TABER & BRAINARD, (Frank P. Taber and John M. Brainard,) attorneys at law, office over 122 Genesee Taber Charles F, student, bds 11 Mac Dougall TABER FRANK P., (Taber & Brainard,) also pres The Boyle & Everts Co, h 78 South Taber John, student, Yale Coll, res 78 South Taber Mary, student, A H S, bds 78 South Taber Silas, student, Cornell Univ, bds 78 South Taber William R, engineer, L V R R, h 29 Arch TABER WING, photographer, parlors, studio and operating rooms Green n Clark, h 11 Mac Dougall TAH-GAH-JU-TE PARK, Swift and Mary sts Tailby Arthur E, truckman, h over 7 Cross Tailby Edith A, attendant, 6 Jefferson Tailby May, silk op, bds over 34 Lincoln Tailby William, emp D M O & Co, h over 34 Lincoln Takel Robert, emp D M O & Co, bds 30 Lincoln Talbot Anna E, laundress, over 21 Water Talbot Mrs Bridget, h over 17 Van Anden Talbot David E, teamster, h over 64 North Talbot Fred D, laborer, h over 44 State Talbot George E, teamster, h over 21 Water Talbot Harry A, shoe op, bds over 21 Water Talbot James E, laborer, h over 21 Water Talbot Jesse E, shoe op, bds over 17 Van Anden Talbot John D, laborer, h 56 Garrow Talbot Margaret M, waitress, 130 South Talbot Richard, laborer, bds 31 Barber Talbot Mrs Sarah B, widow Charles, h over 44 State Talladay Bert, bds 15 Frazee Talladay Charles A, student, bds 15 Frazee Talladay Charles N, scythe maker, h 15 Frazee Talladay Eleanor L, widow Nelson, h over 148 Wall Talladay Frank A, shoe dealer, 148 Wall, h 9 Myrtle ave Talladay George F, student, A H S, res 7 Westlake ave Talladay Iva P, student, res 15 Frazee Talladay John W, insurance, over 95 Genesee, h 7 Westlake ave Talladay Julia, widow William, enq over 6 Grant ave Talladay Mary E, student, Holyoke Sem'y, res 7 Westlake ave Tallmadge Emily S, widow John E, bds 21 Lansing Tallmadge George S, engraver, 105 Genesee, h 21 Lansing Tallmadge Josepha Y, widow Warren A, h 1 Westlake ave Tallman Mrs Augusta, salesclerk, Big Store, res 10 Lincoln Tallman Bessie M, widow Humphrey A, enq 58 south Tallman Carl C, student, A H S, h 58 South Tallman Clinton, carpenter, bds 13 Lewis Tallman Frank, paper hanger, h over 26 Clark Tallman Fred, shoe op, h over 26 North Tallman J Bradford, student, A H S, h 58 South Tallman John A, salesman, 49 Genesee, h 105 Cottage Tallman Nettie, bds 13 Lewis TALLMAN SELAH C., furnishing undertaker and licensed embalmer, office 25 Dill also proprietor The Tallman Stables, 17 to 23 Dill, h 58 South (See adv, next page) TALLMAN STABLES (THE) S. C. Taliman (sic), prop'r, Charles C. Weese, manager, Livery and Coaches, 17 to 23 Dill, office No 23 do Tallman Thomas C, carpenter, h 13 Lewis Tallman william A, carpenter, h 52 Franklin Tallman William H, harness maker, Tallman's Stables, h over 23 Clark Talpey Samuel E, dyer, h 17 Lawton ave Tanner A F, salesclerk, Big Store, res 18 William Tanner Harry B, operator, L V R R, h 18 Pleasant Tanner Mrs Jessie A, mill op, bds 12 Frances Tanner Mary J, bds 46 Grant ave Taro George A, painter, bds over 96 State Tatarcisi Carnillo, tailor, bds 9 Water Tatarcisi Vincenzo, tailor, res 9 Water Taunton Charles, carpenter, bds 41 Fulton Tavener Frank, h over 44 State Taylor Alfred, farmer, bds 89 Moravia Taylor Alice M, laundress, bds 11 Seymour Taylor Annette C, clerk, bds over 12 Exchange TAYLOR ARTHUR F., (Taylor Bros,) h 12 Capitol Taylor Berton E, carpenter, h 81 Moravia Taylor Bessie, widow Alfred, h 68 West Taylor Blanche, res 213 Genesee Taylor Bridget, widow William, h 16 Walnut TAYLOR BROTHERS, (Arthur F. and Fred H.,) select family groceries, also teas, coffees and spices of pure and wholesale quality, 39 E Genesee Farmers and Dairymen's products a specialty Taylor Catherine, res 213 Genesee Taylor Elizabeth, widow