Sacco Angelo, laborer, bds 21 Monroe Saddington Frederick, twine op, bds 90 Cottage Sadler Albert E, machinist, h 102 1/2 Wall SAGAR CO., (The Chas. H.,) druggists, 109 Genesee Sage John, attendant, 6 State SAKOLSKI ABEL, manager American Clothing Co., Ladies' and Children's Suits in all styles, at prices that will make buyers, 10 Exchange, bds Osborne House Credit extended on reasonable terms Salisbury Edwin E, mason, h 124 Seward ave Salisbury George W, emp D M O & Co, h over 1 1/2 Lewis Salisbury Helen E, accountant, 9 State, res 1 1/2 Lewis Salisbury Sherman S, book and job printer, over 4 and 6 Exchange, h 17 Mary Salm Gottlieb, carpenter, h 27 1/2 Chase Salomon Anna A, widow William, h 40 Frances Salomon Anna E, school teacher, bds 13 Sheridan Salomon Augusta A, housekeeper, 42 Frances Salomon Augusta B, mill op, bds 13 Frances Salomon Carl, emp D M O & Co, h 42 Frances Salomon Charles, emp D M O & Co, bds 13 Frances Salomon Emma H, shoe op, bds 40 Frances Salomon Emma I, button op, bds 42 Frances Salomon Ernest, (F & E Salomon,) also musician, h 13 Sheridan Salomon Ernestine M, student, A H S, bds 13 Sheridan Salomon F & E, (Ferdinand and Ernest,) cigar m'f'rs, also saloon 67 E Genesee and 36 Fulton Salomon Ferdinand F, (F & E Salomon,) h 67 E Genesee Salomon Frank F, machinist, h 22 1/2 Augustus Salomon Fred A, emp D M O & Co, bds 42 Frances Salomon Gustave F, shoe op, bds 40 Frances Salomon Joseph, carpet weaver, h 13 Frances Salomon Mary, bds 13 Frances Salomon William J, shoemaker, h 49 Perry Salter Milton, salesman, 91 Genesee, h 13 Silver ave Salter Theodore, salesman, 91 Genesee, h 14 Holley Salvage Frank, fireman, bds 12 Garden Salvage George, dairyman, h 181 Division N Salvage Mildred S, housekeeper, 127 E Genesee Salvage Sarah, attendant, 203 Genesee SALVATION ARMY BARRACKS, 87 State Salvato Jeos, laborer, bds 5 O'Neil ave Salway Emily, widow Jesse, res 166 Van Anden Salway Annie E, domestic, 11 James Salzer Edward, glazier, bds 176 Seymour Salzer Joseph P, clerk, bds 176 Seymour SALZER LOUIS, dealer in Luncheon and Provision Supplies, Pretzels and Crackers, 100 State, h 176 Seymour Fresh goods received daily, Low Prices and Prompt Delivery made to any part of the City Salzer Louis F, clerk, bds 176 Seymour Salzer Louisa H, shoe op, res 176 Seymour Salzer Theresa E, salesclerk, res 176 Seymour SAMBROOK CHARLES A., (Vredenburg & Sambrook,) h 10 Beach ave Sampson E Gilbert, machinist, h 68 Fitch ave Samweber Frank, tailor, h 67 Pulsifer Samweber Frank C, mechanic, bds 67 Pulsifer Samweber Frederick A, mechanic, bds 67 Pulsifer Samweber John G, mechanic, enq over 87 Perrine SANDERS, see also SAUNDERS Sanders Adelbert D, moulder, h 8 Lansing Sanders Catharine E, widow John, res over 5 State Sanders Charles J, coremaker, bds 8 Lansing Sanders Jennie B, res 8 John Sanders Katherine G, teacher of drawing, pub schools, bds 8 John Sanders M Ardilla, teacher, Franklin St Sch, bds 8 John Sanders Sarah B, widow Andrew J, h 8 John Sanderson Jane C, widow Lyman, h 15 Lewis Sandham Jennie R, shoe op, bds 24 Gaylord Sandham Mary E, shoe op, bds 24 Gaylord Sandham Mrs Rebecca, nurse, res 24 Gaylord Sandham William C, picture dealer, h 24 Gaylord Sandwick Emma, widow Richard, dressmaker, h 17 Westlake ave Sandwick Marion H, teacher, Evans St Sch, bds 17 Westlake ave Sankwick (sic) Minnie L, dressmaker, bds 11 Chestnut Sanford Albert J, machinist, h 16 Frances SANFORD BERT C., ass't ticket agt, N Y C, bds 15 James SANFORD CHAREES (sic) L., ass;t Kinsella's Cafe, 153 State, h 94 Van Anden Sanford Charles L, Jr, mechanic, bds 94 Van Anden Sanford Edward J, bartender, 123 Wall, h 148 Van Anden Sanford Edward R, teacher, Aub Business Coll, res 6 Pine Sanford Frank W, salesman, Big Store, bds 94 Van Anden Sanford Georgia T, widow Charles L, seamstress, bds 52 Franklin Sanford Mrs Lizzie A, nurse, h 16 Frances Sanford Rev Henry W, pastor Trinity M E Ch, h 146 E Genesee Sant Clark L, brakeman, L V R R, h 15 Wood Sansone Philip, (Vicari, Sansone & Co,) h 110 Clark Saperstein Isaac, clothing, &c, 56 State, h over do Sargent Mrs Anna E, laundress, res 3 Rock ave Sargent Cassius Jay, student, Theo Sem, res 100 Franklin Sargent Dora D, button op, bds 13 Wallace ave Sarhan Basilly M, pedler, h over 28 Division S Sarhan Jacob, pedler, h 2 O'Neil ave Sarhan Thomas, pedler, bds 16 1/2 Coon Sarr James, carpenter, h 87 Owasco Sarr Nellie B, milliner, bds 15 Elizabeth Sartwell Amarilla B, widow Henry J, h 88 South Saulpaugh Charles H, laborer, h 49 Fitch ave Saulpaugh Jay R, laborer, bds 49 Fitch ave SAUNDERS, see also SANDERS Saunders Henry G, carpenter, h 5 Holley Saunders Herbert R, plumber, bds 5 Holley Saunders Sarah E, nurse, bds 51 Wall Savage Anna, widow James, h 28 Mary Savage James H, painter, bds 28 Mary Savage Mary A, button op, bds 28 Mary Savage Susan A, button op, bds 28 Mary Sawyer Allen, engineer, h 33 Wadsworth Sawyer Bertha M, accountant, 36 Market, res 29 