"Old Catholic Cemetery"
Also-Known-As: 'St. Bernard's Old Catholic Cemetery'
Cemetery is located in Scipio NY (Cayuga County). |
1000 feet east of the intersection of Center Street and South Street Road/State Route 34, on the south side of the street,
behind the (former) Scipio Center Catholic Church;
2805 Center Street, Scipio. Update by Jessica Armstrong in May 2021.
*Stone not found, [notes from May 2021 inventory]; {information from previous inventory}
-": information from list of buried soldiers provided by Scipio Town Clerk, May 2021
y: years, m: months, d: days. Dates listed are dates of birth/death. |
*Bowness, William; July 18, 1871 age 51y 3m |
*Bowness, Rose Ann Morgan; October 11, 1892 age 64y |
*Bowness, John, {son of William and Rose}; September 14, 1860 age 1y 1m 10d |
Brady, Edward; February 23, 1880 age 55y |
Burke, Thomas; December 25, 1879 age 54y 5m 14d |
Byrne, Thomas; March 31, 1876 age [5]{15}y 6m 16d |
Byrne, Caty, [child of Daniel and Julia]; March 31, 1876 age 12y 22d |
Byrne, James; March 30, 1876 age 1y 9m 22d |
Byrne, Edward; April 1, 1876 age 8y 5m |
Byrne, Mary; April 7, 1876 age 10y 5m 2d |
Coghlin, Mary; June 25, 1886 age 75y |
Coghlin, Daniel B., [child of Jeremiah and Sarah]; Feb 1875 age 1w |
Coghlin, Danie {Dannie} [child of Jeremiah and Sarah]; age 1m [Daniel and Danie on stone with Mary] |
Conran, John; December 31, 1878 in 60th year |
Conran, Margaret; [July 6, 1897 age 85y cited on transcription of obituary via USGenNet on US Data Repository] |
Daley, Owen; January 19, 1875 age 60y |
*Daley, Dennis; December 21, 1875 age 26y |
Donovan, Dennis; May 10, 1902 age 72y |
Donovan, Nancy {Gleason, wife of Dennis}; March 12, 1871 age 36y |
Donovan, John, son of [Nancy and Dennis]; February 20, 1888 age 24y 11m 8d |
[Dunniven, John, son of Dinnes and Nancy; March 10, 1860 age 3y] |
Donovan, Cornel[ius]{Cornelia}; January 3, 1868 age 57y |
Donovan, Katie, wife of Thomas Conran; October 29, 1890 age 31y |
[Ferguson: combined and separate stones] |
Ferguson, John; August 11, 1876 age 26y 4m 10d |
Ferguson, Archible; 1822-1893 |
Ferguson, Hannah, {wife}; 1825-1901 |
Ferguson, Mary Richter; 1824-1871 |
Ferguson, Archible, [son of Archible and Hannah]; 1857-1895 |
Ferguson, John E.; 1850-1877 |
{Ferguson, Mary, {daughter}; 1877-} |
[Ferguson, Mary, daughter of John and Catherine; May 18, 18(7)6 age 14m 28d] |
Flynn, Thomas; February 27, 1882 age 71y |
Flynn, Bridget; April [3]{8}, 1879 age 66y |
Flynn, Mary; February 7, 1894 age 45y [on stone with Thomas and Bridget, also own stone: 1849-1894] |
[Flynn, Mary; died April 22, no year, age 20 days. Next to Mary Flynn: 1849-1894] |
{Gavin}—See Lavin |
Gleason, Robert, [3rd NY Reg. L.A. N.Y. Vols.]; June 17, [{1888}] -1883- age 44y |
[Grant]{Grandt}, Thomas, son of William and Mary; September 21, 1879 age 2m |
[Hellen, Patrick; January 23, 1876 age 86. Born in (Dunman__), Co. Cork, Ireland] |
Hurley, Cornelius; 1822-1897 |
Hurley, Anna; 1870-1870 |
Hurley, Mary, {wife of Cornelius}; March 18, 1882 age 50 [on stone with Laites] |
[Laites]{Laiter}, Robert; 1885-1890 |
[Laites}{Laiter}, Mary; 1860-1892 |
Lavin: Patrick, Mary (wife of Pat.), William, Thomas, Mary; no information |
--William and Patrick Lavin listed at “Catholic Cemetery.” Patrick 1819-1905, Co. E. 9th H. A.-- |
Lavin, John; July 16, [{1876 age 31y}] -d. 1878 age 31y 3m 18d- |
Lee, Matthew; [September 9, 1877 age 44y}[stone repaired] |
Morgan, Catherine, {daughter of Arthur (Morgan) and Ellen (Bowness)}; August 5, 1887 age {1y 18d} |
Muldoon, John, [Co. E, 9th Reg. N.Y.H.A.]; 1821-1900 |
Muldoon, Marie Ringwood, {wife of John}; 1816-1900 |
[Murphys and Shaws are on the same stone. Catherine, Caroline, and George B. were originally marked down as Murphy,
but are listed as “children of Patrick and Hannah Shaw” on the large shared stone.] |
Murphy, John; March 7, 1889 age 24y |
Murphy, Susan; June 4, 1890 age 32d |
Murphy, Norah; February 26, 1881 age 1y 10d |
Murphy, Michael; November [29]{28}, 1884 age 65y |
*Nolan, Thomas; October 20, 1878 age 65y |
*O’Connell, Edward; no information |
O’Connell, Rose, {wife of Edward}; April 9, 1873 in 45th year |
O’Connor, Katie, {daughter of Patrick and Maggie}; August 12, 1876 age 1y 6m 23d |
O’Herron, John, son of Morris and Catherine; September 22, 1877 age {1y 1m}[+11d] |
Quinn, Mary, wife of Thomas; July 24, 1873 age 48y |
Quinn, Mary, wife of Thomas; January 20, 1888 age 52y |
Richter, Mary; February 6, 1873 age 12y 5m [See Ferguson] |
Shaw, Catherine, child of Patrick and Hannah; March 15, 1891 [age 21d] |
Shaw, Caroline, child of Patrick and Hannah; April 12, 1894 age [2y]{12y} 2d |
Shaw, George B., child of Patrick and Hannah; February 16, 1895 age [4y]{1y} 2d |
{Shaw, Hannah H.; March 28, 1896 age 13y} |
[Shaw, Hannah, wife of Patrick; March 23, 1895 age 43y] |
Shaw, John H.; February [24]{21}, 1880 age [68]{63}y |
Shaw, Mary, {wife of John H.}; March 29, 1900 age 90y |
Tehan, Timothy; March 5, 1881 age 58y |
Tehan, Abby, {wife of Timothy}; May 25, 1896 age 63y |
Tehan, Agnes; February 25, [1888]{1883} age 18y |
Tehan, Danie, [child of Timothy and Abby]; February 15, 1881 age 8y |
[Whelan, Dennis, son of J. and Mary; September 11, 1882 age 2y 7m] |
This website is published by the Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project and is intended for personal genealogy and local history research. The NYGenWeb Project is comprised of a network of volunteers that publish & maintain websites for the purpose of sharing local history and genealogy information. We are not affiliated with any cemetery association, historical society or organization.
This updated transcription was compiled in May 2021 by Jessica Armstrong.
To view an earlier burial roster or gravestone transcription for this cemetery
compiled in the 1960s, click HERE.
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