Many thanks to Dan McIntosh for permission to share this information for all to use.


Village of Cayuga. Winter 1927. View from frozen lake.




Copyright 1927,


Florence Pharis McIntosh


I DEDICATE this book to the Citizens

Of the Village of Cayuga,

Without whose information this book

Would not have been written.







LONG before the white men came to settle in what is now Cayuga County, or even before the first white man stepped on American soil, bands of Indians blazed a trail across what is now New York State from Buffalo to Albany.  This famous trail led across Cayuga Lake to what is now known as “Davis” or “Cowing's Point”, eastward through the woods to where the New York Central Railroad crosses the present Genesee turnpike at Aurelius station and on through what is now the Genesee highway to the Hudson River.  It was known in later years as the “Indian Trail”.


The Cayuga Nation was one of the tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy" which occupied this part of the “Lakes Region”.  There were Six Nations belonging to this Confederacy: the Cayugas, the Senecas, the Oneidas, the Onondagas, the Mohawks, and the Tuscaroras. These tribes of Indians were accustomed to hold a meeting or council table at some site along the “Indian Trail”, usually around some large tree.  A large, old maple tree is still standing on what is now Cowing's Point where the Six Nations sometimes held their councils.  Also a spring is still running on that point where once was quenched the thirst of thirsty Indians, and later that of the white men.  Many Indian relics were found on that point by Mr. Cyrus Davis, who many years later farmed it.


8  History of Cayuga


There is an Indian Legend in connection with the Cayugas.*  It seems that a great many years ago this tribe of Indians were led eastward through the “Lakes Region” by their devoted chief, named “Ha-wen-ne-yu”.  He was partly human and partly divine.  All went well with the Cayugas until they came to what is now known as the


Cayuga- Montezuma Marshes where they en countered a monstrous Eagle.  They gave battle and after much hardship they killed the horrible creature. After that the Indians were able to catch a great deal of game. It is written by Father Peter Raffeix, a Jesuit Missionary, " more than a thousand deer are killed every year in the neighborhood of Cayuga. Fishing for both the salmon and the eel, and for other sorts of fish is as abundant as at Onondaga. Four league distant from here on the brink of the river, I have seen within a small space eight or ten fine salt fountains.  It is there that numbers of nets are spread for pidgeons, and that from seven to eight hundred are often caught at a single stroke of the net!"


Another Indian Legend concerns a huge mosquito which infested the Cayuga- Montezuma Marshes, and prevented the hunting of game.*  So one day Ha-wen-ne-yu, the famous warrior, came  upon the beast, pursued it, and chased it all around the Great Lakes and surrounding country, until he at last slew  it in the neighborhood of Seneca River.  “The blood flowing from his lifeless body gave birth to innumerable swarms of small mosquitoes which still linger about the place of his death.”  Thus tradition has given us a reason for the many little mosquitoes which are abundant to this day!


During the Revolutionary War of 1775 with



*”Cayuga Indian Reservation and Col. John Harris” by John VanSickle.


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Indian Arrow-heads from Davis Point


10  History of Cayuga


Great Britain the Iroquois Confederacy or the Six Nations were loyal to the British, except the Oneidas.  In order to quell these Indian tribes, George Washington, then President of the  "Thirteen Colonies", sent first General Sullivan with the American Troops to New York State.  Sullivan's expedition marched up the Wyoming Valley from Pennsylvania to 'Elmira; thence to Seneca Castle on the east bank of Seneca Lake; from there by the way of Canandaigua to the Genesee River.  The Indians scattered before Sullivan's superior numbers; and their villages, fruit trees, and crops were destroyed, but it needed Lieutenant Colonel William Butler to put an end to the war with the Six Nations.


Butler started out September 20, 1779 to punish the Cayugas with six hundred men. Camping the first night at Waterloo, he crossed the Seneca River at Mudlock, three miles north of Cayuga Village, where he encountered an Indian village called “Tiohero”, which he promptly destroyed.  Thence he marched up the east side of Cayuga Lake to what is now Union Springs for the night.  The next morning he destroyed another Indian village named Cayuga Castle, two miles south of Union Springs.  Further on he destroyed two more villages near what is now the “Big Gully”, called the “Upper Cayuga”, and "East Cayuga".  These villages were  "of very large square houses surrounded by fruit trees and vegetable gardens”.  There were about fifteen of these houses to a village.  The next day he marched on' to a village at Aurora, called “Peachtown” as there were about fifteen hundred peach trees growing there.  Butler destroyed the village; then marched south by way of the head of Cayuga Lake, joining the main army at Elmira.


11 Early Settlement


Thus the backbone of the Six Nations' hostility towards the Americans was broken in New York State; but it needed Governor Clinton to pacify them.  This he undertook to do by attending a Council of the Five Nations (one tribe being absent) at Fort Schuyler in 1784. At the Council he proclaimed a restoration of all the lands formerly held by them, and a general amnesty to all.  The Cayugas took advantage of that and returned to their favorite hunting grounds at the north end of Cayuga Lake.  The other tribes remained at Niagara Falls and in Canada.


The Americans wanted to lease or buy lands which were owned by the Indians.  The State constitution forbade the purchase of lands directly from- the Indians by individuals; reserving the right to make such purchases.  In order to avoid doing this, an association of prominent and influential men was organized into a company called the “Lessee Company” in 1787-1788.  This company held a meeting with the Six Nations, at which they made an agreement to lease “all the lands commonly known as the lands of the Six Nations of the State of New York, and at the time in the actual possession of said Chiefs and Sachems”. This lease was for the period of nine hundred and ninety-nine years; except for some fishing and hunting privileges.


The Cayugas were represented by the Niagara factions and not by those who had returned to their homes; therefore the only reservation which they made was the insignificant one of a mile square near the outlet of Cayuga Lake and Cayuga Salt Springs, near the present town of Montezuma, and with one hundred acres of land to accommodate the same with wood.  The leases were signed by twenty-three Cayugas.


12  History of Cayuga


A second treaty was made by Governor Clinton at Albany in 'February, 1789, with the Cayugas, by which all their old lands were annulled, and a piece of land which was composed of one  hundred square miles and extended across equally on both sides of Cayuga Lake, on the east side from Montezuma to  Aurora; and known as the " East Cayugas Reservation".  As the Indian's lived chiefly by fishing and hunting, this Reservation was valuable to them, because of the marshes which were a great hunting ground for ducks, geese, plover, and wild fowl.


Into this "Cayugas Reservation" came John Harris, a young man of twenty-eight years of age, and grandson of the first settler of what is now the city of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, which bears his name. One can imagine this young man tramping through the famous "Indian Trail", seeking for some place to settle; and finding none that suited his imagination until he arrived at Cayuga Lake at what is now called Cowing's Point, about one-half of a mile from what is now Cayuga Village.  Furthermore, let us imagine him to be struck by the beautiful waters and hills of Cayuga.


John Harris came in 1788 and settled on the Cayuga Reservation. He built his first log cabin just off the Indian Trail, on what is now just a little north of the present " Brick House", formerly owned by the late Cyrus Davis.  The Harris' cabin has since been destroyed. Thus the village of Cayuga was born.  He was the first white man to settle and trade among the Cayuga Indians. He was the first white settler in the township of Aurelius; and one of, if not, the first in Cayuga County.


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Map of the Cayuga Indian Reservation and Military Lots


14  History of Cayuga


Harris started a ferry across the lake in connection with James Bennett, who came with Harris from Pennsylvania, but who settled on the west side of Cavuga Lake opposite what is now Cowing's Point. The two men did a thriving business, as there was a great demand to ferry people, both white men and Indians, who were traveling across the State from Albany to Buffalo on the old Indian Trail.  This was the only ferry on the lake; and it was known as the "Harris' Ferry".  The Hon. Elijah Miller, who saw the ferry in 1795, described it as: "A rough boat, propelled sometimes by oars and sometimes by sail; and was the only crossing place at that time".


The first John Harris, great grandfather of Colonel John Harris who came to Cayuga, emigrated to America on the same ship with William Penn's second voyage to Pennsylvania in the year 1699. He was a middleaged man when he came across from England, and settled for a time in Philadelphia.  During his stay in that city, he became on intimate terms with Edward Shippen, Esq., the first Mayor of Philadelphia; an intimacy that grew into real friendship.  About 1719 Harris left Philadelphia and commenced a settlement on the present site of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; his son, John, being the first white child born there in 1727. John, Sr., died in December, 1748, and was buried under the shade of his memorial tree, which is now kept up by the city.


John Harris, 2nd, was credited with being the founder of Harrisburg, being the first white child born in Pennsylvania west of the Conewago Hills, who attained the age of manhood.  His son, Samuel, was born in 1733; and his son, John, 3rd, was our own Colonel John Harris.


15  Early Settlement


In 1789 John Harris, 3rd, married Mary Richardson, the daughter of William Richardson who had come from Pennsylvania and settled on the east side of Cayuga Lake near Levanna.  Their son, John Harris, 4th, was the first white child born in Cayuga County. John Richardson, the brother of Mary Richardson, went into, partnership with John Harris and James Bennett in the ferry business. Also James Bennett married another daughter of William Richardson; which made the three ferry men closely related.


About this time there were three different ferries crossing Cayuga Lake; namely, the old one, called the "Harris Ferry," which ran from what is now Cowing's Point; a second one which started at Cayuga; and a third one, crossing at what is now Mudlock, called the “Cayuga Ferry”.  It was to the Cayuga Ferry that Major Abraham Hardenburgh was sent in 1789 by the Government to survey the Cayugas Reservation into lots for the immigration of new settlers who were rapidly settling on the Indian land.  The Indians objected to having Hardenburgh survey their lands, and they put up a fight. This was before the Indians had ratified the Treaty of 1795, relinquishing their claims to their Reservation. Major Hardenburgh was at a loss just what to do, when John Richardson came to his assistance.  The two men went to Albany and put their case before Governor Clinton.  Whereupon the Governor, relying on John Richardson's statement that two-thirds of the inhabitants would give their support if it was necessary to quell the Indians, gave orders to Hardenburgh to continue surveying the Reservation into lots for the settlers.


John Richardson was a highly educated and cultivated man; holding the offices at different


16  History of Cayuga


times of judge of the Court of Common Pleas; s of the final Treaty of 1795  one of the negotiator with the Cayugas and Onondagas; a member of the assembly from the county  of Onondaga; and a state senator from Aurelius. He moved to Wabash, Indiana, about 1818, where he died in 1832 at the age of sixty-eight years.  He wrote a book on the geology and soils of the western states.


Before we leave the Indians, let us recall the four different treaties made with them:  The first treaty was made at Fort Schuyler by Governor Clinton by which all the lands formerly taken from them were restored equally to red men as well as white men alike; the second treaty made with the Lessee Company to lease the lands from the Indians individually; the third made in 1789 by which the Cayugas were given a hundred acres of marsh and wood lands near the present town of Montezuma including salt springs; and  fourth the treaty by which an area of an hundred square miles extending on both sides of Cayuga Lake and on the  east side from Montezuma to Aurora, and known as the Cayugas Reservation were given to them.  The fifth and last treaty made was in 1795 by which the Cayugas Reservation was bought for a sum $1,800 in cash payment, and  $1,800 to be paid annually.  This last treaty took place on what is now Cowing's Point on Cayuga Lake around a large maple tree which is still standing. John Harris and John Richardson were the men who were responsible for this treaty on the white man's side, Harris acting as an interpreter.  “Red Jacket”, the Chief of the Senecas and Fish Carrier, “Red Jacket's” subordinate, on the red men's side.  “Red Jacket” was described as being exceedingly proud and gaudily dressed.


17  Early Settlement


He spoke in a sarcastic and abusive manner, charging ' the white men with getting all of the red men s lands: which from an Indian's point of view was true. General Schuyler was at the head of the commissioners. They parleyed for a long time; and the Indians, women and children as well as the men, were ferried back and forth across the lake.  This treaty was finally closed on July 28, 1795.  After that the Cayugas left this part of the country, except a few, who with “Red Jacket”, their chief, remained.  It seems that “Red Jacket” was given a handsome badge by President George Washington in token of the peace between the white and red men. Now  “Red Jacket” was very proud of this badge, but he was fond of whiskey as well; and in order to procure it, he would trade his badge in for his pint of whiskey and then buy or earn his beloved badge back again.  He died and was buried on the west side of Cayuga Lake.


John Harris established the first tavern near the ferry in Cayuga, it being the first one built in the village. At this time, in 1790, the land belonged to the Indians since it was part of the Cayugas Reservation, and he held it on sufferance.  It was a kind of a road house and a place of general rendezvous for all types of men.  On all of the old maps of the Cayugas Reservation all trails from every direction centered at this tavern.


The Cayugas Reservation was surveyed and cut up into lots and sold by the State to the settlers.  After the treaty of 1795, the settlers flocked rapidly in and the village of Cayuga from that time on grew steadily. Among those who were the early settlers were such men as: Joseph Annin, who came in 1796 and built the house which is at present Charles D. Kyle's residence and who


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Red Jacket Chief of the Senecas About 1795


19  Early Settlement


 was the first Sheriff of Cayuga County; Hugh Buckley, who came in the same  year as Joseph Annin and settled at the head of the old bridge, which was about to be built.  He kept the gate, a tavern, and the first jail in Cayuga County. “The jail was a log structure and built against the bank of the lake; the top being on a level with the embankment.  The prisoners were let down through a trap door in the top”.*  The first murder trial was that of an Indian who was kept in this place.  Its use as a jail was authorized March 25, 1800.  The site of this jail was at the east end of the Cayuga bridge where now the New York Central Railroad passes the McIntosh's boat-houses-, the bridge beginning at the foot of Main Street on what is now the village green.  There is an embankment, the bottom of which is the railroad where the dungeon was sit uated.  The following year Buckley began teaching, and was the first teacher in the village. He died of an epidemic in 1813.  His tavern was located in the village where Mrs. Gilland's house is, now owned by Will Chappel, on Main Street.


Dr. Jonathan Whitney came in 1798 and settled at Cayuga on the Lake road which was afterwards the Lalliette estate.  He came from Stockbridge, Massachusetts. He left Cayuga for a term of years, first to Geneseo thence to Pompey Hill, but returned in 1852.  He was a cultured and intellectual gentleman, being a great satirist and the author of many caricatures and jokes. It is believed that he built the little house on Center Street now owned by the McIntosh estate, which is called “Tumble-Inn”.  He had nine children; and his son, Edwin H. Whitney, held the offices of Justice of the Peace, Postmaster, Supervisor, and


*"History of Cayuga County 1789-1879".


20  History of Cayuga


Canal collector. He was known in the village as Squire Whitney". Daniel McIntosh, a Scotchman, came in 1798 and built the first or second brick building in Cayuga County and used it as a store.  It stood on the corner of Main and Center Streets.  He kept this store until 1836, when he sold it to his son, John, who continued it until about 1860.  As there were no banks at that early time, Daniel McIntosh kept his money hidden in barrels in the store.


About this time, in 1799, John Harris moved his ferry from Cowing's Point to Cayuga, and ferried his passengers across the lake about where the New York Central Railroad station now stands, or a little north of it, which was all lake shore before the railroads were in existence.  He moved his family from his log cabin on the old Indian Trail and settled in the village.  Four years before Harris moved to the village, his father, Samuel Harris, and family moved from Pennsylvania to join their son, John, in Cayuga. In 1802 he built a tavern on the corner of Main and Lake Streets, later known as the "Titus House".  It was remodeled in 1875 and burned in 1900.  It was never rebuilt and the site remains vacant to this day. He served in the War of 1812, being with his regiment on the Niagara frontier. He was made Colonel during the fighting on the Canadian soil.  In 1797 Harris was State Senator from Aurelius and appointed judge of the Court of Common Pleas, also elected to Congress.  He was a man of prominence and had great influence in organizing the township of Aurelius and the village of Cayuga.  He was the first merchant in the village, opening his store in 1789 on the site of what is now John McIntosh's orchard, east of the Presbyterian Church.  It was a brick construction and burned in about 1850.


21  Early Settlement


He sold his stock to Elisha Hills of Auburn, and removed to West Cayuga in 1814 which is on the opposite side of the lake.  He died in 1824 at the age of sixty-four years, and was buried in the little cemetery which remains there, with his father, Samuel Harris, and family.


Sometime before this, in 1796, the early settlers had made a trail which led through the woods parallel with the Indian Trail, running east and west to what is now Cayuga Village and Auburn.  It branched off from the Indian trail at where Aurelius station now stands. As time wore on more settlers came and made the trail wider until April 1, 1800 it was made into a county highway or state road, built by the Seneca Road Company.  This was an addition to the village as the highway led through the Main Street.


At the same time that the state highway was put through, influential men:  namely, John Harris, Thomas Morris, Wilhelmus Mynders of Seneca Falls, Charles Williamson, and Joseph Annin were trying to procure capital to finance a bridge across Cayuga Lake.  They succeeded in interesting Aaron Burr and John Swartwout, both members of the Assembly from New York City.  These men incorporated into the “Cayuga Bridge Company”, in 1796.  It was built the first time at a cost of $25,000; destroyed by the ice during the winter of 1808; rebuilt in 1812-13; and finally abandoned in 1857, all at a cost of about $150,000.  The construction of the bridge was supervised by judge Annin and Israel Smith.  The above incorporators, together with Daniel McIntosh, were the stockholders. They charged toll and received a goodly return on their investment.  This bridge was over a mile in length, built of wooden construction, wide enough for three carts to pass; charging 56 1/4


22  History of Cayuga


cents.  It was the longest bridge in the Western Hemisphere.  “It is the longest bridge I have ever seen”, writes an English officer.  In those days it was considered the jumping off place between the East and the West; a wonderful achievement, and a great boom to the County.


