1875 TO 1925

Published with the Co-operation of the Class of '25

1924-1925 HIGH SCHOOL         1925 - 1926
A. D. Oliver------------ Principal------------ A. D. Oliver
K .B. Floyd------------ Agriculture------------ K. B. Floyd
L. V. Nash------------ Science------------ L. V. Nash
Edna Howe ------------ Mathematics------------ S. C. Stevens
Miriam Jacobson ------------ English, Library------------ Miriam Jacobson
Kathryn Meagher------------ Latin, French------------ Kathryn Meagher
Carolyn Manion------------ Music, Drawing------------ Carolyn Manion
Athletics, Physical Training -----C. J. Ingison


Agnes Enright ------------ Eighth ------------ Agnes Enright
Marie McPeak ------------ Seventh ------------ Marie McPeak
Stata Tucker ------------ Sixth ------------ Stata Tucker
Ethel S. Ferrell ------------ Fifth ------------ Ethel S. Ferrell
Jessie Sunderlin ------------ Fourth ------------ Jessie Sunderlin
Bessie Olmstead ------------ Third ------------ Bessie Olmstead
Marian Kingston ------------ Second ------------ Marian Kingston
Zola Pettingill ------------ First ------------ Mabel Hunting


James R. Putnam, President
James A. Dumary, Treasurer
George W. Churchill, Secretary

George D. Cusick
Harry C. Hinman
Charles F. Sloan
J. Duane Titus
D. Clifford Jones
Charles M. Adams
Clinton E. Goodwin
Abner N. Hoyt
Jay R. Putnam

Very often little credit is given to a school board for the service that it renders to the school community. The Weedsport School Board is made up entirely of men who are actively engaged in some business enterprise. Regularly on the first Monday of each month they give the entire evening to a scheduled meeting. At other times they are called upon to meet to settle some special question. From the standpoint of time they devote a great many hours during the course of a year. From the standpoint of attention they offer the same careful consideration to the business affairs of the school that they would give to their own business. The last financial report of the state department shows that Weedsport High School, based on the average daily attendance, is run at a lower cost than any other school in Cayuga County. The same figures show Weedsport well below the general average for such schools througout the entire state. This fact alone should prove the efficiency of our school board and should bring to the members the credit to which they are entitled.

Harry C. Hinman
Charles F. Sloan
George D. Cusick

Dr. Clinton E. Goodwin
Charles M. Adams
D. Clifford Jones

D. Clifford Jones
Charles M. Adams
George D. Cusick

Abner N. Hoyt
Dr. Clinton E. Goodwin
Charles F. Sloan

J. Duane Titus
Harry C. Hinman
Abner N. Hoyt

Commissioner - Frank P. Graves
Deputy Commissioner - Frank B. Gilbert
Department of Higher Education - Augustus S. Downing
Department of Secondary Education - James Sullivan
Department of Elementary Education - George M. Wiley

Believing that the organization of the State Department of Education might be of interest to the readers of this publication, the following information is offered: The Commissioner of Education is the chief executive of the department. He is chosen by the Board of Regents and holds office as long as his service meets with the approval of that same Board. He has general supervision over the educational system of the state and in a large measure is responsible for progress made.

The Board of Regents is a body consisting of twelve men selected by the two houses of our State Legislature meeting in joint session. Each member is elected for a term of twelve years. This body serves as a legislative body. It has the right to determine the policies to be followed, to fix a means of examinations, to issue, alter or revoke charters of schools of the state. It determines the conditions under which teachers may be licensed. The department consists of three divisions namely one for higher education, one for secondary education and one for elementary. Each department has it's supervising officer appointed by the commissioner. They serve during the pleasure of the Commissioner.

Regularly our local school is visited by men who are sent out by the Department. They come to us for the purpose of inspecting the school and classes to determine whether or not the organization and instruction are satisfactory. From time to time recommendations are made by the Department that conditions may be made to meet more definitely with their approval.

The local school receives financial aid from the state on a teachers' quota, library fund, apparatus fund, nonresident academic tuition, and for all special work such as Agriculture. The Educational System ranks high as compared to the systems of the other states. The aim of the department is to continually raise that standard; with complete co-operation on the part of the schools of this state that condition can be established.


September 8 -------------------School Opens
September 18 -----------------State Fair Day
Novemer 13-14-----------------First Quarterly Examination
November 26-27---------------Thanksgiving Recess
December 23-January 4----Christmas Vacation
January 18-22------------------Regents and Quarterly Examinations
February 12---------------------Lincoln's Birthday
March 31-April 1--------------Third Quarterly Examinations
April 2-13------------------------Easter Vacation
June 14-18----------------------Regents Examinations
June 21--------------------------Eighth Grade Graduation
June 22-23----------------------High School Commencement


SESSIONS - A. M. - 8:45-11:30 P.M. - 1:15-3:55

TUITION - Grades - $42.00 per year - High School - $50.00 per year

SALARIES OF TEACHERS-Grade - $800.00-$1400.00--High School - $900.00-$1500.00

DIPLOMAS - Regents Academi, Regents Vocational, College Entrance, Arts, Science or Engineering

FIRST YEAR - Latin 1, Elementery Algebra, English 1, Biology
SECOND YEAR - Latin 2, Plain Geometry, History A., English 2, Civics
THIRD YEAR - English 3, Latin 3, French 2, Chemistry
FOURTH YEAR - English 4, History C, Physics, French 2

Civics should be taken during the second year, if possible. Drawing, chorus, music theory, music practice, and other subjects may be taken as electives for extra credit.


Academic Diploma - required subjects

English 16 counts, History 10 counts, Mathematics 10 counts, Science 10 counts
Civics and History C must be passed by all candidates for this diploma. Electives 26 counts.

