ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z
Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart -
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
Miscellaneous Directory Section1  Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs, County Officers

This 1900 Auburn NY Directory Also Includes Town Sections

Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory

VOL. 30
FROM JULY, 1900, TO JULY, 1901.

For ab., read above; al., alley; ave., avenue; bds., boards; bel., below; bet., between; c. or cor., corner; ct., court; do., ditto or same place; E., east; h., house; A. H. S., Academic High School; N. Y. C. & H. R. R., New York Central Railroad; N., north; n., near; opp., opposite; pl., place; r., rear; res., residence; R. R., railroad; L. V. R. R., Lehigh Valley Railroad; W., west. The word street is implied.
Names in Bold Face Letters are Directory Patrons.


Nabor Herman, sexton, St Alphonsus ch, h 35 1/2 Clark				

Nabor Philip, barber, 4 Clark, bds 35 1/2 do				

Nadeau Helen M, shoe op, r 59 Washington				

Nagell William H, com trav, h 15 Hoffman				

Nagle Charles E, shoe laster, bds 9 Frazee				

Nagle Edmund, blacksmith, h 9 Frazee				

Nagle Estella L, res 9 Frazee				

Nagola Illie, shoe op, bds 3 O'Neil ave				

Nangle Charles H, salesman, 145 Genesee, bds 94 1/2 Wall				

Nangle Dorothy G, milliner, bds 94 1/2 Wall				

Nangle Ellen, widow James, h over 40 North				

Nangle James H, prison keeper, h 94 1/2 Wall				

Nangle Mary L, mill op, bds over 40 North				

Namiseuak Michael, helper, h over 9 Wall				

Naracon Alva R, mason, h 35 Walnut				

NASH FREDERICK G., artistic decorator and painter, office and works 21 Wall, 
	h 119 North   (See adv)			

Nash Richard, painter, bds Empire House, 34 Dill				

NATIONAL BANK OF AUBURN (THE), E. H. Avery, pres, Geo. B. Longstreet, cashier, 120 Genesee opp				