In 1801 the streets in Cayuga Village were planned out and put through.  It seems that the Cayuga Land Company bought up six thousand acres of land around Cayuga; it being thought at that time that the village would grow into a city and be the Cayuga County seat. They planned for parks, public squares, and streets. Daniel McIntosh described the town "as being a thriving, prosperous village”.  There were seven different taverns in the village at that time: the "Titus House" situated on the corner of Main and Lake Streets; Perry's tavern, situated on the site of what is now Will Chappell's house; a tavern in the house of the Presbyterian parsonage on the corner of Court and Main Streets; another tavern in the little house now occupied by Mrs. Newcomb; and a fifth tavern in front of where Mrs. Horace Wiley's house now stands, but close to the street, and since torn down; and one established by Uri Foot, somewhere on Main Street, who came to Cayuga from Vermont in 1818.  The remaining tavern was run by Israel Harris, which was a stage house, across the street from the Titus House.  There were many stage coaches driving through on their way to Buffalo or Albany.  As they appeared over the brow of the hill on Main Street, the. drivers would blow their long horns; and the hosts of these taverns would  rush out and welcome the travelers.  Usually the tavern would lodge the dusty and fatigued travelers for the night; the following morning they would arise early and start out again, beginning


23  Early Settlement


with the long, slow ride across the Cayuga bridge, paying toll before they  started across. There was continual travel on the Genesee turnpike and across Cayuga Lake bridge; all kinds of stage coaches carrying passengers; heavy wagons with heavy loads of all sizes drawn by oxen; people going through on horseback, and others hiking across the State on foot with bundles across their backs.  The taverns and merchants and tollkeepers were kept busy in those days.  Farmers had to draw their grain clear to Albany for market; and countrymen had to go to that City in order to pay their yearly taxes, because there were no other County seats.  It usually took about two months to make the journey going and returning to accomplish this yearly task.


In 1799, the County Court House was erected, and the Court of Common Pleas was held at Cayuga.*  In 1804 the Court was moved to Aurora, and in 1809 to Auburn.  In March 28, 1805 the Court House in Auburn was completed.  The old building used as a Court House where they held court in Cayuga was situated opposite the Laneway on Court Street, and across the street from what is now the Mason's Lodge and meeting house, formerly owned by the Brown family.  The Court House was planned and the edifice was started on the site where Edwin H. Smith's and Mrs. Kate E. Dunckel's houses are now, but it burned down before completion.


The lawyers who practised in Cayuga when the Courts were held in the village were: Judge Elizah Miller, father-in-law of General Seward, who came in 1795; Judge Thomas Munford, who came and built an old colonial house on the large lot where John McIntosh now resides, formerly


*"History of Cayuga County, 1789-1879".


24  History of Cayuga


owned by Miss J. Elizabeth McIntosh, and who was the one who tore down the  colonial house.  Judge Munford came from Aurora in 1795, and practised until his death.  Judge Joseph Annin came a year later and practised until he left for Genoa, where he died in 1815.  Judge Munford owned a private burying lot on the northeast corner of his estate, where Peter C. Freese's house stood, now owned by Roe Stevenson. judge Munford kept his estate up well; and his presence in the village was beneficial.  He was the first president of the National Bank of Auburn from 1817 to 1820.  It was the oldest bank in New York State west of Utica with the exception of the bank in Watertown.  Also it was about the sixtieth oldest bank in the United States of America. It was then called the Bank of Auburn.  Judge Munford died about 1830.  His grandson graduated from Harvard College, and became the head doctor of the Clifton Springs Sanitarium at Clifton Springs, New York. He has recently died.


In about 1799, a select school was started by different women of the village. Miss Hannah Esterly, afterwards the wife of John McIntosh, taught there at one time. Miss LaGracia Shaw, daughter of Dr. Isaac Shaw and sister to Mrs. John Oliver, who now resides in Cayuga, taught there as well as Lavanda Barrett. Mrs. David Brown was the last teacher to teach in this little private school. The school began upstairs over Dr. Cumming's store, which has recently been torn down by James Bracken on Main Street.  Then it moved to the house on Court Street opposite the Laneway, formerly used as the Court House.  The school was managed probably by these different ladies of the village at different times, who rented the building of Squire Whitney,


25  Early Settlement


and charged a tuition for each pupil.  The public school started about 1840, when parents as well as the general public had to pay for each child.  It was therefore deemed no longer necessary for a select school in the village.  The little school house later was moved down to “Pious Hollow” (the east end of Main Street) and remodeled into a modern house., Mr. William Axton now resides there.


The first Blacksmith shop was started by David Hulin, who located on the shore of the lake west of where the "Titus House" stood.  He made the latch for the first frame school house built in 1804 on the southwest end of Center Street.  The second school house was built on the site of the present Methodist Church; while the third one was erected in 1846, where the present school building now stands.  The edifice which was built in 1846 burned down, and the present one erected.


During these early times a stalwart boy of Cooperstown, New York 'was employed to carry mail on horseback twice a month to Aurora; thence returning twice a month.  This boy was Lorin Willard; and later he and his brother, Emory, came to Cayuga and settled on a farm about a fourth of a mile north of the village.  They came from Chenango County in about 1801.  They owned all of the land which extended from north of Main Street in the village to where Mrs. Mersereau's farm is now; that is, the farms at present owned by Roe Stevenson and John Denman, and the lands surrounding the Beacon Milling Company. When they first came to Cayuga they settled for a short time in a little house east of the McIntosh estate on Main Street; thence moved to another small house on the site of which the Beacon Milling Company now


26  History of Cayuga


stands. From there they moved to the farm a fourth of a mile from Cayuga Village.  There is a story concerning Major Titus, who enjoyed sitting on the "Titus House's" steps and watching the sunset in the west across the lake and marshes. But there was one obstacle which was an obstruction to this magnificent view.  A large oak tree stood on the site of what is now Warrick's store, and what was at that time Willards' property. Major Titus cut the tree down without notifying the Willards; whereupon a large warehouse or shed was erected on the spot where the oak tree stood. During the year of 1807 the Willard brothers built a distillery, which they sold to Daniel McIntosh in about a year, who soon converted it into a tannery and ran it as such for a good many years. It stood on the land north of where the Beacon Milling Company's offices are now.


Lorin Willard was made a commissioner for the army in the War of 1812.  He purchased supplies for the army and forwarded them to Oswego and other points. When an attack on Kingston, New York was in contemplation, he purchased all the boats available at that time, took them to Oswego, and under cover of the night, delivered them, about fifty in number, to Commodore Chauncey at Sackett's Harbor.


The Cayuga Academy was what -is now the William Mersereau estate, fronting Lake Street and extending back to Center Street.  Mr. William Mersereau's widow now resides there.  The Academy consisted of both boys and girls, and many prominent families sent their sons and daughters there.  It is believed that David Dodge, who -came in 1808 from Vermont, started the Cayuga Academy about the year of 1810.  It is


27 Early Settlement


also thought that some of the staff of teachers were Mr. Foot, Mr. Thomson, and Mr. Charles Lalliette, who taught dancing lessons. David Dodge's son, Ossian G. Dodge, was a noted mimic and comic singer. David Dodge died in Montezuma in 1857. He was described as a very severe teacher, using his rod most unsparingly. He left Cayuga for Throop in 1825.  The Academy was a three storied structure; but when the school was broken up, the brick part of the building was taken out, and left the present structure Samuel Van Sickle and Elizabeth Boardman Hall of Canoga were among those who attended.


One fine day Miss Elizabeth Boardman Hall was out on the Academy's lawn, watching something on the lake, when John Davis, a prospector from Pennsylvania, passed the School in his search to buy up new land. He saw Miss Hall there on the lawn of the Academy, fell in love with her at first sight, and later married her. He bought two tracts of land (four hundred acres) from Colonel John Harris, south of the village on the lake front; and erected a house across the road from the present Chase residence.  This occurred about the year 1816-17.  He was drowned off the Cayuga Lake bridge in 1819. John Davis' widow later married Mosely Hutchinson, a son of an Ithaca doctor, and they later came to Cayuga and built the Hutchinson homestead.  Thus from this “Homestead” have sprung up four families of which Cayuga Village can be proud: namely, the Chases, the Cowles, the Hutchinsons, and the Ferrees.  The late Cyrus H. Davis, the son of John Davis, inherited from his aunts of Pennsylvania the large tracts of land which later were made into a state park called “Valley Forge”, in memory of General George Washington's hardships through the winter


28  History of Cayuga


of 1777-78 with his army during the Revolutionary War.


Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lalliette, of French descent, came and settled in Cayuga in 1810.  As they both had adventurous lives, it will be interesting to relate them in full:


Mary Frances Victoria Lalliette was born June 20, 1783 in eastern Burgundy, France.  She was born the same year that Hortence Beauharnais, Mother of Louis Napoleon, was born.  Mary's father, Edme Collin, was connected with the body guard of Louis XVI.  He went to San Domingo to look after his own estates, and fortunately took his family with him. While there the French Revolution broke out in 1793.  Edme Collin was killed by the Insurrectionary Slaves on the Island; but Mary, her mother, and brother managed to escape to the United States of America in 1797 Their boat was wrecked off the Cuban coast, and with difficulty they made their way to New Orleans. For some reason her mother sent her two children to New York City by the way of the Atlantic Ocean; and her brother was captured by the English and made a prisoner near that City. Captain Grant's family in New York befriended her and in that family she learned English. She never saw her mother again who remained in New Orleans.  Mary was fifteen years old when she came to New York; and twenty-three years of age when she married Charle's Lalliette, who at that time was in Brooklyn, New York.


Charles Lalliette was born and brought up in France. In 1799, in order to escape conscription in the army, he fled to England, thence to America, where he bought property in Brooklyn, New York, and married Marv Frances Victoria Collin in 1806.


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Mary Frances Victoria Lalliette at One Hundred and Two Years


30  History of Cayuga


Soon after their marriage, the Lalliettes took a trip through Cayuga and went as far as Detroit; returning in 1810 they decided to locate in Cayuga.  The lake and bridge and surrounding hills attracted them.  They chose a sightly location in the heart of the village on Lake Street, and purchased four acres of land for $1,000 from William Harrison.  Mr. Lalliette being a sportsman was probably attracted by the duck shooting in this locality. In 1812 the Lalliettes made their permanent home here.  Mr. Lalliette was a dancing teacher and taught in the Cayuga Academy, as well as giving private lessons.


In 1837 Mr. Lalliette died; and two years later his wife sold the lakeshore-front property to the Auburn & Rochester Railroad.  In 1868 she sold a lot to the Methodist Episcopal Church.  Among her guests whom she entertained at her home were: General Stephen Van Renseller, called "the Patroon", and  General Lafayette when he passed through in 1824.  Among her keep-sakes was a miniature picture of her father framed in gold and set with diamonds.  The diamonds were stolen when she was a little girl by the Insuirectionary  Slaves.  Also her father's body-guard badge and a silver spoon with “Collin” engraved upon it, and a watch, all dating back to her school days at Nantes, France.


Mrs. Lalliette always depended upon the services of her servants, not knowing the ways of manual toil. She derived a goodly income from the yield of her fruit trees, with which her place was planted with the finest varieties.  She was cared for in her old age by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lamb, to whom she left her property at her death.  In her later years she became a member of the Presbyterian Church.  She always had a Christian


31  Early Settlement


spirit and a lady-like bearing. She will long be remembered for her gentility, charming manner, and grace of speech.  She died December 9, 1886, at the age of a hundred and four years; the oldest citizen in the village of Cayuga.  Her property in the village extended from the Laneway on Lake Street to lower Bennedict hill, and west to Center Street.  It included that whole block, which she had planted in fruit trees.


The oldest houses which are now standing in the village are in the order named: Stanley R. Cummings' house, or part of it, built about 1793 by John Richardson, who came with his father from Pennsylvania in 1789, and who went into the ferry business with John Harris at the "Harris Ferry", and who settled on the site where the Cummings' homestead is now; Charles D. Kyle's house on Court Street erected about 1799 by Joseph Annin, who settled here in 1795; and the little house on Center Street called “Tumble Inn”, now  owned by the McIntosh estate, built about 1800 by Dr. Jonathan Whitney, who settled in Cayuga in 1798. The house which Stanley R. Cummings now owns has since been remodeled; with the large brick fireplaces taken out and vacant space enclosed.  The builders of these houses were cultured and intellectual men: John Richardson being a highly educated and cultivated pioneer in this section of the country; Joseph Annin was a sheriff, a judge, and a senator; and Dr. Jonathan Whitney being a medical and literary type of a gentlemen.  There is a bear story in connection with the house called “Tumble Inn” on Center Street: It seems that while Dr. Whitney lived there, a bear had been seen and had actually taken lodging in the cellar of the building. People gathered; but no one there knew


32  Early Settlement


just the best way to get the beast out, since it was dark and the bear  well hidden. Finally, “Emory Willard took his rifle and went into the cellar, got sight, not of the bear, but of the white of his eyes, and shot him dead”!


Other old houses which are still standing and of good use are: Mrs. Minerva A. M. Greenleaf's residence on the corner of Main and Center Streets, which was built in 1819 by Daniel McIntosh as his homestead. Mrs. Edwin Lamb's house on Lake Street was built by William Harrison in 1806.  Mrs. Newcombs' house and the Presbyterian parsonage on Main Street were both taverns; these must have been built when the  stage coaches were passing through Cayuga.  The brick house in which Warren A. Baker now resides on Main Street was once a button factory, and was remodeled into a residence; Caleb L. Candee being the first one to occupy  it, and which he later sold to Isaac Freer.


The Erie Canal was put through New York State in 1825; but not until 1832 was the Cayuga branch built.  The canal boats in those early days were polled from the Cayuga Lock to the draw-bridge. Before the Cayuga branch of the canal was in existence, many of the settlers came by the water route, using the Seneca River.  The Parcell's family came by the canal on a house boat; and lived for a year on it before settling here; also James Steemburg came in the same manner.


The first physicians who came in these early times were: Dr. William Franklin, who came in 1797 and who practiced until his death in 1804; and Dr. Jonathan Whitney, who came in 1798 and who practiced until his death in 1851, with an exception of a few years which he spent away.


33 Early Settlement


There were seven other Doctors who practiced in Cayuga after Dr. Whitney, whom it will not be necessary to mention. Dr. DeMun kept a drug store at a very early date and was the first man to experiment with gypsum. He pulverized it into a mortar.


The period between 1800 and 1850 was the most prosperous years of the history of Cayuga Village. During the time of 1800 the villagers were planning for Cayuga to be a large, thriving city; holding the Cayuga County seat.  That was in the minds of the Cayuga Land Company when they surveyed the town, putting through the streets and marking out parks and public squares.  The new Court House was planned sometime to be erected on the site of where Charles D. Kyle's residence now stands, facing the street of Bennedict Hill and looking out over Cayuga Lake.  The Cayuga Bridge was another attraction at that time, causing the admiration of travelers passing through the village over such an achievement.  The Erie Canal, with the Cayuga branch, was built during this period, making travel easier than it formerly was over the rough, beaten trail; thus attracting  more settlers to settle here.  Then people began talking about a railroad to be built through Cayuga.  All these new things were a great addition to the comforts of the villagers.


But the dreams of the prospectors for the village of Cayuga came to nought!  For the Courts were moved away in 1804, and the territory of Cayuga County was changed: Seneca County taking the place of Cayuga County on the other side of the lake; thus changing the village to the edge of the County instead of in the center, as it was formerly.  And the Cayuga bridge was abandoned in 1857, cutting the Genesee turnpike off, and changing


34  History of Cayuga


the travelers' route three miles north on the present Clark Street highway  at Mudlock. Thus, the taverns' business was killed, and the stage coaches came no more.  There were no rivers on which dams could be constructed for factories; therefore Cayuga was unfitted for America's new prosperity-her industries.  So this chapter ends with the village of Cayuga at the height of its glory, and never in its history to be a great city!








THE reader must bear in mind that practically all of New York State until 1860 was covered


with timber, where now grain, hay, and orchards are planted.  All the cities and towns and villages were surrounded by deep woods with here and there a clearing made by some pioneer farmer.  Stage coaches continued to run between Aurora and Cayuga, traveling for at least two thirds of the way through the woods.  This route was the last one to be given up by the stage coaches.  As late as 1845 there were deers and farther inland, bears roaming the country. They as well as the Indians had to vanish before the march of the white man's civilization.


Into this heavily timbered country came the Auburn & Rochester Railroad Company.  An Act was passed by the Legislature, April 18, 1838, at Albany by which the Company had the power to buy up the lands needed for the railroad.  In 1841 the Company bought up the lands through the Township of Aurelius at what was at that period a goodly sum of $12,503; the assessed value of the land alone being $3,762.  It was not until 1842, however, that the railroad passed through Cayuga village.


The building of the Auburn & Rochester Railroad made vast changes on the  shore front of the village..  What was formerly the shore line of the village end of Cayuga Lake became the railroad


36    History of Cayuga


bed. In order to do this the engineers of the Company built timber-piers upon which they dumped stones, gravel, etc. T he Cayuga Station consisted of a restaurant and hotel; and was located just south of where the present New York Central Station stands. - The hotel and restaurant was managed first by Captain Lyon, who sold out to L. A. Pelton; who in turn sold it to the Cayuga Lake Shore Railroad Company; by whom the property was transferred to the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company about 1878.


When the Auburn & Rochester Railroad came through Cayuga County, it not only changed the lake shore front but it furnished the means by which the heavily wooded country could be cleared off and profitably used.  There were large sheds where Shannon's Ice House formerly stood which were used by the railroad for cutting up huge logs for fuel for the trains. Another shed stood on the embankment opposite the present house now occupied by Dr. John H. Witbeck. The logs were hauled in from the country by farmers and thrown   over the bank to the railroad; which would cut them up by means of a “Horse Saw”; and shoved up to the station on "Rubber Cars" (hand cars) to the ' trains. The logs were cut up into chunks of wood by horses treading upon a tread-mill, which would run the saw. In that way quantities of logs were cut up in a very short time.  Thus, the railroad cleared off the surrounding country of wood-lands; and the farmers converted the land into fields on which crops were raised.


A grain mill stood on the embankment on Lake Street opposite where Romeyn Candee's house now stands. Farmers would haul their grain there, where it was ground up and taken out at the bottom of the embankment, a finished grade


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Cayuga Long Bridge, 1800-1857


38 History of Cayuga


of flour, and shipped by rail to the bigger cities.  It was called the “White Storehouse”, and was used as late as 1860, when it burned. Before the Auburn & Rochester Railroad came, the coal industry was flourishing.  A large amount of coal was brought to Cayuga by canal and unloaded. just at this time, in 1835, hames for horse-collars were made by the Convicts of Auburn Prison and hauled to  Cayuga, where the loads were unloaded from the wagons and reloaded upon canal boats, and shipped to New York  City. Docks were built along the water front, about where the Lehigh Valley and New York Central stations are now, to accommodate the canal's freight.  These docks were destroyed when the railroad bought up the lake shore.  The coal and hames freight was transferred to new docks which were located near the Malt House, now the Beacon Milling Company.  In 1841, at the time of the building of the Auburn & Rochester Railroad, Caleb Luther Candee came by stage coach and settled in Cayuga. He started a blacksmith shop at the foot of Main Street near the bridge. He ran this shop until about 1855, when he invented a process of welding iron rails for the railroad.  He moved his shop to where Dr. Witbeck's boathouse is now, and had other shops in other towns, as his work was considered important at that time to the railroad.  He failed to have it patented, however, and others discovered his process and used it to their advantage.  About 1842 David Brown came, possibly by stage coach, and settled in the village on the site of where the masonic Lodge has their room on Court Street. During his latter days he was


39  Later Settlement


known by the villagers to have a cobbler shop in the Lane-way, but he  formerly operated a farm near Cayuga. Mrs. David Brown taught school in the little select school across the street, formerly the Court House. She was the last teacher who taught there.


