ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.

Auburn Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory
Biginning Section - Contents - Property - Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart - Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
- Miscellaneous Directory Section1  - Misc. Sect. 2 - Organizations & Clubs,  County Officers

1900  Directory -  "IRA" SECTION

IRA - Ira was formed from Cato, March 16, 1821, and a part reannexed to that town in 1824.
It is located on the east border of the county, north of the centre. The streams are creeks
and small brooks, and the surface is rolling, the summits of the ridges rising 70 to 75 feet
above the valleys, and 225 to 275 feet above the level of Lake Ontario. Red sandstone
underlies the soil, which is a very productive sandy loam.

Population, 1, 873. Area, 21, 345 acres.

There are three Postoffices in this town, viz., Ira, Ira Station and Floridaville. The
residents receive their mail at Cato, Meridian and Bethel Corners, in adjoining towns;
Lysander, Onondaga County, and Bowens Corners and South Hannibal, Oswego County.


Adams F C, 11 1/2, Ira Station Beardsley Nelson (est), 120, Auburn
Albright Mrs David, 58, Lysander Benton Charles, 148, Ira
Allen Henry & Ethan, 15, Cato Benton Frank, 126, Ira
Allen Jesse (est), 106, Ira Bigelow Payne (est), 49, Ira
Andrews Mrs Clarissa, 95, Bethel Corners Blake Charles, 40, S Hannibal
Andrews George B, 120, Bethel Corners Blake Isaac, 199, Meridian
Arnold Alfred, 108, Bowen's Corners Blake Jabez, 50, Meridian
Bachman Fred, 68, S Hannibal Blessing Adam, 150, Ira Station
Bachman Fred, Jr, 8, Ira Botsford Mrs H, 3, Cato
Baird Charlotte, 50, Meridian Boyce Louise, 10, S Hannibal
Baird Joshua, 51 1/2 S Hannibal Bradley Mrs C C, 63, Ira
Baldwin Caleb, 42, S Hannibal Brackett Cora, 50, S Hannibal
Baldwin D S, 50, Ira Bradt Cole, 74, Lysander
Baldwin David, 41, Ira Bradt Edwin, 46 1/2 Ira
Baldwin Harvey, 143, Ira Bradt William, 123, Lysander
Baldwin Ira, 25, Ira Briggs Theodore, 6, Cato
Baldwin John & George, 187, Ira Brigham E H, 10, Ira
Baldwin Mary A, 20, Ira Brinkerman Fred, 3, Ira Station
Baldwin Philo, 25, Ira Brinkerman George, 12, Meridian
Baldwin Smith, 2 1/2, Ira Bristol Mrs John, 295, Meridian
Bartlett Abram, 72, Cato Brown Frank, 7 1/2, Meridian
Bassett Anna, 75, Cato Brown S M & F H, 75, Meridian
Bates George A, 55, Ira Station Burns William, 30, Meridian
Bates William, 77, Lysander Burns John, 50, Meridian


