Vagge Angeline, housekeeper, 4 Greene Vagge John, fruits, nuts, &c, 1 State, h 4 Greene Vagge Milo, teamster, bds 4 Greene Vagge Sarah, shoe op, bds 4 Greene Vail Cecelia T, weaver, bds 233 Seymour Vail Edward A, shoe maker, bds 233 Seymour Vail Francis A, mechanic, bds 233 Seymour Vail John J, mechanic, h 136 1/2 Cottage Vail Joseph A, shoe maker, bds 233 Seymour Vail Kendrick, books, magazines, &c, also com'r of deeds, h 10 Orchard Vail Mary A, weaver, bds 233 Seymour Vail Rose E, shoe op, bds 233 Seymour Vail Thomas J, carpenter, bds 233 Seymour Vail William J, carpenter, h 233 Seymour Valentine Lewis N, ins agent, h 126 Aurelius ave Valentine Miss Mary, bds 126 aurelius ave Valentine Mrs Mary E, h 29 Lincoln Valetti Donato, laborer, bds 1 O'Neil ave Vallencourt Severe J, shoemaker, h 6 Garfield Van Allen Frederick C, res 21 Elizabeth Van Allen Mary, widow L G, res 173 Genesee Van Alstine Mrs Catherine, res 57 Perrine Van Alstine Elmer C, h 96 Division S Van Alstine Olive N, bds 96 Division S Van Alstine William F, tel lineman, h 29 Van Anden Van Antwerp Jacob W, salesman, 91 Genesee, rooms 10 Nelson Van Arsdale Camilla, salesclerk, Big Store, res 44 Cayuga Van Arsdale Charles, emp D M O & Co, h 44 Cayuga Van Arsdale Fred H, mechanic, bds 83 Owasco Van Arsdale Henry C, mechanic, bds 7 Arch Van Arsdale Kittie M, bookkeeper, res 7 Arch Van Arsdale William, motorman, A C Ry, h 7 Arch Van Auken George, emp D M O & Co, h 17 Holley Van auken George, mechanic, h 21 Van Anden VAN BLARICOM MARION C, cashier, Metropolitan Life Ins Co, h 16 Seymour Van Brunt William, cigar maker, bds Hotel Archie Van Buskirk Addie, res over 155 State Van Buskirk Dennis D, teamster, h 2 Guilfoil ave Van Camp Arthur G, salesman, 5 North, bds 2 Sherman Van Camp Clara L, student, A H S, bds 2 Sherman Van Camp Edwin H, salesman, 57 Genesee, bds 2 Sherman Van Camp Elsie L, widow Charles, h 2 Sherman Van Camp Ray L, piano tuner, h 2 Sherman Van Camp Walton C, machinist, bds 2 Sherman Van Campen Fannie, res over 70 Genesee Vance Janet, widow John, h over 35 Bradford Vance Mary G, student, A H S, bds over 35 Bradford Vance Minnie, housekeeper, 27 Bradford Van Cott Edward E, laborer, h r 29 Van Anden Van Cott William E, coachman, bds r 29 Van Anden Vandenberg Catherine, bds 81 Mechanic Vandenberg Frederick, h 15 Cornell Vandenberg Frederick B, boiler maker, 23 Burt ave, h do Vandenberg Frederick J, shoe op, bds 3 Van den Bosch ave Vandenberg John, city express, h 9 Cornell Vandenberg Lewis, emp D M O & Co, h 56 Mattie Vandenberg Mary E, widow Stephen, h 8 Beach ave Vandenberg Peter, coal yardman, bds 15 Cornell Van den Bosch Georgia W, bds 69 Moravia Van den Bosch Isabella W, acc't, 27 Water, bds 69 Moravia Van den Bosch John H, carpenter, h 69 Moravia Van den Bosch John H, Jr, carpenter, bds 69 Moravia Van den Bosch Mary P, stenographer, bds 69 Moravia Vanderhuyden Gustavus P, barkeeper, Cottage Hotel, 53 State, bds do Van Deripe George, carpenter, bds 64 Fulton Van Deripe John, carpenter, h 64 Fulton Vanderloo Cora M, bds 65 Cottage Vanderloo Gertrude A, res 65 Cottage Vanderloo J Bennett, iron worker, bds 33 Washington Vanderloo John, wall papers, paints, oils, &c, 95 State, h 65 Cottage Vanderloo Ralph J, painter, bds 65 Cottage Vanderloo William J, bartender, bds 65 Cottage Van Dewalker Bert E, mechanic, h 79 1/2 Van Anden Vandewater Charles W, machinist, h