Kelloggsville Cemetery
( Town of Sempronius, NY {Cayuga County} ) #189
This cemetery is located in the NW corner of Lot 47, town of Sempronius, Cayuga Co., NY, a short distance S of Kelloggsville hamlet, on the W side of the road to Dresserville, as indicated on the map of Niles township, New Century Atlas of Cay. Co., NY, 1904.
Copied by L. Luther - 1959
Mr. Luther has the following notes with this cemetery:
Charlie Rooks and Charlie Horton were drowned one Sunday morning as they were "taking a ride on an ice-cake" across the pond next to Dr. Horton's residence just W of Kelloggsville. They were 14 and 15 years of age.
Richard Witt was accidentally killed through the discharge of a pistol. He lived just S of Kelloggsville on a farm adjacent to the Cemetery.
Eunice Smith was the second wife of Nathaniel Filmore, father of Millard Filmore, 13th President of the U.S. It was her third marriage. Her first husband was a Mrs. (John?) Bassett, a soldier of the War of 1812, and buried elsewhere; and Samuel Love was her 2nd husband.
The Rev. Robert Niles professed religion and entered the ministry in the 22nd year of his age. From 22 to 58 he preached the gospel of God's Grace; "Thro various means his fellows fall, By Grace alone he keeps the wall." Also noted that when the old Township of Sempronius was divided in 1833 into the towns of Sempronius, Niles and Moravia, Niles was named after this Rev. Robert Niles.
In 1964, the back part of the main section of the cemetery was cleared of berry bushes, saplings and undergrowth, and the stones thus uncovered put back in place. About 85 names have thereby been added to Mr. Luther's original list.
Copied by Mable Crosby - 1964
Achmoody, Wm. I. 1916-1952 Gwen b. Nov. 20,1951 d. Mar.4, 1952 Ackerson, Jonas b. 1811 d. Jun.2, 1897 Eunice Smith, w of Jonas b. 1818 d. Apr. 15, 1890 Norman, son of Jonas & Eunice d. Apr. 29, 1849 ae 6-1-18 Lydia Ann, dau of Jonas & Eunice d. Oct.24, 1839 ae 8mo 21da Maria A., dau of Jonas & Eunice d. Nov. 6, 18__ ae ? Ackerson, See Beacham - Royce - Taylor Austin, Dwight K. "Father" b. 1845 d. May 28, 1922 Kate P. "Mother" 1847-1929 (handwritten note: Kate Beldine by Fleming, Mass. Records) Austin, Elijah, son of Joab & Eloner d. Apr. 20, 1846 ae 61y Anna Allen, his w d. Aug. 6, 1868 ae 81y Austin, Charlotte Williams, w of Jared b. Oct.22, 1823 d. Mar.10/15,1849 (handwritten note: dau of Wyront Williams) Bailey, See Baker Baker, Abel M.D. b. Jun.17,1789 d. Mar.22,1862 Aurora Price, w of Abel b. Jul.5,1795 d. Jun.11, 1827 Laura Bailey, 2nd w of Abel b. May 21,1808 d. Oct.19,1836 Udolphia Osborn, 3rd w of Abel b. Jun.23,1804 d. Nov.25, 1843 Aurora d. Dec.20, 1835 ae 4mo 12da Infant son d. ?? Baker, See Bryan Ball, Phebe, w of Samuel d. Nov.1, 1814 ae 73y Ball, Emily, dau of James & Mary d. Oct.2,1825 ae 14y 10mo Banker, Nathaniel Banker, Phidelia d. Mar. 13, 1879 ae 86y Banker, Susannah b. Dec. 21, 1821 d. Mar.5, 1845 (dau of Nathaniel & Susannah) Banker, See Pray Barnum, Caroline A., w of Alfred Barnum d. Aug.29,1848 ae 27y Bassett, Jotham d. Dec.16, 1827 ae 89-6-18 (Note: Jotham served in Rev. War - made coffins for soldiers.) Neoma, w of Jotham d. Apr.18, 1828 ae 83y Bassett, William d. Jan.16, 1876 ae 72y Mary Taylor, w of William b. Apr.25, 1812 d. Dec.16 1885 Bassette, See Heald Beacham, William "Father" 1855-1940 Eunice Ackerson, w of William 1860-1910 "Mother" Bell, Dennis E. 1861-1923 "Father" Nettie M., w of Dennis 1871-1951 "Mother" George D. 1896-1927 "George" Bell, Elizabeth F. Bush, d. Apr.21, 1859 ae 39-1-13 (w of James Bell; dau of Isaac & Jane Bush) Bentley, Charles S. b. Dec.16, 1809 d. Aug.20, 1901 Ann Eliza, w of Charles b. Aug.11,1807 d.Mar.20, 1880 Elizabeth d. Mar.17,1875 ae 88y 3da Bentley, Daniel J. 1848-1905 Joseph d. Oct.13, 1832 ae 75-5-12 (Rev. Sold. - N.Y. Dutchess Co. Militia 5th Regt. F.B.D.) Hannah d. Sep.25,1840 ae 85-8-5 Bentley, Deborah, dau of Calleb & Elizabeth d. Sep.13, 1839 ae 25-10-14 Mary, dau of Calleb & Elizabeth d. Oct.26, 1838 ae 17-6-29 Beyea, Jonathan b. Aug.8,1817 d. Dec.4,1897 Beyea, Benjamin d. Jul. 6, 1868 ae 77y Zillah, w of Benjamin d. Sep.18, 1872 ae 75-1-10 Beyea, Hannah M. d. Jun.11,1877 ae 43y 11mo Witt, Richard B. d. ae 15 yrs Beyea, Olive M., w of Jonathan d. Oct. 20, 1871 ae 51y Beyea, Annias 1818-1885 Anna, his w 1816-1880 Beyea, Richard W. d. May 23, 1866 ae 1mo 16 da (son of Benjamin & Martha Beyea) Brokaw, Sarah Mason, w of John b. Sep. 10,1818 d. Jan.26, 1893 Brown, Daniel d. Apr. 25, 1855 ae 86y 9mo Polly Leseur (see note), w of Daniel d. Oct.8, 1860 ae 90y 4 mo Brown, Elijah, "Father" b. Nov.30, 1773 d. May 23, 1854 Elizabeth Greenfield "Mother" b. Apr.1, 1775 d. Dec.24, 1851 Brown, Ellery L., bro to Oscar b. 1821 d. Aug.10, 1896 Oscar A. 1830-1909 Ann E., w of Oscar 1831-1897 Brown, Philena, dau of Russell & Laura d. Mar.9, 1841 ae 15-3-18 Brown, Thomas J. 1857-1938 Frances A., w of Thomas 1856-1934 Blanche, dau of Thomas & Frances b. Feb.7, 1885 d. Jun. 21, 1885 Brown, Betsey (?Betaey) Durfee d. May 7, 1841 w of William Brown, see Rounds Bruse, Sarah Y. E. d. Oct.20, 1832 ae 13y 10mo Bryan, John d. May 8, 1874 ae 45y Baker, Warren E. (on Bryan lot) d. Oct. 23, 1873 ae 24-9-7 Anson J. (on Bryan lot) 1858-1931 Burdick, Mary J., dau of N.P. & M. ?? d. Dec.9, 1848 ae 7-8-10 Burgess, Seth, who departed this life Feb. 1814 ae 69 Olive, w of Seth Burges d. Aug. 20, 1837 ae 88-9-4 Burgess, Charles Esq. d. July 10, 1846 ae 51y 10mo Anna, his w d. Dec. 2, 1872 ae 74-11-24 C. Otis 1827-1850 Mary Ann 1831-1854 Also separate has for above: Mary Ann stone broken d. Sep. 12, 1854 C. Otis stone broken (prob) d. Apr. 14, 1___ Angeline d. Jan. 5, 1868 ae 45y Burgess, Byron d. Dec. 8, 1911 ae 87y Phebe, his wife d. Nov. 29, 1873 ae 39y Angeline, wife (2) d. Feb. 10, 1907 ae 54y Burgess, Charles O. 1859-1939 Lucy S., his wife 1866-1939 Burgess Major Joel (See Note Below) b. April 5, 1769; d. April 6, 1807 Burk, Samuel A. 1850-1924 Emma 1852-1946 Bush, Abram 