Use the Find feature on your browser to locate the name you are looking for. Find the plot number and use the Back button to return to select the appropriate section, S = Swift, H = Hosford, T = Treat.
Plot Last Name First Name Plot Last Name First Name
S38   Martile* T108A&B Axton Fred
S89   Our Little Jerome T108A&B Axton Lewis H
S95 Abbey Anthony H9 Bailey Alice
S95 Abbey Calvin H9 Bailey Harry
S95 Abbey Ella H9 Bailey Mary F
S95 Abbey Hannah H9 Bailey Roy E
S95 Abbey Lucian H9 Bailey Stephen A
H7B Abel John T122C&D Baity Barbara A
H7B Abel Mary T122C&D Baity Frank J
S43 Allen Anna Codner T122C&D Baity Frank N
S43 Allen E.J. Ferris T122C&D Baity Lula B
S43 Allen Olive A T141C&D Baker Ada M
S43 Allen W.H. T142A Baker Fern
S43 Allen William T141C&D Baker Raymond J
S4C Alnutt Harriett S33 Barber Anne
S4C Alnutt Thomas R S92B Barber Benjamin
S18 Andrews Charles C S33 Barber Eliza
S18 Andrews Unity Gage S33 Barber Emeline
H16A Anthony Amelia S S31 Barber Emma D
H11B Anthony Charlotte S33 Barber Eunice
H16A Anthony George A S33 Barber Friend
H16A Anthony Harold A S33 Barber Huldah
H11B Anthony Wilson S33 Barber John
S100 Armitage Gleason A S33 Barber Phebe
S100 Armitage Sara M S33 Barber Silas
S1 Armstrong Alva T S31 Barber William L
S1 Armstrong Byron E S31 Barbour Benjamin H
T112A&B Armstrong C Earl S31 Barbour E.B
S1 Armstrong Edward S31 Barbour L.A.
T112A&B Armstrong Helen S31 Barbour Nelson H
T112C&D Armstrong Ila B S69 Barnes Charley
T112A&B Armstrong James W T126 Battershall John F
S1 Armstrong Jerome T126 Battershall Monica Paladeau
T112A&B Armstrong Josie T153A Baxter Charles
S52 Armstrong Mary White T153A Baxter Emma S
S1 Armstrong Sarah W T159A Baxter Irvin E
S52 Armstrong Sidney Hugh S36A Baxter Jesse
S83 Atwater Betsey L Manro S36A Baxter Prudence
S83 Atwater Cora L Codner T159A Baxter Ruth
S83 Atwater Erasmus S10 Beach Susan
S83 Atwater Henry S95 Beavers Carrie Mullen
S83 Atwater John S S95 Beavers John A
S83 Atwater Lucius L T33B Bell Charles G
S83 Atwater Mabel F Nelson T33B Bell Edith H
T108A&B Axton Albertina T131A&B Bench George
T108A&B Axton Emma F T142C&D Bench Gordon
T131A&B Bench Katherine T137A&B Borst Melissa
T142C&D Bench Lena T137A&B Borst Mertin
T131A&B Bench Wilma T167D Borst Norma
S68 Benedict Jane T166 Borst Theodore
S68 Benedict John S51 Brink Catherine S *
S68 Benedict Julian S13 Brink Martha
T150A&B Benham Betty J S71B Brooks Catherine
S78A Benham Cynthia H Manro S71B Brooks Jasper
T150A&B Benham George T65 Brown Albert Edwin
S78A Benham Hattie T18 Brown Avice Jane
T150A&B Benham Lillian Keyes T49 Brown Carrie Gilmore
S78A Benham Manro A T18 Brown George
S78A Benham Manro Allen T18 Brown James
S78A Benham William R T108D Brown Richard J
S78A Benham Wyatt S95 Bruce Eloise Mullen
T117C&D Bennett Charles S95 Bruce Louis A
H7B Bentleon Cleve Gottlieb T21 Brule Sally C
S17 Bentley Caroline H14A Bryant Bessie
S17 Bentley Cornelia H14A Bryant Edith