over 5 E Genesee Vandewater Frank, mechanic, bds over 18 E Genesee Vandewater Harry, emp D M O & Co, bds over 18 E Genesee Vandewater Marinda, widow Henry, h over 41 North Vandewater Martha, housekeeper, over 18 E Genesee Vandewater Mary, twine op, bds over 18 E Genesee Vandewater Mrs Mary, cook, h over 18 E Genesee Vandewater Nellie M, mill op, bds over 18 E Genesee Vandewater James, expert, D M O & Co, bds 3 1/2 Franklin Van Dusen Adelbert, d'v'y clerk, 64 Genesee, h 38 1/2 Lincoln Van Dusen Bertha, seamstress, bds 52 Lansing Van Dusen Edna M, res 181 Van Anden Van Dusen Mrs Ella M, widow George A, h 52 Lansing Van Dusen Irving, twine op, h 74 Division N Van Dusen Mary E, widow John, h 140 Franklin Van Dusen May, seamstress, bds 52 Lansing Van Dusen R Edmond, machinist, h 24 1/2 Hoffman Van Dusen Willis D, com trav, bds 146 Franklin Van Dusen Willis D, core maker, bds 181 Van Anden Van Duyne Clara B, res 36 1/2 Elizabeth Van Duyne Jessie A, accountant, Bell's Bee Hive, res 126 E Genesee Van Duyne J Oscar, laundry, 18 Market, h 36 1/2 Elizabeth Van Duyne William H, salesman, 120 E Genesee, h 126 do Van Dyke George, carpenter, h over 2 Garden Van Dyke Horace H, baker, bds 120 Van Anden Van Dyke Mary, attendant, Osborne House, 77 State Vane Flossie, governess, res 196 State Van Etten Charles H, barkeeper, Hotel Avery, bds do Van Etten Harry, tailor, over 82 Genesee, h 1 Hoffman Van Etten Henry W, gardener, h over 5 Lawton ave Van Etten Mrs Ida E, representing Dey Bro's, Syracuse, N Y, office and res over 147 Genesee Van Etten Ina, attendant, 43 Logan Van Etten Jane G, widow Thomas, h 49 Franklin Van Ever Charlotte, widow Charles, laundress, h 21 Union ave Van Ever Harvey E, laborer, bds 21 Union ave Van Fleet Bert, mechanic, bds 218 Franklin Van Fleet Florence, housekeeper, 218 Franklin Van Fleet Harriet, widow Garrett, bds 46 Grant ave Van Fleet Jesse, laborer, h 218 Franklin Van Gorder Clarence, brakeman, L V R R, bds 160 Clark Van Gorder John C, fireman, L V R R, h 29 Division S VAN GORDER JOHN J., (Hennessy & Van Gorder,) also journalist, Editor and Manager Aub Dep't Rochester Daily and Sunday Herald, h over 168 E Genesee Address all communications to No 14 Clark Van Guilder Mrs Delia A, res 31 Division N Van Guilder George A, mason, h 134 Wall Van Healey Lena, wrapper op, bds 27 Garden Van Hoesen Abram, emp D M O & Co, bds 18 Garden Van Hoesen Bertie, wrapper op, bds 27 Lincoln Van Hoesen Edgar W, student Theo Sem, res do Van Hoesen Esther A, widow Jacob, domestic, 7 Elizabeth Van Hoesen James, emp D M O & Co, h 2 Mann Van Hoesen John G, stone cutter, bds over 19 1/2 North Van Hoesen Mrs Mattie, widow Abner, boarding house, 27 Lincoln Vanich Frederick, blacksmith, bds 173 Lake ave Van Keuren John, salesman, 5 Wall, h over 14 Howard Van Kleek John H, foreman piano factory, h 60 Elizabeth Van Kleek Myron H, piano op, h 10 Mattie Van Kleek Walter M, shoe op, bds 60 Elizabeth Van Kleek William C, student, res 60 Elizabeth Van Laer Francina, trained nurse, City Hospital, 15 Lansing Van Laer Grace H, res 12 Chestnut Van Laer Louisa, widow Herman, h over 13 Chestnut Van Laer Peter C, h 12 Chestnut Van Liew Guy, motorman, A C Ry, h over 35 E Genesee Van Marter Albert B, cabinet maker, h 6 Beach ave Van Middlesworth Willard, piano op, h 60 Mechanic Vannais William A, meat cutter, 44 Lewis, h 7 do Van Ness Hattie, shoe