Compiled by: Raymond E. Keefe






Allen, Lloyd S. Auburn Cadet U.S. Army Air Corps DA 05/01/18 1,A,C9
Antore, Emanuel 2 Wallace Ave., Auburn W. Sup. Co. 309 Inf. DD 02/08/19 R,1,A,E
Assman, Frederick G. 38 Lake Ave., Auburn Cpl.,Co. I 311th Inf. KA 10/19/18 1,2,AP, O,C12
Babchak, Michael 41 Cottage Street, Auburn Pvt. Co.E 23rd Inf. KA 07/18/18 R,1,2,A,O,D,C1,E
Baldwin, Benjamin E. Montezuma Mech. M.G. Co. 325th Inf. KA 08/18/18 R,1,2,A,O,D,E
Baranski, Zygmunt 51 Perrine St., Auburn Pfc. Co.A. M.G. Bn, 1st Div KA 06/07/18 R.,1,2,A,D,C7
Barrett, James M. 31 Mattie St., Auburn Pvt. Co. A 14th Engrs. DD 03/17/19 R,A
Beecher, Judson H. Sennett YMCA DD 10/26/18 1,2,AP,H
Berlin, Otto W. Sterling Station/Sterling Pvt. Co. D 306th Inf. KA 10/04/18 R,1,A,O,D,C4,M,H,E
Beyea, Willis E. Union Springs/Springport U.S. Navy USS Navajo DD 10/14/18 R,1,2,A,D,H,E
Bloom, Raymond Auburn Pvt. Medical Reserve Corps, NA Army DD 03/22/18 1,A, C24
Braunig, Bernard N. 61 Steel St., Auburn Pvt. Camp Syracuse DD 10/13/18 R,1,2,AP.,V,D,E
Bristol, Homer E. 32 Aurelius Ave., Auburn Pvt. U.S. Marines DD 11/18/18 R,1,2,AP,C9,E
Britton, Charles 27 Capitol St., Auburn U.S. Navy DD 12/04/18 1,A,D, C17
Brooks, Isaac B. 142 Wall St., Auburn Pvt. Btry.C 305th F.A. DD 02/12/19 R,AP,O,E
Burch, Elmer L, Jr. 173 Perrine Ave., Auburn Pvt. 9th Co. 153 Dep. Brig. DD 09/28/18 R,1,2,AP,D,E
Burke, Thomas Auburn 311 Inf. DD 04/18 A,N
Calimeri, Frank 4 Wright Ave., Auburn Pfc. Co.M 108th Inf. KA 09/28/18 R,1,2,AP,O,7, C17
Carr, Joseph A. 18 Burt Ave., Auburn Lt., 364th Inf. KA 10/02/18 1,2,AP,O,C17
Case, Henry Locke Pvt. M.G. Co., 305 Inf. KA 09/08/18 R,1,2,AP,O,M,E
Cerio, Charles L. 21 Madison St., Auburn Pvt. Btry. B 6th FA. DW 10/04/18 R,1,AP,O,C17
Chapman, Leslie K. 18 Orchard St., Auburn Mech. Co. D 128th Inf. KA 09/01/18 R,1,2,AP,O,C9,E
Christiansen, John S. 50 1/2 Clark St., Auburn Cpl. 344 Aero Squad DA 09/15/18 1,2,AP,O
Churchill, Frank G. Moravia Cpl. Co. A 307th Inf. DW 10/31/18 R,1,2,A,O,D, C8,M,E
Clark, Clarence L. Weedsport/Brutus U.S. Marines 6th MGB 5th Rgt. KA 11/02/18 R,1,2,O,C4,M,P
Close, Delmer Locke W. 9th Co. 20th Engrs. DD 11/22/18 R,1,AP,D,C10,M
Cool, John N. Port Byron/Mentz Cpl. Co. B., 16th Infantry KA 09/16/18 1,AP,O,C19,M
Cornell, LaRowe Genoa Pvt. Co. A 502nd Engrs. DD 02/01/18 R,1,2,A,D,H,E
Cullen, Francis J. * 6 First Ave., Auburn Sgt. Co. B 23rd Inf. KA 10/04/18 1,AP,C17
Dailey, Joseph 60 Garrow St., Auburn Cpl., USMC, 18th Co. 5th Rgt. KA 06/10/18 R,1,A,E
Dakins, Clifton A. 38 1/2 Aspen St., Auburn 23rd Inf. KA 08/18 2,D