robert, h 52 Hamilton ave Taylor Ellen, button op, bds 16 Walnut Taylor Florilla M, widow Raymond C, nurse, h over 4 William TAYLOR FRED H., (Taylor Brothers,) h 12 Capitol Taylor Fred S, stock keeper, E L & S H Co, bds 14 Chapel Taylor George E, shoe laster, h r 67 Van Anden TAYLOR GEORGE M., (The Farmers' Credit Co,) offices over 133 Genesee, h 213 do Taylor Hannah E, widow Argalus, h over 12 Exchange Taylor Helen T, button op, bds 16 Walnut Taylor Henry, laborer, bds 330 Genesee Taylor James F, shoe op, bds 16 Walnut Taylor Jennie, accountant, 111 Genesee, res 52 Hamilton ave Taylor Jennie E, widow Horace W, res 4 Washington TAYLOR JOHN, Manuf'r and Dealer in Harness, Horse Clothing, Robes, Whips, Trunks, Satchels, etc, 84 state, bds 42 do Taylor John M, moulder, h over 72 Walnut Taylor Joseph B, engineer, L V R R, h 119 Wall Taylor Julia L, dressmaker, bds 52 Hamilton ave Taylor Lelia D, waitress, "Kiemele's," res 12 Exchange Taylor Lucy, vocalist, res 52 Hamilton ave Taylor Lyndon B, draughtsman, 101 Orchard, bds 9 do Taylor Mary E, shoe op, bds 16 Walnut Taylor Robert, iron driller, h 24 Burt ave Taylor Rose, button op, bds 62 Washington Taylor Samuel S, salesman, 111 Genesee, res 52 Hamilton ave TAYLOR SANFORD H., (14) letter carrier, h 14 Chapel Taylor Sarah, widow Luke, res 213 Genesee Taylor Susan, widow Ebenezer, housekeeper, 31 Mattie Taylor Thomas, mason, bds 65 Clark Taylor Viola G, domestic, bds 9 South Taylor Walter H, iron worker, bds 68 West TAYLOR WILLIAM E, artist, with Olmstead's Portrait House, 5 Delevan, h 3 Lincoln Taylor William E, emp D M O & Co, h 19 Mann TAYLOR WILLIAM J., salesman, 103 Genesee, bds 52 Hamilton ave Taylor William J, salesman, 81 Genesee, bds 16 Walnut Tchorigian Levon Arpi, student, Theo Sem, res do Teal Harriet H, trained nurse, bds 115 North Teal John B, bds 115 North Tehan Catherine L, button op, bds 45 Cottage Tehan Daniel J, accountant, 9 Genesee, rooms 75 E do Tehan Dennis A, machinist, bds 77 Nelson Tehan Dennis E, emp D M O & Co, bds 45 Cottage Tehan Ellen E, cook, 66 South Tehan John, gardener, h 77 Nelson Tehan John E, delivery clerk, bds 77 Nelson Tehan John J, d'v'y clerk, 7 Genesee, bds 77 Nelson Tehan John J, mechanic, bds 45 Cottage Tehan Julia A, widow John R, res 5 West Tehan Lawrence P, laborer, bds 5 West Tehan Martha, res 77 Nelson Tehan Mary, widow Michael, h 45 Cottage Tehan Mary E, shoe op, bds 45 Cottage Tehan Mary E, shoe op, bds 77 Nelson Tehan Michael J, mechanic, bds 45 Cottage Tehan Rose A, shoe op, bds 45 Cottage Tehan Thomas H, laborer, bds 33 Division S Tehan Timothy, freight handler, L V R R, bds 9 1/2 State Tehan Timothy F, emp D M O & Co, bds 45 Cottage Tehan William H, meat market, 9 Genesee, h 4 Sheridan Tehan William J, shoe maker, bds 45 Cottage TELLER & HUNT, (Hon. J. D. Teller and Thomas M. Hunt,) counsellors at law, offices over 41 and 43 Genesee TELLER HON. JOHN D., (Teller & Hunt,) lawyer, h 204 Genesee Teller Marie L, res 204 Genesee TELLER WILLIAM E., (Harvard Dental Parlors,) res 12 James Templeton Albert C, shoe op, h over 9 Park ave Templeton Thomas, laborer, bds 38 Water Ten Eyck Clarence W, com trav, bds over 2 Bostwick ave Ten Eyck Fred G, emp D M O & Co, h 4 Bostwick ave Ten Eyck George A, musician, bds over 2 Bostwick ave Ten Eyck James H, m'g'r, Ten Eyck Portrait Co, h 4 Bostwick ave Ten Eyck Jessie G, clerk cost dep't, D M O & Co, bds 4 Bostwick ave Tennant John, call laddersman H & L, A F D, bds over 19 1/2 North Terneur Harriet, widow Henry, h over 119 E Genesee Terry Amelia, dressmaker, bds over 60 Water Terry Mrs Cornelia L, dressmaker, bds 67 Franklin Terry George W, canvasser, h over 60 Water Terry John, machinist, bds 30 Lincoln Terry Lucy A, seamstress, bds over 60 