ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.

Auburn Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory
Biginning Section - Contents - Property - Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart - Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
- Miscellaneous Directory Section1  - Misc. Sect. 2 - Organizations & Clubs,  County Officers

1900  Directory -  "LEDYARD" SECTION

Ledyard was formed from Scipio, January 30, 1823, and was named after Benjamin
Ledyard, agent and clerk for the apportionment of lands in the Military Tract. It lies on
the east bank of Cayuga Lake, south-west of the centre of the county. The surface
inclines towards the west, its extreme east border being elevated 500 to 600 feet above
the lake level. Generally the hill slopes are gradual, and the streams are small, rapid
brooks, the principal one being Paine's Creek, which flows through a narrow ravine in
the south part. The soil is very fertile, being a sandy and clayey loam.
Population, 2,185. Area, 22,184 acres.

The postoffice addresses of the residents of this town are Aurora, Ledyard and
Levanna, in the town; and King Ferry, Poplar Ridge, Scipioville, Sherwoods and Union
Springs, in adjoining towns.

Aiken Delos, 104, Ellsworth Day John Sr, 3, Aurora
Aiken Fred, 49, Aurora Dean Benjamin, 29, Aurora
Alexander Jason, 100, Scipioville Deshong Henry, 326, Levanna
Alexander William A, 58, Scipioville Deshong William, 330, Levanna
Allen Andrew, 95, Poplar Ridge Deshong Mrs Wm, 120, Levanna
Allen Chester, 7, Ledyard Dillon Elmer, 19, Ellsworth
Anthony Elijan (sic), 443, Aurora Dillon Mrs Theo, 16, Ellsworth
Anthony Hicks, 249, Scipioville Dilts Jacob, 240, Union Springs
Anthony James, 83, Ellsworth Dixon Arthur, 87, Ledyard
Anthony Mrs Wallace, 21, Scipioville Dixon Richard, 97, Ledyard
Armistead William, 78, Poplar Ridge Doyle Lawrence, 57, Ledyard
Austin Frank, 5, Aurora Doyle Thomas, 71, Scipioville
Austin James, 80, Scipioville Dwyer William, 21, Scipioville
Avery Mrs Fannie, 158, Ledyard Eader Charles, 16, Scipioville
Avery William B, 328, Aurora Ellis George, 44, Levanna
Babbitt Horatio, 20, Aurora Ellis Jane, 29, Aurora
Backus Madison, 166, Union Springs Ely Coral, 90, Poplar Ridge
Baker Andrew J, 46, Sherwood Fallon James, 19, King Ferry
Baker George, 125, Poplar Ridge Fear James, 10, Aurora
Baldwin Charles, 75, Aurora Fisher James, 10, Aurora
Bancroft George, 203, Scipioville Fitzgerald Thomas, 4, Poplar Ridge
Bancroft & Foster, 194, Aurora Folley Patrick, 5, Aurora
Bancroft William, 6, Levanna Fowler Frank, 54, Poplar Ridge
Barry James, 10, Aurora Fowler Joseph, 80, Scipioville
Barry Thomas, 9, Aurora Fox David, 3, Ellsworth
Beard Mrs C W, 106, Poplar Ridge Fox John, 72, Ellsworth
Beatty Benj F, 161, Sherwoods Franklin Howard, 164, King Ferry
Beatty George W, 59, Scipioville Fry Charles, 13, Aurora
Beatty Isaac N, 56, Scipioville Gamlin & Brooks, 110, Levanna
Beatty Mary, 98, Sherwoods Gifford Arthur, 76, Scipioville
Beckley Daniel, 43, Ellsworth Gifford Charles, 113, Scipioville
