ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.

Auburn Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory
Biginning Section - Contents - Property - Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart - Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
- Miscellaneous Directory Section1  - Misc. Sect. 2 - Organizations & Clubs,  County Officers

1900  Directory -  "MENTZ" SECTION


Mentz was formed from Aurelius, as "Jefferson," March 30, 1802, and its name was
changed April 6, 1808. Montezuma and a part of Throop were taken off in 1859. The
town lies north-west of the center of the county, on the Seneca River, and its surface is
generally flat, with a few low sand ridges near the south border. A swampy region
borders on the river. Owasco Outlet is the principal stream, and flows through the
center. Red shale, gypsum and lime stone, constitute the underlying rocks. The soil is
a clayey, sandy and gravelly loam.
Population, 1, 952. Area, 10,192 acres.

There is but one Postoffice in the town of Mentz, viz., Port Byron. None of the
residents receive their mail outside of the town.


Abrams De Forest, 41, Port Byron Debotlis Frank, 15, Port Byron
Arnold O S, 7, Port Byron De Groff Mrs Levi, 18, Port Byron
Beardsley N (est), 150, Auburn Dickinson G W, 68, Port Byron
Beaver Arthur, 5 1/2. Port Byron Dickinson James E, 36, Port Byron
Bennett Charles, 97, Port Byron Dickson Mrs E J, 57, Port Byron
Bennett Lewis, 100, Port Byron Dixon J M, 70, Port Byron
Berger Irving, 66, Port Byron Dixon J C & Son, 20, Port Byron
Bittle Jno & William, 40, Port Byron Dixon Michael, 12, Port Byron
Blanchard Frank, 124, Port Byron Durston Sarah W, Auburn
Blass Mrs Peter D, 130, Port Byron Eaman Martha, 95, Port Byron
Breen Richard, 18, Port Byron Eldridge T R, 105, Port Byron
Breen John, 5, Port Byron Ellery Mrs Edward, 49, Port Byron
Breen Patrick, 9, Port Byron Ellery Mrs William, 62, Port Byron
Busby John, 14 1/2, Port Byron Emmons Harvey, 53, Port Byron
Caldwell Mrs A J, 79, Port Byron Erity Mrs E B, 78, Port Byron
Caldwell Delancy, 100, Port Byron Ferguson Edward, 22, Port Byron
Caldwell George, 125, Port Byron Filkins Charles, 48, Weedsport
Carr Deloss, 27, Port Byron Flynn Mrs Jerry, 150, Weedsport
Carr George, 39, Port Byron Frear John, 32, Port Byron
Caywood Chauncey, 20, Port Byron Gilbert Frank, 70, Port Byron
Christian Horace, 96, Port Byron Gillen W C, 65, Port Byron
Christian & Hadger, 48, Port Byron Godfrey Abel, 96, Port Byron
Clapp Mrs A B, 57, Port Byron Groom L A, 64, Port Byron
Clark John, 23, Port Byron Grey Mrs A R, 28, Port Byron
Conners Mrs Mary, 90 Port Byron Gutchess Mrs Oscar, 95, Port Byron
Conway Patrick, 56, Port Byron Gutchess Stephen, 150, Port Byron
Copp Christian, 28, Port Byron Gutchess Mrs W W, 12, Port Byron
Coye Kellogg, 48, Auburn Gutchess Wm W, 97, Port Byron
Crawford James, 8, Port Byron Gwynn Mrs Wm M, 45, Port Byron
Cullen Lucy & John, 60, Port Byron Hadden Delos, 66, Port Byron
Cummings Elizabeth, 57, Port Byron Hadden Mrs Reuben, 75, Port Byron
Cummings Vandorsen, 53, Port Byron Halsey Mrs Wm A, 68, Port Byron
Daniels Robert L, 195, Port Byron Hancock A H, 10, Port Byron
Day William O, 40, Port Byron Harlow Bedford, 29, Port Byron
Debotlis Antonio, 12, Port Byron Hayden Ezra B, 11, Port Byron