William H. Seward, Secretary of State under Abraham Lincoln, left Auburn  for Washington, D.C.  He took Sevellon A. Brown, then a school teacher in Auburn, with him, in 1864. Under Secretary  Seward he became an employee of the State department, and later was admitted to the Bar of the District of  Columbia; and in 1871 was promoted to the post of Chief Clerk of the State department, which he held until his death.


In 1881 Sevellon A. Brown built the present house on Court Street for his father and mother. He brought his own family-his wife, five children, and a colored maid-to Cayuga for the summer months, where they added greatly to the social life of the village.


In 1850 the first steamboat took passengers to Ithaca on Cayuga Lake.  There were seven large passenger boats at different periods, namely; the "Kate Morgan", the “Aurora”, the  “Sheldrake”, the "T. D. Wilcox" (renamed the “Ithaca”), the “I. No”, and the "Frontenac".  The “Kate Morgan” was the first passenger boat on the lake; and it as well as the "Ithaca" and "Frontenac" were "side-wheelers"; that is, boats which were propelled by large mill- like wheels on. each side of the craft.  The "Iroquois" and the "Mohawk" were passenger boats which did business on the lake in quite recent years; but the old "Frontenac" was the last one on the lake.  It caught fire on its way to Cayuga from Ithaca,


40  History of Cayuga


and burned up entirely, about one hundred feet from the east shore, one  mile south of Farley's Point. There was a high wind that day, and fourteen passengers were drowned trying to make the shore. This tragedy happened in 1907.


During the early years until 1895 the steamboat traffic was heavy.  People went by the water route for the pleasure of steamboating on the lake, rather than travel by rail. Others went on parties and picnics up the lake. Captain Lyon ran some of these boats in the earlier days; and Captain Brown owned and ran the "Mohawk" and the " Iroquois".


There have been as many as eighteen physicians who at one time or another have practiced in Cayuga village during its history; but there have been few who have entered into the life of the community and settled permanently.  Among the few were Dr. Isaac Shaw, who came from Machias, Cattaraugus County in 1844, and practiced until his death in 1855; and Dr. Andrew S. Cummings, who came from Naples, Ontario County in 1843, and continued his practice until his death in 1908. Dr. J. M. Dickson came from Ohio in 1878, and practiced the greater part of his life in this village.  He moved to Bridgeport, Seneca County, where he died.  Dr. John H. Witbeck came from Fleming, Cayuga County in 1888, and is still practicing here.


There were two stores on Main Street in front of where the late John E.  McIntosh's homestead now stands: a brick store stood on the corner of Main and Center Streets, and was conducted by John McIntosh until about 1860; and a wooden store a little east of the brick one, run by Daniel McIntosh, a brother of John McIntosh, which was


41  Later Settlement


torn down about 1880. Daniel McIntosh's house, one of the old homesteads of that family and built in 1815, stood next to the wooden store, just east of it.  The house was moved down the hill on Depot Street in 1891, and in it Mr. James Durling conducts a barber shop. Jothan Shank lived in one of the houses attached to the store, possibly the old wooden store, which he ran and kept as a general country store.  He was Postmaster between 1857 and 1859; after which he moved away.  His store was also the post office.


Continuing up Main Street, next to Daniel McIntosh's homestead, stood Dr. Andrew S. Cummings' house, in which he held the post office from 1855 to 1861.  When he first came to Cayuga he lived in the late Cyrus Davis house, called the “Brick House”, a half- mile outside of the village on Lake Street, and kept house for Mr. Davis.  In this house was a huge brick oven, which they used at that time, using logs as fuel. During that period, those who still kept brick ovens and huge fireplaces were accustomed to bank their fires before retiring for the night.  And if it happened to go out during the night: woe be to her or him; for to start the fire again, one must take a kettle, go to a neighbor, and borrow hot ashes!


Frank E. L. P. Cummings, Dr. Cummings' son, became Postmaster like his father, and held it for quite some time. He bought out a store, and commenced in 1873 a drug and dry goods store near the corner of Court and Main Streets.  He discontinued the drug business, but kept his dry goods until his death in 1908; when his widow continued the dry goods and groceries until 1926.  The old Cummings' block on Main Street is about to be torn down, as it is of wooden con


42  History of Cayuga


struction, which has stood many years. Frank Cummings' son, Stanley R. Cummings, was President of the village from 1920 to 1923.  He served as Trustee of the Presbyterian Church from 1914 to 1926; and at present is serving as Town Clerk.


It is believed that Uri Foot built the Castner homestead on Main Street about 1825; and Jacob Castner bought it of him, and had a tailor shop in the basement of his house.  Robert Castner, his son, built the grocery store, now the Economy Store, in 1868, and moved his stock from the basement of his home and carried on his business until 1895, when he sold out to Henry Curtis, who continued the same grocery business until his death in 1911.  James Patrick followed Curtis for a number of years; and in 1922 The Economy Store was started by an Auburn firm.  It is managed by Harold C. Quigley at the present time.


The first public school house stood on the corner of Center and Wheat Streets, and was organized as the “Cayuga Union School” in 1844.  It moved a year later to the site of the present Methodist Church; from there to a newly built schoolhouse, where the present one stands in Center Street, constructed in 1846.  The lot was bought for $100, and the building erected at the cost of $1,065. Edwin H. Whitney and John McIntosh were appointed Trustees.  The two following Trustees were James Annin and Dr. Isaac Shaw.  It burned to the ground in 1900, and the present building erected.


The Malt House, now the Beacon Milling Company, was built in 1866 by The Kyle, Howell & Co.; consisting of George A. Kyle, Thaddeus Howell, and Mrs. Albert Beardsley.  The brick construction was added on to the warehouse two


43  Later Settlement


years later.  They handled 100,000 bushels of grain a year. The marl works was operated by H. Monroe & Company of Syracuse.  The marl was dug in Seneca County and shipped by boat to Cayuga and New York City.  In 1882 Augustus Dunckel, a native of New York, with others, purchased the malt-mill of Kyle, Howell & Co.  It functioned under the name of Neidlinger & Son. Augustus Dunckel continued the business until his death in 1896.


Mr. George Kyle also carried on an extensive coal, lumber, and grain business.  At that time, George Kyle was considered one of the leading business men in the village.  He was rated as a gentleman by his fellow citizens.  He sold his warehouse to the firm of Neidlinger & Son.


The two oldest streets in the village are Court and Main Streets.  The houses now occupied by Stanley R. Cummings and Charles D. Kyle were built as early as 1793 and 1799. The old style house to the right of the Laneway, now used as the Masonic Lodge and for political elections, was built about 1881 by Sevellon A. Brown for his father, who came to Cayuga about 1843, and resided upon the same location.  Other old houses on Court Street are the house now occupied by Mr. Wilkie, built about 1850 by Mr' Morse, who set out the chestnut trees which border the street; Miss Frances E.  Olds' house, built by her father in about the same year as Wilkie's; the house which stands on the right hand corner of Bennedict Hill, at present occupied by Mrs. Clarence D. Shank, built about 1830; and Miss Anna Van Sickle's residence, built by her father, John R. Van Sickle, in 1870.


“Pious Hollow”, the east end of Main Street, was among orchards as late as 1860; Michael Martin's


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George A. Kyle, About 1866 and Edwin H. Whitney, About 1858


45  Later Settlement


house, Mrs. Newcomb's, and William Orman's were all erected before 1855.  The house now occupied by Mr. Joseph Hamilton was built about 1840 by John Willey, a cobbler. The cobbler shop  was located on the present property belonging to Ruth Dundon.


Center Street ran likewise through orchards, mostly owned by Mrs. Lalliette, until as recently as 1878. "Tumble-Inn", built by Dr. Jonathan Whitney in 1800; the district School erected in 1846; and the Davis Hall made up the street before that date.  The Methodist Church erected in 1868 and the Episcopal Church in 1871, closely followed by other residences changed the street to its present appearance.  The lower Bennedict Hill was formerly a deep gully.


Lake Street in its first history consisted of the Lalliette's estate, which extended from the Laneway to lower Bennedict Hill, and the Cayuga Academy.


Lake Street consisted of the following buildings: the Cayuga Academy, now the Mersereau estate; the Lyon estate, which extended from the Academy to Wheat Street; the Cemetery and the  “Hutchinson Homestead”. The "White Storehouse", a huge pile of logs with a saw-mill, and some horse stables, composed the buildings strung along the lake side of the street. The present Candee's house was built in 1865; Dr. Witbeck's about 1892 by George Clark; and the Wayne's residence by John MacGraph in 1887.  The old Hutchinson homestead was formerly located on the lake side of the street, opposite the present homestead, and was built in 1816 by John Davis, a prospector from Pennsylvania.


Main Street from the earliest days was the busiest and principal street in the village. There


46  History of Cayuga


were seven taverns on it; many large residences which have been mentioned;  the Titus House, managed in its latter years by James Olds in 1852 and James Baily from 1875 to 1900, when  it was destroyed by fire. Dr. Isaac Shaw's residence was on the site of the late Jack Mansfield's house on Court Street, just north of Main Street; but it burned.  John Oliver, who married Dr. Shaw's daughter, Mary, built the present house in 1879 on the northeast corner of Main and Court Streets.  Augustus Dunckel built the present house where his widow and daughter now reside about 1885; and John C. Freese built his residence a year later, now occupied by his granddaughter, Mrs. Edwin H. Smith.  The house now owned by Will Chappell was also erected that year. The front part of the large house where the late John E. McIntosh resided, was built in 1857 by his father, John; and was remodelled and enlarged in 1899.  Where the flower gardens are now was the site of the family's barn; and not until 1907 was the old Cummings' house torn down, the land graded, and added to the present McIntosh estate.


About 1856 John R. VanSickle opened a general country store where Walter Warrick at present is conducting a similar one.  John Mansfield bought the building of Mrs. John Curry and owned it for many years.  Mr. Warrick bought it of him.


The grocery store of Lamb & Odell started in 1890 and closed in 1919.


Besides conducting a store in the village, John R. VanSickle bought up grain throughout this part of the country and shipped it by canal to New York City. He was a successful grain buyer.


As early as 1856 the Masonic Lodge in Cayuga received its charter. The Lodge Rooms were on


47  Later Settlement


the third floor of the Barrett Store which was next to Cummings' store on  Main Street. John Morse was the first Master; Mr. Townsend was Senior Warden and John Barrett, Junior Warden.  It moved to the Mansfield Block in 1910; from there to their present location in the Brown's house on Court Street, which they purchased in 1919.  At the present time the Lodge has a membership of one hundred and twelve.


On Saint Patrick's Day, in the winter of 1869, occurred a great snow storm, which wrecked buildings from the weight of the snow.  The huge Railroad woodshed, located where Shannon' s Ice plant formerly stood, south of the present Beacon Milling Company, caved in; and it never was rebuilt, because a year later the Railroad started in using coal.  A similar storm came on January 29, 1925, when buildings were wrecked; railroad traffic held up for two days; and farmers sick in the country died for lack of medical aid.


In 1870 the New York Central Railroad Company began burning coal instead of wood.  The company gave the remaining piles of wood to the villegers if they would haul it away.  The first load of coal was brought by ferry from Ithaca by John Nostrand, a liveryman in Cayuga. Before that time coal was brought in small quantities by canal for household purposes.


A year later, in 1871, the Cayuga Lake Shore Railroad Company started building; and in 1876 the road was doing business.  It ran between Cayuga and Ithaca; and was consolidated into the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company.


James M. Stevenson came to Cayuga from a farm at Free Bridge three miles north of the village and purchased the farm of Samuel Willard.


48  History of Cayuga


A year later, in 1871, his brother, George T. Stevenson, bought the adjoining land on the east side of Court Street and erected a mansion with beautiful lawns, noted for its species of rare trees.  He kept his Cayuga estate for his summer residence, driving his span of horses each spring and returning to his winter home in Rochester in the autumn.  He was a very sociable gentleman, and gave beautiful parties to which the Cayuga people were invited.  He lost his wealth and left Cayuga in 1894, selling his farm to James Stevenson, and the house and grounds reverting to the Beardsley estate of Auburn.


James Roe Stevenson purchased his grandfather's, James Stevenson, farm;  and has run it scientifically, specializing in alfalfa and apples.  It is called " The Cayuga Fruit Farm".  He has three children: Halsey Bidwell, Hope, and Arthur Fairchild Stevenson.


Dr. John H. Witbeck came to Cayuga in 1888, commencing his practice in the home of Mrs. Ann Gilland, now owned by Will Chappell on Main Street.  Three years later he bought his present home on Lake Street of George Clark. He married twice: his first wife was Harriet Garrettson of Madison County, who died soon afterwards; and his second marriage was to Veronica McCarty of Auburn in 1904.  They have one daughter, Dorothy Marie Witbeck.


During Dr. Witbeck's long practice in the village there have been four great epidemics: the first one occurred in 1888 and was a small-pox scare; the second in 1889, the first year of the grippe epidemic; the third in 1915 of the infantile paralysis plague, which ravaged the people of the Eastern part of the United States, but through


49  Later Settlement


the Doctor's vigilance, it was' kept out of the village; and fourth, an epidemic of influenza which swept throughout the whole world after The Great War, killing thousands in 1917-1918.  In the larger cities coffins were piled high in cemeteries, waiting for burial.


The Mansfield House was built in 1884 by William Mansfield, who ran it partly as a saloon and partly as a hotel.  The Bar and Lunch Room of James Heiffer's was built in 1898.  Many a political argument took place here, resulting occasionally in fist fights.


The Mansfield's block was erected in 1910; and is used as a grocery and  meat market; the second floor is occasionally used as the Village Hall.


The first ice plant was run by William Hutchinson in about 1855, who sold out three years later to the Cayuga Lake Ice Line, a company composed of men of New York City.  After five years of successful business, their ice plant burned, after which they retired from the concern.


Another ice plant was started in 1894 by John H. Stoneburg, who did an extensive business with the New York Central Railroad Company until quite recently.


The third plant was operated by E. L. Thornton of Auburn Just south of the New York Central station. After a few years E. L. Thornton sold out to Wade Shannon, who also later bought the Stoneburg Plant.


In 1898 the side-wheel steamboat, Ithaca, burned to the water's edge while she was tied up at the dock for the night near the New York Central station.  Her Captain, Van Order, lost many personal things as did the rest of the crew.


50  History of Cayuga


The burning craft was shoved away from the pier in order to prevent it from catching on fire, but the boat drifted back and sank, showing her funnel and hull for many years, and causing an untidy appearance along the lake front.  The Ithaca was built in 1870 by T. D. Wilcox of Ithaca, and bore his name until Mrs. Hunt, also of Ithaca, changed it to its present name.


The short period 1899 to 1900 was a year of big fires in the village:  The first fire occurred on the night of September 6, 1899 in the kitchen of the old depot restaurant and spread rapidly throughout the building.  Then the flames spread across the railroad tracks to the famous old hotel erected in about 1859, which had been used by the patrons of the original steamship lines. The depot, restaurant, and hotel were completely destroyed.  That ended the contract of the New York Central Railroad Company with Roswell G. Bennedict by which all passenger trains must stop for ten minutes to allow passengers time for refreshments.  The restaurant was noted throughout the county for its waste of time to travellers.


The second fire happened early in the morning of June 26, 1900 and destroyed three buildings:  The Village Hall, owned by Miss J. Elizabeth McIntosh; the house of James Muldoon, the village blacksmith; and the Cayuga Union School building, on Center Street.  The fire started in the west end of the Hall, and as there was a brisk south wind at that time it soon destroyed the three buildings.


The last great village fire was during the fall of 1900 which burned to the ground the old Titus House, situated on the corner of Main and Lake Streets.  It was an old landmark in Cayuga County.


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The Titus House, 1875-1900


52 History of Cayuga


Mrs. James Balley was the proprietress of the hotel at that time.  All of these big fires were believed to be of incendiary origin, but the culprit remained unknown.


It was during the year of the village fires that the first automobile came to Cayuga.  On May 20, 1900, Alvin J. Belden of Syracuse came to visit John E. McIntosh.  The make of the car was a " Whi te- steamer"; and when it was about to ascend a hill, the driver started pumping, in order to get up sufficient pressure to reach the top.  John E. McIntosh made fun of it; but Alvin J. Belden boasted:  “In twenty-five years the country will be flooded with automobiles”! His boast has come true; for in 1926 there is one car to every four persons in the United States.  About two years later Warren A.  Baker owned the first automobile in the town; followed soon afterwards by Dr. John H. Witbeck.


About 1905 on a Sunday morning the old Erie Canal drawbridge was raised for "The Agnes", Captain Hamilton's boat, on its way to New York City with grain.  At the same time a New York Central passenger train was going east, and the engineer, failing to see the signal for warning, ran the engine into the canal.  No one was killed, but the passengers were badly shaken up, and the engineer and fireman only escaped death by being thrown out of the caboose and swimming ashore-the fireman to the left and the engineer to the right of the engine.  There have been four such accidents during the history of the drawbridge, all but one happening on Sunday.


It was through the efforts of Governor Theodore Roosevelt that the present barge canal was started in 1886; in 1900 the investigation was made



53   Later Settlement


for its appropriation; and in 1903 passed by the people of New York State  and signed by Governor Benjamin B. Odell, Jr.  It was not, however, until 1914, under Governor Charles Whitman's term of office, that the building of the Barge Canal was begun near Albany; and the Cayuga branch of it was completed in 1917.  The new Canal demanded a larger and higher bridge, and the present bridge was erected.  The little Erie Canal drawbridge was abandoned, and a trestle-like bridge put in its place.  In order to raise the present Barge Canal bridge to its height, the Railroad tracks were raised considerably higher, the grade commencing at the Cayuga station.  The job for the Railroad Company was done by the Welch Construction Company of Davenport, Ohio, and was completed in two years.