Water Terry Mary R, seamstress, bds over 60 Water Terwilliger Arthur L, jeweler, 86 Genesee, res 6 Augustus Terwilliger Charles J, emp D M O & Co, bds 64 Walnut Terwilliger Charles J, mason, h 6 Augustus Terwilliger Clarence L, emp D M O & Co, h 105 Mechanic Terwilliger Eva M, seamstress, bds 105 Mechanic Terwilliger Inez C, button op, bds 105 Mechanic Terwilliger Ira, mason, h 58 Mechanic Terwilliger Lotta J, nurse, res over 22 State Terwilliger Sarah, widow Cuyler, res 270 Genesee Terwilliger Terrell G, emp D M O & Co, h over 26 Lincoln Tesch Alvina, bds 59 Mechanic Tesch Frederick C, emp D M O & Co, h 59 Mechanic Testa Ferdano, laborer, bds 13 Underwood Teurgeon Ominise, scythe maker, bds 170 Van Anden Tharp John A, machinist, h 67 Cottage Tharp Richard B, twine op, h 3 Willey Thatcher Charles C, emp D M O & Co, h 121 Lewis Thatcher Frank, hammersman, bds 26 Case ave Thatcher George T, carpenter, h 12 Frazee Thatcher James, quarryman, h 26 case ave Thatcher James, Jr, mechanic, bds 26 Case ave Thatcher William, laborer, h 1 Allen Thayer Ada, wrapper op, bds 5 Madison ave Thayer Albert J, carpenter, h 63 Mechanic Thayer Anna, housekeeper, 58 Van Anden Thayer Edward, emp D M O & Co, bds 58 Van Anden Thayer Frances A, cook, h over 61 State Thayer Franklin, teamster, h 58 Van Anden Thayer Grace, wrapper op, bds 5 Madison ave Thayer Gulielma, teacher, Franklin st sch, bds 119 Franklin Thayer Janette J, widow Lewis, bds over 61 Owasco Thayer Mrs Mary, cook, "Kiemele's" res 61 State Thayer Sarah A, widow David M, h 119 Franklin Thayer Vida L, stenpgrapher, over 102 Genesee, res 119 Franklin THAYER WILLIAM J., dealer in fresh, salt and smoked meats, also fish and oysters, and sole manufacturer Thayer's celebrated Seneca Falls Sausage, 32 Dill, h 82 Seymour THAYER MRS. WILLIAM J., agent for the Detsarte Corset, office and res 82 Seymour Theall Carrie, dressmaker, h over 106 Wall Theall Jennie, bds 106 Wall THE COTTAGE, Frank P, Tonkin, prop'r, 53 State THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OF AUBURN (THE), see appendix Therrien Joseph, scythe grinder, bds 62 Orchard Theurer Frank W, painter, h 4 Moravia Theurer John C, painter, h 144 Mechanic Theurer John M, foreman, D M O & Co, h 2 Moravia Thomas A E, bookkeeper, h 42 South Thomas Charles L, carpenter, bds 84 Washington Thomas Fornia E, dressmaker, res 58 Clark Thomas George R, emp D M O & Co, bds 9 Augustus Thomas Harry W, machinist, h 83 Owasco Thomas Henry L, machinist, h 23 Frances Thomas James, h over 9 Genesee Thomas James M, h 3 1/2 Franklin THOMAS JAMES O., Jr. ass't Armorer and Engineer, N Y S Armory, 57 Water and 97 and 99 State, h 35 Seymour Thomas Mrs Jessie A, domestic, bds 12 Frances Thomas John, laborer, h 141 Van Anden Thomas Levi, retired, h 58 Clark Thomas Mrs Nettie M, boarding house, 3 1/2 Franklin Thomas Neva M, dressmaker, bds 58 Clark Thomas Sakai I, caretaker, 196 Genesee Thomas Sophia R, widow William, res 8 Beach ave Thomas Mrs Ursula, res 7 Washington Thomas Viola S, dressmaker, bds 9 Augustus Thomas W Harry, machinist, bds 83 Owasco Thomas William W, carpenter, h 84 Washington Thompson Albert, brickmaker, bds 77 cornell Thompson Althea, widow david, h 12 Garden Thompson Charles E, painter, h 33 Perry Thompson David H, laborer, bds 7 Cornell Thompson Mrs Delia, nurse, h over 36 Maple Thompson Elizabeth A, widow Henry C, bds 229 Seymour Thompson Ellen, res 12 Garden Thompson Elwood E, barber, 143 State, bds 136 South Thompson Eugene, mason, h 136 South Thompson Florence, waitress, Osborne House, 77 State Thompson Frederick H, mason, bds 7 Cornell Thompson Mrs Georgia, housekeeper, res 22 Cornell Thompson George W, mason, h 189 Perrine ave THOMPSON G. FRANK, physical director, Y M