S17 Bentley John T63C Bryant Ethel Treat
S17 Bentley name gone H14B Bryant Eva
S17 Bentley Robert B H14A Bryant Hazel
T152 Bergerstock Barbara T63C Bryant Imelda O’Toole
T152 Bergerstock Coral Charles H14B Bryant Joseph
T151C&D Bernhardi Marie Rogers T63C Bryant Joseph H
S36B Bird Laura H14B Bryant Louise
S36B Bird William H14A Bryant Mary A
T157A Blake Dorothy Pratt H14A Bryant William
T157A Blake Harry H22 Bryant William
T157B Blystone Glen S52 Bunn Charles A
T157B Blystone Ida S52 Bunn Josephine White
S14D Bobbett Caroline T160C Burnett Trueth D
S105/6 Bobbett George H17 Burns Emma Cook
T13 Bobbett Michael S T17 Bush Jacob M
T141C&D Bommersback Frank T152 Butler Alice
T141C&D Bommersback Virginia T152 Butler Clarence
S99 Borga Adele Hall T134A&B Butler Della M
T137A&B Borst Clinton T26 Bylo Florence E
T137A&B Borst Ethel T26 Bylo Michael W
T137A&B Borst Florence H20A Cady E. Horatio
T137A&B Borst Helen Day H20A Cady Eliza J
T151C&D Borst Hulda T34 Caldwell William C
T137A&B Borst Isaac R T126 Calloway Frances McCullock
T167D Borst Lester H17 Candee Ora S Warrick
T137C&D Borst Marvin T48C&D Cantazaro Dora
T137A&B Borst Melissa T148D Carlton Shirley L
H12 Carr Dorothy M S25 Cole Floyd
H12 Carr Floyd C S46 Cole Frank
H12 Carr Leland A S63B Cole Harriett
H12 Carr Oscar S S63B Cole James
H12 Carr Willard S25 Cole Lavina
H12 Case Clayton B S46 Cole Lottie May
H12 Case David S S25 Cole Lucy
H12 Case Lavina E S63B Cole Minnie A
T2 Centers Mary L Center S25 Cole Peter
H29A Chapman Fred S13 Cole Richard
H29A Chapman Mabel S63A Cole William
H11A Cheeley Elmer H3 Coleman Ambert S
T2 Cheney William D Sr. T49 Coleman Ernest
T26 Church Kenneth I H3 Coleman Helen M
T22 Church Leonard T49 Coleman Lelah M
S65 Clapp Ella M H13 Coleman Marie Mullen
S14A Clapp Israel H3 Coleman Mary E
S14A Clapp Lucy Palmer T12 Colvin Charles O
T30A&B Clark Adelaide K T134A&B Colvin Dennis
T63A&B Clark Bedford T152 Colvin Harriet M
S20 Clark Benoni H10A Colvin Jay Olis
T30A&B Clark Charles W H10A Colvin Marjorie H
T30C&D Clark Coral S77 Cook Dimies D
T30C&D Clark Dorothy H17 Cook Elizabeth
T63A&B Clark Ivan H17 Cook George
T63A&B Clark James H17 Cook Henry
T63A&B Clark Jane S77 Cook James
S49 Clark John Willard T131A&B Cooper Clifford
T30C&D Clark Levi PM T131A&B Cooper Lelia E
T63A&B Clark Orin T20 Corp Alfa
T63A&B Clark Orin T20 Corp Clarence
S49 Clark Pearl T29C Corp Rita Ringwood
T30C&D Clark Raymond P T29C Corp Robert M
T46A&B Cline Dwight M T124C&D Cottet Delia D
T46A&B Cline Mabel Squires T124C&D Cottet Douglas
T46A&B Cline Madeline A H22 Cottet Edward J
S78B Codner Adolphus P T124C&D Cottet Esther D
S96 Codner Clara T153C Cottet Henry
H6 Codner Ella H Long S105/6S106 Cottet Iva E
S96 Codner Lucy M T124C&D Cottet Jesse
S96 Codner Squire P T141A&B Cottet Lina Carr
T148D Colbert Shirley Rae Colbert T153C Cottet Nina
S25 Cole Addison P S72 Cowan Addie
S25 Cole Adelle R T27D Cowan Faye W