1832-1903 Susan Lester, his wife 1850-1909 Bush, Isaac d. Jun. 21, 1869 Jane, his wife d. Jan. 29, 1877 ae 84-9-18 Bush, See Bell Cady, Osiah or Josiah (see note below) d. May 25, 1840/48 ae 59y 10da Cady, See Hall Capron, Hannah d. Sep. _3, 1841 ae 48-5-26 (consort of Elder B. W. Capron) Carpenter, James 1836-1911 Jane, his wife b. 1833 d. Aug. 27, 1868 ae 35y Celia, his 2nd wife 1843-1923 Fred E. 1870-1930 John H. d. Aug. 30, 1865 ae 50 Ann W., his wife d. Jan. 20, 1882 ae ?? Carroll, See Collins Carver, William P., son of J.A. & W. D. d. Dec. 11, 1818 ae 7-9-17 Joseph 1816-1861 Amy A. Prey/Pray, his wife 1819-1901 Henry H., their son 1855-1881 Case, William 1831-1914 Emeline, his wife 1832-1865 Lorinda, his 2nd wife 1822-1912 Case, N. Augustus, son of N.L. & S.H. 1850-1862 Case, Robert 1800-1872 Adaline, his wife 1802-1876 John C., their son 1829-1867 Cheney, Zacheus "Father" 1789-1828 Mary, his wife "Mother" 1795-1863 Mary Ryan (on same mon.) "dau" 1826-1892 "M.R." Cheney, Smith d. Sep. 24, 1871 Dwight d. Feb. 26, 1892 ae 75-3-8 (handwritten note: b. Niles, son of Zachariah & Mary) Hannah M., w of Dwight d. Oct. 14, 1883 ae 63y Ann Cheney Maxwell 1841-1894 Cleveland, See Tompkins Clickner, John E. no dates Clickner, See Tuthill? Collins, Anna d. Oct. 14, 1853 ae 69y 7mo Olive, w of Stephen Carroll d. Jan. 17, 1858 ae 82y 22 da Cook, Mary E., dau of Theodore & Nancy d. Jan. 27, 1853 ae 1y 8mo Cooper, William F. (M.D.) b. Croydon, N.H. Aug. 2, 1802 d. Niles, NY Apr. 4, 1881 "An Oak in the Tempest, A Hero in Battle, His life goes on beyond our vision" Cooper, Julia, niece of Wm. F. Cooper d. Oct. 20, 1884 ae 44y Couch, Electa b. Oct. 5,1808 d. Jul. 19, 1897 Joel d. Oct. 10, 1842 ae 62y Phebe, w of Joel d. Oct. 10, 1859 ae 76y Sybil d. Oct. 16, 1864 ae gone Couch, Joel d. Dec. 8, 1859 ae 48y Mary, his wife d. Apr. 9, 1898 ae 83y Couch, Milton W. d. Mar. 18, 1876 ae 37y 5mo Couch, Riley W. d. Dec. 16, 1859 ae 27-9-28 Below are children of Joel B. & Phebe Couch: Couch, William d. Mar. 26, 1822 ae 7y 23da Melvin d. Mar. 25, 1822 ae 11mo 26da Elmon d. Mar. 24, 1822 ae 11mo 25 da William M. d. Apr. 4, 1825 ae 5y 29da Summerton, Mr. John of New Bedford, Mass. d. Feb. 5, 1805 ae 59y "The sweet remembrance of the just Shall flourish when he sleeps in dust." Tidd, John H., son of Daniel & Elizabeth d. Oct. 3, 1836 ae 2/3y 3/2m 18da Foster, Charles/Charlie b. Nov. 1779 d. July 4, 1812 Crandall, Elihu C. b. Jan.27, 1831 d. Feb. 13, 1902 Mary E., dau of Elihu & Betsey d. Jun. 27, 1889 ae 18-6-6 Alice M., w of Dumont Olney d. May 4, 1886 ae 27y John R. d. Dec. 15, 1849 ae 26-7-11 James d. Jun. 18, 1841 ae 45-11-8 Crandall, See Sweet Craw, Joseph d. July 26, 1851 ae 54-8-13 John G. d. July 12, 1891 ae 64y Philinda Drake, w of John d. Nov. 22, 1897 ae 73 Joseph d. Sep. 26, 1851 ae 60y Abigail, his wife d. Mar. 8, 1877 ae 80y Cruthers, Malinda M., w of George I. d. Nov. 10, 1858 ae 80/30 yrs Cruthers, Martin d. Aug. 27, 1875 ae 43yr Juliet, his wife d. Mar. 18, 1861 ae 28-2-29 Dorr M. 1861-1949 Lewis H. d. Oct.5/8, 1853 ae 23-8-16 Cruse, Sarah d. Oct. 20, 1832 ae 13y Cutler, Frank H. 1855-1917 Carrie H., his w 1860-1948 D. K. 1882-1940 Jennie M., his wife 1883-1972 M. Aleeta 1917-1919 Margaret C. Lieber 1908-1951 Darrow, Abel d. Oct. 13, 1886 ae 69y Cornelia Shufelt, w of Abel d. June 17, 1912 ae 89y Antoinette, dau of Abel & Cornelia d. Mar. 1, 1912 ae 39y Dennis, Volney M., Serg. 169th Inf. WW2 1911-1949 Charles W. 1836-1940 Amanda M., his wife b. 1837 d. Sep. 11, 1897 Volney 1867-1914 Mary I. 1870-1924 Frank, their son b. 1899 d. Apr. 25, 1904 Juliet P., their dau 1901-1917 Caroline B., their dau. 1929-1934???? Amos d. June 1, 1873 ae 61-10-15 Sylvester, son of Amos & Catherine d. May 11, 1860 ae 16y 1 da Sally Jane, dau of " & " d. Nov. 15, 1846 ae 4-9-15 Ann Eliza d. Aug. 9, 1838 ae 18-4-21 Lewis d. Mar. 2, 1835 ae 49-10-20 (On Lewis' stone: "Forgive the falling tears and chide not the heart that weep - for here a husband and a father sleep.") Mary J., w of P. McLaughlin d. May 24, 1872 ae 24-7-3 Dennis, See Hoyt - Stoker - Tuthill DeWitt, Carrie, dau of Mark & Mary E. d. Aug. 1878 ae 18y Eddie, son of Mark & Mary E. d. Nov. 1875 ae 4 yr DeWitt, Moseman E. b. 1845 d. July 4, 1898 Addie Royce, his wife 1845-1923 Stevie A. b. Jun. 8, 1874 d. Jan. 28, 1886 DeWitt, Isabell M., w of Stephen d. Feb. 11, 1856 ae 47-9-15 (Isabell dau. of Ebenezer & Zilpha Moseman) Moseman, Eben d. Mar. 31, 1842 ae 74yr Zelpha, his wife d. July 1867 ae 91yr Dewitt, Willie, son of M.E. & S. J. d. Sep 23, 1869 ae 6mo 5 da Sarah J. Ryan, w of Moseman E. d. July 14, 1869 ae 22-5-15 Dolton, Willett d. Nov. 29, 1873 ae 41-8-4 Doolittle, See York Drake, William A. b. 1799 d. June 5, 1856 Mary, his wife 1804-1881 Sally A., dau of Wm & Mary 1837-1839 (Also hs.: d. Oct. 20, 1839 ae 1y 9mo 25da) Lee Otis 1827-1902 Elizabeth A. 1828-____ Drake, See Craw Easton, See Slocum Ellis, See Slade Everson, John d. Nov. 21, 1849 ae 57-2-27 Ann, relict of John d. Jun. 11, 1854 ae 54-4-11 Cornelius, their son d. Feb. 22, 1825 ae 7-5-10 George W., son of Lewis & Caroline d. May 17, 1862 ae 18-2-18 (In service: Co F, 51/61 Reg. N.Y.V.) Samuel d. Jan. 23, 1871 ae 71-11-3 John (Rev.Sold.?) d. Apr.12, 1838 ae 73y 1mo Nancy, w of John d. May 22, 1855 ae 89-1-3 Elizabeth, dau of John & Nancy d. Dec. 19, 1844 ae 17-8-23 Margaret d. Mar. 2, 1834 ae 30-11-21 George M., son of Wm & Catherine d.Nov. 23, 1842 ae 3mo 10 da Horace d. Sep. 9, 1839 ae 4mo 24 da Corydon d. July 11, 1835 ae 4y 10mo Fairman, Roswell d. Dec. 11, 1844 ae 84y Anna, his wife d. Jul 15, 1873 ae 77y 3mo Fillmore, Eunice 2nd w of Nathaniel d. June 20, 1866 ae 87y Love, Samuel d. Aug. 8, 1831 ae 65y (Note: Eunice Smith was 2nd wife of Nathaniel Fillmore, father of Millard Fillmore, 13th President of U.S.. It was her third marriage. Her first husband was a Mr. Bassett (John?), a soldier of 1812, and buried elsewhere; and Samuel Love was her 2nd husband). Forbes, See