Union Hill Cemetery - Village Of Cato, NY (In The Town Of Ira)
(Cayuga County)
Cemetery No. 35
Surname Section "B"

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On the west side of the grounds is a building called Kingsley Memorial Chapel , in memory of Jennie A.L. and Ira J. Kingsley, her husband, erected 1963. In the front of the cemetery, built into the hill, is a large vault inscribed Rockwell - 1876 . Another large vault, also built into side of hill, inscribed Silas Kellogg ; and a monument to the Unknown Soldier , presented by the American Legion Auxilliary, Jay LaBuff Post 911 - 1930.

Copied by Flora & Helen Daniells & Mable Crosby 1965

Babcock Erwin W. 1912-1924
Babcock George L. 1886-1962
Millie Horn wife of " 1892-19
Babcock Margo Rae 1938-1938
Eleanor T. 1916-1963
Baird John H. 1868-1931
Della C. Snyder - wife of " 1870-1938
Harvey son 1905-1906
Earl W. son 1904-1918
Baker William L. 1851-1920
Warren 1885-1886
Baker see Rockwell
Baldwin Evelyn L. 1941-1953
Ball Henry J. 1853-19
Anna Nuss wife of " 1852-1928
George J. 1893-1906
Barber Fred died June 18, 1901 b?
Margaret Oct. 10, 1907 b?
Gerald Fred died Sept. 25, 1955 born Aug. 19, 1929
N.Y. Sgt. H. & S. Co. 325 Tank Bn.
Barber Pearl H. 1885-1939
Barker Mortimer A. 1838-1919
Cynthia A. Parker - wife of " 1840-1929
Delphine 1870-1894
Barker Ezra F. died July 25, 1869 ae. 87y 3mo 25da
Platts died May 22, 1865 ae. 78y 6mo 9da
Elizabeth B. died Apr. 16, 1879 ae. 67y 7mo
Ezra F. died May 8, 1849 ae. 9y 6dmo 13da
Barker see Fletcher
Barnes see Root
Barrett Orlando W. died Oct. 28, 1865 born Sept. 21, 1834
Theoda H. died May 11, 1861 born Mar. 27, 1860
Fannie A. died July 2, 1864 born Mar. 13, 1864
children of O.W. & Theoda all on Knapp Lot
Bartlett Amelia N. 1843-1890
Bartlett G.S. died Feb. 13, 1876 ae. 55y
Harriet A. wife of " died Mar. 21, 1897 ae. 73y 6mo 20da
Bartlett Jesse died Dec. 18, 1871 ae. 71y
Sally wife of " died Apr. 8, 1873 ae. 71y
Abram no dates
Bartlett John M. 1790-1850
John Milton Jr. 1832-1884
Mary Brewster - wife of " 1833-19
J. Carlyle 1855-1911
Bartlett John M. 1870-1890
Bartlett see Fink - Smith - Birch
Bassett Augustus 1809-1890
Mary W. wife of " 1810-1870
Corydan died July 19, 1864 age underground
Adelbert 1842-1883
Anna wife of " 1847-19
Bates George A. 1840-
Cornelia M. Marcellus - wife of " 1853-1914
Bates see Bevier
Bathrick see Roe
Batson William W. 1871-1927
Fanny M. 1874-19
William A. 1899-1938
Rebecca no dates
Baylord see Bettis

