assistant undertaker and embalmer, 138 Genesee, h 18 Grover								

Mosher Harry G, upholsterer, bds 11 Elizabeth								

Mosher J Jay, clerk, D M O & Co, bds 52 Nelson								

Mosher Jane C, widow Joseph, h 10 James								

Mosher John P, insurance, over 89 Genesee. h 139 E do								

Mosher Marietta B, widow Seneca D, res 11 Elizabeth								

Mosher Mary A, teacher, Franklin St Sch, bds 139 E Genesee								

Mosher M Laverne, machinist, h 12 Wallace ave								

Mosher Robert L, bicycle op, bds 139 E Genesee								

Mosher Sarah A, widow Nelson, h 7 Walnut								

Mosher Volney T, horseman, h over 2 William								

Moshier Oscar S, mechanic, bds 147 1/2 Van Anden								

Moss Adelphia L, widow Edward, res 164 Van Anden								

Moss Albert, shoe cutter, h 39 Capitol								

Moss Clara, shoe op, bds 154 Van Anden								

Moss Clara C, bds 39 Capitol								

Moss Edgar H, salesman, 111 Genesee, bds 14 Ross Place								

Moss Joseph O, shoe op, h 2 Spring								

Mossey Harry P, machinist, bds 16 Seward ave								

Mossey Jane B, widow John, h 3 Walnut								

Mossey William J, teamster, h 16 Seward ave								

Mott Alma M, widow Samuel S, res 36 Nelson								

Mott Frank E, painter, h 86 Seward ave								

Mott Henry F, fish, oysters, &c, 10 North, h 36 Nelson								

Mott Smith, bds 22 Lewis								

Moul Harry F, baker, h 16 Silver ave								

Moulton Cordelia, h 196 State								

Mour Philip, shoe cutter, h over 63 Washington								

Mourin Michael, mill op, bds 46 Perrine								

Mowbray Bertha M, weaver, bds 18 Frazee								

Mowbray Charles L, meat cutter, 91 State, h 18 Frazee								

Mowbray Edward G, meat market, 91 State, h 16 Frazee								

Mowbray John W, spinner, bds 18 Frazee								

Mowbray Joseph, mason, h 18 Frazee								

Mowbray Joseph E, tool maker, bds 18 Frazee								

Mowbray Josie M, button op, bds 18 Frazee								

Mowbray Walter R, student, bds 18 Frazee								

Mowry Pietro, call ladderman, H & L No 1, A F D, bds 55 Market								

Moxley Mary, res 12 Church								

Moxley Robert, moulder, h 12 Church								

Moxley Robert S, coremaker, bds 12 Church								

Moxley Willian (sic), iron melter, h 14 Church								

Moyer Laura J, accountant, 22 Dill, res 4 Fort								

Mueder George, music teacher, rooms over 64 Genesee								

MUELLER, see MILLIER, also MILLER								

Mueller Christina, domestic, 115 North								

Mueller Fred, mechanic, h 40 Chase								

Mueller Katharina, domestic, 115 North								

Muggleton Edward G, emp D M O & Co, bds 1 Hoffman								

Muir Ellen D, h 80 North								

Muir Katherine S, res 80 North								

Muir Sarah M, res 80 North								

Mulcahy Andy J, saloon, 2 Water, h 87 Seymour								

Mulcahy Ellen, widow Dennis, h 40 1/2 Holley								

Mulcahy Helen, teacher, North St Sch, bds 1 Park ave								

Mulcahy Howard W, shoe op, bds 1 Park ave								

Mulcahy John J, emp D M O & Co, h 40 1/2 Holley								

Mulcahy John M, plumber, bds 1 Park ave								