S13 Cole David S72 Cowan Fred D
S25 Cole Elizabeth R T27D Cowan Maria B
S72 Cowan Maria S S40B Derby Amelia A White
S72 Cowan Willard D S40B Derby Annie E Peacock
S99 Crawford Charles Arthur S40B Derby Clarence E
T111B Crawford Claude T107A&B Derby Emily R
S16 Crawford George M T107A&B Derby Evelyn A
T111B Crawford Inez L T107A&B Derby Frank W
S16 Crawford Mary C Crofoot T107A&B Derby Fred L
S21B Crofoot Alice T107A&B Derby Iva M
S21B Crofoot Asa A S40B Derby Warren D
S16 Crofoot Catherine DeGraff S40B Derby Wheelock H
S21B Crofoot Charlotte L Gilmore S48B Doling Ethel
S16 Crofoot Edward J S48B Doling Robert
S21A Crofoot Ellen S48B Doling Walter
S16 Crofoot Emma A T116C&D Donaldson Kathleen I
S16 Crofoot James H S46 Downer William
S21A Crofoot LaVern S S5 Downing Martha D Tyler
S16 Crofoot Luther T159C Durbin Seth
S21B Crofoot M. Howard T26 Durgan Lyndon E
S21B Crofoot Mary McIntosh T36 Dwyer Daniel
T29A&B Crowley Bryan T22A&B Dyson Marion I
T119C&D Cuddeback James S70 Eckert "Little Harry"
H30 Culver Franc T S70 Eckert Solomon P
S57 Culver R. Erwin T64 Edwards Cora
S57 Culver S Bertha T64 Edwards Elmer G
S57 Culver Wilbur B T64 Edwards Florence S
S57 Culver Wilson A T64 Edwards Harry A
H17 Curran Martha Cook T64 Edwards Leone A
S36A Curtiss "Little Freddie" T19B Edwards Theodore R
S36A Curtiss Almira T64 Edwards Wilfred C
S36A Curtiss Jennie L T19B Edwards Winifred M
S36A Curtiss John A H6 Elderton Charles A
S36A Curtiss Thomas M S34 Elderton Edgar B
T127A&C Dandridge Henry S34 Elderton Hannah M Leonard
T149A&B Day Cora B S75 Erven Electa D
T149A&B Day Frank W T17 Fear Alice R
T149A&B Day William T17 Fear Edward J
T155C&D Dean Gerald T126 Felion Azale
S99 Dean Herbert C H16B Fenner Anna VanGuilder
S99 Dean Irma L H16B Fenner Frederick Leon
T155C&D Dean Mary M H16B Fenner H. Joanna
H15A Dean Phebe M H2 Ferguson Edward
S16 Degraff Catherine Burger H2 Ferguson Mary E. Dowling
S16 Degraff James H2 Ferguson Milton
S20 Degraff John H2 Ferguson Olive A
S20 Degraff Sally H2 Ferguson Ruth H.
T1 Deland Gregory T45D Fredendall Carly
S35A Ferguson Sophia Mead T45D Fredendall Edna B
H2 Ferguson Vesta Newkirk T45D Fredendall Jesse G
H2 Ferguson W. Edward T45D Fredendall Martin Earl
H2 Ferguson William L T147D Frey Donald
S19 Fiero Cornelia A T147D Frey Florence Lamphere
S19 Fiero Infant S4B Frisbie Alice Patterson
S83 Fiero Lydia Atwater H8 Frisbie Anna M
S2 Fiero Mary T118D Frisbie Charles F
S19 Fiero Stephen H8 Frisbie Clara L
S27 Fiero William O H8 Frisbie Edward
S97 Fisher Harriet H8 Frisbie Lena Barnes
S97 Fisher Mehetabel Underwood T118D Frisbie Mabel E
S97 Fisher W Romaine S4B Frisbie Samuel
S97 Fisher William T127A&C Gable Eugene J
S98 Flye Esther Murdock T127D Gable Harriet Clark
S75 Forest Ellen T128C&D Gable Jannette Wilson
T14 Forney Llywllyn F T127D Gable Joseph
S54 Forshee David F T127A&C Gable Nellie B
S54 Forshee Franklin P T127A Gable Rose D
S54 Forshee Garret T128C&D Gable Stella
