East Venice
(Town of Venice, NY) Cemetery #110B
Located about the center of Lot 98, town of Venice, Cayuga County, New York, a short distance west of East Venice hamlet, as indicated on the map of Venice Township in the New Century Atlas of Cayuga County, dated 1904 - Cemetery Location Maps Can Be Viewed At The Cayuga County Histoian's Office In Auburn, NY
A very old pioneer cemetery, still used regularly, with many modern monuments, and well kept, including the oldest parts.
From the Moravia, (N.Y.) Republican-Register of Feb. 1, 1929:
The East Venice Cemetery Association desires to compile a complete list of soldiers of the various wars who are buried in that ground. The list at present comprises the following:
REVOLUTION - Col. Henry HEWITT, Ebenezer PARKS, Capt. John MILLS, and possibly Daniel LESTER, Sr.
WAR OF 1812 - Capt. Asa BURCH, and possibly James YOUNG
CIVIL WAR - Benjamin ARNOLD, Lieut. Martin E. BOGART, Maj. Lewis E. CARPENTER, Charles CLOSE, William E. WALL, A. H. GREEN, Lieut. E. Curtis HINE, Daniel KRATZER, David NETTLETON, Capt. John TIFFT, Charles WHIPPLE, Loren WILSON, Joseph WOOD, and possibly John KNAPP or William KNAPP.
These cemetery records a compilation of research/records of Leslie Luther & Mabel Crosby. The transcriber has attempted to record these records in a form which will facilitate the research.
With thanks to both Leslie Luther & Mabel Crosby for their work!
ALDRICH Marble Mon. - ALDRICH Melvina HALE 1836 - 1905 William ALDRICH 1861 - 1945 Eva, his wife 1861 - 1940 1 hs. - Fay H. ALDRICH 1890 - 19__ Linnie, his wife 1898 - 19__ Lynn W., their son 1917 - 1927 ALLEN see LESTER ALLING Marble Mon. - ALLING Mark ALLING 1830 - 1890 Emeline, his wife 1833 - 1917 Omer ALLING 1857 - 1878 5 hs. - Father, 1830-1890; Mother, 1833-1917; Omer, 1857 - 1878; Albert, 1862-1937; Flora A. 1859-1944 ALLYN see KIMBALL ALWARD 1 hs. Adelia, wife of George W. ALWARD d Apr 18, 1855 ae 26 yrs & 20 das ANDREWS - see BENNETT 2 hs. Henry C. ANDREWS d Jan 19, 1847 ae 1 yr 19das Lucy ANDREWS 1844 - 1919 Marble Mon. - ANDREWS Ephraim ANDREWS d Mar 16, 1884 ae 81 yrs, 2mo, 26da Emily Amelia, his wife d July 25, 1890 ae 77 yrs, 2mo, 4da 2 hs. Father; Mother Marble Mon. Ephraim, son of Ephraim & Emily ANDREWS d Aug 1, 1865 in his 16th year Marble Mon. - ANDREWS Dennis ANDREWS Sarah P. ANDREWS in her 39th year Obed ANDREWS in the 75th year of his age Subia, his wife aged 64 years Sarah ANDREWS aged 87 years (Note: No dates intended) 5 hs. - Father; Mother; Sarah; Dennis, Sarah P. Marble Mon - ANDREWS Wm. H. ANDREWS d Sept 12, 1875 in his 60th year Emeline HARRIS, w of Wm. H. ANDREWS d June 29, 1866, in her 49th year Amelia S., dau of Wm. & Emeline ANDREWS d Mar 13, 1876, in her 27th year Willie, son of Wm. & Emeline ANDREWS d Aug 6, 1866, in his 5th year Vestina J. ANDREWS Feb 16, 1852 August 1, 1929 Morton M. ANDREWS Nov 22, 1845 Dec. 8, 1904 6 hs. Harrison; Emeline; Amelia; Willie, Vestina; Morton ANGEL Marble Mon. - ----------- Thomas ANGEL Phebe ANGEL, his wife Hop Y. MOSHER Anna MOSHER Garner MOSHER Lydia MOSHER, his wife (Note: no dates) 6 hs. - T.A.; P. A.; H.M.; A.M.: G.M.; L.M. ARMSTRONG 2 hs. - Joe J. ARMSTRONG 1883 - 1957 Mother, Elizabeth ARMSTRONG 1852 - 1909 ARNOLD see HUTCHINSON, SEEBER, and YOUNG - GARDNER ARNOLD Alonzo ( Father of Benj. A.) 1808 - 1889 ARNOLD Jerusha HUTCHINSON, w/of Alonzo 1813 - 1877 Mother ARNOLD Elizabeth DELAP, w of A. B. ARNOLD d Jan 6, 1892 ae 76y 10mo ARNOLD Baby Dear, son of E. & A. B. ARNOLD d Nov 22, 1843 ae 3mo 15da ARNOLD Pidy , son of E. & A. B. ARNOLD d Aug 23, 1848 ae 6y 4mo 12da Pidy is gone ARNOLD Esther, dau of E. & A. B. ARNOLD d Mar 22, 1859 ae 10yr, 8mo Dear little Esther ARNOLD In memory of Joseph H. who departed this life Sept 16, 1834, aged 46 yrs 7 months The will of God is accomplished. So be it, the Sweet remembrance of the Just, shall flourish when they sleep in dust. (Also 7 Masonic emblems, including R. A. M. & Hebrew letters. (L.L. had this under HUTCHINSON) ARNOLD Susannah, wife of J. H. ARNOLD, and daughter of Nathan & Mary GARDNER d May 11, 1882 ae 89 yrs 10m 7d ARNOLD Joseph H., son of E. & A. B. ARNOLD d July 11, 1844 ae 3y 5mo 5da ARNOLD Alice B. CARPENTER, w/of E. J. d Oct 16,1876 (1854?) ae 22 yrs. ARNOLD Mark C. (On Alice ARNOLD mon.) 1874 - 1950 ARNOLD Bonnie, his wife 1902 - ARNOLD Benjamin d Feb 8, 1870 ae 85 y. 3mo ARNOLD Martha, w of Benjamin d Dec 9, 1824 in 45th year ARNOLD Deidamia, dau of Benj & Martha d May 7, 1845 in 30th (26) yr. ARNOLD Nelson, son of Benj & Martha d July 29, 1818 ae 3 months ARNOLD Benjamin A. 1842 - (on monument ARNOLD Margaret, his wife 1843 - 1904 Alonzo & Jerusha) ARNOLD Susannah, wife of Joseph H. (above) & dau of Nathan & Mary GARDNER d May 11, 1882 ae 89y 10mo 7da ARNOLD Norman C. d Aug 5, 1907 b Apr 23, 1832 ARNOLD Mary E. BILLS, w of Norman d Nov 5, 1885 b Sept 25, 1837 ARNOLD Hattie V., dau of d Dec 29, 1860 ae 10 mos. ARNOLD Infant child of N. C. & M. E. d Oct 13, 1858 ae 17 da ARNOLD Simon d Apr 17, 1913 ae 87 yrs ARNOLD Mary J., his wife d May 10, 1877 ae 44 yrs ARNOLD E. Hermina, his wife d Nov 1, 1891 ae 42 yrs ARNOLD Norman C. 1868 - 1932 ARNOLD Mattie E. 1868 - 1946 Carrie E. ARNOLD, w of Sterling B. PUGH 1900 - 1952 ARNOLD see HUTCHINSON - LESTER - MOE - MOSHER - SEEBER - YOUNG ATWOOD see SISSON AUSTIN Fred E. 1859 - 1933 AUSTIN Minnie B., his wife 1870 - 1914 AUSTIN Orra d Mar 19, 1849 ae 46y 5 mo AUSTIN Amy NYE, his wife d Dec 29, 1841 ae 39 y 2mo 9da AUSTIN Jacob V., son of Orra & Amy d Dec 17, 1852 ae 12 y 1mo 28da AVERY Cyrus, son of Ebenezer d Feb 24, 1847 in 68th year AVERY Phobe, w of Ebenezer & dau of Col. Henry HEWETT d Nov 23, 1845 in 56th year AVERY see HEWETT BAKER Katherine 1889 - 1957 BEALS Josephine 1866 - 1903 BEARDSLEY Benjamin d June 6 1837 ae 83y 4mo 6da BEARDSLEY Amelia, w of Benjamin d June 14, 1849 ae 89y 9mo 13da BEARDSLEY Zachariah, son of Benj. & Amelia d Dec 1, 1829 ae 42y 2mo 18da BEARDSLEY Sally, son of Zachariah & Eliza d June 14, 1834 ae 4y 6mo (June 4?) BENNETT Charles W. 1838 - 1920 BENNETT Phebe S. ANDREWS, his wife 1841 - 1906 BENNETT Dora L., their dau. d Mar 26 (25?) 