Vocational Diploma - required subjects

English 16 counts, History 10 counts, Mathematics 10 counts, Science 10 counts
Civics and History C. must be passed by all candidates for this diploma. Agriculture 26 counts.

College Entrance Diploma - required subjects

English four years, Intermediate Algebra, Foreign Language three years, Plain Geometry
One of the following: History, Second Language two years, Science


Students must earn an average of 75%. Intermediate algebra and geometry may be taken at any time; the others to be passed in three successive examination periods.

If a student tries and fails but still has an average of 70% he becomes entitled to the regular academic diploma.

School Enrollment by Classes - High School
Post graduates--- 2

High School Total - 129


Grade Total - 265
Grand Total - 394

SCHOOL PRIZES - At the present time the school offers five prizes for work regularly done during the course of the school year. Each prize is a five dollar gold piece.

GILES PRIZE - Awarded at Commencement time to that student who has earned the greatest number of regents counts in subjects carried during the school year.

CLASS PRIZES - One prize for each of the four high school classes. To be awarded at Commencement time to that student who stands highest in the estimation of the faculty on the basis of scholarship, effort, improvement, and spirit of cooperation.

Prizes serve two very important functions. In the first place they serve as an incentive to the students to strive to do good school work; it gives them somethng definite toward which they may look. In the second place to the prize winners the award stands as an evidence that they have succeeded. Some members of the alumni who are interested in the school could render it a big service by the establishment of other prizes.

From time to time parents either knowingly or unknowingly violate the school attendance law. In some cases the school authorities are criticized for enforcing this law. In order that you may be acquainted with the more important features of this law the following facts are printed.

AGES - All students between the ages of 8 and 16 are required to attend during the entire time that school is in session.

LEGAL EXCUSES - Personal sickness. Impassable roads. In case of sickness in the family older students may remain at home a few days until other help may be secured.

PENALTY - For the first offense parents are liable to a fine of five dollars. For a second offense they are liable to a fine of fifty dollars or thirty days imprisonment or both.

TARDINESS - Repeated tardiness is just as much a violation of the law as illegal absence.

WORK CERTIFICATES - Students who are 14 years of age and have completed the work of the eighth grade may secure such certificates under provisions set by the state department.

Students who are 15 and have completed the work of the first six grades are also entitled to such certificates.

Monday A.M.

Tuesday A.M.

Wednesday A.M.

Thursday A.M.

Friday A.M

Intermediate Algebra
Solid Geometry
Elementary Repr
History C
Elementary Algebra
Plain Geometry

P. M.

P. M.




Elem. English
English 3 years
English 4 years
English 4 years
Latin 2 years
Latin 3 years
El. Bookkeeping
Elem. History
History A
History B
Intermediate Drawing
French 2 years
Com. Geography
Elementary Theory


Mr. Oliver

Mr. Floyd

Mr. Nash

Miss Howe

Miss Jacobson

Miss Meagher

Miss Manion

1--- Study Hall (open) (open) Algebra English 4 Latin 2 Grade Music
2--- History C. Agriculture 1 Biology Study Hall (open) Latin 1 Grade Music
3--- Office Agriculture 1 Study Hall Physics Library Latin 1 Grade Music
4--- Supervision (open) History A Laboratory English 1 Study Hall Grade Music
5--- Office (open) Biology Physics English 2 French 1 Study Hall
6--- Supervision Agriculture 3 Physical Tr. Algebra El. Study Hall French 2 Drawing
7--- Study Hall Agriculture 3 Physical Tr. Pl. Geometery English 1 Latin 3 Grade Music
8--- Civics Study Hall Physical Tr. Int. Algebra English 3 (open) Grade Music

All parents should be, and most parents are, anxious that their children should be successful in life. One of the very strongest factors in the determination of success or failure may be found in the extent and quality of the education that they have acquired. There are many reasons why boys and girls fail in school but the two that stand out most prominently are lack of ability and lack of application. There are some, but only a small percentage, who do not have the native ability to do the grade of work required in the high school course. On the other hand there are a great many who fail only because they will not apply themselves diligently to school preparation. We will all agree that very few people have succeeded in any line of business if they have done only a quarter or a half as well as they were able to do. The very same condition is true in the school work; those who do consistently attend to school work pass regularly and with high grades while those who apply themselves listlessly either fail entirely or pass with low grades.

With this thought in mind we are stating a few essential requirements toward good school work. We should like to have the parents read them carefully and then aply them in the case of their children.

---Boys and girls must understand the importance of an education
---They should receive constant encouragement from parents.
---Their attendance should be punctual and regular.
---All lessons should be prepared thoroughly and on time.
---They should have a regular home study period, if possible, where they may not be interrupted.
---They should not regularly allow outside activities to interfere with school work.

If these conditions were practiced school results would be much higher and students would have little cause to worry.


High School agricultural work is no longer considered as in the experimental stage, but is now accepted as an economically sound course of study especially in those communities where farming is the major industry. There are now in New York State eight-six high schools, six state schools and two colleges carrying courses in agriculture. The average yearly enrollment in these schools shows sufficient interest in scientific agriculture to warrant their continuation.

The work of the agricultural department at Weedsport is divided into three sections. First comes the high school agricultural teaching work. Agriculture takes the place of Latin in the high school curriculum and those who graduate receive a vocational rather than an academic certificate. The agricultural course at Weedsport includes work in poultry, dairying, wood shop, soils, fertilizers, crops, animal husbandry, orcharding, and farm surveying, farm accounts, farm law, farm machinery, etc. This course is intended to give to the students an appreciation of the underlying principles of successful farming and to prepare them for advanced agricultural work in colleges if they care to go.