National Hotel (The New), 31 and 33 E Genesee				

Naylor Rev Amos, pastor, 2d Baptist Ch, h 59 E Genesee				

Naylor John, h 23 Holley				

Neagle Anna M, accountant, res 25 Pleasant				

Neagle Catherine T, weaver, bds 25 Pleasant				

Neagle John J, shoe op, bds 25 Pleasant				

Neagle Margaret T, weaver, bds 25 Pleasant				

Neagle Thomas, laborer, h 25 Pleasant				

Neagle Thomas J, mechanic, bds 25 Pleasant				

Near Frank, laborer, h 64 West				

Near John C, (Banner Food Co,) 30 Market, h 25 Elizabeth				

Nebl Martin, carpenter, h 96 1/2 Mechanic				

Neckrews Carrie, silk weaver, bds r 91 South				

Neese Frank C, machinist, h 17 Parker				

Neese Howard J, machinist, h 294 Genesee				

Neese Robert W, mechanic, bds 294 Genesee				

Neese Wallace B, laborer, bds 294 Genesee				

Neher Frank, emp D M O & Co, bds 196 Perrine ave				

Neiger Susan, widow Andrew, h 1 Wallace ave				

Neiger William H, core maker, bds 1 Wallace ave				

Neitzel Henry J, mechanic, bds 42 Seminary				

Nellenback Rose, cook, 86 South				

Nellis Franklin D, piano tuner, h 26 Dill				

NELLIS HON. GEORGE W., attorney at law, office over 75 Genesee, h 22 Nelson				

Nellis Peter J, h 22 Nelson				

Nelson Clara A, teacher, James St Sch, bds 69 Seymour				

Nelson Edward T, salesman, 101 Genesee, h over 86 do				

Nelson Elsie M, res 118 Lewis				

Nelson Johanna, attendant, bds 118 Lewis				

Nelson John, emp public works, bds 24 North				

Nelson John G, contractor, h 118 Lewis				

Nelson John J, emp D M O & Co, bds 118 Lewis				

Nelson Margaret Mac L, widow Robert A, h 69 Seymour				

Nelson Martha, bds 46 Grant ave				

Nelson Mary, housekeeper, 118 Lewis				

Nelson Thomas F, emp D M O & Co, bds 118 Lewis				

Nelson William A, contractor and farmer, h 62 Division N				

Nemancie Anna, attache, Osborne House, 77 State				

Neumeister Carl A, student, A H S, bds 8 Lawton ave				

Neumeister Ernest C L, salesman, 73 Genesee, h 6 Lawton ave				

Neville Gertrude A, widow Frederick, h 44 Morris				

Nevius Charles M, emp D M O & Co, h 14 Perry				

Nevius Marietta, widow Winfield L, res 14 Perry				

Newcomb Marcus B, horseman, h 6 Hulbert				

Newcomb Thomas H, trainman, L V R R, bds 66 Nelson				

Newell Jennie, domestic, 18 Nelson				

Newert Albert A, barber, 41 1/2 State, bds 21 Bradford				

Newert Frederick, piano maker, bds 21 Bradford				

Newert Wenzel, piano maker, h 21 Bradford				

Newert William M, emp D M O & Co, bds 21 Bradford				

NEWGASS HON. LOUIS, lawyer, also of the N Y S Insurance Dep't, office 11 Broadway, home office				
	over 85 Genesee, h 13 Hulbert			

Newland David, bds 50 Fitch ave				

Newman Frederick, machinist, h over 16 Union				

Newman M Herbert, twine op, bds 6 Steel				

Newman Orella A, widow William, res 6 Steel				

Newman William F, machinist, h 20 Arch				

News Thomas, mechanic, h 63 Division S				

NEWTON EDWIN S., manager Burtis Opera House, 12 to 22 North, h 14 William				

Newton Mrs Flora M, mill op, bds 3 Owasco				

Newton Mary E, res 14 William				

Newton Thornton, whitewasher, h 22 Cornell				

NEW YORK CENTRAL & H. R. R. R. FREIGHT DEPOTS, M. Graney, agent, 116 to 124 and 138 to 144 State				

NEW YORK CENTRAL & H. R. R. R. passenger depot, Benj. B. Allen, ticket agent, 47 to 53 Garden				

NEW YORK STATE ARMORY, F. J. Stupp, armorer, 57 Water, also 97 and 99 State				

Newzd (sic) Adlleva (sic), laborer, bds 93 Perrine				

Neyhart Catharine, widow Joseph, res 160 Genesee				

Neyhart Lena M, student, A H S, bds 5 Liberty				

Neyhart Lewis E, carpenter, h 5 Liberty				

Neyhart Lulu R, student, A H S, bds 5 Liberty				

Niack Joseph, mechanic, bds 151 Clark				

Nicholas Elias, pedler, bds 3 O'Neil ave				

Nichols Abbie, widow Edward. h 72 Franklin				

Nichols Charles, machinist, res 5 Lincoln				

NICHOLS CHARLES B., dealer in all kinds of jewelry, also broker and auctioneer, loans negotiated on				
	favorable terms   All kinds of property bought and sold, and the interest of patrons faithfully			
	served, office and salesroom over 93 Genesee, h 21 Seminary ave			

Nichols Ella H, laundress, h 6 Paddock Bk, 78 Franklin				

Nichols Frank, machinist, res 5 Lincoln				

Nichols George W, carriage painter, h 17 Burt ave				

Nichols Hannah M, widow Gilbert, h 8 James				

Nichols Henry W, salesman, 87 Genesee, h 22 Hamilton ave				

Nichols Jennie D, bds 8 James				

Nichols Josephine C, teacher, Madison ave sch, h 6 Mc Master				

Nichols Lucy, widow Luther, h 1 Benton				

Nichols Mrs M, dressmaker, h 45 Lewis				

Nichols Melissa H, dressmaker, h over 8 Seymour				

Nichols Nellie, domestic, h 6 Paddock Bk, 74 Franklin				

Nicholson Christopher M, iron worker, bds 15 Swift				

NICHT see also KNIGHT				

Nicht Alexander J, foreman, D M O & Co, h 7 Perry				

Nicht Alexander J, Jr, student, A H S, bds 7 Perry				

Nicht Bertha H, cloth finisher, bds 10 Moravia				

Nicht Edward J, musician, h r 24 Bradford				

Nicht George A, piano maker, h over 59 1/2 Owasco				

NICHT JOSEPH, sample room, 111 Mechanic, h do   Constantly in stock, the most select Ales, Wines, 				
	Liquors and Cigars			