Mulcahy Maurice, janitor, A H S and C G S, h 1 Park ave								

Muldoon Annie, waitress, Empire House, 34 Dill								

Muldoon James, mechanic, rooms 6 Chapel								

Muldoon James B, machinist, bds 89 1/2 Orchard								

Muldoon James J, painter, h 5 Second ave, Melrose								

Muldoon Jennie T, twine op, bds 5 Button								

Muldoon John T, moulder, h 14 Perrine								

Muldoon Louise, domestic, 88 North								

Muldoon Mary A, widow James, h 89 1/2 Orchard								

Muldoon Michael, oil agent, h 175 Perrine ave								

Muldoon Thomas M, emp D M O & Co, h 5 Button								

Mulhall Patrick, laborer, bds r 133 Mechanic								

Mulhall Thomas J, laborer, h 129 1/2 Mechanic								

Mulheron Mary A, widow John, res 15 Clark								

MULHERON REV. WILLIAM, pastor St. Mary's Church, res 15 Clark								

Mulks Christopher M, h 13 Derby ave								

Mullalley Harry J, emp D M O & Co, bds 113 Lewis								

Mullalley John F, emp D M O & Co, h 113 Lewis								

Mullalley Maggie E, twine op, bds 113 Lewis								

Mullalley Mary F, res 26 1/2 Jefferson								

Mullalley Margaret, attendant, 57 Clark								

Mullalley Nora, domestic, 50 South								

Mullalley Patrick, emp D M O & Co, bds 5 Cornell								

Mullalley Richard F, iron worker, h 3 Pulsifer								

Mullen David J, iron worker, 306 State								

Mullen Elizabeth G, res 15 Chapel								

Mullen James, flagman, L V R R, h 1 Kelsey								

Mullen James W, h 23 Washington								

Mullen Joseph F, iron worker, bds 306 State								

MULLEN MICHAEL, furnishing undertaker and embalmer, 30 Clark, h 15 Chapel								

Mullen Tessa A, salesclerk, 126 Genesee, res 15 Chapel								

Mullen William, teamster, bds 191 E Genesee								

MULLEN WILLIAM F., ass't undertaker, 30 Clark, res 15 Chapel								

Mulligan Lizzie, dressmaker, bds Empire House, 34 Dill								

Mullin Carrie M, salesclerk, 85 Genesee, res 73 Washington								

MULLIN, FRED P., dealer in Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 103 State, h do   					
	Our goods are strictly first class, and embrace a variety of selected and popular makes							
	(See card)							

Mullin John J, emp D M O & Co, bds 168 State								

Mullin John W, die sinker, h 73 Washington								

Mullin Lizzie, salesclerk, Bell's Bee Hive, res 114 Clark								

Mullin Louise, bds 114 Clark								

Mullin Mary, res 114 Clark								

Mullin Maude M, bds 73 Washington								

Mullin Patrick, retired, h 114 Clark								

Mulvey Frank, laborer, bds 2 Grove ave								

Mulvey James, spinner, bds 2 Grove ave								

Mulvey Margaret, widow Mathew, h 43 1/2 Wall								

Mulvey Mary, widow James, h 182 Perrine ave								

Mulvey Michael J, emp D M O & Co, h 212 State								

Mundt Ada L, dressmaker, bds 39 West								

Mundt Anna A, dressmaker, bds 39 West								

Mundt Bertha A, student, A H S, bds 39 West								

Mundt Emma, res 39 West								

MUNDT FERDINAND, prop'r The West End Hotel, 172 Clark, h do   					
	Bar supplied with choicest brands   (See card)							

