Auburn New York Police Record Book

The records contained within this book include:

Many of the names below are "Special Police" requests and applications. Applications for Special Police include the following information:

1. Name
2. Place of Birth
3. Age
4. Recommended by Whom
5. Place of Assignment
6. Place of Residence
7. Read and Write English?
8. Of Good Moral Character?
9. Ever Been Convicted of a Felony?
10. Date of Appointment
11. Approved by
12. Length of time lived in Auburn

Many individuals have several entries within the book. Inquiries regarding specific information contained within the book on an individual can be directed to Kathy at: KGENKOS@PROTONMAIL.COM

Last Name

First Name

Akielewicz Joseph
Allen James
Arnold Edward
Atwater Jesse
Bakaisa John
Barrett Stephen
Bills Chester
Bondy Joseph
Brandstetter William
Brinkerhoff Warren
Brooks George
Bryan Paul
Bryla John
Burgess Karl
Burlingham Burdett
Burns Francis
Cahill John
Carr Horace
Chayka John
Church Fred
Clark Charles
Collins Frank
Connor Thomas
Contiguglia Anthony
Coughlin George
Coughlin Joseph
Cowan James
Cregg James
Cuff Arthur
Curtin P. J.
DePelteau D.
Dolan Hugh
Donnelly Edward
Doyle John
Fallet Panko
Farnham Leroy
Farrar John
Ferree William
Flynn William
Fogarty Joseph
Francisco Elmer
Freeman John
Frye Marvine
Gallaro John
Glessing Ferninand W.
Greene Raymond
Haines George
Halicy James
Hall Albert
Hawkins Harry
Hayden Matthew
Heath Charles
Hickey Thomas
Higgins Bernard
Hodgson Edward
Holmes Edward
Horton John
Huby Michael
Hyatt Almond
Izzo Joseph
Janus Frank
Janusko George
Jasniewski Frank
Jones William
Keegan Edward
Keller Raymond
Kinsella Luke
Kokowsky John
Kot Louis
Lakey George
Lauer Anton
Lawler James
Lee Frank
Leja Stanley
Limnar Nicholas
Lockwood Henry
Majewski Stanley/Stanislaus
Malone James
McClements Willard
McGeevir James
McKeon James M.
McSweeney Patrick
Mentello Lawrence
Mitchell Percy
Mitchell Henry
Monahan Thomas
Mount Leroy
Mryglot Same
Muldoon Fred
Muldoon Michael
Murdock James
Myers Joseph
Namisnak Peter
Nugent John
O'Brien James Sr.
O'Brien John
Parker Norman
Patchin Edward
Pelton Louis
Pelton Allison
Platt Warren
Pope Herbert
Powers Frank
Radford Henry
Raguso Joseph
Riddell James
Riley Robert
Roberts William
Ryan Joseph
Ryder Michael
Sanderson Edward
Sawyer George
Sawyer David
Schemerhorn Charles
Schilling George
Sharp Theron
Shaw Edgar
Shorey William
Smillie E. J.
Smith Alva
Smith Dayton
Spry Fred
Tenity John
Toole Hugh
Train John
Tripp Dr. Harry
Trojnar Ludwik
Tryon George
Utt Hiram
VanArsdale Charles
Vantine George
Walker Michael
Wells James
Wheeler Fred
Whitner Seward
Wilkinson Ellis
Wilson Lester
Wojnar George
Woodhall Alfred
Yantch Frederick

Inquiries regarding specific information contained within the book on an individual can be directed to Kathy at: KGENKOS@PROTONMAIL.COM
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