C A, res 64 Genesee Thompson Ira D, pattern maker, h 5 Wood Thompson Josephine, res 103 1/2 Van Anden Thompson Kate I, res 58 Seward ave Thompson Martha, widow Joseph, h 103 1/2 Van Anden Thompson Mary A, widow William H, res 7 Cornell Thompson Minnie, housekeeper, over 4 1/2 Barber Thompson Mrs Nellie A, hand laundress, h over 11 E Genesee Thompson Orlando, laborer, h over 14 1/2 Barber Thompson Smith L, carpenter, h 58 Seward ave Thompson William G, creamery, 23 Maple. h do Thompson William H, mason, bds 7 Cornell Thoms Edward H, carpenter, bds 275 North Thomson Charles J E, foreman, Daily Adv, h 14 Foote THOMSON EDWARD H., (Knapp, Peck & Thomson,) h 39 William Thomson Fred B, (Marshall & Thomson,) h 13 Kitchell Thomson George G, bds 39 William Thomson John, engineer, New Birdsall Co, h 20 Church Thomson Sarah H, student, A H S, res 39 William Thorley Thomas, m'f'r botanic beer, 25 derby ave, h do Thorne Charles E, (Cady & Thorne,) h 64 South Thorne Eliza J, widow Stephen, res over 3 Lincoln Thorne Elizabeth B, res 64 South Thorne Henry W, retired, h over 90 1/2 Clark Thorne Herman, h r 23 Maple Thorne John J, machinist, h 21 Wood Thorne Mabel, dressmaker, bds 12 Mary Thorne W Adelbert, machinist, h 12 Mary Thorne Webster, machinist, bds 12 Mary Thornton Charles, com trav, h over 30 State Thornton Cornelius J, scenic artist, bds 3 Rock ave Thornton Edwin L, farmer and ice dealer, office 78 Genesee, h 100 Cornell Thornton Edwin L, Jr, ice dealer, h 130 Division S Thornton Francis F, towerman, N Y C R R, h 3 Rock ave Thornton John J, twine op, bds 3 Rock ave Thornton Laura A, widow Lyman, h over 1 Sherwood Thornton Martha L, res 100 Cornell Thornton Mary M, bookkeeper, res 3 Rock ave Thornton Thomas H, brakeman, O R R R, bds 3 Rock ave Thornton William F, brakeman, N Y C R R, bds 3 Rock ave Thorpe Arthur C, clerk, 32 1/2 State, bds 10 Seminary Thorpe Cynthia, widow Samuel, res 14 Lincoln Thorpe Grace A, bds 10 Seminary Thorpe Lillian L, student, A H S, res 10 Seminary Thorpe William R, ins agent, h 10 Seminary Thurow Charles A, fireman, L V R R, bds 61 Clark Thurston John L, student, Theo Sem, res do Thurston William H, janitor County Buildings, res Throop TICE WILLIAM A., (The C. A. Bannister Co.,) h 22 Lewis Tidd Adelbert R, carriage maker, h 23 Park ave Tidd Bessie M, organist 2d Baptist ch, bds 23 Park ave Tidd Harry A, piano teacher, h over 23 Park ave Tidd Osmer L, delivery clerk, 10 Genesee, h over 33 E do TIERNEY, see also TURNEY Tierney Agnes R, bds 25 Franklin Tierney Catherine, widow Michael, res 98 Wall Tierney John J, shoe op, h 98 Wall Tierney Margaret, widow David, h 59 Holley Tierney Mary E, clerk, Big Store, res 41 Franklin Tierney Mathew F, emp d M O & Co, bds 59 Holley Tiffany Henry M, prison keeper, bds 47 1/2 Nelson Tifft Eliza J, widow John, h 13 steel Tifft Minnie C, res over 11 William, 2d floor Tifft Ruby L, enq 4 Park ave Tighe Jeremiah, mason, h 35 Hamilton ave Tilden Alexander, retired, bds 38 Water Tillotson Fannie, widow Isaac J, bds 46 grant ave Tillotson Helen, bds 46 Grant ave Tillson Charles, agent, over 113 State Timerson Grove C, wood worker, bds 25 Wood Timerson James H, plumber, h 25 Wood Timerson Harriet L, widow Christopher, bds r 29 Van Anden Timmons Anna B V, domestic, enq 83 E Genesee Timmons Edward, ass't engineer, Osborne House, 77 State Timmons Edward H, baker, 22 Burt ave, h 22 Coon Timmons Edward J, plumber, h 22 coon Timmons Edward J, Jr, baker, bds 22 Coon Timmons Frank H, steam fitter, bds 22 Coon Timmons Margaret L, saleslady, bds 22 Coon Timmons Mary, tailoress, bds 15 1/2 Bradford Timmons Michael, axle maker, h 66 Cottage Timmons Thomas J, student, St Andrews Sem, res 66 Cottage Timmons Thomas J, boiler maker, bds 