On July 1, 1920 the Beacon Milling Company, Inc., started up in Cayuga.  It located in the building formerly owned by the American Malting Company.  It started with a capital of $200,000; thirty-five men in employment; and a tonnage of eighteen hundred tons a month. Their present capital is $300,000; fifty- three men are employed; and it has a tonnage of forty-six hundred a month.  It makes a general line of stock feed for poultry, dairy, and horses.


Electric lights were installed in the village in 1921; the Beacon Milling Company making it possible for an extension line of the Empire, Gas and Electric Co. to reach Cayuga. Eighteen years ago, the Gas Company came through.  The village is still without a water and sewerage system.


The population in 1800 was about 200 inhabitants; in 1905 it was 400; and in 1927 it was 370.


54 History of Cayuga


In the summer time the number is considerably increased, for there are many outside people who own cottages along the lake shore.


The village was incorporated in 1857, and reincorporated under the general law February 16, 1874.  The officers of the first election were: F. H. Lyon, William G. Wayne, John McIntosh, Henry Willard illard, and William Mersereau.  In 1878 those who held office were: John M. Freese, President; Frederick X.  Youngs, Clerk; A. A. Quigley, Treasurer; and James A. Bailey, Jonathan Warrick, and William Mersereau, Treasurer and Assessors. The present (1926) officers are: Fred T. Wiley, President; E. R. Wilkie, George Tavener, Trustees; W. J. Warrick, Treasurer; and Stanley R. Cummings, Clerk. Romeyn R. Candee held the office of Justice of the Peace for many years; that office is at present vacant.


In summing up the history of Cayuga Village it is apparent that if Cayuga has never reached that height which her pioneers had planned, and has never grown to be a city, yet Cayuga has not gone backwards.  The little town has lost many prominent men, and the citizens have changed from business and professional occupations to that of labor; yet the village has a prosperous appearance.  The homes of the villagers are well cared for, giving a tranquility to the place. The roads are kept in good condition; electric lights hang over the streets in place of the lamp-posts; beautiful trees shade the pedestrians as they go quietly about their business-all in an equilibrium which has always been characteristic of Cayuga.








LONG before New York State was settled by the English, a Jesuit Mission was established at Cayuga in November, 1668 by Father de Carheil. The Jesuit Missionaries were French Priests, who had entered America on Canadian soil with the French Explorers. Most likely Father de Carheil explored the wilderness in what is now New York State, and worked among the Cayuga Indians. He writes of the Cayugas as follows: " I find the people more tractable and less fierce than the Onondagas or the Oneidas".*   And the territory surrounding  Cayuga as: “Lake Tiohero adjacent to the village is fourteen leagues long by one or two wide, it abounds with swan  and geese through the winter, and in the spring nothing is seen but continual Clouds of all sorts of game”!  These Jesuit Missionaries were men of high courage and utter sacrifice of self, which has rarely been equalled. But their work was in vain for, whereas they undoubtedly converted individual souls, they were unable to convert the  whole Indian race to Christianity.


As soon as Father de Carheil arrived in what is now the village of Cayuga, he and Father Garnier, a Jesuit Missionary, began the building of a chapel, which was completed on November 9, 1668, and dedicated to Saint Joseph. Father de Carheil worked among the Cayugas until 1671,


* “Cayuga Indian Reservation and Col. John Harris” by John VanSickle.




56 History of Cayuga


when the Indians expelled him on account of the French and English wars in  America.  During that time, Father Raffeix describes the Indian village of Cayuga “as having three hundred warriors, and a prodigious number of children.”*


The Moravians were a religious sect from Germany who came to America during the Colonial days, and in 1787 came as missionaries to New York State to work among the Indians.  They left America about 1855, because their home Synod in Germany was too strict and narrow in practice to exist as a religious body among the American people.  The Moravians followed the Jesuit Mis- sionaries, but were unfortunate in not being able to establish themselves here.  The Indians preferred rum to the life of Christ.  The third band of missionaries to penetrate this part of the State were of the Congregational denomination. Their influence at first was strong, but this element soon became merged into that of the Presbyterian.  The Methodist Missionaries came later.  Rev. Samuel Kirtland, who at one time was employed to act as an interpreter between the Six Nations and the commissioners of Massachusetts in a Treaty held at Canandaigua Lake, was one of the first Missionaries to the Six Nations.   Mr. Kinney, Rev. Daniel Thatcher, Drs. Hillyer and Seth Williston were sent to western New York to preach among the few white settlers as well as the Indians by Missionary Boards of New England.


Prior to 1800 there were no resident ministers here, but Christian  Societies were starting to organize themselves.  The church of Aurelius, which the first settlers of Cayuga attended, was

* “some Cross-Bearers of the Finger Lakes Region” by Rev. Bernard L.  Heffernan


57  The Churches


organized in 1799; and their first resident pastor was the Rev. David  Higgins, who was sent by the "Missionary Society of Connecticut" in 1801.  The population at that time was so scattered that he held services alternately at Auburn, Aurelius, Caynga, and Grover's Settlement, now Fleming.  He continued to labor on this circuit until 1811, when he became the pastor of the First Church of Auburn.  He served there until 1813, when he moved to Bath, Steuben County, where he died in 1842. The Church at Aurelius was dissolved in 1813.


From 1811-1819 the Presbyterians were supplied with monthly missionary meetings and worshipped with the Aurelius society in an old stone building, since destroyed, at what is now called Cross Roads, about four miles southeast of Cayuga and about' two miles west of the town of Oakwood.  A small cemetery is still standing, in front of which stood the old stone church.  In those days Cross Roads was the center location for the surrounding settlements of Fleming, Hardenburg's Corners (Auburn), Cayuga, and Union Springs.  A farm house across what is now the Lehigh Valley Railroad tracks is still standing, which was once occupied by Dr. Hamlin.  What are now four dusty roads were at that time four trails through the woods.  One can imagine church goers coming through these woods to worship in the little stone church, in covered wagons, on horse-back, or hikeing.


 On April 26, 1819 a public meeting was held in the rear of the Davis Hall, since burned, on Center Street in Cayuga.  This meeting was called for the purpose of organizing the Presbyterian Church in Cayuga.  The Villagers were having religious


58  History of Cayuga


services occasionally in the little schoolhouse, which at that time formed  part of Davis Hall.


On June 20,1819, with the Rev. William Bacon presiding, the following officers of the "Presbyterian Society of the Village of Cayuga" were elected: Loring Willard, Dr. Jonathan Whitney, Uri Foot, Daniel McIntosh, Solomon Dewey, and Jeremiah Hallock, Trustees; Thomas Munford, Jeremiah Hallock, Elias Thompson, and Gershom B. Gillett, Ruling Elders; and Elias Thompson, Deacon.


During Rev. William Bacon's pastorate until 1821 the church of Seneca Falls and the Cayuga church were united with one minister.  In order to support Mr. Bacon the combined churches had to raise a subscription of $600, which fell to Dr. Whitney to collect.


On August 8, 1821 Rev. Medad Pomeroy was called by a committee of the Presbyterian Church of Cayuga to be their pastor.  Under his ministration the present Presbyterian Church  was erected, and dedicated on February  26,   1823.  It was a small, plain wooden structure without any spire.  The new building put the Presbyterians in debt over $1000, and in trying ways to raise such an amount, Dr. Whitney called a meeting of the Board in the old schoolhouse, to which nobody came. "I can almost imagine how that room and he must have looked as he seated himself, raised the door of his tin lantern, took out his pocket inkstand, quill and paper and set about composing these words:


“The children of this world are said to be wiser in their day than the children of light;

To lay up a treasure on earth like the miser,

They toil hard from morning till night.


59  The Churches


Oft' times you will see them so deeply engaged

They mind not the weather, hot, cold, wet or dry;

But oh! poor Religion, how much it's neglected,

To aid on its cause there's no one comes nigh.

Oh! what shall be said of these modern professors, 

Who oft talk of glory and immortal joys,

Who say they love Jesus and shall go to heaven, 

Yet can't spend a moment to build up his cause?

Tell them at once their hopes are fallacious; Unless they repent to Hell they must go;

For naught but true faith, love and obedience

Will fit them for heaven and save them from woe?”*


As soon as the Church edifice was completed, the Rev. Medad Pomeroy was released from the Aurelius Church and devoted all of his time to the Church at Cayuga.  The membership during his pastorate had increased to about one hundred, seventy-eight souls.  He ministered to the Cayuga Church for twelve years, returning for two years until 1852, after Rev. Mr. Townsend's dismissal.


About this time, during the history of the Presbyterian Church, in the village was a member who wielded a strong influence for the good of mankind.  This was Parthenia Foot, who came to Cayuga from Benson, Vermont, about 1820.  Her father kept an hotel on Main Street, and she lived with him until his death, when she moved to her sister-in-law's home, which was just west of the Presbyterian Church, where Michael Kelly at present resides.  Her garden was a model one for the villagers.  It was set out in little plots, the center of which was in vegetables, and bordered with varieties of flowers, artistically arranged.  She had a rustic seat made in one end of the garden, where she would spend hours reading; for she was


* “History of the Presbyterian Church” by Rev. G. P. SewaIl.


Page 60

The Presbyterian Church, Erected in 1823


61 The Churches


a very intelligent woman and a great lover of books.  Parthenia Foot organized the first Sunday School in the Church, distributing the books to the children in a basket, which she carried upon her arm.


After Rev. Medad Pomeroy left Cayuga the second time, the Church was ministered to by three pastors, namely:  Revs. Fitch, Henry Snyder, and Adams.  The Church continued to grow and increased its membership to two hundred sixty- two communicants.


During the Rev. T. R. Townsend's pastorate in 1837-1840, there were quite a few who became converted to Christianity; among whom was a little girl, who saddled her horse, and rode through all the wind and rain from the country to the village on a pretext of taking a chicken to the minister, but really to inform him that she had been converted to Christ.


During the summer of 1854 the Presbyterian Church at Cayuga was remodeled and enlarged at a cost of $3,000.  It was during this time that the beautiful colonial spire was erected and the bell, which still calls the people to worship, was hung. Dr. Isaac Shaw was one of the building committee, who had charge of the remodeling of the Church.  No sooner was the new bell hung than its second knell was struck for the Doctor, who died April 2,1855 of typhus fever.


Mr. Roberts followed Mr. Hopkins' ministration in May, 1860; but it was cut short in September of the same year.  He was struck by a train while crossing the railroad tracks at Waverly, New York, where he had gone to exchange services with his classmate, Rev. David Johnson.  He was fatally injured and died within a few hours.  His death


62 History of Cayuga


was a tragedy to the Church and the whole community.


During the Rev. H. H. Allen's pastorate of eight years, from 1861 to 1869, the church was repaired, cushioned, and a new organ purchased.  The parsonage was bought at this time, although it was not paid for until 1870.  An attempt to buy the present parsonage was made as early as 1840, but failed because of lack of funds, John Morse being the only member to give generously.  The membership had increased to two hundred, forty-five souls.


Four young men from the Cayuga Presbyterian parish entered the ministry at about this time. They were, an unknown student with the initials U.T.; Ebenezer Chamberlain, who studied at Lane Seminary until the anti-slavery movement arrested his course; Andrew Harris, a colored student, who graduated from Middlebury college and preached in Philadelphia until his  death in 1836; and Edward P. Willard, who graduated from Auburn Seminary in 1862, preached first in Erie, Michigan, from 1874 to 1879, when he  became Pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Cayuga until 1892.


Also two members of the Presbyterian Church of Cayuga were foreign missionaries, namely: Frances A. Willard, who was Mrs. A. C. Hall, who volunteered with her husband to go to Ceylon, India, where she died after a year's labor there; and Nancy A. Foot, Mrs. Webb, who was sent with her husband to the same field where they labored for several years, after which they returned to Philadelphia.


The Rev. G. P. Sewall filled the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church in Cayuga from December 28, 1870 to 1880. He was a devoted pastor among


63  The Churches


his flock of church workers.  The little church passed its crest during Mr. Sewall's pastorate, and has shown a general decline in membership since that time.  The Rev. Edward Willard filled the vacancy left by Mr. Sewall until 1892, when he retired from the ministry.  His death in June 20, 1909 was a great loss to the Church and the community.


Before the Rev. E. L. Jones came to the church in Cayuga there were three short pastorates namely:  Mr. Fitch, Mr. Cole, and Mr. Baggley.  The Rev. E. Lloyd Jones came in 1896 and served the church and the community until 1913, when he moved to Meridian, New York.  Among many useful services he rendered to the Cayuga parish, was conducting services in the nearby schoolhouses for the rural population.  He was considered an ideal home pastor because he made it a special part to call on his parishioners whether or not they attended services. He married Emma Stevenson of Cayuga in July, 1900.


There were five ministers who filled the pulpit from 1914 to 1925: Rev. Hardy Lumb, Rev. John Evans, Rev. Alfred Lees, Rev. Carl J. Grabb, and Rev. George E. Davies, who is the present pastor. Mr. Grabb organized the first Boy Scouts in the village in 1920, starting with about twenty-five members; and at present the Society has a membership of about fifty scouts.  Mr. Grabb was the last resident pastor.


In April 8,1874 the “Ladies Missionary Society” was formed, consisting of about forty members, and contributing to its parent society in New York City.  In 1910, however, the “Ladies Missionary Society” dwindled and the  “Ladies Aid Society” has taken its place, and is still active at the present time.


64  History of Cayuga


The Sunday School during recent years has been conducted by James Roe Stevenson and Benjamin Foster.    There are at the present time about fifty pupils in the Sunday School of the Presbyterian Church. And about the same number (50) at the present time who attend services.




The First Methodist Episcopal Church of Cayuga was organized in 1830 by the Rev. Mr. More, a local preacher, who was their spiritual leader at that time.   He left the little band of followers within a year, and the Rev. Ross Clark became the first resident Pastor, remaining two years.


In 1845 the Methodist Episcopal Society of Cayuga purchased the old schoolhouse on Center Street, using only its frame for rebuilding a house suitable for an infant church.  In later years this building was known as  “The Davis Hall”, and was used as the village public hall until it burned in 1900.


The Charter members at this time (1845) were: Isaac Freer, Cyrus Davis, James Hamblin, Daniel and Washington Anthony, Joshua Hamblin, and Renselaer Warrick.


In 1868 the present brick Methodist Episcopal Church on Center Street was erected at a cost of $9,000; the Rev. I. Harris serving as pastor at that time.  The lot was purchased for $500 from Mrs. Charles Lalliette.  Two years later in 1870 the present parsonage was built at a cost of $3,000 including the land.  The membership about that time consisted of one hundred souls.


There have been twenty ministers who have filled the pulpit of the Methodist Episcopal


65  The Churches


Church of Cayuga during its history: the Rev. William Renolds being pastor, 1875-1877; the Rev. H. C. Andrews coming in 1896, and remaining for three years.  The present pastor is the Rev. D. D. Prosseus.   At present there are fifty members in the church.




The Episcopal Society of Cayuga was organized about 1855; and from that time until 1871, rectors from Montezuma, Auburn, Seneca Falls, and Union Springs officiated at the services in the homes of the villagers.  The clergymen who were first in this field were Amos G. Baldwin, Charles G. Acly, Rufus Murray, Benjamin W. Whichers, Malcolm Douglas, and Walter Ayrault.  Their work was supervised by the Rt. Rev. William Heathcote De Lancey, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of western New York, residing in Geneva, New York.


From 1860-1866 the little Mission in Cayuga was ministered to by the Rector Qf Trinity Church of Seneca Falls, the Rev. John M. Guion.


In 1866 the Episcopal Mission was transferred to that of Union Springs; and the two Missions held regular morning and evening services for many years until 1917, when the Church at Cayuga was again transferred to St.  John's Church of Auburn.  The Rev. W. W. Raymond conducted the services from 1866 to 1869, when he was put in charge of a church in Rochester, by Bishop Coxe.


The first Sunday School of the Episcopal Mission was organized on November 4, 1866 with six teachers and twenty-four pupils.  The first public celebration of the Holy   Communion was on December 16th of that year.


66  History of Cayuga


The edifice of St. Luke's Episcopal Church of Cayuga on Center Street was erected in 1871 at a cost of $5,500; the Rev. James A. Brown was Rector until 1873, after which the Rev. W. S. Wayward occupied the pulpit until March, 1876. The Society had twenty families within its fold.


The Charter members of St. Luke's Episcopal Church were John McIntosh, John Whittle, Mrs. Lauran Pelton, Mrs. Rebecca Hutchinson Ferree, and James A. Bailey.


From March, 1877 to 1915 the Cayuga and Union Springs Episcopalian Churches were supplied by the Rev. William H. Casey.  He was a typical Englishman; fond of walking, a great reader, and a keen sportsman. He was the Rector of both churches, walking to Cayuga for the morning services and returning on foot to Union Springs for the evening worship.  His death occurred in the winter of 1916.


From 1915 the Rev. George H. MacNish was the pastor of St. Luke's Church of Cayuga until 1917, when the church was transferred to St. John's Church of Auburn, the Rev. Ralph R. Bray officiating .in both churches.   In 1922 the Rev. Condit N. Eddy became the rector of both parishes until 1926.  There are only five communicants at the present time.




St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church of Cayuga was organized in 1853 by the Rev. John Touhey with ninety members.  Prior to 1853 the Society held their services in the homes of the villagers.  These homes were known by the Roman Catholics as “Stations”; and Father Touhey generally made a tour every four or five weeks to visit them, driving a horse hitched to a primitive wagon. His


67  The Churches


route included the territory from Cayuga to Ithaca; and sometimes he  would     trade his horse in, receiving many times the poorest of the  bargain.


Father Touhey often heard confession far into the night, and the next morning would give Mass when on one of his visits.  On one occasion, a young couple came to him for marriage; the groom handing the priest a brass ring which was badly bent.   Father Touhey met the situation by taking a spindle from a chair, slipping the ring over the top of it, and hammering it in shape for the bride to wear; after which he married the couple.*


The Charter members of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church of Cayuga in 1853 were as follows:  Richard Cruse, John Lyons, Owen Burns, James McNany, John Curry, David Sullivan, Michael Falvey, Bernard Reynolds, James Durmin.


In 1864 the Rev. Bernard McCool began his services as pastor of nthe Roman Catholic Church in Cayuga.    In August, 1869 Father McCool purchased the present lot on Main Street for $400; and erected, in 1870, St. Joseph's Church at a cost of $2,200, a neat wooden house of worship.  Father McCool died in Seneca Falls in 1878.  Prior to the erection of the Church of St.  Joseph, the Catholics held services in the old hotel, east of where the  church now stands.  They raised the building fund by staging dancing parties in the surrounding country as well as in the village. The Rev. Eugene Pagani took charge of the parish on October 25,1871, a year following the erection of St. Joseph's.