Dawson, George A 24 1/2 Gaylord St., Auburn Pvt. Co. E 309th Inf. KA 09/21/18 R,1,2,AP
Dessor, Alfred Union Springs/Springport Cpl., 61st Infantry KA 11/01/18 1, A, C4
De St. Croix, Mather Spring Lake/Conquest Pvt. Co. M 23th Inf. KA 06/18/18 1,AP,O,C1,M
Dixson, Frank R. Ledyard USMC, USS City of Athens DA 05/01/18 1,2,AP,H
Douglas, William J. Warren Ave., Auburn 3rd Bn. Canadian Army KA 11/06/17 1,2,AP, W
Exner, Dewey M. ** Weedsport/Brutus Pfc. Co. C 108th Inf. KA 09/29/18 1,2,AP,O,7,C16,M,8
Failey, Joseph Auburn Cpl. US Marines KA 07/18 A
Fillingham, George 82 Walnut St., Auburn Pvt. Co. F 29th Inf. DD 1918 1,2,AP
Flynn, James B. Weedsport/Brutus Pvt. 3rd Co. Ord. Det. DD 10/18/18 R,1,2,A,O,D,C5,M,E
Folts, Leroy B. Sterling Sgt. Co. M 1st Pion. Inf. DD 01/14/19 1,A,H
Frazer, Jesse C. Throop Cpl. Co. A 306F Sig. Bn. DD 07/09/18 R,1,2,AP
Frisbie, Earl T. Cayuga Village/Aurelius Pvt. Co. L 312th Inf. DW 11/02/18 R,1,AP,O,D,H,E
Getman, James Port Byron/Mentz Lt. 395th Infantry DW 11/06/18 1, 2, AP
Glass, Carl Sennett W. Co.C 102nd Ammo Train DD 09/27/18 1.AP,C4,H
Grady, Joseph F. Union Springs/Springport F. 3rd, US Navy DD 04/26/18 R,1,2,AP,H
Graham, Berchmans J. 24 Lewis St., Auburn USMC USS City of Athens DA 05/01/18 1,2,AP
Greenleaf, Mott Locke Pvt. Co. H 308th Inf. DD 04/02/18 R,1,2,AP,H,E
Gunger, Lawrence Port Byron/Mentz Cpl. Co. C 305th Inf. KA 11/01/18 1,2,AP,O
Hall, Glenn A. Weedsport/Brutus Pvt. Co. B 312th Ammo Train DD 10/10/18 R,1,,2,AP,O,C9,M,E
    **French Croix de Guerre    
    * Distinguished Service Cross    
Hanley, Joseph P. 45 Lansing St., Auburn Co. B 307th Inf KA 09/14/18 1,2,AP,O,C5
Hawley, Wilford S. Union Springs/Springport Pvt. M.G. Co. 167th Inf. DD 02/13/19 R,1,AP,O,D,H,E
Hearn, Charles E. Sherwood St., Auburn Pvt. Co. B 108th Engrs. DD 10/20/18 R.,1,2,AP,O,M,E
Herbert, Richard J. 55 Standart Aver., Auburn S. 2nd US Navy DD 10/07/18 R,1,2,AP,D,C17
Herrick, Leland H. 107th N. Division St., Auburn Pvt. Co. B 307th Motor Bn. DD 09/25/18 R,1,2, AP,D,E
Hewson, William 31 Grove Ave., Auburn 19th Bn Canadian Army DW 08/28/18 1,2,AP,W
Hicks, Claude R. 31 Delevan St., Auburn Sgt. Bty. E Coast Art. DD 04/05/19 R,AP,D,E
Hiserodt, John Victory F. 1st U.S. Navy,USS Leviation DD 06/02/18 R,1,A,U
Holcomb, Roy E. Weedsport/Brutus F. 3rd U.S. Navy D 04/14/18 R,N
Hopper Lewis P. 8 Grant Ave., Auburn Pvt. Co. B 312th Ammo. Train DD 10/11/18 R,1,2,AP,O,D,E
Howell, John Genoa Pfc., 17th FA DD 03/12/18 1, A, C6
Hubert, George D. Locke Sgt. Co. C 38 Inf. KA 07/15/18 R,1,2,A,O,D,C11,M
Ingersoll, George E. Sterling Co. F, 2nd Bn. Edgeworth Arsenal DD 10/21/18 R,1,A,D,C15,M,E,P