Beggs Mrs Charles, 11, Aurora Gifford Mrs Wm W, 78, Scipioville
Berrals William C, 88, Aurora Gillespie James, 75, Scipioville
Bourne Ezra, 56, Ledyard Gleason James, 19, Aurora
Bowen Frank, 14, Aurora Gleason Mrs Robert, 9, Levanna
Bowen Samuel G, 7, Levanna Goslin Thomas, 118, Aurora
Bowen William, 71, Scipioville Gould Henry, 225, Aurora
Bowen Alfred, 120, Aurora Gould James, 146, Aurora
Boyer Mrs A C, 7, Aurora Grady Patrick, 40, Scipioville
Bradley E G, 97, Aurora Gray Edmond, 12 1/2, Aurora
Bradley Samuel, 143, King Ferry Gray Leaper, 133, Scipioville
Brennan Patrick, 30, Scipioville Gray Mrs Wm, 34, Scipioville
Brewer Philander, 9, Aurora Hague Charles, 38, Aurora
Brokaw Robert, 25, Ledyard Haight Mrs Annie, 36, Poplar Ridge
Brookfield Mrs Kate, 16, Aurora Hale Mrs David, 7, Aurora
Brooks George, 10, Aurora Hanford Henry, 39, Scipioville
Brown John, 16, Aurora Hanford S T, 111, Levanna
Buckout William, adm, 111, Scipioville Hannoran Mrs John, 6, Aurora
Buggy James, 97, Ellsworth Hawley Mrs Wm, 20, Levanna
Buggy William, 69, Aurora Haynes John S, 71, Scipioville
Burlew James N, 109, Levanna Hazzard Isaac P, 197, Poplar Ridge
Callahan John, 29, Ellsworth Hazzard John, 128, Poplar Ridge
Carpenter J J, 19, Aurora Hazzard William R, 64, Poplar Ridge
Carr Mrs Frank, 5, Levanna Heffron John, 344, Aurora
Carter G E, 50, Aurora Hellen George, 84, Poplar Ridge
Chase Howard, 192, Sherwoods Hellen Mrs John, 19, Poplar ridge
Chase Mary L, 185, Poplar Ridge Hickey Patrick, 63, Aurora
Close L N, 221, Ledyard Hill Mrs Sarah M, 12, Levanna
Coles Mrs Joseph, 20, Levanna Hillman John, 4, Levanna
Collins George, 102, Sherwoods Hitchcock & Bradford, 150, Scipioville
Collins Theodore, 91, Sherwoods Holland Joseph, 110, King Ferry
Connaughty Terrence, 100, Ledyard Howe Mrs E M, 19, Levanna
Connaughty Thomas, 74, Poplar Ridge Howland Mrs Chas A, 48, Sherwoods
Corley John, 77, Ledyard Howland George, 268, Sherwoods
Cornwell Oscar, 98, Scipioville Hoxie Calvin T, 182, Poplar Ridge
Correy Charles, 123, Ellsworth Hoyt Charles E, 111, Levanna
Cotter James, 170, King Ferry Hurley Margaret, 20, Scipioville
Cotter Patrick, 18, Aurora Hussey Lemuel, 140, Aurora
Coughlin Jerry, 10, Aurora Husted Lot C, 197, Ellsworth
Cowell C H, 107, Aurora Iden George, 176, Sherwoods
Criss Henry C, 200, Levanna Jacobs Isaac, 12, Poplar Ridge
Crowley Patrick, 4, Aurora Jenner Albert, 20, Levanna
Culver Allen M, 87, Aurora Jenner Stephen, 8, Scipioville
Cummings John, 130, Levanna Judge William, 114, King ferry
Cunningham John, 38, Aurora Kavanagh William, 10, Ellsworth
Dallahan Patrick, 33, Ledyard Keenan Patrick, 50, Poplar Ridge
Davenport Thomas C, 40, Levanna Kelley Thomas, 8, Poplar Ridge
King Alfred, 134, Aurora Searing Samuel, 65, Poplar Ridge
King John F, 154, Poplar Ridge Shaw Henry, 5, Aurora
King Mrs M G, 32, Scipioville Shay Richard, 20, Aurora
King William A, 184, Aurora Sherman William, 226, Sherwoods
Leffingwell Albert, 6, Aurora Shimer Frank, 120, Sherwoods
Linnanne Martin, 78, Ledyard Sisson Caroline, 63, Scipioville
Locke Abram Mrs, 8, Poplar Ridge Sisson Wm Penn, 70, Scipioville