Nicht Theresa A, widow Joseph, bds 13 Sheridan				

Nickason Frank J, shoe cutter, bds 5 Maple				

Nickason Frederick H, machinist, bds 11 Morris				

NICKASON JAMES C., (9) letter carrier, h 5 Maple				

Nickason John M, wood worker, h 15 Morris				

Nickason Mary V, school teacher, bds 11 Morris				

Nickason William H, carpenter, h 11 Morris				

Nicol Bridget, widow Joseph, h r 22 Van Anden				

Nicol James, moulder, h 29 Hoffman				

Nicol John B, carpenter, h 7 1/2 Chapel ave				

Nicol Sophia, widow John, bds 62 E Genesee				

Nilan Barbara A, mill op, bds over 4 Lizette				

Nilan John B, shoe op, h over 11 Lewis				

Nilan John T, shoe laster, h 4 Lizette				

Nilan Mollie A, mill op, bds over 4 Lizette				

Nilan Timothy F, baker, h over 4 Lizette				

Niles George, moulder, bds 13 Clark				

Nith John, mechanic, bds 24 North				

Niver Seneca A, ins agent, bds 7 Steel				

Nixon Frank M, glove cutter, bds 147Ffulton				

Nixon George, emp D M O & Co, bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North				

Nixon Hannah, widow Edward, h r 47 Fulton				

Nixon John, emp D M O & Co, bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North				