1880 b Oct 18, 1878 BENNETT Arvid M. 1863 - 1944 Father BENNETT Jennie I. 1869 - 1928 Mother WARREN Charles, with above BENNETTs 1894 - 1958 WARREN Lillie T. 1894 - ____ BILLS see ARNOLD BOGART Martin S., Lt. 100 Reg. NYV. d Sept 10, 1868 ae 41 yr 25 da BOGART Eliza Ann TIFFT, his wife 1826 - 1899 W. R. TIFFT, son of Eliza & Martin d Dec 14, 1867 ae 7y 4mo 28da BOGART Anna E. MITCHEL, w of Alvin F. BOGART 1862 - 1881 BOGART Henrietta, dau of M. S. & E. A. BOGART 1853 (d ae?) BOGART Anna E. ____ _____ BOOTH see PARKS BOWER see SISSON BRONG Jacob B. Father d Feb 19, 1885 ae 34y 10 mo BRONG Elizabeth L., his wife Mother d Jan 22, 1894 ae 34y 3mo BROOKS This monument is erected to the memory of Mr. Jesse BROOKS who departed this life July 19, 1808 in the 51st year of his age. BROOKS Infant son of Jesse & Ratchel BROOKS d Feb 20, 1806 ae 7 days BROWN Betsey d Oct 12, 1870 (1820?) ae 72 yrs BROWN Polly, dau of Solomon & Sarah d July 7, 1819 ae 9y 8mo BROWN Levi, son of Solomon & Sarah d July 13, 1804 ae 9y 3mo BROWN Lettie (Lettice) dau of Solomon & Sarah d Feb 21, 1837 ae 43 y 8 mo BROWN Solomon d Feb 2, 1837 ae 73 y 5mo BROWN Sarah, w of Solomon d June 7, 1854 ae 83y 10mo BROWN Charles D. 1862 - 1928 BROWN Josephine S., his wife 1871 - 1934 Mc K William (on BROWN 1897 - 1937 Emma M., his wife monument) 1899 - ____ (NOTE: Following C. Lester had as BURGH, while L. Luther had BURCH for some) BURCH Capt. Asa, died in Venice NY Nov 3, 1854 ae 79y 4mo born in Renssalaer Co., NY July 5, 1775 BURCH Rose, born in Stephentown d July 22, 1813 b Mar 2, 1777 (1727) BURCH Asa C. d Nov 23, 1843 ae 49y 4mo 5da BURCH Lucy, wife of Asa C. d Apr 2, 1845 ae 50y 1mo 24da BURCH John P.(F?), son of Asa & Abigail d May 15, 1809 ae 1y 8mo 9da BURCH Grace R., wife of Alva J. and dau of Charles & Hannah PERRY d Mar 10, 1873 ae 38y 7mo 18da BURCH Ezra F. (Masonic Emblem) d Nov 30, 1864 ae 55 yr BURCH Mary, wife of Ezra F. d Mar 18, 1852 in 33rd year BURCH Frances Evelyn, dau of Ezra & Mary d Mar 8, 1853 b Sept 23, 1851 (Note: L. L. has the above Ezra with SMILEY) BURCH Hannah d Aug 20, 1870 (1810?) ae 60 yrs BURCH or BURGH Wm. T. d May 3, 1877 ae 78y 2mo 11da BURCH or BURGH Sally, his wife & dau of Roger & Asenath JONES d Oct 23, 1854 ae 56y 2mo 14da BURCH or BURGH John B. d Feb 17, 1891 b Apr 15, 1838 BURCH or BURGH Esther G. d June 13, 1874 ae 38 yrs (hss: Father, Mother, Esther, J. B.B) BURCH see SMILEY BURR Indiana GREEN, w of John W. d Apr 29, 1856 ae 23y 11mo 7da BUSH Henry d Jan 23, 1884 in 57th year BUSH Hattie B., Dau of Henry & May d Aug 9, 1851 ae 8y 3mo BUSH Frank E. d 1937 BUSH Harriet d 1882 BUSH Mary NYE d 1921 BUSH Martha d 1946 BUSH Emma J. d 1924 BUSH Henry Roy d 1936 BUSH Edgar Nye d ____ CALDWELL Mary, wife of Orange S. d Aug 9, 1851 ae 38y 5mo 26da(6?) CARPENTER Mary TAYLOR 1796 - 1883 CARPENTER Maj. Lewis Eli Father 1815 - 1899 75 regt. N. Y. Vol. (Civil War) CARPENTER Luman Lorenzo, son of Erastus & Mary d Dec 11, 1818 ae 1 yr CARPENTER see ARNOLD CHAPIN Saly W. dau of Salah & Sally CHAPIN d May 22, 1827 ae 20y 7mo 5da CLOSE Charles Co. H. 23rd Reg N.Y.V. 1841 - 1916 Co. F 9th Reg. H. Art. CLOSE Elizabeth T., his wife 1828 - 1913 CLOSE Ellen HURLBUT,w of L. Newell CLOSE, & dau of Amos & Mary HURLBUT 1834 - 1918 CLOSE De Witt d Sept 18, 1851 ae 42y 9m 18da CLOSE see HURLBUT (Niles) COFFIN Charles H. Father 1842 - 1931 COFFIN Cornelia J., his wife Mother 1845 - 1919 COFFIN Burton L. COFFIN 1871 - 1934 COFFIN Hattie M., his wife 1872 - 1921 COLE William H. 1839 - 1927 COLE Helen M.SMITH, his wife 1838 - 1912 CONDICT Phebe d May 12, 1859 ae 79y 1mo 26(6?)da CONGDON Corydon d Oct 15, 1880 ae 48y 11mo 26da CONGDON Emily Amelia, wife of Corydon and only dau of Squire & Lovice(y?) RAYMOND d Aug 29, 1864 b Oct 6, 1837 CONGDON Elmer, son of Corydon & Emily d Febt 15, 1879 ae 15 y 8mo 18da CONGDON Hannah PERRY, w of Corydon d Apr 16, 1888 ae 46 yrs CONGDON George 1873 - 1932 CONKLIN see EASSON - LESTER - RICHARDS CORNELL A. Eugene 1877 - 1947 CORNELL Mary A., his wife 1881 - 1955 CRESCY Leora, dau of Albert & Lucinda d Dec 13, 1869 ae 12y 2mo 9da CRESCY Samuel d June 1, 1861 ae 66y 5mo 9da CRESCY Dolly, his wife d Sept 29, 1865 ae 69y 2(7)mo 22da
