Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that
section of
Rabitow Edward O, mechanic, h 3 Catlin Rabitow Emma, mill op, bds 8 Arch Rabitow Frederick G, laborer, h 8 Arch RACE, see also RASE Race C Earl, emp D M O & Co, bds over 18 Grover Race Claude W, machinist, h 35 Wall Race Elizabeth T, widow Andrew, h over 76 Washington Race George E, moulder, h 80 Owasco Race Henry C, carpenter, h 25 Park Place Race James L, piano op, bds 80 Owasco RACE JAMES W., bicycle repairs and sundries, 67 State, h 106 Washington Bicycles of all kinds and a complete line of attachments Repair work respectfully solicited Race Mary E, widow Charles A, res over 18 Grover Race Minnie J, bds 80 Owasco Radcliffe Rebecca, widow James, res 105 Wall Radcliffe Lewis H, bds 17 Sherman Radcliffe Mae, domestic, 8 Mc Master Radney Clarence N, hammersman, h 1 Owasco RADNEY HOUSE, James N. Wyllie, prop'r, 32 and 34 E Genesee Radney Patrick, bds 21 Seymour Radney William H, hammersman, h 77 Perrine Raesler Caroline, widow Bernhard, h 49 Maple Raesler Charles H, mechanic, h 63 Bradford Raesler Gracie, silk op, bds 49 Maple Raesler John A, machinist, h 5 Walnut Raesler Joseph F, iron worker, h 43 Park ave Raesler Mary A, mill op, bds 49 Maple Raesler Theresa A, silk op, bds 49 Maple Rafferty John J, iron worker, h 138 Cottage Rafferty Mary E, mill op, bds 138 Cottage Raguse Albert J, carpenter, h 1 Beardsley Raguse Albert O, tailor, h over 28 Maple Raguse Carl, wood worker, bds over 28 Maple Raguse Edith, domestic, res 1 Beardsley Raguse Max B J, twine op, bds 1 Beardsley Raguse May, widow Frank, bds over 28 Maple Raguso Frank, laborer, bds 12 Clark Raguso Guiseppe, bootblack, bds over 12 Clark Raiman Sarah A, res 49 Logan Raines Frances E, widow Frank, h over 50 1/2 Orchard Raines Francis C, lawyer, room 6 over 133 1/2 Genesee, h 68 Fulton Ramage Elizabeth D, dressmaker, bds 4 Pine RAMAGE GEORGE S., bakery salesman, also City Sealer, h 77 Mechanic Ramage Margaret R, saleslady, 46 State, bds 4 Pine Ramage Robert S, confectioner, 46 State, h 4 Pine Ramage William A, baker, 43 Lewis, h 55 do RAMAGE WILLIAM G., clerk B'd Fire Com'rs and Com'r of Deeds also Baker and Confectioner, 43 Lewis, h 45 do Ramsay Agnes, widow James, h 129 E Genesee Ramsay Agnes A, bookkeeper, 15 E Genesee, res 129 do RAMSAY HUGH D., dealer in select family groceries amd choice country produce, also teas, coffees and spices, 15 Genesee, h 23 Franklin Fruits, Greens, Vegetables. etc, in Season RAMSAY JAMES W., dealer in fresh, salt and smoked meats, also poultry, etc, 79 North, h 8 Morris Your patronage solicited Ramsay Mary J, res 129 E Genesee RAMSAY WILLIAM W., road salesman, Ramsay's Grocery House, h 37 Evans RAMSEY DANIEL L., (J. W. Ramsey & son,) h 148 E Genesee Ramsey Harry H, clerk, 33 Market, bds 148 E Genesee RAMSEY J. W. & SON, (Daniel L.) seeds and dairy implements also bicycles, lawn mowers and cream separators, 33 Market N B --We are the agents for the best make of bicycles now in the market and respectfully solicit your attention to goods and prices RAMSEY JOHN W., (J. W. Ramsey & Son,) h 148 E Genesee Ramsey Mrs Mary E, h 22 Perrine Ramsey Maude E, bds 17 Myrtle ave Randall Catherine, widow Thomas, h 19 Wood Randall George L, emp D M O & Co, h 20 Lincoln Randall Henry C, painter, h 39 Seymour Randall Lansing D, shoe op, bds 19 Wood Randall Mary E, mill op, bds 19 Wood Randall Sadie M, mill op, bds 19 Wood Randolph Dan T, machinist, 101 Orchard, h 322 Genesee Randolph Edward S, machinist, bds 322 Genesee Randolph Frank B, machinist, bds 322 Genesee Raner Grant, mechanic, h 74 Perrine Ranf Charles A, painter, h 34 Delevan Ranning Arthur, machinist, bds 92 Wall Ransier Mary P, widow Joseph P, res 23 Chapel Rappleye Frances J, piano teacher, h 9 William RASE see also RACE Rase Augusta E, tailoress, bds over 17 E Genesee Rase Charles F, barkeeper, 22 aurelius ave, bds 65 Division N Rase Fred W, baker, enq over 17 E Genesee RASE HENRY L., barkeeper, 17 e Genesee, bds over do Rase Sophia C, shoe op, bds over 17 E Genesee Rase William A, barber, 40 State, bds over 17 E Genesee RASE WILLIAM F., Restaurant, Saloon and Lunch Supplies, 17 E Genesee, h over do The choicest goods in the above line always in stock Rasskie Wicz Konstan, emp D M O & Co, h 70 Perrine RATHBUN FRANK R., designer and draughtsman, also Solicitor of Patents, office, studio and residence, 42 1/2 Franklin (see adv, next page) Rattigan Agnes E, housekeeper, bds 125 Mechanic Rattigan Anna T, principal, South St sch, bds 20 1/2 Logan Rattigan Catharine, widow John, h 125 Mechanic RATTIGAN MRS. C. F., millinery, 123 Genesee, res 20 Logan RATTIGAN CHARLES F., editor in chief, Auburn Daily Bulletin, 27 and 29 