(back of schoolhouse)

Cemetery off Smith Road, former Merritt Road

This is located beside an abandoned schoolhouse. Mostly all the obelisks
are down and many stones down and half buried. However it is very
accessible, without the usual tangle of bushes and small trees. Copied Dec. 1, 1962
by Don Ruscoe and M. Crosby. In 1965 additional names were given us
by Mrs. Beacham, of Meridian, from records taken years ago when more stones
were readable. M.C.

ABBOTT, ___, son of Edison and Catherine, d. Dec., 4, 1834; ae 9 mo 8 da

	(broken stone beside this)

BROWN, 	Charles, d. Oct. 16, 1849; ae 82 yr 2 mo 9 da

BURNS, 	Margaret Jane, wife of Fred Burns, d. July 3, 1866; ae 33 yr 10 mo

DARATT, Mahitable, wife of John Daratt, d. Apr. 16, 1852; ae 56 yr 1 mo 10

DRATT, 	Elbert, d. June 20, 1838; ae 35 yr


FINK, 	Mary, wife of Jacob, d. Dec. 11, 1866; ae 78 yr 5mo
	Jane H., son of Jacob and Mary d. in Calif. ae 43 yr 7 mo 10 da
	(probably James)

FINK, 	Ulysses, d. July 15, 1880; ae 60yr


FOLLETT, Ezra, d. Jan. 10, 1838; ae 60 yrs
	 Lucy, his wife, d. Aug. 11, 1811; ae 35 yr

FOLLETT, Ezra, d. July 1, 1834; ae 50 yr

FOLLETT, David C., d. June 23, 1887; ae 76 yr
	 Sally M., his wife, d. Aug. 1, 1887; ae 68 yr
	 Arsenath, his wife, d. Sept. 6, 1849; ae 33 yr
	 (also separate headstone for Arsenath, d. Sept 6, 1849; ae 33 yr 6 mo
	 16 da)
	 Lucy, dau. of D.C. and A. Follett, d. Jan. 19, 1841; ae 1 yr 4 mo
	 Ambrose, son of D.C. and A. Follett, d. Aug. 11, 1849; rest of stone
	 broken (1847 - 1850 records)
	 Artemesia, d. Dec. 2, 1879; ae 41 yr
	 Maria, dau. of D.C. and A., d. Apr. 8, 1846; ae 1 yr 10 mo
	 Jemima, wife of Ezra, d. July 4, 1834; ae 50 yr

GALLT, 	in mem. of Matthew who died Feb. 12, 1830; ae 29 yr 6 mo 16 da

GRANT, 	Anny, wife of Abijah Grant, d. June 17, 1864; ae 74 yr 5 mo 2 da
	Ma___, dau. of Abijah and Anna, d. June 9, 1846; ae 31 yr 2 mo 21 da
	Abijah, d. Oct. 1, 1865; ae 72 yr 11 mo
	Morgan, d. Apr. 6 1869; ae 49 yr 7 mo 21 da

JENKINS, James, d. Apr. 13, 1851; ae 81 yr 2 mo
	 ___cy, wife of ___ Jenkins; broken headstone
	Dorcase=, wife of James, d. Apr. 30, 1864; ae 89 yr 22 da
	Delia F., dau of J. and R.C.
	Albert L., son of J. and R.C.
	William A., son of J. and R.C.
	John S., son of J. and F.M.

JEWELL, John, d. Sept. 29, 1896; ae 74 yr
	Ruth C., his wife, d. June 29, 1857; ae 31 yr 23 da
	Fidelia, his wife, d. Nov. 16, 1878; ae 36 yr 27 da
	Ada, his wife; no dates

JEWELL, James, d. Feb. 16, 1840; ae 45 yr 4 mo
	Betsey, wife of James; no dates

JEWELL, J., d. Dec. 27, 1853; ae 69 yr 1 mo
	Polly, wife of John Jewell, d. Oct. 5, 1863; ae 66 yr
	Polly, wife of John Jewell, d. Oct. 31, 1826; ae 32 yr
	their infant, d. Oct 29, 1826
	James H., son of John and Polly, d. Sept. 22, 1847; ae 22 yr 2 mo
	Cordelia, dau. of John and Polly, d. Sept. 9, 1847; ae 17 yr 8 mo

LADUE, Ambrose, d. Feb 3, 1843; ae 59 yr
	Nancy, his wife, d. Aug. 20, 1862; ae 77 yr 6 mo 16 da
	Anna L., dau. of A. and N. Ladue, d. June 1, 1851; ae 5 mo??

LADUE, Mary, D. Oct. 11, 1848; ae 7 yr 5 mo 10 da


OBRYAN, James H., d. Nov. 23, 1865; ae 36 yr
	Jane A., wife of James Obryan and dau. of David and Azubah ELMER, d.
	Dec. 18, 1864; ae 25 yr
	Stone near here with only date left: Oct. 1832; ae 3 months

OCKMOODY, H., d. Feb. 5, 1871; ae 66 yr 1 mo 12 da
	  Helen, d. Mar. 28, 1890; ae 84 yr

OCKMOODY, Edward, son of Henry and Ellen, d. Feb. 14, 1861; ae 26 yr
	  Alex'r B.J., son of Henry and Ellen, d. June 11, 1866; ae 23 yr


PASSAGE, Mary, d. Aug. 3, 1861; ae 60 yr (This was on same headstone, on
	 lower section as wife would usually occupy, with Ulysses FINK.)