CURTIS Charles (LL has on HINE lot) d ____ 4, 1819 CURTIS Calysta, wife of Edwin d Aug 23, 1852 ae 32y 4mo 19da DELAP see ARNOLD DEMMON William H. d June 10, 1879 ae 68 yrs DEMMON Clarissa, his wife d May 25, 1878 ae 58 yrs DENT John 1859 - 1927 DENT Jane, his wife 1863 - 1949 DENT Thomas, infant son DESMOND George W. 1837 - 1907 Father DESMOND Julia A., his wife 1837 - 1890 Mother DESMOND Mary 1800 - 1875 Mary DITTON Andrew C. 1886 - 1942 DITTON Lillian M. 1892 - ____ DOWNING George H. (LL has with HODGE) 1839 - 1911 DOANE Mary HASKELL 1859 - 1913 DODGE see SPAFFORD DONALD John R. 1849 - 1891 DONALD E. Gertrude 1853 - 1927 DONALD Burton L. 1877 - 19__ DONALD Harriet E., his wife 1883 - 19__ DONALD see WHEAT DOTY see LESTER DOWNING see HODGE - MILLS EASSON H. Adele, w of G.W. EASSON & dau of J. D. & Nancy R. CONKLIN d Dec 29, 1878 ae 24y 7m 27da EASSON George W. 1853 - 1939 EASSON Libbie W. NORMAN, his wife 1859 - 1927 EDDY Lewis A. J., son of B & M EDDY d Apr 10, 1843 ae 4y 9mo 27da ELLIOTT Emma A. 1861 - 1939 ELLIOTT Polly H. SHERMAN 1830 - 1920 ( 3 hs - Emma, Mother & John) ELLSWORTH see ARNOLD EWELL William H. (colored) 1844 - 1913 EWELL Sadie, his wife 1849 - ____ (LL - highly respected colored people. After his death, she went away and is buried elsewhere - note says Ithaca) FARRIS see LESTER FISH see TAYLOR FORD see SMITH - SMITH FORD Charles T. d Dec. 28 1892 ae 36 yrs (LL has him with Martin SMITH) GARDNER see ARNOLD - HUTCHINSON GEER Ichabod b May 8, 1783 d Dec 31, 1851 GEER Polly, HIS WIFE b Jan 20, 1782 d (illegible) GEER see MILLS GRANT see WOOD GREEN Nathan H. d Mar 19, 1863 ae 63y 1mo 27da GREEN Maria, wife of Nathan d Feb 27, 1886 b May 14, 1804 GREEN Samuel S. d Nov 9, 1879 ae 75 yrs GREEN Almira E., wife of John PERRY d Nov 28, 1858 ae 76y 10mo 6da GREEN Lucy, wife of Samuel d Feb 20, 1848 ae 48 yrs GREEN Martha, dau of Samuel & Lucy d Jan 22, 1848 ae 22 yrs 20da GREEN Abigail B., dau of Samuel & Lucy d Feb 2, 1857 ae 22y 11mo 1da GREENE A. H., Co. D. 7th N.Y. Vol. d Dec 1882 (1892) ae 45 yrs GREENE Charles, son of Alvah H. & Mary M. d Apr 6, 1870 in his 1 (or 4) year GREEN see BURR GREEN see REYNOLDS GUNSOLUS Lucy R. TIFFT w of L. V. d Jan 27, 1864 in 57th year HALL or HALE see ALDRICH HALEY see WOOD HAMPTON Almarie HEWITT, w of Isaac 1796 - 1887 (LL has under HEWETT) HARRIS see ANDREWS - SLOCUM - YOUNG HASKELL see DOANE HEATON Amos P. Father d Feb 21, 1874 ae 74 yrs HEATON Sally, his wife d Aug 17, 1874 ae 67 yrs HEATON James 1832 - 1912 HEATON Martha MAIN, his wife 1832 - 1894 HEELY see MONTGOMERY HEWETT Arthur d Mar 31, 1826 in 75th year HEWETT Sarah AVERY d Aug 5, 1827 in 77th year HEWETT Phebe, w of Col. Henry HEWETT d Nov 18, 1822 ae 57 y 5mo 8da HEWETT Phebe, dau of Col. Henry HEWETT and wife of Cyrus AVERY d Nov 23, 1845 in 56th year NOTE: LL shows HEWITT, not HEWETT, plus these additional names HEWITT Almerie HEWITT, w of Isaac HAMPTON 1796 - 1887 HEWITT Sacred to the memory of Sarah, wife of Lockwood HINMAN who died at Farmerville, Seneca Co. 20 August 1826 ae 18 yr 2mo 15 da HEWETT Sarah d Dec 24, 1842 ae 65y 10mo 29da HEWETT William d June 3, 1836 ae 63y 6mo 1da HEWETT George Langdon (Langton) son of Elias & Elizabeth G. d Sept 26, l844 d 11 y 5mo 21day HEWETT see AVERY - HAMPTON - HINMAN HEWITT Landall B. HEWITT Thomas M. HEWITT Amos HEWITT Sarah HEWITT Sarah, death date illegible, perhaps one above, d Dec 24, 1842?) HINE Ephriam d Oct 20, 1845 ae 66 y 6mo HINE Sylvia R., wife of Ephriam d Sept 15, 1853 ae 74 y 6mo 8da HINE Lt. E. Curtis, son of Ephraim & Sylvia, who was lost in the shipwreck of the U. S. Revenue Cutter, Hamilton near Charleston, SC d Dec 9, 1853 ae 35y 11mo 8da (NOTE: Shows he was a Civil War veteran, should it be 1863? LL) HINE Charles Curtiss ae 4 1819 HINE Selim d Mar 4, 1866 ae 59y 7mo 21da HINE Margaret, dau of Aaron & Sally PENNELL & wife of Selim HINE d Jan 8, 1842 ae 29y 3mo 3da (LL has Selim & wife with LESTER) HINMAN Sarah, wife of Lockwood HINMAN (bur with Phebe HEWETT & Almerie HEWETT HAMPTON who died at Farmersville, Seneca Co. d Augu 20, 1826 ae 18y 2mo 13da
HODGE Abram J. no dates HODGE Jennie, 3rd wife 1842 - 1900 HODGE Jane S., his wife d Mar 26, 1894 ae 59y 6mo 6da HODGE Perry B. 1868 - 1914 HODGE Georgia DOWNING, his wife 1868 - 1929 HODGE Harold D., son of Perry & Georgia d Sept 20, 1895 ae 1 yr HODGE Laura, wife of Jacob d Mar 16, 1860 in 54(64) year HODGE Hester, wife of Abraham (Abram) d Oct 5, 1863 in 36th year HOLLEY Charles O. 1861 - 1949 HOLLEY Nelia E., his wife 1881 - 19__ HOUGH see WOOD HULL Charles d June 15, 1879 ae 70 yrs HULL Sarah A., his wife 1808 - 1892 HULL Sarah J. 1844 - 1917 HULL John d Feb 5, 1876 ae 75 yrs HULL Henry d Dec 8(18) 1864 ae 60 yrs HULL William Jr. d May 12, 1840 ae 33 yrs HULL William d June 3, 1839 ae 70 yrs HULL Bersheba, his wife d June 19, 1852 ae 82 yrs HULL Samuel, husband of Polly d Dec 26, 1851 ae 37y 2mo 29da HUMPHREYS see SIGNOR HURLBUT (or HURLBUTT) Amos, Esq. d Nov 10, 1832 ae 62 yrs HURLBUT Mary, w of Amos HURBUT d June 15, 1846 ae 61 yrs 4m 1da HURLBUT Amos d Dec 10, 1882 ae 74 yr 4mo HURLBUT Mary, his wife d Sept 9, 1893 ae 82 yrs HURLBUT Frances, dau of Amos & M d Feb 23, 1844 ae 3y 3mo 28da HURLBUT Asaph Henry, son of Amos & M d Jan 21, 1859 ae 8y 7mo 18da HURLBUT Hannah, dau of Amos Sr. d May 29, 1854 ae 24y 6mo 24da HURLBUT see CLOSE - TIFFT HURLBUT Ralph d Sept 14, 1866 ae 42y 2mo 13day Note: LL has d Sept 14, 1865 HURLBUT Mary J. STEPHENS, his wife d Oct 6, 1898 ae 73 y 2mo 13da HURLBUT Emma Lillie, dau of Ralph & M. d Nov 29 (9) 1859 ae 2(5) y 8mo 1da Also two stones which may or may not go with HURLBUT Mother ____ _____ Alphonsine ____ _____ HURLBUT R. Wilber 1864 - 1948 HURLBUT Ina, his wife 1864 - 1950 HURLBUT Leslie L., their son 1893 - 1906 HUTCHINSON Cora, dau of Daniel J. & Jennie no dates ae 5 yrs 6 mo 12 days Epitaph: Such is life HUTCHINSON James d Aug 9, 1856 ae 79 y 3mo 27da HUTCHINSON Loraina (Lorana), relict of James d Nov 1 1856 ae 78 y 