S54 Forshee Mary Weaver T127A Gable Thomas J
B15A Foster Adelbert T128C&D Gable William C
H15A Foster Alice T28C&D Gagan Helen
S84 Foster Cora G T28C&D Gagan John M
S84 Foster Elizabeth H5A Gavan John
S92A Foster Ella A H5A Gavan Ortensia Rogers
S84 Foster Howard T146D Gilfus Anabel
H15A Foster Howard A T145C Gilfus Leon
S92A Foster Jennie C T145C Gilfus Mary
S92A Foster Jonathan T146D Gilfus Raymond
S84 Foster Lucy T36 Gillett Joseph P
S92A Foster Martha C T150C&D Gilmore Agnes
S84 Foster Maryette T49 Gilmore Charles A
T138A&B Fowler Alfred T150C&D Gilmore Earl A
T138A&B Fowler Anna C T49 Gilmore Esther H (Essie)
T163 Fowler David T22 Gilmore Glenn L
H5B Fowler Emma H T49 Gilmore Howard L
H5B Fowler John G T66B Gilmore Ruth
T138A&B Fowler Josephine T66B Gilmore Wesley
S22B Fowler Mary Ann S105/6 Gokey Daniel
T138A&B Fowler Minnie T47A&C Graham Alva
H5B Fowler Roy W T47A&C Graham Charles
S22B Fowler William T51D Graham Eva M
H19 Frazee Andrew T47A&C Graham Fannie L
H19 Frazee James H T47A&C Graham Kenneth C
H19 Frazee Sarah J. Trimble S52 Hopping Sophia J
T47A&C Graham Richard A S30 Hosford Elsie M
H4 Gwynn Elizabeth S30 Hosford Fred
H4 Gwynn George S93/4 Hoskins Agnes H
S18 Gwynn Harry Becker T1 Hoskins Burton
S18 Gwynn infant daughter S93/4 Hoskins Gaylord T
H4 Gwynn John S93/4 Hoskins Jennie Tyler
S18 Gwynn Orphana E T1 Hoskins Lillian M
S18 Gwynn Wm M MD T2 Hoskins Margie A
S62 Hall Anna H S93/4 Hoskins William G
S99 Hargett Ruth G T65 Houghtaling Alice M
S99 Hargett Stanley F T140C&D Houghtaling Fred
T136A&B Harkness Edward T140C&D Houghtaling Grace Cottet
S79 Harlow David S98 Houghtaling Jennie D
S79 Harlow Mary Munro S47B Houghtaling Jessie
S79 Harlow Stephen B S98 Houghtaling Solomon C
T111D Harvey Helen C S48A Houghtaling Steward
T111D Harvey Howard S H13 Hovey Elizabeth Mullen
S86 Hayden Charles T27A Hughes Lisle
S86 Hayden Emma T19A Hugunine Flora L
S86 Hayden Hector S67 Hunt Anna
S86 Hayden Lucinda Stokes S67 Hunt Annie F
T17 Henderson John S67 Hunt Charles
T17 Henderson Mettie S67 Hunt Charles B
T23D Herrling Helga A S67 Hunt D. Jane
H18 Hill Ida A S67 Hunt Edward M
H18 Hill John H T132A&B Hunt Evelyn Jazzard
H18 Hill Martha E Jones S67 Hunt Frankie B
H18 Hill Samuel S67 Hunt Maitland S
H18 Hill Sarah T132A&B Hunt Robert S
T125A&B Hoag Abraham S67 Hunt Urusula Van Keuren
T125A&B Hoag Mary Ferguson S52 Hurd Betsey Allen
T19D Hoff James W S52 Hurd Cooley
T19D Hoff Olive M S46 Hutchinson Allen
T19D Hoff Shirley I S46 Hutchinson George D
T51D Hoffman Carol H16B Hutchinson James
T43 Hoffman Justin S46 Hutchinson Mary L
T43 Hoffman Marguriette L Doyle H16B Hutchinson Sophia
T158C&D Holmes Lillian T136C&D James Beatrice Mary
S62 Hopkins Anner H T136A&B James Edith
S62 Hopkins Levi J T136C&D James Edward H
T113A&B Hopkins Margaret J T136A&B James George E
S52 Hopping Daniel T136A&B James George Sr
S51 Hopping Francis T136A&B James Kate Harkness