Steel Sawyer Catherine K, bds 54 E Genesee Sawyer Charles A, stenograher (sic), bds 126 Van Anden Sawyer D Byron, twine op, bds 126 Van Anden Sawyer Frank A, blacksmith, h 126 Van Anden Sawyer George B, teamster, bds 36 Elizabeth Sawyer John H, lawyer, over 133 1/2 Genesee, h 26 Mann Sawyer Joseph, machinist, h 79 Perrine Sawyer Mary E, widow Dr Conant, h 54 E Genesee SAWYER THOMAS C., physician and surgeon, hours until 9:30 A M and 1 to 2:30 and 7 to 8 P M, office and res 71 Washington Auto Phone 465 Saxton Burton, twine op, bds 78 Perrine Saxton Calvin, carpenter, n 78 Perrine Saxton Charles N, emp D M O & Co, h 40 Walnut Saxton Eugene H, laborer, bds 78 Perrine Saxton Hattie S, dressmaker, bds 78 Perrine Saxton Horace F, prison keeper, bds 35 Chapel Saxton Margaret, widow clayton, enq 49 Nelson Sayles Mrs Anna, h over 77 North Sayles Edward J, shoe maker, bds over 77 North Sayles Edwin, horseman, bds 38 Water Sayles Fred L, shoe maker, bds over 77 North SCADDEN see also SKADAN Scadden Charles B, carpenter, bds 10 Seminary ave Scanlon John A, baker, h over 7 South Scanlon John J, fireman, L V R R, h 16 Coon Scanlon Maurice J, moulder, h 3 Seneca Scantlebury Frances B, bds 160 E Genesee Scantlebury Helen L, bds 160 E Genesee Scantlebury Thomas, h 160 E Genesee Scarritt Louisa F, bds 8 Steel Scarritt Rev William R, h 8 Steel SCHAEFFEL see also SCHOEFFEL Schaeffer Amelia, mill op, bds 35 Frances Schaeffer Anna, widow Jacob, h 39 Frances Schaeffer Anton, tinsmith, 129 Mechanic, h 3 Van den Bosch ave Schaeffer Carrie, mill op, bnds 35 Frances Schaeffer George, core maker, bds 39 Frances Schaeffer Hattie, cook, h over 10 Garden Schaeffer Mary, widow John, res 32 Union SCHANZER SAMUEL, salesman, Ehrman Brewing Co, res 59 Clark Scharlach Henry, prison foreman, furniture dep't h 137 Seymour Schaub Fred C, clerk, D M O & Co, bds 4 Sherman Schell Charles J, mechanic, h 58 Perrine Schell Charles N, Mechanic, bds 58 Perrine SCHELL FRANK J., contractor, D M O & Co, also Supervisor 4th Ward, h 73 Perrine Schell Frederick P, meat cutter, bds 58 Perrine Schell Katie M, button op, bds 58 Perrine Schell William H, emp D M O & Co, bds 46 Owasco Schellenger Charles M, emp D M O & Co, bds 55 Mechanic SCHELLENGER CHARLES S., foreman, D M O & Co's malleable works, also School Commissioner, h 4 Lawton ave Schellenger George R, moulder, bds 22 Mary Schellenger Lucretia L, widow Nathaniel, h 22 Mary Schellenger Merritt E, moulder, h 55 Mechanic Schellenger Thomas, emp D M O & Co, h 14 1/2 Liberty Schenck Andy, mason, bds 55 Market Schendell Augusta, widow Ludwig, h 7 Camp Schendell Emma E, weaver, bds 7 Camp Schendell John A, painter, h 147 Grant ave Schermerhorn Bessie, mill op, bds 155 Clark Schermerhorn Elsie G, mill op, bds 155 clark Schermerhorn Marietta, machine op, bds 155 Clark Schermerhorn Millie, machine op, bds 155 Clark Schermerhorn William J, engineer, h 155 Clark Scheu Mrs Kittie, pastry cook, Hotel Avery, rooms over 78 Genesee Schewe Charles F, spinner, bds 70 Elizabeth Schewe Charlotte C, bds 70 Elizabeth Schewe Emile R, ice pedler, bds 70 Elizabeth Schewe Louis, real estate, 49 Market, h do Schewe William C, laborer, h 70 Elizabeth Schewe William C, Jr, clerk, 94 State, bds 70 Elizabeth Schewe William O, liquid distributor, 47 Market, bds do Schicht Adelheid, bds 67 Owasco Schicht Marie, housekeeper, 67 Owasco Schicht Robert, m'f'r paper and cigar boxes, also job printer, rear 12 and 14 Hoffman, h 14 do Schicht Ruby M, res 14 Hoffman Schicht William, box cutter, h 67 Owasco Schicht William H, ass't acc't Cay Co Nat B'k, h 15 Evans Schillavski Adolph J, emp D M O & Co, h 119 Mechanic Schillavski August, emp D M O & Co, h 14 Hockeborn ave Schilley John, carpenter, h 14 Frederick Schilling Augustus C, mill op, h 16 Howard Schilling Charles, mill sup't, h 266 Seymour Schilling Charles, mill sup't, h 266 Seymour Schilling Elizabeth, widow Bernard, enq 96 Wall Schilling Elizabeth B, dressmaker, bds 266 Seymour Schilling Emma C, dressmaker, bds 16 Howard Schilling Frederick L, shoe op, bds 266 Seymour Schilling George, musician, h 96 Wall Schilling George L, mechanic, bds 266 Seymour Schilling Henry C, loom fixer, h 264 Seymour Schilling Ida M, compositor, Daily Adv, bds 16 Howard Schmeink Augusta C, tailoress, res 13 Fulton SCHMEINK MISS HANNAH M., (Paul & Schmeink,) h 13 Fulton Schmeink Johanna M, widow Nicholas, h 13 Fulton SCHMIDT, see also Smith Schmidt Frank J, upholsterer, h 32 Walnut Schmidt Harriet, widow Jacob, h 68 Perrine Schmidt John, emp D M O & Co, h 31 Bradford Schmidt John, Jr, pattern maker, bds 31 Bradford Schmidt Mary, widow John, h 3 Bradford Schmitz Anna M, domestic, 10 Fort Schmitz Dora, widow Louis, h 10 Cornell Schmitz Henry A, upholsterer, 14 E Genesee, h 10 Cornell Schmitz Lena G, shoe op, bds 10 Cornell Schmitz Louis H, drug clerk, 67 Genesee, bds 10 Cornell Schneid Joseph, baker, "Kiemele's," bds 109 E Genesee SCHNEIDER see also SNYDER Schneider