The second division is the junior project work. Boys and girls, especially in the seventh and eighth grades, are helped in carrying on projects in crops, gardening, poultry, and dairying, and an interest in growing things is stimulated. We also have a girls' sewing club which has done some very good work.

The third division is agricultural extension work in the community. The most work, in this section, has been done in poultry, especially culling; in animal husbandry, especially milk testing and tuberculosis control; and in assisting the county agent in his extension plans. Every community should be the better for having an agricultural teacher in its midst, and it is up to the community to make use of the teacher.

Much interest has been stimulated in agricultural things through junior project exhibits, school exhibits, Grange exhibits, and the various student stock judging contests. The boys who are in agricultural work, like and believe in it. The aim of this department is to place the agricultural work here on a plane level with that of any agricultural school in the state. We need the co-operation of loyal agricultural students, willing junior project workers, and a true community conception of extension activities. It should be done. It can be done.

Old Father Time swings his mighty scythe mowing down the years so swiftly that we do not realize it has been nearly eighty years since the old Union School was given its place in the annals of history. About 1845 the Union School House was built upon the site now owned by Mr. D. Clifford Jones.

A Catalogue published in 1852 states that there were four hundred and twelve pupils, four rooms and five teachers. In 1853 the district was incorporated as a Union School.  The Weedsport High School was established under a special charter by the Legislature of the State of New York in 1858. In 1870 it was made a High School. At this time a third story was added to the Union School Building. Under direction of A. W. Morehouse in 1871 the High School Department was organized. It occupied the third floor of the school building.

In 1875 the first class graduated from High School. It consisted of seventeen members, eleven of whom are still living.

Later two quite extensive additions were added to the school building, one on the northeast corner and the other on the southeast corner.

About 1908 the Old Union School House was condemned as unsafe for use. Then too, it was much too small to accommodate the number of students who were desirous of attending. Such circumstances led to the building of the Weedsport High School as it stands to-day.

In the fall of 1909 the new building was ready for use. It was considered one of the most up-to-date school buildings in this part of the state.

On February 26, 1925 about 6:30 P.M. the school building was reported to be on fire. Thanks to our worthy fire extinguishers it resulted in only a blaze of papers in the basement.

June 24, 1925 will be the commencement of the fifty-first class to graduate from Weedsport High School. The class numbers twenty-five and is the largest class that has ever graduated from Weedsport.

On a certain occasion an Englishman was showing a friend the evidence of modern enterprise in his town. In passing the most imposing structure, the stranger remarked that for a factory building it was the finest example he had seen. He asked "what do they manufacture there?" The answer came at once, "Brains; that's a schol house."

Some students, however, fail to comprehend this viewpoint. They consider school a bore, or worse. Some of them attend until they are sixteen because it is compulsory; others stay on because they have nothing else to do, or because they prefer loafing in school to getting out and hustling.

But the majority of students are in school for good, hard work and good, hard play, each at the proper time. They regard school as their job to be attended to just as faithfully as any in the business world; and when the time for play arrives, they play all the harder for having accomplished that work.

Authorities agree that athletics are the most valuable training for the battle of life that any student can acquire. Athletics teach true sportsmanship, co-operation and stick-to-ativeness. Any boy or girl who is able to play a good, clean game so as to win the approbation of his or her teammates need never fear when playing the great game of life. Our school mates are our severest critics, and although they may scoff at what they term "fussiness," deep down in their hearts they are forced to respect squareness.

Our school life is the rosebud, after years the flower matures and becomes beautiful, nourished by education as the rose is nourished by the sun and the rain.
OFFICERS  - Erma Wethey - President
John Robinson - Vice President
Emily Larkins - Treasurer
James Goss - Secretary

Olive Baker-----------------------------------Edna Kanaley
Frances Blakeman -----------------------Emily Larkin
George Bowden----------------------------Elizabeth Leyburn
Kenneth Bowden--------------------------Edythe Merriman
Ruby Carr------------------------------------Grace Miller
Ruth Chapin---------------------------------Eva Pangburn
James Goss--------------------------------*Genevieve Paul
Frances Gibbs-----------------------------John Robinson
George Harris------------------------------Olive Robinson
Harold Hinman-----------------------------Alice Rowland
*Kenneth Jones---------------------------Robert Statham
Mary E. Jones-----------------------------Geraldine Webster
Agnes Kanaley----------------------------Erma Wethey

*Graduation depends on regents in June. All others are approved Seniors.

Lazelle R. Hopkins----Weedsport
Will M. Howe----Deceased
Charles M. Henderson----20 Meigs Street, Rochester, N.Y.
Rev. James A. Hickey----Deceased
Ella Comstock VanSanford----161 West First Street, Fulton, N.Y.
Mary Crane Coppernoll----Weedsport
Florence Graham Franklin----Newark, Ohio
Ollie Olney----Deceased
Nina Putnam Stevens----Weedsport
Ella Rockwell Hopkins----Deceased
Anna Cowell Millard----3829 Kildare Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Nan Daniels Hopkins----Weedsport
Ida Ketchum Durston----Deceased
Florence Pidge Smith----North Loop, Neb.
Florence Robinson Atchison----Deceased
Effie Sheldon----Chicago, Ill.
Ida Streeter Sheldon----Weedsport

Charles F. Townsend----Deceased

Nellie Hutchinson Sutton----Deceased
Minnie Eldridge Adams----Weedsport

Minnie Calhoun Sutherland----Tulsa, Okla.
Mary Bolway Connor----Geneva, N.Y.
Dora Lawrence Harris----410 West End Ave., New York City
Lina Kiernan----Orange, N. J.

