La Due Cemetery

( Town of Sterling) #219

This cemetery is located on south-east corner of LaDue and Sterling Station Roads and was in poor condition as of 1964. These records were originally copied by Crosby and Daniells in April, 1964. (Differences have been noted with another copying.) All notes were transcribed to digital format in 1997 by Sharon Ross Loysen.

ACKERSON,  BETSEY   wife of William   	  d.  Mar. 9, 1820       ae  19y  2mo  10da
DATES,  MARY  E. dau ofCharles & Pamelia  d.  apr. 6, 1869       ae  2 or 13 yrs
FORSCUTT, LUKE				  d.  Jan. 25/19, 1835   ae  34y  4mo 10/12da
	THOMAS   son of L.& N.A.          d.  June 8, 1832       ae  7y  2mo  5da
	MARY   dau of L.& N.A.		  d.  June 15, 1833      ae      9mo  20da

SQUIER,  CAROLINE                         d.  Nov, 30, 1839/32   ae  21 yrs
		wife of Almon C.  (or Minor G.)

Thanks to Sharon Ross Loysen for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

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Bernie Corcoran, Cayuga County Coordinator
NYGenWeb Project

copyright 1997-2008 by Bernie Corcoran for the Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project Team