Scanned Images Of Pages From The Burial Roster:
Bird Cemetery - Locke NY (Cayuga County)
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Page 26

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IMPORTANT NOTE: A transcription of headstone information for Bird Cemetery was compiled in circa 1955 and cites burials in the early or mid 1800s.  However, the cemetery association was reportedly not formed until 1888 and they do not have records on the earlier burials. Consequently, information about burials prior to 1888 is not included in the scan images of cemetery association records shown on this website page.


This is a scanned image of a page from the burial records of Bird Cemetery in Locke, NY.  The list was written by Stanley Kinney and later by Mary Ellen Killam, Sec/Treasurer of Bird Cemetery in Locke, NY.  (Burials are cited on the lists in generally sequential order by date)  These records were shared in June 2004 by Mary E. Killam for the Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project
This digital website image is copyrighted 2004 to Mary E. Killam

A-B Surname Transcription

C-D Transcription Names

E-F-G Transcription Surnames

Transcription Surnames H-I-J

Transcription Surnames K-L

Transcription Surnames M-N-O

Transcription Surnames P-Q-R

Transcription Surnames S-T

Transcription Surnames U-Z

Scan Images Of Records

Transcription in Excel Format

1955 Headstone Transcription

Cayuga County NY Cemetery Records

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