Homer E. Rheubottom----Deceased

Effa J. Center----Deceased
Grace Lattimer Merrick----35 Washington Road, Springfield, Mass.
Clara Martin Baber----Deceased
Etta Rotch Hamilton----62 S. Maple Ave., East Orange N. J.
Frank E. Bolway----Deceased
John J. Riley----Deceased
Charles H. Young----Weedsport

Cora White Van Liew----1703 Queen Ave., North Minneapolis, Minn.

Lula Burdick Bartlett----64 West 3rd St., Oswego, N.Y.
Mary M. Moore----Deceased

Byron S. Aldrich----4061 Phil Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Stewart S. Bibbens----685 West Onondaga St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Fred N. Burritt----Weedsport
Ernest G. Treat----Weedsport
Delos K. Sheldon----Lee, Mass.
Hattie A. Henderson----Deceased
Mamie L. Hewitt----Deceased
Anna B. Rotch----62 South Maple Ave., East Orange, N.J.
Eva Tanner Scott----1586 Amherst St., Buffalo, N.Y.

Stephen A. Delamater----1978 East 70th St., Cleveland, Ohio
Eugene C. Dolson----Lysander, N.Y.
Fred Robinson----Throopsville, N.Y.
Hurion D. Sheldon----97 Franklin St., Auburn, N.Y.
John E. Dolson----Cato, N.Y.
Emma L. Bircher----Portland, Oregon
Mary Hardy Silvernail----Gloversville, N.Y.
Crissie Burritt Putnam----Weedsport
Nellie Lamphere Rosecrants----Deceased
Mary VanOstrand Caywood----823 Myrtle Ave., Albany, N.Y.

David E. French----South St., Auburn, N.Y.
Michael J. Hickey----Buffalo, N.Y.
S. Mayo Higgins----Syracuse, N.Y.
James Horrigan----Osceola, Iowa
J. Ervin Olmstead----Deceased
Clarence E. Olney----Baldwinsville, N.Y.
Ernest A. Putnam----310 Cayuga St., Fulton
Will S. Sittser----Deceased
Frank W. Jacobs----Port Byron
Maggie E. Bolway----607 Park St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Minnie Burritt Harrington----Deceased
Florence Horton Gilbert----Weedsport
N. Blanche Langworthy----Deceased
Susie Sutherland Sheldon----Franklin St., Auburn, N.Y.
Belle LeFever Bibbens----685 Weste Onondaga St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Belle McKee Hunter----Weedsport
Matie Passage Sittser----1011 Walnut Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.
Kate C. Spoor----Cato, N.Y.

John Denny----Chicago, Ill.
Edwin C. Tanner----Sennett, N.Y.
Fred G. Adams----Deceased
Michael J. Enright----Weedsport
Frank E. Mills----493 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Herbert T. Morrison----Weedsport
George C. Gumaer----Cato, N.Y.
Etta McKissick Frye----Bakersville, Cal.
Rose Traver Sheldon----Weedsport
Adelaide Havens Howe----Deceased
Gertrude Knapp Jacques----16 Elizabeth St., Auburn, N.Y.
Ina Tanner Grant----Sennett, N.Y.
Fannie Kaufler Skadan----Weedsport
Fannie DeLamater Jacobs----Port Byron, N.Y.

Willard S. Bell----Newaygo, Mich.
Harry Chadderdon----Deceased
Charles A. Converse----Harrington, Wash.
Frank H. Doud----Lysander, N.Y.
Elmer J. LeFever----Syracuse, N.Y.
Ray S. Sheldon----Weedsport
Horace H. Whiting----455 Park Pl., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Wayne A. Whitman----Weedsport
Mertice V. Benedict----Deceased
Florence Bowen Putnam----Fulton, N.Y.
Helen E. Bradley----Ira, N.Y.
Laura Burritt Arlt----Woodstock, N.Y.
Grace T. Chapin----Deceased
Susie Donovan Meaker----3 Grover St., Auburn, N.Y.
Mary Harmon Price----28 Steele St., Auburn, N.Y.
Grace Whitman Cooper----Deceased
Angie VanBuren----Weedsport

Michael J. Lawlor----Deceased
Elizabeth Bradley Wilcox----Troy, N.Y.
Lucy Denny----Weedsport
Edith Lyon Ingersoll----Banksville, N.Y.
Myrtie E. Smith----Weedsport
Gertrude C. Spingler----New York City
Eliza Stevens Kinsella----361 Beard Ave., Buffalo, N.Y.
Ruth Tice Cralle----Sewickley, Pa.

Thomas W. Lawlor----Deceased
James Stanton----Auburn, N.Y.
James E. Turner----1289 Dean St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Ben Van Vranken----38 Grove Ave., Auburn, N.Y.
Mrs. Fred Stevenson----Weedsport
Eva Drake Townsend----Auburn. N.Y.
Bertha Gates Bowen----Sennett, N.Y.
S. Louise Groot----52 East Genesee St., Auburn, N.Y.
Mary E. Lynch----Bath Beach, N.Y. City
Elizabeth F. Moore----New York City
Elizabeth L. O'Neil----Deceased
Blanche Putnam Mills----Deceased
Blanche E. Sheldon----Deceased
Bessie Smith Statham----Weedsport
Maud E. Sprague----Weedsport
Laura Sunderlin Passage----Weedsport
Charlotte Treat Wright----Deceased
Martha Wilson Merriman----Weedsport

A. Leon Bates----Deceased
Royal N. DeLamater----Deceased
Elvin H. Sunderlin----Weedsport
Delphine Barker----Deceased
Louise E. Burton----357 East 235th St., New York City
Kate Faatz Crofut----67 Palisade Ave., Bogota, N. J.
Susie French Nicholson----514 Tuttle Street, Syracuse, N.Y.
Florence M. Gildersleeve----1428 Webster St., Washington, D.C.
Mabel Hunter Brewster----East Oakland, Cal.
S. Cornelia Knapp Bullen----33 Arrandale Ave., Great Neck. N.Y.
Mabelle Sterling Wethey----3 Grover St., Auburn, N.Y.
Minnie Wagner VanDoren----Weedsport

