Auburn, N.Y. Police Department "Mug Shot" Cabinet Cards

These cabinet cards are contained with Auburn NY Police file books.  The back of each cabinet card contains information which is presented beside each picture.



Name:  Samuel W. Silver

Crime:  Sneak Thief

Age:  23                 Height:  5 ft. 8in.

Nativity:  Jewish    Occupation:  Clerk

Weight:  135 lbs.    Hair:  Black

Face:  Smooth        Complexion:  Dark

Wore glasses.  Arrested February 7th 1905 by Chief Bell.  Held for Grand Jury

Name:  Domenico Desanto

Crime:  Petit Larceny

Age:  20 yrs.                 Height: 5 ft.

Weight:  120 lbs.          Build:  Small

Hair:  Med Chest.         Eyes:  Maroon

Nose:  Reg.                   Face:  Smooth

Complexion:  Med.      Born:  Agiula, Italy

Occupation:  Laborer   Married:  No

Color:  W                    

Arrested:   October 2, 1909

Officer:  Kelly

Sentenced:  120 Onondaga Pen.

Remarks:  small scar over left eye.  Large burn scar under left jaw.


Name:  Arthur Donahue

Alias:   Frank Sullivan

Crime:  Grand Larceny

Age:  20 yrs.              Height:  5ft. 4in.

Weight:  110 lbs.       Build:  Small

Hair:  Dark                Eyes:  Blue

Nose:  Crooked          Face:  Smooth

Complexion:  Medium  Born:  Homer, NY

Occupation:  Bell Boy

Married:  No                  Color:  W

Arrested:  May 26th 1909

Officer:  Graney

Sentenced:  $10.00 or 10 days

Remarks:  Lanced under right jaw.  "A.D." tatooed on right wrist.

Name:  Joseph Mastroiano            No. 910

Alias:  Jos. Masterson

Crime:  Keeping Gambling House

Age:  18                     Height:  5ft. 101/2 in.

Weight:  160              Build:  Tall, Slim

Hair:  Dk. Chest         Eyes:  Brown

Nose:  Regular            Face:  Smooth

Complexion:  Dark    

Born: 1896 Naples, Italy

Occupation:  Shoe Operator

Married:  No                Color:  White

Arrested:  November 22, 1914

Officer:  Randall, Kinsella, Atwater

Sentenced:  $50.00 or 61 days --Paid.

Remarks:  1 tooth absent.  Round scar 1.5+2.4 below elbow left ant. Sm. Scar R. forearm ant.




Name:  James Lynch

Alias:  John Pedney

Crime:  Forgery

Age:  22                      Color:  White

Born:  Boston, Mass.

Trade: Plumbers helper

Read:  Yes                   Write:  Yes

Married:  No                Build:  Stout

Height:  5ft. 7in.           Weight:  160

Hair:  Brown                Eyes:  Brown

Nose:  Promt.               Face:  Smooth

Complexion:  Fair

Officer:  Graney

Date of Arrest:  November 23, 1891

Name:  Chas. Downey

Alias:  William Harris

Age:  25 when this was taken - 35 now.

Occupation:  Cigarmaker

Read:  Yes                   Write:  Yes

Height:  5ft. 5 1/2 in.    Weight:  165

Hair:  Black                  Complexion:  Dark

Arrested:  February 13, 1885

Officer:  Dillon



No specific information other than the photographers stamp on the reverse side:  Emil J. Kraemer, Photographer, 176 E. Genesee Street, Auburn, N. Y. Both Phones



No specific markings except the photographers seal on the front:  Lindsley, Auburn, NY

Name:  Edward Burbridge

Crime:  Petit Larceny (chickens)

Age:  38 yrs.             Height:  5-7"

Weight:  145 lbs.      Hair:  Med. Chest.

Face:  Sand               Complexion:  Sand

Residence:  Sennett, NY

Married:  No             Color:  White

Arrested:  November 29, 1906

Officer:  Graney

Sentenced:  6 mths Cay. Co. jail



Name:  Chas. LaMont

Crime:  Burg. 3d Deg.

Age:  24                      Height: 5-5"

Weight:  130               Build:  Slim

Complexion:  Dark

Born:  Res. New York City

Arrested:  June 16, 1896

Name:  Willis Colby

Crime:  Horse Thief

Age:  35

Occupation:  Laborer

Height:  5/7

Weight:  140

Date of Arrest:  Oct 2, 1894

For questions about these records, contact Kathy at:


Name:  Michael Moran

Alias:  McQuade

Crime:  Grand Larceny

Age:  25                               Color:  White

Read:  Yes                            Write:  Yes

Married:  No                        Build:  Stout

Height:  5-8                          Weight:  150 lbs.

Hair:  L. Br.                          Eyes:  Grey

Complexion:  Florrid Cheeks

Officer:  Kelly & Butterwrek

Date of Arrest:  January 26, 1891

Remarks:  Scar on left thumb close to nail.  Small scar close to under lip.

 Inquiries regarding specific information contained within the book on an individual can be directed to Kathy at: KGENKOS@PROTONMAIL.COM
Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project