Stensel Burying Ground

(Town of Sterling, NY)  #226B

This plot is unrecognizable as a cemetery.  It is a bare triangle of ground
that is surrounded by Humphrey Rd to the East and a cornfield on the south,
a hay field to the north.  The headstone has been removed for safe keeping
but is in three pieces with only the top two parts left.

The only headstone in the Stensel Burying Ground was as follows:
wife of 
George G, Stensel
died Jun 30, 1829
age 33 yrs

I know her children, Elvira and Newton are buried there but no headstones.

Paul Ketchum
Clovis, CA

Thanks to Paul Ketchum  for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

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Bernie Corcoran , Cayuga County, NYGenWeb Project Coordinator