If the history of your family leads to Cayuga County, NY...
our web sites can help you find your roots on the internet.

We compile and provide links to web sites that relate to Cayuga County, NY History &  Genealogy.
Profile Cayuga County History .
Promote the utilization of resources contained by historical, library and records organizations.
Provide access to genealogy records and indexes via internet web sites.

Cayuga County , NY GenWeb Project Web Site Page Is

About the USGenWeb and the NYGenWeb Project
The USGenWeb Project is totally volunteer and the whole purpose is to share
information. The USGenWeb Project is modeled after the Kentucky GenWeb Project
which was organized by a group of genealogists in March and April of 1996. The idea was
to provide a single entry point for all Counties in Kentucky, where collected genealogy/
local history related databases would be stored and linked via Internet website Pages. A
message was sent out over Gen-NYS-L list (Internet E-mail bulletin board) in June 1996 asking
if anyone would be interested in starting a NY State Gen-Web, similar to the highly
successful project underway in Kentucky.

Many people expressed an interest in this idea. About the same time, Jeff Murphy,
coordinator of the KYGenWeb, decided to go national with the idea, and out of that grew
the USGenWeb Project, and the NYGenWeb project.

NYGenWeb Project
The first  NYGenWeb Project coordinator was Kim Harris Myers, from Medina, New York.
With the help of others, she created and published a NYS GenWeb Project
page, that went On-Line about August 1st, 1996. This NY State master index page; contains
basic information about NYS, such as: The names of all of the counties in the state,
Dates Formed, Parent County, and County Seat. This NY State GenWeb Project Page also includes
information about the USGenWeb Project and links to other websites and databases
that will provide useful information for genealogy research in NYS.

The NYGenWeb Project Master Index Page is also soliciting volunteers from each
County in the State, to create a "NY County GenWeb Project Page". This would result in
a single entry point for genealogy and local history related web page sites/databases,
{and links to other web sites/databases}, that relate to that county. These NYS
"COUNTY" GenWeb Project sites are referenced and linked on the NY "STATE"
GenWeb Project page.

Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project
A presentation was made to "The Association Of Cayuga County Town Historians", at their meeting of October 26th, 1996.  As a result of that meeting, it was decided that
Bernie & Susan Corcoran would act as the volunteer "County Coordinators" for these websites. The Volunteer County Coordinator has the freedom to create or link to other web pages of information that detail or promote the historical and/or genealogical resources of the county. Kathleen Shaw Decker joined the Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project Team as the first  transcribing volunteer in November of 1996 and has subsequently transcribed cemetery, church and vital statistic records. Wilda Marshall Brown joined the team in March of 1997 and has been transcribing cemetery records. Linda Beyor joined the team in May and has been transcribing Sennett history and church records.  We have also have volunteers from such places as; Wolcott,  New York City, Kansas, Florida, Alaska, Georgia, Texas and even Japan who have transcribed records.

These web site pages contain information or links to pages with a short history of the county, a list of all the Towns, dates formed, and a list of resources. The resource pages list the name and address of the various County, and Town Record Offices, Libraries, Historical/Genealogical Societies and names and addresses for County and Town Historians. We're also working to create digital databases of indexes, names and records that are in the public domain. These could then be added to the pages and viewed or downloaded from the internet.

We now have records on-line for over 240 Cayuga County Cemeteries, some early vital statistic records, indexes to some early census records and history and some records from many Cayuga County churchesl.  Each County NYGenWeb Project page contains a message board link where people can post questions or Info on a Bulletin Board type page.  A separate "Surname~Cyber~Searchers Page" contains listings of surnames that people are researching, and an E-mail addresses to share information. The website also invites people to do 'Volunteer Look-Ups', in Public Record Offices, Public Libraries and their own Personal Libraries.

On October 14th, 1996, Kim Harris Myers, the former NYS GenWeb Project Coordinator, created and published a Cayuga County GenWeb Page. This page contained some basic information about the county & resources. She utilized information that was provided as a courtesy by Auburn resident, Bernie Corcoran. The page has had over 400 visitors in
it's first month. In mid August 1997 there were over 12,000 hits (visits) on the Cayuga
County NYGenWeb Project Home Page.   In mid November of 1997, there were over 20,000, and thru August 1998 there were over 47,000 hits...we reached 100,000 hits on November 7, 1999 , 150,000 in November 2000, over 407,000 in September 2005 and 772,000 in October 2016.

There are currently Thousands of separate web-site files published and maintained by the Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project Team. They include a cemetery list and cemetery records, surname page, resource page, census records, church records and histories, Cayuga County trivia questions, and miscellaneous records.

The NYS Coordinators are now : Bob Sullivan& Tim Stowell
The web Site address (URL) for the Cayuga County, NYGenWeb Project Page is:
The Web Site address (URL) for the NYGenWeb Project Page is:
The Web Site address (URL) for the USGenWeb Project Page is:

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