Union Hill Cemetery - Village Of Cato, NY (In The Town Of Ira)
(Cayuga County)
Cemetery No. 35
Surname Section "C"

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On the west side of the grounds is a building called Kingsley Memorial Chapel , in memory of Jennie A.L. and Ira J. Kingsley, her husband, erected 1963. In the front of the cemetery, built into the hill, is a large vault inscribed Rockwell - 1876 . Another large vault, also built into side of hill, inscribed Silas Kellogg ; and a monument to the Unknown Soldier , presented by the American Legion Auxilliary, Jay LaBuff Post 911 - 1930.

Copied by Flora & Helen Daniells & Mable Crosby 1965

Calkins Eddie (1867? 1887) - 1888
Mary A. Soule 1865-1888
Calkins Myron R. 1876-19
Freda R. wife of " 1880-1935
Camp William H. 1895-1946
Maie Coulling - wife of " 1883-
Campbell Almon R. 1886-
Clara D. 1888-
Leta 1912-1930
Majel 1914-1937
Campbell J. J. Co.C, 75th Reg. N.Y.Vol. 1838-1903
Caroline Livingston - wife of " 1844-1897
Campbell John H. 1861-1946
Emily R. 1863-1930
Campbell see Schuyler
Carr George 1799-1866
Martha E. Chamberlain - wife of " 1813-1889
Carr Harry Benson 1869-1933
Abbie Jakway - wife of " 1881-1956
Robert Benson 1914-1914
Carr see Paine
Carrington, Edwin J. Edwin J. 1880-19
Cora Dykeman - wife of " 1870-19
Case Nile P. Co. F 110 N.Y.Vol. 1846-1914
Casey John E. 1868-1923
Belle Smith - wife of " 1869-1926
William H. 1861-1929
Glenora Hunt - wife of " 1867-1958
Casey Thomas B. 1831-1907
Catherine Cunningham - wife of " 1839-1899
Frank 1859-1944
Louise H. Allen - wife of " 1866-1920
Casey see Harris
Casler Stanley E. 1900-
Ruth F. wife of " 1902-1954
Castor Orlando 146 Reg. N.Y. died June 8, 1903 ae. 59 or 62y
Mary 1849-1934 Mother
Myra B. daughter 1876-1877
Chaffee Jerome S. died Apr. 29, 1865 ae. 26y 9mo 20da
Chaffee see Auchmoody
Chamberlain John P. died Sept. 20, (can't read rest)
Evaline wife of " died Sept. 25, 1874 born Jan. 15, 1811
Emma A. died Nov. 11, 1852 ae. 2y 6mo
John M. died Nov, 5, 1838
J.M. underground
Chamberlain see Carr
Chase Charles A. 1870-1945
Iva Jewell wife of " 1878-1962
Chase Charles D. died Dec. 18, 1924 born Sept. 29, 1866
Laura DeForest - wife of " died May 26, 1899 born July 30, 1877
Beulah daug of C.B. & Julia B. Chase died Oct. 4, 1908 ae. 6mo
Chase John died May 10, 1898 born July 16, 1806
Helen DeForest - wife of " died Oct. 8, 1905 born Apr. 27, 1829
Chase Selick J. Co.C, 111th N.Y. Vol. 1836-1913
Hannah Elizabeth - wife of " 1844-1931
Chase see Mills - Rich
Church Fred 1860-1920
Church William G. 1857-1940
Rose wife of " 1865-1895
Margaret DeWitt - wife of " 1870-1946
Lt. Albert U.S. Army - killed in Germany 1910-1945
Church see Manwarren - Phillips
Clapper see Cowell
Clapsaddle - see Titus
Clark see Birch
Clarke Earl A. 1903-
Emma J. 1906-1964
Close B.M. 1825-1910
Emily Wood - wife of " 1831-1904
Close Myron 1856-1932
Jessie F. wife of " 1861-1940
Close see Colvin
Coats Benjamin S. died Sept. 12, 1910 ae. 79y
Charlotte Lawrence - wife of " died Sept. 13, 1895 ae. 62y
Coe Willard H. M.D. no dates
Mary V. Van Dusen - wife of " died Mar. 6, 1939 born July 31, 1849
Cogswell see Haws
Cole Robert W. Father
Sarah J. - wife of " died Jan. 31, 1891 ae. 56y
Charles Co.C, 75th N.Y.V. died May 7, 1876 ae. 36y
Barton Co.K, 9th N.Y. Art. died Jan. 11, 1866 ae. 27y