S51 Hopping Mary H T136A&B James Louis
S51 Hopping Phebe Ann S101 Jobson Ernest H
S51 Hopping Silas T16 Lee William
S101 Jobson Iva A S34 Leonard Catherine
T115C&D Jones Florilla S34 Leonard Catherine
T115C&D Jones Oscar S34 Leonard George W
T115C&D Jones Volney S34 Leonard James
T114A&B Kent "Our Darling Van" S34 Leonard Mary Ann
T114A&B Kent Ann S34 Leonard Stephen C
T114A&B Kent Charles S34 Leonard Susannah
T32 Kent Edith J S24 Leslie James
T114A&B Kent Ellen S24 Leslie Temperance
T114C&D Kent George T140A&B Lewis Emma J
T32 Kent Grace A Young T140A&B Lewis Frank
T32 Kent Harold S39 Lewis Martia T
T14 Kent Harold T Jr. T152 Little Ila
T114A&B Kent Lettie Denman T97A Long Ida
T114C&D Kent Lula Wade T97A Long Wilson J
T114C&D Kent Mabel S63A Lont Gideon
T114A&B Kent Peter S68 Lont Mary
T32 Kent Thomas S63A Lont Tennett DeForest
T114C&D Kent William S24 Macy Alfred
T21 Kimari Irene S24 Macy Henry B
S9A Kingsbury Elizabeth S24 Macy Herman H
H29B Kirby Edward S24 Macy Irena M
T117C&D Kirby Edward F S24 Macy Martha J Baker
H29B Kirby Edward J S24 Macy Sarah
H29B Kirby Florence S26 Makely John
T148A&B Kneaskern Howard Everett S26 Makely William F
T148A&B Kneaskern Robert J S82 Manro Allen N
T148A&B Kneaskern Sarah Prentice S82 Manro Elvira P
T148A&B Kneaskern William S81 Manro Hattie
T128C&D Knierim Marion S82 Manro Helen
T151A&B Kuykendall Joseph S81 Manro Ida B
T151A&B Kuykendall Julie D S81 Manro Nathan Augustus
T151A&B Kuykendall Theodore P S81 Manro Philip
T151A&B Kuykendall William S82 Manro Philip A
T37A&B LaMarsh Clara J S82 Manro Sibel Roberts
S6 Lamb Betsey S81 Manro Sophia C
S6 Lamb Frederick S81 Manro Thomas J
S6 Lamb Sarah T43 Mantz Howard B
T147D Lamphere Walter T43 Mantz Ida L
H11A Lasher Edith Cheeley S68 Marsh Alice
T16 Lee Florence M H4 Marsile Elzada F. Gwynn
T142B Lee Gladys Baker S105/6 Marten  
H27 Lee Henry T128A&B Martin Ellen
H27 Lee Jane T128A&B Martin John T
T16 Lee R Ester T156D Matthews Brandon
H27 Lee Sarah S42 Miller Elijah
T156D Matthews Flora S66A Miller Pauline
S28 Maycumber James S37 Mills David H
S28 Maycumber Manda S37 Mills Emily G Leonard
- - - S37 Mills Hannah Evalyn
S22A McCarty Lewis S33 Mills Josiah
S22A McCarty Lydia S37 Mills Lulu
- - - S37 Mills Mary Susan
S22A McCarty Nettie S8 Miner Betsey M
T3 McCormick Patrick L S66B Mitchell Isbella
T126 McCullock Frances R S66B Mitchell John
T126 McCullock James T149D Mobbs Bertha
T126 McCullock John T149D Mobbs Frank
T126 McCullock Sarah S80B Montgomery Ann B
S47A McCurdy Olive Kyle S80B Montgomery David
T97B McGrail Edward J S80B Montgomery Ellen Annette
T112C&D McGrail Frank S80B Montgomery Henry
T97D McGrail Jack S80B Montgomery IVW
T112C&D McGrail James M S80B Montgomery Mary E
T112C&D McGrail Mary T S80B Montgomery Rachel
T97B McGrail Thomas S80B Montgomery Susannah
T112C&D McGrail Vina T145A&B Moore Betty
H12 McHuron Sarah Carr S9B Morgan Howard
S10 McIntosh Eleanor M S9B Morgan Howard C Jr.
