Jayne Cemetery

(Town of Niles, NY)  #149

This cemetery is on the Jayne “Century Farm,” which is in the hamlet of Kelloggsville, on a mound a short ways in back of the barns. This little family plot, containing only seven stones, has had to be enclosed with a few boards to protect them from the inroads of the grazingcows.

copied by Mrs. John Crosby, 1962

This is recorded by the State Historian as a Century Farm.

JAYNE, MARY L.					d. Dec. 11, 1870 ae 54y 7mo 7da

JAYNE, MARTHA					d. May 14, 1875 ae 79y 1mo 12 da 

						b. Apr. 2, 1796

JAYNE, JOHN T.					d. Jul. 23, 1865 ae 26y 8mo 12 da

JAYNE, AMANDA M. dau of John & Martha Jayne	d. Nov. 11, 1853 ae 28y 6mo 15 da

JAYNE, JOSEPHINE M.				d. Oct. 28, 1869 ae 46y 2mo 7 da

JAYNE, JOTHAM Rev. Soldier			d. Mar. 14, 1819 ae 61y    10 da

JAYNE, DESIRE wife of Jotham Jayne		d. Sep. 4, 1818 ae 62y 9mo 24 da

headstones and footstones out of thin brown stone, carved in script

headstone - IN memory of Jotham Jayne who died Mar. 14th, 1819 aged 61yrs 10 days
footstone - J.J.
headstone - IN memory of Desire Jayne wife of Jotham Jayne who died Sept. 4, 1818 aged 28yr 9mo 7 da
footstone- D.J.

(Leslie Luther questioned difference in headstone notation and transcript information for Desire Jayne.)

Thanks to Anita Sharpsteen  for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

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Bernie Corcoran , Cayuga County, NYGenWeb Project Coordinator