Abandoned Cemetery-Farnham/Kenyon
( Town of Sempronius, NY) #194
The cemetery once existed someplace on Lot 56, original Lot in Sempronius. This property belonged to D. Farnham in the early 1900's. His daughter, Mrs. Edith Farnham Darrow, R.D.2, Auburn, NY, tells me that when she was quite yound she remembers some people coming from "away", who came to take the remains of their family back to wherever they lived. But they found everything had rotted away so took only the gravestones with them. She thinks there were about a half dozen.
When I first visited the area searching for this cemetery, I found the following inscription on a regular headstone being used as a step by the Dann family who were building a house on the corner of Sayles Corners Rd and New Road.
Kenyon, Dorcas, dau of James & Margaret b. Dec. 6, 1813 d. Feb. 13, 1849
M. Crosby - 1964
P.S. Mrs. Walter Dymock, of Mandana, sister of Mrs. Darrow, recalls the name on some of the stones was "Dresser"; and that the Farnham farm was originally part of the adjoining farm belonging to the Lee family, whose daughter married a Dresser.
Thanks to Melinda Cornwell for transcribing the information on this page
into a digital format.
Bernie Corcoran, Cayuga County
NYGenWeb Project