Louella Duncan Rusco----Ellendale, N. Dakota
Cora Emerick Fellows----Weedsport
N. Pearl Faatz----Buffalo, N.Y.
Mary Groot Turner----11 Jefferson St., Auburn, N.Y.
Gertrude Hugunin McLaughlin----Wall St., Auburn, N.Y.
Marion Lockwood Kingston----Weedsport
Fannie Miner Jones---McGraw, N.Y.
Maude VanBuren Stickle----Weedsport
George I. Horrigan----Deceased
J. Arthur Jones----Locke, N.Y.
Charles E. Kanaley----3747 Pine Grove Ave., Chicago, Ill.
John E. Lawlor----Chicago, Ill.
J. R. Putnam----Weedsport
John H. Servis----2565 Broadway, New York City
Lisle Terwillegar----10120 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio
Minnie L. Bryne----Chicago

J. Edgar Bentley----Seaside, Cal.
A. Elizabeth Bryne----321 East Onondaga St., Syracuse, N.Y.
S. Louise Coppernoll----Lysander, N.Y.
Mary David Reynolds----Fulton, N.Y.
Louise Dutton Legg----Cato, N.Y.
Frederick B. Henderson----Pasadena, Cal.
Frances J. Henderson----66 Beach Ave., Mamaroneck, N.Y.
Ernest C. Hunter----30 Stone St., Oneida, N.Y.
Clarence D. Jones----Cato, N.Y.
Viola Jones Sprague----Cato, N.Y.
Raymond A. Jorolemon----Rochester, N.Y.
William H. Pearsall----Syracuse, N.Y.
Ray P. Spingler----Deceased
Louis W. Sprague----Deceased
Grace W. Sullivan----Box 281, Hudson, N.Y.
Harriet B. Titus----Cleveland, Ohio

Henry B. Brewster----423 Douglas Street, Syracuse, N.Y.
Jennie A. Henderson----Stanford, Conn.
Kittie Elmendorf Burritt----Kenmore, N.Y.
Etta Hudson Hamilton----Weedsport
W. Goodrich Moore----Deceased
Reva Nash Norton----5 Prospect St., Utica, N.Y.
Rev. Francis T. Kanaley----Deceased
Emma Ball Whitman----Weedsport
Mary Titus Clary----Throoopsville, N.Y.

Arthur F. Gailey----322 Mercantile Bldg., Rochester, N.Y.
Stata Bell Rose----R.F.D. No. 6, Auburn, N.Y.
Carrie Treat Whitman----Weedsport
Frederick L. Sheldon----Weedsport
Gertrude Hunter Jillson----Deceased
George W. Churchill----Weedsport
Katherine Gildersleeve Sagendorf----Weedsport
Bertha Faatz Craver----Auburn, N.Y.
Charles B. Bryne----Rochester, N.Y.
Estella Ingalls Bell----Newaygo, Mich.
George A. Root----Victory, N.Y.
Olive Olney Brane----Strand Block, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
J. Harry Whitman----Weedsport
Irma A. Cady----111 Trinity Pl., Syracuse, N.Y.
Elizabeth E. Lawlor----11 Arnett St., Rochester, N.Y.
James P. Dunn----Weedsport

M. Francis Pratt----East Ave., Rochester, N.Y.
George H. Rockwell----Syracuse, N.Y.
Fred N. Gildersleeve----Deceased
George P. Dolson----Deceased
Edna Nash Jenkins----Deceased
Anna L. Coyle----Deceased
Katherine L. Enright----Weedsport
Janet Kevand Dunlop----134 Central Ave., Staten Island, N.Y.
Winifred Hoyt Goodelle----42 Franklin Street, Auburn, N.Y.
Anna Dunn Brazee----202 Lincoln Park, Syracuse, N.Y.
Caroline M. Zimmer----Lynbrook, L.I.
Elizabeth Cloonan Walsh----East Syracuse, N.Y.
Gracia M. Smith----Waterloo, N.Y.
Susie Sheldon Benedict----89 Lincoln Ave., Cortland, N.Y.

George M. Crosier----R.F.D., Norristown, Pa.
George D. Cusick----Weedsport
Mary L. Lawlor----Troy, N.Y.
Mabel L. Lee----c/o Kiangan Mission, Nanking, China
Edith Tebo Kratzer----Baldwinsville, N.Y.
Ludo L. Zimmer----Elmira, N.Y.

Theresa Hennings Boyd----Syracuse, N.Y.
Laura E. Sheldon----15 Genesee St., Utica, N.Y.
Louise Olney Ostrom----1014 Westcott St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Catherine M. Tuck----Williamsport, Pa.
Faye Edwards----Lynbrook, L.I.
Leon B. Sheldon----Deceased
Byron V. Kanaley----1734 Asbury Ave., Evanston, Ill.
William R. Maycumber----Sonora, Mex.
Samuel S. Harmon----Toledo, Ohio
James Setright----845 Livingston Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.