op, bds over 33 E Genesee Van Ness Helen, widow Giles H, h over 33 E Genesee Van Nest Charlotte F, bds 9 Chestnut Van Nest George, h 9 Chestnut Van Ommen Altie M, seamstress, h 44 Fitch ave Van Ommen Kittie T, seamstress, bds 44 Fitch ave Van Ommen Lottie E, silk weaver, bds 44 Fitch ave Van Orman Nettie E, weaver, bds 99 Division N Van Orman Samuel J, helper, bds 99 Division N Van Orman William H, lather, h 2 Foote Van Patten Albert, carpenter, bds 49 Perry Van Patten Arleigh S, machinist, bds 10 Anna Van Patten Asa A, mechanic, h 6 Arch Van Patten David H, emp Birdsall Co, h 35 Lansing Van Patten Eugene, hammersman, h 4 Arch Van Patten Frank, moulder, bds 8 Perrine Van Patten Frederick, laborer, bds 6 Arch Van Patten Frederick, machinist, h 10 Anna Van Patten George, carriage maker, h over 38 Park ave Van Patten Jennie M, button op, bds 6 Arch Van Patten Margaret A, nurse, res 4 Arch Van Patten Orlando W, moulder, rooms 8 Lansing Van Patten Violetta B, housekeeper, 6 Arch Van Schoick Guy, clerk, 109 Genesee, bds 51 Garrow Van Schoick Mrs Hattie, h over 94 Clark Van Schoick John J, mechanic, bds 170 Van Anden Van Schoick Susan, widow William, res 51 Garrow Van Sickle Anna, principal. Evans St sch, bds 28 Grover Van Sickle George K, acc't, 101 Orchard, bds 19 Elizabeth VAN SICKLE JOHN, (Payne, Van Syckle (sic) & Payne) h 28 Grover Vanstano John, shoemaker, 20 Clark, h do Vanston Ella R, stenographer, G W R & Son, res 53 Lansing Vanston Francis J, shoe laster, bds 53 Lansing Vanston James, marble polisher, h 53 Lansing Vanston William G, barkeeper, bds 53 Lansing Van Tuyle Elizabeth, res 22 Orchard Van Valkenburg Elizabeth, res 81 Mechanic Van Vechten Frances, res 11 Seminary Van Vechten Mrs W Page, widow, h 165 Genesee Van Vliet John N, prison guard, h 54 1/2 Fulton Van Vliet Martha S, domestic, 23 William Van Vranken Benjamin, emp D M O & Co, h 31 Lincoln Van Wagoner Charles D, student, Theo Sem, res do Van Winkle Philip G, laborer, h 3 Madison ave Varnes Jerome E, blacksmith, h 16 Union ave Vartsch William, coremaker, bds 9 Madison ave Vastano Giovanni, shoemaker, 20 Clark, h do Vastano Louis, shoemaker, h over 7 Water Vatter Anna J, bds 123 Owasco Vatter Anna J, widow Robert E, h 33 Bradford Vatter Annie, compositor, over 23 Genesee, bds 33 Bradford Vatter anton A, cloth dresser, bds 123 Owasco VATTER ANTON F., master mechanic, The Auburn Woolen Co, h 123 Owasco Vatter Augusta C, compositor, Burrough's, bds 33 Bradford Vatter Maria A, bds 123 Owasco Vatter Robert A, engineer, h 2 Mill Vaughn James, twine op, bds 56 Nelson Vaughn Mary, housekeeper, 56 Nelson Vaughn Thomas, gardener, h 56 Nelson Veach Robert W, student, Theo Sem, res do Veeder John, carpenter, bds 71 Clark Venderbosch Arthur R, bicycle repairer, bds 3 Mill Venderbosch Cora M, widow Theodore R, h over 9 E Genesee VENDERBOSCH EDWARD P., cigar manufacturer and dealer in Tobaccos and smoker's Articles, 25 Franklin, h do We are the makers of the most popular brands of Cigars now on the market Venderbosch John W, architect, h 25 Franklin Venderbosch William H, student, A H S, bds 40 Seminary Venderbosch William J, saloon, 13 E Genesee, h 40 Seminary Verbridge Andrew J, mechanic, bds 65 Clark Vernier Charles, com trav, h 24 1/2 Fitch ave Vernier Charles M, mechanic, bds 24 1/2 Fitch ave Vernier Nina Irene, bds 24 1/2 Fitch ave Vernier William Brower, plumber, bds 