Irish, Eugene J. 76 Marvine Ave., Auburn Lt. Co. F 167th Inf. KA 09/16/18 R,1,2,A,O,D,C6,E
Ives, Arthur W. Genoa Pvt. 23 Rct. Co. Cav. DD 03/15/17 R,H
Jashanski, Floyd J. Cato Co. B 110th Inf. KA 07/15/18 1,A,H
Johnston, Joseph Grant Ave., Auburn 19th Bn. Canadian Army KA 05/08/17 1,2,AP,W
Joslyn, Thomas C. Montezuma Pvt. 157th Depot Brig. DD 02/24/18 1,AP,O,C19,U
Kilmer, Leland A. 127 Owasco St., Auburn Btry. F 3rd FA Rgt. DD 10/01/18 R,1,AP,O
Kinney, Daniel H. Auburn Pvt. Co. G 311 Inf. DD 02/12/19 O,N
La Buff, Jay Cato Cpl. Hq. Co. 309th FA DD 02/03/19 R,1,AP,O,C18, M,H,E
Laursen, Axel 137 South St., Auburn Pvt. Co. M 59th Pion. Inf. DD 09/17/18 R,D,E
Lefever, Daniel W. Meridian/Cato Pvt. Co. K 108th Inf. KA 10/15/18 R,1,2,AP,O,7
Leone, Antonio 25 West St., Auburn Pfc. Co.K 108th Inf. KA 09/29/18 R,1,AP,O,D,7,E,8
Lewis, Harry J * Martville/Sterling Pfc. M.G. Co. 38th Inf. KA 07/20/18 R, C5
Maloney, Paul L. 121 Owasco St., Auburn Pvt. Co. D 212th Engrs. DD 09/26/18 R,1,2,AP,D,C17,E
Manley, Edward L. Weedsport/Brutus W. Sup. Co. 28th Inf. KA 07/18/18 R,1,A,C5,E
Mansfield, John E. Cayuga Village/Aurelius Pvt. 153rd Depot Brig. DD 11/03/18 1,2,AP,C20,F,M,E
Marr, Edward J. x Baker Ave., Auburn Cpl. 21st Welsh British Army KA 12/23/16 1,AP
Martino, John 270 Genesee St., Auburn Pvt. Co. A 312th Inf. KA 09/18/18 1,2,AP,O,E
    x First Cayuga County Casualty & Welch Croix de Guerre    
    * Distinguished Service Cross    
Mayer, Carl A. 6 Liberty St., Auburn Pvt. San. Corp. DD 09/04/18 1,2,AP,O
McCandrew, Frank B. Union Springs/Springport Pvt. Co. G 312th Inf. DD 09/08/18 R,1,2,AP,D,C13,E
McGrain, Edward O. 10 Ross Pl., Auburn 1st Lt. Co. C 69th Engrs DD 10/08/18 R,1,2,A,D
Mead, Clyde S. 9 1/2 John St., Auburn Cpl. Co. M 108th Inf. KA 09/28/18 R,1,2,AP, C7,7
Meyer, Valentine Sennett Pvt. Co. M 103rd Inf. KA 09/24/18 1,2,AP,O,H
Morgan, John H. Locke Pvt. Co. M 108th Inf. KA 09/28/18 R,1,2,AP,O,C7,M
Murray, John D. 5 Tuxill Sq., Auburn Pfc. Co. D, 309th Inf. KA 09/28/18 R,1,2,AP,O,C6,E
Mypyl, Harry Moravia US Army KA 09/18 1,2,D,E
Nachbahr, Gustaf A. Cato Pfc. US Army DD 03/29/18 R,D,H,E
Norris, Hubert C. 40 State St., Auburn Mech. Co. M 108th Inf. KA 09/28/18 R,1,2,AP,7
O'Byrne, Patrick 88 Lansing St., Auburn Pfc. Co. B 108th Inf. DD 10/30/18 1,2,AP,O,C7,7,8
O'Connor, James 214 Clark St., Auburn S. U.S. Navy DD 09/22/18 R,1,2,AP,C17
O'Connor, Timothy Auburn 1st Lt. Co. M 108th Inf. KA 10/18/18 1,2,AP,C7,7,E
Palmer, George D. Port Byron/Mentz Pvt. Co. B 16th Bn. USGDS DD 10/16/18 R,1,AP,D,C19,E
