1900 Directory - "IRA" SECTION |
IRA - Ira was formed from Cato, March 16, 1821, and a part reannexed
to that town in 1824. Population, 1, 873. Area, 21, 345 acres.
There are three Postoffices in this town, viz., Ira, Ira Station and
Floridaville. The |
IRA PAGE # 1 |
Adams F C, 11 1/2, Ira Station | Beardsley Nelson (est), 120, Auburn |
Albright Mrs David, 58, Lysander | Benton Charles, 148, Ira |
Allen Henry & Ethan, 15, Cato | Benton Frank, 126, Ira |
Allen Jesse (est), 106, Ira | Bigelow Payne (est), 49, Ira |
Andrews Mrs Clarissa, 95, Bethel Corners | Blake Charles, 40, S Hannibal |
Andrews George B, 120, Bethel Corners | Blake Isaac, 199, Meridian |
Arnold Alfred, 108, Bowen's Corners | Blake Jabez, 50, Meridian |
Bachman Fred, 68, S Hannibal | Blessing Adam, 150, Ira Station |
Bachman Fred, Jr, 8, Ira | Botsford Mrs H, 3, Cato |
Baird Charlotte, 50, Meridian | Boyce Louise, 10, S Hannibal |
Baird Joshua, 51 1/2 S Hannibal | Bradley Mrs C C, 63, Ira |
Baldwin Caleb, 42, S Hannibal | Brackett Cora, 50, S Hannibal |
Baldwin D S, 50, Ira | Bradt Cole, 74, Lysander |
Baldwin David, 41, Ira | Bradt Edwin, 46 1/2 Ira |
Baldwin Harvey, 143, Ira | Bradt William, 123, Lysander |
Baldwin Ira, 25, Ira | Briggs Theodore, 6, Cato |
Baldwin John & George, 187, Ira | Brigham E H, 10, Ira |
Baldwin Mary A, 20, Ira | Brinkerman Fred, 3, Ira Station |
Baldwin Philo, 25, Ira | Brinkerman George, 12, Meridian |
Baldwin Smith, 2 1/2, Ira | Bristol Mrs John, 295, Meridian |
Bartlett Abram, 72, Cato | Brown Frank, 7 1/2, Meridian |
Bassett Anna, 75, Cato | Brown S M & F H, 75, Meridian |
Bates George A, 55, Ira Station | Burns William, 30, Meridian |
Bates William, 77, Lysander | Burns John, 50, Meridian |
IRA PAGE # 2 |
Burritt Charles, 42, Ira | Guernsey Charles, 25, Lysander |
Burritt Lucy, 225, Auburn | Haddem O, 99, S Hannibal |
Byam Charles, 55, Ira | Hallicy Conrad, 4, Cato |
Caldwell Charles, 87, Meridian | Hallicy Michael, 14, Cato |
Caldwell Ephraim, 68, Lysander | Hapeman Floyd, 7 1/2 Cato |
Carncross Mrs Wm, 98, Meridian | Harmon L D, 97, Bethel Corners |
Carrigan Nicholas, 76, Cato | Harrris (sic) Charles, 85, Cato |
Carter W B (est), 234, Floridaville | Harris Mrs De Witt, 3, Cato |
Carter William H, 47, Lysander | Harris James, 21, Cato |
Chase Charles, 103, Meridian | Harris John, 9, Floridaville |
Chase William, 151, Meridian | Hart Thomas T, 90, Lysander |
Clapper Judson, 60, Meridian | Harvey John, 28, Ira |
Clark Harry, 124, Meridian | Hawker William, 5 1/2, Lysander |
Clark John, 19, Lysander | Hirsch William, 66, Ira |
Cole Byron, 62, Lysander | Hoag Julia A, 55, Ira |
Cook A P, 258, Cato | Hoag Myron, 104, Ira |
Cook William, 3 1/2, Lysander | Hoag Valentine, 82, Bethel Corners |
Cooper E J, 58, Cato | Hodge Mrs Geo, 33, S Hannibal |
Cooper Isaiah, 48, Ira | Hopkins H H, 100, Cato |
Cooper Smith, 94, Ira | Hopkins Mrs Robert, 85, Ira Station |
Cooper Webster, 10, Ira | Hornberg Charles, 82, Meridian |
Countryman Charles, 4, Lysander | Hornberg Fred, 125, Meridian |