Fuller Foster, See Couch Fowler, See Heald Francis, Susannah, w of John d. May 11, 1844 ae 51y Friar, Gattie J., w of J.F. Friar d. Aug. 6, 1873 ae 21-10-11 Fritts, Silas N. 1830-1871 Huldah B., his wife 1831-1920 Fry, Ellen d. Feb. 1, 1868 ae 72y (Ellen's hs. was in line of stones with Othaniel Williams) Fry, Catharine d. Nov. 11, 1862 ae 34/31-3-13 Fuller, Luther d. June 17, 1852 ae 73y Olive Newland, his w 1787-1871 Rhoda 1822-1888 (see note) Orrin, son of Luther & Olive d. Jan. 18, 1828 ae 18-10-1 John d. Nov. 2, 1825 ae 43y Luther N. d. Aug. 6, 1872 ae 56y Julia, w of Luther N. d. Oct. 18, 1844 ae 28y Lydia Mason, his 2nd wife d. Sep. 29, 1883 ae 56y William 1813-1896 Nancy A. Forbes, w of Wm. 1824-1911 Orrin S., son of Wm & Nancy 1858-1861 Charles W., son of Wm & Nancy 1862-1869 Jeremiah d. Feb. 5, 1856 ae 70y 6mo Lydia, w of Jeremiah d. Aug. 24, 1884 ae 91y Betsey A., dau of Jeremiah & Lydia d. Feb. 19, 1836 ae 19y 3mo Jennet, dau of Jeremiah & Lydia d. Mar. 9, 1832 ae 9y 6mo Milton, son of Jeremiah & Lydia d. June 22, 1845 ae 25-9-3 (I found: Betsey A. Fuller 1818-1891; also sep. hs. for Milton; also "Our Little Charlie" with no dates; also "Jennet", dau of Jeremiah & Lydia, L. Luther has as Jennie T.) Fuller, Levi F. 1813-1891 Glover, Henry 1829-1886 Susan C., his wife 1830-1866 Angeline, his 2nd wife 1840-1879 Charles H. 1858-1884 Capt. William 1798-1855 Asenath, w of Wm 1795-1851 Polly 1774-1854 Gonsollas, Benjamin F. d. Nov. 8, 1867 ae 43y Goodell, see Niles Goodridge, Jonathan d. Sep. 8, 1863 ae 78y Elizabeth, his w d. May 24, 1854 ae ?? Marie L. d. Aug. 28, 1861 ae 34y 6mo Nellie, dau of M. & S. d. May 29, 1866 ae 5mo Francis H. d. Nov. 3, 1868 ae 6-7-17 Gorton, Elder Hesekiah d. Apr. 19, 1829 ae 66y Gravit, Andrew R. d. Jan. 28, 1892 ae 72-8-1 Jane, his wife d. __________ Aggie, dau of G.R. & P.R. b. Aug. 18, 1884 d. Sep. 11, 1889 Gravit, see Sweet Green, see Taylor Greenfield, Raymond d. Sep. 10, 1880 ae 80-3-1 Alice A. d. Feb. 28, 1869 ae 4-9-7 Hulbert d. Mar. 30, 1886 ae 59y Martha J., w of Hulbert d. Feb. 23, 1862 ae 26y John W., son of Hulbert & Martha d. Feb. 11, 1858 ae 6mo John W. d. June 1, 1859 ae 63y Esther, w of John W. d. Aug. 19, 1874 ae 84y John D., son of J.W. & Esther d. Mar. 25, 1845 ae 25y Margaret, dau of J.W. & Esther d. May 29, 1835 ae 20y Angeline, dau of J.W. & Esther d. Sep. 22, 1853 ae 22y Mary E., dau of J.W. & Esther d. Jan.15, 1839 ae 7y Ralph, son of J.W. & Esther d. Apr. 7, 1833 ae 3y Lucy d. Feb. 9, 1839 ae 27-9-3 Greenfield, see Brown Gurnee, Samuel d. Dec. 6, 1870 ae 74y Amanda, w of Samuel Sarah J., w of L.L. Tompkins d. Dec. 10, 1858 ae 37y Caleb ("Thus falls the soldier brave, who like our Saviour died to save." This part of his broken hs. lies under a tree at side of cemetery) Margaret, w of Caleb, broken stone b. Jan.19, 1776 d. ?? Gurnee, see Tompkins Hakes, Elizabeth, w of Wesley Hakes d. Mar. 27, 1866 ae 40y Hakes, see Shaver Halard/Harvard, Harriet S., dau of Wm & Caroline d. Mar. 5, 1854 ae 1y 1mo Hall, Jesse d. Feb. 15, 1835 ae 49y 7mo Philo d. Dec. 29, 1863 ae 39y Mary E., w of Philo d. Dec. 4, 1888 ae 64y David d. Jan. 23, 1863 ae 36y Cady, George 1852-1934 Ella Hall, w of George 1857-1932 (buried Apr. 23 from Ind. Md. vault) LeRoy 1880-1939 Philo, son of Geo. & E. Cady d. Sep. 14, 1887 Hall, Abby, dau of Philo & Mary d. May 15, 1873 ae 20y Hare, Henry M. 1863-1937 Nettie M., his wife 1855-1905 Harrington, Minnie A. Morris 1868-1943 (dau of John & Harriett Morris) Harvard, see Halard Harwood, John d. Nov. 27, 1824 ae 25y Hathaway, Elizabeth Rhoads, w of Ardon 1815-1901 Rhoads, Zodac (Zadoc?) 1767-1945 Elizabeth, his wife 1771-1815 Mary 1757-1825 Rebecca, w of Benj. Hewitt 1794-1866 Stephen 1806-1873 Willie 1822-1904 Hawke, John d. Dec. 31, 1841 ae 66y 3mo 16da Hazard, William 1822-1904 Caroline, his wife 1833-1910 Dwight, son of Wm & Caroline 1859-1879 Abbie, dau of Wm & Caroline 1863-1879 Harriet S., dau of Wm & Caroline d. Mar. 5, 1854 ae 1y 1mo (Handwritten note: says Bible records Tinker: Arlene Hazard b. June 27, 1832 & Caroline Tinker same birth) Heald, Abel d. Sep. 8, 1862 ae 73y 3mo Sarah, w of A. Heald d. July 7, 1867 ae 80y Rebeckah d. Dec. 2, 1861 ae 68y 3mo 13da Ebenezer W. d. Jan. 11, 1848 ae 33y 3mo Ebenezer W., son of E.W. & Erella d. May 14, 1848 ae 1y 2mo 7da Harvey H. d. Dec. 8, 1868 ae 24y 4mo Frances J. Prine, w of Harvey d. Dec. 18, 1868 ae 21y 9mo Charles d. Oct. 26, 1867 ae 41y Naomi V., w of Charles d. Apr. 3, 1857 ae 31y 9mo 15da Lottie, 2nd w of Charles 1827-1894 Charles F., son of Chas. & Lottie d. Feb. 3, 1867 ae 9mo Alveretta, w of Kelsey Fowler 1854-1875 Day 1846-1886 Mary F. Bassette, w of Day 1850-1900 Ettie, dau of Day & Mary 1870-1885 Benjamin G. d. Mar. 26, 1882 ae 74y 3mo 18da Mariah, w of Benj. G. d. May 13, 1863 ae 54y 9mo Elizabeth R., dau of Benj & Mariah d. Mar. 23, 1852? ae 12y Marie Antoinette, dau of Benj & Mariah d. May 14, 1857 ae 23-11-4 Arthur, son of Abram & Eliza d. Feb. 20, 1869 ae 3y 11mo 1da Heald, see Jayne - Jencks - York Hewett, see Rhoads - Hathaway Hewlet, Ruth, w of Samuel Hewlet d. Mar. 4, 1861 ae 59y 4mo 25da Holley, Lucy Ann, w of Hollis d. Aug. 28, 1845 ae 32/82 yrs Hoover, David T., Co.H, Reg. N.Y.V. 1822-1903 Horton, James Harvey (M.D.) 1821-1901 Martha, his wife 1824-1864 Mary B., 2nd w of James 1842-1883 Matilda, their dau 1856-1859 Charles S., their son 1857-1871 Harvey D., their son 1869-1870 E. S. 1848-1918 Abagail, dau of Gabriel & Eliza C. b. Jan. 27, 1829 d. Jan 3, 1850 Sarah d. June 29, 1841 ae 77y Howland, Paul d. Mar. 22, 1855 ae 73y 2mo 5da Lucy, his wife d. Apr. 12, 1867 ae 88y 1mo 21 da Charles R., son of Paul & Lucy b. Dec. 16, 1813 d. Mar. 30, 1900 Matilda, dau of Paul & Lucy d. Apr. 23, 1892 ae 70y 2mo 2 da Horace, son of Paul & Lucy d. July 22, 1838 ae 26y 6mo 21da Catherine, dau of Paul & Lucy d. May 14, 1880 ae 61y 10mo 19da Abraham, son of Paul & Lucy d. Mar. 10, 1892 ae 82y 1mo 4da (handwritten note: says b. Washington