Augusta, domestic, 45 Grover Schneider Carl H, emp D M O & Co, h 38 Union Schneider Frank G, woodworker, bds 27 Madison ave Schneider Frederick J, moulder, bds 27 Madison ave Schneider Mary, widow John, h 27 Madison ave Schneider Max H, tailor, bds over 59 Perrine Schneider Paul H, twine op, h over 59 Perrine Schockzi Robert, emp D M O & Co, rooms 66 North SCHOEFFEL see also SCHAEFFEL Schoeffel Augusta A, dressmaker, bds 7 Catlin Schoeffel Emma A, mill op, bds 7 Catlin Schoeffel Henry, shoe op, bds 76 Wall Schoeffel Joseph, mechanic, h 7 Catlin Schoeffel Lena M, shoe op, bds 7 Catlin Schoenleben Edward, painter, res over 22 State Scholl Charles, mechanic, enq 54 Frances Schoonmaker Edith A, res 61 Clark Schoonmaker Edward L, painter, rooms over 24 State Schoonmaker Mary, widow Stephen, res 19 Burt ave SCHOONMAKER PHOEBE A., widow David H, h 30 Fulton Schoonmaker Mrs Susan, boarding house, 61 Clark Schouten Emma E, spinner, bds 248 North Schouten Herbert J, agent, h 18 Garden Schouten Sarah J, widow John, bds 18 Garden Schreck Anna R, res 43 Nelson SCHRECK BRO's., (John C. and Frank W., also Heieck & Schreck,) furniture, carpets, stoves, &c, 14 to 16 E Genesee SCHRECK FRANK W., (Schreck Bro's, also Heieck & Schreck,) h 67 Owasco SCHRECK JOHN C., (Schreck Bro's, also Heieck & Schreck,) h 43 Nelson Schreck Mary T, accountant, 16 E Genesee, bds 43 Nelson Schroeder Amelia, tailoress, bds 15 Seward ave Schroeder Anna, widow Christian, h 15 Seward ave Schroeder Ferdinand, tailor, h 24 Augustus Schroeder Leon, painter, bds 3 Beardsley Schulenburg John, machinist, h 106 Division S Schuch Anna, res 200 Genesee Schuch Carl A, salesman, 81 Genesee, bds 200 do Schuch Frank, laborer, bds 25 Washington Schuch Louis A, shoe cutter, bds 200 Genesee Schuch Louise, res 200 Genesee Schuch Magdalena, widow Louis, h 200 Genesee Schuch Nydia, stenographer and managing clerk, over 120 Genesee, res 200 do Schultz Elvira S, housekeeper, 20 Frances Schultz Louis C, tailor, 87 Genesee, h 20 Frances Schumaker Augustus, laborer, h 31 Frances Schur Bridget, widow George, h 37 Barber Schur Catherine I, mill op, bds 37 Barber Schur Joseph, pedler, bds 150 Mechanic Schur Mary T, mill op, bds 37 Barber Schur Nellie G, mill op, bds 37 Barber Schute David P, call hoseman, Hose 2 A F D, h 131 Van Anden Schutt Carrie A, accountant, 73 Genesee, res 40 Augustus Schutt Charles A, carpenter, bds 40 Augustus Schutt Charles W, building contractor, h 40 Augustus Schutt Elmer, machinist, h over 14 Pulsifer Schuyler Alice E, glove maker, bds 33 Augustus Schuyler Edwin D, shoe laster, h 117 Van Anden Schuyler Franklin F, carpenter, bds 33 Augustus Schuyler Fred A, miller, h 2 Wheeler Schuyler Irving J, barkeeper, 108 Genesee, h 38 Seminary Schwaab Barbara, widow Jacob, h 184 Clark Schwaab Christina, mill op, bds 184 Clark Schwaab John, emp D M O & Co, h 184 Clark Schwaab Mary A, twine op, bds 184 Clark SCHWARTZ, see also SWART, also SWARTS Schwartz Addie, res over 40 State Schwartz Etta, widow Gabe, h over 40 State Schwartz Marie, button op, bds 3 Holley Schweinfurth Charles J, h 3 Hamilton ave Schwyindt Adam, moulder, bds 10 Bradford Schwyindt Louisa, widow Peter, bds 10 Bradford Sciarra Frank, barber, h 47 Van Anden SCOLLIN, see also SCULLIN Scollin Alice C, dressmaker, h 31 Logan Scollin Bernard, barkeeper, bds 31 Logan Scollin Delia A, shoe op, bds 24 Madison ave Scollin Elizabeth A, dressmaker, bds 20 Mary Scollin Frank J, emp D M O & Co, h 20 Mary Scollin Frank J, moulder, h r 9 1/2 Frances Scollin George W, core maker, bds 132 Mechanic Scollin John, laborer, bds 132 Mechanic Scollin Margaret L, bds 132 Mechanic Scollin Mary A, salesclerk, 94 Genesee, bds 31 Logan Scollin Mary E, h 24 Madison ave Scollin Mary E, button op, bds 132 Mechanic Scollin Mary F, seamstress, bds 20 Mary Scollin Michael, laborer, h 132 Mechanic Scollin Theresa, shoe op, bds 24 Madison ave Scollin Thomas F, cigar maker, h 117 Wall Scott Adah M, laundress, bds 38 Lansing Scott Charles H, laborer, h 77 fitch ave Scott Clinton B, cistern maker, bds 20 Garden Scott Edward, emp D M O & Co, bds over 103 Cottage Scott Edwin M, pattern maker, h 18 Fulton Scott Emma, domestic, 113 North Scott Mrs Emma M, seamstress, bds 12 Hoffman Scott Frances M, shoe op, bds 20 Garden Scott Frank W, salesclerk, Big Store, bds 20 Fulton Scott Fred H, electrician, bds 20 Fulton Scott George H, cistern maker, bds 20 Garden Scott Gertie L, student, bds 10 Logan Scott Hattie E, seamstress, h 5 Lincoln Scott Henry D, core maker, bds 1 Wallace ave Scott Horatio R, painter, h under 10 Logan Scott James R, machinist, h 20 Fulton Scott Jessie May, shoe op, bds 10 Logan Scott John J, foreman, 80 State, h 25 2d ave, Melrose Park Scott Mary L, res 20 Garden Scott M Louise, bds 18 Fulton Scott Thomas, card maker, h 20 Myrtle ave Scott Walter H, laborer, h over 25 Parker Scott Walter W, mechanic, bds 12 Hoffman Scott William, card maker, bds 20 Myrtle ave Scott