Index to
 Biographical Sketches and Pictures of
Cayuga Countians

(Cayuga County, NY)
Compiled by: Karl Sanford Kabelac 1999
A master index to the biographical sketches and pictures of Cayuga
Countians as found in 38 different titles. The titles are all local or regional works.

Preface    Dedication
Titles Indexed: Arranged by Author/Main Entry
Titles Indexed: Arranged by Codes

- Click On The Surname Section Listed Below -
Ab-Am,  An-Av,  Ba-Bel,  Bem-Bra,  Bre-Byr,  Ca-Che,  Chi-Con,  Coo-Cuy,  Da-Dew,  Di-Dw,  E,  F,  G,  Ha-He,  Hi-Ho,  Hub-Hut,  I,  J,  K,  La-Les,  Let-Ly,  Ma-McG,  McI-Mi,  Mo-My,  N, O, Pa-Pec,  Pee-Pu,  Q,  Ra-Ric,  Rif-Ry,  Sa-Se,  Sh-Sm,  Sn-Sy,  Ta-Thr,  Thu-Ty,  U,  V,  Wa-Wel,  Wes-Wil,  Win-Wy,  Y,  Z

For those in or near Auburn, NY the Local History Room at the Seymour Library and the research library at the Cayuga County Historian's Office have most of the title volumes indexed.

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