24 1/2 Fitch ave Verplank John J, printer, Aub Bulletin, bds 2 Cottage Verre Delia, twine op, bds 76 Division N Verre Ernest, twine maker, bds 76 Division N Verre James, twine op, h 76 Division N Verre James L, twine op, bds 76 Division N Verre Salomy, twine op, bds 76 Division N Vestuto Raffaele, laborer, bds 47 Van Anden Vibbert Charles E, carpenter, h 11 Foote Vicari, Sansone & Co, (V Vicari and P Sansone,) fruits, 10 Dill Vicari Vincent, (Vicari, Sansone & Co,) bds 3 1/2 Franklin Vickers Anna Louise, h 5 Union ave Vickers George H, pattern maker, bds 27 Fulton Victor Shuttle Check Co, 18 Water Vieau Edward J, machinist, bds 1 1/2 Baker ave Vieau Florence C, mill op, bds 1 1/2 Baker ave Vieau Josephine I, mill op, bds 1 1/2 Baker ave Vieau Rose D, widow Edward, h 1 1/2 Baker ave Viereck Henry, weaver, h over 23 1/2 Frances Villeneuve Godias, grinder, bds 8 Derby ave Villeneuve Joseph, grinder, bds 8 Derby ave Vine Frank E, coachman, Tallman's Stables, h over 13 Exchange Viney Clarence, wood worker, bds 60 Orchard Viney Stephen J, butcher, bds 34 E Genesee Visiger Harman, twine maker, bds 86 Division N Vito Frank, laborer, h over 2 Garden Vivian Simon, machinist, bds 110 Seymour Volenius William C, painter and decorator, h 7 Florence Volentine John W, mechanic, h 44 division N Volentine Phoebe M, widow William, res 44 Division N Volentine Susie P, student, C G S, res 44 Division N Volkman Bertha, milliner, res over 70 Genesee Volkman Fred, barkeeper, h over 70 Genesee Volkman Otto, saloon, 92 State, h over do Volland Eugene, house porter, 115 South, (this name refused) Vorhees Charles J, delivery clerk, 14 Hoffman, h 28 do Voorhees Flora, res 134 North VOORHEES SHELDON., Physician and Surgeon, office and res 88 North Hours 8 to 9 A M, 2 to 3 and 6 to 8 P M Vorce Alice, hame op, bds 18 1/2 Mattie Vorce Lena, bds 18 1/2 Mattie Vorce Madison, pattern maker, h 18 1/2 Mattie Vorhis Joseph B, res 2 Steel Vosburgh Fannie K, artist, bds 27 Perry Vosburgh Francina M, widow Joseph, h over 109 Franklin Vosburgh & Glazier, (K W Vosburgh and W L Glazier,) general painters, 30 Garden Vosburgh Ira H, machinist, bds 9 1/2 State Vosburgh Henry E, emp D M O & Co, h 102 Clark Vosburgh K William, (Vosburgh & Glazier,) h 22 Howard Vose Frank C, twine op, bds 5 Mary Vose Mattie E, button op, bds 33 1/2 Walnut Vose Sarah E, housekeeper, 7 Mary Voso Gaetano, laborer, bds over 2 Dill Voso Tomo, shoemaker, 20 Clark, bds 7 Water (Transcribers Note: See Vanston and Vastano) VREDENBURG, see FRADENBURG, also FREDENBURG VREDENBURG CHARLES H., (Vredenburg & Sambrook,) h Janet st ext Vredenburg Edward D, general painter, h 24 Holley VREDENBURG & SAMBROOK, (Chas. H. Vredenburg and Charles A. Sambrook,) prop'rs Opera House Cafe, 22 North Billiard and Pool Parlors Attached (See adv) Vreeland Belle, seamstress, bds 12 Perry Vreeland Helen, nurse, 137 South Vreeland Mrs Jennie, laundress, h over 44 Lewis Vreeland Martha J, nurse, bds 50 Franklin Vrooman Catherine T, bds 130 Mechanic Vrooman Charles, twine op, bds 6 Steel Vrooman Edward, blacksmith, h 130 Mechanic Vrooman Henry M, mason, h 6 steel Vrooman George L, machine hand, bds 60 Orchard Vrooman Ione A, compositor, Aub Bulletin, res over 5 Hulbert Vrooman Mary A, h over 5 Hulbert Vrooman Olive W, res 60 Orchard Vrooman Richard P, moulder, h 60 Orchard
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