Some Dates & Laws Related To The Creation Of  County, Townships,
And Town Boundaries within Cayuga County NY

1776, Sept. 16 The Journals Of Congress defined that NY State was given a quota of 4 battalions to muster and Congress agreed to offer Bounty land of 100 acres to a non-commissioned officer and private, together with larger bounty land allocations to officers by rank. (Balloting Book)
1779 1779 Map Of Gen. Sullivan's March from Easton shows the route of the 'Sullivan Campaign' in the areas of Cayuga & Seneca Lakes.  This map image was obtained from the collections of the Library Of Congress and published on the Internet courtesy of Bernie Corcoran and can be viewed by clicking HERE
1781, March 20 NY Laws - An act for raising two two regiments for the defence of this state on unappropriated lands
1782, March 23 NY Laws - An act for raising troops to complete the line of this state in the service of the United States; and the two regiments to be raised on the bounties of unappropriated lands, and for the further defence of the frontiers of this state
1783, March 8th NY Laws - An act to enable John Cochran, Esquire to locate two thousand acres of waste and unappropriated lands within this state
1783, March 27 Extract from the Journal of the Assembly of the State of New York (Source: The Balloting Book)
1783, Sept. 3 The Treaty of Paris, signed on September 3, 1783, ended the American Revolutionary War between Great Britain and the United States
1784, May 11th NY Laws authorized granting lands promised to be given as bounty lands (Source: The Balloting Book)
1789, Jan 27 Note that the 1860 Gazetteer of NY State cites that the first, original Military Tract Townships were established on Jan. 27th, 1789.  This date may relate to NYS land office records.  The 'Balloting Book' cites that the NYS law appropriating military tract bounty land was dated Feb. 28th, 1789 (just after the treaty with the Cayugas was settled on Feb 25th, 1789).
1789, Feb. 25th The boundaries of the Cayuga Reservation are described in the treaty held in the city of Albany.  The area established a 64,000 acre reservation plus two other small tracts referred to as "Rychman Square Mile" and "Cayuga Ferry Square Mile"
1789,  Feb. 28th As the result of treaties with the Cayuga & Onondaga Indian Nations, land was appropriated that would become Townships 1 thru 25 of the Military Tract Of Central New York
An Act to appropriate the Lands set apart for the use of the Troops of the Line of the State, Lately serving in the Army of the United States, and for the purposes therein mentioned
1790, April 6th Commissioners Of The Land-Office are authorized to advertise and begin processing claims for bounty land in the area that what would become known as the Military Tract Of Central NY
1790, July 3rd Extracts From The Minutes Of The NYS Land-Office -
Surveys of the first 25 townships are completed and the 25 Townships are named:
Aurelius, Brutus, Camillus, Cato, Cicero, Cincinnatus, Dryden, Fabius, Hannibal, Hector, Homer, Locke, Lysander, Manlius, Marcellus, Milton, Ovid, Pompey, Romulus, Scipio, Sempronius, Solon, Tully, Ulysses, and Virgil.
1791, Jan. 29 Military Tract Township No. 26 is Created and named Junius
1792, Aug. 10 Military Tract Township No. 27 is Created and named Galen
1792-94 A map known as the 1st Sheet of DeWitt's State Map of New York shows the Military Tract Of Central New York as it existed between Aug. 1792 (The date when the township of Galen was established) and Sept. 1794 (Prior to the creation of the township of Sterling).  This map is published on the Internet HERE
1793 John Hardenbergh purchased and settled in an area of Aurelius NY that became known as "Hardenbergh's Corners"
1794, March 5th Onondaga County Established ~ via Laws of NY; 17th Session-Chap. 18
"AN ACT for erecting lands called the Military Tract into a separate county".
Within the area that would later become Cayuga County, this same 1794 law combined together the Military Tract Townships of Locke & Milton to both become named "MILTON";

Within the area that would later become Cayuga County, this same 1794 law combined together the Military Tract Townships of Scipio & Sempronius and that portion of the East Cayuga Reservation located south of the southwest corner of the Military Tract township of Aurelius to become just named "SCIPIO";

Within the area that would later become Cayuga County, this same 1794 law combined together the Military Tract Townships of Cato, Brutus, Aurelius and that portion of the East Cayuga Reservation located north of the southwest corner of the Military Tract Township of Aurelius to become just known by the name "AURELIUS"

1794, Sept 11th Extracts From The Minutes Of The NYS Land-Office (Balloting Book)
Meeting Of The Commissioners Of The Land Office Of The State Of New York - 1794, Sept. 11th