Co., NY) Almira E., wife of Abraham d. Oct. 13, 1881 ae 64y Hozial H. b. July 11, 1811 d. May 5, 1890 Emeline, w of Hozial b. Feb. 15, 1816 d. July 11, 1899 Hoyt, Ebenezer d. Jan. 13, 1874 ae 85y 11mo Clarissa, his wife d. Feb. 10, 1852 ae 53y 7mo Wilfred B., their son d. Oct. 10, 1841 ae 9y 7mo Mary J., w of Lewis Lockwood d. July 17, 1840 ae 23y 8mo Lockwood, Emily, dau of Lewis & Mary J. d. Sep. 30, 1840 ae 6mo 27da Hoyt, James P. 1814-1883 Mary Ann Stanton 1815-1897 Horace E., their son 1847-1872 John O. 1828-1912 (Handwritten note John O.: b. Mt. Hope, Orange Co., NY & d. 14 June in Ithaca) Julia Ett Dennis, w of John O. 1838-1892 (Handwritten note on Julia: b. Niles, dau of John & Huldah Dennis) Huestis, Benjamin b. July 13, 1802 d. Dec. 10, 1890 Rosanna, his wife b. Jan. 3, 1813 d. July 3, 1911 Elizabeth N. d. Aug. 27, 1852 ae 12y 8mo Ann G. d. Jan. 4, 1881 ae 43y 6mo Huff, Jonah b. July 31, 1805 d. Mar. 20, 1896 Lydia, his wife b. May 30, 1804 d. Feb. 24, 1895 George S., son of Jonah & Lydia d. Dec. 13, 1828 ae 2y 1mo 1da Hundley, Frank d. ca 1942 ae 75y Otis 1899-1972 (Both Hundley's listed were handwritten notes) Hunter, see Williams Jakway, Mary Ann, w of Orasmus d. Sep. 13, 1833 ae 26y 5mo 20da Jayne, Charles J. d. June 23, 1876 ae 56y 6mo Mary W., his wife d. Feb. 6, 1910 ae 75y Martha M., their dau. d. Apr. 6, 1872 ae 6y 27da Anson P. b. July 28,1833 d. May 15, 1886 Matilda Heald, stone with Anson 1842-1928 Munson H. 1872-1954 Stella, w of Munson 1871-1955 Jayne, see Parsell Jencks, Emery d. Apr. 23, 1887 ae 78y Jenks, Betsey R. Heald, wife d. Aug. 20, 1873 ae 64y Jencks, see Reynolds Jones, Eli b. Oct. 12, 1812 d. Oct. 5, 1888 Diantha B. York, w of Eli b. Aug. 19, 1827 d. May 11, 1895 Lula E., their dau. b. May 28, 1865 d. Dec. 26, 1875 Jacob, son of Job & Esther d. Dec. 3, 1864 ae 24y Abel O., son of Job & Esther d. Dec. 17, 1851 ae 10y 1mo 16da Keeling, Alfred, Co.D, 3rd L.A. d. Mar. 4, 1890 ae 59y Maria, his wife d. Mar. 19, 1890 ae 58y Kellog, George D., son of Dan W. & Esther d. May 29, 1837 ae 1y 3mo Kellogg, Julia Ann, dau of Dwight & Minerva d. June 12, 1828 ae 2y 8mo 18da Kenyon, Rhoda S., w of Rev. John d. Oct. 4, 1859 ae 31y 5mo 17da Angeline, dau of Rev. John L.& Rhoda d. Oct. 4, 1859 ae 24y 4mo 25da (note from Melinda Cornwell: Angeline date of death is written as noted) Kilborne, see Tuthill Kinyon, James d. Nov. 26, 1877 ae 83y 7mo 17da Ann, his wife d. Nov. 22, 1870 ae 69y 8mo 7da Job 1824-1904 Adelia, w of Job 1824-1851 Azubah, 2nd w of Job 1824-1900 Knight, Annanias Co.A, 75th NY Infantry d. Dec. 19, 1901 ae 56y William 1839-1907 Elizabeth H., w of William 1840-____ Mary M., dau of Wm & Elizabeth 1876-1893 Alice, dau of Wm & Elizabeth d. Apr. 21, 1886 ae 4y Caroline A., w of William d. Sep. 13, 1872 ae 34y 3mo 19da James W., son of Wm & C.A. d. Oct. 31, 1862 ae 1y 6mo 24da Knight, see Selover - Smith Ladow, John d. Feb. 16, 1845 Lucy d. Feb. 3, 1853 ae 71y
Lake (See E-mail below about Daniel & Hannah Lake) Lake, Priscilla, w of Reuben d. Feb. 16, 1845 Landers, see Morris Lane, Daniel (See Note) d. Oct. 1, 1835 ae 73y Hannah, his wife (See Note) d. May 10, 1850 ae 83y 5mo 16da Huldah, dau of Mathias & Hannah d. May 17, 1832 ae 19y 23da Hannah, dau of Mathias & Hannah d. Nov. 14, 1832 ae 21y 3mo 1da Leake, Benj. d. July 31, 1875 ae 66y Lee, Abigail, w of Benj. Leake b. May 29, 1820 d. Mar. 14, 1879 Joseph d. Apr. 5, 1852 ae 69y Nancy Perry, w of Joseph d. Sep. 29, 1833 ae 43y Lee, see Smith LeFever, Hasbrouck 1839-____ Ann M. O'Dell, his wife 1837-1901 LeSeur, (See 3 Notes), see Brown Lester, Alfred d. Aug. 14, 1869 ae 67y 6mo 17da Lester, see Smith Lester (See 3 Notes) LeSuer (See 3 Notes),Elder John d. Apr. 12, 1832 ae 82y 10mo 23da Tabitha, his wife d. July 1, 1828 ae 86y 3mo 21da (Elder John first minister in Sempronius and a Revolutionary War Soldier) Lewis, Charles b. Mar. 9, 1823 d.___________ Cornelia, his (1) wife d. May 6, 1869 ae 40y Mary A., his (2) wife d. Nov. 26, 1885 ae 45y Lewis, see Sayles Lieber, see Cutler Lockwood, Lewis d. Sep. 27, 1865 ae 51y 10da Mary, his wife d. Sep. 10, 1873 ae 53y 17da Julia, their daughter d. Oct. 16, 1865 ae 17y 4mo 16da Hanford, with above no dates Delia, with above no dates separate hss. for Hanford d. Aug. 18, 1847 ae 4y 3mo 23da Delia d. Aug. 27, 1847 ae 2y 9mo 23da William d. Aug. 14, 1852 ae 69y 4mo 22da Elizabeth, w of William d. Sep.19, 1865 ae 78y 6mo 24da "Our Mother is not dead but sleepeth." Lockwood, see Hoyt Loomis, Jesse 1830-1916 Lord, Deborah, mother of Dr. H.R. Lord d. Mar. 4, 1837 ae 67y Also two names on one small stone right beside Deborah Lord, her grandchildren by Dr. Lord perhaps? ___? John B. d. Mar. 1, 1832 ae 2y 1mo ___? Sarah R. d. July 27, 1835 ae 3y Love, see Fillmore Lurcock, William 1882-1958 Mack, Eugene H. 1888-19__ Sarah E., his wife 1893-1954 Martin, Susan, w of Ebenezer Martin d. Nov. 26, 1827 ae 60y Marsh, Sarah Ann, w of Judson Marsh nothing else is visible Thomas, born Marlboro, VT b. Dec. 22, 1790 d. Apr. 17, 1871 Mrs. Lucy, w of Thomas d. Nov. 18, 1832 ae 39y 10mo 18da Lucy, dau of Thomas & Pauline d. May 13, 1849 ae 14y Marston, Mary E., w of Stephen A. Marston d. Mar. 28, 1854 Mason, Mary S. d. May 1, 1877 ae 68y Gardner b. July 18, 1823 d. May 5, 1900 Arminda H., his wife b. Apr. 16, 1826 d. Apr. 28, 1905 Heald A. b. Dec. 24, 1861 d. Jun. 6, 1888 James S. d. Jan. 16, 1867 ae 81y 11mo Hannah Slade, w of James d. Apr. 22, 1854 ae 79y 11mo Mason, see Brokaw - Fuller Maxwell, see Cheney McL___, ____m & D. (this is a broken stone, similar to one for Mary J. McLaughlin, and near it) Merritt, Caleb b. Mar. 18, 1794 d. Feb. 2, 1879 Phebe, his wife b. Nov. 30, 1796 d. Apr. 12, 1876 Merritt, see Odell Moon, John B. d. Feb. 28, 1834 ae 41y Moore, Daniel J., son of Rev. N.L. & Caroline d. July 4, 183? ae 10y Hellen L. d. Sep. 21, 1838 ae 6y 7mo Morgan, John 1882-19__ Lena A. 1891-1942 Eugene M. (in service) b. July 11, 1920 d. Feb. 6, 1958 (N.Y. Cpl., 34th