Clark, h 20 Logan Rattigan John H, moulder, bds 125 Mechanic Rattigan Katherine E, accountant, 145 Genesee, res 20 1/2 Logan Rattigan Mary H, stenographer, D M O & Co, res 20 1/2 Logan Rattigan Patrick, laborer, h over 25 Moravia Rawson John H, emp D M O & Co, h 151 Mechanic Rawson William H, emp D M O & Co, bds 151 Mechanic RAY see RAHE also REA Ray Fred D, timekeeper, D M O & Co, bds over 43 Fulton Ray Jessie T, school teacher, bds 39 Franklin Ray Mary E, teacher, Fulton st sch, bds 39 Franklin Ray Milan, photographer, h 39 Franklin Ray Oliver, laborer, h over 30 Sherwood Ray Ollie, assistant, bds over 90 Washington Raymond Frank H, emp D M O & Co, h over 15 Grover Raymond John, delivery clerk, 24 1/2 Genesee, h over 19 3/4 do Raymond Lafayette F, machinist, h 35 Clark Raymond Melissa A, res 20 Lansing Raymond Samuel G, carpenter, h 20 Lansing Raymond Willis J, baker, h 110 Fulton Raynor Jay D, emp D M O & Co, h over 72 North REA, see RAHE, also RAY REA GEORGE A., sign Writer, Awning Manufacturer, also painting and graining, cor Genesee and South streets, h 28 Morris (see adv) Ray Jessie B, bds 28 Morris Ray Leonard L, teas, coffees, &c, 55 Genesee, h 26 Morris Rayburn Eleanor, widow Robert, res over 77 Van Anden Read Ellen, widow Rue, res 90 1/2 Van Anden READING ROOM (FREE), over 9 Exchange Readle George F, machinist, 101 Orchard, h 9 Garfield REAGAN, see also REGAN Reagan Daniel, painter, h over 178 State Reagan Dennis, teamster, h 278 State Reardon Eugene J, meat cutter, bds 20 Walnut Reardon Mary J, widow Owen, h 20 Walnut Reardon Mary J, weaver, bds 20 Walnut Reardon Michael, moulder, h 56 Perrine Reardon Nellie F, weaver, bds 20 Walnut Reddy Patrick, blacksmith, bds 37 Mechanic Redmond Agnes, student, bds 30 Hoffman Redmond Frances E, button op, bds 30 Hoffman Redmond John F, laborer, bds 30 Hoffman Redmond John J, mechanic, bds 30 Hoffman Redmond Mary A, boarding house, 30 Hoffman Redmond Michael J, coachman, h 31 Lansing Redmond Richard J, moulder, h over 73 Steel Redmond Rosanna A, widow John, bds 30 Hoffman Redmond Thomas, laborer, bds 30 Hoffman Redmond Timothy W, com trav, bds 30 Hoffman REED, see also REID Reed Elizabeth, widow John, res 15 Franklin Reed Frank B, shoemaker, bds 137 E Genesee Reed Andrew, clerk, bds over 24 North Reed Mrs Hannah, bds 24 North Reed Harry E, ass't caterer, City Club, h 29 Parker Reed Harry L, vocalist, res 5 Court Reed James C, retired, h 159 Genesee Reed John Wesley, laborer, h 29 Union ave Reed Nathan C, contractor, &c, over 87 Genesee, h 137 E do Reed Silas W, treas, A W Stevens & son, h 67 North Reedy James, mason tender, h 27 Howard Reedy John, blacksmith, bds 30 Frances Reedy Morris B, laborer, h 36 Pulsifer Reese Charles N, emp D M O & Co, bds over 20 E Genesee Reese Gilbert S, painter, h over 20 E Genesee Reese Lester H, mechanic, bds over 20 E Genesee Reese Orville P, bicycle op, bds over 20 E Genesee Reese Solomon P, emp D M O & Co, h over 20 E Genesee Reeser Mrs Emma B, res 19 Grover REEVE LOUIS E., dealer in choice family groceries, also teas, coffees and spices, 120 E Genesee, h do Reeves Anna, res 64 Wall Reeves Mrs Anna, h r 74 Orchard Reeves Fred, carpenter, bds r 74 Orchard REGAN, see also REAGAN Regan Charles H, insurance, bds 25 Van Anden Regan Hannah, widow Daniel, h 32 Madison ave Regan Harry J, salesman, 69 Genesee, h 9 Grant ave Regan John, (De Freze & Regan,) h 10 Morris Regan Joseph, emp D M O & Co, , bds 32 Madison ave Regan Joseph J, emp D M O & Co, bds 34 E Genesee Regan Laura, attendant, 30 South Regan Margaret A, res 25 Van Anden Regan Mary R, mill op, h 32 Madison ave Regan Mary Frances, bds 105 Fulton Regan Robert L, emp D M O & co, bds 25 Van Anden Regan Susan, widow Patrick, h 105 Fulton Regan Thomas F, h 25 Van Anden Regan Thomas P, insurance, bds 25 Van Anden Regenbogen Ann, housekeeper, res 13 Water REGENBOGEN REV. HERBERT, pastor St. Alphonsus Ch, 13 Water, h do Regna Pasquale, shoemaker, bds 9 Water Reichenecker Carrie, button op, bds 88 1/2 Owasco Reichenecker Frank, shoe op, bds 88 1/2 Owasco Reichenecker George J, emp D M O & Co, h 88 1/2 Owasco Reichenecker John, piano op, bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North Reichenecker William, twine op, bds 88 1/2 Owasco REID, see also REED Reid Charles A, iron melter, h 218 Division S Reid Ella Margaret, res 112 North Reid Grace J, res 112 North Reid John, shoemaker, h 7 Augustus Reid Mary E, widow John, h 112 North REILLY, see also RILEY Reilly Agnes, waitress, 168 Genesee Reilly Agnes A, seamstress, bds 81 Grant ave Reilly Anna, attendant, 11 Seminary Reilly Bridget, cook, 64 South Reilly Bridget, mill op, bds 58 Canoga Reilly Ellen, attendant, 11 Seminary Reilly