ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.

Miscellaneous Section #2

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Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart -
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
Miscellaneous Directory Section1 Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs, County Officers

This 1900 Auburn NY Directory Also Includes Town Sections

Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory

Aurora..................................................Ledyard Montezuma...........................Montezuma
Aurelius...............................................Aurelius Moravia.................................Moravia
Atwater.................................................Genoa Montville...............................Moravia
Auburn.................................................Auburn Nine Corners.......................Niles
Baptist Four Corners........................Owasco New Hope..............................Niles
Bolts Corners.....................................Scipio Northville.............................Genoa
Barbers Corners................................Ledyard Owasco.................................Owasco
Black Rock..........................................Ledyard Port Byron...........................Mentz
Cato.......................................................Ira and Cato Port Byron Depot...............Mentz
Conquest Centre................................Conquest Pennyville............................Niles
Centreport...........................................Mentz Prospect Corners...............Ledyard
Cold Spring Pump..............................Brutus Poplar Ridge.......................Venice
Cayuga.................................................Aurelius Sterling Valley...................Sterling
Centreville...........................................Locke Sterling Centre..................Sterling
Dresserville........................................Sempronius Spring Lake........................Conquest
East Genoa...........................................Genoa Sennett.................................Sennett
East Venice..........................................Venice Scipioville............................Scipio
Fair Haven...........................................Sterling Sherwood.............................Scipio
Fosterville...........................................Aurelius Scipio Centre......................Scipio
Fleming................................................Fleming Stewarts Corners...............Venice
Five Corners.......................................Genoa Sempronius.........................Sempronius
Goodyears............................................Genoa Summer Hill........................Summer Hill
Genoa....................................................Genoa Throopsville.........................Throop
Ira..........................................................Ira Twelve Corners...................Niles
Kelloggsville.......................................Niles Talcotts Corners.................Niles
Levanna................................................Ledyard Union Springs.....................Springport
Little Hollow.......................................Genoa Venice Centre.....................Venice
Milan ((Locke P. O.)..........................Locke Victory..................................Victory
Martville..............................................Sterling Westbury..............................Victory and Butler
Meridian..............................................Cato Weedsport............................Brutus

Table of Highway Distances from Auburn to
Aurelius............................................ 3.1 New Hope............................ 14.3
Aurora.............................................. 14 Niles.................................... 10.4
Cato................................................... 15.9 Northville........................... 18.4
Cayuga................................................ 8 Owasco................................. 7.4
Centerville....................................... 18.2 Port Byron........................... 7.6
Conquest Centre............................. 13.4 Scipio Centre..................... 10.2
Dresserville..................................... 19.6 Scipioville........................... 10.7
Fair Haven........................................ 26.8 Sempronius........................ 18.7
Five Corners.................................... 20 Sennett................................ 4.5
Fleming............................................ 4.9 Sherwood............................ 12.1
Genoa................................................ 18.1 Stewarts Corners.............. 13.4
Ira...................................................... 19.5 Summer Hill....................... 23.2
Kelloggsville................................... 14.1 Talcotts Corners................ 16.4
Levanna............................................ 12.6 Throopsville........................ 3.2
Martville.......................................... 23.7 Union Springs.................... 9
Meridian.......................................... 15.7 Venice Centre.................... 13.3
Montezuma...................................... 8.5 Victory................................. 18.4
Moravia............................................ 16.8 Weedsport........................... 7.9
Milan................................................ 19.7 Westbury............................. 20.4





Aurelius........................... J. George Coapman......... Aurelius
Brutus.............................. H. La Due Jr..................... Weedsport
Cato................................... Ernest G. Tabor................ Meridian
Conquest.......................... Jerome Emerson.............. Conquest
Fleming............................ Howard Tryon................... Fleming
Genoa................................ Frederick A. Dudley........ King Ferry
Ira...................................... L. J. Wormuth.................. Ira
Ledyard............................ Geo. W. Bancroft............. Aurora
Locke................................ Charles J. Hewitt............. Locke
Mentz................................ H. B. Converse.................. Port Byron
Montezuma...................... Daniel Moroney................ Montezuma
Moravia............................ Webb J. Greenfield.......... Moravia
Niles................................. Joseph W. Brinkerhoff... Kelloggsville
Owasco............................. A. S. Chamberlain............ Owasco
Scipio................................ Edgar G. Parkhurst......... Scipio
Sempronius...................... Geo. W. Fitts..................... Dresserville
Sennett.............................. S. L. Depew........................ Sennett
Springport........................ W. C. Richardson............. Union springs
Sterling............................. F. A. Eldredge.................... Fair Haven
Summerhill...................... J. Guernsey Allen............. Summerhill
Throop............................... James Powers................... Throopsville
Venice................................ M. W. Murdock................ Venice Center
Victory............................... George R. Burnett........... Victory