Military Tract Township No. 28 is Created (5 Months Later Minutes Cite That Township #28 Would Be Named Sterling)
1795, Jan.. 16th Extracts From The Minutes Of The NYS Land-Office (Balloting Book)
Meeting Of The Commissioners Of The Land Office Of The State Of New York - 1795, Jan. 16th
Minutes Cite That Military Tract Township No. 28 is Named Sterling
1795, July 27 New York Treaty with Cayuga Indians gave up lands of the East Cayuga Reservation bordering Cayuga Lake except two square miles where Union Springs is located, and one square mile known as the "Mine Reservation".  
1796, April 11 After NY State officials balloted off 94 of the 100 lots in each Military Tract Township, the remaining 6 lots would be reserved for the development of gospel and schools, certain commercial offices and to compensate for deficientcies or water-covered land.  On April 11, 1796, the NY State Surveyor General was directed to certify to Town Supervisors of Onondaga County the location and numbers of the reserved lots in each township.  The town supervisors in Onondaga County NY were then authorized to designate one lot in each township for support of gospel & schools and one lot for support of literature.  The remaining 4 lots were intended to make up for certain deficientcies.
An ACT For the further direction of the Commissioners Of the Land Office and for other purposes therein mentioned
1797, Mar. 28 NYS law related to bounty land grants for lots in Galen & Sterling that were apparently issued without required authorizations or surveying fees
1798, Mar. 9 The Town Of Sempronius Was Created From Scipio & Sempronius
An ACT For Dividing Certain Towns In The County Of Onondaga
On this same date, NYS validated the manumission of slaves by Quakers and others
1798, Mar. 23 An ACT relative to the lots of land reserved for the support of gospel and schools, and for the promotion of literature, in the military tract in the county of Onondaga.
1799, March 8th Cayuga County NY was formed
An ACT To Divide The County Of Onondaga
; (Laws of the State Of New York 22nd Session)
1799, March 29th An Act For The Gradual Abolition Of Slavery In NY State
1802, Feb. 20th The Town Of Locke Is Split Off From Milton To Again Be A Separate Town ~ via Laws Of NY 1802
"AN ACT To Divide The Town Of Milton, In The County Of Cayuga"
1802, March 30th An Act To Divide The Town Of Ovid In The County Of Cayuga (Created The Town Of Hector)
Town of Aurelius in Cayuga County was erected into new towns named Cato, Owasco, Jefferson (Later re-named Mentz), Brutus and remaining area of Aurelius  -
~ via Laws of NY; 25th Session-Chap. LXVII (77)
"AN ACT to divide the town of Aurelius, in the County of Cayuga".
1803, Feb. 22nd An Act To Divide The Town Of Ulysses in The County Of Cayuga - Created The Town Of Dryden
1803, April 2nd The Towns Of Seneca & Jerusalem in Cayuga County Are Annexed To Ontario County
1804, Mar. 24 Portion Of Cayuga County NY was removed to become parts of Seneca, Ontario & Steuben County
An Act To Divide The County Of Cayuga
1805 Hardenbergh's Corners was re-named Auburn
1807, Feb. 26th Cayugas (Indian Nation) ceded all remaining land near Union Springs, together with the "Mine Reservation" to New York
1808, April 6th The Town Of Milton is re-named Genoa;
The Town Of Jefferson is re-named Mentz
1812, Jun. 19th The Town Of Sterling Is Created From Cato - Note that Cato was defined to include Cayuga County lands north of the Seneca River (Thus, after March 30, 1802 and prior to June 19, 1812, Cato included Sterling)
1815, Apr. 18 Portion of Aurelius was incorporated as the Village Of Auburn
1817 Portion Of Cayuga County NY was removed to become part of Tompkins County
1821, Mar. 16th The Town Of Conquest , Ira & Victory was created from the Town Of Cato
1823, Jan. 30th The Town Of Ledyard was Created From The Town Of Scipio;
The Town Of Springport was Created From Aurelius & Scipio (Source: Bicentennial History Of Sprongport and Union Springs)
The Town Of Venice was Created From Scipio
1823, Mar. 28th The Towns Of Fleming & Auburn WereCreated From Aurelius
1827, Mar. 19th The Town Of Sennett Was Created From Brutus
1827-1829 The State Of New York in 1827, aware of the importance and public utility of an accurate state map and the want of an authentic work of this kind, upon the recommendation of the State Governor Dewitt Clinton, authorized the Comptroller & Surveyor General to publish an atlas at the states expense.  Published  on January 5, 1829;  the cover page of the 1829 Atlas Of The State Of New York by David H. Burr reads:
An Atlas Of The State Of New York containing a map of the state and several counties projected and drawn by a uniform scale and from documents deposited in the public offices of the state; and other original authentic information under the direction of Simeon DeWitt, Surveyor General pursuant to an act of the legislature.  Physical geography of the state of New York - several counties and statistical tables of same by David H. Burr.  NY Published 1829.  See the map of Cayuga County contained within this official state atlas.  The Cayuga County NY Map contained within the 1829 Atlas Of The State Of New York by David H. Burr is published on the Internet courtesy of William Hecht and can be viewed HERE
1831, Apr. 26 The Town Of Plato Is created from the Town of Locke;
The Village Of Weedsport (located within the Town of Brutus) was incorporated
1832 Mar. 16th The Town Of Plato is re-named Summerhill
1833, Mar. 20th Towns Of Moravia & Niles Were Created from (Scipio and/or Sempronius)
1837 The Village of Aurora was incorporated  (Source: Wikididia)
1837, Mar. 2nd The Village Of Port Byron (located within the Town of Mentz) was incorporated.
1848, Nov. 8 The Village Of Union Springs was incorporated.  (Source: Bicentennial History Of Sprongport and Union Springs)
1848, Mar. 21 Auburn became a city
1857 The Village Of Cayuga  is incorporated [Located within the Town of Aurelius] (Source: History of Cayuga by Florence Pharis McIntosh)
1859, Apr. 8th The Town Of Montezuma Was Created From Mentz
The Town Of Throop Was Created From Aurelius Mentz & Sennett
1869 Nov./Dec. A 320 Acre Portion of Lot # 64 in the Town of Aurelius is annexed to become part of the Town of Fleming
1874, Feb. 16 The Village Of Cayuga, NY was re-incorporated (Source: History of Cayuga by Florence Pharis McIntosh)

A chart showing the relationship between the 8 original Military Tract Townships of circa 1789 that evolved to become the current towns of Cayuga County is available on the Internet in PDF format courtesy of Bernie Corcoran HERE
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This website is a project 'Under Construction' by Bernie Corcoran