Auburn New York Police Record Book
The records contained within this book include:
Many of the names below are "Special Police" requests and applications. Applications for Special Police include the following information:
1. Name
2. Place of Birth
3. Age
4. Recommended by Whom
5. Place of Assignment
6. Place of Residence
7. Read and Write English?
8. Of Good Moral Character?
9. Ever Been Convicted of a Felony?
10. Date of Appointment
11. Approved by
12. Length of time lived in Auburn
Many individuals have several entries within the book. Inquiries regarding specific information contained within the book on an individual can be directed to Kathy at: KGENKOS@PROTONMAIL.COM
Last Name |
First Name |
Akielewicz | Joseph |
Allen | James |
Arnold | Edward |
Atwater | Jesse |
Bakaisa | John |
Barrett | Stephen |
Bills | Chester |
Bondy | Joseph |
Brandstetter | William |
Brinkerhoff | Warren |
Brooks | George |
Bryan | Paul |
Bryla | John |
Burgess | Karl |
Burlingham | Burdett |
Burns | Francis |
Cahill | John |
Carr | Horace |
Chayka | John |
Church | Fred |
Clark | Charles |
Collins | Frank |
Connor | Thomas |
Contiguglia | Anthony |
Coughlin | George |
Coughlin | Joseph |
Cowan | James |
Cregg | James |
Cuff | Arthur |
Curtin | P. J. |
DePelteau | D. |
Dolan | Hugh |
Donnelly | Edward |
Doyle | John |
Fallet | Panko |
Farnham | Leroy |
Farrar | John |
Ferree | William |
Flynn | William |
Fogarty | Joseph |
Francisco | Elmer |
Freeman | John |
Frye | Marvine |
Gallaro | John |
Glessing | Ferninand W. |
Greene | Raymond |
Haines | George |
Halicy | James |
Hall | Albert |
Hawkins | Harry |
Hayden | Matthew |
Heath | Charles |
Hickey | Thomas |
Higgins | Bernard |
Hodgson | Edward |
Holmes | Edward |
Horton | John |
Huby | Michael |
Hyatt | Almond |
Izzo | Joseph |
Janus | Frank |
Janusko | George |
Jasniewski | Frank |
Jones | William |
Keegan | Edward |
Keller | Raymond |
Kinsella | Luke |
Kokowsky | John |
Kot | Louis |
Lakey | George |
Lauer | Anton |
Lawler | James |
Lee | Frank |
Leja | Stanley |
Limnar | Nicholas |
Lockwood | Henry |
Majewski | Stanley/Stanislaus |
Malone | James |
McClements | Willard |
McGeevir | James |
McKeon | James M. |
McSweeney | Patrick |
Mentello | Lawrence |
Mitchell | Percy |
Mitchell | Henry |
Monahan | Thomas |
Mount | Leroy |
Mryglot | Same |
Muldoon | Fred |
Muldoon | Michael |
Murdock | James |
Myers | Joseph |
Namisnak | Peter |
Nugent | John |
O'Brien | James Sr. |
O'Brien | John |
Parker | Norman |
Patchin | Edward |
Pelton | Louis |
Pelton | Allison |
Platt | Warren |
Pope | Herbert |
Powers | Frank |
Radford | Henry |
Raguso | Joseph |
Riddell | James |
Riley | Robert |
Roberts | William |
Ryan | Joseph |
Ryder | Michael |
Sanderson | Edward |
Sawyer | George |
Sawyer | David |
Schemerhorn | Charles |
Schilling | George |
Sharp | Theron |
Shaw | Edgar |
Shorey | William |
Smillie | E. J. |
Smith | Alva |
Smith | Dayton |
Spry | Fred |
Tenity | John |
Toole | Hugh |
Train | John |
Tripp | Dr. Harry |
Trojnar | Ludwik |
Tryon | George |
Utt | Hiram |
VanArsdale | Charles |
Vantine | George |
Walker | Michael |
Wells | James |
Wheeler | Fred |
Whitner | Seward |
Wilkinson | Ellis |
Wilson | Lester |
Wojnar | George |
Woodhall | Alfred |
Yantch | Frederick |
Inquiries regarding specific information contained within the book on an
individual can be directed to Kathy at: KGENKOS@PROTONMAIL.COM
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1928-1930 uburn NY Police Special Orders
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