William, cistern maker, h 20 Garden Scott William T, carpenter, h 117 Lewis SCOTT WILLIAM W., money order and ass't registry clerk, P O, res 20 Garden Scott Winfield, fireman, L V R R, h 17 Barber Scotton Jennie B, widow William, housekeeper, 34 Mary SCOVILL MRS. BELL W., teacher of voice culture and piano, studio and res over 26 Genesee SCOVILL EDWARD E., prof of music and organist, St Peter's ch, also musical instructor, A H S, studio and res over 26 Genesee Scranton Harriet L, widow William H, bds 115 Van Anden Scranton Mrs Sarah J, nurse, res 54 Orchard Scribner Phoebe, widow Edgar, res 43 Fulton SCRIBNER SILAS W., foreman Springstead's Carpenter Works, 8 Franklin, h 43 Fulton Scrivner Martha, bds 16 Division N Sculley Annie, domestic, 6 Gaylord Sculley Bridget, mill op, bds 21 Florence Sculley John L, gardener, bds 21 Florence Sculley Stephen J, mill op, bds 21 Florence SCULLIN see also SCOLLIN Scullin Francis, shoemaker, bds 261 Seymour Scullin John E, orderly, City Hosp, 15 Lansing Scullin Mary, cook, 77 South Scullin Mary E, dressmaker, bds 261 Seymour Scullin Patrick, iron worker, h 261 Seymour Scullin Patrick J, shoe op, h 257 Seymour Scullion Patrick, emp D M O & Co, bds 190 State Scuteri Pietro, laborer, bds 23 Division S Seail Francis P, wringer op, bds 118 Perrine Seail George E, bicycle op, bds 118 Perrine Seail James J, shoe op, bds 1118 (sic) Perrine Seail James R, painter, h 118 Perrine Seail John T, painter, bds 118 Perrine Seail William H, shoe trimmer, bds 118 Perrine Seails Christopher T, photographer, over 99 Genesee, res 109 Washington Photo enlargements a specialty Seails James J, shoe op, bds 60 Washington Seails Julia, widow John C, h 109 Washington Seales George P, emp D M O & Co, h 20 Seymour Seales John H, painter, h 49 Seymour Seales John J, granite cutter, h 11 Beach ave Seales Joseph J, wood worker, bds 49 Seymour Seales Mary, housekeeper, 36 Walnut Seales Maude, bds 49 Seymour Seales Nellie G, waitress, "Kiemele's," res 20 Seymour attached insert between pages 452 and 453: SCOVILL PROF. EDWARD E., teacher of piano, Harmony and Composition, and organist St Peter's Ch, also music instructor Public Schools, studio and res 24 Seminary ave SCOVILL MRS. BELL W., teacher of Voice Culture and Piano, studio and res 24 Seminary ave Seales William H, mechanic, bds over 1 Beach ave SEALEY, see also SEELEY Sealey Henry, emp D M O & Co, h 8 Third ave, Melrose Sealey William, mechanic, h Hunter ave n E Genesee Seamans Harrison, carpenter, h 56 1/2 Mary Seamans Mrs O G, salesclerk, Big Store, h 11 Chestnut Seamans Oliver G, moulder, h 11 Chestnut SEARING HON. ADOLPHUS H., lawyer, also Special County Judge, offices over 125 Genesee, h 92 E do Searing Alice H, widow Leonard H, bds 92 E Genesee Searing Leonard H, Jr, student, A H S, bds 92 E Genesee Seariolle Minnie, domestic, 65 South Seariolle Venaose, emp D M O & Co, bds 1 E Genesee Searles Bertha M, res 24 Sheridan Searles Frederick D, musician, bds 13 Lewis Searles George J, student, Theo Sem, res do Searles Ida B, student, bds 24 Sheridan Searles Lois P, res over 3 Lincoln Searles William W, miller, h 24 Sheridan Searls Catherine, widow Rev William, h 105 Franklin Searls Ella M, bds 24 Lewis Searls Elmer T, student, A H S, bds 24 Lewis Searls Raymond E, shipping clerk, D M O & Co, bds 24 Lewis Searls Mrs Theodore J, h 24 Lewis Searls William E, student, bds 105 Franklin SEARS CHARLES B., sec'y, treas and gen'l manager The C H Sagar Co, 109 Genesee, h 10 William Sears Emma, res 10 William Sears Jane E, widow Rufus, res 10 William Seath Campbell, carpenter, h 40 Grant ave Seath Florence J, dressmaker, bds 21 Mann Seath John J, meat cutter, 44 Lewis, h 42 Grant ave Seath Wesley P, meat cutter, bds 40 Grant ave Seath William P, meat cutter, h 21 Mann Sebold Francis C, student, Penn Univ, bds 16 Fulton Sebold Francis J, piano maker, h 16 Fulton Sebold Joseph A, piano maker, h 16 Fulton Sebring Henry M, engineer, h over 155 State Secaur Edward, laborer, bds 27 Lincoln Secaur William, butcher, h 103 Moravia Seccomb John L, res 126 Mechanic Seccomb Joseph S, moulder, h 23 Camp SECCOMB MILO B., ass't eng'r, Water Works, h 194 Mechanic Seccomb M Le Roy, student, A H S, bds 194 Mechanic Sedore Genevieve, button op, bds 14 Fort Sedore John, bds 32 Lincoln SEEKELL, see also SICKLES Seekell Charles A, carpenter, h 14 Silver ave Seekell George W, carpenter, h 2 Hoffman Seekell Grace A, bds 14 Silver ave Seeles George I, watchmaker, 105 Genesee, h 49 Steel SEELEY, see also SEALEY Seeley Albert, harness maker, enq 43 Mechanic Seeley Catherine, widow Henry, h 68 North Seeley Florence M, bds 9 Paul Seeley George H, law student, over 119 Genesee, h 29 1/2 Union Seeley John, milkman, h 43 Perry Seeley John, tailor, h 9 Paul Seeley Minnie D, bds 21 Holley SEFTON FREDERICK M. D., physician in charge The Pines, 137 South, res do A home for nervous and mental invalids Segoine C Tena, res 5 Easterly ave Segoine