ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.

Auburn Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory
Biginning Section - Contents - Property - Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart - Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
- Miscellaneous Directory Section1  - Misc. Sect. 2 - Organizations & Clubs,  County Officers

1900  Directory -  "SPRINGPORT" SECTION

Springport was formed from Scipio and Aurelius, January 30, 1823. It lies on the
east shore of Cayuga Lake, south west of the center of the county. The surface rises in
gradual slopes from the lake shore to the eastern border, where it attains an elevation
of 400 to 500 feet. Valuable beds of waterlime and plaster, and limestone quarries exist
on the shore of the lake, and along the ravines, and are extensively worked. Two
immense springs flow from the ground in the village, furnishing a valuable water power,
and giving the name b oth to town and village. They are about ten rods apart, and from
the waters of the larger a mill pond, covering several acres, has been formed, affording
a water power sufficient to run a flouring mill with six run of stone, a plaster mill, a saw
mill, and various other machinery. The water of the smaller spring propels the
machinery of a planing mill, saw mill and tannery. The soil is of superior quality, being
a sandy and gravelly loam, in places mixed with clay. The lake is so deep as to rarely
freeze over, and the warmth of the water modifies the intensity of the winter frosts
essentially. Both climate and soil are admirably adapted to fruit growing, to which
considerable attention is paid. The culture of grapes is carried on in some parts of the
town with signal success.
Population, 1,991. Area, 13,390 acres.

The Postoffice addresses of the residents of the town are Union Springs and Auburn,
Aurelius, Cayuga, Oakwood and Levanna, in adjoining towns.

Town Of SPRINGPORT Page # 1

Allen Ethan, 95 Union Springs Graves Mrs Margaret, 9, Union Springs
Allen Mrs Frank, 20, Union Springs Hammond Rowland C, 100, Union Springs
Allen Mrs Rachel, 186, Los Angeles, Cal Hardy E, 115, Union Springs
Anthony Mrs Mary R, 100, Union Springs Hibbard Geo, 4, Union Springs
Anthony Walter W, 105, Union Springs Hughitt Fred E, 207, Auburn
Backus Clinton T, Jr, 275, Union Springs Irving John, 8 1/2, Union Springs
Backus Geo B, 500, Union Springs Jenney Samuel, 71 1/2, Union Springs
Backus M F, 80, Union Springs Johnson Geo, 10, Union Springs
Backus M F & C T, Jr, 223, Union Springs Johnson Mary Ann, 60, Union Springs
Banks Silas, (est), 40, Oakwood Johnson Michael, 12, Union Springs
Beardsley Daniel, 149, Union Springs Judson Mrs Donald, 127, Union Springs
Beardsley Morgan, 50, Union Springs Keefe Michael, 15, Fleming
Beardsley Nelson (est), 160, Auburn Kells Isaac, 7, Union Springs
Beardsley Susan A, 64 1/2, Union Springs King Mrs E A, 80, Union Springs
Boak Spencer J, 62, Oakwood Large Thos, 95, Oakwood
Bowen E C, 8, Union Springs La Lowe Eugene, 117, Oakwood
Bowen Harrison, 90, Union Springs La Rowe Reed, 34, Oakwood
Branch Mr & Mrs John, 104, Union Springs La Rowe Seymour, 55, Oakwood
Bray Mrs D Y, 47, Union Springs Lockwood A, 85, Oakwood
Brennan Peter, 5, Union Springs Lockwood Charles, 80, Union Springs
Burlew Mrs Jas, 68, Union Springs Lockwood Frank, 80, Union Springs
Bulger Martin, 4 1/2, Union Springs Lowry Jas, 200, Union Springs
Burritt Miss Louise, 10, Ithaca Mc Carl Mrs Henry, 17 1/2, Union Springs
Carr Clinton, 4 1/2, Union Springs Mc Carl John, 60, Union Springs
Cavanagh Jas, 118, Union Springs Mc Donald Mrs James, 16 1/2, Oakwood
Clark Orrin, 53 3/4, Union Springs Mc Donald John, 17 1/2, Oakwood
Collins Thos, 6, Union Springs Mc Gravy John, 5 1/2, Union Springs
Connor Lawrence, 12, Union Springs Mc Graw John, 3 1/2, Union Springs
Connor Owen, 34, Union Springs Monahan Mrs Patrick, 8 1/2, Buffalo
Cornell Joshua, 105, Union Springs Montague & Powell, 20, Union Springs
Cornell Mary G, 40, Union Springs Mosher Amos, 3, Scipioville
Cornwell Susan, 4, Union Springs Mosher Frank, 14, Union Springs
Cornwell Julia A, 103, Union Springs Myers Mrs Erastus, 40, Union Springs
Coughlin John, 125, Union Springs Myers Geo, 142, Oakwood
Curtiss Michael, 8, Union Springs Myers Henry, 80, Union Springs
Daley Mrs Ann, 10, Union Springs Myers Theodore, 75, Union Springs
Daley John, 28, Union Springs Nichols Wm, 118, Union Springs
Davis Charles F, 200, Union Springs Nutt Coral, 97, Union Springs
Davis John Y, 150, Union Springs O'Connor Patrick, 76, Union Springs
Day Geo, 16, Union Springs O'Donnell Thos, 6, Union Springs
Deshong Mrs Caroline, 20, Union Springs O'Hara Alanson, 80, Union Springs
Deshong Jacob, 39, Union Springs O'Hara Henry, 130, Union Springs
Ditton Francis, 37, Auburn Peckham James, 10, Union Springs
Doran Patrick, 6, Union Springs Pierce Dr F D, 81, Union Springs
Drew Patrick, 12, Union Springs Pierson J W, 34, Union Springs
Durkee Mrs A T, 7, Union Springs Pinckney Gilbert, 87, Union Springs
Durkee Horace T, 60, Union Springs Powers Edwin, 4, Union Springs
Farley Mrs H H, 32, Union Springs Powers John, Sr, 5, Union Springs
Fitch Mrs Jas, 146, Union Springs Regan Thos, 39, Union Springs
Flynn Douglas, 151 1/2, Union Springs Rogers Patrick, 10, Union Springs
Flynn Edwin, 178, Union Springs Schenck Cyrus (est), 377, Union Springs
Gildersleeve Mrs A E, 140, Mapleton Schenck H C, 117, Union Springs
Gilmore Mrs Kate, 9 3/4, Union Springs Schenck Harriet, 90, Union Springs
Gilligan Daniel, 70, Union Springs Schenck Harrison, 106, Union Springs
Gilbert Albert, 93 1/2, Oakwood Schenck Horace, 157, Union Springs

