A Name Index To The Book:
Originally Published by Dennis Bro's & Co.,
This index was compiled by
Joseph O'Hearn of
Histories |
[A] Abbott, C.M. ,379 Able, Barton ,300 Abraham [slave] 72 Adams, Francis 224,233 Adams, John Quincy,151,237 Adams, W.H. ,379 African Church 256 Agents of Auburn Prison 450 Ainsworth, Sidney W. 405 Alden, J. Monroe ,428 Alden, Loyal W. ,388 Alden, Milton ,428 Alexander, Caleb (Rev.) ,340,342 Allen, Edward 95,105,254 Allen, Gordon W. ,365,393 Allen, Groton [Mrs. 237] Allen, Isaac S. 14,17,109,123,152,255,258,278 Allen, Richard R. ,408 Allen, Stephen 314 Allen, Trowbridge 105,111 Allen, Wm. 223,224,266,360,368,376,381 Alverson, John B. (Rev.) 191 American Bible Society 143 American Hotel 87,148,162,179,213,215,238 Ammerman, Henry (Deacon) [Bio. 503] 14,79,145,146,336 Ammerman, Henry 85,91,95,101,106,111,112,114,140 Ammon, John A. ,358,358,359,360,363,365,400,407 Angel, Jas. R. ,358,365 Animal encounters 80-85 Annin, Jos. 74 Anthony, Smith ,379 Armstrong, David H. (surgeon) ,405,407 Armstrong, David W. (Dr.) ,393 Arnett, Wm. H. ,389 Arnett, S.W 258 Ashby, Benj. (Grocery) 196,218,278 Ashby, Geo. E. ,407 Ashcroft, Jas. E. ,358,364 Aspinwall, (Dr.),148 Assembly, 458-461 Auburn, chartered as a city (incorporated),249 Auburn 1869 ,413 Auburn & Canal Railway Co. ,286 Auburn & Owasco Canal,177-184,245,270,286 Auburn & Syracuse Railroad Co. 178,179,184,186,199,205,287 Auburn Academic High School 260 Auburn Academy 252 Auburn Academy 108 Auburn Advertiser (newpaper) 248 Auburn Agracultural Works ,428 Auburn Band 160,221 Auburn Bank 137,162 Auburn Center House 94,121,165 Auburn City Bank ,410 Auburn College 190-192 Auburn Cotton Mill,152,434 Auburn Daily Advertiser (newspaper),377 Auburn Daily Union (newspaper) ,352 Auburn Female Seminary 204,261 Auburn Female University 262 Auburn Garden,151 Auburn Gas-light Co. ,280-284 Auburn Gazette (newspaper),151 Auburn House & Merchant's Exchange Association 167,218,221,233 Auburn Hydraulic Association 201 Auburn Journal (newspaper) 118,152,238,243 Auburn Literary Association 110,220,222,223,224,225 Auburn Manufacturing Co.,153 Auburn Market,156 Auburn Paper Mill,153,154,200 Auburn Prison 128-136, 206-208,227,306-329,417,420 Auburn Tool Co. ,426 Auburn Water-Works Co. 276-280 Auburn Woolen Co. 245,246,271,280 Austin, J.M. (Rev.) 143,266 Auxilery Bible Society 143 Avery, Alfred 220,290 Avery, Edward H.,154,278,359,401,403 Avery, Edwin ,290 Avery, Nicholas 52 Avery, Wm. Elias ,374 Axtel, Henry (Rev.) ,337 Axtell, Daniel C. (Rev.) 144 Ayrault, Walter (Rev.) 145 [B] Bacon, Geo. W. ,388 Backus, Clinton T. ,300 Backus, J.S. (Elder) 142 Bailey, Chas. H. ,405 Bailey, J.C. [Mrs. 236,237] Bailey, Josiah P. 115,434 Bailey, Geo. 68 Baker, (Dr.) 148 Baker, John T. 209,210,355,356,358,359,360,362,364,407 Baldwin, Joshua 149 Baldwin, Harvey 244 Bank Coffee-house 162 Banyar, Goldsbrow 168 Baptist Church 122,142,165,419 Barber, Sheldon & Co. ,437 Barber, Dennis & Co. ,434 Barber, C. Eugene ,395,427,432,437 Barber, Josiah 17,227,271,278,291,297,433 Barber, Edward 167 Barber, Geo. E. ,433 Barber, Thaddeus B. ,355,360 Barber, Wm. C. ,299,395,427,433,437 Barber's Dam 202 Bardswell, G.H. ,287 Barnes, John C. 69 Barnes, Wm. H.,154,364 Barney, Wm. T. ,380 Barnum, Philo B. 219,220 Bartholomew, J.G. (Rev. Universalist Church),421 Bartlett, Dr. (Rev.) 141 Bartlett, Helen M. Miss ,373 Bartlett, J.S. (dry goods) 196,258 Bartlett, J.T. [Mrs. 237] Batchford, Samuel ,276 Bateman, Ezra W. ,290 Bayard, Stephen N. 52 Beach, Abner 75,254 Beach, E. Kellogg ,372 Beach, Ebenever S. 129 Beach, John H. 95,97,105,114,115,125,128,129,133,137,152,174,175,197 253,286,336 Beach, Jos. 15,75 Beach, Peter 75 Beach, R.S. ,336 Beach, Tillman 100 Beach, Wm. ,271,278,290,293 Beardsley, Alonzo G.,154,222,302,427,431,432 Beardsley, John [Bio. 495] 139 Beardsley, Nelson 17,139,163,166,181,182,262,266,299,302,387 Beardsley, Sherman 139,182,243 Beardsley, Wm. C. 17,243,245,266,300,365,368,379,381,382,390,392,394 395 Beecher, Dr. 204 Bell, Isaac (Gen.) ,291,292,293,294 Bellamy, Samuel ,333,339,340,346 Beman, Nathan S.S. 262 Bemis & Leonard (restaurant) 196,210 Bemis, Chas.,151,197,245 Benedict, Augustus W. ,374 Benedict, Laura (Married Jas. Tibbles) 89 Benedict, Micajah 87,113,336 Benedict, Michael D. ,374 Bennett, Augustas A. 191 Bennett, A. M. (Dr.) 101,124 Bennett, Cromwell 253 Bennett, Norman (dry goods),195,196 Bennett, Wm. C. (Dr.) 92,146,250 Bennett, Samuel 106 Bennett, Upton (saddler shop) 196 Benton, Wm. 105 Big Dam 182,184,202,271 Big Elm 59 Bigelow, Lendall H. ,408 Birgs, (Col. 210 [prob. John W. Birge] Bishop, P.P. (Rev.) 142[Mrs. ,410] Blatchford, Samuel ,290 Blain, John (Rev.) 142 Boardman, S.W. (Rev. Second Presbyterian)144,412,419 Bodell, Moses 69 Bogart, Jacob 106 Bolton, Jas. 80 Bonney, Benj. W. Booth, Jonathan 103 Bostwick, A.G. 179 Bostwick, Enos ,403 Bostwick, Harriet 73,77 Bostwick, Hiram 192 Bostwick, Jas. H. 14,15,179,227,265 Bostwick, Polly 73,77 Bostwick, Wm. 51,65,66,69,73,76,77,78,82,87,91,98,102,103,104,105, 107,[dutch barn] 122,146,150,167,169,250,253,254 Bostwick's tavern 89,93,103,116,123, Bothwell, David F. ,364 Bowker, Silas 68 Bowman, John 138 Boyle, Wm. ,364,376,396,408 Bradford, Eseck C. 254 Bradford, Sylvester 227 Bradley, Sherman 139 [Mrs. 237] Bradley, S.L. 258,435 Brainard, Israel (Rev.) ,340 Brainard, John (Rev. St. Peter's) 145,420 [Mrs. 237] Bramin, Tom 69,71,72 Brannack, Luke ,364,396,408 Brigg's Crockery 65 Briggs, C.G. ,395,401 Briggs, Clinton ,300 Briggs, (Dr.),148 Briggs, Lansing (Dr.),222,224 Brinkerhoff, Aaron ,300 Brinkerhoff, Gen.,157 Brinkerhoff, David 68,95,105,106,110,138 Brinkerhoff, Henry 112 Brinkerhoff, Jacob 61 Brinkerhoff, John I. ,384,407 Brinkerhoff, Luke 61 Brinkerhoff, Roeliff 58,61 Brinkerhoff, T.S. (Dr.),148 Bristol, Samuel 63,69 Brittin, Wm. 129,313 Britton, Wm. (prob same as above) 133 Brocton & Corry Railroad ,298 Brockway, Edward 68 Bronson, Deborah A. ,418 Bronson, Parliament 182,184,213,223,224[Mrs. 237],238,245 Brooks, H. ,390 Brown & Guilford (Hame-shop)316 Brown & Lee ,410 Brown, Major-Gen. 113,116 Brown, Amos 106 Brown, Andrew 95 Brown, Erastus