Van Duyne Family Cemetery
(Town of Niles, NY) #151
About 1/2 mile past Arnold Road, S on East Lake Road, E at the back of woods on the south end near a large pine tree.
VAN DUYNE John d Jan 23, 1849 in the 87th year of his age VAN DUYNE Mary, w of John d Dec. 1, 1852 ae 23y 8 mo 2 da VAN DUYNE Rachel d Jan 15, 1820 ae 60 yrs First wife of John VAN DUYNE VAN DUYNE Anna,wife of Peter d June 2, 1858 rest of stone gone VAN DUYNE (name obilterated) d June 22, 1835 ae 5 yrs Son of Thomas & Eleanor VAN DUYNE VAN DUYNE _______ M. d Feb. 27, 1841 ae 1 yr 6mo Son of Thomas & Eleanor VAN DUYNE also a broken stone Aug 1, _____ ae 88 Compiler Notes - apparently by Mabel Crosby: Cem. does not appear on New Cemetery Atlas of Cayuga Co., 1904, but would have been on the W. L. VAN DUYNE farm, Lot 13. This is on the line between Gerald SHAW's and Meredith Badman's property. There were some pieces with nothing legible, so there may have been some others buried there. Taken April 21, 1962 - Mabel Crosby
Thanks to Wilda Marshall Brown for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.