1900 Directory - "LEDYARD" SECTION |
The postoffice addresses of the residents of this town are Aurora, Ledyard
and |
Aiken Delos, 104, Ellsworth | Day John Sr, 3, Aurora |
Aiken Fred, 49, Aurora | Dean Benjamin, 29, Aurora |
Alexander Jason, 100, Scipioville | Deshong Henry, 326, Levanna |
Alexander William A, 58, Scipioville | Deshong William, 330, Levanna |
Allen Andrew, 95, Poplar Ridge | Deshong Mrs Wm, 120, Levanna |
Allen Chester, 7, Ledyard | Dillon Elmer, 19, Ellsworth |
Anthony Elijan (sic), 443, Aurora | Dillon Mrs Theo, 16, Ellsworth |
Anthony Hicks, 249, Scipioville | Dilts Jacob, 240, Union Springs |
Anthony James, 83, Ellsworth | Dixon Arthur, 87, Ledyard |
Anthony Mrs Wallace, 21, Scipioville | Dixon Richard, 97, Ledyard |
Armistead William, 78, Poplar Ridge | Doyle Lawrence, 57, Ledyard |
Austin Frank, 5, Aurora | Doyle Thomas, 71, Scipioville |
Austin James, 80, Scipioville | Dwyer William, 21, Scipioville |
Avery Mrs Fannie, 158, Ledyard | Eader Charles, 16, Scipioville |
Avery William B, 328, Aurora | Ellis George, 44, Levanna |
Babbitt Horatio, 20, Aurora | Ellis Jane, 29, Aurora |
Backus Madison, 166, Union Springs | Ely Coral, 90, Poplar Ridge |
Baker Andrew J, 46, Sherwood | Fallon James, 19, King Ferry |
Baker George, 125, Poplar Ridge | Fear James, 10, Aurora |
Baldwin Charles, 75, Aurora | Fisher James, 10, Aurora |
Bancroft George, 203, Scipioville | Fitzgerald Thomas, 4, Poplar Ridge |
Bancroft & Foster, 194, Aurora | Folley Patrick, 5, Aurora |
Bancroft William, 6, Levanna | Fowler Frank, 54, Poplar Ridge |
Barry James, 10, Aurora | Fowler Joseph, 80, Scipioville |
Barry Thomas, 9, Aurora | Fox David, 3, Ellsworth |
Beard Mrs C W, 106, Poplar Ridge | Fox John, 72, Ellsworth |
Beatty Benj F, 161, Sherwoods | Franklin Howard, 164, King Ferry |
Beatty George W, 59, Scipioville | Fry Charles, 13, Aurora |
Beatty Isaac N, 56, Scipioville | Gamlin & Brooks, 110, Levanna |
Beatty Mary, 98, Sherwoods | Gifford Arthur, 76, Scipioville |
Beckley Daniel, 43, Ellsworth | Gifford Charles, 113, Scipioville |
Beggs Mrs Charles, 11, Aurora | Gifford Mrs Wm W, 78, Scipioville |
Berrals William C, 88, Aurora | Gillespie James, 75, Scipioville |
Bourne Ezra, 56, Ledyard | Gleason James, 19, Aurora |
Bowen Frank, 14, Aurora | Gleason Mrs Robert, 9, Levanna |
Bowen Samuel G, 7, Levanna | Goslin Thomas, 118, Aurora |
Bowen William, 71, Scipioville | Gould Henry, 225, Aurora |
Bowen Alfred, 120, Aurora | Gould James, 146, Aurora |
Boyer Mrs A C, 7, Aurora | Grady Patrick, 40, Scipioville |
Bradley E G, 97, Aurora | Gray Edmond, 12 1/2, Aurora |
Bradley Samuel, 143, King Ferry | Gray Leaper, 133, Scipioville |
Brennan Patrick, 30, Scipioville | Gray Mrs Wm, 34, Scipioville |
Brewer Philander, 9, Aurora | Hague Charles, 38, Aurora |