Edward, twine op, bds 81 Grant ave Reilly Mary, domestic, 88 E Genesee Reilly Mary, widow James, h r 36 Owasco Reilly Mary A, widow William, bds 57 Hamilton ave Reilly Mary E, seamstress, bds r 36 Owasco Reilly Peter, mechanic, h 149 Perrine Reilly Peter, Jr, emp D M O & Co, bds 149 Perrine Reilly Robert, mason, h 81 Grant ave Reilly Sarah, domestic, 86 E Genesee Reilly Theresa A, seamstress, bds r 36 Owasco Reilly, Thomas, clerk, over 141 Genesee, bds 82 1/2 North Reilly william B, button op, bds 81 Grant ave Reilly William J, emp D M O & Co, bds r 36 Owasco REISDORF, see also RISEDORPH Reisdorf Frank J, machinist, bds 64 Pulsifer Reisdorf John E, emp D M O & Co, h 69 1/2 Pulsifer Reisdorf Peter M, machinist, h 63 Pulsifer Relph Grace, dressmaker, bds 9 Morris Relph Mathew M, wagon maker, over 35 Garden, h 9 Morris Remarque John A, carpet layer, G W R & Son, h 69 Lewis Remington Ernest S, emp D M O & Co, h over 9 Pleasant REMINGTON FRANK L., druggist and pharmacist, 71 Genesee, h 2 Sheridan Remington George H, teamster, h 5 Auburn ave Remington Nellie, seamstress, bds 116 Fulton Renahan James, machinist, h 23 chase Renahan James H, mechanic, bds 23 Chase Renahan John M, mechanic, bds 23 Chase Renahan Lydia M, bds 23 Chase Renahan Thomas F, mechanic, bds 23 Chase Reno Bessie A, student, A H S, bds 7 Adams Reno Menzo R, drayman, h 7 Adams Resimiele Tatolo, laborer, h 98 1/2 Orchard Reshiewrezn Konstan, emp D M O & Co, h 70 Perrine Ressir Mary, shoe op, bds 38 Garrow Retallack Edward H, coachman, Melrose c Lake ave Retallack William John, boiler maker, h 7 Wheeler Reynolds Alfred A, mechanic, h 32 Mary Reynolds Alice M, dressmaker, bds 26 Cayuga Reynolds Alice M, dressmaker, over 3 State, h do Reynolds Ann, res 35 Elizabeth Reynolds Bernard, gardener, 130 South, h 39 Moravia Reynolds Bertha, wrapper op, bds 90 Clark Reynolds Catherine, widow John, bds 14 Fitch ave Reynolds Charles C, shoe cutter, h 29 Jefferson Reynolds Ella F, button op, bds 39 Moravia REYNOLDS FRANK J. C., accountant, Ehrman Brew Co, res 31 E Genesee (Nat'l Notel B'k) Reynolds George L, inventor, h 10 Evans Reynolds Grant S, emp D M O & Co, bds 21 Elm Reynolds Henry E, moulder, bds 39 Moravia Reynolds Hugh, machinist, h 69 Division S Reynolds Jane, widow Hugh, nurse, res 29 Moravia Reynolds Julia A, bds 26 Grant ave Reynolds Katie, domestic, 169 Lake ave Reynolds Kittle (sic) L, domestic, bds 39 Moravia Reynolds Lavinia A H, widow Dr George W, h over 1 Cayuga Reynolds Lucy D, widow James L, res 215 Genesee Reynolds Nellie, bds 65 Walnut Reynolds Nelson M, carpenter, h 26 Cayuga Reynolds Thomas, emp D M O & Co, h 65 Walnut Reynolds William B, carpenter, h 15 Gaylord Reynolds William M, moulder, bds 39 Moravia Rheinboth Augusta M, shoe op, bds 21 West Rheinboth Emma J, shoe op, bds 21 West Rheinboth Richard, brewer, h 21 West RHOADES WILLIAM R., piano tuner, Gruner's piano warerooms, 5 State, res over 5 Water Rhodes Edith, res 16 Steel Rhodes Edwin H, painter, bds 66 Moravia RHODES EMMETT, general agent Equitable Life Assurance Society, Fire Insurance, Civil Service Commissioner, also Sec'y and Treas'r Fort Hill Cemetery Association, office rooms A and B over 90 Genesee, h 16 Steel Rhodes Henry H, engineer, h 36 Bristol ave, Melrose Rhodes Henry J, prison guard, h 122 Van Anden Rhodes Hiram H, carpenter, h 66 Moravia Rhodes William C, emp D M O & Co, bds 66 Moravia Rhymer Henry F, real estate agent, over 141 Genesee, bds 3 North Riby Lillie M, wrapper op, bds 41 1/2 Mechanic Riby Robert, farmer, bds 38 Water Rice Albert F, shoe cutter, bds 9 Van Anden Rice Allen, watchman, Nye & Waits, bds 29 Barber Rice Byron E, machinist, bds 4 Underwood Rice Charles A, silk twister, bds 113 Mechanic Rice Cornelia M, teacher, South st sch, bds 40 1/2 Burt ave Rice Edgar, button maker, bds 1 Willey Rice Edgar, plumber, bds 32 Bradford Rice Emma A, widow John, h 4 Underwood Rice Emma A, widow Julian T, h 40 1/2 Burt ave Rice Frank, blacksmith, h 28 Case ave Rice Fred F, special d'v'y clerk, 12 South, bds 113 Mechanic Rice Freeman, farmer, h 159 Franklin Rice George A, tool maker, bds 4 Underwood Rice George W, farmer, bds 159 Franklin Rice Grace, seamstress, bds 196 State Rice James, mechanic, bds 48 clark Rice James J, bolt maker, bds 113 Mechanic Rice John, shoe op, bds 113 Mechanic RICE JOHN W., dealer in foreign and domestic dry goods, 103 Genesee, h 34 Grover RICE JOHN W., foreman, Aub Bulletin, h 22 Jefferson Rice Mrs Laura E, widow John W, seamstress, h over 81 North Rice Mabel F, teacher, res 40 1/2 Burt ave Rice Mamie A, tailoress, bds 113 Mechanic Rice Mary A, bds 159 Franklin Rice Mary A, widow John J, h 3 Lincoln Rice Neil, fireman, 101 Orchard, bds 48 Clark RICE SAM