Among the gifts which were given to the St. Joseph's Church of Cayuga in its early days were:


*”Some Cross-Bearers of the Finger Lakes Region” by Rev. Bernard L. Heffernan.


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Main Street in 1927


69  The Churches


first, a church carpet given by four masons, who at that time were boarding with Mrs. John Curry while working on the building of the church; second, the Stations of the Cross, donated by Mrs. John Curry and hung in the Chancel until Father Nelligan's pastorate, when the present ones were purchased; and third, the High Altar, the gift of the McGraph brothers in honor of their mother, Mrs. John McGraph.


In 1876 the Roman Catholics of Cayuga were fortunate in having the Rt. Rev. Thomas Augustine Hendricks, D.D., LL.D., as their pastor for many years.  He was loved by everyone, both within and outside his fold.  “Christianity to his mind meant that the making of a better citizen was accomplished in the making of more earnest and devoted Christians.  He was a typical American, loyal to the institutions of his own land, fond of its people and its life, and proud of its history.”*  He was devoted to horses, and while he was pastor in Cayuga, Union Springs, and Aurora, he, for recreation, edited the “Aurelius”, a monthly horse review.  He became in later years the Bishop of Cebu in the Philippine Islands, where he died of Cholera on November 30, 1909.


The Rev. John Francis Nelligan came to St. Joseph's Roman Catholic parish of Cayuga in 1891, and officiated as well in Union Springs and Aurora,  making his residence in the village of Cayuga on Lake Street, where Mrs.  John Porter now resides.  In 1901 he moved to Aurora.  He officiated in the Cayuga Church until January, 1910, when he was called to Rochester.   He was the only Roman Catholic priest who lived in Cayuga.  On September 14,1884 Father Nelligan celebrated the first Mass held in the Auburn


*"Some Cross- Bearers of the Finger Lakes Region" by Rev. Bernard L. Heffernan.


70  History of Cayuga


Prison.  He was a public-spirited Christian, and he will long be remembered in the lives of those who came in touch with his personality.


From 1904 to the present time (1927) the Roman Catholic Church of Cayuga has been under the care of St. Aloysius Church of Auburn.  The Rev. John J. Casgrove and Rev. John J. McGrath were the pastors until about 1925, when the Rev. John B. Crowley and Rev. Lester Mi Morgan, who are now officiating, took charge.


There are at the present time (1927) sixty members in the Roman Catholic Church of Cayuga, and sixteen children in the Sunday School.


In summary of what has been written: Out of a population consisting of three hundred, seventy inhabitants in the village of Cayuga at the present time, there are only one hundred, sixty-five church communicants, including all four denominations; leaving two hundred and five inhabitants  who do not attend religious services.  The rural and village churches have passed the crest of usefulness to small communities.  A new era will pass its judgment.


71  An Old Home



INSCRIBED TO Miss C. S. McIntosh


A Child of proud Scotland, my grandsire came

Across the sea, to found a home and name

In this new land, the Mecca of his hopes,

Where on a better field the true knight copes

And runs a tilt with fortune. Happy he

Who enters the jousts of life armed cap-a-pie

With a strong will, a brave heart and stout arm,

Such an one the blows of fortune cannot harm.


Ninety years ago, my grandsire first saw

And to him the scene seemed without a flaw

Thy bright, sparkling water, oh Cayuga!

Queen of the inland lakes that deck our State so gay

And lifting thy fair face, on which the hue

Of heaven is mirrored, to better view

The distant panorama of the sky

That in dreamy beauty above thee doth lie.


Near the foot of the lake, on the eastern shore

Where its breadth narrows to a mile or more

There rises almost from the water's edge,

Bordered with tangles of grasses and sedge,

A long, steep hill, and on that hill doth lie

Like clear cut cameo against the sky,

The quiet old Village of Cayuga

With upwinding road and grassy byway.


Pleased with the beauty of the landscape fair,

My grandsire soon became a dweller where

Earth, sky and water all combined to make

So rare a picture.  The Village by the Lake

Became his home.  Here after some few years

In which his stout heart never knew the fears

Or cankering doubts that beset the life

Of failure, he wooed and won a wife.


72  History of Cayuga


The granddaughter of a now historic name

Courted and admired ere she a dame

Became; not only for a handsome face

But kindliness of heart and winning grace

Of manner, by suitors many. The belle

Of all the country round, who now can tell

In feeble words, the joy and heart felt pride

Of him who led her home his peerless bride.


The home in which they lived so many years,

Years filled with all the joys and cares and fears

That make up mortal life, remains today

Staunch and sound, showing no signs of decay.

For they builded well in those days of old,

And many a time have I heard it told,

How my grandsire planned and the workmen watched,

That no poor wood be used and no work botched.


Built in old Virginia style with long

Wide hall and spacious rooms each side, a strong

And broad front door bearing a knocker old

Of ancient brass.  Standing in relief bold,

On either side and just above the door,

Quaint mullioned windows cast upon the floor

The light that streameth through the odd shaped panes,

Till thick curtained by night, no light remains.


Without, it stands broad fronted with gabled ends,

And gently downward sloping roof that bends

Like a sweet benediction o'er the walls.

In the great, roomy attic, the light falls

Through curious little windows that blink

Upon the world outside like eyes I think

Half opened. The other windows are wide

And high and many panes in each abide.


73  An Old Home


Each room has a fireplace in this mansion old

Where, when the weather was bleak and cold

Great logs blazed high and their cheerful glow

Lighted the room when the candles burned low.

Then the family gathered around the fire

Before the time came for them to retire,

Put away was the work and cares of the day

As they watched the fire slowly die away.


Seventy years of time and change have passed

Since my grandsire, the house finished at last

With wife and children four the threshold crossed

Two little ones having before been lost.

In course of time were added three daughters

And strange to tell, the house today is hers

The first child born within its walls, who came

To take and hold possession of the same.


Of the band of seven children, who grew

To manhood strong and gentler womanhood, two

Alone remain. The others, except one,

Who rests across the lake, his life work done,

Sleep with father and mother long since dead

In the village graveyard.  Low lies each head

In it’s grass covered bed, to wait the day

When God shall raise the inanimate clay.


A grandchild sits in the old hall and twines

Into a wreath these poor and feeble lines

To lay with loving hand upon the shrine

Of this cherished home, dear aunt of thine

Long may the house upon the hillside stand

Untouched by the cruel, effacing hand

Of time, and the name ever honored be

Till time shall merge into Eternity.

                           MINERVA ANNE MCINTOSH WOOD


McIntosh Hall,

September 20th, 1889







 This chapter will be devoted to describing the lives of influential men who have been prominent characters in the community life of the Village of Cayuga.  It is well known that pioneer and village life brings out more than any other mode of government, different types of citizens.  Thus the lives of the following men and women are typical of a small town such as Cayuga represents.


The Reverend Edward Payson Willard was born on May 27,1835 on a farm at Cayuga.  His father, Henry Willard, was a farmer of the old school, and an elder of the Presbyterian Church of the village.  His mother, Anna Chamberlain Willard, was a religious, sweet-tempered woman, devoted to her children.  Thus his home life during his   boyhood days was an   ideal   one.  Raised in a Puritan-like atmosphere, it is no wonder that his early boyhood training developed in him the desire to become a minister.  He first went to the Academy at Homer, New York; from there to the Geneseo Academy, where he graduated in 1854.  On his journey to Homer, his father took him to Aurora, where they heard the political speech of Edwin Morgan, then a candidate for Congress.  This speech made a great impression upon the boy's mind, which he long remembered.




75  Prominent Characters


Then followed four years in Williams College, Massachusetts, where his strong literary tastes were developed.  In 1858 he obtained his degree of Bachelor of Arts.  While in Williams College, he joined a scientific expedition of the College to the coast of Florida.


The next year, 1859, Edward P. Willard began the study of Law, but the urge of the ministry was strong within him, and he entered Auburn Theological Seminary a year later.  He graduated in 1862, and was ordained by the Presbytery in his home church at Cayuga that same year.


His first pastorate was at Canaan, Connecticut, where he supplied the pulpit of the Congregational Church for one year; after which he took charge of the Presbyterian Church at Dunkirk, New York.


About this time the Civil War between the North and the South took place, and Edward P. Willard was most anxious to take part in it. Therefore he left Dunkirk in 1864, and joined the Christian Commission with its headquarters at Washington.  There he heard the last public speech of President Lincoln; and had the experience of being in Washington at the time of the President's assassination, when all Washington was under strict military guard for several days following Lincoln's tragic death.


In June, 1866 Mr. Willard started west by the Overland Route   to Austin, Nevada, where he stayed three months as a missionary; but finding that that city was over-run with Christian ministers, he with the consent of his Mission Board, proceeded to eastern California to a place called Carson City.  This western trip involved a stagecoach journey of over nineteen hundred miles,


76   History of Caynga


through regions of hostile Indians, making it necessary for the travellers  to be guarded by soldiers.  On the way to Carson City, he became seriously ill and was kindly cared for in that city by Mrs. E. G. Winnie, whose daughter, Mary E., he later married.


After serving the churches of Columbia and Sonora, eastern California, for several months he proceeded with his wife to San Francisco and returned home by the way of the Panama route.  Edward P. Willard took up for a short time literary work in Chicago, where the death of Mrs. Willard occurred, leaving him with the care of two little children.  This sorrow brought him to Geneva, New York, where he engaged in some active business.  There he married Frances C. Young of Geneva on June 8, 1872.


Two years later he became the pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Erie, Michigan; remaining there until 1879, when he was called to serve the Presbyterian Church at Cayuga, his home town.  He served the Cayuga parish faithfully for ten years, after which he resigned in order to take charge of his father's farm.  He spent the remaining part of his life at the old homestead at Cayuga.


Mr. Willard always kept a keen interest in the work of the Presbyterian Church at Cayuga, serving as Sunday School Superintendent for seventeen years.  Also he retained his literary ability as a writer:  writing poems and articles for the New York Independent and local papers.  Many of the historical facts of Caynga County History would have been left untold but for Edward P. Willard's literary energy and resourcefulness.  His literary style was both forceful and


77  Prominent Characters


attractive; and as a preacher he was loyal to the essentials of Christian  truth.


In stature, Edward P. Willard was medium in height and well proportioned.  He was very conservative in manner, but after he became acquainted with one he was most friendly and genial.  He was a gentle person, a friend to everybody, but not a good mixer.  His death occurred on June 20, 1909 in his seventy-fourth year.  He had six children; two of whom by his first wife died young; the remaining four were a son, Henry Willard, and three daughters Grace Willard, who has recently died, Florence, and Edith, now Mrs. Norris A. King of Grand Rapids, Michigan.




Cyrus Howard Davis was born in Chester County, Pennsylvania in 1819 on a farm at Valley Forge, which was once use4 as General Lafayette's Headquarters during the Revolutionary War.  His father, Dr. John H. Davis, came to Cayuga in 1812, and married Elizabeth Boardman Hall of Canoga, New York.  He, on first sight, fell in love with Miss Hall, and took his bride back to Pennsylvania; but first he purchased from John Harris two tracts of land, lying' south of the present Village of Cayuga, to which he later returned with his family.  Shortly after he had made his residence here, John H. Davis was drowned off the Cayuga Bridge, leaving his baby son, Cyrus, and a widow.  In 1822, Mrs. John H. Davis, Cyrus' mother, was married a second time to Moseley Hutchinson of Ithaca, who practised law there.  In 1829 he moved his family to Cayuga, where he made his Homestead on the same land which was formerly owned by Dr. John H. Davis.  He continued the


Page 78

Mrs. Moseley Hutchenson with Daughter, Sarah Frances About 1838 and John McIntosh, About 1865


79  Prominent Characters


practice of legal profession as a member of the Caynga Bar.  He was elected Judge, and in 1856 was chosen a representative from Cayuga County to the New York legislature, which office he held for two years.  Moseley Hutchinson and John McIntosh owned a hundred and sixty acres of land jointly for investment in lonia, Michigan, which they sold in 1841.  Moseley Hutchinson died in June 17, 1861, leaving seven children: three sons and four daughters; and a stepson, Cyrus H. Davis.  Cyrus Howard Davis grew into manhood among these home conditions, and was sent for a period to Hobart College at Geneva, New York.  He returned from college and settled on the land inherited from his father, where he continued to live as a farmer until his death.  He was a person of peculiar characteristics.  Himself a man of high ideals and high character; yet with an indifference to his surroundings, among which he led a secluded life.  He never married; and he was known in the village as a brusque and distant man, but with refined manners; appearing in public in a linen duster and wearing a broad-brimmed straw hat.  In 1846 occurred the famous Freeman Trial in Auburn.  A negro named Freeman murdered a man named VanNess, who lived near Auburn.  This trial aroused intense interest in Cayuga County and the whole country, for Governor William H. Seward was then acting as counsel for Freeman, claiming that he was insane.  Cyrus H. Davis was on one of the juries, and the only one who claimed that Freeman was insane.  The jurors sat in the jury room from Saturday until Sunday evening trying to persuade Mr. Davis that he was wrong.  They had organized among


80   History of Cayuga


themselves relays to argue and abuse him while the others slept.  Finally the jurors gave the verdict as follows: "We find the prisoner sufficiently strong in mind and body to distinguish between right and wrong", which was not as the verdict should be, and made the trial invalid.


Later Freeman was tried and convicted of murder, but died soon afterwards.  An autopsy was made which showed a badly diseased brain.  It has since been the accepted belief that Freeman was insane.


Cyrus H. Davis was a public-spirited man and keenly interested in advanced platforms.  He was a strong abolitionist, advocating that slavery was wrong. So much was he against it that he refused to use sugar or cotton goods which were produced by slave labor.  He sanctioned the cause of prohibition with the same vim as that of slavery.  At one time he acted as a trustee of the public school at Cayuga.  He helped to organize the Methodist Episcopal Church of Cayuga, and he was an attentive member in his later years of the Episcopal Church.  His death occurred in May, 1908.




Daniel McIntosh was born in Strathban, Parish of Dunkeld, Shire of Perth, Scotland, in 1765; emigrated to this country with his parents in 1795; spent his first two years in Albany; and came and settled in Cayuga, 1798.  He did an extensive mercantile business, and in fact was the leading merchant in Cayuga County at that time.  Customers as far as Geneva and Auburn came to do their trading at his store in Cayuga, then situated on the corner of Main and Center Streets.  He went twice a year to New York City, where he bought up all sorts of things to stock his store.


81   Prominent Characters


This required several weeks, since all of the purchased goods had to be transported from Albany in wagons through unsettled country.  But by close application to business, and being just and upright in his dealings, he won a high business reputation.  He was one of the charter stock-holders of the Bank of Auburn, now the National Bank of Auburn.


In  1806   Daniel McIntosh married Tabitha Harris, sister of Colonel John Harris, founder of Cayuga, the granddaughter of John Harris who was the founder of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  Tabitha Harris was born in Sunbury, Pennsylvania, on August 25, 1784, and came to Cayuga on horseback with her parents in 1789, at the age of five years.  She died in 1859, at the age of seventy-five years.


 John McIntosh was born in Cayuga on May 22,1809, the son of Daniel and Tabitha McIntosh.  He ranked among the first men in wealth and social standing in Cayuga County.  When only thirty years old he served one term in the State Assembly, representing Cayuga County.  At this time, in 1833, the State militia was functioning in the western part of New York State.  Captain John McIntosh was ordered as follows:  “Sir: You are hereby warned to appear with your sub-attendants and musicians at the Western Exchange in the Village of Auburn on the twenty-eighth for military exercise and improvement; officers and non-officers will appear in uniform, with their side arms and a musket.  By the order of Colonel W. S. Higgins.” For twenty years he served as a director of the National Bank of Auburn. He also owned stock in the Cayuga Bridge, as well as his father, Daniel McIntosh, which at one time yielded


82  History of Cayuga


a handsome revenue.  He owned four large farms in the surrounding  country.  In all of his business ventures he was a keen, careful manager; always foreseeing the future.  In 1857 John McIntosh married Hannah C. Esterly of Seneca County.  At one time she taught in a little select school in the old Court House on Court Street in Cayuga.  He most likely became acquainted with her there.  They had four children: one son and three daughters. John McIntosh was an affectionate husband, a devoted father, and a kind friend and neighbor, and was respected by all classes.  He died January 5, 1873, leaving a widow who resided, until her death in 1881, with her chilren at the homestead in Cayuga.


John Esterly McIntosh, son of John and Hannah Esterly McIntosh, was born February 18, 1858 in Cayuga.  His boyhood days a were spent in that village, where he attended the public school.  He was known as a shy lad, very abrupt in his manner, conservative in speech, and holding aloof from the town's people.  As his father died when he was only fifteen years old, he was soon made master of his mother's household, directing his sisters' affairs, and coming first in his mother's sight.  Thus at an early age there was developed in him a sense of responsibility and direction of purpose which stood him in good stead in later years.  He graduated from St. John's Military Academy at Manlius, New York, and from there he went to Columbia University, New York.  During the vacations of his college days, he spent his time in the family's barn making boats and engines.  He would design them first, after which he would


83  Prominent Characters


hire the lathes and castings made, then hire workmen to complete the  building of them.


About 1878 John E. McIntosh built his second double-engine of six horse power with two cylinders for his second boat called the "Fire Fly".  The boiler which he used he had built by the Silsby Manufacturing Company of Seneca Falls. His shop at that time was in the building which is still standing, south of the old blacksmith shop, across the road from the Beacon Milling Company.  In this shop he had a foot-power lathe with which he built the engine, and his mother's hired man, Mike Kennedy, an old Caynga resident, used to go down to help tread it.  The "Fire Fly" burned just as he had her launched, but the engine was saved as it had been taken out of the boat the night before.


In the winter of 1882, he built number three engine for the third "Fire Fly", using the old number two engine to run his shop.   He made his own model and took out his own timbers for the construction of his launch.  He was about twenty- four years old at this time.  Finally he launched a fourth “Fire Fly”, in which he installed the number three engine.  By this time he had moved his shop to a small building back of his house, near the present driveway, which was later moved to its present location, south of  “Tumble-Inn” on Center Street.


In about 1883 John E. McIntosh bought an interest in the Phoenix Iron Works at Syracuse, with the intention of remaining as one of the firm; but he soon saw that it was too old and conservative a company to adopt his new devices, so he sold his interest and decided to start building steam engines himself, incorporating the devices which he had patented.


