ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.

Auburn Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory
Biginning Section - Contents - Property - Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart - Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
- Miscellaneous Directory Section1  - Misc. Sect. 2 - Organizations & Clubs,  County Officers

1900  Directory -  "LOCKE" SECTION

Locke was formed from "Milton" (now Genoa), February 20, 1802. Summer Hill was
set off in 1831. It lies in the south part of the county, on the high ridges bordering on
Owasco Inlet, which flows through it near the center, in a narrow valley, bordered by
hills ranging from 200 to 400 feet above its level. The summits widen out into a beautiful,
undulating region, with a mean elevation of 1,000 feet above tide. The soil consists of a
gravelly loam interspersed with clay.
Population, 1,001. Area, 14,292 acres.

There is but one Postoffice in this town, viz., Locke. A few of the residents get their
mail at Moravia, Summer Hill and Genoa, in adjoining towns, and Groton, Tompkins, County.


Adams Abel, 13, Moravia Horton Edson S, 137, Locke
Allen Arthur, 4, Locke Hotchkiss Jane M, 175, Locke
Alley Morris K, 137, Locke Houser Dell, 75, Locke
Ashton Jerome, 4, Locke Houser George, 142, Locke
Atwood Benj F, 111, Locke Howard James, 123, Locke
Atwood Colvin, 223, Locke Hubert Stephen, 28, Locke
Baker Ellis, 22, Groton Hulse Frank, 51, Locke
Barhydt Edwin, 60, Groton Hulse Joseph, 61, Locke
Boothe Edwin, 60, Groton Hulse Ralph, 62, Locke
Boothe George, 90, Locke Humphrey William, 62, Locke
Bostwick Henry, 78, Locke Ingley John W, 103, Locke
Bothwell Nelson, 43, Groton Jackson Monroe, 111, Locke
Botsford Fannie, 79, Locke Jacobs Alonzo, 24, Groton
Boughton L, 77, Locke Keefe John C, 270, Locke
Brigden George, 67, Locke Keeler William, 153, Moravia
Brigden Mary, 70, Moravia Kelley Edwin, 145, Groton
Briggs Stephen, 56, Locke King Ellen, 67, Locke
Brooks & Gorman, 29, Locke Laney Patrick, 14, Locke
Brown Adam, 28, Locke Learn Frank, 24, Locke
Brown Blanche, 91, Locke Lester Charles, 124, Genoa
Burlew Cordelia, 78, Moravia Letchworth Josiah, 215, Buffalo
Bush Elijah, 50, Locke Lockwood H Clay, 100, Montour Falls
Bush Polly, 7, Locke Lowe Oscar, 55, Locke
Cantine Jonas M, 96, Locke Mackey Edwin, 132, Locke
Case Polk, 45, Groton Maine George W, 124, Locke
Clark Mrs Porter, 96, Groton Maine Lucy A, 17, Locke
Close Charles, 103, Locke Maine Mary J, 3 1/2 Locke
Close Frances, 50, Locke Maloney John, 47, Locke
Coggeshall David H, 50, Groton Marble Melvin, 31, Locke
Coggeshall Van Buren, 257, Locke Mastin Adam K, 70, Moravia
Colby Burt, 28, Locke Mattoon Alonzo, 49, Moravia
Conklin Charles, 60, Locke Mattoon Russell, 60, Moravia
Conklin W H, 114, Locke Mc Intosh Adelle, 72, Locke
Conley Elizabeth, 66, Locke Mc Intosh Archibald, 101, Locke
Cook Caroline, 48, Locke Mc Intosh Daniel, 69, Locke
Cook Harvey, 126, Locke Mc Intosh John C, 137, Locke
Cornwell Henry, 87, Locke Meade P H, 47, Locke
Cruthers Fayette, 48, Locke Metzgar Cenia, 80, Locke
Demmon John F, 101, Locke Metzgar Nelson, 132, Locke
Devenshire James, 24, Groton Miles Roselle, 100, Locke
Dunks John, 14, Locke Miller Lyman, 26, Locke
Edsall Ashton R, 213, Locke Miller Seneca, 48, Locke
Elliott Miner K, 61, Locke Miner John, 6, Locke
Fabun John, 30, Moravia Minturn smith, 75, Locke
Ferris Mills, 27, Locke Monroe Samuel, 196, Locke
Fuller Mary, 115, Locke Mount James H, 41, Groton
Gilmore Alex, 62, Locke Munger William, 118, Locke
Grant Earl W, 35, Locke Murphy Frank, 61, Locke
Greene Laverne, 120, Locke Murphy Frank, Jr, 65, Locke
Greenleaf Clayton, 226, Locke Murphy Rachel, 103, Groton
Greenleaf Wm B, 107, Locke Parks Charles E, 85, Locke
Hamblin George, 66, Locke Parks Saphronia, 59, Locke
Hampton Phoebe, 7, Moravia Peck Corydon, 166, Locke
Hare Mary, 223, Groton Perry Mrs Andrew, 41, Locke
Harris Alonzo, 120, Locke Perry Franklin, 40, Locke
Harris Hudson J, 147, Locke Pierce David, 89, Locke
Harris Joseph, 455, Locke Pierson Mrs John, 10, Locke
Hart Orsemus, 76, Locke Regan Annie, 59, Locke
Haskell Melissa, 15, Locke Regan Michael, 60, Locke
Hazen Smith, 95, Groton Regan Thomas, 78, Locke
Heath Anson, 44, Locke Relph John, 19, Locke
Heath Daniel, 123, Locke Reynolds Clark W, 66, Locke
Heath John R, 70, Locke Robinson Clinton, 29, Locke
Heffernan Patrick, 45, Locke Robinson Edwin, 48, Moravia
Hewitt Smith J, 110, Locke Robinson George, 68, Locke
Hilliard Theo, 75, Locke Robinson Isaac N, 76, Locke
Hinman Curtiss, 16, Locke Robinson Sarah, 4, Locke
Hoagland John, 92, Locke Robinson William, 80, Locke
Holden Rosaline, 90, Locke Rodee John, 39, Locke
Holiday John, 21, Locke Rounds Reuben, 67, Locke


Ryan Jonathan, 49, Locke Spaulding John, 126, Locke
Satterlee Daniel B, 102, Locke Springer Vina, 47, Locke
Searles James N, 102, Locke Stewart Alexander, 59, Groton
Selover William, 8, Moravia Stewart James M, 100, Locke
Shaw Nelson, 88, Locke Stewart James S, 59, Summer Hill
Sherman John W, 114, Locke Stoddard Fayette, 88, Groton
Silcox John, 20, Locke Stone William, 37, Locke
Sellen Hiram, 23, Groton Stout Charles, 77, Locke
Slocum Oscar, 103, Locke Stout Norton, 56, Locke
Smith James, 163, Locke Stryker Abram, 3, Locke
Snover Alanson, 144, Locke Swartwout Lee T, 6, Locke
Spafford Asaph, 179, Locke Tabor Austin, 25, Moravia
Spafford Charles, 98, Locke Taylor Benj F, 8, Locke


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section

Miscellaneous Directory Section1 Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs

CopyrightThis OnLine Transcription-Copyright by Linda Jasztal 2002, All Rights Reserved

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