NOTE: This page is designed to provide assistance with your genealogy research by offering to lookup a specific name in one of the books or items cited below. Please be specific and identify the book that you are requesting a "Lookup" in, and indicate the person's full name (with dates and location if known). Click on the name of the person offering the lookup and send a short E-mail message with the "Specified Surname" typed first in the subject line and followed by: "Look-Up Request". The free volunteer lookups, are limited to the items cited on this page.
The following is a list of Cayuga County references and the E-mail addresses
of the owners who have volunteered to do look-ups. If you are willing to
do look-ups...Please Contact:
Cayuga County
Coordinator for the
NYGenWeb Project
"Auburn City Directories for 1867-68 and 1870" | Contact Kathleen Shaw Decker |
1921 and 1922 Arrow Annual, Auburn Academic High School | Contact: Bill Brahney |
"Auburn, N. Y. Its Facilities and Resources" (1884) by D. Morris Kurtz (Gives information on all of the businesses in Auburn in 1884) | Contact Kathleen Shaw Decker |
The Farm Journal Illustrated Rural Directory of Cayuga County 1917 - 1922. Published by Wilmer Atkinson Company, Philadelphia NY in 1917, it lists all of the farm households for the county by the owner (almost always male), gives the name of the spouse, the address, how many children, how many horses, how many cows, and the number of acres and whether owned or rented | Contact Kathleen Shaw Decker |
1946 Holy Family Yearbook "Achillean" Auburn, NY; | Contact: Bill Brahney |
"The John Hunter Family of Sterling Valley, New York. Their Homestead and Their Enterprises: Richard L. Webb, with a chapter by Vernal Irene Hunter Wadsworth., 1994, (60 page paperback-no index)Would be willing to review to respond to specific queries about the HUNTER family of Cayuga County. | Contact Sue Brenchley |
"Research Data on the Shaw Family and other Irish Catholic Families of Cayuga County, New York" (3,000+ Names) A sample of this data can be seen at my SHAW website | Contact Kathleen Shaw Decker |
NOTE Items published within the past 75 years, may be protected by Copyright. An offer to "Look-Up" information, or a request to provide extensive research, in publications protected by copyright, is NOT permitted. A look-up request from copyrighted material is limited to "Fair Use". |
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