Locke Augustus W, 192, Ellsworth Slocum Fred, 262, Sherwoods
Locke Jarvis, 78, Poplar Ridge Smaley John, 22, Levanna
Lyon Eliza M, 135, Poplar Ridge Smith Arthur, 50, Ledyard
Lyon H D, 358, Aurora Smith Charles, 125, Poplar Ridge
Maine Frank R, 114, Ledyard Smith Howard, 16, Aurora
Mallison James, 133, Aurora Smith Isaiah, 98, Poplar Ridge
Manchester Mr, 176, Aurora Smith Leonard, 129, Ellsworth
Mandell Samuel, 7, Aurora Smith Mrs Robert, 114, Levanna
Mason Albert, 32, Ledyard Smith Thomas, 227, Ellsworth
Maurice Joseph N, 116, Aurora Smith William C, 15, Ledyard
Mc Cann John, 108, Scipioville Snushall Arthur, 68, Scipioville
Mc Ginness Edward, 74, Scipioville Snushall Daniel, 125, King Ferry
McGordon Andrew, 102, Aurora Spiller Benjamin, 45, Poplar Ridge
Mc Graw Arthur, 16, Aurora Spiller William, 15, Poplar Ridge
Meekel Mrs Walker, 62, Poplar Ridge Stevenson George, 73, Aurora
Morgan Henry A, 67, Aurora Stewart James, 79, Ledyard
Morgan Mrs Richard, 12, Aurora Stewart Jane, 42, Ledyard
Morgan William J, 197, Aurora Stewart Robert, 108, Ledyard
Morgan William L, 216, Aurora Streeter & Co, 3, Ledyard
Morrison Lewis, 71, Scipioville Strong Thomas, 39, Scipioville
Morse N, 198, Levanna Sullivan Michael, 18, Aurora
Mosher Henrietta, 49, Scipioville Swayze Benjamin, 73, Scipioville
Mullally Anthony, 34, Poplar Ridge Tate James, 18, Aurora
Murphy P H, 3, Aurora Taylor Harriet, 14, Scipioville
Myers Herbert, 99, Ledyard Thomas Alexander, 97, Union Springs
Myers Jay, 169, Ellsworth Tierney Mary, 3, Aurora
O'Connell Edward, 5, Scipioville Tierney Patrick, 6, Aurora
Olney Orrin, 4, Aurora Tierney Thomas, 23, Poplar Ridge
Paddington George, 77, Scipioville Timon Mary, 30, Aurora
Patchen John, 10, Ellsworth Tripp Jefferson, 108, Levanna
Peckham Claude, 101, Poplar Ridge Trumpeter Fred, 204, Levanna
Phelps Thomas H, 106, Scipioville Utt George W, 200, Levanna
Pine Mrs John, 10, Ledyard Van Buskirk Michael, 293, Aurora
Polhemus Morris, 57, Aurora Wakely Charles, 27, Levanna
Queal James H, 15, Scipioville Walton Cyrenus, 30, Poplar Ridge
Radcliffe Frank, 8, Aurora Wardwell Arthur, 133, Levanna
Rafferty Rev Hugh F, 87, Ledyard Wardwell George, 139, Union Springs
Rafferty John, 138, Ledyard Watkins A Q, 60, Scipioville
Redmond John, 152, Scipioville Watkins Ledora W, 20, Scipioville
Redmond Mrs Michael, 69, Scipioville West James, 47, Sherwood
Richards Daniel C, 37, Levanna White Wm F, 114, Aurora
Rose Maggie, 42, Aurora Wilber Charles, 155, Ledyard
Ryan James, 173, Ellsworth Woodruff Mrs D, 303, Aurora
Sands Adaline, 97, Aurora Young Charles M, 124, Levanna
Sands Brothers, 139, Aurora Young John, 142, Mapleton
Saxton Irving, 20, Levanna Zabriskie Mrs Louise M, 22, Aurora
Schoby Enoch W, 57, Levanna


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section

Miscellaneous Directory Section1 Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs

CopyrightThis OnLine Transcription-Copyright by Linda Jasztal 2002, All Rights Reserved

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