Noakes John G, carpenter, h 4 Chapel ave				

Noble Charles A, accountant, Wegman Co, h 14 1/2 Seminary				

Noble Charlotte E, res 9 Fort				

Noble Edward A, salesman, h 1 Madison ave				

Noble Edward J, student, Theo Sem, res do				

Noble Ethel E, kindergarten teacher, res 150 Perrine				

Noble Fannie A, teacher, Madison ave sch, bds 1 Madison ave				

Noble Mrs Grace A, res 1 Madison ave				

Noble Harriet C, h 9 Fort				

NOBLE HENRY D., (Hollister & Noble), h 192 Genesee				

Noble Inez M, cashier, 137 Genesee, res 1 Madison ave				

Noble Julia K, attendant, 124 Owasco				

Noble Levi F, student, St Paul's sch, res 192 Genesee				

Noble Louise J, res 1 Madison ave				

Noble Susan A, teacher, Seymour st sch, bds 150 Perrine				

Noble William A, agent, h 150 Perrine				

Noetling George C, student theo Sem, res do				

NOLAN, see also NOLIN				

Nolan Alice, asst matron Woman's Prison, 50 Wall				

Nolan Alice C, housekeeper, 100 Orchard				

Nolan Alice E, shoe op, res 206 State				

Nolan Alice M, twine op, bds 40 Pulsifer				

Nolan Alice T, silk weaver, bds 52 Owasco				

Nolan Ann, widow William, h 218 Seymour				

Nolan Anna A, button op, bds 21 Parker				

Nolan Anna M, student, A H S, res 59 Garrow				

Nolan Annie, bds 97 Washington				

Nolan Bertha M, box op, bds 35 1/2 Frances				

Nolan Charles J, salesman, 15 Genesee, bds 69 Clark				

Nolan Daniel J, emp D M O & Co, h 51 Bradford				

Nolan Dennis F, mill op, bds 59 Garrow				

Nolan Dennis J, moulder, h over 240 State				

Nolan Edward E, laborer, h 37 Parker				

Nolan Edward J, fruit dealer, 15 Genesee, h over do				

Nolan Edward L, mechanic, bds 31 Frazee				

Nolan Eliza, widow Charles, h 69 Clark				

Nolan Elizabeth A, attendant, bds 100 Orchard				

Nolan Ellen M, widow John T, h 59 Garrow				

Nolan Ellen R, widow Dennis, h 209 State				

Nolan James, coachman, 194 Genesee, h 19 Parker				

Nolan James, emp D M ) & Co, bds 190 State				

Nolan James, painter, bds over 3 water				

Nolan James, paper hanger, h 50 Lewis				

Nolan James H, local agent, Ehrman Brew Co, h 130 Clark				

Nolan James J, flagman, N Y C R R, h 100 Orchard				

Nolan James J, installment house, over 20 1/2 Owasco, h do				

Nolan James K, horse trainer, h 13 Wadsworth				

Nolan James W, bartender, bds 21 Parker				

Nolan James W, shoe op, bds 59 Garrow				

Nolan John, blacksmith, h 52 Owasco				

Nolan John, laborer, h over 64 Cornell				

Nolan John C, hammersman, h 19 Wadsworth				

NOLAN JOHN C., (Sprague, Axtmann & Nolan,) h 49 Elizabeth				

Nolan John J, delivery clerk, h over 8 Parker				

Nolan John J, mechanic, bds 31 Frazee				

Nolan John S, shoe op, bds 1 1/2 Button				

Nolan John X, drug clerk, bds 97 Washington				

Nolan Joseph, laborer, bds 11 Underwood				

Nolan Joseph, shoe op, bds 21 Parker				

Nolan Katie E, button op, bds 26 Catlin				

Nolan Lawrence, moulder, h 133 1/2 Seymour				

Nolan Libbie, domestic, 26 washington				

Nolan Lillian A, shoe op, bds 19 Parker				

Nolan Margaret, domestic, 60 Seward ave				

Nolan Margaret, twine op, bds 137 Seymour				

Nolan Margaret, widow John, h r 101 Lansing				

Nolan Margaret, widow John, h 13 Wadsworth				

Nolan Margaret, widow John, h 97 washington				

Nolan Margaret A, emp D M O & Co, bds 51 Bradford				

Nolan Margaret S, silk weaver, bds 52 Owasco				

Nolan Mamie A, shoe op, bds 50 Lewis				

Nolan Mary, widow James, h 41 Cottage				

Nolan Mary A, mill op, bds 59 Garrow				

Nolan Margaret A, shoe op, bds 5 Tehan ave				

Nolan Mary A, widow John, h 31 Frazee				

Nolan Mary E, shoe op, bds 5 Tehan ave				

Nolan Mary T, housekeeper, 100 Orchard				

Nolan Mathew, barkeeper, 103 State, bds 218 Seymour				

Nolan Mathew, iron worker, bds 218 Seymour				

Nolan Michael, emp D M O & Co, res 5 Tehan ave				

Nolan Michael, laborer, h 5 Tehan ave				

Nolan Michael, machinist, h 15 Pleasant				

Nolan Michael F, shoe op, bds 59 Garrow				

Nolan Michael J, bartender, bds 21 Parker				

Nolan Michael P, moulder, h 31 Frazee				

Nolan Nellie E, shoe op, bds 21 Parker				

Nolan Nicholas J, emp L V R R, bds 100 Orchard				

Nolan Patrick C, mill op, bds 26 Evans				

