Cayuga County, New York
- M
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Surname | Submitter | Cayuga County Location | Circa | Date Posted |
MACK | Dave8022 | Moravia/Auburn | ca 1870 | |
MACKEY | ERNEST RODGERS | Cayuga County | ||
MACMASTER | Glenda Horn | ca 1927 | Posted 5/1/2000 | |
MADDEN | Bill Brahney | Cayuga County | 05/21/03 | |
MAHANNAH | Jacquelyn Bell-Brown | Cayuga County | ||
MAHER | Gary Tatum | Cayuga County | 06/10/2007 | |
MAIN | Bernard, Elizabeth | Cayuga County, East Venice, Genoa, Moravia | circa 1784 – present | 06/01/2017 |
MAIN | Wilda Marshall Brown | Scipio | 1900-present | |
MAIN | Bill Scholtes | Cayuga | 1775-1841 | |
MAIN | Patsy Allen | 1919-present | Posted 1/4/99 | |
MAIN | Mac Main | Scipio | ca 1813 | posted 8/10/99 |
MALONEY | Dan Touse | Auburn, NY | 1850-present | |
MANNING | Ann O'Leary | Victory | 1850-present | 07/20/2006 |
MANNORE | | Posted 1/28/99 | ||
MANROE | Jeff Ward | Brutus | 1800 | |
MANROW | Jeff Ward | Brutus | 1800 | |
MAPES | Harley L. Miller | Cayuga County | 1784 | |
MARBACK | Jayne E Thompson | Auburn, Cayuga County | ca 1850 - 1900 | 06/17/09 |
MARCY | Sue Kelly | Cayuga County | 1807-1813 | |
MARSHALL | Joanne Williams | Auburn, Cayuga County | 1800s + | 04/03/04 |
MARSHALL | Sharon Loysen | Cayuga County | 7/20/02 | |
MARSHALL | Chuck Keenan | Auburn | 1930-1975 | Posted 4/3/99 |
MARSHALL | Karen Bradley | Cayuga County | 1800's | Posted 8/18/99 |
MASTIN | Betty Cary | Genoa. Cayuga County | 1800s | 06/11/09 |
MARTIN | Deborah Martin-Plugh | Auburn and Cayuga County | Circa: 1875 present | 03/21/2019 |
MARTIN | Lou Ann Roberts | Conquest circa | 1800-1900 | |
MARTINDALE | | Cayuga County | 1840 | |
MARVIN | Lou Ann Roberts | Conquest, Emerson | 1800-1900 | |
MASAREK | Sarah Emmerson | Moravia/New Hope | Early 1900's | |
MASON | Charles H. Lowry | Cayuga County | 1845 | |
MASON | Phyllis | Cayuga County | 1775-1850 | |
MAY | Raymond May | Aurelius, Cayuga County | 1800s | 07/22/2005 |
MAYWALT | John Harvey | Cayuga County | 04/23/04 | |
MAXAM | Rhonda | Cayuga County | mid 1800s | 10/27/2005 |
MCBURNEY | Ardis J. Pierce | Ira | 1830s | 01/28/2006 |
McCABE | Rita Bishop Kautz | Cato and Auburn | Circa 1849 | |
McCABE | Rita Frank | Cayuga Co. | 1850-present | |
MCCALL | Ward and Sandy Bray | Cayuga County | 1850-1880 | |
McCARTHY | Bill Brahney | Cayuga County | 05/21/03 | |
McCARTHY | Michael McCarthy | Auburn | 1835-1910 | |
McCARTHY | Joan A. Mikels | Cayuga County | ||
McCARTHY | Gary Mols | Aurora | 1860's | |
MCCARTHY | Kathi & Dennis McCarthy | Auburn | 1864-1940's | 10/23/2020 |
MCCARTY | Gary Mols | Aurora | 1860's | |
MCCARTY | Kathi & Dennis McCarthy | Auburn | 1864-1940's | 10/23/2020 |