S10 McIntosh John S9B Morgan Louise K
S10 McIntosh Joseph T35 Mosher Eliose
S10 McIntosh Joseph F T35 Mosher Frank
S10 McIntosh Lewis T35 Mosher Helen D
S10 McIntosh Lucy H7A Mosher Mary T
S10 McIntosh Sherwood H7A Mosher Orlando A
S10 McIntosh Susan T117A&B Mott Bert
S10 McIntosh William P T117A&B Mott Gertrude J
S46 McNight Hugh T117A&B Mott Minnie
S35A Mead Abraham T117A&B Mott S Warren
T113A&B Mead Eliza B Steele H13 Mullen Andrew
T110C&D Mead Estella W S40A Mullen Clara
S35B Mead Fred A S40A Mullen David
T113A&B Mead George W S53 Mullen Eliza J
S35A Mead Giles S53 Mullen Eliza Jane
S35A Mead Hannah M S53 Mullen Elizabeth
T110C&D Mead Harry E S53 Mullen Elizabeth
S35A Mead Hattie H13 Mullen Emma Abbey
S35A Mead Helen A S53 Mullen Francis
S35B Mead Lillie D H13 Mullen John
S35A Mead Mary A S53 Mullen Louisa
S35A Mead Polly H13 Mullen Martha
S21A Middleton Frances S53 Mullen Mary
S21A Middleton Gerard H13 Mullen Mary
S66A Miller Benjamin S64 Paddock Elizabeth Mullen
S40A Mullen Mary E White S89 Paddock George R
S53 Mullen William S89 Paddock Jonathan
S98 Murdock Eli S89 Paddock Jonathan J
S98 Murdock Eli Harvey S64 Paddock Josie Ogan
S98 Murdock Gemima T39 Palmer Frank C
T125C&D Murdock Howard D T39 Palmer Ruth L
S98 Murdock Lany Wiley T123A&B Parish Elizabeth
T125C&D Murdock Laura R T123A&B Parish Joseph
S98 Murdock Mary Hines T116A&B Parmelee Edson T
S32 Murray Christina T116A&B Parmelee Fred Mills
T120A&B Murray Iva E T116A&B Parmelee Harriet
T120A&B Murray Leon T116A&B Parmelee Jennie M
T120A&B Murray Lillie B S45 Patterson Agnes
T120A&B Murray William Jr. T128A&B Paul Clinton A
T110C&D Neis Clara Mead T128A&B Paul Harriet F Chapin
T110C&D Neis Edward D T136C&D Pearce Lester C
T162 Nelson Georgiana T136C&D Pearce Margaret L
T116C&D Norman Jennie Underwood T108C Peters Edward E
T109D Norman Sibyl T110C&D Pether Alberta Mead
T116C&D Norman Vera P S58A Place John
T116C&D Norman William D S48A Place Laura
T116C&D Norman William D S91A Pollard Dotha
T139A&B Northrup Ada M S91A Pollard Francis J
T139A&B Northrup Alvin H S91C Pollard George O
T139A&B Northrup Herbert S91A Pollard Hattie
T111A Northrup James L S91A Pollard Martha M
T111A Northrup Janet S91A Pollard Mary Jane
S8 Norton Mead S91A Pollard Nathaniel
S8 Norton Phebe H24A Port James
S8 Norton Polly H24A Port Jane Fowler
T111C O’Connor Barbara E T110A&B Porter George Lewis
H25 O’Connor Charles B T110A&B Porter Iva Maie Mead
H25 O’Connor Florence M S58B Post Isaac
H25 O’Connor Howard S58B Post Leah M
H25 O’Connor Mabel A S58B Post Libbie A
H25 O’Connor Mae D T159B Pratt Charles
H25 O’Connor Martha T81C&D Pratt Herbert C Sr.
H25 O’Connor Mary E T81C&D Pratt Leroy M
H25 O’Connor Mildred T81C&D Pratt Mildred A Bell
H25 O’Connor Willet C T159B Pratt Rosemary
T138C&D O’Hara David T148A&B Prentice Ruth Rice
T138C&D O’Hara Lela H1 Prior Grace
T45 O’Neill Joyce H1 Prior Mercy
S72 Oberist Lyman Chester H1 Prior Robert M
S72 Oberist Midred Cowan T107C&D Pultz Enid M
S64 Paddock Charles B T106 Short Florence I
S99 Reed Jennie Brown T106 Short Harris J
S99 Reed Thomas J T106 Short Richard C
S89 Rice Maria T66D Shute Ann E. Harvey
T28A&B Richards Helen G T66D Shute David Padget
T28A&B Richards James W T33C Shutters Mary Squire
T28A&B Richards Lou Ann T149C Sibus Albert
S4A Riker Alvah T149C Sibus Sophia
S4A Riker Charity S71A Slater Angie C