E. ,374 Brown, Geo. F. ,421 Brown, Henry 204 Brown, John 51 Brown, John S. ,401,403 Brown, J. Milton 17,294 Brown, Mortimer L. 17 Brown, Orestes A. (Rev.)143 Brown, Samuel A. 118 Brown, Wm. 95,140,143,144,176,336,337,340 Brown & Lee 64 Brown's Tavern 158 (Coffee House),160 Browne, Mortimer L. 263 Brownell, Richard G. ,293 Buck, David 74,105,107,250 Buck, Josiah 52 Budd, W.A. ,300 Bulkley, Gastrom 222 Bull, Samuel ,290 Bunting, Howard ,287 Bunting, R.S. ,287 Bunting, T.B. ,287 Burdick, Orrin H. ,430 Burgess, Chas. ,386,388,407 Burgess, Oscar S. 163 Burgess, Ruben 85 Burgess, Seth 106,121 Burk, Marshell B. ,388 Burns, Harry, 116 Burr, Allen L. ,394 Burr, Calvin 166 Burr, Nathan ,387 Burrerd, J.D. ,393 Burt, A. Hamilton ,420 Burt, Hackaliah (Dr.) [Bio. 471] 64,66,68,69,73,78,(Tokonahos)79,83, 89,91,96,102,103,105,107,109,112,122,146,253,254 Burt, Jas. 91 Burt, John S. 100,105 Burt, Joshua 144,291,292 Burtis & Beardsley 431 Burtis, Cary S. ,356,431,432 Burtis, Edward C. ,364 Bush, Samuel L. 246,368 Button, Jas. D. (Dr.) 148,437 Buttre, Wm.,150 [C] Caldwell, T.A. ,300 Calkins, Daniel 68 Callender, Jas. Thompson 99 Camp Halleck ,387 Camp Wayne ,392 Camp, Clark (Mill-Wright) 95,106 Camp, Isaac 106 Camp, Jas. [Mrs. 236] Camp, Philo ,380 Campbell, Barney 75 Campbell, Rufus M. ,388 Canals 168-186 Candee, Jason ,292 Capron, A.B. ,384 Carhart, Neheniah D.,154,167,178,181,199,395,[&Co.],434 Carpenter, Abraham 105 Carpenter, Chas. 258 Carpenter, Lewis E. 222,374,407 Carpenter, Wm. H. ,278 Carr, A.H. ,365 Case, Erastus ,291,302 Case, Theodore P. ,302,330 Casey, Geo. [Bio. 490] 110,124,129,133,155,179,420,426 Castigator (newpaper),152 Caswell, Zephaniah 86,89, Catholics 141,357 Catlin, E. 176 Cattord, Chas. R. ,393 Caulkins,Thomas N. (Dr.),160 Cayuga Bridge 213 Cayuga Chief Manufacturing Co. ,431 Cayuga County Agricultural Society 248 Cayuga County Bank 122,165 Cayuga County Bible Association 143 Cayuga County Jail 165 Cayuga County Medical Society 146 Cayuga Democrate (Newspaper),152 Cayuga Factory (woolen Mill) 243 CAYUGA INDIANS 19-45 Cayuga Patriot (newspaper) 117,118,151,152,248 Cayuga Tocsin (newspaper) 119 Census (population) 164,181,238 Central Church ,419 Central Tavern 146 Chapman, Ezekiel J. ,340 Chappel, Russell,154 Chappell, Solomom N.,151,210 Charlton, E.A. 261 Chase, Abner (Rev.) 191 Chase, Geo. B. [Bio. 488] ,280,286,291 Chase, H. A. 218 Chase, Philander (Rev.) 77 Chase, Stephen 91 Chase, W. Dempster ,405 Chatfield, Silas 116 Chedell, John H. (Gen.) 163,165,181,186,191,192,224,245,262,266,276 290,291,299,357,359,364,368,377,420[Mrs. 236] Chedell, Melita ,418 Cherry, E.D. ,336 Cherry, Tallmadge 140 (cabinet-shop) 316,336 Chester, E.W. 204 Chidsey, Augustus 68,90 Choate, John ,368,374,401,403,407[Mrs. 237] Chronicles, of the prison (newspaper) 208 Churches ,419 Circus,150 Civil War ,294,351-413 Clapp, Geo. ,277,362 Clark, (Dr.),148 Clark, Hiland K. ,299 Clark, Jehiel (Clarksville) 65,69,90,98,99,106,107,108,155,436 Clark, John S. (Gen.) 14,17,278,352,364 Clark, Noah P.,154,427[Mrs. 237] Clark, Wm. 95 Clark, Wm. A. (Rev.) 145 Clary, John S. 222,223 Clary, Jos. (Dr.) [Bio. 482] 101,147,148 Clay, Henry 151,213,214 Clerks of Cayuga Co. 453 Climate 440 Clinton. DeWitt (visit to Auburn 98),151,169,170 Clinton, Geo. (Governor) 168,172 Close, Stephen 106 Cobb, Ebenezer B. 209,390 Cock, Ambrose 176,286 Cock, Daniel F. 179,(comb store) ,196 Cock, Wm. 106 Cock, Wm. W. 106 Coe, Canfield (Coe's Tavern) 87, Coe, John (S. or B.) ,383,384 Coe's Tavern 137,139,147,170,,173 Coffin, Chas. F. ,262,291 Cogswell, Anna 101 Cogswell, Daniel 71,83 Cold Springs 100 Cole, Darius ,293 Cole, Jos. (Dr.) 95,105,108,123,146,147,148,277,336 Collins, Almer M. (Rev. Disciples Church),422 Colt, Henry V. ,400 Colt, Jos. 110,122,123,125,128,137,138,170 Colt, Jos. ( prison) 132 Colton, Calvin (Rev.) ,339 Columbian Block,150,151 Columbian Garden,150,205 Comstock, Lyman C. ,388,408 Comstock, O.C. (Dr.) ,191 Condit, (Rev. Dr.) ,374,381,412 Condit, Jonathan B. ,348 Congden, [Mrs. 236] Congressmen, 462-464 Conkling, Aurelian,258,277 Conkling, Harriet S. ,418 Conkling, Roscoe ,237 Connor, John 141 Constitutional Conventions, 461 Cook, Chauncey (Rev.),340 Cook, David [poss. Robert] ,292 Cook, Horace T. ,399 [Mrs. 236,237] Cook, Robert,151,179,187,208,291 Cooley & Rathbun (dry goods) ,196 Cooley, Asahel,154,179 Cooper, A.L. ,179 Copper John 133 Cornell, Paul D. ,278,280 Corning, Andrew Y. ,374 Corning Hall Block ,263,409 Cornwell, Selah ,388 Cornwell, Wm. L. ,220 Corrector (prison newspaper) ,208 Cossum, Frederick ,408 Cove, Salmon ,174 Coventry, Chas. ,167 (& Co.) ,200,227 Cowan, Andrew ,364,375,407 Cowel, Myron ,401,403 Cowles, G.W. ,379,380 Cox, Jas. R. [Mrs. 236,410] Cox, Capt.,156 Cox, Samuel H. (Rev.) 145,203,345,347 Cox, Wm. 86 Cox, Zachariah 106 Coxe, A. Cleveland (Rev.)[Bishop],420 Cramer, Wm. C. ,380 Crane, Ezekiel ,250 Crane, John H. ,388 Cray, John D. 133,313 Cray, Wm. C. (prob. Wm. H.),370 Cray, Wm. H. ,369,374,407 Creedon, Micheal (Rev.) 142 Cresswell, Wm. (Rev.) 145 Cressy, E.H. (Rev. St. Peter's) 145,420 Crocker, Chas. W. ,407 Crocker, Geo. H. ,408 Crocker, Oliver C. ,292 Crosby, Wm.,151 Cross, Reuben 105 Crossett, Samuel (Dr.) 63,64,66,68,69,73,93,106,250 Cudgel, Caleb,152 Cumpston, Edward 52 Cumpston, Egbert B. ,163 Cumpston, John H. 79,84,89,91,104,105,107,112,113,140 Cumpston, Samuel 122,150,176 Cumpston's store 124,128 Curtice, Amasa ,179 Curtice, Daniel 106 Curtis, John ,262,277 Curtis, Roswell ,302 Culver, E.D. ,220 Cuyler, Geo. W. ,380 Cuyler, Glen 137,170,337 [D] D.M. Osborne & Co. ,429,430 Damaree Block ,165,167 Damaree, Albert 61 Damaree, John 85,106 Damaree's cabinet-shop 121 Damaree's Tavern 138 Daniels, J.O. 129 Darwin, Alanson (Rev.) ,340 Davis (Dr.),396 Davis, Henry (Rev.),335,337,340 Davis, Isaiah 106 Davis, Jos. 86 Day, Fayette G. ,222[Mrs. 237] Day, Henry C. ,364 Day, Rowland 139,180 Day, Samuel Clark ,364 Day, Stephen O. ,219,220 De Camp, Ralph 130 Derby, Jas. C. ,222,262,266 DeReimer, Cornelius ,166 DeReimer, Jacob ,166 DeWitt, Simeon ,169 Delano, Frederick (Dr.),146,147,148 Delano, R. 96 Delevan, E.C. ,233 Dempster, John (Rev.) 141 Dennis, Cyrus C. [Bio. 479],179,197,222,249,266,277,278,291,295,297 356,395,430 Dennis, J. Frederick ,396,408 Dennis, Roland R. ,408 Dennis, Seneca B. ,208,222,223 Dennison, Henry D. ,292 De Witt, Jabob T. C. 68 De Witt, Moses 59 Dexter, Newton [Sir?] ,394 Dibble, Chauncey 100,121[Mrs. 236] Dickinson, Baxter (Rev.) ,347,348 Dill, John B. 14,110,134,159,167,192,226 Dill, Robert 50,51,95,97,98,101,104,105,107,108,123 Dill, Samuel (Judge) 110,[saw mill-carding mill] 126,129,153,156,433 Dill, Sarah Miss ,373 Dilly 82 Dimon, David (Dr.),148 Dimon, Theodore ,278,364,407 [Mrs. 237,366] Disciples Church ,422 District Attorneys 453 Dodge & Stevenson Mfg. Co. ,432,436 Dodge, John A. 17,292,355,367,368,370,371,372,373,374,407,433 Dodge, David L. (Dr.) ,148 Dodge, Wm. E. ,330 Doremus, Jacob 85,105,112 Doremus' tannery 121 Doty, (Dr.) ,148 Doty, J.L. ,237 Doubleday, Abner (Gen.),151 Doubleday, Ulysses F.,151,152,181,238 Doubleday, W.T. ,176 Doughty, John 51 Douglas, Jas. (Dr.),159 Douglass, Josiah ,426 Douglass, Thomas, ,398 Dowling, Daniel ,364 Drake, Abraham 106 Drake, John H. ,384 Draw, Chas. Wilson ,374 Dunham, Samuel C. 95,132,163,316 Dunn, Samuel 61 Dunning, David M. ,284 Dunning, Henry S. ,284 Durston, Chas. F. ,401 Dwight, Chas. C. ,366,368,370,374,378,390,391,392,393,407 Dwight, Henry W. ,380 Dwight, J.W. ,295,299 Dwyer, Patrick ,364,396,408 [E] E.C. Tuttle Mfg. Co. ,435 Eastman, David 106 Eastman, Oliver ,335 Eaton, Ebenever 96 Eddy, Thomas ,169 Education (schools) (Universaries) 142,249-264 Edwards, E.T. (Rev.) ,204 Edwards, Thaddeous ,337,340,346 Eggleston, Judah 16 1836,[Auburn's finest hour] 192-194 Elderd, Chas.,154 Eldredge, (Dr.),148 Eldredge, Hermon ,254 Eldridge, Daniel Jr. 106,112 Elliott, Daniel 110 Elliot, John ,390 Ellicott, Jos. ,170 Ellis, (Dr.) 63,69,89,93 Ellis, Franklin ,287 Ellis, John 69 Ellsworth, Henry G. ,245,280 Emmott, Jas. 50 Ennis, Robert B. ,393 Ensworth, Azel (Dr.) ,340 Episcopal Church ,165,267 Episcopalians 144 Erie Canal 171,172,176,184,185,271,272,285 Esty, Elijah 66,75,105,107 Everts, Dudley P.G. ,163 Experiment (Steamboat) ,173 Express Companies ,299 Ezra the Scribe ,208 [F] Fairs,150 Farmer's Inn 121 Farmer's Mfg. Co. ,437 Farragut, ,377 Farrar, Hiram S. ,290,291,292 Farrington, Thomas ,295 Farwell, C.B. ,300 Fearing, C.N. ,246 Fell, Moses F. ,290,291,292,293 Field, Augustus ,365 Field, David D. ,335 Fields, Peter [silversmith shop] 124 Fiero, Josiah ,403 Financial Panic of 1837 197-202 Finn, Thomas [tailor shop] 123, Fire, [1837] ,195,196 Fire Companies ,221,233,238 First National Bank 123 Fish, Nathan 105 Fisk, R. (Rev.) 143 Fisk, S.M. (Rev. Wall Street Methodist),421 Fitch, (Dr.) ,148 Fitch, Abijah 76,143,144,176,188,227,238,243,245,276,286,291,293,427 Fitch, Ebenezer (Rev.) ,337,342 Fitch, Elihu Jr. 107 Fitch, Henry Bates ,374,407 Fitch, Horace B. ,374,408 Fitch, Jas. [jewelery shop] 122,254 Fitch, Nelson 62,390,427 Fitten, Mr. Flynn, Dennis E. ,388 Folger, Obed ,174 Follett, Harvey ,388 Foote, David,154 Force, (Dr.) Ford, E.L. [Mrs. 237] Ford, Henry (Rev.) 143 Fort Hill ,220,265-269,423 Fort Pickens ,375,377 Fosgate, Blanchard (Dr.) 17,148,163,222,224,258,360 Fosgate, Wm. ,359 Foster, G.W. ,222 Fosting, Lester W. ,365 Fowler, Henry (Rev. Central Church) 144,407,412,419 Fowler, John S. ,395,398,401,403 Fraser, Alexander ,294 Freeman, Harry 54,69,73 Freeman, Kate 54 Freeoff Philip R. ,388 Free Press (newpaper),151,152 Friend, 69 Fries, Adam 62,106 Frost, John (Rev.) ,340 Fuller, Lieut. ,396 Fuller, Jas. S. ,365 Fuller, Truman K. ,370,374 Fulton, Robert ,169 [G] Gallup, Eli ,395 Gamage, G.A. ,172 Gansevoort, Peter 52 Gardenier, Philip 106,122 Garlick's Dam 176,178,183 Garlick, Lathan,155 Garrow, John 77,319,321 Garrow, Nathaniel [Bio. 473] 68,71,76,77,105,123,137,138,139,150,153, 170,184,188,190,191,192,199,202,212,286,336 Gault, Wm. H. ,364 Gavigan, Owen ,361,362,364,396,407 Gavitt, S.B. ,379,380 Gaylord, Willis T. ,380 Geddes, Geo. ,187 Geddes, Jas. ,174 Genesee Street Bridge ,165 Genesee Road, Old 59 George, Chas. L. ,407 Gibbs, Wm. F. ,421 Gifford, Sanford ,352 Gilbert, Moses 101,106,140,250 Gilbert, Sarah 101 Giles, Solomon ,353,358,365,376 Gillespie, Geo. B. ,380 Gillmore, (Dr.) ,148 Gilmore, John C. ,405 Glover, Jas. 129,133,143 Glover, John 91 Golding, Isaiah 105 Goodrich, Ezekiel 106 Goodrich, Gilbert 55 Goodrich, Luther ,369,374 Goodrich, Zenas, Goodrich's Tavern 61,65,74,76,106 Goodridge, Barna C. ,364 Goodwin Place 264 Goodwin, Hezekiah 138 Goodwin, Stephen A. ,178,199,222,223,237 Goodwin, Wm. ,179 Gospel Messenger (Newspaper),160,161 Goss, Albert G. ,403 Goss, Albert H. 17,278,302,435 [Mrs. 236] Goss, Simon S. ,407 Gould, Amos ,223 Gould, Ebenezer ,336 Gould, Jabez ,250 Granger, Erastus M ,384 Grant, Daniel 74,105 Grant, J. Lewis ,297,298,299 Graves, Chas. C. ,364 Graves, I.M. (Rev.) 142 Graves, Samuel [jewelery shop] 122 Gray, Jas. ,393 Gray, John C. ,328 Gray, Wm. 106 Green, Archibald ,162,176 Green, John A. Jr. ,300 Greenwood, Wm. E. ,388 Gregory, Levi 79 Gregory, Truman ,386,388 Gridley, Col.,157 Griddley, Abraham [drug store]109,122 Griffin, Chas. ,256 Griffith, Daniel 80 Griswold, F.L. ,222 Groot, Ad'm [Mrs. 237] Groot's store 122 Grover, Jos. 68,106,250 Grover, Jos. Jr. 68 Grover, John 90,253,336 Grover, John Jr. 90 Grover, Salmon G. ,336 Grover, Zadock 60 Grover's Settlement 57,65 Gouin, John M. (Rev),420 [H] Hackley, Andrew J. ,292 Hackley, Chas. W. (Rev.) 145 Hagaman, John I. [Bio. 496] 144 ,166,167 Hagerman, Albert ,146 Haight, John W. 86,258,262,266 Hall, Benj. Franklin Sr. 17,220,222,223,224,256,257,258,262,266,278 280,291,292,293,365,366[Mrs. ,366,409,410] Hall, Benj. Franklin 17 Hall, Edward (Dr.) 96,148,328,396 Hall, Edwin (Rev.) ,348 Hall, Henry ,421 Hall, Jas. 17 Hall, Lizzie Miss 237 Hall, Simon 71 Halls, Peter Douglass ,330 Halsey, Luther (Rev.) ,347 Halsey, Silas 68 Halsey, Wm. A. ,380 Hamilton, E.J. ,263 Hamilton, Frank H. (Dr.),160,222,223 Hamilton, Wm. D. ,374 Hamlin, Dorr ,258 Hammond, Ephriam 106,253 Handlen, Patrick ,364 Hanks, Horatio [bell founder] 123 Hardenburgh, John H. 73,155 Hardenburgh, John L. 15,52-58,67,68,69,71,75,79,88,93,98,104, 140,250,337 Haring, John 68,170,286 Haring, Samuel 69 Harmon, Daniel B. ,388 Harris, Jas. ,364 Harris, John 67,74,111 Harris, Samuel ,246 Harris, Wm. H. 405 Harry (first name [slave]) 72 Hart, Wm. ,368,370,407 Hartwell, Orville C. ,293 Hatch, Geo. W. ,265,266,269 Hatch, Timothy 102,103 Havens, D.E. Hawley, Chas. (Rev. First Presbyterian) 140,390,412,419 Hawley, Sarah 101 Hawley, Silas tannery]84,86,101,102,106,112,122,140 Hawley, Wm. ,388 Hayden' fulling mill 99 Hayden, Aaron 75 Hayden, Chas. ,369 Hayden, Peter P.R. ,167 Hayden, Wm. 17,155,287 [&Co.],435,436 Hayman, S.B. ,406 Haynes, Austin ,364 Haynes, Geo. W. ,220 Haynes, Robert ,364 Hayward, H.L. (Rev.) 143 Healy, Ebenever 106 Hedges, Montraville M. ,365 Hedges, Wm. A. ,365 Henderson, Jas. ,435 Henry, Chas. A. ,364 Henry, Sylvanus H. ,154 Herring, Daniel 101 Hewit, Thomas 68 Hewson, E.W. or W.E.