Burritt Charles, 42, Ira Guernsey Charles, 25, Lysander
Burritt Lucy, 225, Auburn Haddem O, 99, S Hannibal
Byam Charles, 55, Ira Hallicy Conrad, 4, Cato
Caldwell Charles, 87, Meridian Hallicy Michael, 14, Cato
Caldwell Ephraim, 68, Lysander Hapeman Floyd, 7 1/2 Cato
Carncross Mrs Wm, 98, Meridian Harmon L D, 97, Bethel Corners
Carrigan Nicholas, 76, Cato Harrris (sic) Charles, 85, Cato
Carter W B (est), 234, Floridaville Harris Mrs De Witt, 3, Cato
Carter William H, 47, Lysander Harris James, 21, Cato
Chase Charles, 103, Meridian Harris John, 9, Floridaville
Chase William, 151, Meridian Hart Thomas T, 90, Lysander
Clapper Judson, 60, Meridian Harvey John, 28, Ira
Clark Harry, 124, Meridian Hawker William, 5 1/2, Lysander
Clark John, 19, Lysander Hirsch William, 66, Ira
Cole Byron, 62, Lysander Hoag Julia A, 55, Ira
Cook A P, 258, Cato Hoag Myron, 104, Ira
Cook William, 3 1/2, Lysander Hoag Valentine, 82, Bethel Corners
Cooper E J, 58, Cato Hodge Mrs Geo, 33, S Hannibal
Cooper Isaiah, 48, Ira Hopkins H H, 100, Cato
Cooper Smith, 94, Ira Hopkins Mrs Robert, 85, Ira Station
Cooper Webster, 10, Ira Hornberg Charles, 82, Meridian
Countryman Charles, 4, Lysander Hornberg Fred, 125, Meridian
Cowan Albert (est), 72, Bethel Corners Horrigan Daniel, 99, Cato
Crowninshleld (sic) E D, 97, Cato Horrigan George D, 98, Ira
Culver Frank, 95, Meridian Horrigan John, 92, Meridian
Culver J A, 83, Bethel Horrigan Patrick, 22, Meridian
Culver John, 75, Bethel Corners Houghtaling James, 112, Meridian
Culver William, 84, Lysander Houghtaling William, 98, Ira
Cummings William, 40, Floridaville Humphrey J R, 98, Lysander
Cusick Martin, 17, Cato Huyck George, 25, Lysander
Dallas Charles, 82, Cato Jaynes Helen, 104, Cato
Dallas Charles R, 60, Cato Jones Calvin, 18, Ira
Dalton Thomas, 62, Cato Kasson William, 54, S Hannibal
Daratt Samuel, 132, Cato Keeler Clara, 45, Bethel Corners
Davis Stephen, 44, S Hannibal Kelly James, 180, Ira Station
Dedrick Philip, 7, Floridaville Knowlton S H, 3, Cato
De Forrest David, 48, Ira Station Kranz Charles, 73, Bethel Corners
De Forrest Eugene, 5, Cato Lawrence Ed, 176, Meridian
De Forrest Jacob, 150, Cato Lindsley J B, 5, Bethel
De Long John, 50, Bethel Livingston George, 2, Ira
Dennick Jared, 225, Lysander Livingston John, 3, Ira
Dings Henry, 128, Ira Livingston John W, 54, S Hannibal
Doty Theodore, 50, S Hannibal Livingston Oscar, 50, S Hannibal
Drice Charles, 51 1/2 Ira Marvin Chauncey, 2, Floridaville
Durkee Day, 21, Ira Station Marvin David, 64, Floridaville
Durkee Jay, 69, Ira Matson James, 54, S Hannibal
Dutton E Q, 10, Cato Matson Mary, 54, Floridaville
Emerick George, 98, Meridian Matson William, 24, Floridaville
Farnham Beniah, 82, Ira Mc Carthy James, 84, Ira
Faxon Eben R, 45, Ira Mc Graw Mark, 30, Cato
Ferris H D, 193, Meridian Merrigan John, 47, Cato
Filkins Richard, 29, Lysander Merritt William, 73, Meridian
Fink Andrew, 66, Ira Station Miller Mrs G W, 5, Ira
Fletcher William, 79, Meridian Miller Jacob, 106, Ira
Flint Briggs, 55, Cato Miner Daniel, 2, Bethel
Follett Howard, 100, Ira Station Moore Charles, 2 1/2 Cato
Follett James, 357, Ira Morley Chester, 10, Meridian
Foote Oscar, 110, Ira Morris Clark, 20, Ira
Foote Mrs R M, 16, Ira Mount Mrs John, 103, S Hannibal
Foster Mrs C L, 10, Ira Murphy John, 24, Cato
Fuller Mrs John, 25, Meridian Northrup Charles, 24, S Hannibal
Garrett Stephen, 50, Meridian Osborne John, 24, S Hannibal
Gaylord James, 77, Meridian Osborne Richard, 190, S Hannibal
Gifford Darius, 82, S Hannibal Ostrander Mandeville, 20, Bowens Corners
Gifford George, 58, Meridian Oswald John, 85, Meridian
Gifford Geo F, 38, Floridaville Owen Leslie, 75, Cato
Gifford Joseph, 50, S Hannibal Palmer A W, 100, Ira
Gifford Mrs R, 84, Meridian Palmer Fred, 29, Ira
Gillett William, 60, Floridaville Palmer Mrs Ida, 23, Ira
Gilt Fred, 8, Lysander Palmer Watson E, 362, Ira
Goodman Clarence, 10, S Hannibal Peck Freeman, 89 1/2, Lysander
Goodrich Joel A, 50, Ira Perrine E M, 65, Ira
Goodrich Nathaniel, 10, Ira Perrine R Norton, 73, Lysander
Goodsell Carlton, 63, Cato Phelps E C, 169, Ira
Graham William, 3, Ira Phelps John, 163, Ira
Gries Henry, 99, Lysander Phillips John, 12, Ira
Groot Fred, 78, Ira Phippen J E, 60, Ira