PERKINS, Joseph D., son of Henry and Hepsey, d. July 28, 1849; ae 2 mo 18
	 James, d. Apr. 13, 1854; ae 81 yr 2 mo
	 Lucy, wife of Joseph, d. Feb 3, 1852; ae 47 yr 7 mo 16 da

PRINE, 	Mary Catherine, wife of Henry Prine, d. Feb. 9, 1854; ae 18 yr 1 mo
	19 da
	(Large monument down here, no names visible)
	Smith A., son of Henry and Mary C. Prine, d. Oct. 28, 1868; in his 15th
	yr (on Ockmoody monument.)

ROBBINS, Hannahett, wife of Harvey Robbins and dau. of Thomas and Martha

STARKS, d. June 5, 1818; ae 26 yr 8 mo 2 da

RUDE, 	Ezekiel, d. Sept. 30, 1874; ae 79 yr
	Mary A. Lamphere, wife of Ezekiel, d. Dec. 9, 1897, b. Mar 25, 1806

SANDERS, Joel W., Co. L., Merrill's Regt. Sec. Mo. Cav., d. Oct 5, 1864;
	 ae 23 yr 11 mo

SARGENT, David Jr., son of Daniel and Maria, d. Oct. 19, 1832; ae 2 mo 21

STARKS, Thomas, d. Apr. 3, 1879; ae 79 yr 7 mo 13 da
	Martha, his wife, d. Jan 31, 1875; ae 79 yr 1 mo 17 da

STARKS, Sylvester, son of Orange and Delia, d. Nov. 19, ___?; infant burial

STARKS, Congdon B., d. Dec. 2, 1861; ae 41 yr 3 mo 13 da


TITUS, 	Doris, d. Sept. 21, 1869; ae 80 yr 7 mo 25 da
	Lucina, wife of Doris, d. June 23, 1858; ae 60 yr 1 mo 2 da

WAGGONER, ___ , son of Jacob and Elizabeth Waggoner, d. Dec. 20, 1852; ae
	  21 yr 11 mo (top of stone gone)
	  W___, E___ (broken stone), d. ___185__; ae 52 yr 11 mo 24 da
	  (Also E.W. footstone, both next to other Waggoner; probably Elizabeth)

WATKINS, Elijah, d. Aug. 3, 1853; ae 47 yr

WESTON, R.F., d. Jan. 13, 1870; ae 52 yr 3 mo
	Matilda G., his wife, d. Aug. 17, 1879; ae 63 yr 3 mo
	Herman A., 1841 - 1860
	Ophelia, 1845 - 1846 (Children of R.F. and M. G. Weston)
	(Here a monument was down with all names apparently on bottom side; but
	"R.F. Weston" was right beside it.)

WHITE, 	Mary, d. Oct. 9, 1827; in 42nd yr of age
	Nancy, wife of Henry White, d. Apr. 26, 1865; ae 74 yr 9 mo
	Melissa B., dau. of Henry and Nancy, d. Aug. 17, 1863; ae 15 yr
WHITE (See E-mail Message Below)

WILLSON, Martin, son of Peter and Eleanor, d. Nov. 1, 1848; ae 19 yr 7 mo

WOOD, James, son of Hiram and Ann, d. July 7, 1853; ae 3 mo 5 da

YOUNG, 	Jonas Abram, son of Cornelius and Hannah Young, d. Apr. 30, 1831;
	ae 2 yr
	Nancy Jane, dau. of Cornelius and Hannah, d. Apr. 4, 1831; ae 11 mo 23 da
	Also 2 broken stones:
	___ ___, d. Sept. 17, 1856; ae 51 yr 24 da
	___ ___, d. July 4, 1864; ae 2 yr


Notes: Arsenath (Asenath) Follett was the daughter of William Sturgis (son
of Joseph and Eunice) and Martha Cerrow Sturgis of Cato. Other children
attributed to David C. and Asenath Follett are Ezra Sturges Follett, a
Civil War veteran, and Hugh Follett.

Thanks to Martha S.Magill for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

E-mail message concerning records found on this website page

Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 4:46 PM

Subject: Smith Rd Cemetery, Cato, NY corrections

After a recent visit to the cemetery I would like to add the following names that were omitted from the transcription:

Henry White, date of death 10/9/1827
Samuel White, date of death 2/7/1872 at the age of 46
William White, date of death 12/23/1811

Also, correction for Melissa B White, daughter of Henry and Nancy, her age was at least 45.

The four children listed with James Jenkins belong to John Jewell and are listed on the side of his monument:

Delia, daughter of John and Ruth C
Albert L, son of John and Ruth C
William A, son of John and Ruth C
John S, son of John and Fidelia M.

I am looking for information on the White/Jewell families, especially Henry and Nancy.

Thank you.

Alice Warren

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