S4A Riker Deforest S71A Slater Annie May
S4A Riker Martha E S71A Slater Isaac M
S91B Riley Thomas S71A Slater Lina M
S77 Robertson Alexander H26 Slocum Arthur
S77 Robertson Betsey A Stokes H26 Slocum Charles
S77 Robertson John H26 Slocum George W
S35A Robinson Herbert H26 Slocum Jonas
T31 Rodgers Elizabeth J H26 Slocum Minnie
T31 Rodgers John H26 Slocum Rose
T33A Rogers B Franklin S71B Smith Frank A
T33A Rogers Franklin Lee T145D Smith Gwen
T151C&D Rogers Howard H T19C Smith James
T33A Rogers Mary C Van Buskirk T145D Smith James
S93/4 Rogers Mercy E S14B Smith Jonathan
T142B Roth Edna Lee S63B Smith Shirley
T35 Roys Frederick H S71B Smith William B
T140C&D Salzer Eleanor S8 Southwell Maria N
T140C&D Salzer Fred S105/6 Spear Flora
T156 Sanders Calvin S105/6 Spear Sarah
T156C Sanders Edgar S55 Springtead Armena B
T118A&B Sanders Frank S63A Spurr Emma Cole
T118A&B Sanders Frank G T48A&B Squires Charlotte
T156C Sanders Mildred T45C Squires Donald F
T118A&B Sanders Myrna T46D Squires Earl
T156 Sanders Myrna M T45C Squires Edward
T156 Sanders Smith D T46D Squires Frank
T135C&D Sawyer Mr Charles T47D Squires George T
T135C&D Sawyer Mrs Charles T48A&B Squires Imanuel
S66A Schuman Agnes M T47B Squires Infant
S66A Schuman Edmund W T48C&D Squires James E
S99 Seitz Edith Bell T143C&D Squires Jessica
S99 Seitz Merrill C T47B Squires Joseph
T135C&D Shank Della T48C&D Squires Joseph
T135C&D Shank Milton T143C&D Squires Joseph
S27 Shaw Cora E T48A&B Squires Mary Evelyn
T141C&D Shepherd Thomas T47B Squires Phoebe
S105/6 Sheppard Joseph E T48A&B Squires Richard
S17 Sherman Olive T29A&B Taylor Leslie John
T48A&B Squires Richard A S90 Taylor Mabel
T47D Squires William T29D Taylor Nelson
T141A&B Stevens Mildred S90 Taylor Noah
T141A&B Stevens Theodore T29A&B Taylor Viola
S85 Stokes Etta T30A&B Taylor William J
S85 Stokes Freddie C H7A Tempest James
S85 Stokes Garret A H7A Tempest Margaret
S85 Stokes Maryetta S3 Terry Apollo
S85 Stokes Minnie L S3 Terry Betsy
S85 Stokes Nancy A Post S3 Terry Shadrack
S85 Stokes Stephen M S51 Thomas Catherine S *
S85 Stokes William A S51 Thomas Charles H
S88 Stomacher Deborah S91C Thomas Ella A
T27C Stott Dorothy I S91C Thomas George Alden
T27C Stott Percy C S41 Thomas Harvey B
T125A&B Stringer Carrie Hoag S41 Thomas Huldah B
T125A&B Stringer George S91C Thomas James O
T46A&B Styker Bourent S51 Thomas John M
T163 Styversant Harriet Nettie Durham Fowler Shaffer (Duchaine) S41 Thomas Levi
S9A Sutton Hannah S41 Thomas Lydia
S9A Sutton Richard S41 Thomas Sally M Smith
S12 Swain Almira J S100 Thurston Douglas J
S12 Swain John B S100 Thurston John L
S32 Swift Elisha S100 Thurston Marita
S32 Swift Sally H25 Tidd Bert R
T117C&D Syler Marion H25 Tidd Mary O’Connor
S60 Talbot Amanda E T158C&D Tokarz Alice
S60 Talbot James D T158C&D Tokarz Charles
T125C&D Talbot John D S57 Townsend Agnes J
T125C&D Talbot Winifred L T115A&B Townsend Albert
T65 Tallman Arlene D S56A Townsend Betsey
T124A&B Tallman Charles E T38A&B Townsend Erle B
T64D Tallman George S57 Townsend Josephine L
T64D Tallman Irene Cole T38A&B Townsend Lura A
T64D Tallman Keith T115A&B Townsend Lyle A
T64D Tallman Lucy Johns T115A&B Townsend Mamie
T65 Tallman Robert J S56A Townsend Minnie
T64D Tallman Sharon E S57 Townsend Robert L
S90 Taylor Albertus L T115A&B Townsend Rose
T30A&B Taylor Elizabeth J S56A Townsend Samuel