J., letter carrier, res 18 1/2 Hamilton ave Rice William, blacksmith, h 113 Mechanic Rice William A, emp D M O & Co, bds 113 Mechanic RICH HON. ADELBERT P., (Rich & Aiken,) also pres't Aub Telephone Co, h 156 North RICH & AIKEN, (A. P. Rich, E. C. Aiken, B. L. and F. R. Rich,) attorneys at law, over 141 Genesee, rooms 208-214 inclusive, Metcalf B'd'g Rich Bertha L, student, A H S, res 156 North RICH BURT L., (Rich & Aiken,) h 18 Seminary ave RICH CHAUNCEY D., (Rich & French,) h 106 South Rich Elizabeth F, compositor, Aub Bulletin, res 140 Seymour Rich Elizabeth M, widow Francis C, h 140 Seymour Rich F K & Co, brokers, over 101 Genesee Rich Frances, widow Frank, h over 43 Fulton Rich Frank C, student, A H S, res 156 North Rich Fred K, (F K R & Co,) bds 106 South RICH FRED R., (Rich & Aiken,) h 30 Westlake ave RICH & FRENCH, (C. D. Rich and D. E. French,) insurance and real estate, also loan and investment agency, rooms 3 Smith Building, over 104 Genesee Rich Hiram J, (Shallish & Rich,) h 6 Chestnut RICH JAMES F., accountant, 82 Genesee, also agent Smith Premier Type Writer, res 10 Capitol RICH JOHN E., constable also sup't P C to A S, h 10 Capitol Rich John G, com trav, h 16 Grover Rich Winifred, res 106 South Richards Benjamin F, emp D M O & Co, h 5 Adams Richards Bertha N, bds 5 Adams Richards Celia C, bds 5 Adams Richards Charles, carpenter, bds 150 Seymour Richards Charles, mechanic, h 108 Mechanic Richards Frank N, salesman, (G W R & Son,) h 11 Gibson sq Richards Henry, painter, bds 55 Market Richards Jennie, teacher, res 11 Gibson sq Richards Jesse, mason, h 150 Seymour Richards Mrs Jessie, nurse, 137 South Richards Nellie, dressmaker, bds 150 Seymour Richardson Aaron M, blacksmith, 241 North, h 239 do Richardson Bickerton P, laborer, bds 32 Cornell Richardson Charles, apprentice, bds 32 Elm Richardson Cora C, widow Fred, button op, bds 30 Arch Richardson Deborah V, widow John H, res 183 1/2 State Richardson Elijah, bds 32 Cornell RICHARDSON FRANK W., (G. W. R. & Son,) also School Commissioner, h 46 South Richardson George, mill op, h 85 1/2 Owasco Richardson George F, clerk, bds 85 1/2 Owasco RICHARDSON GEORGE W., (G. W. R. & Son,) h 56 South RICHARDSON G. W. & SON, (Frank W.,) furniture, carpets, draperies, curtains and wall papers, junc south and Exchange Richardson Helen D, bds 85 1/2 Owasco Richardson Hosea W, wood dealer, r 4 Seminary ave, h 119 Seward ave Richardson Jacob, teamster, h 32 Cornell Richardson Jacob, Jr, bds 32 Cornell Richardson Jennie F, silk op, bds 85 1/2 Owasco Richardson Mary E, student, A H S, bds 32 Cornell Richardson Mollie A, res 82 North Richardson Sarah J, student, A H S, bds 32 Cornell Richardson Thomas S, res 82 North Richens Blanche B, teacher, North St Sch, bds 166 Seymour Richens James, Jr, com trav, h 166 Seymour Richens L Belle, res 166 Seymour Richmond Frederick D, bds 200 North Richmond Louis O, student, Theo Sem, res do Rickard Arthur, carpenter, bds 275 North Rickert Anthony, moulder, bds 68 Orchard Rickey Jessie, domestic, 109 Owasco Riddell Catherine, widow James W, weaver, bds r 78 Owasco Ridley Elvey D, prison guard, h 49 1/2 Clark Rieckle Kittie, waitress, Osborne House Riegle Fred S, stenog'r, 13 Genesee, bds 44 Logan Riegle John, with The New Birdsall Co, bds The Avery Riester Mary, domestic, bds 248 North Rigby Frank H, cigar maker, h over 28 Walnut Rigby Mary A, seamstress, bds over 6 South Riggs charles T, student, theo Sem, res do Riggs Edward H, student, Hill Sch, res 33 Seminary Riggs Henry H, student, Theo Sem, res do Riggs Rev James S, D D, prof, Theo Sem, h 33 Seminary RIGHTMYER LEVI H., dealer in flagging stone, &c, &c, office and yards 70 North, h do (see adv) Rightmyer Raymond, salesman, 28 Clark, bds 137 1/2 Van Anden Rightmyer William, stone cutter, h 137 1/2 Van Anden Riker Herbert B, farmer, h 209 division S RILEY, see also REILLY Riley Anna, shoe op, bds Empire House, 34 Dill Riley Bernard, mason, h 17 Mattie Riley David, mason, bds 17 Mattie Riley Edward, laborer, bds 11 Mc Master Riley Ella A, button op, 17 Mattie Riley Ellen, domestic, 11 Seminary Riley Hannah, domestic, 11 Seminary Riley Julia, domestic, 55 Clark Riley Lizzie E, attendant, 144 south Riley Maggie, domestic, 31 Easterly ave Riley Margaret, domestic, 10 Easterly ave Riley Roderick P, salesman, 39 Genesee, h 14 Steel Riley robert D, mechanic, h 14 Steel Riley William, laundryman, bds 25 Washington Ringe Clara O, principal, Genesee St Sch, bds 37 Elizabeth Ring Abigail E, bds 15 Washington Ring Edward C, com trav, bds 15 Washington Ring Margaret M, dressmaker, bds 15 Washington Ring William T, machinist, bds 15 Washington Ringland John, mason tender, h 15 Paul Ringland Robert, mason