Henry H, salesman, h 5 Easterly ave Seibert Frank A, laborer, h over 1 Clark Seibert George E, coachman, h 21 Seymour Seibert George F, mechanic, bds 89 Cottage Seibert John, coremaker, h 89 cottage Seibert Mary, widow George, h over 153 Seymour Seibert Mrs Viola E, dressmaker, over 1 Clark, h do Seidewitz Charles, tailor, bds 24 Moravia Seigfred Edward, shipper, 64 Genesee, bds 28 Lincoln Seigfred Harry, mechanic, bds 187 State Seigfred Milo, laborer, bds 28 Lincoln Seigfred William F, manager Meaker's Grocery (branch), 178 State, h 187 do Seim Edward N, shoe op, bds 9 Madison ave Seim Louis, emp D M O & Co, h 1 Rock ave Seim Louis N, shoe cutter, h 9 Madison ave Seiwert Elizabeth M, teacher, Bradford st sch, bds 38 Maple Seiwert Frank X, bds 38 Maple Seiwert George A, plumber, h over 46 Capitol Seiwert Josephine M, accountant, 84 Owasco, res 38 Maple Seiwert Theresa, widow Frank, h 38 Maple Selover Alice, dressmaker, bds 11 Mary Selover Charles E, (Melrose Woolen Co,) h 188 North Selover Edward C, h 92 North Selover Elizabeth C, h 92 North Selover Fannie E, res 116 E Genesee Selover George, janitor, The Home, h 68 Fulton Selover Harriet S, res 92 North Selover Helen M, artist, res 16 Pleasant Selover H Jane, widow Morris, bds 95 Seymour Selover Ira A, artist, h 16 Pleasant Selover Permelia, bds The Home, 46 Grant ave Semolmiseki Michael, helper, bds 9 Wall Semple Agnes L, mill op, bds over 35 Bradford Semple Janet, weaver, bds over 35 Bradford Senior Albert E, weaver, bds over 34 Market Senior Edward, manufacturer, h over 34 Market Senter E Price, h 13 James Seralo John, tailor, h 7 Chapel ave Servis Josephine E, widow John, res 15 James Setgowska Yetstina, widow Mathew, h 46 Perrine Setright Patrick, shoe op, bds 15 1/2 Parker Severson Abram, real estate, 18 Lewis h do Severson Christopher, coachman, 14 North, bds do Severson Clara, res 18 Lewis Severson George W, stenographer, Canal n Mechanic, bds 18 Lewis Severson Robert, coachman, 173 Genesee, bds do Severson William H, foreman, 101 Orchard, h 11 Madison ave SEWARD BLOCK, 92, 94 and 96 Genesee Seward Mrs Ella M, bds over 10 Exchange Seward Frances J, res 33 South SEWARD POST, (G. A. R. No. 37,) C. L. Hickok, commander, rooms over 97 and 99 State SEWARD WILLIAM H., (W. H. Seward & Co.,) also Pres't Cay Co Sav B'k, h 33 South SEWARD WM. H. & CO., Wm. H. Seward, Theo. M. Pomeroy, Jos. C. Anderson and Wm. H. Seward, Jr., bankers, 96 Genesee cor Exchange (see page 5) SEWARD WILLIAM H., JR., (Underwood, Storke & Seward, also Wm. H. Seward & co.,) lawyer, h 85 South SEWALL JOHN G., steward, New Commercial Hotel, 41 and 43 Garden, h 68 1/2 West Seymour Harry H, bookkeeper, E D C M'f'g Co, h 7 Mc Master SEYMOUR J. ALWARD, (Mc Intosh, Seymour & Co,) h 3 Linden place Seymour James, carpenter, h 199 State Seymour James A, mechanic, h 14 James SEYMOUR LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Miss M. A. Bullard, librarian, rooms open from 10 A M to 1 P M, and 2 to 6 and 7 to 9 P M, Genesee cor South Seymour Martha, widow Belden, enq 24 South Seymour Mary L, widow James, res 3 Linden place Sezarwolski Frank, laborer, bds 69 Perrine SHACKLETON GEORGE, general groceries, also boots, shoes and slippers, 74 Wall, h 64 1/2 do Shakespeare Alfred, mason, h 196 Seymour Shalendorr Allan, machinist, h over 17 Pleasant Shallish Albert E, student, A H S, bds 10 Ross place Shallish Fannie E, bds 10 Ross place Shallish Frederick W, salesman, 116 Genesee, bds 10 Ross place SHALLISH HARRY D., ass't city treas, res 10 Ross place SHALLISH HENRY, (Shallish & Rich,) h 10 Ross place SHALLISH & RICH, (H. Shallish and H. Rich,) general hardware, also stoves, tinware and house furnishing goods, 116 Genesee Shandley Eva A, weaver, bds 3 Chestnut place Shandley Flora D, widow William, h 3 Chestnut place Shandley Franceis (sic) A, tel op, bds 3 Chestnut place Shandley George W, d'v'y clerk, 13 Derby ave, bds 3 Chestnut place Shandley Thomas C, printer, bds 3 Chestnut place Shank Burgess, teacher, h over 7 Union ave Shank Charles, clerk, bds over 1 Sheridan Shank Cora M, teacher, Seymour St Sch, bds 12 James Shank Edith, seamstress, bds 236 Seymour Shank Ella, res over 35 E Genesee Shank Enos G, meat cutter, 35 E Genesee, h 1 Sheridan Shank George L, motorman, A C Ry, bds over 35 E Genesee Shank Henry P, salesman, 6 South, h 17 Grant ave Shank Lydia C, widow Dr Alexander R, h 12 James Shank Milton F, shoe op, bds 17 Grant ave Shannon John W, clerk, D M O & Co, bds 65 Holley Shannon Luke S, salesman, 83 Genesee, bds 65 Holley Shannon Patrick D, emp D M O & Co, h 65 Holley Shapcott Daniel M, engineer, N Y C & H R R, h 99 North Shapcott Sarah A, bds 106 Clark SHAPCOTT WILLIAM T., local m'g'r, M D Transp Co, h 72 North Shappee Michael M, wood worker, h 4 Parsons Shapley Alta C, salesclerk, 112 Genesee, res 39 Nelson Shapley Charles E, pattern maker, h 7 Hoffman Shapley Emma C, widow Charles H, nurse, h 39 Nelson Sharp Charles