Brokaw Robert, 25, Ledyard | Haight Mrs Annie, 36, Poplar Ridge |
Brookfield Mrs Kate, 16, Aurora | Hale Mrs David, 7, Aurora |
Brooks George, 10, Aurora | Hanford Henry, 39, Scipioville |
Brown John, 16, Aurora | Hanford S T, 111, Levanna |
Buckout William, adm, 111, Scipioville | Hannoran Mrs John, 6, Aurora |
Buggy James, 97, Ellsworth | Hawley Mrs Wm, 20, Levanna |
Buggy William, 69, Aurora | Haynes John S, 71, Scipioville |
Burlew James N, 109, Levanna | Hazzard Isaac P, 197, Poplar Ridge |
Callahan John, 29, Ellsworth | Hazzard John, 128, Poplar Ridge |
Carpenter J J, 19, Aurora | Hazzard William R, 64, Poplar Ridge |
Carr Mrs Frank, 5, Levanna | Heffron John, 344, Aurora |
Carter G E, 50, Aurora | Hellen George, 84, Poplar Ridge |
Chase Howard, 192, Sherwoods | Hellen Mrs John, 19, Poplar ridge |
Chase Mary L, 185, Poplar Ridge | Hickey Patrick, 63, Aurora |
Close L N, 221, Ledyard | Hill Mrs Sarah M, 12, Levanna |
Coles Mrs Joseph, 20, Levanna | Hillman John, 4, Levanna |
Collins George, 102, Sherwoods | Hitchcock & Bradford, 150, Scipioville |
Collins Theodore, 91, Sherwoods | Holland Joseph, 110, King Ferry |
Connaughty Terrence, 100, Ledyard | Howe Mrs E M, 19, Levanna |
Connaughty Thomas, 74, Poplar Ridge | Howland Mrs Chas A, 48, Sherwoods |
Corley John, 77, Ledyard | Howland George, 268, Sherwoods |
Cornwell Oscar, 98, Scipioville | Hoxie Calvin T, 182, Poplar Ridge |
Correy Charles, 123, Ellsworth | Hoyt Charles E, 111, Levanna |
Cotter James, 170, King Ferry | Hurley Margaret, 20, Scipioville |
Cotter Patrick, 18, Aurora | Hussey Lemuel, 140, Aurora |
Coughlin Jerry, 10, Aurora | Husted Lot C, 197, Ellsworth |
Cowell C H, 107, Aurora | Iden George, 176, Sherwoods |
Criss Henry C, 200, Levanna | Jacobs Isaac, 12, Poplar Ridge |
Crowley Patrick, 4, Aurora | Jenner Albert, 20, Levanna |
Culver Allen M, 87, Aurora | Jenner Stephen, 8, Scipioville |
Cummings John, 130, Levanna | Judge William, 114, King ferry |
Cunningham John, 38, Aurora | Kavanagh William, 10, Ellsworth |
Dallahan Patrick, 33, Ledyard | Keenan Patrick, 50, Poplar Ridge |
Davenport Thomas C, 40, Levanna | Kelley Thomas, 8, Poplar Ridge |
King Alfred, 134, Aurora | Searing Samuel, 65, Poplar Ridge |
King John F, 154, Poplar Ridge | Shaw Henry, 5, Aurora |
King Mrs M G, 32, Scipioville | Shay Richard, 20, Aurora |
King William A, 184, Aurora | Sherman William, 226, Sherwoods |
Leffingwell Albert, 6, Aurora | Shimer Frank, 120, Sherwoods |
Linnanne Martin, 78, Ledyard | Sisson Caroline, 63, Scipioville |
Locke Abram Mrs, 8, Poplar Ridge | Sisson Wm Penn, 70, Scipioville |
Locke Augustus W, 192, Ellsworth | Slocum Fred, 262, Sherwoods |
Locke Jarvis, 78, Poplar Ridge | Smaley John, 22, Levanna |
Lyon Eliza M, 135, Poplar Ridge | Smith Arthur, 50, Ledyard |