T148C Taylor Eveline H T106 Treat Doris B
S90 Taylor Gershom T43 Treat Dorothy A
T29D Taylor Gladys H23B Treat Elizabeth
T148C Taylor J Henry H23B Treat Gilbert
T29A&B Taylor Leslie J S44 Walker William L
T106 Treat Laverne C S100 Walter James E
H23B Treat Stanley T109A&B Warner Edith M
H23A Treat Stanton T109A&B Warner Elwood E
H19 Trimble Alexander T44 Warner Kathleen M
H19 Trimble Sarah T109A&B Warner Seward A
S14C Turner Armenia H17 Warrick Fred
S14C Turner Lewis H H17 Warrick Lillian
S5 Twiss Philomela S79 Watkins Charles E
S93/4 Tyler Addie L S79 Watkins Mary R
S65 Tyler Angeanda B H7A Watson Elma M
S65 Tyler Cook S80A Wayne John R
S93/4 Tyler Elliott F S80A Wayne Nelly
S12 Tyler Maretta S80A Wayne Rhoda A
S93/4 Tyler Mary S80A Wayne Sarah J
T44 Updike Charles R Sr. S80A Wayne Thomas
S58C VanAken Alex S37 Weatherlow Catherine A Mills
H9 VanAken Angeline T31 Weaver Bert E
S11 VanAken Barent G T31 Weaver Charles W
H21 VanAken David W T31 Weaver Nellie M
H9 VanAken Enoch T31 Weaver Sarah M
S58C VanAken Hannah S30 Webster George W
S12 VanAken J. Lucius S30 Webster Malvina J
S58C VanAken John S39 Weller Achsah C White
S11 VanAken Katherine H3 Weller Caroline
H21 VanAken Leah H3 Weller Nancy
S12 VanAken Lena H3 Weller Nathaniel
S12 VanAken Martha S49 Weston Alfred
S12 VanAken Martin S49 Weston Alvira
S35A VanAken Sally S24 Weston Catherine P
S11 VanAken William J S24 Weston George
H11B Vandenburg Donald M S49 Weston Jehial
H11B Vandenburg Helen M S24 Weston Sarah L
H16B VanGuilder Delia Parsons S49 Weston Savilla
T144A&B VanGuilder George S50 Wethey Amy
T144A&B VanGuilder Sarah S50 Wethey Anna Storm
T153D VanGiesen Frank M S50 Wethey Asenath
T153D VanGiesen Lavina S50 Wethey Charlotte
S20 Vankeuren Georgie S50 Wethey Chauncey J
S68 VanVliet Delila S50 Wethey Clara E
S68 VanVliet Frances M S50 Wethey Elias
S68 VanVliet Frank B T147C Wethey Elwood
S68 VanVliet William S50 Wethey Frank L
S44 Walker Diana S50 Wethey Mary J
S44 Walker John S50 Wethey Myron
S44 Walker Livingston T147C Wethey Ruth
S44 Walker Livingston S103 Wilson Johnnie M
T133A&B Wheeler Charlotte H28 Wilson Lewis
T133A&B Wheeler Edgar John S87 Wilson Lewis O
S51 White Annie Thomas S87 Wilson Margaret J
S38 White Bertie H28 Wilson Maria
S39 White Betsey Mary Campbell S87 Wilson Nancy
S38 White Eddie S87 Wilson Nancy M
S38 White Eliza S87 Wilson Phineas
S39 White George W S87 Wilson Robert
S51 White George W H28 Wilson Robert L
S38 White George Washington S87 Wilson Sarah
S39 White Helen J. Wright T64 Wood Agnes
S39 White Lewis M S69 Worden Angelina E
S51 White Nelson S77 Worden Morgan L
S38 White Orilla Brown S77 Worden Nancy M
S38 White Sarah A S46 Wright Adison
S51 White Thomas Bininger T154C&D Wright Charles
S39 White Washington J T37A&B Wright Charles E
S38 White William A T143C&D Wright Doris
S38 White William J T154A&B Wright Fredric
S20 Williams Benjamin H T154C&D Wright Isabel
S61 Williams Edgar T37C&D Wright James W
S20 Williams James P T37A&B Wright Madeline J
S20 Williams John H T154A&B Wright Marian
S61 Williams Lucy T37A&B Wright William G
S61 Williams Ludlow S72 Yarwood Bessie
S20 Williams Polly S72 Yarwood Edward
S87 Wilson Daniel T46C Young Claude
S99 Wilson Daniel T T46C Young Eva
S103 Wilson Freddie T32 Youngs Emma J
S103 Wilson Giles      

Throopsville Cemetery - Throop NY (Cayuga County)