S, inventor, with D M O & Co, h 62 E Genesee Shard Frank, barber, 47 Van Anden, h do Sharff Emma D, mill op, bds 71 Orchard Sharpsteen Phoebe E, res 21 Morris Shaub F C, clerk, coll dept, D M O & Co, h 4 Sherman Shaub Rose, attendant, 5 Grover Shaughnessy James F, emp D M O & Co, h 69 Pulsifer Shaughnessy Michael J, mechanic, bds 69 Pulsifer Shaughnessy Thomas R, steam fitter, bds 69 Pulsifer Shaver Benton, h 173 Cottage Shaver Clyde, mechanic, bds 173 Cottage Shaver Day W, carpenter, h 23 Melrose Shaver Ernest G, grocer, h 118 Franklin Shaver Florence, weaver, bds 173 Cottage Shaver Floyd, teamster, bds 173 Cottage Shaver Frederick, agt, Ehrman Brewing & Co, h 173 Cottage Shaver Frederick D, painter, h 34 Lincoln Shaver Maude, bds 23 Melrose Shaver Minnie, weaver, bds 173 Cottage ave Shaver Nellie, weaver, bds 13 Myrtle ave Shaw Ada May, cloth finisher, bds 177 Franklin Shaw Alice, widow John, h 106 Orchard Shaw Anna C, res 17 Monroe Shaw Anna G, bds 20 Anna Shaw Anna G, clerk 141 Genesee, bds 19 Garrow Shaw Bridget A, domestic, 229 Genesee Shaw Caleb W, gardener, h under 12 Hulbert Shaw Charity E, widow Charles, h 29 Perry Shaw Charles T, student, Theo Sem, res do Shaw Cornelius P, emp D M O & Co, bds 12 Cross Shaw David J, student Union Col, res 9 Garrow Shaw Edgar A, watchman Auburn Woolen Co, h 3 Mill Shaw Edith M, milliner, res 3 Mill Shaw Edmond J, machinist, bds 17 Monroe Shaw Edward, emp D M O & Co, bds 136 Mechanic Shaw Ellen, widow Michael, bds 20 Augustus Shaw Frank C, shoe laster, bds 29 Perry Shaw Frank J, coachman, 225 Genesee, h 19 Garrow Shaw George A, shoe op, bds 76 Fitch ave Shaw Helen V, teacher, James st sch, bds 106 Orchard Shaw James F, emp D M O & Co, bds 12 Cross Shaw John J, clerk, W U Tel Co, bds 25 Augustus Shaw Josephine A, res 17 Monroe Shaw Lawrence J, coachman, 186 Genesee, h 76 Fitch ave Shaw Lulu, mill op, bds 7 West Shaw Margaret, widow Lawrence, h 9 Garrow Shaw Margaret T, weaver, bds 9 Garrow Shaw Mary, button op, bds 7 West Shaw Mary, widow Peter, h 17 Monroe Shaw Mary A, widow George W, h 11 Elm Shaw Mary G, dressmaker, bds 17 Monroe Shaw Mary I, shoe op, bds 12 Cross Shaw Mary L, agent, bds 11 Elm Shaw Michael, grocer and druggist, 20 Anna, h do Shaw Michael, laborer, bds 12 Cross Shaw Michael, moulder, bds over 8 Dill Shaw Michael J, emp D M O & Co, bds 23 Parker Shaw Norris J, coachman, h 76 Fitch ave Shaw Patrick, laborer, h 12 Cross Shaw Patrick J, gardener, bds 19 Garrow Shaw Peter, porter, Hotel O'Neil, bds do SHAW ROBERT G., ass't clerk, Auburn Prison, res 2 James Shaw Rose, milliner, bds 5 Grover Shaw Stella, domestic, 229 Genesee Shaw Stella E, student, St Mary's Sch, bds 19 Garrow Shaw Thomas O, city policeman, h 25 Augustus Shaw Thomas S, laborer, bds 136 Mechanic Shaw William, emp D M O & Co, h 12 anna Shaw William, hame op, h 23 Parker Shaw William F, student, Starkey Sem, res 25 Augustus SHAY , see also SHEA Shay Frank, shoe laster, h over 118 Wall Shay Mary E, widow Frank, res over 118 Wall Shayes Charles W, painter, h 187 Seymour Shayler George F, salesman, 134 State, h 219 do Shayler James, twine op, bds 244 state Shayler John J, emp D M O & Co, h 206 State Shayler Laura I, shoe op, bds 244 State Shayler William H, h 244 state Shayler William H, salesman, bds 244 State SHEA, see also SHAY Shea Agnes, cook, 197 Genesee Shea Anna E, compositor, bds 90 Lansing Shea Catherine T, compositor, bds 90 Lansing Shea Daniel A, emp D M O & Co, bds 17 Bradford Shea Dennis, mason, bds 78 fitch ave Shea Eliza E, widow Dennis, h 90 Lansing Shea Ellen R, dressmaker, bds 90 Lansing Shea Ellen T, shoe op, bds 4 Division S Shea John J, tel op, bds 4 division S Shea Julia A, weaver, bds 153 1/2 Clark Shea Lizzie E, shoe op, bds 17 Grant Shea Mary, bds 78 Fitch ave Shea Mary A, weaver, bds 153 1/2 Clark Shea Mary L, mill op, bds 4 Division S Shea Mary T, domestic, bds 90 Lansing Shea Michael, laborer, h 17 Bradford Shea Michael, laborer, bds 78 Fitch ave Shea Michael, mechanic, bds 17 Grant Shea Michael H, tel op, bds 4 Division S Shea Morris, hotel porter, bds 17 Bradford SHEA & MURRAY, (P. J. Shea and J. V. Murray,) dealers in choice confectionery and ice cream, also dining and lunch parlors, 76 and 76 1/2 Genesee Ice Cream in Quantities for hotels and families at low rates. Shea Nellie T, shoe op, bds 4 Division S Shea Patrick, laborer, h 4 Division S Shea Patrick J, coremaker, bds 90 Lansing SHEA PATRICK J., (Shea & Murray,) res 17 Grant Shea Philip, U S A, res 78 Fitch ave Shea Simon, salesman, bds 17 Grant Shea Thomas, mason, h 78 Fitch ave Sheehan Cornelius, laborer, bds 13 Fourth ave, Melrose Sheehan Daniel F, iron heater, h 63 Perrine Sheehan Edward, teamster, h 9 Greene Sheehan Jennie V, milliner, bds 63 Perrine Sheehan John, emp D M O & Co, bds 9 Cottage Sheehan John, laborer, bds 68 Orchard Sheehan Julia A. domestic, 17 Orchard Sheehan Patrick, laborer, bds 68 Orchard SHEEHAN PATRICK B., tel editor, Bulletin, bds 