tender, h 15 Paul Ringwood Edward, emp D M O & Co, bds 12 Mary Ringwood Elizabeth, widow James, h 12 Mary Ringwood George, teamster, bds 12 Mary Ringwood James, emp D M O & Co, bds 12 Mary Ringwood John E, emp D M O & Co, h over 25 West Ringwood Thomas W, carpenter, h 38 Mary RISEDORF, see also REISDORPH Rising Charles P, artist, studio over 25 Dill, h over 14 Sherman Rising Charles W, conductor, A C Ry, h 5 Mary Rising Harriet S, widow George, res over 14 Sherman Rising Myron L, delivery clerk, bds 5 Mary Ritter Maude E, mill op, bds 294 Genesee RITTMANN FRITZ, sample rooms, also restaurant, (Deutsche Heimath) The best brand of ales, liquors, wines, tobacco and cigars, 49 Market, h do (See card) Rivers Charles C, emp D M O & Co, h 99 Lansing Roach Ellen A, dressmaker, bds 48 Bradford Roach Emma A I, box op, bds 17 Frances Roach Emma M, button op, bds 153 Seymour Roach Frank C, prison keeper, h 153 Seymour Roach Frederick E, machinist, h 17 Frances Roach Frederick M, salesman, 75 Genesee, bds 15 Union ROACH GEORGE, machinist, h 15 Union Roach Ida E, dressmaker, bds 15 Union Roach Jennie, dressmaker, bds 32 1/2 Bradford Roach John, mechanic, h 48 Bradford Roach John S, (Forman & Roach,) h 32 1/2 Bradford Roach Joseph, laborer, bds 29 Madison ave Roach Kittie, shoe op, bds 67 1/2 Van Anden Roach Louise M, milliner, bds 15 Union Roach Martin M, machinist, bds 153 Seymour Roach Nellie, dressmaker, bds 32 1/2 Bradford Roach Thomas E, emp D M O & Co, h 8 Mac Dougall Roane Alice, widow Timothy, h 209 State Roane William T, salesman, 69 Genesee, h 89 North ROARKE, see ROURKE, also O'ROURKE Roarke Catherine T, weaver, bds over 138 Cottage Roarke William, mechanic, h over 138 Cottage Robar Burt, emp D M O & Co, bds 32 Havens ave Robbins Alfred F, carpenter, h 102 Division S Robbins Charles E, gardener, 99 South, h 125 Division S Robbins David B, engineer, h 30 Van Patten Robbins Edward J, ice pedler, h 138 Division S Robbins Elva N, saleslady, 33 Genesee, bds 30 Van Patten Robbins Mary E, teacher, bds 30 Van Patten Roberson Frank M, emp D M O & Co, bds 5 Gibson sq ROBERSON WINFIELD S., collector Aub bulletin, h 5 Gibson Square Roberts Anna, waitress, Lewis House, 35 Chapel Roberts August, emp 101 Orchard, h 10 1/2 Rock ave Roberts Charles A, mechanic, res 3 Washington Roberts Charles W, mechanic, res 3 Washington Roberts Cornelia, h over 100 Wall Roberts Ella F, res 62 South Roberts Fred L, musician, h 15 Pulsifer Roberts George, laborer, bds 174 South Roberts Harriet A, dressmaker, bds over 100 Wall Roberts John H, h over 4 Water Roberts Leonard F, coremaker, h 236 Seymour Roberts May O, res 236 1/2 Seymour Roberts Myrtie M, bds 10 1/2 Rock ave ROBERTS ROBERT L., student, Theo Sem, res do Roberts B F, mechanic, h 6 Ross Roberts Stanley, mason, bds 42 Seminary Roberts William, mechanic, h 63 Washington Roberts William, trimmer, E L Co, rear 24 North Roberts William O, d'v'y clerk, 32 Dill, h 17 Parker Robertson James, freight handler, bds 87 Wall Robertson Mortimer, carpenter, h 125 E Genesee Robertson Thomas F, mechanic, bds 3 Wheeler Robertson William J, mechanic, h 3 Wheeler Robinson Agnes, res 24 Court Robinson Alva, pattern maker, bds 81 Nelson ROBINSON BROTHERS,(Homer L, and Walter G., Jr.,) Marble and Granite Works, 47 Walnut, Auto phone 751 (See back cover) Robinson Buel E, emp D M O & Co, bds 5 Orchard Robinson Charles N, engineer, h 53 1/2 Wall Robinson Charles P, painter, bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North Robinson charles W, mechanical eng'r, D M O & Co, h 2 Howard Robinson Charlotte M, widow Dr Horatio, Jr, h 27 William Robinson Clara E, bds 22 Chestnut Robinson Edwin Y, janitor, Franklin St Sch, h over 25 Lewis Robinson Mrs Eleanor B, h over 12 Sheridan Robinson Estella G, teacher, bds over 12 Sheridan Robinson Frank A, wood worker, h 5 Orchard ROBINSON HOMER L., (Robinson Brothers,) h 162 E Genesee Robinson James B, boat builder, 18 Mattie, h 66 Hamilton ave Robinson James W, farmer, h 79 Van Anden Robinson Janet S, res 27 William Robinson Jay A, wringer op, bds 5 Orchard Robinson Julia, teacher, A H S, bds 24 Court Robinson Lucretia M, widow George H, h 34 Orchard Robinson Mary A, res 24 Court Robinson Millicent A, teacher, res 5 Orchard Robinson Mrs Nellie, res 9 1/2 State Robinson Robert W, physician, office and res 32 Court c Linden Pl Robinson Sarah, res 16 Grant ave ROBINSON WALTER G., sculptor, office, studio and residence 47 Walnut ROBINSON WALTER G., JR., (Robinson Bros.), res 47 Walnut Robinson Walter W, accountant, 50 Genesee, bds 25 Cayuga Robinson Watson B, mill op, h 22 Chestnut Robinson William M, emp D M O & Co, h over 48 Bradford Robinson William N, h 41 Elizabeth ROBINSON