Air Service - S.A.A.A.F. WW II) Morris, Charles 1875-1952 Fay M. 1869-1943 Grace E. 1877-1950 Henry S. 1869-1930 John Co.D, 111th Reg. N.Y.V. 1847-1932 Harriet Landers, w of John 1850-1921 Morse, Henry d. May 10, 1836 ae 32y 2mo 8da Sarah, his wife d. Dec. 31, 1898 ae 73y Moseman, Ezra 1798-1889 Eliza Ryan, w of Ezra 1824-1896 Harriet Z. 1848-1885 Helen M., w of E.B.Rounds 1845-1876 William b. Apr. 1, 1812 d. Apr. 21, 1888 Betsey Slade, w of William b. Jan. 3, 1815 d. Aug. 15, 1904 Zilpha, w of Eben Moseman d. July 1867 ae 91y Moseman, see Dewitt Moss, Willard H. 1875-19__ Mary Alice 1878-1957 Donald H. b. May 1, 1920 d. ____________ Lester J. b. July 1, 1939 d. ____________ Newell, Jonathan, Co.F, 3rd N.Y.L.Art. d. Mar. 11, 1896 ae 70y (handwritten note on age: 75-11-8) Mary G. "Mother" 1837-1904 Newland, Esther, w of Volney B. Newland d. Aug. 5, 1839 ae 19y 1mo 17da Betsey, w of L.A. Newland d. Nov. 18, 1861 ae 56y 4mo 24da Jenet, dau of L.A. & Betsey d. Dec. 6, 1834 ae 1y 10mo 23da Joseph (hand note: rev.soldier) d. Jan. 12, 1848 ae 92y 5mo 28da Sibyl, w of Joseph d. June 13, 1822 ae 64y 6mo 26da Tirzah, w of Joseph, Jr. d. Mar. 9, 1842 age 61y William d. July 31, 1843 ae 34y 11mo 22da Betsey, dau of Joseph & Tirzah d. July 24, 1813 ae 22y Lemuel A. d. Feb. 8, 1878 ae 79y 3mo 24da Flora B., his wife d. June 13, 1898 ae 90y (Note: A line of similar old slate stones here, face gone on rest. With Niles, below) Newland, see Fuller Niles, Eleanor, w of Major Goodell d. June 8, 1816 ae 37y 1mo 8da Niles, Rev. Robert d. Jan. 24, 1816 ae 58y 9mo 28da (Note by L. Luther - "When the old Township of Sempronius was divided in 1833 into the towns of Sempronius, Niles and Moravia, Niles was named after the Rev. Robert Niles.) Also see note at beginning. Nillerman, Eliza d. Dec. 8, 1853 ae 45y 4mo 25da Oakley, Phebe d. June 9, 1814 ae 18y 1mo 18da Henry d. May 23, 1841 ae 67y 4mo 11da Mary, w of Henry d. Mar. 23, 1835 ae 58y Hannah, w of Benjamin Oakley d. Mar. 24, 1829 ae 28y 7da Henry, Jr. d. Nov. 19, 1835 ae 25y Odell, Fidelia, dau of Isaac & Lydia d. Jan. 20, 1834 ae 17y Samuel, a soldier of 1812 d. Nov. 29, 1874 ae 85y 6mo Alice, w of Samuel d. Jan. 9, 1880 ae 86y Caroline d. July 3, 1842 ae 22y Volney d. May 12, 1854 ae 23y Merritt, Wilson J. "with d. Nov. 4, 1873 ae 50y Betsey, his wife above" d. Aug. 18, 1870 ae 52y Odell, see LeFever - Rooks - York Olney, Hosea d. Sep. 14, 1831 ae 53y Margaret, w of S.P. Olney d. June 6, 1863 ae 36y 9mo 22da M. V. d. Nov. 29, ____ ae 27y Olney, see Crandall - Sweet Orton, Willie, son of James & Lenora d. Sep. 2, 1864 ae 5mo 21da Osborn, see Baker Parker, Maria Ann, dau of D.P. & D.B. d. Dec. 17, 1848 ae 4y 10mo 5da Parsell, Clarence S. 1881-1915 (handwritten: eldest son of Charles; marr. 4 Jan. 1915) Minnie V., his wife 1888-1940 Jayne, John S. "with above" 1864-1924 Myra S. 1861-1946 Willis E. 1890-1959 Amber M. 1905-1959 Willard E. 1939-1959 Anne E. 1944-1959 (Willis and Amber Jayne, parents, and Willard and Anne, were shot and killed by another son on the Jayne farm north of Kelloggsville. Note by L. Luther) Parsell, see Slade Partelo, Ellen Maria, dau of Bishop & Maria d. Oct. 31, 1847 ae 7y 9mo Martin P., son of Bishop & Maria d. June 16, 1841 ae 8y Francis, son of Bishop & Maria d. 1835 ae 14y Partello, see Shirley - Williams Pearson, Libbie d. Aug. 5, 1862 ae 11y 7mo Richardson, Charles A., son of John & Lydia d. JulY 26, 1862 ae 13y 7mo 20da Pearson, Martha, dau of Philip & Martha A. d. Apr. 25, 1862 ae 25y 7mo 25da Lydia Jane d. Apr. 14, 1862 ae 21y 7mo 27da Daniel R. d. Apr. 12, 1862 ae 17y 3da Martha A., w of Philip d. Oct. 7, 1857 ae 29y 7mo 28da (Martha- dau. of John & Lydia Richardson) Pendleton, Thankful, w of Zebulon d. Apr. 24, 1826 ae 66y Pennell, Zebina d. July 27, 1867 ae 67y Sally, w of Zebina d. July 1, 1875 ae 68y Aaron d. July 9, 1838 ae 61y 6mo 4da Sally, w of Aaron d. June 20, 1839 ae 61y 6mo 4da James W. 1833-1911 Alphonsine, w of James 1832-1914 Phelps, see Slade Phinney, Frank 1855-1890 (on Huestis Lot) Pidge, Lydia 1856-1928 Powers, Cyrus d. Oct. 10, 1841 ae 62y Lydia, consort of Hon. Cyrus d. Apr. 16, 1821 ae 41y 20da Henry (See E-mail Below) information gone Pray, Edward d. Mar. 8, 1877 ae 61y Lydia, dau of Edward & Sarah d. July 31, 1883 ae 19y Lydia C., w of Ed. Pray d. Aug. 15, 1857 ae 25y 8mo 25da (Lydia C. - dau of Nathaniel & Fidelia Banker) Jacob d. Apr. 15, 1870 ae 81y Jemima, w of Jacob d. May 19, 1864 ae 71y Price, see Baker Prine, John B., son of J. & C. Prine d. Nov. 13, 1863 ae 12y 10da George, son of John d. Sep. 11, 1850 ae 12y 19 da Henry d. June 20, 1887 ae 57y Huldah M., w of Henry d. Dec. 31, 1891 ae 64y (handwritten: Huldah, dau of Stephen Dewitt & Phebe Dehart) Martin 1859-1899 Hattie E., w of Martin 1855-1927 Prine, see Heald Pulver, Mary Ellen, dau of E.C. & Esther d. Sep. 13, 1861 ae 3mo 5da Purdy, Susan, consort of Francis Purdy d. Feb. 22, 1842 ae 58y Reynolds, Abner d. Aug. 8, 1832 rest illeg. Abigail, w of Abner d. May 9, 1858 ae 78y Griffin d. Apr. 12, 1876 ae 73y 8mo Christina, w of Griffin d. Oct. 15, 1893 ae 82y 6mo 15da Ransom d. Aug. 19, 1820 ae 5y 10mo 16da Philander G. 1851-1933 Nettie E., w of Philander Apr. 27, 1881 ae 30y Tanner, Julia A. (on same stone) 1862-19__ Reynolds, Theodore S. b. Oct. 9 1815 d. May 6, 1841 Ellen M. Jencks, w of Theodore d. Aug. 29, 1844 Elijah d. Dec. 1851 ae 30y John, son of Benjamin & Mary d. Mar. 22, 1850 ae 22y 3mo Rhoads, see Hathaway - Smith Rice, John d. Apr. 25, 1867 ae 68y 10mo 22da Fanny, his wife d. Nov. 5, 1853 ae 52y 2mo 17da Richardson, Isaac d. Aug. 28, 1829 ae 42y 9da Rhoda, w of Isaac d. Oct. 4, 1888 ae 88y 8mo 13da Betsey b. Mar. 8, 1796 in Corydon, NH d. Apr. 17, 1855 in Sempronius, NY George, "A Rev. Soldier" d. Feb. 15, 1833 ae 71y Martha, w of George d. Feb. 3, 1803 ae 43y Phebe, dau of Abraham & Hannah d. Jan. 16, 1830 ae 17y 7mo 15da Stephen d. Jan. 22, 1832 ae 41y Richardson, see Pearson Richmond, Barzillai d. Mar. 