Mundt Henrietta, widow John, bds 172 Clark								

Mundt Hitwick, dressmaker, bds 39 West								

Mundt John, prop'r American Hotel, 39 West								

Mundt Mary, res 39 West								

Mundt Paul T A, emp D M O & Co, h 21 Madison ave								

Munger Mary L, res over 11 William, 3d floor								

Munger Hurley, salesman, 31 Market, bds 32 Hoffman								

Munger Royal L, blacksmith, &c, r 24 E Genesee, h 32 Hoffman								

Mungovan James E, delivery clerk, 9 Genesee, bds 16 Chestnut								

Mungovan John J, emp D M O & Co, h 16 chestnut								

Mungovan Julia E, shoe op, bds 16 Chestnut								

Mungovan Martin M, salesman, 93 Genesee, bds 16 Chestnut								

Mungovan Mary A, shoe op, bds 16 Chestnut								

Munhall James A, student, A H S, bds 126 fulton								

Munhall Katie M, res 126 Fulton								

Munhall Peter J, machinist, h 126 Fulton								

Munson Mary E, widow Charles C, bds 20 Van Patten								

Munson Dr Oscar D, h 68 South								

Murdock Mrs Alice J, dressmaker, h over 139 Genesee								

Murdock Andrew, hammersman, h 23 Van Patten								

Murdock Archibald R, real estate, h 29 Washington								

MURDOCK DAVID,	prop'r The Murdock Dairy Farm, 330 Genesee, h do   N B--Jersey Milk					
	and Pure Cream a Specialty, Favorable Rates for Season's Contracts   (See adv, next page)							