HON. WILLIAM P., Deputy Collector Internal Revenue, Office Gov't Building, 157 Genesee, h 24 Court Rochester Clothing Co, over 116 Genesee Rockefeller Fisher D, emp D M O & Co, bds 12 Perry Rockefeller Philip, delivery clerk, bds 12 Perry Rockett Thomas, emp D M O & Co, bds 50 Nelson Roddy James, coachman, bds 10 Janet Roddy Peter, salesman, 22 Clark, bds do Roderick Bertha, trained nurse, City Hospital, 15 Lansing RODGERS, see also ROGERS Rodgers Anna, waitress, 86 South Rodgers James H, machinist, h 7 Garden ROE, see also ROWE Roe Mrs Amelia C, button op, h over 29 Garrow Roe Annie E, shoe op, bds over 29 Garrow Roe Carrie J, shoe op, bds over 29 Garrow Roe Ezra E, machinist, h 84 Wall Roe Fanny E, shoe op, bds over 29 Garrow Roe Flora M, student, A H S, res 84 Wall Roe Fred J, prison guard, 131 State Roe James H, shoe op, bds r 74 Orchard Roe John, laborer, bds 89 1/2 Orchard Roe John F, emp D M O & Co, h 25 Chestnut Roe Martin F, painter, h 36 Frazee Roe Patrick J, shoe op, bds r 74 Orchard Roe Thomas J, shoe op, bds r 74 Orchard Roffee Lydia A, h 11 Van Anden ROGERS, see also RODGERS Rogers Allen C, emp D M O & Co, h 16 Gaylord Rogers Amanda E, widow Daniel, h 98 Van Anden Rogers Bert A, expressman, bds 98 Van Anden Rogers Catherine, domestic, 115 South Rogers Catherine, widow John, res 9 Court Rogers Charles, emp D M O & Co, bds 10 Walnut Rogers Edith A, maid, 168 Genesee Rogers Emma, cook, 20 South, h over 80 Genesee (No 7) ROGERS F. LEE, Dist Agent for the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co, of Milwaukee, Wis, office over 67 Genesee cor North, h 5 Sheridan ROGERS GEORE P., (pres The R. J. Rogers Lumber and Coal Co,) res Seneca Falls, N Y Rogers Henry W, prison foreman, (brooms) h over 39 E Genesee Rogers Llewellyn D, d'v'y clerk, (G W R & Son,) h 10 Cross Rogers Maria, attendant, 194 Genesee Rogers Mary E, domestic, 33 Fulton Rogers Mary J, widow George G, h over 87 E Genesee Rogers Peter, shoe op, h 18 Dill ROGERS (THE) R. J. LUMBER AND COAL CO., (Inc) Geo. P. Rogers, pres, Geo. W. Foster, sec'y and treas, Chas. W. Chick, manager Wholesale and Retail dealers in all kinds of Lumber, also Coal, yards and office 30 Perrine, on the N Y C & H R R R (See bottom lines) Rogers Walter G, insurance, bds over 87 E Genesee Rohn Ignatz, h 23 Frances Roland William, laborer, h 61 Cottage Roland William J, mechanic, bds 61 Mechanic Rolfe Lillian B, dressmaker, bds over 253 Genesee Rolfe George W, wood worder (sic) bds over 253 Genesee Rolfe Mary A, widow Charles, h over 253 Genesee Rollo John H, com trav, h 143 Van Anden Romig Harry G, student, Theo Sem, res do Romig Hobart, student, A H S, res 44 South ROMIG HOBERT L., (Romig Manufacturing Co,) h 44 South ROMIG MANUFACTURING CO., manufacturers Wrappers and Suits, office and factory 8 Lincoln Romig Mary, student, res 44 South ROMIG MRS. MARY E., (Romig Manufacturing Co,) h 44 South Ronan Mary A, domestic, 215 Genesee Ronan Retta E, bds 30 Dill Roney Charles J, emp D M O & Co, bds 117 Mechanic Roney Frances D, button op, bds 117 Mechanic Roney John A, brass moulder, h 117 Mechanic Rood George A, contractor, h 5 Seymour Root George, emp Emp Tel Co, h over 19 Washington Root Gordon V, emp D M O & Co, bds over 19 Washington Root Jeremiah Clark, moulder, h 50 Holley Roscher & Livermore, (Rudolp (sic) R, and John B L) shaving and hair dressing, over 57 Genesee Roscher Rudolph (Roscher & Livermore), h 52 Walnut Rose Bert M, conductor, A C Ry, h 89 Fulton Rose Charles J, laborer, bds 16 1/2 Coon Rose Effie M, teacher, Bradford st sch, bds 59 Seward ave Rose Lucius M, mechanic, bds 59 Seward ave Rose Mannister J, salesman Big Store, res 84 Wall Rose Merton J, painter, bds 22 Howard Rose Minnie, attendant, 4 Jefferson Rose Salmon N, h 59 seward ave Rose William, horseman, r 86 State, h do Roseboom Abram, meat cutter, 14 North, h 59 Wall ROSEBOOM ANDREW W., Contractor & Builder, also Superintendant School Buildings and Vice-Pres Builder's Exchange, office and works over 16 Franklin, h 96 E Genesee Roseboom Mrs Augusta H, bds 30 Holley Roseboom Belinda, widow Gilbert T, h 30 Garrow Roseboom Benjamin B, city policeman, h 3 Sumner Roseboom Emma M, bds 3 Sumner Roseboom Gertrude B, bookkeeper, bds 59 Wall Roseboom Jessie M, stenographer, bds 3 Sumner Roseboom Julia A, teacher, James st sch, bds 59 Wall Roseboom Mary V, bds 30 Garrow Roseboom Philip A, accountant, 101 Orchard, bds 59 Wall ROSECRANS JOHN, lawyer, also dealer in real estate, office over 111 Genesee, h 143 E do Rosecrans Mary, cook, Peacock's, 1 E Genesee Roshinski Max, emp D M O & Co, h 61 Pulsifer Rosing Mary A, domestic, enq 61 Seymour Ross Mrs Alice B, h 37 William Ross Anna E, shoe fitter, bds 70 1/2 Van