[Mrs. 236,237,411] Hewson, Daniel ,179[Mrs. 236],256,276,291 Hibbard, Ezra A. ,384 Hickok, Laurens P. (Rev.) ,267 Hickox, Sam B. ,336 Hickson, Jas. 141 Hickson, Thomas 141 Higley, Warren ,261 Higley, Jeduthun 102,103 Higgins, David (Rev.) 76,89,101,107,337 Higgins, Ebenever Jr. 106 Higgins, Eunice 101 Hildreth, Jas. 91,92 Hillhouse, Thomas (Gen.),385 Hills, Eleazer [grocery store] 105,110,122,137,139,140,153,176,243,336 Hills, Geo. Morgan (Rev) [Bio. 477] Hills, Horace [Bio. 484] 95,101,105,122,123,128,138,143,144,159,174, 175,176,196,221,336 Hills, Wm. ,223,432 Hillyer, Dr. ,204 Hinman, Jas. H. ,374,407 Hinman, Lyman ,163 Hitchcock, Chas. H. ,408 Hitchcock, Jas. H. 405 Hixon, Thomas 130 Hixon House 130 Hoadley, Thomas ,280,281 Hoagland, Peabody & Co. ,437 Hoagland, Josiah Y. ,437 Hobart College,160 Hoffman, (Dr.) ,148 Hoffman, Josiah 51 Hoffman, Martin 51 Hoffman, Matthias 85 Holbrook, O.S. ,430 Holbrook, Silas (Dr.),146,149 Holley, B. and Co. ,278,280 Holley, G. ,336 Holley, Myron ,170,171 Holley, Palmer ,166,336 Hollingsworth, ,429 Holmes, Sebastian ,384 Holmes, W. ,179 Holt & Curtiss Tavern ,172 Holy Family (Church of the)142,419 Homer, David (this may be typo, poss. Horner)105 Hopkins, Daniel C. ,340 Hopkins, Daniel D. ,335 Hopkins, Ebenezer ,176 Hopkins, Ira ,176,199,286,290,336 Hopkins, John R. ,256,258 Hopkins, Josiah (Rev.) 140 Hopkins, L.C. ,300 Hopkins, S.A. ,222 Hopkins, Samuel M. (Rev.) ,348[Mrs. 237] Hopkins, Samuel H. 314 Hopkins, Stephen G. 17 Hopkins, Wm. ,222,223,224 Hopper, A.M. (Rev.) 142 Hopping, Francis Asbury ,374 Horner, David 94,101,107,140 Horner, Eliza 16,17 Hosford, W. ,380 Hoskins, Ebenever 122,143,153,336 Hoskins, Joshua ,165,166,208,224 Hosmer, E. ,204[Mrs. 237] Hosmer, Wm. H. ,262,375 [Mrs. ,410] Hosmer, Wm. M. ,407 Hotchkin, Jas. H.(Rev.) ,340,342 Hotchkiss, Clark B. ,192 Hotchkiss, I.H. (Rev.),204 Hotchkiss, Horace ,244 How, John ,300 Howard, Orson ,388 Howe, Jacob, R. 123,220,222,223 Howe, Thomas Y. Jr. ,167,187,222,223,224,245,262,265,266,276,277,290 291,292 Howell, David 51 Howland ? (Carpenter) ,172 Howland, Anslem S. [hat shop] 86,110,121 Howland, Humphrey 52,220,226 Howland, Slocum ,290 Howlet,[Howlett] Chas. M. ,434[Mrs. 236] Hubbard, Olivar [poss. Oliver] 274 Hubbard's Point 274 Hudson, Emanuel D. 87,200 Hudson, Geo. 106 Hudson, Thomas B. ,374,407 Hueston, Edgar J. ,384,407 Hulbert, John C. ,243 Hulbert, John P. ,222 Hulbert, John W. [Bio. 499] 34,157,158,172 Huggins, Zenas 62,72,105,253 Hughes, H. 105 Hughes, Hugh ,388 Hughes, Peter 72,95,96,122 Hughes, Stephen W. ,172 Hughitt, Wm. E. ,297,401 Hume, David ,291 Hume, Robert [poss. David] ,292,293 Humphreys, Erastus (Dr.),172,222,223,227 Humphreys, Geo. (Mayor),220,357,376,389 Hungerford, Marcus ,292 Hunt, Lewis B. ,394 Hunt, Thomas M. (drug store) ,196[Mrs. 236] Hunter, Eleazer 15 Hunter, Francis 74 Huntington, Ezra A. (Rev.)144,348 Hurd, (Dr.),148 Hurd, John M. 17,401,403,421,[paper bag co.],435 Hurd, Phineas (Gen.) ,293 Husk, Lewis W. ,382,383,384,407 Hussey, Jonathan ,174 Hussey, Thomas R. ,437 Hutchins, L.D. ,287 Hutchinson,David C. ,364 Hyatt, Jos. H. ,222 Hyde & Beach (LInseed oil) 99,121,177,178 Hyde,Waltrous & Co. [hardware-store] ,195,196,197 Hyde & Waltrous Block ,165 Hyde, Chas. A. (Dr.) ,148,224 Hyde, Daniel 66,69,88,89,91,97 Hyde, David 89,95,107,125,129,253,336,337,340 Hyde, Jas. H. ,388[Mrs. 236] Hyde, Jos. ,197 Hyde Tannery 75,105 [I] Icehouse 122 Inspectors of Auburn Prison 449 Irish, Amanda 17,235,236 Irish, David 62 (Elder) 142 Irishmen, ,357 Ives, B.I. (Rev.) ,359,365,390 Irving, Cornelius [saddler shop] 122 Ivison, Edward ,222,223 Ivison, Henry Jr.,154,199,222 Ivison, John C.,154,222 Ivison, Mrs. 123 Izard, Gen. 113 [J] Jackson, Asa 105 Jarvis, Elijah 95 Jay, (Governor) 308 Jeffries, Christopher 106 Jeffries, John C. 105 Jeffries, Jonathan 103 Jeffries, Thomas 102,106 Jeffries' chair shop 122 Jenkins, Gideon (Mill-right)76,79 Jenkins, Gideon G. 79 Jenkins, Philip (Mill-right)76,79,88 Jewett, Freeborn G. ,208 Jewett, Josiah C. ,393 Johns, Evan (Rev.) ,340 Johnson, Abraham 61 Johnson, Bill [Wm. Johnston],210 Johnson, B.C. ,204 Johnson, Edwin F. ,188 Johnson. E.H. ,179 Johnson, Herrick ,390 Johnson, Jas. (Rev.) 142 Johnson, Jonathan E. ,376 Johnson, Levi ,223,256,257,258 Johnson, Simeon S. ,203 Johnson, Thomas 61 Johnson, Wm. (Rev.),337 Jones, John 405 Jones, Lewellyn 139 Jones, Miles I. ,393 Jones, Ira ,384 Jordon, Alonzo ,364 Jordon, Jacob ,256 Judges 455-456 [K] Kasson, Archy [drug store] 122,127,133,138 Kavanagh, Michael 17,280,284 Kavanagh, M. (Rev.) 141 Kayser, John C. ,294 Keeler, Abijah ,254 Keeler, Delos M. ,435 Keen, Jas. S. ,294 Kellogg, Chas. 68,92 Kellogg, Daniel 75,137,138 Kelley, Alfred ,220 Kelley, Jas. ,393 Kelsey, Wm. A. ,365,407 Kendrick, S.B. ,287 Kennedy, Terence J. 17,258,353,354,355,356,357,358,359,360 361,362,364,375,376,407 Kerr & Devitt's ,420 Kerr, J.C. ,287 Kerr, M.L. [Mrs.,410] Ketchell, E.W. ,258 Ketchum, L.S. ,380 Kevill, Wm. ,352 Keyes, Josiah 190 Kimberly, Randolph B.