MURDOCK GEORGE W., lawyer, over 106 Genesee, res 29 Washington								

Murdock Howard D, button op, bds 16 Holley								

Murdock Judson, machinist, h 160 Seymour								

Murdock Laura I, widow Charles H, h 16 Holley								

Murdock Minnie S, teacher, Seymour St Sch, bds 29 Washington								

Murdock Thomas R, mechanic, h 16 Parker								

Murnan Edward, twine op, bds over Fulton								

Murnan James, bicycle op, bds over 1 Fulton								

Murnan John, salesman, bds over 1 Fulton								

Murnan Joseph, shoe op, bds over 1 Fulton								

Murnan Mary, domestic, 43 Logan								

Murnan Michael, plumber, h over 1 Fulton								

Murney Cornelius, machinist, bds 13 Monroe								

Murney Dennis, brakeman, bds 13 Monroe								

Murney Elizabeth, shoe op, bds 13 Monroe								

Murney Ellen, widow Michael, h 13 Monroe								

Murney Jeremiah, brakeman, O R R R, h 16 Church								

Murney Jeremiah, brakeman, L V R R, bds 13 Monroe								

Murney John, car sealer, h r 32 Van Anden								

Murney Mary, wrapper op, bds 66 1/2 West								

Murphey Byron K, emp D M O & Co, bds 78 E Genesee								

Murphey Catherine M, widow Benjamin F, h 7 Seymour								

Murphy Alice, shoe op, bds 51 Nelson								

Murphy Alice, widow James, h 51 Nelson								

Murphy Ann D, widow Thomas, h 94 Mechanic								

Murphy Anna, widow Peter, h 70 Lewis								

Murphy Beatrice S, twine op, bds 66 Perrine								

Murphy Bridget E, weaver, bds 16 1/2 Chapel								

Murphy Bridget F, shoe op, bds 26 Park ave								

Murphy Catherine, widow John H, saloon, 101 State, h do								

Murphy Catherine F, dressmaker, bds 31 Van Anden								

Murphy Catherine L, dressmaker, res 132 Fulton								

Murphy Catherine T, dressmaker, bds 43 Cottage								

Murphy Charles, emp D M O & Co, h 13 Fort								

Murphy Charles J, office boy, L V R R, bds 37 Division S								

Murphy Charles J, twine op, bds 15 Cottage								

Murphy Christopher H, salesman, 102 Genesee, bds 31 Van Anden								

Murphy Christopher J, piano worker, h over 28 Burt ave								

Murphy Mrs Cora K, dressmaker, res 65 Washington								

Murphy Cornelius, laborer, h 96 cottage								

Murphy Cornelius E, twine op, bds 42 Burt ave								

Murphy & Curtin, (Daniel T and Daniel B,) saloon, 33 Baker ave								

Murphy Daniel, h 247 Seymour								

Murphy Daniel T, (Murphy & curtin,) h 156 Clark								

Murphy Dennis, weaver, h 140 1/2 Cottage								

Murphy Edward, emp L V R R, h 53 Nelson								

Murphy Edward, laborer, h 42 Burt ave								

Murphy Edward E, blacksmith, h 101 Lewis								

Murphy Edward J, ball player, bds 53 Nelson								

Murphy Edwin, emp D M O & Co, bds 42 E Genesee								

Murphy Elizabeth, dressmaker, bds 43 Cottage								

Murphy Elizabeth T, shoe op, bds 37 Division S								

Murphy Ellen, domestic, bds 43 Cottage								

Murphy Ellen, domestic, 190 Genesee								

Murphy Ellen F, widow Michael, h over 16 1/2 Chapel								

Murphy Esther X, dressmaker, bds 43 Cottage								

Murphy Francis E, prison guard (special,) h 13 Fort								

Murphy Francis J, painter, bds 31 Van Anden								

Murphy Frank E, shoe op, res 77 Washington								

Murphy Frank J, iron worker, h 38 Chase								

Murphy Frank M, twine op, bds 101 Lewis								

Murphy Frederick J, hammersman, bds 15 Cottage								

Murphy Frederick J, shoe op, h 16 Burt ave								

Murphy Frederick J, shoemaker, bds 132 Fulton								

Murphy James, painter, h 132 Fulton								

Murphy James A, twine op, bds 15 Cottage								

Murphy James D, teamster, bds 96 Cottage								

Murphy James J, shoe op, bds 186 State								

Murphy James T, painter, bds 132 Fulton								

Murphy Jeremiah, emp D M O & Co, h 37 Division S								

Murphy Jeremiah J, shoe cutter, bds 29 Jefferson								

Murphy Johanna, widow James, res 140 1/2 Cottage								

Murphy John, stone cutter, h 66 Perrine								

Murphy John A, com trav, bds 132 Fulton								

Murphy John E, coachman, 108 South, h 10 Mac Dougall								

Murphy John F, salesman, 102 Genesee, bds 31 Van Anden								

Murphy John H, moulder, bds 16 1/2 Chapel								

MURPHY JOHN J., collector Aub Daily Bulletin, also Correspondent Utica Globe, h 111 Van Anden								