Anden Ross Charles H, carpenter, bds 28 Elizabeth Ross Charles N, h 7 Fort Ross Charles W, salesman, 45 Washington, h 187 Genesee Ross Christopher, painter, h 22 Paul Ross Cornelia B, res 37 William Ross David A, emp D M O & co, h 120 Van Anden Ross Edna, h over 22 Clark ROSS EDWARD A., (Auburn tobacco Co,) 109 State, bds 229 Genesee Ross Edwin M, Jr, res 20 1/2 Ross Place ROSS ELMORE N., General Groceries, Provisions and Family Supplies, Wholesale and Retail, also Aub Tobacco Co, 145 Genesee, h 229 do (See card) Ross Eva, twine op, h over 63 State Ross Gertrude, bds 45 Nelson Ross Ida M, teacher, kindergarten, bds 28 Elizabeth ROSS JAMES F., (Foster, Ross & Baucus,) h 45 Nelson ROSS JAMES H., (1), letter carrier, h 28 Elizabeth Ross Jannette L, widow Napoleon L, h 229 Genesee Ross John, mechanic, bds 22 Paul ROSS JOHN N., stenographer, also recorder Bertillion system of Measurements, Auburn Prison, res 229 Genesee Ross Margaret T, mill op, bds 22 Paul Ross Mary, attendant, 86 South Ross Napoleon, student, A H S, bds 229 Genesee Ross Richard, upholsterer, 16 Dill, carpet cleaning, &c, r 30 Chapel, h 107 Wall Ross Robert J, emp D M O & Co, bds 22 Paul Ross Sarah, widow John, h 107 North Ross Sidney W, polisher, h over 13 Derby ave Ross William, machinist, bds 5 Washington ROSS WILLIAM H., ass't mailing clerk, P O, bds 229 Genesee Rosse Bessie, bds 9 Water Rosse Frank, shoemaker, 7 Water, h 9 do Rosse James, shoemaker, bds 9 Water Rosse Vincenzo, shoemaker, bds 9 Water Rossiter Abraham, emp D M O & Co, bds 1 E Genesee Rothery Augustus, file m'f'r, 20 Hoffman, h do Rothery Elizabeth J, bds 20 Hoffman Rothery Wilbur H, student, A H S, bds 20 Hoffman Roto Carlo, laborer, bds 12 Clark Rottler John, shoe cutter, room 14 Liberty Rounds Elizabeth, widow William, bds 107 Franklin Rounds Frank B, h 5 Janet Rounds Lewis E, attache, Tallman's stables, h over 30 Clark Rounds Nathan, foreman, D M O & Co, h 21 Foote Rounds Sarah E, widow Edward W, teacher, Franklin st sch, h 78 E Genesee Roundy Melissa F, widow Asahel, h 38 Grant ave ROURKE, see O' ROURKE, also ROARKE Rourke Alice T, waitress, 46 Grant ave, res 65 do Rourke Frank J, carpenter, bds 65 Grant ave Rourke James, machinist, bds 114 State Rourke John, mason, bds 101 Van Anden Rourke John T, machinist, h 8 Pine Rourke Mary E, spinner, bds 65 Grant ave Rourke Michael P, ins agent, bds 65 Grant ave Rourke Nonie E, bds 65 Grant ave Rourke Peter J, gardener, h 65 Grant ave Rouse Eugene S, carpenter, h over 8 South Rouse George, emp D M O & Co, h 37 3/4 Franklin Rouse Hiram E, laborer, bds over 8 South Rouse J Fred, bottling works, 4 Barber, h do Rouse Reuben F, clerk, D M O & Co, h 18 1/2 Grant ave Roush Frank B, clerk, over 137 Genesee, bds 21 1/2 Seminary ave Rowan Ann, widow Felix, h 32 1/2 Frazee Rowan Catherine, widow John, h 15 Mary Rowan Honora, dressmaker, bds 15 Mary Rowan Margaret, accountant, G W R & Son, res 15 Mary Rowan Thomas A, emp D M O & Co, bds 15 Mary ROWE, see also ROE Rowe Chester R, mechanic, h over 151 Lake ave Rowe Frank J, mechanic, h over 69 E Genesee Rowe Henry, carpenter, bds over 3 Cross Rowe Horace, nurse, h over 10 Sheridan Rowe Mrs Ida E, h over 151 Lake ave Rowe Murray B, carpenter, h over 3 Cross Rowley Lizzie, h 14 1/2 Barber Roy Adell, mill op, bds 18 1/2 Division N Roy Cyrille, laborer, h 18 1/2 Division N Roy Dina G, mill op, bds 18 1/2 Division N Roy Fred, scythe polisher, h 23 Wadsworth Roy Frederick, twine op, bds 18 1/2 Division N Roy Martial, scythe polisher, h 23 Wadsworth Roy Victoria, mill op, bds 18 1/2 Division N Royce Daniel L, horseman, 1 Greene, bds 24 North Rubert Nellie A, shoe op, bds 25 Academy Rubert Sarah M, widow William B, nurse, bds 25 Academy Rubert William E, machinist, h 6 Spring Rublee & Co, awnings, signs, etc, over 82 Genesee Rublee Edward D, electrician, over 82 Genesee, bds 4 Church Rublee Hiram I, (Rublee & Co,) h over 41 Orchard Rublee Irving H, (Rublee & Co,) h over 41 Orchard Ruddi Mecca, laborer, h over 92 South Rudolph Frank, machinist, bds 259 Genesee Ruetsch Arthur, machinist, h 119 Perrine Ruetsch Emma, spinner, bds 119 Perrine Ruetsch Mary E, weaver, bds 119 Perrine Ruetsch Robert, machinist, h over 185 Seymour Ruetsch Rosie, mill op, bds 119 Perrine Ruetsch Sophina, mill op, bds 119 Perrine Ruhland Ernest G, machinist, h 73 Owasco Ruhland Henry J, emp D M O & Co, bds 73 Owasco Rumpf Adam, machinist, h 16 Florence Rumpf Catherine, widow John, h over 16 Florence Rumpf Charles W, emp D M O & Co, bds 90 1/2 Clark Rumpf John L, master mechanic, h 38 Burt ave Rumpf Maggie, button op, bds 16 Florence Rumpf Mary E, widow Adam, h 90 1/2 Clark Rumsey Belle, shoe op, bds 41 Orchard Rumsey Charles D, tel op, bds 