22, 1864 ae 96y 6mo 4da Hannah, his wife d. Feb. 8, 1834 ae 68y Roberts, Dr. Elisha b. July 10, 1818 d. Apr. 27, 1849 Benjamin d. Sep. 21, 1839 ae 53y 11mo Robinson, see Slade Rooks, Sarah, w of John Rooks d. Dec. 31, 1820 ae 28y 1mo 13da John B., son of D.R. Rooks d. Oct. 2, 1821 ae 1y 5mo 21da Anna, w of Ezekial Rooks d. Sep. 7, 1825 ae 62y 9mo 23da Ezekial d. Oct. 31, 1810 ae 47y 4mo 23da Charles H. b. 1826 Niles, NY d. Jan. 21, 1896 Elizabeth R., w of Charles 1832-1914 O'Dell, Henry W. 1849-1932 Frances Rooks, his wife 1853-1937 Milton, son of Henry & Frances 1875-1922 Rooks, Addie E., dau of Charles H. & Elizabeth Rooks d. Apr. 19 1864 ae 9y 8mo 4da Willie, son of Charles & Elizabeth d. Jan. 11, 1858 ae 3mo Ezekial d. Sep. 5, 1865 ae 48y Jenette, w of Ezekial illegible Charles M., son of Ezekial & Jenette d. Dec. 24,1871 ae 15y 5mo 3da Daniel R. "1812 Soldier" d. May 20, 1872 ae 78y 5mo Martha, 2nd wife of Daniel d. May 16, 1875 ae 74y Polly, 1st wife of Daniel d. June 21, 1835 ae 37y 9o 18da Betsey Ann, w of Milton Rooks b. Jan. 23, 1827 d. ___________ John b. Oct. 6, 1790 d. Dec. 28, 1878 Sarah, 1st w of John d. Dec. 31, 1820 ae 28y Phila, 2nd w of John d. July 3, 1862 ae 63y 9mo Rounds, Eugene B. 1843-1920 Juliet I. Brown, his wife 1861-1949 Ellery, their son 1895-____ Rounds, see Moseman Royce, Samuel d. Feb. 8, 1858 ae 84y 5mo 13da Caturah, w of Samuel d. July 13, 1827 ae 51y 11mo 8da Truman d. Mar. 23, 1826 ae 19y 11mo 4da David d. Dec. 10, 1846 ae 75y 8mo 4da Truman A., son of Samuel & Julia d. Apr. 13, 1850/30 ae 6mo Day b. 1824 d. Nov. 24, 1914 Rachel A. Ackerson, w of Day 1846-1901 (handwritten note: Rachel is sister to Eunice Ackerson) William E. d. Aug. 31, 1877 ae 41y 4mo Emogene, w of William E. d. Mar. 16, 1879 ae 17y 24da Lyman d. stone broken b. June 17, ____ Royce, see Dewitt Ryan, Elsie May, dau of Andrew & Georgie 1888-1888 ae 9mo Frank W. 1892-1894 Jonathan d. Oct. 19, 1901 ae 76y Juliette, w of Jonathan d. Aug. 23, 1896 ae 63y Robert d. stone broken, not a child's Fay D., son of William & Martha d. Nov. 3, 1865/63 ae 11y 1mo 26da Ryan, see Cheney Sabin, Sally, w of Edgar A. d. Mar. 15, 1861 ae ___ Sackman, Charles E. 1872-1939 Angie (Anjie) C. 1874-1947 Sawyer, Daniel L. b. Mar. 9, 1838 d. Dec. 28, 1882 George b. June 27, 1793 d. Aug. 28, 1874 Hannah, w of George b. Apr. 29, 1800 d. May 25, 1879 Sayles, Benj. R. d. Feb. 19, 1859 ae 65y Drusilla, his wife d. June 2, 1864 ae72y Caroline, their dau. d. Nov. 2, 1841 ae 21y 10mo 11da Ezekial Sep. 19, 1827 ae 79y David d. Mar. 26, 1822 ae 44y 1mo 9da Elizabeth, w of Lemuel A. Sayles b. Oct. 4, 1820 d. Mar. 22, 1848 Abigail, w. of L.D. Lewis d. Nov. 1, 1841 ae 21y 5mo 2da Orrin W., 2nd Reg. M.T.9 Rifles 1830-1880 Alvin Aug. 5 ____ eroded stone Sayles, see Springer Selover, Wesley H. 1851-1942 Albert R. 1878-1952 Loretta J., his wife 1878-1945 Knight, Elizabeth H. "with above" 1840-1923 Servan (?), Samuel d. Sep. 20, 1869 ae 26y 5mo Seymour, Pamelia P. b. Mar. 24, 1806 d. Aug. 12, 1874 Shaver, Cynthia A., w of Geo. J. Shaver d. Apr. 22, 1852 ae 23y 2mo 22da (dau. of W.O. & M.E. Hakes) Sheldon, Abram d. 1883 Mary Bush, his wife d. 1902 George M. 1853-1907 Franc D. Williams, his wife 1867-1932 Shirley, Bradford d. Feb. 11, 1882 ae 74y Lucy, his wife d. May 19, 1882 ae 64y Partello, F.A. 1837-1915 Mary F., his wife 1840-1908 Shirley, George, son of B. & L. d. Aug. 20, 1844 ae 11mo 24da Shufelt, John B. d. July 21, 1851 ae 21y 10mo 1da Shufelt, see Darrow Sincerbeaux, Silas d. Jan.2, 1875 ae 64y 4mo 6da Betsey Fillmore, his wife d. Mar. 4, 1903 ae 86y Chas. H. d. Dec. 30, 1874 ae 27y 6mo 24da Sincerbox, Phillip d. Jan. 27, 1858 ae 70y 5mo 6da Elizabeth, his wife d. Mar. 5, 1879 ae 91y Singleton, see Prine Slade, Barton b. Sep 28, 1805 d. Jan. 27, 1897 Sarah Phelps Finn, his wife 1817-1894 Catherine Quackenbush, his (1) w d. Oct. 27, 1844 ae 23y 10mo 24da Catherine, their dau 1844-1846 Slade, Fenimore Cooper 1848-1932 Alice R. Rooks 1853-1925 Helen M., dau of Fenimore b. Mar. 28, 1884 d. Jan. 3, 1943 Etta 1889-1890 Slade, Ella, w of Wm. A. Robinson d. Jan. 20, 1882 ae 20y Slade, Florence, dau of William & Sally d. Feb. 25, 1864 ae 9y Emma, dau of William & Sally b. Dec. 6, 1853 d. Aug. 7, 1855 Emily, dau of William & Sally b. Oct. 12, 1850 d. June 11, 1851 Slade, Rev. H. Dumont, d. at Aurora, Nev. d. Apr. 22, 1864 ae 31y Lloyd, b. Sempronius, NY b. July 25, 1803 d. May 3, 1882 Esther K. Millard, w of Lloyd b. Dec. 27, 1803 d. Apr. 27, 1882 John M. d. Mar. 8, 1894 ae 55y Slade, William b. 1840 d. Aug. 19, 1927 Amelia F. b. 1844 d. Jun 13, 1928 (dau of Wm & Sally Kennedy Slade) Mary b. 1839 d. Mar 19, 1931 (dau of Wm & Sally Kennedy Slade) G. Adelaide b. 1861 d. Feb. 12, 1908 K. Charles b. 1852 d. Apr. 21, 1925 Ellis, Ettie Slade b. 1842 d. Aug. 25, 1911 Slade, William b. Sep. 19, 1800 d. Apr. 2, 1886 Sally Kennedy/Canady, his w b. June 22, 1818 d. Dec. 10, 1868 Slade, Mason B. b. Dec. 22, 1819 d. July 14, 1885 Rachel Kennedy, his wife 1823-1864 Parsell, Charles B. (with Mason B. Slade) b. June 6, 1855 d. Feb. 13 1937 Hattie Slade, his wife b. Oct. 10, 1858 d. Oct. 23, 1931 Slade, Peleg d. Feb. 12, 1869 ae 97y 4mo Betsey Bassett, his wife b. Jun 28, 1781 d. Nov. 1, 1882 (handwritten note: they marr. 1797 at Stillwater) Slade, see Moseman Slocum, Benjamin W., son of Paul & Betsey (Easton) Slocum d. Sep. 12, 1852 ae 66y Smith, William d. June 13, 1861 ae 83y 6mo Mary A., his wife d. May 24, 1864 ae 82y 1mo Smith, William d. June 14, 1897 ae 92y Charlott, his wife d. July 25, 1873 ae 68y "Children of William & Charlott: Azubah, w of U.M. Rhoads d. May 10, 1864 ae 36y 1mo 5da Josiah U. d. Sep. 25, 1827 ae 2y 8mo 27da Phebe R. d. July 11, 1836 ae 5y 7mo 16da Annis d. July 19, 1836 ae 4y 4mo 5da Josiah W. d. Dec. 26, 1837 ae 3y 2mo Smith, John d. Aug. 12, 1837 ae 76y Margaret, his wife d. Sep 1, 1868 ae 75y Emily A., dau. 1825-1910 Smith, Hannah E. 1843-1926 Nelson F. 1907-1910 Smith, William C. 1874-1947 Dora R. 1882-1956 Smith, David 1845-1923 Victoria Lester, his wife 1842-1911 Alveretta (Lester?) 