Murphy John P, laborer, h 14 Lansing								

Murphy John W, mechanic, bds 37 Division S								

Murphy Joseph P, machinist, bds 66 Perrine								

Murphy Julia A, nurse, 72 South								

Murphy Katherine M, school teacher, bds 17 Hoffman								

Murphy Kittie E, twine op, bds 15 Cottage								

Murphy Kittie L, accountant, 81 Clark, res Aurelius								

Murphy Kittie M, shoe op, bds 26 Park ave								

Murphy Lizzie, saleslady, bds 42 Burt ave								

Murphy Louisa M, shoe op, bds 156 Clark								

Murphy Margaret, widow Andrew, h 17 Hoffmann								

Murphy Margaret A, domestic, 128 North								

Murphy Marie A, teacher, Seymour st sch, bds 77 Washington								

Murphy Mary, attendant, bds 56 Elizabeth								

Murphy Mary, bds 42 Burt ave								

Murphy Mary, bds 51 Nelson								

Murphy Mary, domestic, 25 South								

Murphy Mary, domestic, 81 Seymour								

Murphy Mary A, bds 53 Nelson								

Murphy Mary A, shoe op, bds 67 Perrine								

Murphy Mary A, res 31 Van Anden								

Murphy Mary E, saleslady, 135 Genesee, bds 19 Mary								

Murphy Mary F, attendant, 115 South								

Murphy Mathew E, salesman, 3 State, bds 53 Nelson								

Murphy Maurice F, emp D M O & Co, bds 51 Nelson								

Murphy Michael, emp 101 Orchard, bds 67 Clark								

Murphy Michael, news, tobacco and cigars, 77 1/2 Washington, h 77 do								

Murphy Michael F, iron worker, D M O & Co, h over 30 1/2 Howard								

Murphy Minnie E, stenographer, res 132 Fulton								

Murphy Nellie, cook, 63 South								

Murphy Nora, attendant, 156 Genesee								

Murphy Patrick, gardener, h 43 Cottage								

Murphy Patrick J, salesman, 22 State, bds 17 Hoffman								

Murphy Roger D, machinist, bds 66 Perrine								

Murphy Rose A, domestic, 3 Steel								

Murphy Rose F, shoe op, bds 67 Perrine								

Murphy Sarah, nurse, 168 Genesee								

Murphy Sarah, widow Christopher, bds 18 Bradford								

Murphy Sarah A, dressmaker, bds 53 Nelson								

Murphy Sarah B, shoe op, bds 94 Mechanic								

Murphy Sarah S, shoe op, bds 51 Nelson								

Murphy Sephen J, moulder, h 26 Park ave								

Murphy Stephen J, salesman, 107 Genesee, res 53 Nelson								

Murphy Susan A, shoe op, bds 94 Mechanic								

Murphy Sylvester C, flagman, N Y C R R, h 67 Perrine								

Murphy Sylvester J, cigar maker, bds 67 Perrine								

Murphy Thomas, h 31 Van Anden								

Murphy Thomas F, emp D M O & Co, bds 31 Van Anden								

Murphy Thomas H, emp D M O & Co, h 15 Cottage								

Murphy Timothy, machinist, bds 247 Seymour								

Murphy Timothy, mill op, bds 10 Baker ave								

Murphy Timothy, twine op, bds 42 Burt ave								

Murphy William A, emp D M O & Co, h 37 Bradford								

Murphy William J, shoe cutter, h 65 Washington								

Murray, Anna D, stenographer, 64 Genesee, res 179 State								

Murray Anna L, weaver, bds 1 Myrtle ave								

Murray Arthur, cloth cutter, 87 Genesee, h 2 Seminary								

Murray Catherine, waitress, "Kiemele's," res 47 State								

Murray Catherine, domestic, 15 Fort								

Murray Catherine, widow Peter, h 1 Myrtle ave								

Murray Cecilia A, widow Thomas, h 105 Owasco								

Murray Celia, bds 48 Lewis								

Murray Charles, salesman, 91 Genesee, bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North								

Murray Charles J, salesman, 75 Genesee, bds 26 Van Anden								

Murray Cornelius F, conductor, A C Ry, h 18 Hoffman								

Murray Della, dressmaker, res 179 State								

Murray Douglass J, stereotyper, Bulletin, bds 2 Adams								

Murray Edwin, horseman, h 3 arch								

Murray Eliza F, weaver, bds 1 Myrtle ave								

Murray Grace A, school teacher, bds 2 Adams								

Murray Henry H, draughtsman, 101 Orchard, res 23 Park Place								

Murray James J, mill op, bds over 63 Grant ave								

Murray James J, wringer op, h 4 Guilfoil ave								

Murray James J, salesman, 35 Grant ave, bds 48 Lewis								

MURRAY JERE F., dealers in choice Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 145 State, h 19 Park ave								
	Syracuse and Rochester Ales and Lagers on draught							