51 Lewis Rumsey Mrs Daniel, h 51 Lewis Rumsey George E, twine op, bds 51 Lewis Rumsey John, mechanic, h 289 State Rumsey William, farmer, h 41 Orchard Rumsey William A, painter, h 70 Van Anden Rusco Bert S, laborer, h 16 Fitch ave Rusco Harry H, mechanic, bds 81 Washington Rusco John, laborer, bds 38 Water Rusco Lee, mechanic, h 81 Washington Rusowski Michael, laborer, h 9 Wall Russell Alice L, button op, bds 53 Hamilton ave Russell Billy, barkeeper, 10 E Genesee, rooms 63 1/2 Owasco Russell Henry, emp D M O & Co, bds 10 Throop ave Russell John, emp D M O & Co, h 10 throop ave Russell Joseph F, emp D M O & Co, h 5 Wallace ave Russell Julia H, bds 53 Hamilton ave Russell Mary, bds 10 Throop ave Russell R W, bookkeeper, Osborne House, 77 State Russell Richard H, truckman, h 53 Hamilton ave Russell Richard H, Jr, shoe op, bds 53 Hamilton ave Russell William P, shoe op, bds 53 Hamilton ave Rust Lyman H, salesman, 87 Genesee, h 27 Lewis Ruth Calvin, mason, h 113 Aurelius ave Ryan Agnes F, weaver, bds 123 Cottage Ryan Alice, domestic, 11 James Ryan Alice M, dressmaker, bds 4 Bradford Ryan Anna, shoe op, bds 47 Seymour Ryan Annie B, housekeeper, 48 Pulsifer Ryan Anna E, mill op, bds 72 Lewis Ryan Anna J, domestic, 2 Hamilton ave Ryan Catherine, shoe op, bds 170 1/2 Clark Ryan Charles, mill op, bds 70 Walnut Ryan Charles J, salesman, 91-93 Genesee, bds 4 1/2 Bradford Ryan C L, mill op, bds 3 1/2 Myrtle ave Ryan Daniel, emp D M O & Co, bds 37 Cornell Ryan Daniel, teamster, bds 191 E Genesee Ryan Mrs Daniel, res 138 Mechanic Ryan Edward, gas maker, h 48 Pulsifer Ryan Edward A, moulder, h 32 Lansing Ryan Edward F, mill op, bds 72 Lewis Ryan Edward J, machinist, bds 48 Pulsifer Ryan Edward J, mill op, h 72 Lewis Ryan Elizabeth C, res 123 Cottage Ryan Frank, teamster, bds 70 Walnut Ryan Harriet M, domestic, 30 Franklin Ryan Harry M, shoe op, bds 146 Lake ave Ryan Henry, mill op, bds 70 Walnut Ryan Henry C, machinist, h 17 Delevan Ryan Henry J, iron worker, h 77 Mechanic Ryan James E, shoe op, bds 20 Madison ave Ryan James H, shoe op, h 76 Grant ave Ryan James P, U S Army, res 5 Orchard ave Ryan James W, pressman, Daily Adv'r, res 142 Owasco Ryan John, emp D M O & Co, h 43 Lansing Ryan John, laborer, h 86 Orchard Ryan John, laborer, bds 38 Water Ryan John, teamster, h 53 Lewis Ryan John F, barkeeper, 2 Water, h 183 1/2 Perrine ave Ryan John F, shoe op, bds 162 Clark RYAN JOHN H., (J. H. Ryan & Co.,) h 18 Wright ave RYAN JOHN H., & CO., grain and stock brokers, over 97 Genesee, h 18 Wright ave Ryan John J, emp Daily Adv'r, res 142 Owasco Ryan John J, emp D M O & Co, bds 43 Lansing Ryan John J, engineer, bds 37 Lansing Ryan Julia, bds 37 Cornell Ryan Mrs Julia, h 79 Franklin Ryan Lillian A, spinner, bds 146 Lake ave Ryan Lizzie, mill op, bds 70 Walnut Ryan Margaret, widow Nicholas, h 123 cottage Ryan Mrs Margaret, res 198 state Ryan Margaret F, student, A H S, bds 76 Grant ave Ryan Margaret M, shoe op, bds 47 Seymour Ryan Mary, button op, bds 42 Steel Ryan Mary, widow James, h over 78 Lewis Ryan Mary, widow Patrick, h 42 Steel Ryan Mary A, twine op, bds 32 Lansing Ryan Mary A, spinner, bds 70 Walnut Ryan Mary E, bds 43 Lansing Ryan Michael, iron worker, h 170 1/2 Clark Ryan Michael, teamster, bds 70 Walnut Ryan Nellie M, stenciler, bds 128 Cottage Ryan Nicholas E, wood worker, bds 123 Cottage Ryan Nora A, twine op, bds 32 Lansing Ryan Patrick, laborer, h 74 cornell Ryan Patrick, emp D M O & Co, h 47 Seymour Ryan Patrick A, hoseman, Hose 2 A F D, h 4 1/2 Bradford Ryan Patrick J, mill op, bds 42 Steel RYAN PETER J., (Kavanavgh & Co,) bds 48 Pulsifer Ryan Richard J, city express, bds 70 Walnut Ryan Theresa M, spinner, bds 146 Lake ave Ryan Thomas, emp D M O & Co, bds 38 Lewis Ryan Thomas, laborer, h 37 Cornell Ryan Thomas E, barber, 175 State, bds 37 Lansing Ryan Thomas F, emp D M O & Co, bds 5 Wallace ave Ryan Thomas F, mill op, h 21 Gaylord Ryan Thomas H, wheel maker, h 98 Wall Ryan Thomas J, shoe cutter, h r 28 Lansing Ryan Timothy, laborer, h 9 Foote Ryan Timothy F, sales agent, Koenig's, h 2 Button Ryan Timothy J, clerk, 13 Genesee, h over 38 Lewis Ryan William, emp D M O & Co, bds 37 Cornell Ryan William, emp D M O & Co, h 37 Lansing Ryan William, engineer, h 5 Orchard ave Ryan William, teamster, h 70 Walnut Ryan William H, dyer, h 13 Barber Ryan William H, laborer, h 138 Mechanic Ryan William P, spinner, bds 72 Lewis Ryan William T, emp E D C M'f'g Co, bds 5 Orchard ave Ryan Winifred, widow Timothy, bds 43 Lansing Ryan Winifred A, housekeeper, 37 Cornell Ryan Winifred M, button op, bds 42 Steel Ryder William, carpenter, bds 232 North Ryel Isabelle, widow Hiram C, res 40 Jefferson
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