Pease, Edward F Weedsport/Brutus Pvt. Co. G 108th Inf. KA 09/29/18 R,1,2,AP,O,7,C23,M
Peleuse, George Auburn U.S. Army KA 09/18/18 1,2,A
Peters, Donald Throopsville/Throop 2d Det. Quarter Master Corps DD 10/13/18 R,1,2,AP
Quimby, Herndon D. Victory Pvt. Co. I 328th Inf. DW 07/06/18 R,1,AP,O,D,E,U
Quinn, Frank E. Scipio Pvt. Btry. B 36th F.A. DD 10/19/18 R,1,2,AP,D,C21,E
Raesler, Myron A 43 Park Ave., Auburn Sgt. Co. M 108th Inf. KA 09/29/18 R,1,2,AP,O,7
Ramsey, Roger R. 85 Orchard St., Auburn 101st Inf. KA 07/29/18 1,2,A
Rice, Charles James Weedsport/Brutus Co. A 47th Inf. KA 07/31/18 O,H,C16,M
Rice, W. Mynderse 34 Grover St., Auburn Capt. Hq. Co. 111th. Inf. DW 10/02/18 R,1,2,AP,O,C4
Riester, Benjamin P. Fleming Cpl. USMC 5th Rgt. DW 10/09/18 R,1,AP,O,C17
Roberts, Merle 18 Silver Ave., Auburn B. Co.D 16th FA DW 08/26/18 1,2,AP
Rooney, Joseph Auburn Cpl., Co. H, 39th Infantry DW 09/05/18 1, 2, AP
Roto, Charles F. 11 1/2 Church St.,Auburn Pvt. Co. C 8th Prov. Ord.Bn. DD 10/02/18 R,1,2,A,O,D,C8,E
Rowe, Walton D. Moravia US Navy DD 09/25/18 1,2,AP,C10,M
Ryan, Timothy 90 Owasco St., Auburn Pvt. Co.C 59th Pion. Inf. DD 09/19/18 R,1,2,A,O,D,C17,E
Sanders, Smith D. Aurelius Co. F 108th Inf. KA 11/29/18 AP,O,H,8
Santino, Antonio 64 Clark St., Auburn Pvt. 26th Inf. KA 10/11/18 1,A,O,C4
Savage, James H. 2 Perry St., Auburn Sgt. Quartermaster Corp. DD 09/27/18 1,2,A
Secaur, John B. Niles Pvt. 94th Co. 23rd Bn. Camp Syracuse DD 10/05/18 R,1,2,A,D,V,C22,E
Simon, Morris 6 Mann St., Auburn US Navy DD 03/17/19 1,A,C
Simpianto, Antonio 17 Van Anden St., Auburn Pfc. Co. E 309th Inf. KA 11/01/18 R,1,AP,O,D,C7,E
Smith, Jesse Fair Haven, Sterling Pvt., Co. C, 107th Infantry KA 10/18/18 1, A, O, 7
Stanek, Stanislaw 6 Grant Ave., Auburn Pvt. Co. F 108th Inf. KA 09/28/18 R,1,A,O,C7,7
Stone, David Howard 20 1/2 Lansing St., Auburn F1st US Navy DD 09/27/18 R,1,2,AP,F,E
Sullivan, Dennis A. 69 Lansing St., Auburn Sgt., Co. A 26th Inf. DW 06/12/18 R,1,2,A,O,C17
Sullivan, Frank W. Ledyard Pfc. 38th Inf. DW 11/05/18 1,2,A,O, C8,E
Thornton, Howard D. 49 Genesee St., Auburn Sgt. 21st Bn. Canadian Army KA 11/03/17 1,2,AP,W
Tincknell, George H. Sennett Pvt. Co. H 308th Inf. DD 03/21/18 R,1,2,A,D,E,U
Tipping, Alfred E. 27 1/2 Van Anden St., Auburn Cpl. 45th Btry. Canadian Army DD 09/11/18 1,2,AP,W
Toole, James J. 187 State St., Auburn Cpl. Co. M 108th Inf. KA 10/17/18 R,1,2,AP,O,7,C17
Tripp, Harry Weedsport/Brutus Pfc. Co. F 108th Inf. KA 09/29/18 R,1,AP,O,D,7,E,8
Tyler, John J. xx Auburn Pfc. Evac. Hosp. #19 DD 06/28/19 R,C17,N
Walker, Kenneth K. 47 Clark St., Auburn Pvt. Hq. & sup. Co. 6th AA Bn DD 10/07/18 R,1,2,AP,O,C9