22 Coon Timmons William H, plumber, bds 22 Coon Timon Catherine, widow Michael, h 19 Perrine Timon Mrs Lizzie, h 18 barber Tincknell Jane, widow John, h 12 Parker Tincknell Robert, saloon, 43 North, h over do Tippets Charles S, mason, h 45 Capitol Tippets Frank S, salesman, 10 North, h 100 Franklin Tippets Ivan R, h 45 Capitol Tippets Pearl E, res 45 Capitol Tischer Edward B, baker and confectioner, 94 State, h do Titterington John, laborer, bds 15 Bradley Titterington Mary, housekeeper, 7 Sheldon ave Titterington Richard, mill op, h 7 Sheldon ave Titterington Robert, laborer, bds 15 Bradley Titterington Thomas, mill op, h 15 Bradley Titterington Thomas, Jr, laborer, bds 15 Bradley Titus Arthur P, city policeman, h 79 Nelson Titus D Sands, h 189 Genesee Titus D Sands, Jr, student, A H S, res 189 Genesee Titus Edgar S, core maker, h 102 Van Anden Titus Frank A, teamster, h 40 division N Titus Glenn S, res 84 Nelson TITUS HENRY D., sup't Aub Div L V R R, also City Water Commissioner, offices 140 Clark, h 25 South Titus Henry w, collegian, res 25 South Titus Hiram M, conductor, A C Ry, h 84 Nelson Titus Josephine V, res 189 Genesee Ttitus J Sands, salesman, 145 Genesee, bds 26 Court Titus Lillian O, student, A H S, res 189 Genesee Titus Mack, mechanic, bds over 160 Perrine Titus Mary P, res 24 South Titus Pauline L, res 25 South Titus Ray C, res 84 Nelson Titus Samuel, h 24 South Titus S Cady, res 24 South Tobin Anna, weaver, bds r 9 1/2 Mann Tobin Ella J, domestic, bds 53 Mattie Tobin Jeremiah, cabinet maker, h 37 clark Tobin Joseph C, shoe maker, bds 22 Division S Tobin Julia, widow William, bds r 9 1/2 Mann Tobin Julia A, dressmaker, bds 113 E Genesee Tobin Margaret, shoe op, bds 113 E Genesee Tobin Mary, domestic, 61 Seward ave Tobin Mathew, emp D M O & Co, h 113 E Genesee Tobin Nellie, domestic, 18 Seminary ave Tobin Nora N, domestic, 76 E Genesee Tobin Richard, laborer, bds 22 Division S Tobin William B, emp D M O & Co, bds 240 State Tolksford Andreas, emp D M O & Co, enq 38 Lincoln Tomlin Elizabeth A, widow Fred'k Wm, bakery and confectionery, 26 Owasco, h do Tompkins Alice D, housekeeper, 57 Seymour Tompkins Frank, d'v'y clerk, 64 Genesee, bds 29 Capitol Toms Abbie, widow De Witt, res 331 Genesee Toms Herbert B, wood worker, h 331 Genesee Tonkin Frank B, barkeeper, The Cottage, res 77 Van Anden Tonkin Frances E, bds 77 Van Anden TONKIN FRANK P., prop'r The Cottage Hotel, 58 State, also The Wasco, foot Owasco Lake Tonkin John K, bartender, h 77 Van Anden Toohey Belle M, shoe op, bds 101 Lewis Toohey John, emp D M O & Co, bds 101 Lewis Toohey John J, shoe cutter, bds 47 Cottage Toohey Mrs John J, dressmaker, h 47 Cottage Toohey Mary E, dressmaker, bds 101 Lewis TOOHILL DAVID S., wholesale dealer in Wines and Liquors, 7 State, h 12 Elizabeth Toohill Edward D, student, Cornell Univ, res 12 Elizabeth Toohill Isabelle A, student, res 12 Elizabeth TOOLE see TOOHILL also O'TOOLE and TUELL Toole Bartholomew, shoe op, bds 41 Division S Toole James T, painter, h 4 Wallace ave Toole John, laborer, h 1 Division S Toole John, laborer, h 50 Owasco Toole Mary, shoe op, bds 49 Wall Toole Mary, res 41 Division S Toole Michael, gardener, bds 17 Division S Toole Patrick, laborer, h 41 Division S Toole Patrick, mechanic, h over 1 clark Toole Thomas, twine op, h 49 Wall Topham William, carpenter, h over 119 Lewis Topping Byron W, prison keeper, bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North Torsney Martin, painter, h 5 West Tosh Johanna, h 6 Orchard ave Totten Michael, coachman, bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North Tournier Mrs Ada, h over 31 Perry Tournier A Grayson, jeweler, 19 Genesee, bds 132 Owasco Tournier Carrie M, widow John A, h 76 Lewis