Aurelius............................ Thos. P. Wiley.............................. Aurelius
Brutus............................... W. H. Kevand................................ Weedsport
Cato.................................... Edward N. Simons........................ Meridian
Conquest........................... Dell H. Van Auken...................... Conquest
Fleming............................. Dr. F. C. Smith............................. Fleming
Genoa................................. Freeman C. Hagin....................... Genoa
Ira....................................... George Wiggins.......................... Ira
Ledyard.............................. Edmund Doughty.......................... Aurora
Locke................................. A. D. Stryker................................ Locke
Mentz................................. S. R. Rooney.................................. Port Byron
Montezuma....................... Chas. F. Filkin.............................. Montezuma
Moravia............................. J. K. Chandler............................... Moravia
Niles.................................. Day L. Wilcox.............. Kelloggsville
Owasco.............................. Edwin Chamberlain.... Owasco
Scipio................................. Frank Kenyon............. Scipio
Sempronius...................... Delos Totman.............. Sempronius
Sennett.............................. Charles E. Lawrence.. Sennett
Springport........................ Frederick A. Guile..... Union Springs
Sterling............................. Liva P. Church............ Sterling
Summer Hill..................... Judson Van Marter.... Summer Hill
Throop................................ Wm. B. Smith.............. Throopsville
Venice................................ J. F. Streeter................ Venice
Victory............................... Burt T. O’Brien.......... Victory


W. G. Hoskins.................. Aurelius................................ Aurelius
G. A. Benedict................... Brutus................................... Weedsport
Clarence E. Jewell........... Cato........................................ Weedsport
Samuel Clark................... Conquest............................... Conquest
Chas. Kittams................... Fleming................................. Fleming
Wm. P. Shaw..................... Genoa..................................... Genoa
David Emerick.................. Ira........................................... Meridian
James West...................... Ledyard.................................. Sherwood
Andrew Heath................... Locke..................................... Locke
Chas. F. Stiles.................. Mentz..................................... Port Byron
Chas. Schermerhorn...... Montezuma............................ Montezuma
Orlin Hecox...................... Moravia.................................. Moravia
Patrick McSweeney........ Niles....................................... Kelloggsville
Frank Loyster.................. Owasco................................... DeGroff
Fred J. Peckham.............. Scipio...................................... Merrifield
Millard Beyea................... Sempronius........................... Sempronius
Hubert Bardwell.............. Sennett................................... Auburn
John Melorn.................... Springport............................. Union Springs

Cayuga County Gazetteer and Directory of Towns.