84   History of Cayuga


Meanwhile a young man had grown up in Auburn and spent his time by playing around with machinery and tools in his little shop, during his vacations.  This lad was James Alward Seymour.  He entered Yale University and took a post-graduate course in engineering, completing the course at the age of twenty-one.  His engineering course was under the direction of Professor Charles B. Richards, who by inventing the steam engine indicator made possible the development of the steam engine as an economical prime mover; and did more to advance the knowledge of steam engineering than anyone since the days of James Watts.


It was no wonder then, that upon looking around for a partner with whom he could start building steam engines, John E. McIntosh selected James Alward Seymour of Auburn; but making the arrangements first with the father of Mr. Seymour, while the latter was at college.


In 1886 McIntosh, Seymour & Company was started on its present location in Auburn with a capital of $35,000; John E. McIntosh furnishing eleven-twentieths, James A. Seymour, one-quarter, and J. Elizabeth McIntosh one-fifth.  The Bement Miles Company of Philadelphia furnished them upon order their first factory machinery, which was an expensive equipment.  By the time that their first engine was completed they had only $6,000 of capital remaining.  They exhibited their first engine at the Armory at a Wheeler Rifle fair. This engine ran a silk loom from the Auburn Silk Factory, a wool loom from the Woolen Mill, and the electric lights for the fair, all of which demonstrated the ability of the single cylinder engine.  They employed about eleven men at the beginning, with offices in the National Bank of Auburn building.  The first engine was sold in


85    Prominent Characters


Moravia for $725 to run a mill, and the second engine was sold to the American Express Company in New York City for $900.  The Hon. Theodore M.  Pomeroy, the son of Medad Pomeroy of Caynga was the promoter of the latter sale.  After this second sale they had no more difficulties in selling their engines, which at that time were all forty-five horse power, single cylinder, and center cranked engines.


Prior to 1895 the McIntosh, Seymour Company borrowed from various banks to the amount of $400,000, which they paid off as the business expanded.  As time passed the Company changed from a small high speed engine to a larger type engine, where there was much less competition.  It was customary for John E. McIntosh to run the finances, the office, and the shop, while James A. Seymour oversaw the designing and drafting room.


By 1911, however, the steam turbine had taken the place on the market of the steam engine, causing the Company a loss of $100,000.  This caused the retirement of John E. McIntosh, whose health at that time was declining.  He gave one-fifth of his share to each of his remaining five partners, who had taken J. Elizabeth McIntosh's share of the Company.  Upon John E. McIntosh's retirement the firm changed its name to McIntosh and Seymour Company.  The Company is at present manufacturing Diesel engines with James A. Seymour as Chairman of the Board of Directors.


In 1893-1895 John E. McIntosh was Mayor of Auburn, elected on the Democratic ticket. Soon afterwards, however, he became a staunch Republican, and remained so for the rest of his life.  He was always keenly interested in civic things,


86   History of Cayuga


and gave generously to charitable organizations.  He had great sympathy for men whose lives were hampered by sickness and for that reason established "The McIntosh Fund" in Cayuga.  He loved the village in which he was born and its environments, and maintained his residence at the old homestead.  During his latter years he enjoyed entertaining on his Yacht, “Calypso”, which he built himself in 1906.  The village people as well as the citizens of Auburn will long remember the enjoyable rides on Lake Cayuga upon the "Calypso".


John Esterly McIntosh married twice: the first time to Florence Isabel Pharis of Syracuse in 1885, who died in 1893, leaving a son and daughter; and the second marriage to Mary Luella Witbeck of Cayuga in 1898, who died in New York City following an accident in April, 1915, leaving like-wise a daughter and a son.  John E. McIntosh died on September 17,1916 at his home in Cayuga.




During the history of Cayuga Village there have been from time to time people whose characters have impressed themselves upon the minds of children; so much so that they still remain there after the children have become men and women.  It is therefore fitting for this history to recall them.


About 1845-1874 there lived in a small shanty in Pious Hollow" (East Main Street), a colored woman named "Aunty Shorter".  She formerly was a West Indian slave, who was sent with her mistress to New York.  Once there, she was freed. She married Normond Shorter; and they came to Cayuga to live.  They had one son, Charles, who took care of his mother after his father died.

87   Prominent Characters


Mother and son lived in a shanty, which stood on the street in front of what is now Mrs. Horace Wiley's house in "Pious Hollow".  She used to make cakes and candies for the ladies of the village when they had parties.  The children of the village were always eager to visit with  “Aunty Shorter”, because she would supply them with cookies and doll clothes; but first demanding politeness from the child.  In appearance she was a short, plump negress, and in her latter days she appeared like a dried-up mummy, but that did not prevent the village children visiting their "Aunty Shorter", who never turned a child away from her humble home without first supplying them with what a child adores-cookies, candies, and doll clothes.  She died in January, 1874, and is buried in the Cayuga cemetery.


Another character whom the children of that time remembered was "Pardon Brown", who boarded with Mrs. Ann Gilland on Main Street. He was a tall, slender man, who in his younger days was educated for the priesthood, but liquor triumphed over his intellectual ability, and he became a village character instead.  He was a carpenter by trade.


The last man to stand out prominently in the minds of the village children is Jack Mansfield, the village teamster.


Jack Mansfield was born in 1852 in County Kerry, Ireland.  He emigrated to America in 1870, and came directly to Cayuga.  He took up teaming in the village, and remained at that trade for the rest of his life.  About 1886 he purchased the property of George Shaw on Court Street, where he kept his horses and wagons; and in his latter years he lived there with his sister, who


88  History of Cayuga


erected a house on her brother's property.  It is at present owned by the Mansfield Estate.


Among his various teams of horses, Jack Mansfield owned a pair of work horses whose names wer “Kit and Nell”.  Now Jack was good to children, and they were fond of Jack; consequently they were often seen perched upon his wagon seat, riding happily through the village streets.  A child's happiness was complete if Jack allowed his little passenger to take the reins, while Kit and Nell sped madly down the village block.  Or to be seated upon the backs of either Kit or Nell as they were led down Main Street to the lake for a drink of water.  My!  What glorious times the children of the village had in the days of Jack Mansfield.  He died on October 30, 1922 of pneumonia, contracted while driving to Auburn.


In the first part of this chapter the reader followed the lives of four different types of men, who have been influential at different periods in the history of Cayuga.  First, an intellectual and literary man, who by his writings has preserved some of the historical records of Cayuga; second, a farmer and land holder, who never faltered in the cause of righteousness; third, two merchants who because of their square business dealings, brought trade to the town; and fourth, an inventor, who by his business sagacity has rendered aid to the village.


In the second part of the chapter were two men and a woman, who brightened the lives of little children.  However humble they were in this world's goods, yet because of their personalities, they have remained a part of the history of Cayuga Village.





1798 - 1927





BAKER, FREDERICK Allen.........Born (date unknown).  Married

                               to Josephine LaRowe February,

                               1876.  Children of Frederick

                               Allen and  Josephine LaRowe,

                               are: Olin (Lived 8 months),

                               warren Allen.  Second marriage

                               to Minnie A. Freer, September

                               8, 1892.  Children of Frederick

                               Allen and Minnie A. Freer, are:

                               Mildred A. Freer.

BAKER, WARREN Allen ...........Born March 11, 1884.  Married

                               to Edna M. Tavener August 22,

                               1911. No children.

BAKER, MILDRED FREER...........Born September 1, 1901.



BROWN, DAVID.................. Born  1813. Operated a farm

                               near Cayuga.   Married to char-

                               lotte Powers (date unknown) at

                               Groton, N.Y.   Children of David

                               and Charlotte Powers, are: Sev-

                               ellon  Alden,  Henry Powers,

                               Samuel P., Lottie.

BROWN, SEVELLON ALDEN..........Born 1844. Went to Washington

                               under   Secretary  William H.

                               Seward in 1864.  Graduate from

                               the Law Department of George-

                               town University and admitted to

                               the Bar of District of Columbia.

                               Became Chief Clerk of the State

                               Department in 1871. Married

                               Sally Maynadier Phelps. Chil-

                               dren of Sevellon Alden and Sally

                               Maynadier   Phelps, are: Ann

                               Phelps,  Phelps, Gertrude Fol-

                               well,  Sevellon  Ledyard, May-


BROWN, HENRY Powers............Born 1845.   Was Secretary of

                               Japanese Embassy at Washing-

                               ton, D.C. Unmarried.


92  History of Cayuga



BROWN, SAMUEL F...............Born 1848.  Vice  Consul  at

                              Bordeaux, France. Married to

                              May Hyde 1888.  Children of

                              Samuel P. and May Hyde are:

                              Fannie, Lottie, Hattie, Henry P.

BROWN, LOTTIE.................Born 1852. Unmarried.

BROWN, ANN PHELPS.............Born February 26, 1881. Mar-

                              ried to Charles H. Bradley,

                              Washington, D.C., November 1,

                              1906. Children of Ann Phelps

                              and Charles H.   Bradley are:

                              Suzanne, born August 17, 1907;

                              Charles Hamilton, born October

                              4, 1908; Barbara, born August

                              23,1919; Sally Phelps, born Feb-

                              ruary 15, 1921.

BROWN, FHELPS.................Born October 22, 1883. Married

                              to Catherine Cullon Ridgley of

                              Springfield, Illinois, October 24,

                              1907. Children of Phelps and

                              Catherine Cullon Ridgley, are:

                              Eleanor Ridgley, born September

                              22, 1908; Shelby Cullon, born

                              May 10, 1910; Phelps, born April


BROWN, GERTRUDE FOLWELL.......Born November 23, 1885. Mar-

                              ried to George Lewis Huntress

                              of Boston, Massachusetts, on

                              October 31, 1907. Children of

                              Gertrude Folwell and George

                              Lewis Huntress, are: Harriet,

                              born August 5,1908; Sally, born

                              April 25, 1912; Gertrude, born

                              May 25,1918.

BROWN, SEVELLON...............Born November 22, 1887. Mar-

                              ried Elizabeth Bouney Brown of

                              Washington, D.C., April 19,

                              1911. Children of Sevellon and

                              Elizabeth Bouney Brown, are:

                              Sevellon III, born April 23, 1913;

                              Barry, born November 12, 1914;

                              Elizabeth B., born November 3,


BROWN, MAYNADIER..............Born May 5, 1891.  Married

                              Catherine Didier of Roanoke,

                              Virginia, October 27,1916. Chil-

                              dren of Maynadier and Catherine

                              Didier, are: Katherine, born

                              November 25,1917.



CANDEE, CALEB LUTHER..........Born in Oswego County, January,

                              1820. Came to Cayuga October,

                              1841. Married  to Laura A.


93   Genealogy Record



                               Beagle, granddaughter of Cap-

                               tain Daniel Eldredge who served

                               in the war of 1812, September 4,

                               1842.  Children of Caleb Luther

                               and Laura A. Beagle, are: Laura

                               Adaline, Romeyn R.

CANDEE, LAURA ADALINE..........Born November 5, 1843.

CANDEE, ROMEYN R...............Born January 24,1847.  Married

                               to Margaret W. Lyon August 26,

                               1869.  Children of Romeyn R.

                               and Margaret W. Lyon, are:

                               Harold Romeyn, Julian, Emma

                               Jennie, Elisha.

CANDEE, HAROLD ROMEYN..........Born September 28, 1880. Lived

                               fourteen years.

CANDEE, JULIAN.................Born December 24, 1893.  Mar-

                               ried Ora S. Warrick June 10,

                               1914. No children.  Drowned in

                               Cayuga Lake on November 24,


CANDEE, EMMA JENNIE............Born July 11, 1860.  Married

                               to Frank A. Robinson. Children

                               of Emma Jennie and Frank

                               Robinson are: Millicent Agnes,

                               born July 18, 1880; Buell El-

                               dredge, born December 8, 1881;

                               Jay Alex, born December 18,


CANDEE, ELISHA.................Born June 18, 1852. Died June,


CANDEE, LUTHER CALEB...........Born January 11, 1856.  Died young.



CADMUS, RICHARD...............Born December 5, 1815.  Came

                              to Cayuga from Lodi in spring

                              of 1864. Married to Delia Bailey

                              of  Lenox,   Madison   County.

                              Children of Richard and Delia

                              Bailey   are  Eugene    Charles

                              Andrews William Ermina Nan-

                              cy Elizabeth

CADMUS, EUGENE................Born May 12 1843      Married to

                              Julia Youngs in 1860   Children

                              of Eugene and Julia Voungs are

                              Richard   Young     born 1861

                              Frank   Raymond     born 1863

                              William E   born 1869.

CADMUS, CHARLES ANDREWS.......Born September 16, 1848. Mar-

                              ried to Anna Barkalow February

                              17, 1874. No children.

CADMUS, WILLIAM...............Born February 16, 1852.  Mar-

                              ried to Carrie Bell Shank Sep-

                              tember 30,  1883.   Children of


94   History of Cayuga


CADMUS:.........................William and Carrie Bell Shank,

                                are: William Harold, Jesse Bell


CADMUS, ERHINA..................Born September 10, 1853. Mar-

                                ried to Clarence   D.   Shank

                                November 19, 1873. Children of

                                Ermina and Clarence D. Shank,

                                are:  Robert  Cadmus,    John

                                Richard, Clarence Davis.

CADMUS, NANCY ELIZABETH..........Born March 9,1857. Unmarried'

CADMUS, WILLIAM HAROLD..........Born October 21, 1884. Married

                                to Emma Rogers.  Children of

                                William Harold Shank and Em-

                                ma Rogers, are: Jean Rogers,

                                born October  27, 1917; Bell

                                Shank, born October 21, 1918.

CADMUS, JESSIE BELL.............Born August 1,1886. Unmarried



CASTNER, JACOB..................Married to Ann Grey (date un-

                                known).  Died in 1843 in the

                                present Castner homestead.

                                Children of Jacob and Ann Grey,

                                are: Elizabeth, Robert, Jane.

CASTNER, ELIZABETH..............Died young.

CASTNER, ROBERT.................Married Sarah Stahlnecker of

                                Montezuma, December 3, 1863.

CASTNER, JANE...................Married George Kyle in 1868.

                                No children.


CHASE, CHAELES W................Born, 1846.  Married   Elmira

                                Cowles 1872.  Children of Charles

                                W. and Elmira Cowles, are: Helen

                                E.; Edwin Cowles, died in in-

                                fancy; William Cowles, died in


CHASE, HELEN E..................Born September 6, 1873.  Mar-

                                ried to Edwin S. Bassett Sep-

                                tember, 1899. Children of Helen

                                E. and Edwin S. Bassett, are:

                                Charles Chase, born, 1902; Jean

                                Hill, born 1906.



COWLES, EUGENE H................Born 1855.  Married to Alice

                                Hale.  Children of Eugene H.

                                and Alice Hale, are: Florence


  COWLES, ALFRED H..............Born 1858.  Married to Nellie

                                Wills. No children.

  COWLES, EDWIN S...............Born 1868. Died 1870.



  *See Hutchinson


95   Genealogy Record



COWLES, LEWIS H..................Born 1861. Married Sarah F.

                                 Hutchinson. Children of Lewis

                                 H. and Sarah F. Hutchinson, are:

                                 Edwin.  Second marriage to

                                 Ellen Clendon of Cleveland in

                                 1921. No children.

COWLES, HELEN HUTCHINSON.........Born 1851.  Married to George

                                 F). Pomeroy. Children of Helen

                                 Hutchinson and George P. Pom-

                                 eroy, are: Eugene Cowles.

COWLES, EDWIN........,,,,,,,,,,..Born 1892. Married to Jessie

                                 Marian Tomkins    October 25,

                                 1919. Children of Edwin and

                                 Jessie Marian Tomkins,  are:

                                 Marian Tomkins, born August

                                 19, 1920; Jane, born April 30,




CUMMINGS, DR. ANDREW STANLEY, Came to Cayuga from Maples, N.

                                Y., in 1843. Married Martha M.

                                Arnold in 1841. Children of Dr.

                                Andrew Stanley and Martha M.

                                Arnold, are: Glenn, Bell, Frank


CUMMINGS, GLENN.................Born March 15, 1863.  Died in


CUMMINGS, BELL..................Born February 6, 1842.  Died in


CUMMINGS, FRANK E. L. P..........Born June 30, 1849. Married to

                                Jennie S. Richards October 9,

                                1876. Children of Frank E. L.

                                P.  and Jennie Richards, are:

                                Grant C., Stanley R.

CUMMINGS, GRANT C...............Born April 5, 1878. Married to

                                Alice Barlow of Waterloo, N. Y.

                                No children. Moved to Geneva,


CUMMINGS, STANLEY R.............Born August 15, 1881. Married

                                to Grace Wiley June 7, 1910.

                                Children of Stanley R. and Grace

                                Wiley, are: John Wiley, Glenn.

CUMMINGS, JOHN WILEY............Born April 4, 1911.

CUMMINGS, GLENN.................Born March 29, 1914.



CURRY, JOHN.....................Came to Cayuga in 1841. Born

                                in Ireland and came here from

                                Canada. Children of first mar-

                                riage: Katherine, Anna, Eliza-

                                beth, Michael, Patrick, James.

                                Second marriage to Mrs. Honora



 *See Hutchinson.


96   History of Cayuga



                               Malony Mackey  January  1,

                               1856.  Children of John and

                               Mrs. Honora Malony Mackey,

                               are: Two children died in in-

                               fancy.  Margaret, born Decem-

                               ber 28,1857.  (Children of Mrs.

                               Honora Malony Mackey by

                               first  husband) are: Thomas,

                               James, Richard, Mary.

CURRY, MARGARET................Born December 28, 1857.   Mar-

                               ried to Thomas Bowes June 18,

                               1877.  Children of Margaret and

                               Thomas Bowes are: Mary Ag-

                               nes,   died young; John,  born

                               March 14, 1879; Thomas, born

                               August 31, 1881; Margaret, born

                               May 6, 1884; Katherine, born

                               May    17, 1888; Monica, born

                               July 11,1900, died young.

BOWES, JOHN....................Born March 14, 1879.  Married

                               to Laura Dreemer April, 1906.

                               Children of John and Laura

                               Dreemer, are: Aneva,   born

                               December 24, 1907; Kenneth,

                               born March 14,1912.

BOWES, THOMAS..................Born August 31, 1881.   Married

                               to Cora Lay November, 1921.

                               No children.

BOWES, MARGARET................Born May 6, 1884.  Married to

                               Timothy Donovan December

                               1, 1904.  Children of Margaret

                               and Timothy  Donovan are:

                               Thomas Vincent, born September

                               5, 1906; Vonica, died at one year


BOWES, KATHERINE...............Born May 17,1888.  Married to

                               James Heifer April 24, 1915.