1858-1931 Jefferson (Lester?) 1812-1905 Frances E. 1838-1870 Mary E. 1840-1865 Eliza A., w of Jefferson Lester 1813-1862 Smith, Abijah d. July 16, 1847 ae 73y Lydia, w of Abijah d. Mar. 28, 1861 ae 87y 3mo Harvey, son of Abijah & Lydia d. Aug. 4, 1819 ae 20y 6mo 11da Israel d. June 10, 1819 ae 41y Smith, Dwight, Co.H, 185th Reg. NY Vol Inf. 1838-1908 Mary Jane Knight, his wife 1837-1908 John 1809-1891 Polly, his wife 1810-1887 Smith, Hiram C. b. July 20, 1814 d. Mar. 15, 1886 Julia Lee, dau of Jos. & Nancy b. Sep. 12, 1824 d. Aug. 17, 1904 George H., son of Hiram & Julia L. d. May 14, 1867 ae 18y 2mo 10da Smith, Roxana/Roxsena b. Feb. 21, 1802 d. Mar. 6, 1885 Mary b. May 14, 1799 d. May 22, 1884 Smith, Enoch, a soldier of revolution d. Mar. 10, 1852 ae 92y Smith, see Ackerson Spencer, Everett S. 1868-1933 Clarisa M. 1873-1946 Earl 1898-____ Springer, Knight b. Mar. 6, 1800 d. Mar. 14, 1873 Sally Sayles, his wife d. Mar. 21, 1874 ae 72y 3mo 19da Durfee d. Sep. 12, 1839 ae 80y 7mo 23da Desire, his wife d. Sep. 19, 1832 ae 67y 6mo 6da Springer, George d. June 7, 1850 ae 79y Rhoda illegible Springer, Benjamin, a soldier of 1812 d. Mar. 23, 1875 ae 85y 6mo Stanton, see Hoyt Stoker, Wesley W. 1876-1916 Jennie Dennis, his wife 1875-1936 Jennie M., their dau 1904-____ Stow, Asaph d. Jan. 31, 1847 ae 74y Mrs. Chloe, w of Deac. Asaph d. July 4, 1832 age 60y Summerton, see Couch Sutphen, W. L. d. Jan. 2, 1906 Mary E., his wife b. Jan. 18, 1834 d. May 30, 1876 M. Ella, their dau b. May 16, 1859 d. May 29, 1876 Sweet, Mary Ann, dau of Horace D. & Sarah d. Dec. 19, 1841 ae 6y 10mo Sweet, Jonathan 1748-1828 Anna, w of Jonathan d. Feb. 19, 1817 ae 68y Sweet, Samuel P. 1832-1916 Harriet, his (2) wife 1836-1898 Esther Ann, his (1) wife d. May 5, 1858 ae 35y 8mo 3da Sweet, Martin d. Dec. 16, 1885 ae 41y Sarah E., w of Martin d. Mar. 13, 1884 ae 34y 11mo 6da (dau of A. R. & Jane Gravel/Gravit?) Sweet, William 1777-1859 Keziah Olney, his wife 1781-1863 James William 1821-1857 Elizabeth Crandall, his wife 1827-1866 Swift, Arnold d. Oct. 29, 1868 ae 62y Harriet, w of Arnold d. Sep. 16, 1881 ae 69y 6mo Swift, Ichabod d. Oct. 25, 1826 ae 62y 11mo 10da Charlotte, his wife d. May 4, 1839 ae 87y Tanner, see Reynolds Taylor, Lydia, w of Abraham Taylor d. Oct. 23, 1851 ae 26y Taylor, Hortensia Z. d. Jan. 11, 1849 ae 3y 4mo 23da (dau of S. R. & Lucretia Taylor) Taylor, John d. Sep. 23, 1840 ae 59y Hetty, his wife d. Feb. 22, 1870 ae 79y Taylor, _______ d. Aug. 22, 1819 illegible Taylor, Polly, dau of Jonas Taylor d. June 22, 1858 ae 72y 6mo Ackerson, Allida d. Oct. 12, 1855 ae 87y 8mo 1da Taylor, Catherine, w of Robert Green d. Dec. 20, 1858 ae 61y 3mo Green, Robert d. Sep. 21, 1864 ae 70y Taylor, Benjamin d. July 18, 1872 ae 72y Taylor, see Bassett Thayer, Ernestine, dau of Mortimer & Mary d. Apr. 10, 1881 ae 10mo 13da Thompson, Alburt, son of Joab & Arreta d. Feb. 1, 1845 ae 22y Tidd, see Couch Tinker, Joseph Jr. d. Oct. 16, 1838 ae 40y 26d (handwritten note: Bible says d. 1839) Sally, w of Joseph Jr. d. Mar. 13, 1877 ae 79y 6mo Tinker, Ervine 1870-1914 Julia M., his wife 1869-1933 Tinker, Dwight C. b. June 5, 1881 d. Oct. 2, 1881 Tinker, Jefferson 1842-____ Cynthia M. 1839-1896 Tinker, Lorenzo d. Nov. 7, 1849 ae 36y 8mo 4da Rhoda, w of Lorenzo d. June 19, 1836 ae 27y 4mo 1da Tompkins, Levin L. 1817-1905 Amanda M. Cleveland, w of Levin 1823-1909 Sarah J. Gurnee, wife (1) of Levin 1821-1858 Tompkins, Almira E., dau of Benj. & Cornelia d. Nov. 30, 1859 ae 7y 1mo 18da Tompkins, Henry O., son of Lewis & Sarah d. May 26, 1848 Tompkins, see Gurnee Trumpour, Thomas 1862-1947 Cecelia 1864-1948 Tuthill, Freegift d. June 15, 1890 ae 92y Martha, his wife d. Mar. 1, 1896 ae 97y James S. d. Oct. 8, 1854 ae 15y Tuthill, Charles L. 1833-1906 Mary E. Dennis, his wife 1840-1917 Kilbourne, Fred L. 1858-1936 I.O.O.F. Julia E., his wife 1867-1961 Van Auken, Hannah Stover, consort of D.J. d. Apr. 1843 ae 37y Van Orden, William 1863-1864 Jemima 1844-1847 Van Orsdall, Julia Ann, w of Thomas d. May 24, 1836 ae 24y 5mo 8da Van Schaick, Hannah M. d. Aug. 26, 1846 ae 23y 6mo 23da (dau. of William & Betsey Van Schaick) Webster, Alexander d. Aug. 31, 1862 ae 74y Charlotte, his wife d. Oct. 16, 1844 ae 49y Azuba, w of Dr. Wm. F. Cooper & sister of Alexander Webster (Azuba on back of monument) d. Sep. 10, 1876 ae 72y White, Ruth, w of Philander White d. Sep. 25, 1822 ae 37y Whiting, see Williams Wickes, Maria F., w of K. Wickes d. May 2, 1855 ae 49y John F., son of Kenyon & Maria d. Nov. 29, 1841 ae 12y ?mo 19da Williams, Frank H. 1862-1917 Philanda S., his wife 1852-1937 Bertha A., dau 1892-1927 Williams, Julius P. d. Dec. 2, 1898 ae 80y 12da Elizabeth C., wife of Julius d. Feb. 20, 1884 ae 55y 9mo Williams, Orin E. 1855-1914 F. Estella Whiting, w of Orin b. 1863 d. Apr. 19, 1931 Ralph J. 1883-1918 Partello, William B. 1878-1946 Ida R. Williams, dau of Orin 1887-1937 Williams, Charles 1866-1920 Hunter, William H. 1851-1917 Harriett V. Williams, his w 1847-1925 Williams, Othaniel d. Mar. 23/3, 1841 ae 78y Catharene, w of Othaniel d. May 22, 1835 ae 69y Sally, dau of Othaniel & Catharene age & data gone Wyant b. Dec. 22, 1785 d. Mar. 31, 1853 Mary, w of Wyant b. Jan.11, 1792 d. Jan. 1, 1847 Eliza A., dau of Wyant & Mary b. Jan 18, 1817 d. Jan. 9, 1838 Clark, son of Wyant & Mary b. Dec. 22, 1821 d. Dec. 8, 1836 Fransett, dau of Wyant & Mary b. Jan. 24, 1829 d. Feb. 26, 1853 Samuel d. Aug. 19, 1860 ae 71y 4mo Catherine d. Dec. 12, 1863 ae 77/57y 12da Williams, see Fry - Austin Willis, see Glover ? Witt, see Beyea Woodworth, Josiah d. Feb. 5, 1846 ae 66y 2mo Azubah, his wife d. May 6, 1860 ae 78y 11mo York, Capt. Elisha d. Sep. 22, 1832 ae 84y Sarah, his wife d. Aug. 11, 1857 ae 94y 9mo 10da Collins d. Mar. 11, 1875 ae 80y York, Edward M., Co.E, N.Y.H. Art 1833-1864 Lucy A. Heald, his wife 1835-1907 Howland M., their son 1863-1884 "Edward M. York, son of Collins York, died in service of his country July 14, 1864, age 31 yrs and 7 months. A volunteer in Heavy Artillery Co. E, he was wounded in the battle of Monocacy, Md., June 5, 1864, and died a brave soldier" York, Maria, w of Dr. J.B. Doolittle b.Sep. 26, 1826 d. July 6, 1876 York, John d. Jan.12, 1880 ae 82y 8mo Eunice Willoughby, his wife 1800-1896 R. Willoughby 1834-1912 Clarinda Odell, his wife 1835-1916 Lena 1873-1881 York, Fred J. 1871-1932 Last note: Next to Pennells a broken stone: ______ (prob. son of) Wm. _________ d. June 13, 1857 ae 16y 5mo 16da