63 Perrine Sheehan Thomas F, machinist, h 128 Grant ave Sheen Johanna, widow Jeremiah, h 34 Perrine Sheldon Albert, mason, bds 65 Clark Sheldon Anna E, widow Samuel, h 26 Nelson Sheldon Charles L, manufacturer, h 202 Genesee Sheldon Charles L, Jr, student Cornell Univ, res 202 Genesee SHELDON MRS. ELIZA, pres Bd of Managers Cayuga Asylum, res 202 Genesee Sheldon Emma L, widow Elisha W, h 53 Franklin Sheldon Huldah, widow Butler, h 47 Fulton Sheldon Jane L, widow Henry B, bds 18 Nelson Sheldon Jennie E, stenographer, bds 18 Nelson Sheldon Mary H, res 202 Genesee Sheldon M Blanche, teacher, Fulton St Sch, bds 18 Nelson Sheldon William H, emp D M O & Co, bds 13 Plersant (sic) Sheldon William H, student, A H S, bds 202 Genesee Shelters Myers S, shoe cutter, h 14 Sheridan Shepherd Clarence A, retired, bds The Cottage, 53 State Shepherd William A, shoe op, h over 4 E Genesee Sheppard Achsa A, widow Charles L, res 11 1/2 Howard Sheppard Frank J, emp D M O & Co, h over 7 South Sherbert William, laborer, h 74 Franklin Sheridan Theresa, shoe op, bds 3 Franklin Sherlock Edward, painter, h 47 Holley Sherlock George N, mechanic, bds 4 Grove ave Sherlock Jane B, mill op, bds 163 1/2 Clark Sherlock Kittie, mill op, bds 163 1/2 Clark Sherlock Margaret E, widow William, h 4 Grove ave Sherlock Mary E, bookkeeper, 40 washington, res 47 Holley Sherlock Nicholas, h 163 1/2 Clark Sherlock Nicholas G, emp D M O & Co, bds 4 Grove ave Sherman Charles, laborer, h 9 1/2 frances Sherman Eugene A, expressman, h r 205 Genesee Sherman Frank, carpenter, bds 64 Fulton Sherman George, twine op, h 90 Cottage Sherman Lillian, bds over 37 Genesee Sherman Warren, salesman, 91 Genesee, bds 3 1/2 Franklin Sherman William, res 7 Westlake ave SHERWOOD ALLEN, (Sherwood Harness Works,) factory 9 Sherman, h 6 Sheridan Sherwood Charles H, machinist, h over 38 Walnut SHERWOOD CLARENCE, jeweler and practical optician, also dealer in optical instruments, 19 Genesee, h 12 Sheridan Sherwood Cynthia M, bds 6 Sheridan Shields Daniel F, salesman, 39 and 41 North, h 118 Seymour Shields Frank H, salesman, 57 Genesee, bds 118 Seymour Shields James D, mechanic, bds 118 Seymour Shields Joseph D, barber, bds 118 Seymour Shields Joseph F, barber, over 57 Genesee, bds 118 Seymour Shiels Elizabeth T, dressmaker, bds 41 Grant ave Shiels John, farmer, h 41 Grant ave Shiels John F, teamster, bds 41 Grant ave Shimel Edith J, bds 98 Franklin Shimel Sylvester S, agent, h 98 Franklin Shimer Agnes, nurse, 30 Court, res 12 Wood Shimer Daniel, painter, bds 12 Wood SHIMER DANIEL F., livery, boarding and hitching stables, 21 Water, h 12 Wood Emp phone 481 (See adv, next page) Shimer Elizabeth M, cashier, 118 and 120 Mechanic, h 67 Steel Shimer Emily, shoe op, bds 12 Wood Shingleton Emma, widow George W, h 32 Garden Shinnick Timothy J, ball player, bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North Shoemaker Harry C, foreman, lumber yards, 52 Genesee, h 23 1/2 Maple Shoots Charles A, coremaker, bds 52 Pulsifer Shoots Frank P, emp D M O & Co, bds 52 Pulsifer Shoots Leonard J, iron worker, h 36 Union Shoots Mary A, emp D M O & Co, bds 52 Pulsifer Shoots William, teamster, h 52 Pulsifer Shoots William P, emp D M O & Co, bds 52 Pulsifer Shorey Frank P, machinist, h 100 Owasco Shorey William F, emp D M O & Co, h 8 Frances Short Ada M, domestic, 20 Grant ave Short James E, emp D M O & Co, h 291 Division N Short Jennie D. domestic, 8 Woodruff Place Short John L, emp D M O & Co, h over 49 Grant ave Short Lillie, domestic, 124 E Genesee Short Lizzie D, attendant, 148 E Genesee Short Mary, attendant, 22 William Short William T, painter, h 73 Steel Shorter Della, domestic, 11 Court Shorter Frederick, emp D M O & Co, bds 20 Aspen Shorter George, bell hopper, Osborne House, 77 State Shorter George M, laborer, bds 3 Bailey Shorter Mary E, widow Frank G, h 3 Bailey Shourds William S, retired, h 21 Washington Shownes Maggie, housekeeper, over 18 E Genesee Shrubshall Charles W, mechanic, h over 79 Franklin Sibus Albert, printer, Daily Adv'r, bds 24 Elizabeth SIBUS FERDINAND, manufacturer and dealer in Clothing and Gent's Furnishings, 25 Genesee, h 24 Elizabeth SIBUS HENRY, cloth cutter, 25 Genesee, bds 24 Elizabeth SIBUS LOUIS, cloth cutter, 25 Genesee, h 26 Bart ave SICKLES, see also SEEKELL Sickels (sic) Addie, accountant, 45 Cayuga, res do Sickles Charles E, com trav, bds 41 Cayuga Sickora John, grinder, h 4 Pulsifer Siebeneicker Augusta, widow Edward, h 92 Mechanic Siebeneicker Charles F, piano op, bds 43 Mechanic Siebeneicker Edward, carpet weaver, h 43 Mechanic Siebeneicker Emma, button op, bds 92 Mechanic Siebeneicker Joseph, shoe op, bds 92 Mechanic SIETLIKOWSKA, see also CUSKEY SIGNOR WILLIAM H., (W. H. Signor & Co,) h 37 1/2 Evans SIGNOR WILLIAM H. & CO., licensed pharmacists and druggists, also dealers in news, periodicals, artistic notions, cigars and soda waters, 33 E Genesee Sigsbee Amanda, shoe op, bds over 18 Derby ave