This county, of which Auburn is the capital, was formerly a subdivision of the
County of Tryon, formed in 1772, and named from a British Governor. In 1784 it
was changed to Montgomery, in honor of one of our bravest generals. Seven years
later, the western part was set off as Herkimer, and Onondaga was formed still
further west in 1794. At this time the present limits of Cayuga were divided into
three towns, Aurelius, Scipio and Milton. On March 8, 1799, Cayuga County was
set off from Onondaga but was subsequently lessened by taking off Seneca County
in 1804, and part of Tompkins, in 1817. It is long and narrow, lies west of the center
of the state, and extends from the shore of Lake Ontario, south, nearly to the head
of Cayuga Lake. The county contains an area of 756 square miles, exclusive of 160
square miles in Lake Ontario, and is 146 miles centrally distant from Albany. The
surface inclines in a general northern direction, and is geographically divided into
two nearly equal parts, by a line extending easterly from the foot of Cayuga Lake.
The north half is level or gently undulating, and contains numerous marshes. Small,
isolated drift hills are noticeable on some parts of the surface, some of them from 50
to 75 feet high. The surface of the south half is rolling, and gradually rises till it
reaches an elevation of 500 to 800 feet above the level lands of the north. These
highlands take the form of two general ridges; the first lying between Skaneatles and
Owasco Lakes, the second between Owasco and Cayuga Lakes. Both have rolling
summits, and stand 1,000 to 1,200 feet above tide, and their eastern declivities are
often precipitous, terminating in bold bluffs on the shores of the lakes. The
declivities on the west are more gradual, running down in gentle slopes to the
water’s edge. The valley of Salmon Creek, with its steep banks, from 50 to 200 feet
high, divides the south part of the most westerly ridge, near its center. The three
long, narrow lakesm stretching from the level section of the north into the highlands
of the south, constitute the most striking natural feature of this locality. Skaneatles
Lake, lying on the east line, is bordered by bluff shores within the county, and is 840
feet above tide. Owasco Lake, near the center, presents a shore generally bold, and
in some places precipitous, and is 770 feet above tide. Cayuga, the largest of the
three, lies along the western border, and its shores, so far as they lie in this county,
slope evenly opwards to the summits of the ridges, and are generally dotted with
thrifty looking farm houses, half hidden in shrubbery, forming some of the most
delightful rural scenes anywhere to be found. Cayuga Lake is 387 feet above tide,
and its water, like that of the others, is transparently clear, a perfect tyoe of purity.
Seneca River flows eastward, nearly through the center of the lowlands, which form
the north half of the county. From the south it receives as tributaries Cayuga and
Owasco Outlets, and numerous smaller streams flow into it from both north and
south. The swampy region, known as the “Montezuma Marshes,” extends along the
whole course of the river. The state has made repeated efforts to drain and reclaim
these marshes, expending large sums of money in the enterprise, but only a portion
has yet been reclaimed. The central ridges are drained by small creeks and brooks,
and a series of small lakes and ponds are formedin the level regions in the north part
of the county. The principal of these is Cross Lake.
The rocks in Cayuga County are generally found lying in nearly horizontal
strata, though in some places they are disrupted and broken. Their edges appear
one above the other, forming the declivities of the hills that rise toward the south.
The Medina sandstone, the lowest formation, outcrops on the shore of Lake
Ontario, and covers the north half of the Town of Sterling. Above this, in the south
part of the same town, sucessively appear the Oneida conglomerate and Clinton
groups. The Lockport group appears in Victory; the red shale of the Onondaga salt
group in Cato, Brutus, Conquest and Mentz; the gypsum of the same group in
Auburn, Aurelius and Springport, and for some ten miles along Cayuga Lake; the
Waterlime and Oriskany sandstone in Owasco, Auburn, Fleming and Springport.
Above the Onondaga and corniferous lime-stone, we find the Marcellus and
Hamilton shales, Tully lime-stone, Genesee slate, and the Portage and Ithaca
groups; the last occupying the summits of the southern hills. Springs of weak brine
are found in the Medina sand-stone, on the border of Lake Ontario, and also in the
red shale of the salt group along Seneca River. Along the shore of Cayuga Lake,
and in the central part of the county, are numerous quarries, which furnish a good
quality of quicklime, and the red sandstone, are extensively used for building stone.
Thin layers of corniferous lime-stone and of sandstone are quarried to considerable
extent along the bank of Cayuga Lake, and make excellent flagging stone.
In the north half of the county, the soil is in general a fine quality of sandy or
gravelly loam, interspersed with clay, muck and alluvium; and in the south it is a
very productive clay and gravelly loam. The entire county is well adapted to either
pasturage or the cultivation of grain. for many years, wheat was the staple
production, but latterly, it has been mostly superseded by rye, oats, barley and corn.
Wool growing and dairying are extensively followed. The climate and soil are
admirably adapted to the cultivation of fruit, which is receiving considerable
attention. The maufactures are confined mainly to Auburn, and are extensive.
The first county officers were, Seth Phelps, Judge; William Stuart, District
Attorney; Benjamin Ledyard, County Clerk; Joseph Annin, Sheriff; Glen Cuyler,

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LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

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