Beardsley Jennie Smith 1859-1932
Beckers Eliza Curtis - wife of Peter V.L. died Apr. 11, 1891 born Feb. 16, 1809
Beers see Walrath
Bell see Halstead - Wands
Belver Julia A. 1888-1965
Benedict Genevieve daug of J.R. 1889-1946
Bennett Henry R. 1827-1904
Mary J. Wilson - wife of " 1832-
Elmer 1861-1940
Florence 1868-1963
Hazel 1900-19
Lawrence 1901-1960
Jessie 1897-19
Bennett George 1868-underground
Sarah wife of " underground
Theda E. daughter died Aug. 8, 1891 born May 9, 1891
Gladys daughter died Jan. 6, 1905 born May 19, 1897
Bennett Andrew C. 1829-1903
Malona Tallman - wife of " 1836-
Bennett Theodore M. died Mar. 7, 1878 ae. 27y
Bennett see Van Patten
Benson see Carr
Benton Charles 1882-1944
Olive Dobbin - wife of " 1883-1936
Benton Haydon W. 1886-19
Pearl A. 1887-1958
Benton Heman 1820-1906
Catherine L. - wife of " 1827-1912
Frank M. 1857-1939
Mary L. 1855-1946
Benton James Noble 1857-1917
Electa A. Austin - wife of " 1856-
Charles D. 1828-1907 Father
Asenath M. Noble 1834-1911 Mother
Benton James M.D. 1837-1892
Margaret wife of " 1839-1908
Benton Milton A. 1888-19
Ethel M. wife of " 1892-19
Benton see Ogden - Shepard
Bessey Charles 1856-1943
Rose L. 1875-1943
Allen C. 1825-1884 Our Father
Helen A. wife of " 1834-1922 Our Mother
Arthur C. Co. (?), 75 N.Y. Vol died Oct. 19, 1884 ae. 59y
Edgar M. 1851-1929
Dan S. Parker 1874-1930
Martha J. Bessey 1853-1924
Bessey James A. 1876-1941
Franc Daratt 1858-1910
Bettis Margaret Baylord - wife of Robert-1875-1925
Bevier David died June 8, 1895/96 ae. 76y
Mahala wife of " died Jan. 3, 1894 ae. 71y
Bevier John M. died Feb. 2, 1915 born Feb. 5, 1852
Ella A. Dolson - wife of " died July 24, 1921 born May 8, 1858
Homer E. son died July 3, 1949 born Jan. 17, 1884
Pearl Parker - wife of " May 22, 1885
Bevier Leslie Willis 1892-19
Eunice Merchant - wife of " 1891-1965
Bevier D. Wallace 1858-1916
Cora M. Bates - wife of " 1861-1939
Bevier Wm. Smith died Dec. 14, 1904 born Apr. 22, 1852
Frances T. Cooper - wife of " died Jan. 17, 1943 born June 6, 1856
Edward L. son died Apr. 21, 1949 born Jan. 8, 1877
Leslie W. son d born Oct. 22, 1892
Bevier see Van Auken
Birch Bartlett M. died July 30, 1881 born Nov. 22, 1831
Lucinda wife of " died June 23, 1915 born Dec. 24, 1830
Sarah B. - wife of Calvin J. Clark 1853-1916 I am well now
Jeremiah died Jan. 4, 1855 born June 20, 1803
Lydia wife of " died Aug. 17, 1878 born Jan. 13, 1805
Maria died July 29, 1858 born Nov. 3, 1834
Birch Francis D. 1829-1890
Mary E. 1844-1882
Willis F. 1875-1939
Lillian M. 1885-1959
Birch see Burritt
Bird Theodore Co.I, 10th Reg. N.Y. Vol. Cav. 1843-1916
Anna Bixby - wife of " no dates
Birdsall Sarah M. Tyler- wife of Morgan Birdsall & daug. of Abraham & Sarah Tyler
died June 20, 1865 ae. 40y
Bishop Alfred 1872-1943
Alice 1881-1963
Bishop William (P. or F.) died Nov. 11, 1870 ae. 61y 8mo 1da
Zilpha wife of " died Apr. 17, 1872 ae. 64/61y 21da
Charles A. 1842-1918
Mary M. wife of " 1843-1902
Willie E. son died Sept. 12, 1873 ae. 2mo 16da
Bishop see DeForest - Terwilleger
Bittel Charles H. 1882-1948
Elma R. wife of " 1885-1951
Bixby see Bird - Holcomb
Blacklock Hattie A. 1867-1958
John A. 1875-1952
Blass Bertha E. 1883-1913
James B. 1878-1953
Blass see Jewell - Pritchard
Blessing Adam 1839-1915
Ruth A. Phelps - wife of " 1841-1915
Blessing see Hunt
Blumrich Albert A. 1881-19
Katherine Mills 1884-1948
Bodley Herbert A. 1880-1923
Bodley see Dutton
Bogardus Peter E. 1818-1902
Bogart see Lane - Quackenbush