Geraldine wife of Hardy died Apr. 10, 1860 ae. 50y 2mo 15da
Coleman Ashabel B. 1815-1906
Phoebe wife of " 1819-1899
Jane E. Gregory 1844-1914 matching stones
Coleman Isaac 1842-1911 Father
Mother - wife of (no name) 1845-1907
Coleman James H. 1875-1939
Rose Coleman Fink 1900-
Donald I. 1917-1939
Coleman see Briggs - Murphy
Collar Claude E. 1886-1940
Marietta C. 1886-19
Claude (middle initial ?) Jr. died Aug. 30, 1944 born Apr. 22, 1922
N.Y. Pvt. Air Force W.W. II
Colvin Levi died July 1, 1837 born Nov. 4, 1800
Mary Close - wife of " died Feb. 26, 1866 ae. 65y 3mo 18da
Colvin see Hale
Conger David R. 1815-1887
Maryett Ferris - wife of " 1820-1915 ae. 95y 3mo 7da
Conger David W. 1865-1941
Rose A. wife of " 1866-1959
Conger Job no dates
Margaret died Apr. 19, 1855 ae. 65y 4mo 28da
Lucretia E.- Daughter died Apr. 22, 1856 ae. 32y 8mo 11da
Conger Benjamin died Apr. 16, 1865 ae. 78y 1mo 28da
Peggy wife of " ae. 80y 5mo 8da
Wallis son died Apr. 15, 1852 ae. 20y 2mo 22da
Lucinda daug of & w. of O.D. Furman
died Mar. 1, 1850 ae. 37y 11mo 22da
Conger Laura daug of Benjamin & Peggy died Apr. 10, 1811? ae. 11y 5mo 5da
William died Apr. 15, 1852 ae. 29y 2mo 19da
Conger R. P. died in Chicago died Sept. 23, 1885 born Nov. 19, 1816
Lida Tarr wife of born in N.H. died June 14, 1928 born Sept. 24, 1842
Maria Wager- wife of " died Sept. 26, 1860 born July 26, 1817
Conger S. W. no dates
Nancy Turner - wife of " died May 29, 1864 born July 23, 1841
J. Stewart son died Aug. 7, 1864 born Feb. 10, 1864
Conger see Everts - Getty - Knowlton - Rohrer - Wilkes
Conway see Oakley
Cook Abial R. 1828-1907 Father
Ann E. Holcomb - wife of " 1837-1880 Mother
Allen H. 1861-1916
Cora E. 1863-1921
Cook Bradford died Oct. 22, 1877 ae. 76y 4mo 13da
Mary J. wife of " died Feb. 13, 1834 ae. 32y 7mo
Helen E. wife of " died May 6, 1840/49 ae. 47y 2mo
Irenie A. wife of 1828-1921
Carollye M. daughter born Sept. 25, 1821
Lurenia J. daughter born Dec. 3, 1822 or 1832 (page smudged)
Marietta A. daughter born May 29, 1828
daughters of B. & M.J. all died under 10 months
Judson J. son of " died July 22, 1852 ae. 21y 2mo
Cook A. Judson 1859-1920
Ida Harvey 1861-1948
CooI ? Semantha M. w of David Cook died June 2, 1847 ae. 38y 7mo 22da
Cook also matching broken headstone, no doubt David Cook
Sarah M. daug. of David & S.M. died July 18, 1852 ae. 18y 13da
Cook see De Witt - Dunham - Wise
Cool Maggie L. daug. of L. & D. died July 21, 1862 ae. 6y
Henry B. died Dec. 25, 1873 ae. 72y 1mo
Deborah wife of " died May 5, 1835 ae. 19y 9mo 11da
Melissa A. daug. of Henry & Catherine Skilton Note: had Cool, Henry R. no dates and Catherine no dates
died Aug. 12, 1868 ae. 21y 6mo 6da
Lottie L. daug. of " died Apr. 12, 1874 ae. in 22nd year
Rose L. daug. of " died June 4, 1871 ae. 31y
Cooly or Cooley see Bradt - Hulbert
Coon see Miller
Cooper Edward J. 1860-1952
Florence Sherwood - wife of " 1861-1940
Cooper George A. 1863-1952
Flora Near 1868-1929
Cooper Isaiah 1835-1904
Lucy Austin - wife of " 1835-1899
Cooper Paul H. 1914-1959
Cooper Laura T. wife of " no dates
I. Burt 1877-1946 Father
Note: Doris Masdan? says-daug of Jefferson & Nettie Dodge Jones
wife of (Jones) 1878-1959 Mother
Cooper Richard J. N.Y. Inf. 9th Div died July 16, 1951 born Nov. 16, 1928
Dedra Philips - wife of " died Nov. 11, 1937 born Mar. 30, 1906
Cooper Samuel 1831-1919