[R.?] ,365,408 King, Consider (Dr.),146,147,148 Kingsford, Thomas ,302,30s Kirby, Edwin ,393,407 Kirby, Wm. A. ,376,430 Kirby, Wm. M. ,407 Kittle, ?? somewhere prior to page 90 Klett, Frederick ,294 Knapp, Edwin C. 405 Knapp, Geo. P. ,408 Knapp, John N. ,376,379,380,381,385,387,393,394,395,396,397,404 Knapp, John T. ,299,300 Knapp, O.F. [Mrs. 237,410] Knight, Chas. M. ,421 Knight E.G. ,437[Mrs. 237] Knight, Fred E. ,296,299 Knight, Horace L. 66,437[Mrs. 236,410] Knowles, Henry P. ,388 Krupp, Geo. P. ,388 [L] LaFayette Gen. 87, (Visit to Auburn) 156-158,217 LaFayette, Geo. Washington 158 Laing, John I. ,407 Lake Ontario, Auburn & New York Railroad Co. ,291,292,294,298,299 Lake Shore Railroad ,297 Lake, Joel 102,103 Lamereaux, (Lamoreaux) Sullivan B. ,388,407 Lamey, Wm. 17,95,[tannery]127,165,258,401,403,421 Lampson, Theo. ,384 Lanehart, Geo. D. ,408 Lanig, John A. ,384 Lansing, (Dr.),148,337,340 Lansing, Dirck C. (Rev.) 140,143,145,336,337,339,340,341,344,346 Lansing, Edward B. ,356,365,368,374,375,408 Laton, Wm. 106 Lathrop, L. E. (Rev.)144,224[Mrs. 236] Lathrop, Willis 105 Lattin, Jerome M. ,407 Laughlin, Martin ,364,400,408 Lawler, David 141 Lawton, Oliver ,209,212 Ledlie, Jas. H. 275,364,407 Lee, Chas. L. [Mrs. 237] Lee, Day K. (Rev.) 143,356[Mrs. 237,410] Lee, Hugh ,188 Legare, High T. ,220 Leitch, Geo. F. 95,121,138,152,153 Leonard, Asaph D.,155,167,179,188,192,199 (& Co. 200),218,227,270 Leonard, Jacob,151,197 Leonard Geo. W. ,395,408,426,435 Lester, C.S. [Mrs.,410] Letchworth, G.H. [Mrs. 237] Letchworth, Geo. J. ,359,428 Letchworth, Josiah ,258,260 Lewis, Henry ,300,319,401 Lewis, Levi ,155,139,157,187,328 Lewis, Orlando Lincklaen, John ,333,335,336,337,339 Lincoln, Wm. S. ,295 Lindsey, H. [Mrs. 237] Little, Jas. ,254 Livermore, D.C. (Rev.) 143 Livingston, Robert R. ,169 Lock Navigation ,168,169 Lockhart, Ephraim 85,106 Lockwood, Homer N. ,299 Lockwood, S. ,390 Lockwood, Samuel D. 95,137 Lodge, Hiram ,336 Logan [Tah-gah-jute] 267 Long, Clement (Rev.),348 Lormore, Thomas J. ,365 Loudon, John ,433 Lounsbury, Daniel 95 Lounsbury, Jesse 15 Lounsbury, Willet,152,179,223,224 Low, D. 106 Luckey, Samuel (Rev.) ,191 Lucus, Wm. (Rev.) ,180 Lumber Lane 60 Lusk, Isaac M. ,384 Lynch, Oliver 101,106 Lynch's Tavern ,340 Lynds, Elam ,150,206,313,315,319 Lyon, Chas. L. ,388 Lyon, L. S. 106 Lyon, Moses 105 Lyon, S.C. ,352 Lysk, Jas.,156 Lytle, Isaac 130 [M] Mack, Ebenezer ,290 Mackenzie, Wm. L. ,209,210 Maddock, Lewis 17 Maher, T.A. (Rev. St. Mary's),419 Maltbie & Camp (dry goods) ,196 Maltby. Mrs. ,410 Mandeville, Henry ,262 Manning, Edward ,364 Manufacturing Establishments 97,425-439 Mariele, Abraham 68 Markham Hall ,234 Markham, Chauncey,154 Markham, F.L. ,163 Marshall, Arthur W. ,384 Marshall, I.T. ,223,225,232,258 Marshall, Icabod 76 Marshall, P.T. ,222 Marshall, [Mrs. 236] Martha Washington Society ,234,235 Marvine, Edward C. [poss. Edward E.] ,421 Marvine, Edward E. 17,182,188,191,192,262,277,381 [Mrs. Ella ,237] Marvin, Mrs. Ella ,412 Mason, John (Rev.) 332 Mason, Mr. [poss Z.M.] ,280 Mason, Kingsley ,254 Mason, Zebina M. ,258,262,266 Matthews, Vincent 51 Maxwell, Thompson 151,162 Maynard W.H. (Rev. Baptist Church),419 McAuley, Dr. ,204 McCartin, Daniel ,364 McCartin, Patrick ,284 McCarthy, Wm. 138 McCauley, Thomas ,335 McClallen, Hugh (Gun-shop),234 McClung, Dr. (Dr.),147 McCoy, Alexander 51 McCreery, David ,364 McDonald, D. (Rev.) 145 McDonough, Nicholas ,393 McDougall, Clinton D. (Gen.) 17,369,370,371,374,407 McGlew, Jas. (Rev.) 142 McIntyre, C.D. ,244,245 McIntyre, Samuel B. ,384 McKay, C.D. ,262 McMaster & Garrow 316 McMaster, Truman J. 132,144,165,166,179,192,316 McMillan, T.D. ,300 McNeal, John 16 McNeeley, Andrew 123 McNeil, Henry ,337 McNeil, C. [Mrs.,410] Meaker, Wm. H. ,395 Mead, Sidney ,383,384,407 Medical College ,147 Meigs, M.C. ,409 Melish, John B. 100 Mellen, W.R.G. [poss. W.A.G] (Rev.) 143,266 Mellon, [Mrs. 237] Merriman, Adams ,407 Merriman, Corydon H. 138,153,222,223[Mrs. 237,366,410,411,412,413] Merrill, Geo. L. ,394 Merritt, Robert B. ,371,374 Metcalf, Jonathan ,191 Methodist Church ,165,191,421 Methodists 140-141 Methodist Episcopal Church 190 Miles, Elbridge G. ,374,401,403 ,407 Militia, ,162 Millard, L.A. [Mrs. 236] Millard, Nathaniel ,253 Miller, Adam 75,280,293,294,297,426 Miller, C. [Mrs.,410] Miller, Daniel 75,106 Miller, Elijah 95,106.107,129,133,143,152,167,170,172,173,174,176,178, 181,182,187,188,191,237,253 Miller, Isaac S. 139,191,286 Miller, Jas. M.,152 Miller, John 75 Miller, N.C.,154 Miller, Peter 75 Miller, Wm. 75 Miller's blacksmith shop 123, Mills, Dr.) 144 Mills, Alexander 50 Mills, David 130 Mills, Henry (rev) ,340,341,347 Mills, Henry [Mrs. 236] Mills, M.I. ,300 Minor, Squire 137 Minton, Jas. 79 Moore, Hasseltine S. ,384 Moore, Henry ,393 Monroe, Thomas F. ,209,210 Montgomery, Geo. W. (Rev.) 143,224 Montgomery, Henry 106 Montgomery, J.W. ,295 Moore, Henry 68,96 Moorey, Gideon F. ,393 Moreland, Stephen 106 Morgan, (Governor) ,361,366,378,379,383,390 Morgan, C. ,387 Morgan, Christopher ,220,244,257,293 Morgan, E.B. ,379,380,381,382 Morgan, John Geo. (Dr.),160 Morgan, Geo. Morgan, Henry ,432,438[Mrs.,366] Morgan, Richard T. ,435,436 Morley, Thomas 57,79,106 Morning News ,429 Morris, [Mrs. 236] Morris, E.D. (Rev.) 144 Morris, Gouverneur ,169 Morris, Reuben ,253 Morris, Thomas 74 Morrison, John ,227,228 Moses, Wm. J. ,401,403 Moses, [Mrs. 237] Morton, Alford ,405 Mowers, Lewis ,364 Muir, Throop & Garrow 316 Muir, Michael S. ,179 Muir, Robert [Bio. 485] 85,127,139,153,176,199,218 Mulberry Tree ,226 Mumford, Thomas 112,138,143,335,336,340 Munger & Perry (dry goods) ,196 Munger, Asa C. 127,144,176,179,253,254,336 Munkitterick, Mr. ,246 Munson, Owen ,222,223 Murdock, Lyman ,290,291,292,293,294,298 Murdock, Merrill W. ,384 Murdock, Mrs. ,413 Muste, Henry H. 106 Myers, Chas. A. ,403 Myers, John 97 Myers, Michael S. 16,179,181,186,192,221,222,223,238,266,358,359,360 ,368 Myers, Peter H. ,222,223 Myers, Reuben J. ,384 Mynderse, Wilhelmus 74 [N] Nagle, Barnett ,364 Nazro, John ,300 Near, Chas. ,380 Negro 145,256 Nelson, Henry A. (Rev.) 140,224,263 Nesbit, Robert,153 Nelson, Thomas [Mrs. 237,410] New York Central Railroad ,297,431 New York State Armory ,418 Newcomb, T. [baker] ,219 Newspapers (journalism) 96,151,246-248,424 Newton, Adolphus W. ,364 Niblo, John ,220 Nichols, Marquis D. ,365 Nichols, Walter G. 64,67 Nicoll, Walter