Throopsville Rural Cemetery

Surname List

Original Plot Map

Hosford Section

Swift Section

Treat Section

Additional Names


The cemetery was organized as the Rural Cemetery Association of the Town of Mentz on April 28, 1851. The North and original parcel was conveyed to the association by Oliver K & Irene Swift in 1851. The Southern parcel was conveyed in 1900 by DeForest and Hannah Treat to what was then called the Throop Rural Cemetery Association. There is no record to show a name change. However, after the Civil War the town of Mentz was split into several towns including Throop and the name was changed at some point to the Throopsville Rural Cemetery. (Courtesy of the Throopsville Cemetery Association)
The three parts of the cemetery are Hosford, Swift and Treat. A plot can contain eight to ten burials and can be divided several ways.  The plots are numbered in order and if a plot was divided it was given a letter, example T126B would be Treat, plot 126, section B. The original cemetery books contained names that were not included previously because there may have been no marker, a wooden marker or the stone may have broken and not been replaced. Information from the books is noted with the plot it relates to.  Additional information was added from church records and town records, including a list of people that were buried in the cemetery but not previously noted elsewhere.
This transcription is a combination of the original record books, walking the cemetery and the previous transcription. Because there was some confusion in the previous transcription due to the wrong stones being linked to monuments of unrelated families, this transcription has been done by plot. You can start with the alphabetic surname list and using the "Find" feature on your browser locate the name that you are looking for. Then use your "Back" button to return to this page and go to the appropriate section to view the full information pertaining to that person.
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Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project Cemetery Records Site