William J. Rosecrants----Boston, Mass.
Dennis C. Guilfoos----Port Byron, N.Y.
Lester C. Diddy----Detroit, Mich.
Benjamin L. Ostrom----Syracuse, N.Y.
Edna Hunter Churchill----Weedsport
Mary Cloonan Halbert----Weedsport
Jessie Campbell Hadley----450 Kenmount Ave., Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburg, Pa.
Bessie Sittser Applegate----Weedsport
Mabelle Edwards Rising----Deceased
Agnes G. Welch----Buffalo, N.Y.
Bertha Taylor Ely----Weedsport
Mary Edminster Jorolemon----Weedsport
Katherine Finneran Strang----3 Intervale Ave., White Plains, N.Y.
Bess Simons Carpenter----North Syracuse, N.Y.
Agnes G. Enright----Weedsport
Irene Hoyt Sheldon----Weedsport
Kathryn Bryne Hopkins----227 Gordon Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.
Laura R. Burrill----Weedsport
Lenna J. Craddock----34 Elk St., Albany, N.Y.
Mamie Beggs----557 W. 144th St., Hudson, N.Y.

Gertrude Spurr----Deceased
Ella S. Webster----Hilton, N.Y.
Mary Hoyt Baar----642 Cherry St., Winnetka, Ill.
Sarah F. Enright----Weedsport
Charles B. Eaker----511 Lincoln Place, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Darwin F. Cady----135 Cambridge St., Syracuse, N.Y.
William W. Zimmer----436 E. 46th St., Chicago, Ill.
Michael J. Dunn----Weedsport
Neal M. Hudson----Deceased
John W. Rust----915 East State St., Ithaca, N.Y.
Fred B. Townsend----Phoenix, Ariz.
Charles E. Ball----621 West 37th Street, Savannah, Ga.
E. Ernest Bennie----Cortland, N.Y.
James L. Kanaley----Weedsport
Raymond T. Bentley----Utica, N.Y.

John H. Cloonan----Newhampton, N.Y.
Martin J. Finneran----Erie, Pa.
George L. Hudson----Weedsport
Neal A. Faatz----Weedsport
Frederick D. Hopkins----8 Bradford St., Glen Rock, N. J.
Charles H. Lawrence----Weedsport
Gilbert B. Rust----Auburn, N.Y.
Arthur L. Shaw----Herkimer, N.Y.
Royal E. Sheldon----14 Darina Place, New Haven, Conn.
Walter T. Smith----Weedsport
Earl B. Townsend----115 High St., Hackettstown, N. J.
Elizabeth F. Dunn----Deceased
Harriet A. Hill----Weedsport
Nettie Hennings Cole----Syracuse, N.Y.
Loretta Hudson Schoonmaker----Weedsport
Mabel M. Mitchell----1320 South Elwood St., Tulsa, Okla.
Bertha Sheldon----Watertown, N.Y.

Harold W. Faatz----Weedsport
Harry R. LaDue----Auburn, N.Y.
Jessie Cortright Bibbens----Weedsport
Agnes Graney McAuliffe----210 W. Colvin St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Clara L. Greene----Weedsport
Mabel J. Hunting----Weedsport
Winifred E. Hamilton----61 Broadway, New York City
Flora Hartom Rockwell----Weedsport
Florence A. Keeney----Los Angeles, Cal.
Agnes Lawlor Atwood----New York City
Katherine Mills Blumrich----Cazenovia, N.Y.
Kathryn G. Quigley----Washington, D.C.
Elizabeth Stivers Larrison----1052 South Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.
Helen M. Slade----Moravia, N.Y.
Kathryn Sullivan Mahoney----2245 Wilber Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.
Sarah Wright Phelps----Weedsport
Genevieve Sayles Sleight----1034 Rayburn Rd., Cleveland, Ohio

John C. Adams----2672 Blvd., Jersey City, N.J.
Dan E. Enright----Weedsport
Albert D. Hallett----Syracuse, N.Y.
John B. Kanaley----4740 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Floyd I. Rose----Weedsport
George D. Stevens----Weedsport
Fred VanDyke----
Bertha Blanchard Groucutt----Bridgeport, N.Y.
Anna Cloonan Moore----Weedsport
Lillian R. Gilbert----228 Euclid Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.
Louise M. Hopkins----116 Vreeland Ave., Nutley, N.J.
Bessie Lamphere VanAlstine----Weedsport
Jessie L. Sunderlin----Weedsport

Sybil C. Kennedy----Ann Arbor, Mich.
Aurelia E. Abbott----Wilbaux, Montana
Lillian Burritt Schattner----Weedsport
Bessie Coyle St. John----Weedsport
Ida Center Sowles----Hudson, N.Y.
Florence Faatz Ferris----2454 Webb Ave., Apt. C., New York City
Pearl Hutchings Gray----112 North Hopes Ave., Auburn, N.Y.
Marie Hudson Kelsey----Weedsport
Bertha Kunkle Mead----957 Ackerman Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.
Grace Lamphere Ryan----56 Colby St., Rochester, N.Y.
Ida M. Lanphere----Weedsport
Bessie B. Palmer----Washington, D.C.
Ada Phelps Vreeland----Ira, N.Y.
Gratia Rhodes Walker----Port Byron
Ethel Servis Ferrell----Sennett, N.Y.
Bessie Traver Hubbard----Weedsport
F. Stacy Lawrence----Weedsport

Ruth M. Havens----New Paltz, N.Y.
Robert B. Mitchell----609 Neayo Bldg, ,Tulsa, Okla.
Robert L. Putnam----Weedsport
Nellie J. Quereau-----Rochester, N.Y.
Bessie Wright Orcutt----Weedsport
Florence Cusick Haire----598 5th St., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Pearl M. Laird----Cato, N.Y.
Lena Palmer Snow----22 Grant Ave., Auburn, N.Y.
Neal B. Sheldon----Weedsport
Belle Sittser Stevens----Weedsport
Marguerite Treat Dorsey----Cleveland, Ohio
Harry B. Young----Weedsport

Kathryn E. Cloonan----Weedsport
Carrie Detsell Kincaid----Deceased
Bessie Earl Schwartz----Port Byron
Jerry C. Flynn----Rochester, N.Y.
Joseph H. Gibbs----Jordan, N.Y.
Elsie R. Grant----Sennett, N.Y.
Kathleen Graney Noughton----1535 South Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.
Burritt C. Harrington----Lucknow, India
W. Carl Harrington----Syracuse, N.Y.
J. Harry Managh----Salt Springs Bank, Syracuse, N.Y.
David H. Moore----16 Summerhill Gardens, Toronto, Can.
Ella S. Sheldon----Weedsport
Helen Smith Johnson----8519 Franktown Rd., Pittsburg, Pa.
Harry J. Smith----Syracuse, N.Y.
Harold A. St. John----Weedsport
James C. Wright----Ancon, Panama
Ruth Robinson Monroe----16 Summerhill Gardens, Toronto, Can.