MCCONNELL | | Cayuga County | 12/28/2019 | |
MCCREEDY | Jan Robinson | Cayuga County | 1785-1850 | |
MCDONALD | Dennis Schlagheck | Auburn | 1845-1920 | Posted 8/11/99 |
MCELHENY | richard marsh | Cayuga Co. | 1804- | |
MCFADDEN | Anna Pinkerton-Richards | Sterling | 1808 | |
MCGARR | Ellen | Cayuga County | 1830-1890 | 03/01/05 |
MCGARR | Honora | Cayuga County | 04/01/04 | |
MCGARR | Ellen Finley | Cayuga County | 1/31/02 | |
MCGEER | Susan | Sempronious, Moravia | ||
MCGINN | Nancy McGinn | Auburn, Cayuga County | 1900s | 09/08/03 |
MCGIVER | Elaine | Port Byron - Auburn | 02/06/02 | |
MCGORDON | Gary Mols | Aurora | 1830-1930 | |
MCGRATH | Richard McGrath | Cayuga | 1850-1895 | |
MCGRAW | Diane Titus | Victory | 01/18/03 | |
McINTYRE | Kenneth McIntyre | Sterling, NY | 1800-1930 (as far back as possible) | 11/15/2008 |
MCKAIN | Sunny2345 | Cayuga County | 1800-present | |
MCKAIN | Karen Tehan | Auburn | 1840 | Posted 2/7/99 |
MCKAY | Steve | Auburn | 1875-1950 | |
MCKEON | Judith Boatman | Cayuga County | from 1850 | |
MCLANE | Joan A. Mikels | Cayuga County | ||
MCLAUGHLIN | Wilda Marshall Brown | Scipio | 1860 - 1885 | |
MCLAUGHLIN | Tammy Underwood | Cayuga County | 1883-1911 | |
MCNEIL | Melanie | Cayuga County | 1800 - 1840 | 09/09/2006 |
MCNETTS | Gary Joslyn | Cato, Cayuga County | 1800s | 07/16/09 |
MCNITT | Charles and Gail Snow | Cayuga County | 1800-1830 | Posted 4/3/99 |
MCOWEN | Molly McOwen | Springport, Cayuga County | 02/05/2004 | |
MCPHERSON | Suzanne McPherson | Sterling | 1900 | |
MEAD | | Cayuga County | 01/23/2008 | |
MEAD | John-Paul Mead, MD | Cayuga County | Posted 2/7/99 | |
MEAD | Faye E. Wood | Cayuga County | 1813 thru 1867 | |
MEADE | Dorrie P. Traficante | Conquest | 1850 | |
MEADER | Rebecca | Cayuga County | 1855-1910 | 10/29/2020 |
MERCHANT | Patti J. Merchant-Minier | Cayuga Co. | c. 1780-1870 | |
MERRITT | Bill Maryott | Fleming/Auburn | ||
METROKA | Jodie Necaise | Auburn | early 1900s | 08/04/02 |
MIDDLETON | Sarah Emmerson | Scipio | 02/02/04 | |
MIGLIACCIO | Linda | Auburn | 1920's-present | Posted 5/1/2000 |
MIKOSZ | Marilyn Bower | Springport | 1940's | 04/05/2007 |
MILES | Will Slater | Cayuga County | 1800s | 04/15/2007 |
MILES | Shelley Livaudais | Summerhill & Locke | c. 1840-1900 | 05/06/03 |
MILK | Jen Cranch | Aurelius/Fleming | Early 1800's | |
MILLER | James A. Miller | Auburn | 1800's to late 1820's | 10/11/2010 |
MILLER | Carol Corr | Aurelius/Auburn | 1800s | 05/26/03 |
MILLER | Karl Swartz | Genoa/Scipio/Venice | 1830 - 1940 | 03/02/03 |
MILLER | Judith Goodwin | Aurelius | Posted 11/11/01 | |
MILLER | Kathi Frenz McCarthy | Fair Haven / Cayuga County | 1900's | 10/23/2020 |
