Helmer Family Cemetery

( Town of Brutus NY) #22

Family Cemetery located on old "Shel" Bibbens farm, north-west side of Cottle Road, Brutus NY Township.

Helmer	Adam*		Rev. Soldier 1754-1830 Lieut.
	Anna Bellinger	his w. 1757-1841
Historic Marker

Burial Site

The 2 headstones that formerly resided at this burial place of Adam and Anna (Bellinger) Helmer have now been removed to the ROBILLARD plot in the Weedsport Rural Cemetery (Town of Brutus).  This information was provided in conversations with the Town of Brutus Historian in January 1999.
*Adam was a famous Mohawk Valley Scout Levies under Gen. Herkimer 6th Dutchess Co. Militia (See E-mail footnote below). The story of Adam Helmer's run to warn settlers near Herkimer of an Indian attack is told in Walter Edmund's "Drums Along the Mohawk". For some additional information about Adam Helmer, see website:
http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=25772458 (Courtesy of Dawn Roe)
Also check out the Wikipedia website: Drums Along The Mohawk:
E-mail message below regarding burial listing information cited on this page
----- Original Message -----
From: Dawn Roe
To: Bernie Corcoran
Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2008 11:15 AM
Subject: Adam Helmer Update - http://www.rootsweb.com/~nycayuga/cem/cem22.htm

Hi Bernie,

I would like to provide some additional information to clarify the service of Adam Helmer of Brutus. His widower's pension states he served as Lieut under Capt John Bradbrick, Col Platt's Company of Rangers. He did receive orders from General Herkimer but Helmer was never officially in the Duchess County Militia as our site suggests.

Can we change this to say he served under Capt John Bradbrick, Col. Platt's Company of Rangers and received order from General Herkimer etc?

This would be historically correct based off his pension papers and DAR record.

If you have any questions just let me know but thought the way it was listed was a bit misleading.
Hope you don't mind the change.

Dawn Roe
Port Byron Village Historian

Thanks to Archie Davies for providing the photo images of the Historic Marker and Burial Site.

Thanks to Susan Corcoran for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

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