                               Children of Katherine and James

                               Heifer are: James, born March

                               16, 1916.



DAVIS, Dr. JOHN................Came to Cayuga from Pennsyl-

                               vania about 1816.  Fell in love

                               with Elizabeth Boardman Hall,

                               who came from Canoga, N. Y.

                               to attend the Cayuga Academy,

                               Cayuga, N. Y.  Married, 1817.

                               Children of Dr. John and Eliza-

                               beth Boardman Hall, are: Cyrus

                               H., Mary.

DAVIS, CYRUS H.................Born 1819.  Unmarried.

DAVIS, MARY. ..................Born March  10, 1821.  Died

                               February 22, 182.5.


97   Genealogy Record



FERREE, WILLIAM D..............Born June 13, 1863. Married to

                               Margaret Halpin   October  1,

                               1889. Children of William D.

                               and Margaret Halpin, are: Wil-

                               liam; Mary R., born June 16,

                               1890; George Eugene; Helen,

                               born March 16, 1900; Katherine,

                               born June 27, 1904; Mildred,

                               born July 30,1907.

FERREE, EUGENE H...............Born March 17, 1866.  Married

                               to Marion Coapman  May 6,

                               1890. Children of Eugene H.

                               and Marion Coapman, are:

                               Florence Adeline, born July 7,

                               1891; Elizabeth C., born Decem-

                               ber 29, 1892; Marion Rebecca,

                               born December 18, 1894.

FERREE, WILLIAM................Born May 15, 1894.  Married to

                               Margaret Veronica Failey June

                               12, 1923. Children of William

                               and Margaret Veronica Failey

                               are: Margaret Catherine, born

                               May 2,1924.

FERREE, MARY REBECCA...........Born June 16, 1890. Married to

                               John Ammon Cowing November

                               13, 1917. Children   of Mary

                               Rebbecca and John Ammon

                               Cowing are: John Deweese,

                               born November 28,1918.

FERREE, GEORGE EUGENE..........Born July 5, 1895.  Married to

                               Christine Beatrice Patrick Octo-

                               ber 15,1917. Children of George

                               Eugene and Christine Beatrice

                               Patrick are: Barbara Jean, born

                               May 18,1920.



FREER, ISAAC...................Married to Mary Parcells May

                               7, 1846. Children of Isaac and

                               Mary  Parcells, are: Frances

                               Mary, Christina, Isaac, Charles

                               Edmund, Minnie A.

FREER, FRANCES MARY............Born March 15, 1847.  Married

                               Edwin  Lamb  May 2, 1866.

                               Children of Frances Mary and

                               Edwin Lamb, are: Mary


FREER, CHRISTINA...............Born September 27, 1855. Mar-

                               ried to Thomas Lay January 1,

                               1879. Moved to Seneca County.

                               No children.



  * See Hutchinson.



98   History of Cayuga



FREER, ISAAC...................Died when sixteen months old.

FREER, CHARLES EDMUND..........Born June 4, 1852.  Married to

                               Mrs. Adaline Bliss September,

                               1880. No children.  Moved to

                               Newark, New Jersey.  Died in

                               Cayuga November 19, 1900.

FREER, MINNIE A................Born April 14, 1858. Married to

                               Frederick A. Baker September 8,

                               1892. Children of Minnie A.

                               and Frederick A. Baker, are:

                               Mildred Freer, born September




HUTCHINSON, MOSELEY............Married Elizabeth Boardman

                               Hall Davis, October 22, 1822.

                               Founder of Hutchinson home

                               stead. Children of Mosley and

                               Elizabeth Boardman Hall Davis,

                               are: Eugene, Mary Rebecca,

                               Elizabeth C., Henry C., Sarah

                               Frances, William M., Helen D.

HUTCHINSON, DR. EUGENE.........Born September 15, 1823.  Mar-

                               ried Nancy Clark.  No children

HUTCHINSON, MARY REBECCA.......Born April 24, 1825. Married to

                               Dewse Ferree January 31, 1860.

                               Children of Mary Rebecca and

                               Dewse Ferree, are: William D.,

                               Eugene H.

HUTCHINSON, ELIZABETH C........Born May 10, 1827.  Married to

                               Edwin Cowles of Cleveland,

                               Ohio in 1849.  Children of

                               Elizabeth C. and Edwin Cowles,

                               are: Elmira Foote, Helen Hut-

                               chinson, Eugene H., Alfred H.,

                               Lewis H., Edwin Samuel.

HUTCHINSON, HENRY C............Born March 20, 1830.  Married

                               to Mary Wilson. No children.

HUTCHINSON, SARAH FRANCES......Born October 4, 1837.  Married

                               to Alfred Cowles of Chicago

                               January 29, 1860.  Children of

                               Sarah Frances and Alfred Cowles,

                               are: Sarah Frances, born July

                               7, 1862; Alfred, Jr., born Jan-

                               uary 5, 1865.


HUTCHINSON, WILLIAM M..........Born March 16, 1835.  Married

                               to Isabell Parcell. Children of

                               William M. and Isabell Parcell,

                               are: Sarah, Clara, Myra. Second

                               marriage to Frances Smith.

                               Children of William M. and

                               Frances Smith, are: William,



99    Genealogy Record                                



HUTCHINSON, HELEN D..........Born September 28, 1840.  Mar-

                             ried to George Cowing June 11,

                             1861. Children of Helen D. and

                             George Cowing, are: Two chil-

                             dren died in infancy.  John P .,

                             born 1867; Helen D., born 1869:

                             Elizabeth, born 1871.

HUTCHINSON, CLARA............Born July 4, 1872.  Married to

                             George Finney June 19, 1894.

                             Children of Clara and George

                             Finney, are: Isabell Hutchinson,

                             born July 30, 1895; Ruth Eliza-

                             beth, born February 26, 1897;

                             Leslie G., November 15, 1898;

                             Elizabeth, May 16,1906.

HUTCHINSON, SARAH............Born 1872.    Married Lewis H.


HUTCHINSON, MYRA.............Born (date unknown).  Married

                             Robert Baillie. No Children.



KYLE, JOHN...................Born October 16,1787. Came to

                             America June 24, 1826.  Married

                             to Mary Andrews.  Children of

                             John and Mary Andrews, are:

                             Eliza Jane, Margaret, George

                             Andrews, David, Mary A.

KYLE, ELIZA JANE.............Born November 15, 1818.  Mar-

                             ried to Edwin Whitney.  No


KYLE, MARGARET...............Born April 10, 1821.  Married to

                             Samuel  Porter.  Children of

                             Margaret and Samuel Porter, are:

                             George, Mary, John.

KYLE, GEORGE.................Born August 17, 1827.  Married

                             Margaret Annin 1860.  Children

                             of George and Margaret Annin,

                             are: Mary Annin; David, died

                             young; Nellie, died in infancy.

KYLE, DAVID..................Born April 23,1830.  Married to

                             Frances Mersereau.  Children

                             of David and Frances Mersereau,

                             are: Charles David.

KYLE, MARY A.................Born August 6, 1835.  Married

                             to John R. Van Sickle May 19,

                             1853. Children of Mary A. and

                             John R. VanSickle, are: Eugene,

                             died in infancy; Eliza; Anna;

                             John; George Kyle.

KYLE, CHARLES DAVID..........Born December 28, 1870.  Mar-

                             ried to Mrs. Lucy Oliver Allen

                             November 21, 1921.  Step-

                             daughter, Marjorie Allen, July

                             24, 1909.


100   History of Cayuga



 LAMB, MARY ELIZABETH.........Born June 17, 1867.  Married to

                              George M. Odell December 16,

                              1891. Children of Mary Eliza-

                              beth and George M. Odell, are:

                              Leland Lamb. Second marriage

                              to George S. Myers, January 3,




MARTIN, MICHAEL...............Came to Cayuga in 1852 from

                              County Clair, Ireland.   Born,

                              1836. Married to Mary Finne-

                              gan. Children of Michael and

                              .Mary Finnegan    are:   Three

                              children died in infancy. Mary

                              Ann, Margaret, John    Francis.

MARTIN, MARY ANN..............Born October 28,1862.  Married

                              to Edmund O'Keefe January 1,

                              1885. Children of Mary Ann and

                              Edmund  O'Keefe      are: Two

                              children died in infancy.

 MARTIN, MARGARET.............Born June 9, 1846.   Unmarried.

 MARTIN, JOHN FRANCIS.........Born March 10, 1849.   Married

                              to Johanna Falvey November,

                              1890. Children of John Francis

                              and Johanna Falvey are:  Mary

                              Agnes, born June 30,1892; James

                              Francis, born February 9, 1896;

                              Elizabeth, born October 18, 1900.



MCINTOSH, DANIEL..............Came to Cayuga in 1798.  Born

                              in Stratbran, Parish of  Dun-

                              keld, Shire of Perth, Scotland,

                              November 30, 1765.     Married

                              Tabitha Harris,   daughter of

                              Samuel and Elizabeth Bonner

                              Harris, granddaughter of Lord

                              Plunket of Ireland; and grand-

                              daughter of John Harris, founder

                              of Harrisburg,    Pa.  Children

                              of Daniel and Tabitha   Harris

                              are: Elizabeth, John, Samuel,

                              Margaret, Mary, Daniel, Cath-

                              erine, Jane, Minerva Ann.

MCINTOSH, ELIZABETH...........Born  December 1, 1806.


MCINTOSH, JOHN................Born May 22, 1809.     Married

                              Hannah C. Esterly of Canoga,

                              N. V., May 6, 1857.    Children

                              of John and  Hannah Esterly

                              are: John Esterly, Julia Elizabeth,

                              Hannah Catherine, Agnes Seton.



 *See Freer.


101 Genealogy Record



MCINTOSH, SAMUEL...............Born July 30, 1811.   Married

                               Helen Barns. Children of Sam-

                               uel and Helen Barns are: Tabitha

                               Elizabeth, died; Helen Ann, died;

                               Huron Augustus, died.

MCINTOSH, MARGARET AND MARY....Born May   12, 1814  (Twins).

                               Both were unmarried.

MCINTOSH, DANIEL...............Born October 22,1817. Married

                               Mary Jane Hall in 1840.  Chil-

                               dren of Daniel and Mary Jane

                               Hall, are: John  Hall,  Cyrus

                               Davis, Jessie Benton.

 MCINTOSH, CATHERINE...........Born   Nov e mb e r 1, 1819.


 MCINTOSH, JANE................Born October 10, 1822. Married

                               to Walter Wood.  Children of

                               Jane and Walter  Wood    are:

                               Minerva Ann McIntosh, born

                               March 9, 1854; Allen    Locke,

                               born May   24, 1860;  Walter

                               Harris, born November 29, 1865.

 MCINTOSH, MINERVA ANNE........Born November 6, 1825.   Un-


 MCINTOSH, JOHN ESTERLY........Born February 17, 1858.  Mar-

                               ried to Florence Isabel Pharis,

                               June 9,1885. Children of John

                               Esterly and  Florence   Isabel

                               Pharis are:  John,   Florence

                               Pharis. Second  marriage  to

                               Mary Luela Witbeck May 25,

                               1898. Children of John Esterly

                               and Mary Luela Witbeck are:

                               Elizabeth; Harris, born July 25,


 MCINTOSH, Julia ELIZABETH.....Born June 27, 1860. Unmarried.

 MCINTOSH, HANNAH CATHERINE....Born October 22, 1863. Married

                               to John Van Sickle June 21, 1892.

                               Children of Hannah Catherine

                               and John Van Sickle are: Janet,

                               Katherine, Mary Kyle, John.

 MCINTOSH, AGNES SETON.........Born September 8, 1868. Mar-

                               ried to Wilfred Huggins. Chil-

                               dren of Agnes Seton and Wilfred

                               Huggins, are: Esterly (Moved to


 MCINTOSH, JOHN HALL...........Born March 26, 1845. Married

                               to Ellen Robertson of Trumans-

                               burg, N. V., January 20, 1864.

                               Children of John Hall and Ellen

                               Robertson are: Harry, Charles.

 MCINTOSH, CYRUS DAVIS.........Born January 3,  1849.'  Un-



102   History of Cayuga,



MCINTOSH, JESSIE BENTON       Born September 16, 1856  Unmarried


MCINTOSH, JOHN ................Born June 8, 1890. Married to

                               Margaret Caldwell Eldred June

                               1, 1916. Children of John and

                               Margaret Caidwell Eldred are:

                               Ann, born February 25, 1918;

                               John III, born June 22, 1921;

                               Margaret, born December 19,


 MCINTOSH, FLORENCE PHARIS.....Born November 1, 1893.  Un-


 MCINTOSH, ELIZABETH...........Born December 24, 1900.  Mar-

                               ried to Gustave Benjamin Schur-

                               mejer of St. Paul, Minnesota,

                               May   11, 1922.  Children of

                               Elizabeth and Gustave Benja-

                               min Schurmeier are:   Gustave

                               Benjamin,  born   February 15,

                               1923; Harris   McIntosh, born

                               July  4, 1924; Robert, born

                               October 1,1926.

 MCINTOSH, CHARLES.............Born 1870. Married to Katherine

                               Hoffman.  Children of Charles

                               and Kather;ne Hoffman,    are:

                               Marian, died young.



MERSEREAU, WILLIAM.............Born in Union, Broon County in

                               1815. Came and settled on the

                               "Morse Farm", north of Cayuga,

                               making his residence in Cayuga

                               village on the Thompson estate,

                               which he purchased. Married to

                               Harriet E. Dunbar.  Children of

                               William and Harriet E. Dunbar

                               are: Harriet.  Second marriage

                               to Abbie Baker.  Children of

                               William and Abbie Baker are:

                               William, Frances Armelia.

MERSEREAU, HARRIET.............Born. Married to Dorr Shepard.

                               Children of Harriet and Dorr

                               Shepard are: Clara, born 1861;

                               Arthur, born 1865; Susan, born


MERSEREAU, WILLIAM.............Born 1841. Married to Cornelia

                               Fredenburg.  Children of Wil-

                               liam and Cornelia Fredenburg,

                               are:  William Jay; Fred, died,

                               born 1876; Carl; Gail, died, born


MERSEREAU, FRANCES ARMELIA....Born 1843.  Married to David

                               Kyle  in  1864.  Children of


103   Genealogy Record



                               Frances Armelia and David Kyle

                               are: Charles David, born

                               December 28, 1870.

MERSEREAU, WILLIAM JAY, DR.....Born 1872.  Married  to J.

                               Myrta Newbury.  Children of

                               William Jay and J. Myrta New-

                               bury, are: One child died in


MERSEREAU, CARL................Born 1877.  Married to Edith

                               Davis. No children.



 ODELL, GEORGE M...............Born November 9, 1867. Mar-

                               ried to Mary Elizabeth Lamb

                               December  16, 1891. Children

                               of George M. and Mary Eliza-

                               beth Lamb, are:  Leland Lamb.

 ODELL, LELAND LAMB            Born March 11, 1897.  Married

                               to Ida Gertrude Thomas Novem-

                               ber 28,1918.  Children of Leland

                               Lamb and Ida Gertrude Thomas,

                               are: Eleanor   Grace, Eloise

                               Gertrude (twins), born August




OLDS, JAMES RAMSON.............Born July 31, 1812. Came from

                               Cincinnati, Ohio.  Married to

                               Elizabeth Quick December 29,

                               1847. Children of James Ram-

                               son and Elizabeth Quick, are:

                               Mary Julia, Frances Elizabeth.

                               Second marriage to Ann Maria

                               Crofut. Children of James Ram-

                               son and Ann Maria Crofut, are:

                               Henry, died when four years old.

OLDS, MARY JULIA...............Born December 15, 1851. Mar-

                               ried to David  Sands Titus

                               March 21, 1878.  Children of

                               Mary Julia and David Sands

                               Titus, are: Josephine Victoria,

                               born February 18, 1879; David

                               Sands, born May 6, 1881;

                               Lillian Olds, born July 5, 1884;

                               Ray Coapman, died in infancy.

OLDS, FRANCES ELIZABETH........Born December 11, 1848. Un-



ORMAN, WILLIAM.................Born April 1, 1823. Came from

                               Kent, England, to Cayuga in

                               1850. Married to Mary Lena

                               Halladay of Waterford, N. Y.

                               Children of William and Mary

                               Lena Halladay, are:  Sarah



 *See Lamb and Freer.


104   History of Cayuga



                               Elizabeth, Elizabeth Anna, Mary,

                               WilLiam Henry, James A., Sim-

                               eon F., Emma E., Jennie C.,

                               Elizabeth H.

ORMAN, SARAH ELIZABETH.........Born  March 4, 1845.  Died


ORMAN, ELIZABETH ANNA..........Born September 1, 1848. Mar-

                               ried to Charles P. Waters, May

                               9,1878. No children.

ORMAN, MARY....................Born December 11, 1851.  Un-


ORMAN, WILLIAM HENRY...........Born February 14, 1854.  Died


ORMAN, JAMES A.................Born January 3, 1857.  Married

                               to Sarah Lamphere. Children of

                               James A. and Sarah Lamphere,

                               are: Harry, born December 1,

                               1888; Pearl, born November 28,


ORMAN, SIMEON F................Born January 2, 1860.  Married

                               to Millie Watson May 15,1889.

                               Children of Simeon F. and Millie

                               Watson, are: J. Adelbert, born

                               September 3,1894.

ORMAN, EMMA E..................Born March 6,1863.  Married to

                               John Warrick February 28,1888.

                               Children of Emma E. and John

                               Warrick, are: Irene Viola, born

                               May 14,1892.

ORMAN, ELIZABETH H.............Born July 22, 1868.  Married to

                               Lois Burch in 1881.  No children.

ORMAN, JENNIE C................Born December 25, 1866. Died



PORTER, SAMUEL.................Born (unknown).  Married to

                               Margaret Kyle.  Children of

                               Samuel and Margaret Kyle, are:

                               George, drowned when twelve

                               years old; Mary; John.

PORTER, MARY...................Born (Unknown).  Married to

                               George M. Brown in  1880.

                               Children of Mary and George M.

                               Brown, are: Helen, Florence.

PORTER, JOHN...................Born April 6,1857. Married to

                               Lenora T. Shank September 12,

                               1882. Children of John and

                               Lenora T. Shank, are: Josephine;

                               Elsie, died young.