Beatrice F. Bibbens----Weedsport
Clare Gilbert----Weedsport
Harold B. Hoyt----Syracuse, N.Y.
Jessie Klumpp Lamphere----Weedsport
F. Allen Lamphere----Weedsport
Nina L. Powers----Syracuse, N.Y.
George A. Robinson----Toronto, Canada
Florence Stickle Hoyt----Syracuse, N.Y.
William H. Stevenson----Deceased
M. Irene Thompson----135 Holland St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Bertha Traver Dewey----Syracuse, N.Y.
Raymond B. Traver----138 Stanford Ave., Eastwood, N.Y.
Florence White Kempton----Weedsport

Ruth Adams McDowell----Hoffman St., Elmira, N.Y.
Gladys Burritt Clark----56 College Ave., Rochester, N.Y.
John C. Bennett----Flat Iron Candy Store, Elmira, N.Y.
Florence M. Laird----Weedsport
Mabel Morrison Seager----Syracuse, N.Y.
Jessie A. Peckham----Auburn, N.Y.
Elma Treat Filkerns----5 Hall St., Auburn, N.Y.
Dora Trumble VanWagner----539 Tallman St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Mabel Tyler Slayton----Port Byron, N.Y.
Grover C. Trumble----8 John St., Seneca Falls, N.Y.
Leslie J. Ward----Weedsport
Marion St. John Goss----Weedsport

Raymond L. Abbott----212 Ramsey Ave., Lansing, Michigan
Harold M. Adams----112 Church St., Weatherfield, Conn.
Elizabeth B. Crossman----Locust Valley, Long Island
Ruth Taylor Roarke----Port Byron, N.Y.

Clara Breeze Sheldon----Sennett, N.Y.
Florence Durston Kidney----Lyons, N.Y.
Janet Hoyt Ewins----Weedsport
W. Ruth Lamphere----Weedsport
Charlotte E. Merriman----Port Washington, N.Y.
Myrtle Morrison----Weedsport
Mildred Sayles----Cazenovia, N.Y.

Edna Howe----Weedsport
Austin Howe----Weedsport
May Klumpp Parkman----Weedsport

Gratia Ball Moore----231 Oakwood Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.
Ruth Ball Severance----512 Beattie St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Edna Gertrude Clark----Weedsport
Doris Frances Harrington----324 Pleasant Ave., New York City
Ethel Hoyt Andrews----401 Graves St., Syracuse, N.Y.
George Wilbur Hoyt----225 Seward Ave., Auburn, N.Y.
Adah M. Judson----Savannah, N.Y.
Frances Adeltha Kerns----11311 Cliffton Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio
Marjorie Rhea Palmer----Weedsport
Ethel Estelle Race----Port Byron, N.Y.
Frances Sittser Lanphere----Weedsport
Hazel May Tryon----Port Washington, N.Y.
Mildred VanOstrand Gierke----Clyde, N.Y.

Howard Edwin Ball----Weedsport
Frank R. Blumer----Onondaga Valley, N.Y.
Marjorie Blumer Fisher----418 Delafield Ave., West New Brighton, S.I., N.Y.
Irene Cloonan Brennan----308 Holland St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Esther Vasti Cole----122 1/2 Fitch Street, Syracuse, N.Y.
Helen Doyle Cunningham----Auburn, N.Y.
Donald Fisher----418 Delafield Ave., West New Brighton, S.I., N.Y.
Earl A. Gilbert----1210 N. Sherman St., Bay City, Mich.
Grace I. Graney----Syracuse, N.Y.
Florence M. Hogan----Savannah, N.Y.
Amelia Lanphere Kroninger----Seneca Falls, N.Y.
Lana Frances Morrison----Weedsport
Martha Morrison Smith----Weedsport
Bessie Snyder Hanlon----Weedsport

Harlan Francis Andrews----401 Graves St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Helen Wood Hull----Mt. Morris, N.Y.
Marjorie Titus----Atlantic City, N.J.
Julia H. Cole----122 1/2 Fitch St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Sara D. Cole----122 1/2 Fitch St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Blanche Lush Bowden----Weedsport

Louise Ranger----Auburn, N.Y.
Howard Parkman----Sennett, N.Y.
Mariam Lanphere McWethey----Weedsport
Helen Bowen----Syracuse, N.Y.
Carl Hunter----Weedsport
May Oliver----Deceased
Mildred Scott----1263 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Zella Smith Manroe----Victory, N.Y.
Ruth Phelps----Ira, N.Y.
Marth Lanphere Partlow----Weedsport
Harriet Lanphere Pope----Weedsport
Esther Gierke----Weedsport
Pearl Stevens----Memphis, N.Y.
Ruth Chase Wilsey----Frankfort, N.Y.
John Cooney----661 Gifford St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Oliver French----Weedsport
Stanley Tyler----Weedsport
Lyndon Prentiss----Poland, N.Y.