Lyon H D, 358, Aurora | Smith Charles, 125, Poplar Ridge |
Maine Frank R, 114, Ledyard | Smith Howard, 16, Aurora |
Mallison James, 133, Aurora | Smith Isaiah, 98, Poplar Ridge |
Manchester Mr, 176, Aurora | Smith Leonard, 129, Ellsworth |
Mandell Samuel, 7, Aurora | Smith Mrs Robert, 114, Levanna |
Mason Albert, 32, Ledyard | Smith Thomas, 227, Ellsworth |
Maurice Joseph N, 116, Aurora | Smith William C, 15, Ledyard |
Mc Cann John, 108, Scipioville | Snushall Arthur, 68, Scipioville |
Mc Ginness Edward, 74, Scipioville | Snushall Daniel, 125, King Ferry |
McGordon Andrew, 102, Aurora | Spiller Benjamin, 45, Poplar Ridge |
Mc Graw Arthur, 16, Aurora | Spiller William, 15, Poplar Ridge |
Meekel Mrs Walker, 62, Poplar Ridge | Stevenson George, 73, Aurora |
Morgan Henry A, 67, Aurora | Stewart James, 79, Ledyard |
Morgan Mrs Richard, 12, Aurora | Stewart Jane, 42, Ledyard |
Morgan William J, 197, Aurora | Stewart Robert, 108, Ledyard |
Morgan William L, 216, Aurora | Streeter & Co, 3, Ledyard |
Morrison Lewis, 71, Scipioville | Strong Thomas, 39, Scipioville |
Morse N, 198, Levanna | Sullivan Michael, 18, Aurora |
Mosher Henrietta, 49, Scipioville | Swayze Benjamin, 73, Scipioville |
Mullally Anthony, 34, Poplar Ridge | Tate James, 18, Aurora |
Murphy P H, 3, Aurora | Taylor Harriet, 14, Scipioville |
Myers Herbert, 99, Ledyard | Thomas Alexander, 97, Union Springs |
Myers Jay, 169, Ellsworth | Tierney Mary, 3, Aurora |
O'Connell Edward, 5, Scipioville | Tierney Patrick, 6, Aurora |
Olney Orrin, 4, Aurora | Tierney Thomas, 23, Poplar Ridge |
Paddington George, 77, Scipioville | Timon Mary, 30, Aurora |
Patchen John, 10, Ellsworth | Tripp Jefferson, 108, Levanna |
Peckham Claude, 101, Poplar Ridge | Trumpeter Fred, 204, Levanna |
Phelps Thomas H, 106, Scipioville | Utt George W, 200, Levanna |
Pine Mrs John, 10, Ledyard | Van Buskirk Michael, 293, Aurora |
Polhemus Morris, 57, Aurora | Wakely Charles, 27, Levanna |
Queal James H, 15, Scipioville | Walton Cyrenus, 30, Poplar Ridge |
Radcliffe Frank, 8, Aurora | Wardwell Arthur, 133, Levanna |
Rafferty Rev Hugh F, 87, Ledyard | Wardwell George, 139, Union Springs |
Rafferty John, 138, Ledyard | Watkins A Q, 60, Scipioville |
Redmond John, 152, Scipioville | Watkins Ledora W, 20, Scipioville |
Redmond Mrs Michael, 69, Scipioville | West James, 47, Sherwood |
Richards Daniel C, 37, Levanna | White Wm F, 114, Aurora |
Rose Maggie, 42, Aurora | Wilber Charles, 155, Ledyard |
Ryan James, 173, Ellsworth | Woodruff Mrs D, 303, Aurora |
Sands Adaline, 97, Aurora | Young Charles M, 124, Levanna |
Sands Brothers, 139, Aurora | Young John, 142, Mapleton |
Saxton Irving, 20, Levanna | Zabriskie Mrs Louise M, 22, Aurora |
Schoby Enoch W, 57, Levanna |
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