D. ,250 Noble, Wm. H. 139 Noble's shop 123 North Street Cemetery ,167,203 North, Wm. ,169 Northern Railway of Canada ,297 Northrup, (Major),394 Northrup, (Northrop)Ezra H. ,382,383,384,407 Northrup, Wm. H. (Rev.) 145 Nottingham, W.C. ,379 Noyes, Thomas ,162 Nye, Lorenzo W. 17,153,154,223,435 [O] O'Callaghan Jeremiah 86,106 O'Brien, Jas. 63,64,69 O'Brien, Philip 61 O'Brien store 84 O'Donoghue, F. (Rev.) 141 O'Flaherty, Thomas (Rev. Holy Family) 141,419 O'Neil, Captain ,355 O'Neil, John ,408 Old Prince 82 Oliphant, Henry 151,152,266 Oliphant, John [tailor shop]102,109,122,140 Oliphant, Richard 118,151 Oliphant, Sarah 14,17 Olmstead, Geo. T. ,175 Olmstead, Noah Jr. 50,62,63,67,91,101,106,107,112,114 Olmsted, Fanny P. 236 Olmsted, Georgia L. 236[may be error, could be Osborne] Ontis, A.T. [Mrs. 236] Orphan Asylum, 417 Osborne & Holbrook ,430 Osborne, David M. ,299,430 Osborne, Emory ,401 Osborne, Georgia L. 236 Osborne, Jos. ,222,259 Osborne, John M. ,430 Oswego County Whig (newspaper) 118 Otis, M.M. [Mrs. 236] Overacker, Michael 50 Owasco Outlet 269,414 [P] Pace, Henry 96,99,105 Pace, Jas. 96,99 Pace's printing office 122 Packer, Robert A. ,287 Paddock, Zachariah (Rev.) 190 Paddock, Lewis ,257,258,418 Paine's Dam 177 Paine, Edward 67 Paine, Judge ,175 Paine, Lyman 85,105,125,173,176 Palmer, (Dr.) ,148 Palmer, Noyes (Dr.) ,208,319 Palmer, W.S. ,192 Parcell, David 15, Pardee, Chas. 139 Parish, Jos. 69 Parker, Edward D. ,364 Parker, Jason 73 Parker, Rachel 101 Parker, Samuel (Rev.) ,340 Parmelee, E.B. ,389 Parr, T.S. (Rev.) 142 Parsell, David 61 Parsell, Isaac 61 Parsell, John 61 Parsons, Chas. A. ,256 Parsons, J. Ives,154[Mrs. 237] Parsons, Levi (Rev.) 143,336,337 Patchen, Isaac 105 Patriot War ,208,213 Patten, Edward 125,156 Patten, John E. 17,156,202,277 Patterson, Geo. W. ,262 Patterson, John 59 Pattison, W.P. (Rev.) 142 Patton, Dr. ,204 Patty, John 17,86,105,144,174,176,253,254,277,286,336 Patty, Robert 86,336 Patty's store and tannery 122 Paulding, Albert 50 Peabody, John 106 Pearl, (Dr.) ,148 Pease, Elisha 95 Pease, Erastus (shoe-shop) ,196,227,228,254,316,336 Pease, H.C. (Looking-glass shop) ,196 Pease, Jabez 144,176,254,316 Pease, Lorenzo [Erastus' son] ,228 Peck, Geo. (Rev.) 190 Peck, Geo. W. ,278 Penny Dr. ,204 Percival, John [piano mfg.],218 Perkins, Horace ,286 Perrine, Matthew La Rue (Rev.) [Mrs. 236],340,341,347 Perry, Edward ,222 Perry, H. B. [meat market] 124 Perry, Miles ,258[Mrs. 237,409,410] Perry, Philo H. ,222,237,255 Perry, Robert C. ,384 Perry, Robert E. ,407 Peters, Dr. ,204 Peterson, Geo. 106 Pettibone, Augustus ,302 Petten, Chas. E. ,408 Pettit, Jos. ,293 Phelps, Benj. 69,73,74,105 Phelps, Davenport (Rev.) 77,102,103,145 Phelps, Ebenever 103,106 Phelps, Friend 106 Phelps, Gershom 126 Phelps, Royal (Rev.) 143 Pierce, Colonel ,210 Pierce, J.E. (Rev.) ,348 Pierson, J.W. (Rev.) 145 Pierson, John 102,103 Pike, Gen. 115 Pinney, A. (Elder) 142 Pioneer Stage Line 160,162 Pitney, Harriet T.,418 Pitney, Jos. T. (Dr.) 95,147,148[Mrs. 236],245,320 Platt, Chas. H. (Rev.) 145 Platt, Nathan C. ,294 Platt, T.C. ,299 Poinsett, (Sec. of War) ,217 Points of View ,423 Polhemus, Henry 79,86,162,167,178,181,191,208,228,229,270,321 Polhemus, Jabob ,433 Polson, John ,354,364,408 Pomeroy,(Palmyra) ,379 Pomeroy, Chas. W. 17,139,163,166,179,181,220,223,243,255,359,360,381 ,433[Mrs. 237] Pomeroy, Mrs. E.N.,410 Pomeroy, Theodore M. ,223,257,278,300,356,365,368,373,380,381,427 [Mrs. 237] Pomeroy, Watronus 87 Pomeroy's 121 Popple, Professor ,172 Population 439 Port Byron & Auburn Railway Co. 285 Port Hudson ,375 Porter, Gen. 116 Porter, Henry ,150,,372 Porter, Jas. 137,138 Porter, John 95,144,173,175,176,179,181,192,245,277,286,358 Porter, Lansing ,375 Porter, Peter B. ,169 Porter, Robert Porter, Rueben 95,106,140 Porter, Stephen (Rev.) ,340 Porter, Wm. H. 405 Post, Geo. I. ,294,295,298 Postmasters, 448 Potter, ,396 Potter, John T. ,364 Potter, Wm. ,393 Powers, Cyrus (Dr.),393 Powers, Dr. (Rev.) 141 Powers, Gershom 134,158,173,176,317,318,319 Priest, Asa ,209,212 Presbyterians ,204 Presbyterian Church ,205,235,419 Presbyterian Society 140 Prescott, Jos. 50 Presidential Electors 462 Preston, Archibald H. 405 Price, Elijah 60,68,92,,251 Prince, Federick W. ,408 Prison Hotel 130 Public Buildings 417 Puttman, Wm. ,393 [Q] Quick, Chas. B. ,364 Quick, Isaac W. ,437 Qunicy, Jos. W. ,256 [R] Railroads ,184,185,285-300 Randolph, ,396 Randolph, Chas. B. ,364 Raney, R.H.,159 Rathbone (Brig. Gen.) ,372 Rathbone, S.R. ,246 Rathburn, Amos 90 Rathbun, Geo. ,222,290,360 Rathbun, Hugo B. ,266 Rathbun, Jared L. ,166,215 Rathbun, John T. ,290 Raynor,Henry ,187,188 Reading, Chas. 95,110 Redgrave, Samuel C. ,388 Reed, Jesse 112 Reed, Joel 405 Reed, Maria ,418 Reed, Myron C. [Mrs. 236] Reeve, Israel 105 Register (newspaper) 118 Remington, Martin 106 Republican (newspaper) 118,151,152 "Reubens" ,209 [lodge],210 Reynolds, Asa R. ,427 Reynolds, Barber & Co. ,427,434 Reynolds, N.B. ,427 Reynolds, O. ,336 Rhoades, Wm. B. ,389,400 Rhodes Jos. 143,336 Rice, Benj. (Rev.) 143 Rice, Woodis ,176 Rich, C.L. ,299 Rich, C.S. ,295 Rich, Frank ,384 Richards, (Dr.) 144,204 Richards, Jas. Dr. (Rev.) 239,340,347 Richardson & Co. ,437 Richardson, (Judge) ,253 Richardson, (Dr.) ,148 Richardson, Chas. ,437 Richardson, Ed. R. ,205 Richardson, Henry ,437 Richardson, John [Jack] [Bio. 498] 50,95,115,116,124,,176,179,181,209 218 Richardson, John B. ,355,387 Richardson, Jos. L. [Bio. 493] 92,94,105,107,191,208 Richardson, Wm. ,222,223,226 Rider, Henry F. ,364 Riley, ?,150 Rives, Wm. C. ,220 Roberts, Henry 130 Robertson, Donald ,299 Robinson, Antonio [Antoine] E. ,408 Robinson, Geo. D. ,374 Robinson, I.A. ,223 Robinson, Mary Ann ,418 Robinson, Wm. P. ,380,401,437 Robison, Dennison [poss. Robinson] ,286 Rogers, B.R. ,393 Rogers, Teri 109 Rogers, Mrs. ,418 Rome & Cape Vincent Railroad ,297 Ross, Chas. N. 17 Ross, Elmore P. ,210,278,294,297,300,368,395,433 Rudd, J.C. (Rev.) 145,160,161 Russell, Jonathan (Silversmith) 86,87,95,106 Russell, Roland E. ,280 Russell, Roland F. [poss same as other Roland] ,292 Russell, R.T. [poss. Roland E.] ,280,290 Russell, Samuel P.,402,407 