Old Cemetery on Former Nathan Bowen Farm, lot 89

Town of Brutus, Cayuga County, Book 4

( Town of Brutus) #19

Data on this cemetery was taken from the Skilton Records Index, Cayuga County.  The Skilton material is now located in the Local History Archives at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

Bowen		Anson		d 4/11/1844 ae 41
		Susan		dau of Anson & Elmira d. 10/5/1839 ae 7
		Cynthia		dau. of Anson & Elmira d. 8/20/1834 ae 9 mo.
		Martin R.	son of Anson & Elmira d. 8/1/1836 ae 30 days

Bowen		Susannah	w. of Hezekiah d. 4/9/1831 ae 80 "She was Susannah Edwards 
				from Cheshire, Berkshire Co., Mass." H F S
		Martin		son on H & S  d. 3/14/1859 ae 81-3-19
		Mary		w. of Martin d. 1/21/1866 ae 86-3-7 "She was Mary Stafford" 
				H F S
		Nathaniel S. son of Martin & Mary d 7/21/1827 ae. 18

Edwards		(Copied Edmunds)*
		Joseph		d. 2/6/1859 ae 78-10-14 b. 20-3-1780
		Susannah	w. d. 4/11/1867 ae 84-4-22 b. 19-11-1786
		Elvira		dau. d. 12/21/1822 ae 19-8-2
		Joseph		son d. 7/19/1822 ae 2-3-11
		Cyrus 		d. 10/2/1828 ae 18-2-25

*  	I think there was a mistake in transcribing from the handwritten book, and that these
	Edwards names were copied as Edmunds"  M.R.H.

In the Skilton records were these two additional names:

Bowen		Martin		d. Oct. 11, 1848 ae 28 yrs.

Edmunds/Edwards	William C.	d. Aug. 23, 1852 ae 24 yrs.

Thanks to Susan Corcoran for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

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