Town Of SPRINGPORT Page # 2

Schenck John C, 130, Union Springs Van Sickle william, 217, Union Springs
Schenck John R, 83 1/2, Union Springs Van Sickle W E, 81, Union Springs
Seymour J A, 53, Union Springs Waldron Joseph, 94, Union Springs
Shalibo Joseph, 40, Union Springs Waldron Theodore, 93, Union Springs
Shank Jotham, 115, Cayuga Waldron William, 90, Union Springs
Shank Peter, (est), 128, Oakwood Walley John C, 153, Union Springs
Shank Wallace, 60, Oakwood Walters Samuel, 5, Union Springs
Shoemaker Irwin, 8, Oakwood Weed R R, 130, Union Springs
Shoemaker Mrs Michael, 218, Aurelius Whitmee Geo H, 5, Union Springs
Shoemaker William, 334, Oakwood Wood Geo P, 152, Union Springs
Sloane Patrick, 16 1/2, Union Springs Wyckoff H P, 172, Union Springs
Smith B P, 101, Rochester Yawger Mrs Aaron, 48, Union Springs
Smith Mrs Caroline, 4, Union Springs Yawger Mrs Estella, 25, Union Springs
Smith Mark, 18, Union Springs Yawger George P, 150, Union Springs
Smith Albert W, 110, Union Springs Yawger Minnie, 143, Union Springs
Smith Mr & Mrs W H, 216, Union Springs Yawger Peter J, 100, Union Springs
Stewart James, 18, Union Springs Yawger Philip H, 236, Union Springs
Thomas Caroline, et al, 46, Union Springs Yawger T J, 158, Union Springs
Truesdall Joshua, 155, Union Springs Youngs Alex, 72, Union Springs
Utt William, 179, Union Springs Youngs Levi, 78, Union Springs


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section

Miscellaneous Directory Section1 Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs

CopyrightThis OnLine Transcription-Copyright by Linda Jasztal 2002, All Rights Reserved

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