5 mo Julia Ann, wife of David THORP d June 4, 1852 ae 41 y 8 mos HUTCHINSON Orrin R. d Aug 15, 1847 ae 29y 11mo 4da HUTCHINSON Samuel D. d Nov 15, 1887 b Sept 2, 1806 HUTCHINSON Mary G., wife of Samuel D. & dau of Joseph H. & S. ARNOLD d Jan 26, 1854 ae 40 yrs 2mp 21dau (LL has Joseph H., Joseph & Esthern ARNOLD under HUTCHINSON) HUTCHINSON Sarah M., dau of Edwin & Parthena d Mar 3, 1885 ae 3 y 6mo 24 da HUTCHINSON Mary L., dau of Ed. & Part. d Mar 20, 1844 ae 3 y 8 mo 18 da (note: one of above dates are wrong) HUTCHINSON Albert, son of Ed. & Parthena d Nov 24, 1832 ae 1 y 2mo 8da HUTCHINSON William, son of Ed. & Parthena d Apr 23, 1849 ae 2y 8mo 20da HUTCHINSON Samuel B. b Sept 2, 1806 d Nov 15, 1887 HUTCHINSON Mary G., wife of Samuel D. & dau of Joseph H. & S. ARNOLD d Jan 26, 1854 ae 40 y 2mo 21da HUTCHINSON see ARNOLD - THORP JACOBS see MARKS JENNINGS Cranston C. 1845 - 1927 JENNINGS Anna F., his wife 1849 - 19 (LL has 1936) JONES Amos B. b Dec 7, 1797 d Mar 2, 1844 JONES see BURCH - BURCH - NETTLETON KARN Emmett L. 1881 - 19___ KARN Alice E. 1881 - 1957 KIMBALL Garra d June 3, 1880 ae 80 yrs KIMBALL Lucena, his wife d May 12, 1889 ae 85 yrs KIMBALL children of Garra & Lucena Garra, Jr. d July 25, 1841 ae 1 yr Louisa J. d Mar 3, 1864 ae 4 yrs Delos d Sept 8, 1833 ae 3 yrs Caroline R. d June 5, 1834 ae 1 yr Dwight d June 8, 1841 ae 3 yrs KIMBALL Isaac A. Father d Nov 9, 1890 ae 92 yrs KIMBALL Lois, his wife Mother d Feb 24, 1879 ae 82 yrs KIMBALL children of Isaac & Lois Orville d June 8, 1832 ae 5 yrs Elisha D. d Mar 15, 1837 ae 2 yrs Infant d Apr 13, 1840 ae 5 days KIMBALL Shubael d July 15, 1866 ae 91 yrs KIMBALL Lucy ALLYN, his wife d Mar 18, 1846 ae 67y 11mo 20da KIMBALL Allyn W., daon of Shu. & Lucy d Oct 13, 1817 ae 5y 5mo 7da KIMBALL Delos Father 1835 - 1910 KIMBALL Hannah MOSHER, his wife Mother 1831 - 1921 KIMBALL Dwight R. 1863 - 1923 Masonic emblem KIMBALL Anna F. TRUMBELL, his wife 1862 - 1950 KIMBALL see LESTER KINNEY John d July 5, 1835 ae 64y 3mo 9da KINNEY Hepsibah, his wife d Feb 10 (19) 1864 ae 88y 7mo 7da KRATZER Daniel P., Priv, Co. D 75th NY Vol. 1842 - 1909 KRATZER Abidah, his wife 1841 - 1893 KRATZER Mary W.,. their dau. 1874 - 1875 KRATZER Glenn A., their son. 1869 - 1926 LANGTON see HEWITT LEONARD see MOSHER LESTER Albert d Aug 20, 1881 ae 58 yrs LESTER Lucy Ann YOUNG, his wife 1829 - 1917 LESTER Edwin A., son of Albert & Lucy d Mar 21, 1871 ae 17y 9mo 28da J. Curtis ALLEN 1856 - 1933 LESTER Alice, wife of J. C. ALLEN 1860 - 1954 LESTER Austin d Dec 12, 1862 ae 65 yrs LESTER Parmelia, wife of Austin d Aug 3, 1885 in 78th year LESTER Charles d July 30, 1837 ae 68 y 8 mo 17da LESTER Charles 1838 - 1910 LESTER Amey J, his wife 1846 - 1869 LESTER Daniel d Jan 12, 1837 ae 74 y 8 mo 16da LESTER Sabra, his wife d Aug 23, 1828 ae 68 y 3mo LESTER Daniel Jr. d July 29, 1849 ae 61 y 1mo 7da LESTER Mary, his wife d Apr 10, 1827 ae 36 yr 4(1mo 18da LESTER Catherine FERRIS, w of Daniel Jr. d July 8(9) 1871 ae 71 yrs In memory of Mary,wifeof Thomas LESTER, who died Aug 11, 1821 age 87 yrs LESTER Ebenezer d Apr 8, 1842 b 1766 LESTER Cynthia d Sept 15, 1856 ae 82 yrs 12da LESTER Elias d Sept 24, 1841 b 1806 LESTER Erastus d Jan 27, 1875 ae 74 yr 9 mos LESTER Philena, his wife d Jan 30, 1876 ae 74 yr 8mos LESTER Amanda, dau of Erastus & Philena d Nov 10, 1841 ae 9y 10mo 27da LL note: This stone between following headstones: HINE Selim d Mar 4, 1866 ae 59y 7mo 21da Margaret, dau of Aaron & Sally PENNELL, wife of Selim HINE d Jan 8, 1842 ae 29y 3mo 3da LESTER Erastus, Jr. My Husband d Aug 25, 1872 b Feb 8, 1841 LESTER F. May (same stone as above) 1892 - 1938 LESTER Claude F. 1878 - 1924 LESTER Fred V. 1856 - 1935 LESTER Eva M. CONKLIN, his wife 1859 - 1909 LESTER George W. 1840 - 1902 LESTER U(E)rsula, his wife 1847 - 1906 LESTER Sylvia A. 1886 - 1907 LESTER Edwin d Feb 18, 1882 ae 47y 9mo 21da LESTER Abby, wife of Edwin d Oct 16, 1911 ae 72 yrs Also on this monument: DOTY Reuben T. 1861 - ____ DOTY Ida M., his wife 1864 - 1931 LESTER Emily d July 21, 1899 ae 82y 4mo 10da LESTER Henry L. d May 6, 1880 b Oct 19, 1815 LESTER Lucy, his wife d Jan 2, 1884 b June 15 (18) 1815 LESTER Mary H., dau of Henry & Lucy d Aug 8, 1872 ae 11 y 5mo 13 da LESTER J. Allyn d Jan 2, 1872 ae 57y 7mo 28 da LESTER Ann, his wife d Mar 27, 1917 ae 87y 2mo 26da XB X XE XB LESTER Adelia C. , wife of J. A. d May 2, 1891 b May 10, 1869 LESTER Mary, w of Thomas d Aug 11, 1821 ae 87 yrs LESTER Orrin d June 7, 1904 b June 8, 1819 LESTER Mary Jane, his wife d Aug 12, 1891 b Mar 15, 1821 LESTER Solon d Aug 14, 1842 ae 38y 8mo 1da LESTER Cynthia A. (b Mar 12, 1792) d Jan 11, 1844 ae 51y 9mo 29da LESTER Polly KIMBALL, his wife d Mar 23, 1897 no age given LESTER Lucy A., dau of Polly & Solon d Oct 2, 1900 ae 60 yrs LESTER Volney d Feb 1(5), 1892 b Feb 5, a821 LESTER Mary J., his wife d Jan 10, 1891 b Mar 18, 1828 LESTER Emily Cordelia, dau of d Sept 25, 1860 ae 10y 1mo 16da LESTER Nellie Isabel, dau of d Oct 25, 1862 ae 6mo 24da LESTER see ALLEN - MASTIN - MOSHER - WHIPPLE - WHITTEN LOCKWOOD Henry J. d Dec 11, 1885 ae 78 y 20mo 4da LOCKWOOD Betsey, his wife d Jan 22, 1867 ae 56y 11mo 1(13)da LOCKWOOD Amey, dau d Mar 10, 1869 ae 22y 9mo 5da LOCKWOOD Amah J., dau of Henry & Carrie B. d Sept 27, 1881 ae 5 mo 10 da (These are on LOCKWOOD-SPAULDING monument) LOCKWOOD see SPAULDING, John & Lucy see SPAULDING LONGSTREET George d Apr 29, 1893 ae 78y 3mo LONGSTREET Sabrina, his