Wall, Harry M. 142 Curtis Pl. Auburn Pvt. Co. E 309th Inf. DD 10/19/18 R,1,AP,O,D,C17,E
Ward, William H. Jr. * 14 Lawton Ave., Auburn Sgt. Co. M 108th Inf. KA 09/29/18 R,1,2,AP,O,C7,7
Weaver, Elmer S. 17 Logan St., Auburn Pvt. Co. B 358th Inf. KA 10/27/18 R,1,2,A,O,D,E
Welch, Harry J. Auburn/Port Byron CMM US Navy, USS Stockton DA 05/07/19 R,A,D,M,H,E
Whipple, Foster 226 Janet St., Auburn US Navy K 10/17/18 A,D,E
Wright, Raymond C 90 Washington St., Auburn Corp.Co. B 305th Tank Bn DD 10/12/18 R,1,2,AP,C9
Yendrick, Stephen 17 1/2 Seymour St., Auburn Co. A 322nd MG Bn KA 09/13/18 1,2,A, F
Zerillo, Danato 7 Coon St., Auburn Co. G 314 Inf. KA 09/26/18 A,O, C4,N


B-Bugler Engr.-Engineers Rgt.-Regiment
AA-Anti Aircraft FA-Field Artillery S-Seaman
Bn-Battalion F-Fireman Sgt.-Sergeant
Brig.-Brigade Inf.-Infantry USMC-Marine Corps
C-Coxswain K-Killed W-Wagoneer
Capt.-Captain KA-Killed in Action  
Cd.-Cadet Lt.-Lieutenant  
CMM-Chief Mechanic M-Mechanic  
Cpl-Corporal E.F.-Expeditionary Force  
D-Died Pion.-Pioneer  
Det-Detachment Pvt.-Private  
DD-Died of Disease Pfc.-Private First Class  
DW-Died of Wounds QMC-Quarter Master Corps  
DA-Died Accident    


R- Roll of Honor New York State, 1922
1-Citizen/Journal List, Apr. 2, 1919
2-Advertiser Journal List, Dec. 31, 1918
A-Article in Newspaper (Citizen or Advertiser Journal)
P-Picture in Newspaper
O-"Soldiers of the Great War" Haulsec, etc.
D-Draft Registration Records (microfilm)
E-Draftee Lists. Advertiser Journal
U-1915 Census
M. Name on Town/Village/
7-27th Division Records
H-Town/County Historian Cayuga County
V-Vital Records of New York State
W. Canadian Army Records, Ottawa Canada
N- National Archives
F-Cay. Co. Veterans Office Card File
C-Cay. Co. Clerk Records
8-History 108th Regiment


C13- St. Michael's, Spingport (Union Spr)
C1-Aisne-Marne (France) C15-Springbrook, Sterling/Fairhaven
C2-Brookwood (England) C16-Weedsport Rural
C3-Flanders Field (Belgium) C17-St. Josephs, Fleming
C4- Meuse-Argonne (France) C18- Union Hill, Cato
C5-Oise-Aisne (France) C19- Mt. Pleasant, Port Byron
C6-St. Mihiel (France) C20- Lakeview, Cayuga Vil, Aurelius
C7-Somme (France) C21-St. Bernard's, Scipio
C8-Suresnes (France) C22- Lakeview, Fleming
C9-Fort Hill, Auburn C23-St. Joseph's Catholic, Weedsport
C10-Indian Mound, Moravia C24-National Cemetery, Santa Fe, NM
C11-Bird,Town Locke  
C12-Soule, Sennett  

Memorial Acknowledgements
"Dedication Of The World War 1 Memorial" in Auburn NY on May 26, 2003" Booklet in MS-Word Doc -Click HERE
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