Murray John, gardener, h 179 State								

Murray John, laborer, h 55 Pulsifer								

Murray John B, (Mc Geevir & Murray,) h 21 Lewis								

Murray John C, expressman, h 26 Van Anden								

Murray John D, prison guard, h 2 Adams								

Murray John J, machinist, h 8 Liberty								

Murray John J, prison keeper, h 49 Seward ave								

Murray John J, sawyer, bds 95 Lansing								

MURRAY JOHN V., (Shea & Murray,) res 179 State								

Murray Joseph M, painter, bds 26 Van Anden								

Murray Katie, domestic, 146 E Genesee								

Murray Margaret E, dressmaker, 179 State, res do								

Murray Mary, housekeeper, over 63 Grant ave								

Murray Mary A, dressmaker, res 179 State								

Murray Mary A, mill op, bds 95 Lansing								

Murray Michael H, watchman, Opera House, h 63 Grant ave								

Murray Michael L, cigar maker, bds 48 Lewis								

Murray Nellie E, domestic, 33 Grover								

Murray Patrick, gardener, h 95 Lansing								

Murray Patrick, Jr, sawyer, bds 95 Lansing								

Murray Robert E, shoe op, bds 105 Owasco								

Murray Rose, seamstress, bds 95 Lansing								

Murray Sarah, clerk, D M O & Co, res Aurelius								

MURRAY STEPHEN B., ass't mailing clerk, P O, h 30 Jefferson								

Murray Thomas, coachman, 77 south, h 4 Florence								

Murray Thomas, d'v'y clerk, 49 Genesee, bds 18 Hoffman								

Murray Thomas B, barkeeper, bds 179 State								

Murray Thomas F, mechanic, bds 105 Owasco								

Murray Thomas S, grocer and saloon, 35 Grant ave, h 48 Lewis								

Murray William, gardener, h over 92 Clark								

Murray William E, shoe op, bds 160 Clark								

Murray William E, rpison keeper, bds 62 North								

Murray William E, shoe op, bds 63 grant ave								

Murray William H, laborer, h 28 Delevan								

Murray William J, mechanic, bds 48 Lewis								

Murray William M, draughtsman, 101 Orchard, bds 2 Adams								

Murtagh Ellen, cook, Aub city Hosp, 15 Lansing								

MUSIC HALL, 133 1/2 Genesee (Flint Block)								

MYER, see also MEYER								

Myer Abram, boarding stables, 19 Greene, h 14 Hulbert								

Myer Agnes A, student, Wells Coll, res 23 Grover								

MYER JOHN E., treas'r Aub Ball Bearing Co, also Sch Comm'r, h 23 Grover								

Myer Lyman S, res 14 Hulbert								

Myer Thomas V, com trav, D M O & Co, res 14 Hulbert								

Myers Algee S, plumber, h 9 Maple								

Myers Andreas, machinist, bds 91 Lewis								

Myers Andrew M, civil engineer, over 127 Genesee, res 7 Cayuga								

Myers Anna J, mill op, bds 71 Walnut								

Myers Anna M, teacher, Fulton St Sch, bds 15 Foote								

Myers Belle D, widow Edwin R, h 17 Jefferson								

Myers Bert, mechanic, bds 9 1/2 State								

Myers Benjamin D, tool grinder, h 187 Clark								

Myers Carl, machinist, h 91 Lewis								

Myers Catherine M, widow George J, h 15 Foote								

Myers Charles S, meat dealer, h 39 Orchard								

Myers Charlotte, com trav, bds 7 Cayuga								

Myers Clarence, mill op, bds 9 1/2 State								

Myers Cora M, clerk, bds 15 Foote								

Myers Curtis R, census clerk, bds 2 Mc Master								

Myers Edgar W, twine op, bds 5 Court								

Myers Edward, mason, h 42 Havens ave								

Myers Elias W, agent, h 5 Court								

Myers Elmer B, law clerk, over 127 Genesee, bds 5 Court								

Myers Emma, mill op, bds 50 Barber								

Myers Evelyn M, teacher, Franklin St Sch, bds 15 Foote								

Myers Florence B, student, A H S, bds 2 Mc Master								

Myers Frederick B, salesman, Big Store, bds 32 Seminary								

Myers George C, tailoring, repairing and cleaning, 10 1/2 Clark, res over 44 State								

Myers George S, accountant, 101 Orchard, bds 6 William								

Myers Gertrude H, student, bds 15 Foote								

Myers Grace E, accountant, bds 15 Foote								

Myers Henry, clerk, 48 State, rooms 40 South								

Myers Henry, mason, bds 55 Market								

Myers Henry D, plumber, bds 9 Maple								

Myers Henry F, insurance agent, bds 15 Orchard ave								

Myers Hiram D, shoe op, bds 37 Barber								

Myers John Wesley, farmer, h 7 Cayuga								

Myers Leonard K, shoe laster, h over 41 Parker								

Myers Lewis E, jeweler, 3 Aurelius ave, res 1 do								

Myers Luman J, mill op, h 71 Walnut								

Myers Maude, artist, res 19 Jefferson								

Myers Mabel, student, A H S, bds 7 Cayuga								

Myers Maria H, widow William, res 8 Chapel 								

Myers Mary, cook, Radney House, 34 E Genesee								

Myers Max, woodworker, bds 55 Market, rooms over 10 do								

Myers Minnie, domestic, 157 North								

Myers Reuben J, sup'r of census, h 2 Mc Master								

Myers Ruth A, weaver, h over 38 Lincoln								

Myers William, carpenter, enq 6 Wright ave								

Mynderse Lillias M, res 7 Seminary								

Mynderse Lillias, widow Edward, h 7 Seminary								

Myrick Hattie S, bds 46 Grant ave								

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