Hayden Lucy T, 41, Port Byron Ransler Charles E, 8, Port Byron
Hearn Philip, 95, Port Byron Ridall Charles, 50, Port Byron
Hearn John, 24, Port Byron Riley Mathew, 33, Weedsport
Henry Edward, 50, Port Byron Rhodes Kittie, 63, Port Byron
Henry Mrs R T, Port Byron Root Mrs S H, 65, Port Byron
Higley Mary A, 39, Port Byron Root W H, 103, Port Byron
Holcomb Amos, 43, Port Byron Rumsey Mrs C C, 25, Port Byron
Holmes Mrs John, 41, Port Byron Sarona James, 10, Port Byron
Houghtaling Aug, 119, Port Byron Shattuck John B, 45, Port Byron
Houghtaling John R, 12 1/2, Port Byron Showdy E L, 55, Port Byron
Howland Peter E, 46, Port Byron Shutler Mrs Andrew, 35, Port Byron
Hunter & Howell, 15, Port Byron Sidenpoose Jacob, 10, Port Byron
Husted Mrs P A, 135, Port Byron Slocum Henry, 10, Port Byron
Ingraham S N, 6, Port Byron Slocum John, 7, Port Byron
Jacobs F W, 100, Port Byron Smith Mrs J T, 95, Port Byron
Jetty John, 50, Port Byron Smith Wm H, 97, Port Byron
Kenyon Thomas, 98, Port Byron Smith Mrs W H, 93, Port Byron
Kernan Will, 97, Port Byron Sommers Daniel E, 90, Port Byron
Ketchum George W, 24, Port Byron Spaulding John D, 100, Port Byron
Kick Winifred, 66, Port Byron Sperry Fannie, 97, Port Byron
King Amos, 66, Port Byron Strang William, 137, Port Byron
King L H, 67, Port Byron Stevenson Theodore, 62, Port Byron
Kirkendall Charles, 18, Port Byron Stewart A D, 7, Port Byron
Kirkendall Mary, 9, Port Byron Sullivan Michael, 100, Port Byron
Laird William, 100, Port Byron Sullivan Mrs Mary, 11, Port Byron
Lawlor John, 50, Port Byron Takell Robert, 91, Port Byron
Lemmon Mary E, 50, Port Byron Tallman Van D, 38, Port Byron
Lemmon Catherine, 6, Port Byron Tanner Fred, 162, Port Byron
Lewis William, 25, Port Byron Tanner Oliver B, 20, Port Byron
Mack W W, 12 1/2 Port Byron Thompson Lee W, 54, Port Byron
Martin John, 6, Port Byron Tobin William, 7, Port Byron
Mathers William, 40, Port Byron Toll W C, 100, Port Byron
Manrow Milton, 80, Port Byron Treat James H, 52, Port Byron
Mc Namara Patsey, 28, Port Byron Treat James M, 50, Weedsport
Mead Mrs Polloy, 6 1/2, Port Byron Treat Wm P, 6, Port Byron
Mills George H, 100, Port Byron Vanacora James, 64, Port Byron
Mills Hannah E, 62, Port Byron Van Hoosler Abner, 50, Port Byron
Moore Hannah C, 14, Port Byron Vehala Michael (est), 50, Port Byron
Moriarity Michael, 37, Port Byron Verplanck Mrs Geo, 18, Port Byron
Mullen John, 9, Port Byron Warren Richard, 15, Port Byron
Munger Nathan, 16, Port Byron Warren Thomas, 20, Port Byron
Newkirk George, 48, Port Byron Weston Hester, 22, Port Byron
Ogden William, 9, Port Byron Weatherwax J F, 15, Port Byron
O'Hora Peter, 27, Port Byron Wethey Chauncey E, 77, Port Byron
Olmstead George S, 70, Port Byron Wethey Erastus, 77, Port Byron
O'Neill John, 108, Port Byron Wethey Mrs Erastus, 80, Port Byron
O'Neill Lawrence, 106, Port Byron Willis Mrs Jonas, 6, Port Byron
Osburn William D, 79, Port Byron Wilson Charles & Ella, 43, Port Byron
Paddock Charles B, 109, Port Byron Yates Horatio, 17, Port Byron
Paddock Orrin A, 117, Port Byron Yawger Mrs Kate, 128, Port Byron
Parcell C E, 9, Port Byron Yawger Mrs Jno P, 196, Port Byron
Payne Ellen, 50, Port Byron Young Mrs Peter H, 36, Port Byron
Payne William, 44, Port Byron Zeluff M D, 7, Port Byron
Percy Mrs Ella, 95, Port Byron


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section

Miscellaneous Directory Section1 Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs

CopyrightThis OnLine Transcription-Copyright by Linda Jasztal 2002, All Rights Reserved

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