Bostwick Cyrus R., Sr. N.Y.S. Guard 23rd Reg. 18 Feb. 1868-27 Feb. 1947
Cyrus R. Jr. 1904-1946
William E. 1906-1929
Note: next to Cyrus Sr. - Anna Skillet w. Anna Cover b. 27 Mar. 1879 at West (Branch?), Iowa
died Corvallis, Oregon 20 Feb. 1961 bur. Benton Mem. Pk (can't make out next word) Oak Lawn
Mem. Pk. in Corvallis
Botsford George 1859-1911
Herbert infant 1887 b? or d?
Botsford Harrison Calvin 1890-1941
Edith Van Nostrand - wife of " 1890-1962
Margaret 1926-1927
Botsford Irving 1862-1900
Anna B. Tifft - wife of " 1864-1930
Henry C. 1831-1898 Father
Lucinda wife of " 1840-1923 Mother
Botsford see Decker
Bowen Jane Addison 1867-1942
Harriet James 1883-
Bradley Leroy R. 1877-1953
Mary Chloe - wife of " 1874-1954
Helen E. 1868-1950
Amelia R. 1843-1924 Mother
Bradt Edward J. 1869-1935
Emogene 1869-1956
Bradt Edward 1905-19
Hazel 1904-19
Elizabeth Cooley 1859-1943 matching hs.
Brakley see Mills
Brewer see Hooker
Brewster A. Judson 1824-1897
Ann E. wife of " 1827-1896
Angie daughter 1852-1864
Brewster Frank 1854-1910
Rhoda A. Goodfellow - wife of " 1852-1911
Brewster Mabel A. 1873-1935
Brewster see Bartlett -(Hunter Lot) - Van Wormer
Briggs Edward 1820-1910 Father
Losetta wife of " 1823-1895 Mother
Sattie Daughter 1861-1877
Mattie Daughter 1859-1892
Addie 1847-1883
Libbie 1855-1886
Briggs Frank 1870-1957
Melva Coleman - wife of " 1872-1950
Briggs Theodore 1850-1928
Briggs Walter J. 1868-1937
Jessie M. 1873-1960
Neva Briggs Rowe 1897-1918
Briggs William 1862-1930
Anna wife of " 1868-1926
Briggs see Flint - Kennedy
Brocks see Smith
Brooks Emma 1906-
Brooks Peter 1848-1932
Margaret wife of " 1848-1916
Roy E. 1875-1961
Carrie wife of " 1877-1933
Brooks see Darratt (2)
Brown Charles died Sept. 19, 1860 born Apr. 19, 1791
Hannah wife of " died July 5, 1865 born June 10, 1801
Jeremiah died May 26, 1898 born Feb. 14, 1820
Mary E. wife of " died May 7, 1899 born Dec. 24, 1821
Maria Brown Reynolds - sister died May 4, 1898 born Feb. 10, 1822
Brown M. Jay 1857-1939
Margaret B. - wife of " 1866-1936
Brown Peter 1825-
Caroline 1837-
Peter C. no dates
Elizabeth 1876-1959
Brown Ralph son of James & Clara S. Brown
Brown Samuel M. M.D. 1819-1901
Nancy S. Patterson - wife of " 1825-1906
Mary daughter 1858-1862
Frank H. 1849-1919 Father
Betsey L. Higgins - wife of " 1847-1917 Mother
May L. daughter 1882-1912
Brown William E. Co. H, 111th Reg. N.Y.S. Vol. 1842-1863
Silas W. Co. H, 111th Reg. N.Y.S. Vol. 1846-1863
Adrien V. Co. G, 75th Reg. N.Y.S. Vol. 1844-1864
Henry Father" Co. L, 116 Reg. N.Y.S. Vol. 1817-1902
Olive Potter - wife of - Mother 1819-1894
Frankie son of W.E. & H. Brown 1861-1863
Jennie E. 1860-
Adeline C. 1850-
Brown see Palmer - Perry
Bryan Clarinda wife of Joshua 1831-1888
Buckingham, Cyrus R. 1878-1932
Louise Lindsley - wife of " 1884-1956
Bunkman Fred 1845-1927
Lena 1849-1942
Burch Fred G. 1865-1932
Ida Williams - wife of " 1870-1957
Burch Odin M. 1887-1961
Elsie A. 1896-1963
Burke see Jewell
Burns Jerome 1863-1935
Dollie Lee 1866-1921
Burns John 1832-1908
Alice Godfrey - wife of " 1852-1928
Burns see Cowell
Burr see Soule
Burritt Charles M. 1836-1919
Mary Birch - wife of (Mary Buck) 1839-1921
Burritt Philo Father died Oct. 8, 1858 ae. 59y (13da?)
Caroline D. - wife of " died May 30, 1889 ae. 85y 1mo 15da
Burritt C. Wolcott 1832-1908
Lucy S. Johnson - wife of " 1841-1916

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Thanks to Linda Jasztal for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

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