Sigsbee Charles B, maltster, h 13 Walnut Sigsbee Edith, shoe op, bds over 18 Derby ave Sigsbee Lillie A, widow James H, h over 18 Derby ave Siler Samuel, mechanic, res 50 Franklin Silvestri Nek, laborer, bds 47 Van Anden Simenski Adam, mechanic, h 88 Perrine Simella Selvesta, laborer, h 98 Orchard Simmons Anna P, garment cutter, h over 7 Grant ave Simmons Blanche E, widow Redford, twine op, bds over 61 Lansing Simmons Eliza, domestic, 84 E Genesee Simmons Frederick E, emp D M O & Co, h over 4 Moravia Simmons George, laborer, bds 6 Moravia Simmons George W, artist, h 134 Mechanic Simmons Jacob, core maker, h 167 Seymour Simmons Jacob E, barber, 4 Clark, h 58 Elizabeth Simmons James J, moulder, bds 6 Moravia Simmons Joseph, bds 6 Moravia Simmons Lena M, mill op, bds r 24 Owasco Simmons Lila May, button op, bds 58 Elizabeth Simmons Magdalena, widow Joseph, res 1 Frances Simmons Maggie, mill op, bds r 24 Owasco Simmons Martin, carpenter, h 6 Moravia (Transcriber is G-G-G Granddaughter of Martin and Margaret (Ohlheiser) Simmons (Simons) Simmons Mrs Nella, bds 7 Beach ave Simmons Peter J, coremaker, h r 24 Owasco Simmons Sarah, widow Charles D, h 136 Mechanic Simmons William L, fruits, &c, 17 E Genesee, h over do Simmons Zilpha M, widow Duane L, dressmaker, h 87 Wall SIMON ADOLPH G., shaving and hair dressing parlors, also bath rooms, 21 Genesee, rooms over 4 Market (See card) Simon Anton W, mill op, h r 26 Walnut Simon Elizabeth M, accountant, 120 Mechanic, res 67 Steel Simon Emanuel, carpenter, bds 67 Steel Simon Emanuel J, upholsterer, 77 Genesee, h 67 Steel SIMON FRANK J., barber, 21 Genesee, h 77 Owasco Simons Jacob B, emp D M O & Co, h 34 Lewis Simpkins Fred T, night watchman, Col Cord Co, h 90 Fulton Simpson Alpheus N, carpenter, h 54 Seward ave Simpson Benjamin O, student, A H S, bds 22 Fulton Simpson Fannie, res 64 Wall Simpson Herbert D, d'v'y clerk, 14 North, bds 14 Seward ave Simpson James B, emp D M O & Co, bds 12 Fulton SIMPSON J. DAY, (Hoskins & simpson,) res 22 Fulton Simpson John D, real estate, over 89 Genesee, h 22 Fulton Simpson Sarah P, h 12 Fulton Simpson Walter E, mechanic, bds 22 Fulton Sims Ambrose L, wool carder, h 60 Canoga Sincerbeaux Betsey, widow Silas, res 81 Fulton Sincerbeaux Charles H, emp D M O & Co, h 1 Danforth Sincerbeaux Clarence, freight handler, N Y Cen, bds 34 E Genesee Sincerbeaux Emma M, widow George C, music teacher, h 19 Capitol Sencerbeaux (sic) Julia E, seamstress, bds 81 Fulton Sincerbeaux Orville D, emp D M O & Co, bds 1 Danforth Sincerbeaux Pearl B, bds 1 Danforth Singer M'f'g Co, sewing machines, 82 Genesee Singh Rev Ranjit M, h 77 Cornell Sisco Solomon, meat cutter, bds 101 North Sisson Bessie M, seamstress, res 32 Capitol Sisson Durward H, nurseryman, bds 11 Franklin Sisson Edgar A, nurseryman, bds 11 Franklin Sisson Horace, nurseryman, h 11 Franklin Sisson Irving C, emp D M O & Co, h 32 Capitol SISTERS OF MERCY, Sister Gertrude, Superior, 13 Chapel SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH, Sister Theresa, Superior, 8 Hulbert Sitterly Elizabeth, widow Solomon, res 75 Washington Sitterly Verna E, res 75 Washington Sitterly Wesley E, Sitterly Novelty Works, 75 Washington, h do Sitterly Zoe E, stenographer, res 75 Washington Sittser Vesta A, h 9 Hulbert Siviur Joseph, twine op, h over 94 Clark SKADAN, see also SCADDEN Skadan Emeline, widow Dewitt C, h 7 Sherman Skadan George C, painter, h 114 Marvine ave Skadan Harriet E, h over 90 1/2 VanAnden Skadan Mabel, clerk, Big Store, res 114 Marvine ave Skadden Calvin P, carpenter, h 23 Hoffman Skadden Charles B, cigar maker, bds 23 Hoffman Skadden Eddie, student, Aub Bus Coll, bds 6 John Skadden Sula S, res 23 Hoffman Skadden Perry B, clerk, 21 Market, bds 23 Hoffman SKEEL BRUCE A., cashier, Am Ex Co, h 9 Grant ave Skeel Sally M, widow Truman A, res 9 Grant ave Skillman David R, clerk, bds 101 Van Anden Skillman Mrs Dora, h 101 Van Anden Skillman Edmond R, shoe op, bds 101 Van Anden Skillman Eugene J, shoe op, bds 101 Van Anden Skillman Frank, R R employee, bds 89 1/2 Orchard Skillman Ross D, shoe laster, h 56 Mattie Skilton Frank A, atty at law, also real estate, h over 2 Church Skinner Anna, widow James, h 16 Holley Skinner Charles W, mechanic, bds 19 Grove ave Skinner Edith F, domestic, 16 Elizabeth, bds 19 Grove ave Skinner Elias, mechanic, h 51 Park ave Skinner Eugene, insurance agent, res 3 Court Skinner Fred, barber, 44 Garden, h 2 Lawton ave Skinner George B, wood worker, h 64 Aurelius ave Skinner Helen, domestic, bds 19 Grove ave Skinner James, gardener, h 19 Grove ave Skinner Jane, widow Oliver, h over 35 Genesee Skinner Jesse C, accountant, 97 Genesee, res 13 Easterly ave also Notary Public with seal Skinner L Eliza, widow George, h 121 North Skinner Le Roy M, mechanic, bds 51 Park ave Skinner Mary E, res 121 North Skinner Nellie, domestic, 119 South Skinner Ray, carpenter, bds 177 Van Anden
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