Nolan Peter J, expressman, h 20 Augustus				

Nolan Robert H, hoseman, Hose 3, A F D, bds 13 Perry				

Nolan Rosie T, shoe op, bds 5 Tehan ave				

Nolan Sarah M, shoe op, bds 1 1/2 Button				

Nolan Sarah T, shoe op, bds 21 Parker				

Nolan Stephen E, iron worker, h 26 Catlin				

Nolan Thomas, quarryman, h 40 Pulsifer				

Nolan Thomas F, twine op, bds 98 1/2 Washington				

Nolan William, coachman, 210 Genesee, h 21 Parker				

Nolan William, laborer, h 1 1/2 Button				

Nolan William, twine op, bds 40 Pulsifer				

Nolan William, Jr, emp D M O & Co, bds 1 1/2 Button				

Nolan William L, twine op, bds 50 Lewis				

NOLIN, see also NOLAN				

Nolin August, scythe plater, h 267 Seymour				

Nolin Gervaise, scythe maker, h 268 Seymour				

Nolin Joseph O, hammersman, h 64 Division N				

Noonan Edward C, mechanic, bds 40 Frazee				

Noonan John J, machinist, bds 40 Frazee				

Noonan Josephine, bds 40 frazee				

Noonan Sarah, domestic, 189 Genesee				

Noonan Thomas, laborer, h 40 Frazee				

Noonan Thomas E, boiler maker, bds 40 Frazee				

Normanly James F, shoe op, bds 41 Garden				

Normanly John, emp D M O & Co, bds 54 Lansing				

Normanly Maria, housekeeper, 54 Lansing				

Normanly Martin, emp D M O & Co, bds 54 Lansing				

Normanly Patrick H, twine op, bds 54 Lansing				

Normanly Thomas, moulder, bds 54 Lansing				

NORRIS LOUIS G., (Chilson & Norris), h 280 Genesee				

Norris Stephen, conductor, A C Ry, h 73 Lansing				

Norris Thomas W, mill op, h 4 Hulbert				

Norris Wilfred L, conductor, A C Ry, h 3 Chapel ave				

Northrop Francis, glove cutter, h 3 Court				

NORTH STREET CEMETERY (CITY), charles E. Tuxell, sexton, from 160 to 180 North				

Northway, Mabel A, bds 12 John				

Northway William, expressman, h 12 John				

Northway William, Jr, clerk, 14 E Genesee, bds 12 John				

Norton S Claire, teacher, A H S, bds 11 Hulbert				

Norton W A, stock broker, 51 Genesee				

Nostrand Edmond P, grocery and market, 66 Walnut, h over do				

Noyes La Belle C, drug clerk, 51 Genesee, res 58 do				

NOYES WILLIAM L., Seeds of all kinds, Baley Hay, Feed, Garden Implements, &c, &c, also Health Com'r,				
	4 E Genesee, h 58 do   Farmer's supplies of best quality, at consistent figures			

Nugent Alice M, milliner, bds4 1 Seymour (sic) probably (41)				

Nugent Mrs Catherine, h 181 Perrine ave				

Nugent Catherine D, box maker, bds 41 Seymour				

Nugent Edward G, mechanic, bds 181 Perrine ave				

Nugent Jennie, tailoress, bds 44 Clark				

Nugent Jennie, weaver, bds 181 Perrine ave				

Nugent John, emp D N O & Co, bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North				

Nugent John W, polisher, bds 206 Perrine ave				

Nugent John F, ins agent, h 51 Pulsifer				

Nugent Margaret, weaver, bds 206 Perrine ave				

Nugent Michael, h 41 Seymour				

Nugent Michael J, mechanic, bds 41 Seymour				

Nugent Stephen F, factoryman, bds 181 Perrine ave				

Nugent Thomas, laborer, bds 98 1/2 Washington				

NugentTthomas R, scythe welder, h 206 Perrine ave				

Nugent William J, emp D M O & Co, bds 181 Perrine ave				

Nugent William W, night foreman, A C Ry, h 98 Washington				

Nulty Christopher, gardener, h 5 Cornell				

Nye Charles, hostler, Hotel O'Neil, 1 Monroe				

Nye Clara C, mill op, bds 2 Wallace ave				

Nye David B, machinist, h over 18 Fulton				

Nye Frank M, hame op, bds 2 Wallace ave				

NYE GEORGE H., pres Cay Co Nat'l B'k, also pres and treas Nye & Wait Carpet Co and Aub City Club,				
	h Melrose, Owasco road			

NYE JAY P., superintendent, sales department, The New Birdsall Co, also Supervisor, 9th ward, 				
	h 246 Genesee			

Nye Kittie e, res 2 Wallace ave				

Nye Mabel A, student, A H S, bds 246 Genesee				

Nye Mrs Mary A, h 2 Wallace ave				

NYE & WAIT CARPET CO., Geo. H. Nye, pres and treas, Wm. F. Wait, vice-pres and manager, Jos. W.				
	Anderson, sec'y, 11 to 19 Division N			

Nye Walter A, accountant, h 19 James				

Nye William P, mechanic, bds 2 Wallace ave				

Nye Winsor J, h 2 Wallace ave				

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LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

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