wife d Oct 11 (14) 1847 ae 28y 4mo 29da LONGSTREET Diana, 2nd wife d Sept 10, 1866 ae 47y 2mo 30da LONGSTREET Guilbert stone broken LULL Angeline, dau of Leonard & Polly d Feb 23, 1843 ae 9y 6mo 14da LUSH DeWitt C. d Sept 18, 1851 ae 42 y 9mo 18da LONY(G)SBIBRY Charles H., son of Wm & Betsey d Aug 3, 1834 ae 4 y 11 mo 0da LONY(G)SBIBRY David R., son of Wm. & Betsey d Nov 30, 1827 ae 4y 4mo 8da (LL has LOUNSBURY for above - Also they are with BURCH ms) MAC ALLASTER Ellen H. 1896 - 1914 (LL has MC ALLASTER) see MCALLASTER MACK John 1818 - 1901 MACK Maria, his wife 1820 -1893 MACK John A. 1854 - 1919 MACK Lillian T., his wife 1858 - ____ On MACK monument, with John & Maria MACK Wm. H. 1851 - 1925 MACK Ida C. 1857 - 1924 MACK Erie 1883 - 19__ MACK Maria 1893 - 1944 Children of Ida & William MACK Fred 1881 - 1911 MACK Hurbert 1890 - 1890 MACK Arthur 1904 - 1905 MAIN John d Apr 8, 1872 b Jan 29, 1784 MAIN Esther, his wife d Nov 15 1867 b Oct 5, 1789 MAIN Joseph, son of John & Esther d Sept 10, 1828 ae 19y 7 mo MAIN Cyrus, son of John & Esther d Jan 13, 1824 ae 8 yrs (LL has MAINS) MARKS Joseph 1878 - 1939 MARKS Adelia (Adella) May, his wife 1886 - 1907 MARKS Sara JACOBS, his wife 1896 - 1970 MARKS see PARKER MARSHALL Albert L., son of Lyman & Sarah d Feb 29, 1848 ae 11 mo 16 da MASON Lowell 1849 - 1918 MASON Mary E., wife of Lowell 1850 - 1929 MASON C. Leslie 1890 - 1937 MASON Muriel J. 1891 - 19__ MASTIN Della A. LESTER, w of Robert MASTIN d Oct. 14, 1886 ae 22y 7mo 0 da McK see BROWN McALLASTER Wm. T. 1888 - 1959 McALLASTER Mabel E. 1892 - 19__ McALLASTER Wm. A. 1860 - 1939 McALLASTER Lillie F. 1864 - 1943 McALLASTER Ellen H. 1895 - 1914 McCLARY Gordon 1914 - 1936 McCLARY Virginia 1893 - 1935 MERRITT James G. d Apr 25, 1857 ae 73y 5 mo 7da MERRITT Elizabeth, wife of James d Nov 20, 1860 ae 66y 3mo 18da MILES Stoddard (Stodard) d Oct 19, 1849 ae 69 y 11mo 0da MILES Anna, his wife d Apr 22, 1804 in 24th (21st) year MILES Anna, dau of Stoddard & Anna d Oct 28, 1821 ae 20 y 6mo 28da MILES Sabra, dau of Stoddrd & Sally d May 22, 1825 ae 16y 9mo 22da MILES Julett (Juleet) dau of Stoddard & Sally) d June 2, 1825 ae 5y 6mo 10da (LL has above as NILES) MILLS John d Apr 28, 1852 ae 80 yrs MILLS Caty, wife of Capt. John d Jan 12, 1811 in 31 (51)st year MILLS Quartus F. son of Caty & John d July 17, 1806 in 4th year LL also has Z. T. and one illegible with above) MILLS Luke (H.) d Feb 17, 1896 b Sept 4, 1805 MILLS Nancy A. GEER, his wife d Aug 25, 1907 b Feb 24, 1812 MILLS Laura F., dau d Nov 9, 1918 b Apr 1, 1835 DOWNING, N. Anna (on Luke MILLS monument) b July 6, 1842 died Mar 7, 1928 (hs. for above N. A. M. D.) MITCHELL see BOGART MOE Lodelia A., w of E. H. & dau of A. T. & A. A. ARNOLD d Aug 28 (26) 1863 in 23rd year MONTGOMERY William S. 1840 - 1890 MONTGOMERY Lora TIFTT, his wife 1836 - 1906 MONTGOMERY Louise T. 1872 - 1942 MONTGOMERY Alice M. 1877 - 1943 HEELY Alice M. (on MONTGOMERY mont) 1848 - 1935 Also on preceding MONTGOMERY monument WILSON Norell 1875 - 1938 WILSON Rose M. 1873 - 1959 MOORE Roger d Aug 1, 1836 in 71st year MORSE Charles L. 1855 - 1929 MORSE Marilla B., his wife 1853 - 1914 (1919) MORSE Ray J. (on above monument) 1882 - ____ MORSE Martha A., his wife 1886 - 1936 MORSE Pauline A., their 1909 - ____ MORSE Lulu M. daughters 1912 - 1935 MORSE Lula Maude, dau of Chas & Marilla 1876 - 1898 MORSE Josiah L. d Jan 1895(6) b Aug 12, 1812 MORSE Eulalia, his wife d Mar 30, 1905 b Feb 22, 1822 MOSHER Arvid d Jan 16, 1895 b Apr 26, 1817 MOSHER Catherine LEONARD, his wife d Aug 6, 1862 d Aug 19, 1837 MOSHER Dolphus C. 1849 - 1916 Masonic Emblem MOSHER Carrie C. 1851 - 1927 MOSHER Hettie C. 1881 - 1881 MOSHER Garner no dates These four MOSHER Lydia, his wife no dates MOSHERS on MOSHER Hopy (Hop Y) no dates Thomas ANGEL MOSHER Anna no dates monument LL note MOSHER Herman d Nov 27, 1898 b Nov 25, 1821 MOSHER Fanny, his wife d Jan 10, 1897 b July 5, 1822 MOSHER Wilson, their son d Feb 28, 1862 b Feb 5, 1848 MOSHER Nelson 1834 - 1902 MOSHER Martha J., his wife d Apr 11, 1861 ae 20y 7 mo 23 da MOSHER Mary J., second wife of Nelson 1837 - 1904 MOSHER Jonathan d July 28, 1842 ae 66y 1mo 28/22da MOSHER Hannah, his wife d July 20, 1842 no age given MOSHER Children of Jonathan & Hannah Nelson d July 11, 1832 ae 18 y 3mo 14da Adaline d May 30, 1826 ae 18y 1mo 11da Caroline d June 5, 1823 ae 17y 2mo 15da Marabuh (Marabah) d Nov 28, 1816 ae 5y 9 mo 12da MOSHER Elvey (Elery) H. son of Jonathan & Rebecca d Apr 3, 1811 ae 1y 4 mo MOSHER Layton G. 1878 - 1937 (These two on same mon MOSHER Nellie M., his wife 1882 - ____ with Nelson MOSHER) MOSHER Samuel d May 14, 1871 ae 90 yrs MOSHER Philoelia (or Mela) w of Samuel d Oct 6, 1868 ae 77 yrs MOSHER Phebe, their dau. d Dec 5, 1857 ae 46 yrs MOSHER Maryetta, their dau d Aug 23, 1878 ae 59 yrs MOSHER Samuel C. d Feb 19, 1860 in 36th year MOSHER Sabra LESTER, his wife 1830 - 1903 MOSHER Smith d June 15, 1862 ae 72 yrs MOSHER H(K)eziah PEARSALL, his wife d Jan 9, 1888 ae 88 yrs MOSHER Zechariah H. d Mar 13, 1906 in his 78th year MOSHER Eliza A. ARNOLD, w of Z. H. d June 29, 1893 in her 60th year (Above two on ARNOLD monument) MOSHER see ANGEL - ARNOLD - KIMBALL - TEETER MYERS Betsey 1824 - 1910 MYERS John 1828 - 1915 MYERS John R. 1862 - 1917 MYERS Frances 1861 - 1935 NETTLETON David B. (R.) 1st N.Y. Ind. Bat. 1826 - 1905 NETTLETON Susan B. RICHARDSON, his wife 1826 - 1891 NETTLETON William H., their son 1850 - 1852 