Tournier Daniel A, shoe op, h 2 Benton Tournier Eleanor T, music teacher, bds 76 Lewis Tournier Elizabeth C, widow William H, h 6 Adams Tournier Elizabeth F, widow Samuel T, res 26 South Tournier Frances E, lace worker, bds 6 Adams Tournier Fred L, photographer, over 123 Genesee, h 23 Cayuga Tournier Harriet, widow Henry, res 119 E Genesee Tournier James E, plane maker, h 132 Owasco Tournier Llewellyn B, photographer, h 31 Perry Tournier Sarah E, artist, 5 Delevan h 6 Adams Towers Catherine, res 11 1/2 Janet Towers G Harold, student, res 11 1/2 Janet Towers Irma, teacher, res 11 1/2 Janet Towers K Lulu, teacher, Grover st sch, bds 11 1/2 Janet Towers Mrs Sarah E, forewoman, 8 Lincoln, res 11 1/2 Janet Townsend Amy L, weaver, bds 75 Wall TOWNSEND EDWARD H., treas Aub Sav B'k, h 209 Genesee Townsend Eliza D, res 209 Genesee Townsend Eugene A, conductor, A C Ry, h 80 Nelson Townsend Frank B, accountant, 89 Genesee, h 10 Westlake ave Townsend Frank E, engineer, New Birdsall Co, bds r 35 Clark Townsend George M, fireman, bds r 35 Clark Townsend James, porter, Radney House, 34 E Genesee Townsend Marian, res 209 Genesee Townsend Martha A, weaver, bds 75 Wall Townsend Mary E, widow Samuel, h 5 1/2 MacDougall Townsend Rev Robert, enq 28 Cayuga Townsend William, shoemaker, h 75 Wall Townsend W J, res 23 Franklin Toy Catherine M, h over 19 Florence Toye James, farmer, h on N Y Cent n Grant ave Toye James M, blacksmith, h 60 Lewis Toye Joseph J, emp D M O & Co, bds 60 Lewis Tracey Alice, spinner, bds 60 Walnut Tracey Alice, widow John, h 24 Lansing Tracey Anna M, mill op, bds 60 Walnut Tracey Catherine, housekeeper, 53 Bradford Tracey Catherine E, shoe op, bds 55 cornell Tracey Ellen, housekeeper, 53 Bradford Tracey James, h 53 Bradford Tracey James P, shoe op, bds 34 Lansing Tracey John, carder, h 55 Cornell Tracey John T, twine op, bds 34 Lansing Tracey Lawrence, cook, Hotel Wasco, ft Owasco Lake, bds do Tracey Mary, widow William, h 60 Walnut Tracey Patrick J, machinist, bds 24 Lansing Tracey Sarah F, mill op, bds 60 Walnut Tracey Sidney, mechanic, res over 64 Genesee Tracey Theresa S, shoe op, bds 34 Lansing Tracey William, drayman, h 34 Lansing TRADES UNION HALL, over 7 and 9 Exchange Tratt Charles C, gardener, h 33 Melrose Traub Charlotte, bds 118 Owasco Traub Christine, teacher, Bradford St Sch, res 118 Owasco Traub Elizabeth, salesclerk, 38 to 46 Genesee, res 118 Owasco Traub Elnora K, res 118 Owasco Traub George J, carpenter, h 38 Elizabeth TRAUB HENRY, (Henry Traub & Son,) res 118 Owasco TRAUB HENRY, JR, (Henry Traub & Son,) res 18 Burt Ave TRAUB HENRY & SON, (Henry J,) dealers in Furniture, Toys, Children's Carriages, Willow Ware, Art Works, &c, 38 to 46 Genesee (See adv, next page) Traub Herman W, call hoseman, Chemical No 1 A F D, bds 38 Elizabeth Traub Mary A, seamstress, bds 38 Elizabeth Trautman Alba M, seamstress, bds 87 1/2 Wall Trautman Arminda, widow Solomon, res 81 Moravia Trautman Edith A, dressmaker, h 87 1/2 Wall Trautman Florence M, bds 75 Fulton Trautman Mary M, mill op, bds 75 Fulton Trautman Myron J, contractor and builder, h 75 Fulton Traver Charles L, bookkeeper, h 123 Fulton Traver Fred N, meat market, 21 E Genesee, h 117 do TRAVER ROSE M., (Parker M'f'g Co.) h 10 Holley Traverse Edgar, iron sorter, bds 36 Lansing TREAT A. GILBERT, treas'r New Birdsall Co, h 47 Franklin Treat Alfred, mechanic, bds over 53 Wall Treat Caroline A, widow Henry, dressmaker, over 15 North, h do Treat Clara M, widow Moses, res 5 Mac Dougall Treat Elizabeth, widow James L, h over 15 North Treat Ella M, res 47 Franklin Treat Ellen A, housekeeper, 39 Maple TREAT G. EARLE, clerk Surrogate's Court, 154 Genesee, also Pres Aub Cyclers Club, bds 47 Franklin Treat Jairus M, motorman, A