Revisions, Corrections or Additions
form E-mail... Subj: CADY Date: 6/26/00 12:37:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: (Miksic) To: Hello, In Kellogsville Cemetery, it is currently reported that there is an "osiah" Cady, and the name is correctly "Josiah"...but if you look closely, you can see the J in front of "osiah" on the stone - it would be good to stop reporting Osiah, because it is getting into books incorrectly... |
Date: Sunday, August 13, 2000 12:54 AM Subject: Cemetery listings- LeSeur Your work is quite a help when searching for ancestors and I know it is very difficult to spell everything accurately, but there is s misspelling in the listing for Kelloggville Cemetery, the mislisting is John LeSuer, it should read John Lester, I know this to be a fact since he is my fourth great grandfather, I can tell you he was born in The Oblong, Dutchess County, May 20, 1749 the son of Murray and Abigal Akin Lester. John and Tabitha were the parents of my grandmothers grandfather, James P. Lester, who is buried in the Quaker cemetery with his wife Deborah Wood, they were the parents of James A. Lester. If I had know this listing to be incorrect, I could have solved the missing of my ancester, quite a few years ago. So if someone could correct it, it could save others researching the delay I have encountered.
Thank you again, and it really is a useful site.
Hi: The transcription gave the information as the grave of John and Tabitha
LeSeur [sp] with some added info about his role as minister and Rev
War soldier. Then a Lester descendant wrote to your site some years back
that the grave was actually our mutual ancestor John Lester and his wife
Tabitha [both Johns born same year]..I was skeptical [there's no proof that
John's wife was a Tabitha] and after some 'digging' have been in touch with
a LeSeur descendant and she assures me that is indeed John and Tabitha [Mellon]
LeSeur in that grave. Unfortunately this death/burial info as that of John
Lester has been repeated on numerous family trees. If you could add this
info to the notes, it might prevent other researchers from repeating it without
substantiation.. I wish to correct my previous email regarding the cemetery record for John Lesuer...I listed his wife's maiden name as Mellon but that was his mother-in-law...his wife's name was Tabitha Whitney..there was a death notice printed in newspaper for Tabitha Lesuer...Jerri |
Sharyn Fuller To: Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 12:16 PM Subject: Kellogsville Cemetery Dear Bernie, Myron and I just returned from a trip to the East coast where we stopped in the Kellogsville Cemetery to take pictures of headstones for his Fuller family members. We noticed two things. First, the second hill (to the north?) has most of our Fuller headstones and it is not cleared at all. My husband climbed through much brush to find the stones he did! Is there any chance that there are a lot more stones than we found? The one Fuller obelisk stands above the brush; that's how we knew there were stones there. Second, there is an error in the internet listing for the Fuller family obelisk that has Rhoda Fuller on it. Her internet listing says she died in 1877; the stone itself says 1888 (a typing error, hitting 77 instead of 88?). Also, note that she was alive and well in the 1880 census, living with her sister. Thanks for all your wonderful work, that we could find this information even though we lived 3000 miles away in CA! |
From: To: Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 8:57 PM Subject: Kellogsville Cemetery
Not listed online is Joel Burgess. We found his stone in 2002 lying on the
ground by Seth and Olive Burgess, partially covered. It reads: |
Hi Bernie,
From a letter written by Warren Powers to his aunt, Abigail Powers Fillmore, 16 Dec 1850 (in the Millard Fillmore Papers Collection at SUNY Oswego), Warren states that his brother, Henry, died "Tuesday Dec 10th at 4 OClock P.M.", of dropsy. Henry and Warren were sons of Cyrus and Lydia Powers. Please feel free to contact me if you are researching this family.
Nancy Maliwesky |
From: Karen Murphy To: Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 5:44 PM Subject: Correction - Kelloggsville Cemetery Hi Bernie;
Just a quick note to update the Kelloggsville Cemetery listing.
Lane, Daniel d. Oct 1, 1835 age 73 Years
Im not sure if the headstones are faded or worn, but, this is
Noted from a book of Revolutionary Soldiers buried in Cayuga County, Page
407 the following was also written:
Thanks very much for everything you do, it is appreciated by all! |
From: Karen
Murphy To: Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 8:54 AM Subject: Kelloggsville Cemetery - Update On Daniel & Hannah Lake Hi Bernie; Just an update on Daniel & Hannah Lake located in Kelloggsville cemetery. Kathy Burgman kindly volunteered to go out to the cemetery to try and find the headstones, she did, they had to remove Daniels headstone in order to view Hannahs and attached are the photos which helped to confirm it to be Daniel and Hannah Lake. The verse on the bottom of Hannah's headstone reads: " And where is now my hope" Many thanks go out to Kathy !
Thanks to Melinda Cornwell for transcribing the information on this page
into a digital format.
Bernie Corcoran, Cayuga County
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