Cowan Albert (est), 72, Bethel Corners | Horrigan Daniel, 99, Cato |
Crowninshleld (sic) E D, 97, Cato | Horrigan George D, 98, Ira |
Culver Frank, 95, Meridian | Horrigan John, 92, Meridian |
Culver J A, 83, Bethel | Horrigan Patrick, 22, Meridian |
Culver John, 75, Bethel Corners | Houghtaling James, 112, Meridian |
Culver William, 84, Lysander | Houghtaling William, 98, Ira |
Cummings William, 40, Floridaville | Humphrey J R, 98, Lysander |
Cusick Martin, 17, Cato | Huyck George, 25, Lysander |
Dallas Charles, 82, Cato | Jaynes Helen, 104, Cato |
Dallas Charles R, 60, Cato | Jones Calvin, 18, Ira |
Dalton Thomas, 62, Cato | Kasson William, 54, S Hannibal |
Daratt Samuel, 132, Cato | Keeler Clara, 45, Bethel Corners |
Davis Stephen, 44, S Hannibal | Kelly James, 180, Ira Station |
Dedrick Philip, 7, Floridaville | Knowlton S H, 3, Cato |
De Forrest David, 48, Ira Station | Kranz Charles, 73, Bethel Corners |
De Forrest Eugene, 5, Cato | Lawrence Ed, 176, Meridian |
De Forrest Jacob, 150, Cato | Lindsley J B, 5, Bethel |
De Long John, 50, Bethel | Livingston George, 2, Ira |
Dennick Jared, 225, Lysander | Livingston John, 3, Ira |
Dings Henry, 128, Ira | Livingston John W, 54, S Hannibal |
Doty Theodore, 50, S Hannibal | Livingston Oscar, 50, S Hannibal |
Drice Charles, 51 1/2 Ira | Marvin Chauncey, 2, Floridaville |
Durkee Day, 21, Ira Station | Marvin David, 64, Floridaville |
Durkee Jay, 69, Ira | Matson James, 54, S Hannibal |
Dutton E Q, 10, Cato | Matson Mary, 54, Floridaville |
Emerick George, 98, Meridian | Matson William, 24, Floridaville |
Farnham Beniah, 82, Ira | Mc Carthy James, 84, Ira |
Faxon Eben R, 45, Ira | Mc Graw Mark, 30, Cato |
Ferris H D, 193, Meridian | Merrigan John, 47, Cato |
Filkins Richard, 29, Lysander | Merritt William, 73, Meridian |
Fink Andrew, 66, Ira Station | Miller Mrs G W, 5, Ira |
Fletcher William, 79, Meridian | Miller Jacob, 106, Ira |
Flint Briggs, 55, Cato | Miner Daniel, 2, Bethel |
Follett Howard, 100, Ira Station | Moore Charles, 2 1/2 Cato |
Follett James, 357, Ira | Morley Chester, 10, Meridian |
Foote Oscar, 110, Ira | Morris Clark, 20, Ira |
Foote Mrs R M, 16, Ira | Mount Mrs John, 103, S Hannibal |
Foster Mrs C L, 10, Ira | Murphy John, 24, Cato |
Fuller Mrs John, 25, Meridian | Northrup Charles, 24, S Hannibal |
Garrett Stephen, 50, Meridian | Osborne John, 24, S Hannibal |
Gaylord James, 77, Meridian | Osborne Richard, 190, S Hannibal |
Gifford Darius, 82, S Hannibal | Ostrander Mandeville, 20, Bowens Corners |
Gifford George, 58, Meridian | Oswald John, 85, Meridian |
Gifford Geo F, 38, Floridaville | Owen Leslie, 75, Cato |
Gifford Joseph, 50, S Hannibal | Palmer A W, 100, Ira |
Gifford Mrs R, 84, Meridian | Palmer Fred, 29, Ira |
Gillett William, 60, Floridaville | Palmer Mrs Ida, 23, Ira |
Gilt Fred, 8, Lysander | Palmer Watson E, 362, Ira |
Goodman Clarence, 10, S Hannibal | Peck Freeman, 89 1/2, Lysander |
Goodrich Joel A, 50, Ira | Perrine E M, 65, Ira |
Goodrich Nathaniel, 10, Ira | Perrine R Norton, 73, Lysander |