C Ry, h 111 Franklin Treat Lewis, twine op, bds over 53 Wall Treat Lillian A, student Cornell Univ, bds 47 Franklin Treat Manly T, h 41 Franklin Treat Marion A, widow Sylvester W, h over 53 Wall Treat Naomi M, widow Horace H, bds 94 E Genesee Treat Mrs Rose, housekeeper, 22 Paul Treat Stuart R, law clerk, 133 1/2 Genesee, bds 47 Franklin Treat William M, horseman, bds Gernand's Hotel, 114 State Tremain Melissa, widow Edward L, res 9 Grover Treveal Richard, gardener, bds 73 Aurelius ave Triggs Abbie, widow John R, res r 8 Aspen Triggs John, iron worker, h r 8 Aspen Triggs Maggie, weaver, bds 8 r (sic) Aspen Triggs Patrick, laborer, bds r 8 Aspen Triggs Robert, brakeman, bds r 8 Aspen Trimble Alex, groceries and meats, 34 State, h 52 Clark Trimble Olive F, student A H S, bds 16 Washington Trimble Thomas C, trav salesman, The Birdsall Co, h 16 Washington Tripp Emma A, salesclerk, 93 Genesee, bds 94 South Tripp George W, artist, bds 94 South TRIPP HARRY G., (H. C. and H. G. Tripp), dentist, h 15 William TRIPP H. C. and H. G. (Henry C. and Harry G.), surgeon dentists, offices, reception rooms, operating parlors and res 15 William The latest improved mechanical appliances in dentistry used TRIPP HENRY C., (H. C. and H. G. Tripp), surgeon dentist, h 15 William Tripp Herbert, blacksmith, bds over 30 Grant ave TRIPP JOHN D., physician and surgeon, also Treas'r U S Board of Examining Surgeons, office and res 163 Genesee Hours from 7 to 9 A M, 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 P M Tripp John M, conductor, A C Ry, bds over 30 Grant ave Tripp Marion E, private tutor, res 94 South Tripp Myrtie, widow Stephen F, h over 30 Grant ave Tripp Sylvester L, h 94 South Tritsch Frank A, mechanic, h 12 Union TROTTER ARCH H., (The Trotter Drug Co) licensed pharmacist and druggist, 121 Genesee, h 11 Church Our stock is entirely fresh and new, comprising all that comes within the scope of the drug trade. TROTTER DRUG CO. (THE), (A H Trotter) dealer in drugs, medicines, perfumeries, artistic notions, &c, &c., 121 Genesee, Physician's prescriptions accurately and carefully compounded TROWBRIDGE CHARLES A., accountant, over 67 Genesee, h 106 North TROW DIRECTORY PRINTING AND ADDRESSING COMPANY, 21-27 University Place, New York City TROY LIVERY, Boarding and Hitch Stables, William E. Burlingham, prop'r, rear 86 State (See page 4) TROY STEAM LAUNDRY, Richard C Kelley, prop'r, 86 and 88 State (See page 294) Truair John G, student, Theo Sem, res do True Harry, piano op, bds 3 Mary Trufant Otis S, carpenter, h 175 State Trumpbour John P, fruits, etc, 76 State, h do Tryon Mrs Jennie V, button op, bds over 26 Garrow TRYON OSCAR, attorney at law, offices 113 and 115 New Metcalf B'd'g, 141 Genesee, h 145 E do Tschur Annie, attendant, Osborne House, 77 State Tschur Julia, attendant, Osborne House, 77 State Tubridy Margaret, shoe op, bds 9 Wallace ave Tucker Alfred G, music teacher, res 20 Elizabeth Tucker Aubin J, laborer, bds 15 Underwood Tucker Frank C, machinist, h over 51 Perry TUCKER JOHN C., (Albert & Tucker,) h 50 Bradford Tucker James A, wood worker, bds 15 Underwood Tucker John S, machinist, bds 15 Underwood Tucker Mrs Lillie, dressmaker, h 53 Frances Tucker William G, laborer, h 15 Underwood Tucker William H, mechanic, bds 15 Underwood Tuckerman Capt Robert, h 76 E Genesee TUELL, see TOOLE, also O'TOOLE and TOOHILL Tuell Ruth H, widow Daniel, h over 49 North Tuell William F, machinist, bds over 49 North Tuller Clara L, salesclerk, 76 State, bds 9 Cayuga Tuller D'Elbert L, real estate, h 9 Cayuga Tuller Ellen A, nurse, h over 69 Franklin Tuller George A, emp Aub Tobacco Co, bds 9 Cayuga Tuller Grace N, bds 9 Cayuga Tuller Watson D, wholesale grocer, 7 south, h 10 Grant ave Tumony