Russell's goldsmith shop 122 [S] Sabboth-school for blacks ,146 Sabboth-school for whites ,146 Sabin, Aretas A. ,229 Sackett, Harvey A. ,262 Sage, Henry W. ,290 Santa Rosa Island, Florida ,378 Sargent, Rufus ,421[Mrs. 237] Sartwell, H.J. ,389,435 Savage, Edward 90 Savery, John E. ,374,407 Sawyer, John 105,107,110 Sawyer, Moses 75,93 Schenick, Sylvester ,400 Schenck, Theodore H. ,361,362,364,407 Schools ,422 Schoolcraft, Henry R. ,265 Schoolhouse 122 Schoonmaker, [Mrs. 237] Schuyler, (Gen.) 308 Schuyler, Philip ,168 Schwertz, W.E. ,300 Scott, Winfield 112,113 Scovill, I.L. ,389,421 Scythe Works ,436 Searing, Leonard ,290 Searles, Wm. (Rev.First Methodist) 141,421 Sears, David 203 Second Agricultural Society ,225 Second Presbyterian Church ,221,223,410 Second Presbyterian Society 143 Sedam, Peter 106 Seely, Aaron P. ,384 Seely, Robert R. ,394 Segoine, Henry H. ,408 Segoine, Jesse (Gen.) ,220,233,356,361,362,369,377,378,380,381,382 383,385,407[Mrs. 237] Selover, E.C. ,403[Mrs. 236] Selover, Isaac ,203,346[Mrs. 236] Selover, Isaac A. ,346 Selover's Planning Mill 75 Senators, 456-458 Seneca (Packet-boat) ,172 Sennett, Daniel 106 Sentell, E.H. ,393 Sentell, Wm. H. ,390,393 Senter, Ebenezer Price 17,209,211,212 Servis, Jas. M. ,396 Seward, Clarence A. ,364,407 Seward, Wm. H. [Bio. 464] 158,159,162,163,166,172,174,175,176,178,180, 181,185,190,191,192,212,217,218,227,237,238,243,286,397 [Mrs. Francis ,409] Seward, Wm. H. Jr. ,295,299,300,379,385,388,392,407 [Mrs. ,366,409] Seymour, Horatio (Gov.)394,399 Seymour, Jas. S. [Bio. 487] 15,138,166[Mrs. 237] Seymour, Jas. S. Jr. 17 Seymour, John 139,140,179,188,190,192,202 Shaver, John H. ,394 Shedd, W.G.T. (Rev.) ,348 Sheil, Dennis ,364 Sheil Guard ,387 Sheldon & Co. ,431 Sheldon, Chas. L. ,432,438 Sheldon, Daniel 106 Sheldon, Franklin L. ,278,293,427,431,438 Sheldon, Rufus 68,106 Shele, Job 106 Shepard, Wm. W. ,225 Sheperd, Abel 107 Sheriffs of Cayuga County 452 Sherwood's Corners, 90 Sherwood, ,396 Sherwood, Geo. E. ,364,408 Sherwood, Isaac [Bio. 481] 73,162 Sherwood & Son,156 Sherwood, John M.,162,178,181,184,188 ,205,226,243,291,396 Sherwood, Luman ,221,222,237 Shirts, Myron H. ,393 Shulttis, E.D.,336 Silk Industry 226-232 Silsby, Horace ,365,393 Simons, N.C. ,352,380 Simson, Jas. 106,111 Sisson, Isaac Jr. ,258 Sitgreave,Samuel (Rev.) 145 Sittser, C.L. ,258 Sittser, Peter 15,62 Skinner, C. 144 Skinner, Edward L. 64,222 Skinner, Geo.,153,154 Skinner, Geo. C. ,174,176 Skinner, Thomas M. 14,151,152,153 Slocum, H.W. ,300 Smith, A.L. ,380 Smith, Barnabas (Dr.) 92,146,147,162 Smith, C.A. 122 Smith, David M. ,339 Smith, Dexter ,408 Smith, Geo. W. ,384 Smith, Gerrit 73 Smith, Hannibal ,203 Smith, Ira H. (Dr.) [drugstore] 122,147,148,159 Smith, Isaac 69 Smith, J, Trumbull ,300 Smith, Jedediah (Dr.),159 Smith, Jesse [Mrs. 237] Smith, John Fero (Rev.) ,348 Smith, Lucus (Rev.) 145 Smith, Nehemiah 69,124 Smith, Richard L. 76,158,182 Smith, Seneca B. ,382 Smith, Seth (Rev.) 143,337 Smith, St. Clair 64 Smith, Vivus W. ,188 Smith, Wm. 94 Smith, Wm. P. ,223 Smith, Worthington ,290,291,292 Smolk, Abraham (Carpenter Shop),156 Snyder, Jas. W. ,385,386,388 Somerick, Sidney ,209,211 Soverill, Andrew D. ,384 Snow, Benj. B. ,258,371,377,378,395,401,403,404,406 Snow, David 69 Snowstorms 189,195 Southern Central Railroad ,296,297 ("Murdock Line"),298,299 Southwick, Mr. 118 Spencer, Chief-Justice 118 Spencer, Theodore ,254 Spencer, Thomas (Dr.),160 Spies, Adam W. ,294 Squier, E.G. Squire, Watson C. ,364 Squires, Miles P. ,339 Squyer, Irwin ,388 St. Alphonsus Church ,422 St. John's Church (Protestant Episcopal),420 St. Mary's Church (Catholic),419 St. Paul's Church ,180 St. Peters Church (Protestant Episcopal) ,146,160,420 Staats, Barent G. 69 Stahlnecker, Mrs.,410 Stamp, John 106 Stanford, Wm. Lewis ,374 Staplin, Orin D. 405 Starch manufacturing ,302-305 Starin, Andalusia ,418 Starin, Josiah N. 17,139,154,222,266,427[Mrs. 237,410] Starr, Federick Jr. 349 State Asylum for the Insane 327 State Fair ,248 Steadman, (Dr.) 74 Steadman, G.T. ,300 Steel Tempering Works ,427 Steel & Groot ,196 Steel, [Mrs. 237] Steel, Bethel G. 52 Steel, Eldad 52,57,65,69,106,113,123,162 Steel, Mary Miss 236 Steel, Richard (Dr.) 15,128,145,146,188,192,202,254,294,356,365 Steel, Richard C. 17,127,401,403,435 Steele, Henry S. ,376 Steele, Julius (Rev.) ,340 Stephens, Nelson T. ,358,364,379,385 Stephenson Mfg. Co. ,437 Stephenson, Edward [hat shop] 122 Stetson, Chas. A. Jr. ,287 Stevens, Samuel ,249 Stevenson, Edward 76,105,111 Stevenson, John ,433 Stevenson, John Jr. ,408 Stevenson, Wm. H. ,372,374,403,407,437 Stewart, Chas. H. 17,355,359,360,361,363,364,407 Stewart, David W. ,408 Stewart, D.C. (dry goods) ,196,244 Stickland, Nelson F. ,388 Stillman, A.S. 9l0,393 Stockton, Benj. B. (Rev.),336,337,339,340 Stone, Gardner ,209 Stone, Henry M. ,258,355,364,407 Stone, [Mrs. 237] Stone, Royal P. ,209 [stone and stowe should be ROYAL P.STOW Storke, Elliott, G. ,255,256,258,300,360,361 Storke, Jay E. ,408 Stowe, Royal P. ,179 Stoyell, Geo. W. ,388 Streets, layout 120 Strong,Noble D. ,146 Strong, Timothy 85 Sullivan 53 Sunday School 145,146 Supervisors, 448 Surrogates 454-455 Sutherland, (Col.) ,210 Swan, Benj. L. Jr. ,246 Swift, Elisha T. 95 Swift, H. [Mrs. 237] Swift, Peter ,355 Swift, Reuben 95 Swift, Samuel 52 Swift, Seth F. ,388,408 Swift's stores 122 Swort, Ed. F. ,298 [T] Taft, Edward P. ,388,407 Tallmadge, L.C. ,220 Tappan, Arthur, ,344 Tappan, Winthrop ,263,264 Taylor, David A. ,364 Taylor, John J. ,295,299 Taylor, Noah ,250 Tehan, Daniel ,284 Telegraph ,247 Temperance ,232 Ten Eyck, Abraham 52[Mrs. 236] Terrill Israel F. ,256,262,435[Mrs. 236] Terry, Abel 109 [wagon shop] 123 Terry, Thadrach 109,[wagon shop] 123 Theological Seminary (Presbyterian Church) 140,173,203,330-350,417 Thomas, David ,149,150,174 Thomas, Edward A. ,368,369,380,382,383,384,401,407 Thomas, E.N. (poss. F.N.) ,380 Thomas, F.N. ,380 Thomas, Geo. W. ,365 Thompkins, Governor 11 Thompson, Alex (Dr.),148 Thompson, Benj. W. ,384 Thompson C.E. ,174,243 Thompson, H.N. ,209,258 Thompson, Matthew L.P. ,262 Thompson, Nathaniel ,376 Thompson, ? (Blacksmith) 131 