Pierce & Parkhurst, 127, Ira Terpenning George I, 90, Meridian
Pople Edward, 118, Cato Terpenning J A, 42, Cato
Pulsifer John, 28, Ira Terpenning James, Jr, 12, Meridian
Purdy W J, 195, Cato Terpenning James, Sr, 115, Meridian
Rhodes Preston, 20, Cato Terpenning Milton H, 71, S Hannibal
Rice Mrs Louisa, 17, Ira Terpenning Reuben, 86, Floridaville
Rich Frank, 17, Auburn terpenning Solomon, 83, Ira
Robinson George, 71, Bethel Corners Terpenning W, 94, S Hannibal
Rockwell Mrs Philo, 54, Cato Theo Sem & Wiggins, 136, Ira
Sabins W P, 62, Ira Station Titus Newton R, 206, Cato
Sayles Daniel, 55, Lysander Tobin Mrs Kate, 17, Cato
Sayles Frank, 130, Lysander Townsend Ruth, 140, Lysander
Sayles George, 55, Lysander Turner James, 15, Cato
Schoolcraft Will, 84, Cato Underhill Adelbert, 157, Ira
Sheldon Harry, 112, Ira Van Duzen Henry, 54, Ira
Sholtz Charles, 118, Ira Van Duzer Mrs Edna, 414, Weedsport
Showers Wolcott, 38, Ira Van Etten Archie, 50, S Hannibal
Shultz John, 3 1/2 Lysander Van Etten Edward, 58, Lysander
Shultz William, 49, Ira Van Patten Fred, 63, Cato
Simons & Hickok (est), 134, Ira Van Patten Harlow, 123, Ira Station
Simons Ed N, 24, Ira Van Patten Nicholas, 91, Cato
Smith John V, 2 1/2, Ira Van Patten C Orlando, 40, Ira Station
Smith Truman, 12 1/2, Ira Station Van Vranken Benjamin, 7, Cato
Southard James, 142, Lysander Vourman Norman, 23, S Hannibal
Sowerby Miles, 66, Ira Waggoner Harmon B, 56, Cato
Spickeman John, 4 1/2 Ira Wands Alvira, 11, Cato
Spoor Abram, 147 1/2 Cato Wands John, 58, Cato
Stahl Carter, 4, Meridian Weber Fred, 9, Lysander
Stamp George, 100, Meridian Weller Charles, 86, Lysander
Stamp John, 61, Lysander Welles Charles, 56, Ira
Stevens Frank, 100, Lysander Welles Ed E, 110, Ira
Stiles C E, 51, Ira Station Welles W B, 128, Ira
Stockwell Jasper, 106, Meridian Welles William, 170, S Hannibal
Stone J H, 4 1/4, Ira Wilkes Archie, 58, Cato
Stowe Sidney, 49, Meridian Wilkes Frank, 70, Cato
Sudro Addie, 3, Cato Williams S, 57 1/2, S Hannibal
Sudro Charles, 170, Cato Wilson Daniel, 100, Bethel Corners
Sweet (est), 37 1/2 Bethel Corners Wilson Ed, 65, Meridian
Tabor Don J, 114, Meridian Wise C W, 5 1/2, Meridian
Tallmadge John, 136, Ira Wise George, 53, Meridian
Taylor George, 61, Cato Wise George, 21, Lysander
Terpenning Abraham, 166, Meridian Wormuth Mrs Ann E, 197, Ira
Terpenning Charles, 65, Floridaville Wormuth C W, 33, Ira
Terpenning Ephraim, 51, Floridaville Wormuth Levi J, 84, Ira
Terpenning Frank, 72, Floridaville Wormuth Mrs W, 4, Cato
Terpenning Mrs Frank, 123, Floridaville Wright C D, 20, Lysander


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section

Miscellaneous Directory Section1 Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs

CopyrightThis OnLine Transcription-Copyright by Linda Jasztal 2002, All Rights Reserved

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