Conrad, emp D M O & Co, bds 13 Greene Tunnicliffe Charles W, dentist, h 35 Clark Tunnicliffe Mrs Margaret P, music teacher, res 35 Clark TUPPER ALLEN P., principal keeper, auburn Prison, h 74 Van Anden Turgeon Onizen, scythe maker, bds 170 Van Anden Turk C Raymond, conductor, A C Ry, h 122 Franklin Turk Orin A, emp D M O & Co, h 122 Franklin Turner Agnes R, domestic, 20 1/2 Logan Turner Andrew J, shoe op, bds 5 Barber TURNER CASSIUS M., shipper 101 Orchard, also Com'r Charities and Police, h 11 Jefferson TURNER HON. GEORGE B., Surrogate Cayuga Co, also lawyer, office 154 Genesee, h 217 do Turner George H. student, A H S, bds 217 Genesee Turner Mrs Gertrude, res 187 Genesee Turner James, loomfixer, h 20 Barber Turner James A, mason tender, h over 3 Genesee Turner Mrs Jessie, h 5 Barber Turner John, twine op, bds 104 washington Turner Levina G, widow William, res 32 Parker Turner Martha E, student, A H S, res 24 Underwood Turner Minnie L, res 217 Genesee Turner Thomas, mill foreman, h 24 Underwood Turner William J, mill op, bds 24 Underwood TURNERS HALL, 95 Owasco, cor Lizette TURNEY see also TIERNEY Turney John J, carpanter (sic), h 81 Van Anden Turpin Mary A, shoe op, bds 6 Greene Turpin Robert, barkeeper, 4 Dill, bds 6 Greene Turpin Thomas, carpenter, h 6 Greene Turpin William H, helper, bds 79 Division N Tutcher Frederick J, teamster, bds 32 Van Patten Tuttle Arthur S, electrician, bds 30 Dill Tuttle Austin B, h 63 E Genesee Tuttlr Charles J, Jr, teasmter, bds over 10 E Genesee TUTTLE CHARLES W., (C. W. tuttle & Co,) h 145 North Tuttle Chester M, porter, Central House, 38 Water TUTTLE C. W. & CO., (Orlando Lewis,) prop'rs Auburn Iron Works, office on N Y C R R, bet Hulbert and W Water Tuttle Desdemona, widow Bradley A, bds 145 North Tuttle Edwin A, restaurant, also fruits, &c, 117 State, h do Tuttle Edward P. artist, h 5 Spring Tuttle Elsie D, bds 145 North Tuttle John, shoe op, bds over 10 E Genesee Tuttle Laura May, music teacher, res 5 Spring Tuttle Marshall M, carpenter, h r 35 Van Anden Tuttle Theodore F, harnessmaker, h 30 Dill Tutton Alfred, coachman, 202 Genesee, h 72 Fitch ave Tutton Headley V, coachman, 204 Genesee, h do Tutton William D, plumber, bds r 91 South Tutton William J, gardener, h r 91 South Tuxell Charles, city sexton, bds 32 Fitch ave Tuxell Charles, machinist, h 32 Fitch ave Tuxell James C, engineer, h 31 Fitch ave Tuxell Mary, housekeeper, 32 Fitch ave TUXILL ALFRED J., Veterinary Surgeon, 304 Genesee, res 7 1/2 Chestnut, (See adv) TUXILL BROTHERS, (Wilfred B. and Frank H. Tuxill,) dealers in fresh, salt and smoked meats, also sausage, lard and other Beef and Pork Products, 35 Genesee Tuxill Charles E, real estate, office Syracuse, N Y, res 7 1/2 Chestnut TUXILL FRANK H., (Tuxill Bro's,) bds 7 1/2 Chestnut Tuxill Lewis A, wagon maker, 29 Water, h 19 1/2 Burt ave Tuxill S Jennie, accountant, 35 Genesee, bds 7 1/2 Chestnut TUXILL WILFRED B., (Tuxill Bro's,) h 7 1/2 Chestnut Tuxill William, parcel delivery, h 7 1/2 Chestnut Twed (sic) Mrs N Stella, shoe op, bds 13 Orchard ave Tweed Charles, carriage painter, bds 55 Market Twyne Alfred, machinist, h 3 Auburn ave Twyne Elizabeth, mill op, bds 3 Auburn ave Twyne Margaret, widow Robert, res 3 Auburn ave Tyler Mrs Frances W, h 53 Fulton TYLER GEORGE L., proprietor The Family Liquor Store, Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars of superior quality, 47 Genesee, h 17 Maple A specialty made of supplying Physicians and Families Goods guaranteed to be pure Tyler Le Roy W, machinist, bds 5 1/2 Mac Dougall Tyne John D, ladderman, H & L No 1, A F D, bds 55 Market Tyson Harry, com trav, bds 71 Clark Tyte Charles A, iron worker, h 74 Garrow
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