Thornton, H.G. [Mrs. 237] Throop, Enos T. [Bio. 501]15,92,94,106,114,125,128,137,138,170,176,191 Throop, Geo. B. 139,153,159,167,182,188,190,191,202,217 Throop, Governor 123,191 Thurber, Benj. F. ,374,407 Tibbits, Geo. 314 Tibbles, Jas. 15,63 Tibble, Mrs. Jas. (former Laura Benedict) Tibbles, Luther 62,106 Tibbles, Nathan 106 Tibbles, Solomon 61,62,63,69 Tibbles, Solomon Jr. 62 Tiffany & Co., of New York ,373,378 Tift, John ,149 Tift, Henry 144 Tillottson, John 90 Titus, Edgar H. ,408 Titus, Samuel [Mrs.,410,411,412,413] Tomlinson, Chas. ,364,396,408 Town, Salem ,224 Townley, Richard 68 Tracy, Robert L. 87,106 Tracy, Rollin ,401,403 Tracy's 121 Transportation 284-300 Treat, Ashbel 79 Treat, John 64,69 Treat, Moses 106 Tremaine, Silas A. (Dr.),380,383,384 Tremper, John I. ,286,384 Truman, Lyman ,295 Trustees of Auburn 443 Trustees of Auburn Theological Seminary 451 Tucker, (Palmyra) ,379 Tuller, Anson ,374 Turnbull, Lieut. Col. ,292 Tuttle, B.A. ,390 Tuttle, Bradley76,105,108,111,114,125,140,144,165,166,176,181 182,186,187,192,243,245,258,286,337[Mrs. 237] Tuttle, C.N. ,258 Tuttle, Erastus D. (Dr.) 109,147,159,160 Tuttle, E.C. ,435 Tuttle, Wm. P. ,203 Tyler, Amos 50,62 Tyler, Betsey 101 Tyler, Comfort 52,150 Tyler, Elliott 62 Tyler, Gideon 50,62,69 Tyler, Gideon [infant] 63 Tyler, Jas. E. ,258 Tyler, Salmon 62 Tyler, Warren 62 [U] Underhill, H.P. ,393 Underwood, Amos ,178,181,187,192,243 Underwood, Geo. [Bio. 475],223,262,263,266,290[Mrs. ,366] Universalist Church ,421 [V] Vaughn, Daniel S. ,393 Vaughn, H.C. ,376 Van Anden, [Mrs. 237] Van Anden, Chas. A. (Dr.) [poss. same as Chas. E.],328,329 Van Anden, Chas. E. (Dr.),148 Van Anden, Stephen (tailor) 139,188,220,227,286,316,336 Van Auken, David J. ,380 Van Buren, Martin (President) ,215 Van Buren, Smith E.(Martin's son) ,217 Van Buskirk, Jacob T. ,384 Van Cortlandt, Philip (Gen.) 51 Van Doren, Jacob 62 Van Dusen, Horatio G. ,208 Van Dusen, Wm. J. ,393 Van Egmond, Anthony S. ,209 Van Etten, Orsamus ,376 Van Middlesworth, And. 106 Van Middlesworth, Jacob 106 Van Ness, Nelson ,203 Van Petten, J.B. ,390,392,393,403,405 Van Rensselaer, Jeremiah 52 Van Rensselaer, Stephen (Gen.) 112,113,169,170 Van Schaick (Col.) 49 Van Tuyne, Chas. 61 Van Tuyne, Jas. 61 Van Tuyne, Matthias 61 Van Tuyle, Wm. H. ,258,280 (Tuyl),328 Van Valkenburg, (Gen.) ,361 Van Valkenburg, Bartholomew 101,106 Van Wagoner, Gerrit H. 50 Vanderheyden, John ,328 Vaughn, Jas. B. ,393 Vedder, Wm. B. 269,273,274 Vogl, Chas. A. (Rev. St. Alphonsus),422 Von Eck, Louis (convict) 207,319,320 Von Schoultz, (Gen.) ,210,211 Vosburg, Tunis ,388 Vredenberg, Wm. J. 50,103 [W] Wadsworth, David ,436 Wadsworth, (Gen.) 54 Wadsworth, Jos. ,243,436 Wagstff,John (coppersmith) 95 Wainwright, H.A. ,287 Walbridge, Henry S. ,290 Walcott, Albert ,197 Waldo, Campbell (Dr.) ,147,148,162 Walker Lot 175,184 Walker, John (Ensign)86,97,112 Walker, J.E. ,379,380 Wall Street Methodist Church ,421 Wall, ,396,407 Wall, John ,364 Wallace, D.P. ,377 Wallis, D.P. (poss. D.P. Wallace)[Mrs. 236] Waltrous, John L. ,197,245,266,291 Ward, Joshua ,209,210,211 Ward, Hugh 141 Warden, Abby ,418 Warden, Allen ,166,167,174,176,188,205,270 Warden, Alvah,153,155 Warden, Jas. K. ,408 Warner, (Rev.) ,381 Warner, Geo. W. 143,170 Warner,Samuel 82 Warren, Edgar B. ,364 Wasson, Thurlow B. ,405,408 Wasson, Wiliam R. ,407 Water power 425 Water Supply 276 Watkins, John C. Watson, Elkanah ,168 Watson, Hugh ,178 Watson, Roderick ,173,176[Mrs. 237] Watson, Willis ,365 Wayne, Wm. G. ,352 Weaver, Geo. 50 Webster, Martin ,408 Weed, Elihu ,173 Weed, Moses Jr. ,250 Weed, Thurlow 117 Weed, Walter 138,144,155,176 Weir, Chester ,401,403 Welling, Jos. ,379,386,388 Wellner, Chas. ,403 Wells, Rufus 105 West, David,154 Western Exchange 87,121,176,182,185,187,222,225,243,277,397 Western Federalist (newspaper)117,151,248 Westfall, Jas. V.D. ,393 Wetherby, D. ,389 Wheaton, C.L. ,258 Wheaton, Stephen ,253 Wheeler, Aurelius 154 Wheeler, Cyrenus, Jr. 431,432,433 Wheeler, Edward 57,93,107,250 Wheelock, L.L. ,393 Whigs ,213,217,218,220 White, Chas. ,364,407 White, B. ,179 White, Harry 106 White, Horace ,187 White, John ,364 White, Jonas Jr. ,395 White, Lawrence ,209,210,336 Whiteside, Chas. M. ,365 Whiteside, Jas. E. ,375 Wide-Awake Club ,352 Wier, [Mrs. 237] Wilber, Thomas 100 Wilbur, G.T. ,219 Wilcock, Wm. J. 106 Wilkinson, John 187 Wilkie, J.W. [Mrs. 237] Willard Guard, 362,387 Willard House 87,162 Willard, Jesse ,181 Willard, Sylvester (Dr.) 17,148,278,302,330,356,366,368,379,380,412 Willett, M. M. (Rev.) 141 Williams, C.P. 17,258,365[Mrs. 236] Williams, Chas. W. ,256 Williams, Ebenezer ,174 Williams, Ezekiel 95,110,165,167,174,175,176,179,336 Williams E.P. ,245,272 Williams, Levi ,188,292 Williams, Nathan T. ,290 Williams, S.K. ,379,380 Williamson, Chas. 74 Wilson, Chas. A. ,287 Wilson, H. [Mrs. 237] Wilson, Harvey ,421 Wilson, Jas. 88,106,111 Wiltsie, Robert,153 Winans, Dighton H. ,393 Wise, Wm. Gray 17,246 Wisner, Wm. (Rev.) ,337 Witherill, Harlow C. (anti-Mason),150 ,203 Wood, Amzi ,380 Wood, Anson S. ,388 Wood, Chas. P. 113,222,262,294,297,357,359,365,366,368,380,430,435 [Mrs. 236] Wood, Geo. H. ,178,181,182,238 Wood, Jas. C. ,237 Wood, Jas. R. ,376 Wood, Walter 68,99,143,336 Wood, W.B. ,277 Wood, Wm. ,388 Woodbury, Bemis ,209,212,213 Woodbridge, Wm. ,203 Wooden, Wm. B. ,401 Woodruff, Harman [poss. Harmon] 258,278,299 [Mrs. ,410] Woodruff, Hezekiah N. 101,140, (Rev.) 143 Woodruff, Jas. A.[O?] ,375,408 Woodward, Seymour ,388 Woodwin, Wm. B. ,403 Woodworth, Caleb 105 Wool, Col. 112 Woolen goods (Mfg.) 243-246 Worden & Wilkie 316 Worden, Allen 130,316 Worden, Alvah [Mrs. 236,410] Worden, Warren T. ,199 Worth, (Col.) ,212 Worth, John E. ,407 Wright, Benj. 52 Wright, David ,223,233,291 Wright, Geo. H. ,408 Wright, John 163 Wright, Malcolm ,393 Wright, Thomas 106,107 Wright, Wm. P. ,375,408 Wyckoff, C.P. (Elder) 142 Wyckoff, Isaac N. ,262 [Y] Y.M.C.A. ,410 Yard, Benj. R. 95,106 Yates, Henry ,181 Yawger, Peter 139 Yeckley, Wm. L. 405 Young, Brigham 122 Young, Calvin ,432 Young, Samuel ,170 Young Men's Literary & Scientific Association ,180
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