Mildred Sittser----Syracuse, N.Y.
Fred Goodelle----Weedsport
Grace Paul----General Hospital, Rochester, N.Y.
Geraldine Rosseau----1263 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Laverne Smith----Weedsport
Doris Vine----Weedsport
Sterling Whitman----Weedsport

Marie Campbell Strowbridge----Newark, N.Y.
Rachel Weeks Roney----Williamson, N.Y.
Doris M. Hoyt----Weedsport
Burnett Andrews----Syracuse, N.Y.
Harold Whitman----Weedsport
Charles Shepherd----Weedsport
Howard Baker----Weedsport
Frank M. Wood----Cato, N.Y.
Stewart Whitman----Weedsport
Paul Stevenson----Weedsport
Frank Oliver----Weedsport

Katherine Smith----Weedsport
Louise Paul----Weedsport
Dorothy Shepherd----Weedsport
Mianda Smith----Weedsport
Marie Weston----Port Byron, N.Y.
Marie Lush----Weedsport
Mildred Hudson----Weedsport
Doris Hallett----Weedsport
Mabel Ball----Weedsport
Ralph Goodelle----Weedsport
Arthur Clement----Syracuse, N.Y.
Harold Ferguson----Port Byron, N.Y.
James O'Connell----Weedsport
Richard Passage----Weedsport
Leland Scott----Weedsport
Leon Stevens----Oneida, N.Y.
Edward Sohmer----Port Byron, N.Y.
Orville Sunderlin----Weedsport

Arthur Austin----Weedsport
Bernadine Cloonan----Weedsport
Sylvia Crossman----Weedsport
Paul Griffin----Weedsport
Ruth Hallett----Weedsport
Jessie Hayes----Weedsport
Grace Hawley----Weedsport
Dorothy Huie----Weedsport
Dorothy Kenyon Goodselle----Weedsport
Louise Marquisee O'Connell----Weedsport
Stanley Mead----R.F.D.5, Auburn, N.Y.
Louis Paul----Weedsport
Harry Robinson----Weedsport
Dorothy Sunderlin----General Hospital, Rochester, N.Y.
Charles Teall----Weedsport
Joseph Titus----Ilion, N.Y.
George Whitman----Weedsport

Margaret Austin----Weedsport
Donald Bibbens----Weedsport
John Cusick----Fulton, N.Y.
Esther Delaney----Conquest, N.Y.
Margaret Delaney----Conquest, N.Y.
Nellie Doyle----Weedsport
Ellen Hayes----Weedsport
Frances Hawley----Weedsport
Leo Paul----Weedsport
Dorrance Whitman----Weedsport

Mertie Aldrich----Port Byron, N.Y.
Cecil Colvin----Weedsport
Lucille Edminster----Weedsport
Winthrop Hamilton----Weedsport
Helen Hobart----Weedsport
Marjorie Lanphere----Weedsport
Dorothy Lockwood----Weedsport
Leland Mitchell----Weedsport
John Mururay----R.F.D. No. 4, Auburn, N.Y.
Anna Passage----Weedsport
Doris Penney----Hillsdale, N.J.
Vera Penney----Hillsdale, N.J.
Leland Sheldon----Weedsport
Stacy Shepherd----Weedsport
Kenneth Scott----Weedsport
Keith Tallman----R.F.D. No. 5., Auburn, N.Y.
Blanche Waldron Dutton----Weedsport
Doris Whitman----Weedsport
John Whitman----Weedsport
Marjorie Whitman----Weedsport

The organization of athletics and the regulations concerning them attempt to conform to the highest standards of fair play, sportsmanlike conduct and a healthy recreation. Provision is made for boys and girls. Athletic training offers a number of important factors in the development of our youth; such as, lessons in the observance of rules, development of strong bodies, stamina, rapid and accurate thinking and others.

The foot-ball team was made up quite largely of men without experience. They met such teams as Clyde, Groton, Baldwinsville, Moravia and Most Holy Rosary. Considered from the standpoint of games won the season was not a great success, but the experience gained should be a big advantage to the players during the coming season.

The basket-ball team was a member of the County League. As such they lost only two games, both the Sherwood Select School. One of these was played as a post season game to decide the winner of the League.

We are also participating in a County baseball league. Games are now being played, but no definite estimation can be given as to the prospects of the local team.

Athletics are important in the school life and program of to-day and as such they should be heartily supported by students and by the community.

There are four photos in this book:

Weedsport High School

1925 Graduating Class with Principal A. D. Oliver, and Prof. K. B. Floyd included in the picture, next row has Olive Robinson, George Bowden, George Harris, Kenneth Jones, Ruby Carr, next row has Ruth Chapin, Edythe Merriman, Harold Hinman, Eva Pangburn, Erma Wethey, Elizabeth Leyburn, James Goss, Edna Kanaley, Grace Miller, last row has Alice Rowland, Mary E. Jones, Agnes Kanaley, John Robinson, Frances Blakeman, Frances Gibbs, Geraldine Webster, Robert Statham.

Boys' Basket Ball Team: Principal A. D. Oliver, John Bobinson, Robert Statham (L. V. Nash, Coach) George Bowden, Frederick Hudson, Harold Hinman, James Goss, Roland Spencer, Robert Spencer. (I think John Bobinson should be John Robinson)

Girls' Basket Ball Team: Ethel Whitman, Marion Waldron, Eleanor Griffin, Phoebe Goodwin, (L. V. Nash, Coach), Aner Wolford, Elizabeth Cottle, Mary Grace Teall.

The information on this website page is shared and donated by Philip H. Baker, typed by Dorothy Komp Baker

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1900 Church Bulletin From Weedsport M.E. Church
1861 Weedsport NY Bank $5 Note
H. L. Burrill & Co. Trade Card Weedsport NY
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