PORTER, JOSEPHINE..............Born September 29, 1883. Mar-

                               ried to Saint Clare  Chapple

                               June 21, 1909.  Children of

                               Josephine and Saint Clare Chap-

                               pIe, are: Lenora, born April 3,


105  Genealogy Record


                              1910; Jennie, born September




 QUIGLEY, LOREN L.............Born  1857.  Married Ermina

                              Josephine Thayer in 1885 Chil-

                              dren of Loren L and Ermina

                              Josephine Thayer are  Frank

                              Lester born 1886 died  Harold

                              Carlton Verna Josephine born

                              1893 Loren Bertram born 1895

                              Bertha Emily born 1897

 QUIGLEY, HAROLD C............Born 1891  Married to Mar

                              guerite Minet February 27 1922

                              Children of Harold  Carlton

                              Quigley and Marguerite Minet,

                              are: Donald John, born Decem-

                              ber  15, 1923, and Valere

                              Laurence, born April 6, 1927 .



SHANK, JOTMAN.................Born August 17, 1825. Came to

                              Cayuga July 16,1856.  Married

                              to  Josephine Victoria Titus,

                              January 1, 1856.  Children of

                              Jothan and Josephine Victoria

                              Titus, are: Lenora, Charles J.

SHANK, LENORA.................Born May 23, 1857. Married to

                              John D. Porter September 12,

                              1882.  Children of Lenora and

                              John D. Porter, are:  Josephine

                              S., Elsie.

SHANK, CHARLES J..............Born December 22, 1859.  Mar-

                              ried to Florence Bower October

                              25, 1881. Children of Charles J.

                              and Florence Bower, are: Charles,

                              born October 29, 1888; Florence,

                              born July 12,1886.



SHAW, DR. ISAAC...............Born August, 1810.  Married to

                              Lucy Wormer of Locke Septem-

                              ber 31  1836  Children of Dr

                              Isaac and Lucy Wormer are

                              Charles G  born April 2 1838

                              La Garacia George C Birney

                              Theodore Mary E Hiram E

SHAW, LA GARACIA..............Born February 5 1840  Married

                              to Henry Fitch in Ripon  Wis

                              Children of La Garacia and

                              Henry Fitch, are: Grace, Henry.

SHAW, GEORGE C................Born September 3, 1841.  Mar-

                              ried to Julia Ramage in Auburn,

                              N.Y. Children of George C. and

                              Julia Ramage, are: Edna J.

 *See Warrick.


106  History of Cayuga



SHAW, BIRNEY...................Born March 8, 1844.   Married to

                               Laura Parks of Indianna, Iowa.

                               Children of Birney and Laura

                               Parks, are: Iva, Lucy.

SHAW, THEODORE.................Born August 6,1846. Married to

                               Mary McManus in Peoria, Ill.

                               Children of Theodore and Mary

                               McManus, are: Nellie, Franc,

                               Theodore, Jr.

SHAW, MARY E...................Born June 22, 1852.  Married to

                               John Oliver October 3, 1876.

                               Children of Mary E. and John

                               Oliver, are: Lucy May, born

                               February 9,1878.

SHAW, HIRAM....................Born January 11, 1855.  Married

                               to Laura Ladd in Painesville,




STEEMBURG, JAMES...............Born March 14, 1805.  Came to

                               Cayuga, 1836. Married to Abiab

                               Colegrove in February 24, 1833.

                               Children of James and Abiah

                               Colegrove, are: Mary, John

                               Elliott, Helen Maria, George H.,

                               Charles Augustus, Asa.

 STEEMBURG, ASA................Born May 19, 1835.  Married to

                               Clara Cronk April 27, 1862.

                               Children of Asa and Clara Cronk,

                               are: Wallace, Howard, Arthur,

                               Elnora, Dora.

 STEEMBURG, MARY...............Born March 3, 1839.  Married to

                               James A. Young September 17,

                               1856. Children of Mary and

                               James A. Young are: Emma,

                               died; Cora; Mary; John.

 STEEMBURG, JOHN ELLIOTT.......Born September 8, 1841.   Died

                               when twenty-three years old.

 STEEMBURG, HELEN MARIA........Born May 27, 1844.    Married to

                               Lewis Derr September 19, 1878.

                               Second marriage to Andrew

                               Carney. No children.

 STEEMBURG, GEORGE H...........Born April 25, 1854.  Married to

                               Carrie Hall July 19, 1878.

                               Children of George H. and Carrie

                               Hall, are: May.

 STEEMBUEG, CHARLES AUGUSTUS...Born June 21, 1857.  Died June

                               12, 1885.

 STEEMBUEG, MAY................Born September 11, 1883.  Mar-

                               ried to John McArthur June 26,

                               1912. Children of May and

                               John McArthur, are: Mary

                               Ellen, born September 27,1913.


107   Genealogy Record



Titus, David Sands..............Born March 1, 1801.  Came to

                                Cayuga from Dutchess County

                                in 1829.  Married to Juliana

                                Coapman of Dutchess County

                                February 12 1826.  Children of

                                David Sands and Juliana Coap

                                man are Juliana Coapman

                                died in infancy Hiram Jose

                                phine Victoria David Sands

TITUS HIRAM.....................Born June 25 1827  Married to

                                Susan Maria Cook of Monte

                                zuma April 23  1854  Children

                                of Hiram and Susan Maria Cook

                                are: Juliana, Kate Electa, Hiram

                                Meil, John Sands.

TITUS, JOSEPHINE VICTORIA.......Born.  Married to Jothan Shank

                                January 1, 1856.  Children of

                                Josephine Victoria and Jothan

                                Shank are:  Lenora, Charles J.

TITUS, JULIANA..................Born February 19, 1855.  Mar-

                                ried to Coral Nutt November 30,

                                1881.  Children of Juliana and

                                Coral Nutt, are: Harry H., born

                                October 18,1886.

TITUS, KATE ELECTA..............Born October 15, 1859. Married

                                to Augustus Dunckel December

                                10,  1884.  Children of  Kate

                                Electa and Augustus Dunckel,

                                are:   Kate Irene; Henry Titus,

                                died in infancy.

TITUS, HIRAM MIAL...............Born April 15, 1861. Married to

                                Ada Shoemaker of Half Acre,

                                February 9, 1885.  Children of

                                Hiram Mial and Ada Shoemaker,

                                are:  Glenn Shoemaker,  born

                                November 11, 1885; Ray Cook,

                                born June 17, 1887; John Roy,

                                died young.

TITUS, JOHN SANDS...............Born November 28, 1866.  Un-


TITUS, DAVID SANDS..............Born July 3, 1846.  Married

                                to Julia Olds March 21, 1878.

                                Children of David Sands and

                                Julia Olds, are: Josephine Vic-

                                toria; David Sands, born May

                                6, 1881; Lillian; Ray Coapinan,

                                died in infancy.

TITUS, JOSEPHINE VICTORIA.......Born February 18, 1879.  Mar-

                                ried to Dr. H. E. J. Hammond,

                                D.D., of Auburn, N. Y., June 4,

                                1903.  Children of Josephine

                                Victoria and Dr. H. E. J. Ham-

                                mond, D.D., are: Josephine,

                                born March 25, 1905; John


108                 History of Cayuga


TITUS:                         David, born October 6, 1916;

                               Sarah Barbara, born September

                               22, 1922.

TITUS, LILLIAN.................Born July 9, 1884.  Unmarried.

DUNCKEL, KATE IRENE............Born December 26, 1885.  Un-




VAN SICKLE, JOHN:..............Born in Hunterdow County, N.

                               J., June 23, 1780. Came in 1832

                               and settled on the east end of the

                               "Van Sickle's Farm", south of

                               Cayuga  Village.  Married to

                               Catherine Robinson December

                               16, 1804. Children of John

                               and Catherine Robinson, are:

                               Thomas, born   July 7, 1806;

                               Abram, born December 26, 1808;

                               Garret, born August 5, 1811;

                               William, born February 12, 1814;

                               Lydia Ann, born November 6,

                               1817; Lavina, born November 2,

                               1820; Margaret, born December

                               5, 1823. (All of these Children

                               moved away). Second marriage

                               to Theodocia Taylor October,

                               1825. Children of John and

                               Theodocia Taylor, are: John R.,

                               born January 17, 1827; Samuel

                               C.; Oliver, died young.

VAN SICKLE, JOHN R.............Born January 17, 1827. Married

                               to Mary A. Kyle May 19, 1853.

                               Children of John R., and Mary

                               A. Kyle, are: Eugene, died

                               young; Eliza, died, born June

                               13, 1856; Anna; John; George.

VAN SICKLE, SAMUEL C...........Born September 27, 1828. Moved

                               to Cayuga Village in 1898.

                               Married to Mary Ann Oliver,

                               March 21, 1860.  Children of

                               Samuel C. and Mary Ann Oliver,

                               are: Ida B., Harriet F.

VAN SICKLE, ANNA...............Born October 18, 1859.  Un-


VAN SICKLE, JOHN...............Born February 10, 1863.  Mar-

                               ried to Hannah Catherine Mc-

                               Intosh June 21, 1892.  Children

                               of John and Hannah Catherine

                               are: Janet, Katrina, Mary Kyle,

                               John, born February 1,1904.

VAN SICKLE, GEORGE.............Born March 9, 1870.  Married

                               to Lydia Becker September 28,

                               1899. Children of George and

                               Lydia Becker, are: Elizabeth



109  Genealogy Record



VAN SICKLE, IDA B..............Born December 16, 1862. Mar-

                               ried to Luther Wayne, April 24,

                               1890. Children of Ida B. and

                               Luther Wayne, are:  DeLancey,

                               born January 1, 1892.

VAN SICKLE, HARRIET F..........Born May 3, 1869.  Unmarried.

VAN SICKLE, JANET..............Born July 1, 1893.  Married to

                               Arthur Hartwell, January    7,

                               1926. Children of Janet and

                               Arthur Hartwell, are: Janet

                               Dickson, born November 29,


VAN SICKLE, KATRINA............Born December 24, 1894.  Un-


VAN SICKLE, MARY KYLE..........Born August 3, 1896. Married to

                               J. Reynolds Wait, June 18,1918.

                               Children of Mary Kyle and J.

                               Reynolds Wait, are: Horace

                               Richard, 2nd, born October 11,


VAN SICKLE, ELIZABETH BECKER...Born August 3, 1903. Married to

                               Alfred Felch, September   27,




WARRICK, WILLLAM...............Born in New Jersey in 1794.

                               Came to Cayuga in 1824. Mar-

                               ried to Fannie  Houghland of

                               New Jersey. Children of Wil-

                               liam and Fannie Houghland, are:

                               Renselear, Annie, Jonathan, Eliz-

                               abeth, William, Fanny, Millie,

                               Catherine, Mary, John,  Jane,

                               Nettie, Neallie.

WARRICK, RENSELEAR.............Born January 1, 1820.  Married

                               Sarah Tuttle. Children of Ren-

                               selear and Sarah Tuttle, are:

                               Permelia. Second marriage,  Mrs.

                               Mary Adams.

WARRICK, JONATHAN..............Born (Date unknown).  Mar-

                               ried to Ann Swift, February 14,

                               1851. Children of Jonathan and

                               Ann Swift, are: Joseph, Nellie,

                               Cornie, Fred and Frank (twins),


WARRICK, WILLIAM...............Born (Date unknown).  Married

                               to Permelia Tuttle. Children of

                               William and Permelia Tuttle,

                               are: Frank and Fred, died young.

WARRICK, FANNIE................Born September 28, 1828. Mar-

                               ried to Melvin Smith of Seneca

                               Falls. Children of Fannie and

                               Melvin Smith, are: Frederick,

                               died; Lena; Ella; Thomas. died;



110                 History of Cayuga



WARRICK, NEALLIE ..............Born December 19, 1845.  Mar-

                               ried to Dr. Nelson Blood. No


*WARRICK, ELIZABETH ...........Born February 15, 1825.  Mar-

                               ried Harrison Lamb, January 11,

                               1843.  Children of Elizabeth

                               and Harrison Lamb, are: Edwin

                               H., born February 15, 1844;

                               Josiah M., born February 23,

                               1847; Eugene M., born October

                               14,1849; William F., born May

                               18,1852, died young.

WARRICK, MARY..................Born January 20, 1835.  Mar-

                               ried to Harrison Lamb.  Chil-

                               dren of Mary and Harrison Lamb,

                               are: Lillie F., born October 27,

                               1857; Josephine M., born April

                               23, 1869; Clarence A., born

                               March 20, 1864.

WARRICK, ANNIE................ Born October 2, 1853.  Married

                               to Henry Townsend.  Children

                               of Annie and Henry Townsend,

                               are: Phoebie, born January 19,

                               1874; Bela, born March 9,1876;

                               Nina, born April 15,1878; Edna,

                               born December 1,1880.

WARRICK, CATHERINE ........... Born April 3, 1833.  Married to

                               Austin Quigley.  Children of

                               Catherine and Austin Quigley,

                               are: Lorin, Della, died three

                               years of age; Emma, died when

                               seventeen years of age.

WARRICK, JOHN..................Born September 27, 1836. Mar-

                               ried to Sarah Howell.  Children

                               of John and Sarah Howell, are:

                               Walter J,, born September 4,

                               1862;  Josephine, born 1865,

                               died 1885; Grace, born 1882.

                               Second marriage to Emma Or-

                               man.  Children of John and

                               Emma Orman, are: Irene, born

                               May 14, 1892.

WARRICK, NELLIE................Born July 18,1857.  Married to

                               Frank VanBuskirk.  Children of

                               Nellie and Frank VanBuskirk,

                               are: Frank, Jr., Earl.

WARRICK, JANE..................Born December 7, 1838.  Mar-

                               ried to Joseph Sawyer, Decem-

                               ber 31, 1861. Children of Jane

                               and Joseph Sawyer, are: Flora;

                               Bertha, born February 18, 1874.



*See Lamb.


111  Genealogy Record



WARRICK, NEALLIE...............Born December 19, 1845.  Mar-

                               ried to Dr. Nelson Blood.  No


Warrick WALTER J...............Born September 5, 1862.  Mar-

                               ried to Minnie J.  Paulter of

                               Hartford, Conni, September 1,

                               1885.  Children of Walter J.

                               and  Minnie  J.  Paulter, are:

                               Josiemay, W. Merwin, Gladys H.,

                               Ruth, Blanche.

WARRICK, JOSIEMAY..............Born.  Married to William L.

                               Chappell. Children of Josiemay

                               and William L. Chappell, are:

                               Elmer Warrick, Jay William.

WARRICK, MERWIN................Born.  Married Frances Kreut-

                               ler. Children of Merwin and

                               Frances Kreutler, are: June,

                               Walter Merwini

WARRICK, GLADYS................Born.  Married to Dr. Walter

                               Williams of Springfield, Mass.

                               Children of Gladys H. and Dr.

                               Walter Williams, are:  Walter,

                               Rasalind. ind.

WARRICK, RUTH..................Born.   Married to Frederick L,

                               Hamilton August 7, 1926.

SAWYER, FLORA..................Born September 2, 1867.  Mar-

                               ried Walter Underhill April 2,

                               1890. No children.


WAYNE, DELANCEY................Born January 1, 1892.  Mar-

                               ried to Emma Martin February

                               16, 1927.



WILLARD, LORING................Born Biookfield August 6, 1780.

                               Married to Lovisa Fitch, Second

                               marriage to Mrs. Phila Burchord

                               Daniels. Children of Loring and

                               Mrs,  Phila Burchord   Daniels,

                               are:  Emeline, Frances, Henry,

                               Samuel Daniels.

WILLARD, EMELINE...............Born November 1, 1805.  Mar-

                               ried to Lucius Foote Olmstead.

                               No children.

WILLARD, FRANCES...............Born (Date unknown).  Mar-

                               ried Rev. Hall, Missionary to

                               India.  Died in India.  No


WILLARD, HENRY.................Born December 22, 1811.  Mar-

                               ried to Julia Fowler.  Second


 *See VanSickle.


112   History of Cayuga



                              marriage to Mrs. Anna A.

                              Chamberlain. Children of Henry

                              and Mrs. Anna A. Chamberlain,

                              are:  Edward Payson;  Helen

                              Lovisa; Amelia Fowler.

WILLARD, SAMUEL DANIELS ......Born 1835.   Married to Helen

                              Day.  No children.

WILLARD, EDWARD PAYSON........Born May 27, 1835. Married to

                              Mary E. Winnie of Carson City,

                              Nevada, May 1, 1867. Children

                              of Edward Payson and Mary E.

                              Winnie, are: Winnie, died in

                              infancy: Henry, born July 31,

                              1869. Second marriage to Fran-

                              ces C. Young of Geneva, N. Y.,

                              June  8, 1872.  Children of

                              Edward Payson and Frances C.

                              Young, are: Grace, born Octo-

                              ber 22, 1874; Florence, born

                              September 19,1876; Edith, born

                              February 21, 1881.

WILLARD, HELEN LOVISA.........Born March 27, 1840.  Married

                              to Rev. D. S. Johnson.  No


WILLARD, AMELIA FOWLER........Born May 11, 1847.  Married

                              Rev. D. S. Johnson of Spring-

                              field, Ill., August 14,1884. Five

                              children died in infancy.

WILLARD, GRACE................Born October 22, 1874. Unmarried.

WILLARD, FLORENCE.............Born September 19, 1876.  Unmarried.

WILLARD, EDITH................Born February 21, 1881.  Mar-

                              ried to Norris Antrine King of

                              Keokah, Iowa, September 27,

                              1904.  Children of Edith and

                              Norris Antrine King, are: Ed-

                              ward Willard, born August 3,

                              1908; Frances Avery, died young.

                              Edith Norinne, born March 25,

                              1918; Evelyn Shirley, born Octo-

                              ber 8,1920.



WOOD, MINERVA ANN MCINTOSH....Born March 9, 1854.  Married

                              to Albert Reeves Greenleaf

                              December 24, 1901.  One son,

                              Abbott Huff Greenleaf.



*See McIntosh



Village of Cayuga.  Winter 1927 .  View from frozen lake.


Indian Arrow-heads from Davis Point


Map of the Cayuga Indian Reservation and Military Lots


Red Jacket Chief of the Senecas About 1795


Mary Frances Victoria Lalliette at One Hundred and Two Years


Cayuga Long Bridge, 1800-1857


George A. Kyle , About 1866  and  Edwin H. Whitney, About 1858


The Titus House, 1875-1900


The Presbyterian Church, Erected in 1823


Main Street in 1927


Mrs. Moseley Hutchenson with Daughter , Sarah Frances About 1838 and John McIntosh, About 1865