MILLER | Robert Kolsters | Throopsville | 1776-1920 | Posted 12/28/01 |
MILLER | Sue Ann Brenchley | Cayuga County | 04/16/2012 | |
MILLS | Mary Scott | Niles/Cayuga | 1800-1830's | |
MINCOLLA | Nick | Cayuga County | 09/01/2007 | |
MINTURN | Christine Gibbs | Cayuga County | 04/15/2006 | |
MITTEN | Robert Kolsters | Cayuga County | 1845-1960 | Posted 3/1/99 |
MIX | | Auburn | late 1790's - 1825 | 07/30/03 |
MOBBS | Sam Gilmore | Throopsville | circa 1890s | 06/30/2005 |
MOFFIT | Robin Easter | Auburn | 1873-Present | 04/20/2007 |
MONAGHAN | Kathleen E. Monahan | Auburn | ||
MONAHAN | Kathleen E. Monahan | Auburn | ||
MONROE | Jeff Ward | Brutus | 1800 | |
MONTGOMERY | Emily Cole | Cayuga County | 12/29/2005 | |
MONTROSS | Kevin A Montross | Auburn, Cayuga County | 1900s | 12/8/03 |
MOORE | Claudia Schuman | Auburn | 1860- | |
MOORE | Julie P. Riddlesworth | |||
MOREHOUSE | Sue Schroeder | Cayuga County | 1800s | 4/15/03 |
MOREY | Kay B. | Locke | 1820-1845 | 06/15/2006 |
MORGAN | Teresa Culver | Ledyard | 02/02/03 | |
MORIARTY | Kathi & Dennis McCarthy | Auburn | 1874 | 10/23/2020 |
MORLEY | Richard L. Ashmun | Auburn | 1817 | |
MORRELL | | Cato/Conquest | 1890-present | posted6/26/99 |
MORRIS | Cindy_Duhamel | 1820 | ||
MORRIS | Jim Kelland | |||
MORRISON | Beth Manners | Genoa | 1795-1810 | Posted 6/6/00 |
MORSE | Dale Davidson Harguess | Ledyard | 1800s + | 05/22/2009 |
MORSE | Julie P. Riddlesworth | |||
MORSE | Mary Revenis | Cayuga County | After Circa 1828 | 04/04/2012 |
MOSCHAK | Rhonda McLaughlin | Auburn area | 1940-50 | 02/25/02 |
MOSHER | Mary Mercatoris | Cayuga County NY | 07/26/2009 | |
MOSHER | Kennith W. Colby | Cayuga County | 1800 - 1910 | 07/18/2006 |
MOSS | Sarah Emmerson | Moravia | 04/23/04 | |
MOSS | Steve | Moravia | 1855? | |
MOSS | Wilda Marshall Brown | Owasco/Auburn | 1800 | |
MOTT | C K Soroka | Cayuga County | Prior to 1829 | 09/04/02 |
MOWBRY | Jim Kelland | |||
MULLALLY | Judith Boatman | Cayuga County | from 1850 | |
MULLEN | Merry Gantley | Cayuga County | 1850 | |
MULVANEY | Tom Mulvaney | King Ferry/Genoa | circa. 1860 | 03/26/2013 |
MULVEY | Bob Dickson | Cayuga County | 06/17/2008 | |
MURNEY | Laurel Auchampaugh | Port Byron | 1868 | 03/15/03 |
MURPHY | Joan A. Mikels | Cayuga County | ||
MURRAY | Pat Littlefield | Cayuga County | 1800s | 02/02/04 |
MUSSELMAN | Sherlene Belden | Unknown | 1824 | |
MYERS | Catherine Faulkner | Cayuga County | 11/02/2006 | |
MYERS | Nancy Canfield | Cayuga County | 1800s | 05/10/2006 |
MYERS | Barb Lombardo | Cayuga County | 1940-50 | 04/20/2006 |
MYERS | | Cayuga County | 01/13/03 | |
MYERS | Anne Smittle | Cayuga County | 1780-1830s | 11/27/02 |
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