NETTLETON George D. 1854 - 1934 NETTLETON Frances A. JONES, wife of G. D. 1861 - 1887 NETTLETON Bertie hs - no dates NETTLETON see SIGNOR NILES Stoddard (See MILES) NILES William D., son of ? & Reynolds? d Mar 17, 1852 ae 6y 25da also hs. S. B. (both of these with STODDARD) NILES Ralph H. d Oct 8, 1877 ae 75y 6mo 1da NILES Susannah, his wife d Apr 27, 1852 ae 50y 1mo 26da NILES Ralph, died in San Francisco, CA Nov 17, 1859 ae 23y 29 da Also on Ralph NILES Monument: NILES Lorenzo d Oct 20, 1871 ae 29 y 2mo 28da NILES Ralph L., son of Lorenzo & Sarah J. d Feb 15, 1883 ae 21 y 10mo 11da NILES Frank G. d Aug 6, 1908 b Aug 8, 1865 NILES Huddie E. CLOSE d May 12, 1950 b Feb 15, 1869 NORMAN see EASSON NYE Jared d May 27, 1859 b Sept 5, 1785 NYE Martha, his wife d June 30, 1850 ae 63 yrs NYE Seth d Jan 19, 1840 ae 84 yrs NYE Amy NYE his wife d Jan 13, 1839 ae 77 yrs NYE Seth F. d Mar 23, 1874 in 68th year NYE Sally SHIMER, his wife Mother 1808 - 1881 NYE Orrin P., their son d Sept 17, 1862 ae 21y 8mo 26da NYE see BUSH OLIVER William W. 1865 - 1948 OLIVER Maud L. 1869 - 1952 OWEN John d Apr 14, 1841 ae 74 y 5mo 14da OWEN Rhoda, his wife d June 17, 1846 ae 77y 6mo 14da PARKER Gilbert 1875 - 19__ PARKER Valena, his wife 1878 - 1933 PARKER Joseph L. 1877 - 1955 (These two on PARKER Ida May, his wife 1874 - 1936 Jos. Marks mon.) PARMELY James 1868 - ____ PARMELY Mary J. THRELKELD, his wife 1867 - 1908 LL PARMELY Richard 1856 - 1930 has PARMELY Frances, his wife 1859 - 1911 these PARMELY Florence, dau. 1895 - 1929 PARMLEY PARKS Ebenezer d Oct 24, 1847 ae 107y9mo 4da PARKS Ebenezer Jr. son of Ebenezer & Jenett d Nov 22, 1839 ae 29y 6mo 26da PARKS Eliza, dau of John? & ?Parken d July 22, 1822 ae 2y 2da PARKS Eliza, dau of John & Betsey? d July 4, 1850 ae 4 yrs (LL-4mo) PARKS Joseph 1877 - PARKS Ida May, his wife 1874 - PARKS Seymour M. 1862 - 1931 PARKS Carrie C. BOOTH, his wife 1872 - 1950 PARKS Thearon J., their son 1890 - 1950 PARKS William M., their son 1894 - PARKS Eva M. died 1892 also on PARKS Infant died 1899 above PARKS S. Winthrop 1903 - 1905 monument PEARSALL see MOSHER PENNELL see LESTER? - HINE PERRY Asa B. d June 9, 1896 b May 19, 1844 PERRY Arthur L., son of Asa B. & Mary E. d Dec 10, 1883 b June 20, 1875 PERRY Morgan L., son of Asa B. & Mary E. d Sept 27, 1891 b June 4, 1873 PERRY Charles d Nov 2, 1853 ae 51y 7mo 1da PERRY Palmyra B., his wife d July 26, 1846 ae 41y 2mo 7da PERRY Clarinda A., dau of Charles & Hannah d Aug 22, 1844 ae 17y 3mo 19da PERRY Ruliff I., son of Charles & Hannah d July 31, 1858 ae 20y 11mo 21da PERRY Thankful, dau of Charles & Hannah d Nov 10, 1859 in 35th year PERRY Lucy L., dau of Charles & Hannah d Oct 24, 1874 ae 45 yrs PERRY Cynthia B., dau of Charles & Hannah d Feb 6, 1889 ae 49 y 8mo 10da (Lucy, above, buried with Grace PERRY BURCH, wife of Alva J. BURCH) PERRY Hannah H., wife of ______(illeg) maybe w of Charles above? PERRY Ruliff d Sept 15, 1843 ae 70y 3mo 15da PERRY Asenath (Acenath) his wife d Sept 30, 1837 ae 57 yrs PERRY see BURCH - CONGDON - GREEN PIERCE Daniel D. (B.) T. d Mar 20, 1862 in 41st year PIERCE see QUIGLEY PIERSON Harvey 1819 - 1904 PIERSON Mary A., his wife 1827 - 1913 RUMSEY Herbert 1895 - (on Harvey PIERSON RUMSEY Hazel I., his wife 1897 - 1924 monument) PIERSON Joseph d Apr 8, 1825 ae 76 yrs PIERSON Mercy, his wife d Dec 19, 1822 (9) ae 75 yrs 2mo 3da PIERSON Timothy d May 24, 1873 ae 86 y 4mo 29da PIERSON Phebe, his wife d Jan 8, 1879 ae 86 y 1mo PIERSON Joel, son of Timothy & Phebe d Jan 15, 1837 ae 21y 5mo 10da PIERSON Charles, son of Timothy & Phebe d Nov 10, 1841 ae 5y 6mo 7da PORTER Nathan C. d Jan 23, 1853 in 29th year PORTER Cynthia L. dau of Jos. & Mariah d Sept 1, 1838 ae 16y 5mo (LL has this Mariah; also note this hss between Solon & Cynthia LESTER) POST George W., son of James & Sally d Apr 21, 1834 ae 2y 4mo 0da PUGH see ARNOLD QUIGLEY Mary PIERCE d Jan 30, 1892 ae 74 yrs RAYMOND Squire d May 8, 1889 ae 73 yrs RAYMOND Lovicy, his wife d July 3, 1889 ae 74 yrs RAYMOND see CONGDON REYNOLDS Ursula T. GREENE, wife of Alfred REYNOLDS (LL has under GREENE) d Jan 9, 1864 b June 22, 1836 REYNOLDS George H. 1847 - 1921 REYNOLDS Susan A. TOWNLEE (TOWSLEE) his w 1854 - 1917 REYNOLDS Fred G. 1893 - 1957 REYNOLDS Sarah 1893 - ____ REYNOLDS Seth d Apr 2, 1880 ae 65y 2mo 21da REYNOLDS Caroline E., his wife d June 13, 1883 ae 65(62)y 9mo 22d REYNOLDS Edgar T., son of Seth & Caroline d Sept 29, 1860 ae 11y 2mo 19da REYNOLDS Isaac L., son of Seth & Caroline d Sept 29, 1860 ae 5y 1(11)mo 7da REYNOLDS William D., son of Seth & Caroline d Mar 17, 1852 ae 6mo 25 da RICHARDS Glendon H. 1916 - 1956 RICHARDS Esther CONKLIN, his wife 1919 - ____ RICHARDSON see NETTLETON - PIERSON ROBINSON Charles C. d Feb 8, 1850 ae 32y 1mo 0da ROBINSON Elisa, his wife d Jan 21, 1851 ae 30y 10mo 0da RUMSEY see PIERSON RUNDLE Lyman M. son of Lockwood & Anna d Feb 24, 1830 ae 6 yrs SEEBER Gasper d Dec 12, 1920 b Aug 2, 1830 SEEBER Elizabeth ARNOLD, his wife d Mar 15, 1914 b Sept 13 1844 SHARP M. Herbert 1894 - 1918 SHARP Hannah M. 1867 - 1927 SHAW see YOUNG SHERMAN Colonel no dates SHERMAN Lydia no dates SHERMAN Lewis, Co. I, 111th N.Y. Inf. 1847 - 1935 SHERMAN see ELLIOTT SHIMER see NYE SIGNOR Simeon L. 1848 - 1925 SIGNOR Amelia M. HUMPHREYS, his wife d Apr 28, 1921 b 1846 Also on SIGNOR monument: SIGNOR Martie L., w of Casper M. NETTLETON 1881 - 1955 NETTLETON Casper M. 1877 - 1929 SIGNOR Frank 1883 - 1958 SILL see WHITTEN