Maria A. Wells - wife of " 1835-1862
Sarah H. Vanderhuff - wife of " 1846-1915
Cooper Smith V. 1850-1919
Nellie A. Powers - wife of " 1855-1935
Cooper William died Dec. 21, 1864/69 born Apr. 4, 1834
Laura A. Olmstead - wife of " died Jan. 21, 1917 born Mar. 5, 1832
Mary E. daughter died Apr. 2, 1865 born Aug. 29, 1855
Infant daughter ? died Mar. 27, 1866 born Feb. 26, 1861?
Cooper see Bevier - Lyon - Pople - Van Norstrand
Coppernoll, Byram died 1895 per W. Pulver, Inheritance Service, Albany, N.Y.
Susan wife of " no dates
Andrew died June 21, 1851 ae. 75y 5mo 10da
Catherine wife of " died Feb. 17, 1847 ae. 68y 7mo 11da
David son died Sept. 4, 1849 ae. 23y 7mo 24da
Charles son-shot at Ft. Hudson June 14 - died July 16, 1863
Amanda H. died Apr. 29, 1847 ae. 8mo 8da
Hershel A. died June 30, 1853 ae. 5mo 17da
Alice no dates
Coppernoll, Catherine A.-wife of Andrew died Mar. 20, 1866 ae. 51y 8mo 17da
Adelbert no dates
Coppernoll, Frankie died Apr. 23, 1874 ae. 14y 7mo 7da
Abbie died Feb. 10, 1894 ae. 58y
Coppernoll, Harvey Batt. 3rd N.Y. Art. died June 9, 1884 ae. 43y 4mo 11da
Abram died Sept. 24, 1907 born Apr. 24, 1833
Corey see Dobbin
Corfield John 1870-1957
Eva M. wife of " 1870-1956
Elsie 1911-
Corfield John 1833-1890 Father
William son 1866-1888
Charles son 1882-1890
Emma daughter 1881-1898
Corfield Sidney died May 3, 1943 born Mar. 22, 1875
Lois I. wife of " died born Aug. 4, 1878
Corfield Thomas 1868-1930
Ella Forbes 1868-19
Cornelius see Sudro
Corzett William F. 1905-1962
Gladys J. 1909-
Cory Hattie A. 1855-1936
Cotton see Flint
Coulling John F. 1857-1920
Mellie D. Miller - wife of " 1858-1947
Coulling see Camp
Coulter see Root
Cowell Fred Eugene 1856-1926
May Burns - wife of " 1860-1923
Floyd son 1885-1897
Cowell James M. 1840-1929
Elvira Clapper - wife of " 1838-1932
Cowell see Humphrey
Cowley Frederick died Feb. 28, 1879
Anniss wife of " died Jan. 8, 1861 ae. 29y6mo 12da
Cramer Maynard A. 1892-1956
Grace K. 1883-1951
Crane E.T. no dates
Libbie died Apr. 9, 1864 ae. 31y 5mo 3da
Creller Clarence M. 1880-1935
Verna G. wife of " 1886-
Crossett Louie 1886-1927
Crounse Jacob 1847-1920
Estelle M. 1857-1942
Arthur C. 1870-1948
M. Estella wife of " 1874-1900
Frank M. 1863-1944
Frankie wife of " 1866-1933
Mary A. wife of " 1866-1941
Dennis 1839-1917
Eleanor I. wife of " 1826-1904
Crounse Flora 1888-1906
Crowninshield see Kennedy (2)
Crowningshield, Edgar D. 1848-1908
Jennie Hosford - wife of " 1849-1922
Theoda C. 1869-1961
Edgar Hoyt 1871-1926
Laura H. 1882-1955
Crowningshield, Walter died Mar. 11, 1942 born June 30, 1874
Cpl. 3rd N.Y. Inf. Sp. Amer. War
Crymer Junior died May 20, 1934 born Jan. 13, 1930
Cummings, Myrtle I. 1907-1930
Cunningham see Casey
Curtis Charles H. died Feb. 1, 1896 born June 14, 1827
Harriett E. Fort - wife of " died Oct. 3, 1897 born Feb. 14, 1824
Curtis see Beckers - Dutton - Harris
Cutler see Adams
Cutting see Chauncy 1854-1933
Nellie wife of " 1861-1949
Cuyler Jacob died Apr. 10, 1895 born Oct. 19, 1829
Roena J. Flint - wife of " died Dec. 19, 1928 born Oct. 4, 1844
Elnor R. died Feb. 20, 1941 born Apr. 10, 1880

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Thanks to Linda Jasztal for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

This Page was last revised Monday, 14-Aug-2023 17:29:51 PDT

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