Goodsell Carlton, 63, Cato | Phelps E C, 169, Ira |
Graham William, 3, Ira | Phelps John, 163, Ira |
Gries Henry, 99, Lysander | Phillips John, 12, Ira |
Groot Fred, 78, Ira | Phippen J E, 60, Ira |
IRA PAGE # 3 |
Pierce & Parkhurst, 127, Ira | Terpenning George I, 90, Meridian |
Pople Edward, 118, Cato | Terpenning J A, 42, Cato |
Pulsifer John, 28, Ira | Terpenning James, Jr, 12, Meridian |
Purdy W J, 195, Cato | Terpenning James, Sr, 115, Meridian |
Rhodes Preston, 20, Cato | Terpenning Milton H, 71, S Hannibal |
Rice Mrs Louisa, 17, Ira | Terpenning Reuben, 86, Floridaville |
Rich Frank, 17, Auburn | terpenning Solomon, 83, Ira |
Robinson George, 71, Bethel Corners | Terpenning W, 94, S Hannibal |
Rockwell Mrs Philo, 54, Cato | Theo Sem & Wiggins, 136, Ira |
Sabins W P, 62, Ira Station | Titus Newton R, 206, Cato |
Sayles Daniel, 55, Lysander | Tobin Mrs Kate, 17, Cato |
Sayles Frank, 130, Lysander | Townsend Ruth, 140, Lysander |
Sayles George, 55, Lysander | Turner James, 15, Cato |
Schoolcraft Will, 84, Cato | Underhill Adelbert, 157, Ira |
Sheldon Harry, 112, Ira | Van Duzen Henry, 54, Ira |
Sholtz Charles, 118, Ira | Van Duzer Mrs Edna, 414, Weedsport |
Showers Wolcott, 38, Ira | Van Etten Archie, 50, S Hannibal |
Shultz John, 3 1/2 Lysander | Van Etten Edward, 58, Lysander |
Shultz William, 49, Ira | Van Patten Fred, 63, Cato |
Simons & Hickok (est), 134, Ira | Van Patten Harlow, 123, Ira Station |
Simons Ed N, 24, Ira | Van Patten Nicholas, 91, Cato |
Smith John V, 2 1/2, Ira | Van Patten C Orlando, 40, Ira Station |
Smith Truman, 12 1/2, Ira Station | Van Vranken Benjamin, 7, Cato |
Southard James, 142, Lysander | Vourman Norman, 23, S Hannibal |
Sowerby Miles, 66, Ira | Waggoner Harmon B, 56, Cato |
Spickeman John, 4 1/2 Ira | Wands Alvira, 11, Cato |
Spoor Abram, 147 1/2 Cato | Wands John, 58, Cato |
Stahl Carter, 4, Meridian | Weber Fred, 9, Lysander |
Stamp George, 100, Meridian | Weller Charles, 86, Lysander |
Stamp John, 61, Lysander | Welles Charles, 56, Ira |
Stevens Frank, 100, Lysander | Welles Ed E, 110, Ira |
Stiles C E, 51, Ira Station | Welles W B, 128, Ira |
Stockwell Jasper, 106, Meridian | Welles William, 170, S Hannibal |
Stone J H, 4 1/4, Ira | Wilkes Archie, 58, Cato |
Stowe Sidney, 49, Meridian | Wilkes Frank, 70, Cato |
Sudro Addie, 3, Cato | Williams S, 57 1/2, S Hannibal |
Sudro Charles, 170, Cato | Wilson Daniel, 100, Bethel Corners |
Sweet (est), 37 1/2 Bethel Corners | Wilson Ed, 65, Meridian |
Tabor Don J, 114, Meridian | Wise C W, 5 1/2, Meridian |
Tallmadge John, 136, Ira | Wise George, 53, Meridian |
Taylor George, 61, Cato | Wise George, 21, Lysander |
Terpenning Abraham, 166, Meridian | Wormuth Mrs Ann E, 197, Ira |
Terpenning Charles, 65, Floridaville | Wormuth C W, 33, Ira |
Terpenning Ephraim, 51, Floridaville | Wormuth Levi J, 84, Ira |
Terpenning Frank, 72, Floridaville | Wormuth Mrs W, 4, Cato |
Terpenning Mrs Frank, 123, Floridaville | Wright C D, 20, Lysander |
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