SINSEBAUGH Hattie L., wife of D. E. d May 16, 1901 ae 39 yrs (LL has SINSEBAUCH) SISSON Alfred V. 1852 - 1923 SISSON Minne B., his wife 1859 - 1927 SISSON George B., their son 1881 - 1920 SISSON Emma ATTWOOD, his wife 1875 - 1955 SLATER Aaron 1783 - 1863 SLATER Ruth SOPER, his wife 1786 - 1870 SLATER Mary, a grandaughter 1859 - 1864 SLOCUM Elisha (Elihu) 1827 - 1912 (LL has under SLOCUM Mary HARRIS, his wife 1833 - 1910 YOUNG - SLOCUM Peleg W. 1785 - 1851 YOUNG-SLOCUM SLOCUM Elizabeth, his wife 1787 - 1885 monument.) SMILEY William d July 14, 1870 in 82nd year SMILEY Sarah, his wife d May 10, 1881 in 86th year (Note: LL has Ezra BURCH, wife Mary, dau Frances Evelyn, with Wm. SMILEY) SMITH Joseph d Dec 26, 1854 ae 79y 3mo18da SMITH Eleanor, his wife stone broken SMITH Eliza, dau of Jos. & Eleanor d Aug 17, 1816 ae 16y 10mo 0da SMITH Jennie L. 1859 - 1903 SMITH Frederick B. 1883 - ____ SMITH Martin H., son of Isaac & Jane d Jan 10, 1860 ae 5y 2mo 10da SMITH Abby, dau of Isaac & Jane d Oct 13, 1853 ae 2 mo 5da SMITH George 1849 - 1902 SMITH Martin d Dec 16, 1868 b Mar 19, 1799 SMITH Esther, his wife d July 20, 1891 b Sept 27, 1801 SMITH Chloe Ann, dau d Oct 29, 1868 ae 37 yrs with Martin & Esther: FORD Charles T. d Dec 28, 1892 ae 36 yrs SMITH Ella 1854 - 1936 FORD Lewis 1885 - collieford SMITH Horace 1830 - 1897 NOTE: LL has Father, Mother, Charles, Chloe) SMITH Ray G. d May (Mar) 22, 1877 ae 68 y 9mo 2da SMITH Mary, his wife d Sept 20, 1867 ae 63 y 26 da SMITH Lewis J., their son d Apr 17, 1860 ae 15 y 1mo 23da SMITH Hannah T., their dau d July (Jan) 22 1834 ae 1 y 7mo 22 da SMITH Ray G. d Feb 11, 1920 b May 6, 1843 SMITH Alice E., his wife d b Mar 4, 1848 SMITH Louis R.,. their son d Nov 15, 1896 b Jan 4, 1877 SMITH see COLE SNYDER Darius Father 1833 - 1923 SNYDER Helen M. Mother 1833 - 1923 SNYDER Little Lettie, son of Darius & Helen d Aug 26, 1864 ae 3 y 2 da SNYDER Euretta D., dau of Darius & Helen d Aug 26, 1864 ae 3 y 2 da (Above two same except for name and sex) SOPER see SLATER SPAFFORD Charles E. 1868 - 1951 SPAFFORD Nellie DODGE, his wife 1873 - 1945 SPAULDING John S. d Nov 27, 1909 ae 78 yrs SPAULDING Lucy A. LOCKWOOD, his wife d Dec 19, 1866 ae 30 y 9mo 29da SPAULDING Bessie Belle, dau of John & Lucy d Aug 1, 1887 ae 23 years SPAULDING J. Avery 1870 - 1946 SPAULDING Minnie L., his wife 1875 - 19__ SPAULDING see LOCKWOOD SPORE William 1862- 1932 SPORE Ella, his wife 1857 - 1934 STEPHENS see HURLBUT STANTON Thomas d Feb 5, 1875 ae 88y 10mo 16da STANTON Polly, his wife d Jan 8, 1866 ae 76y 8mo 24(4)da STEVENS Hattie R., wife of James A. d Sept 10, 1862 ae 25y 3mo 11da STEVENS Freddie L., son of J. A. & H. R,. d Oct 2, 1862 ae 5 mo (Ephitath - Freddie is with his mother) STEVENSON James d Feb 24, 1825 in 64th year STEVENSON Hannah, his wife d July 9, 1843 ae 71 y 9 mo 29da STONE Phebe Jane, dau of John R. & Hepzibah d July 27, 1848 ae 2 y 4 mo 27 da STRONG see YOUNG STUART Alonzo Father d Sept 26, 1882 ae 79 years STUART Betsey Ann Mother d Nov 28, 1891 ae 78 yrs STUART Orrin, son of Jesse & Dorcas d Jan 10, 1817 in 14th year TABER Polly, wife of Augustus d Aug 28, 1820 ae 43y 9mo 14da TABER Diana, dau of Augustus & Polly d Aug 15, 1815 ae 6 mos TABER Lydia, dau of Augustus & Polly d Nov 23, 1815 ae 5 mos (?) TABER Alfred A., son of Augustus & Sally d Apr 6, 1824 ae 6 mos TABER Marietta, dau of Augustus & Sally d Feb 10, 1831 ae 16 (6) yrs TABER Sarah E., dau of Augustus & Sally d June (July) 4, 1834 ae 4y 10mo 0da TABER Lydia, w of Record TABER d Aug 3, 1826 ae 29 (79) yrs (Buried with Augustus & Polly) TABER Austin 1840 - 1916 TABER Delia Y., his wife 1847- 1925 Their Children: TABER Kittie 1879 - 1900 TABER Infant son -- TABER John H. d Jan 11, 1891 ae 82 yrs TABER Hannah, his wife d Mar 27, 1882 ae 77 yrs TABER Charlotte, their daughter d Nov 24, 1857 ae 26y 6mo 0da TABER George d Aug 13, 1891 ae 58 yrs TABER John M. son of Philip & Nancy d Jan 8, 1842 ae 2y 5mo 18da TABER see WHITTEN TAYLOR Abner d Feb 28, 1872 ae 81y 11mo 7da TAYLOR Clarissa, his wife d Oct 28, 1865 ae 72y 3mo 9da TAYLOR Henry d Nov 28, 1886 ae 69 y 11mo TAYLOR Rev. Hull d Jan 27, 1873 ae 91 yrs TAYLOR Sally M., his wife d July 24, 1851 ae 70 yrs TAYLOR Lewis A. 1848 - 1914 TAYLOR Frances E., his wife 1851 - ____ TAYLOR Anna, wife of Noah d Feb 27, 1838 ae 81y 10mo 8da TAYLOR Arad, son of Noah & Anna d Oct 18, 1845 ae 23 yrs 4mo 25da TAYLOR Thomas, son of Noah & Anna d Jan 13, 1851 ae 24 yrs 11mo 18da TAYLOR Anna, wife of Noah K. d Jan 13, 1851 ae 52y 5mo 12da TAYLOR Dr. Zerab d Aug 20, 1810 in 24th year TAYLOR Luke d Dec 4, 1841 ae 87 yrs TAYLOR Elizabeth, his wife d Mar 16, 1813 in 58th year TAYLOR see CARPENTER TEETER Will B. 1860 - 1917 TEETER Nettie J. MOSHER, his wife 1864 - ____ TEHAN Timothy d May 19, 1921 ae 45 yrs THRELKELD see PARMLEE THORP Julia Ann HUTCHINSON, w of David d June 14, 1852 ae 41 y 8mo 0da (LL note: bur. with James & Lorana HUTCHINSON) TIFFT John d Aug 20, 1848 ae 72 y 10mo 0da TIFFT Martha, his wife d Dec 21, 1808 b Apr 26, 1775 TIFFT Polly, his 2nd wife d July 18, 1830 b Nov 9, 1779 TIFFT John d Nov 10, 1894 b Mar 23, 1836 TIFFT Eliza J., his wife d Dec 13, 1899 b Aug 13, 1838 TIFFT John Capt. Co. E 9th NY Hvy Art. 1838 - 1902 TIFFT Mary HURLBUT(T), his wife d July 9, 1890 b Oct 10, 1836 (LL note: dau of Amos and Mary HURLBUTT) TIFFT Wiatt R. d Dec 7, 1874 ae 74y 4mo 19da TIFFT Sophronia d Dec 7, 1880 ae 81 years TIFFT see BOGART - GUNSALUS - MONTGOMERY TODD see WOOD TOWILE or TOWNLEE see REYNOLDS TRUMBULL see KIMBALL TUPPER Lewis d July 22, 1866 b 1797 TUPPER Lucinda, his wife ____ ____ WARREN see BENNETT WEAVER Smith 1820 - 1892 WEAVER Lucinda, his wife 1830 - 1913 WEYANT William D. 1864 - 1948 Masonic emblem WEYANT Phylis E., his wife 1869 - 1938 O. E. S. WEYANT George E. 1897 - 1906 WHEAT Clarence on John R. DONALD 1887 - 1954 WHEAT Winifred Monument 1891 - 19__ WHIPPLE Charles C. Co. A 3rd reg of Artillery N. Y. V. d Aug 25, 1902 b Apr 15, 1840 WHIPPLE Charlotte Amanda LESTER, his wife d Dec 20, 1929 b May 12, 1843 (above WHIPPLES on Erastus & Philena LESTER monument) WHIPPLE Charles Obid 1886 - 1945 WHITMAN Fred E. 1866 - ____ WHITMAN Marie, his wife 1867 - ____ Their children WHITMAN Clark 1894 - 1904 WHITMAN Agnes 1892 - 1895 WHITMAN Ruth 1902 - 1902 WHITMAN Dorr 1910 - 1910 WHITMAN William F. 1862 - 1937 WHITMAN Bessie, his wife 1874 - 1919 WHITMAN Howard, their son 1899 - 1907 WHITNEY Edward P. Masonic emblem d Sept 4, 1870 ae 52y 6mo 0da WHITNEY George d Dec 18, 1861 ae 66 yrs WHITNEY Matilda, his wife d Aug 8, 1886 ae 89 yrs WHITNEY Burnett, son of Sanford & Margaret d Mar 27 (7) 1861 ae 1 mo 8 da WHITNEY Sanford B. d Sept 23, 1890 b Sept 18, 1827 WHITNEY Delmer B. 1868 - 1904 WHITTEN Benjamin d Aug 6, 1880 ae 67 y WHITTEN Abby, his wife d Nov 19, 1889 ae 76 yrs WHITTEN Ezra d Oct 29, 1878 ae 61 y 4mo 6da WHITTEN Eliza, his wife d May 22, 1884 ae 64y 6mo 22da WHITTEN Job d May 1, 1890 b Oct 20, 1829 WHITTEN Sara A. TABER, his wife d May 19, 1914 b Mar 23, 1838 WHITTEN Frank C. 1859 - 1919 WHITTEN Alida E., his wife 1857 -1896 WHITTEN Jesse L. 1887 - 1959 WHITTEN Helen SILL 1886 - 1926 WHITTEN Iva LESTER 1880 - 1954 WHITTEN Howard L. 1921 - WHITTEN Clayde Y. Father 1883 - 1952 WHITTEN Emogene J. Mother 1880 - 1922 WHITTEN John J. ___ WHITTEN Henry B. 1849 - 1928 on monument WHITTEN Clara B., his wife 1856 - 1952 with WHITTEN Edward M.., their son 1876 - 1928 Benj. & Abby WILSON see MONTGOMERY WOOD David Father d Jan 29, 1883 ae 78 yrs WOOD Harriet N. TODD, his wife 1818 - 1902 Mother WOOD Carrie C. 1855 - 1944 WOOD W. Minnie, their dau. d Feb 22, 1860 ae 6 yrs HOUGH Mary E. WOOD 1855 - 1938 WOOD Luman E. 1849 - 1911 WOOD James d Dec 14, 1880 b June 24, 1821 WOOD Emeline M., his wife d Mar 26 (5) 1910 b Aug 21, 1829 WOOD Charles H. (K) 1857 - 1919 WOOD Ella L. HALEY, his wife 1857 - 1913 WOOD Mary L. GRANT, his wife 1881 - ____ WOOD Austin 1808 - 1888 WOOD Livonia, his wife 1817 - 1874 WOOD Jonas 1817 - 1895 WOOD Sarah Ann, his wife 1820 - 1905 WOOD George S. 1841 - 1916 WOOD Ann Elizabeth, his wife 1848 - 1901 WOOD Fred E. d Nov 2, 1887 b Feb 16, 1849 WOOD Joseph A. Co. H. 75th Reg N. Y. Vol. 1839 - 1919 WOOD Sylvina, his wife 1847 - ____ WOOD Mary L., his wife 1845 - 1890 WOODFORD David H. d May 26, 1877 ae 70y 12da WOODFORD Phebe Ann, his wife d Dec 8, 1891 ae 79 y 1mo 19da WOODFORD Martha Ann, dau of Reuben & Ahuria (Almira) d Apr 5, 1826 ae 4 mo 11 da
YOUNG Delmar T. Masonic emblem d Sept 25, 1896 b Apr 17, 1852 YOUNG Callie, his wife d Dec 17, 1920 b Nov 6, 1850 YOUNG Frank E. Masonic & IOOF emblem d Sept 26, 1924 b May 21, 1851 YOUNG Clara M. STRONG, his wife d May 26, 1910 b Jan 4, 1856 YOUNG Gilbert d Nov 1836 ae 85 y flag on grave YOUNG Nancy, his wife d Jan 3, 1844 ae 85 yrs YOUNG George S. Husband d Mar 17, 1903 b Dec 18, 1825 YOUNG Cordelia (Cornelia A.) Wife d Sept 23, 1900 b May 24, 1830 YOUNG George W. d Oct 9, 878 ae 78 y 8mo 18da (Masonic RAM & HTWS, STKS emblems) YOUNG Jerusha, his wife d May 30, 1896 ae 94 yrs YOUNG James d May 30, 1881 ae 90 yrs flag on grave YOUNG M(H)arriett L., his wife 1825 - 1909 YOUNG Jesse B. 1828 - 1906 YOUNG Jesse B., Jr. son of J. B. & C. E. 1825? - 1906 (LL has just 1906) YOUNG Lucy W., his wife 1833 - 1895 YOUNG John C. 1825 - 1901 YOUNG Lucinda, his wife 1827 - 1911 YOUNG Phineas G emblem d Sept 8, 1870 ae 76 y 3 mo 22 da YOUNG Hannah, his wife d Jan 12, 1875 ae 72 y 10mo 5da YOUNG Thomas d Dec 10, 1880 ae 84 yrs YOUNG Charlotte, his wife d June 11, 1882 ae 79 yrs YOUNG Philura, dau of Thomas & Charlotte d July 22, 1858 ae 35y 1mo 0da YOUNG Orlando, son of Thomas & Charlotte d Mar 31, 1830 ae 3y 6mo 16da YOUNG William H. 1840 - 1900 YOUNG Jennie S., his wife 1838 - 1914 YOUNG Gilbert A. 1833 - 1901 YOUNG Caroline M., his wife 1830 - 1906 YOUNG Fred S. 1857 - 1939 Masonic & IOOF emblems YOUNG Carrie D. ARNOLD, his wife 1858 - 1927 YOUNG see LESTER
**Obituary as submitted by Kathi McCarthy:
Death of Mrs. Abbie Rogers, Monday October 16 at home of her daughter Mrs. R. T. Doty at East Venice... widow of late Anson Rogers.. Besides her daughter, she is survived by a grandson Willard Doty of Chicago.... buried in East Venice Cemetery.
The Information Below Was Posted On The Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project Guestbook Website |
Date: 2011-02-25 From: Chuck Arnold <chuck@thearnolds.name> Subject: East Venice, Cayuga Co. NY Cemetery Location:
The cemetery is visible (but not named) on the USGS "Genoa, N.Y." 7.5' quadrangle
map (1976), a free download from "USGS Store" at:
It can also be seen on Google Maps in Satellite View. cra |
From: Deborah Plugh CURTIS Calysta, wife of Edwin d Aug 23, 1852 ae 32y 4mo 19da
HODGE Perry B. 1868-1914 Deborah Martin-Plugh |
Cemetery Location Maps Can Be Viewed At The Cayuga County Histoian's Office In Auburn, NY
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