Union Hill Cemetery - Village Of Cato, NY (In The Town Of Ira)
(Cayuga County)
Cemetery No. 35
Surname Section "H"

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On the west side of the grounds is a building called Kingsley Memorial Chapel , in memory of Jennie A.L. and Ira J. Kingsley, her husband, erected 1963. In the front of the cemetery, built into the hill, is a large vault inscribed Rockwell - 1876 . Another large vault, also built into side of hill, inscribed Silas Kellogg ; and a monument to the Unknown Soldier , presented by the American Legion Auxilliary, Jay LaBuff Post 911 - 1930.

Copied by Flora & Helen Daniells & Mable Crosby 1965

Haas Clifford W. 1880-1948
Leila E. wife of " 1891-1964
Hager see Pittroff - Quackenbush
Hagerman see Wise
Hale H.F. no dates
Josephine wife of " & Daug. of Levi & Mary Colvin died Oct. 15, 1859 ae. 27y 7da
Hall William 1811-1895
Mary V. Joralemon - wife of " 1821-1907
Hallett Albert B. 1843-1923
Ruth Daratt - wife of " 1852-1880
Halsey Daniel L. 1864-1938
Mabel A. 1867-1932
Edward L. 1893-1932
Halstead William H. 1870-1933
Grace Bell wife of " 1871-1931
William T. 1893-1907
Halsted William died Dec. 26, 1872 ae. 38y
Hannah wife of " died May 6, 1881 ae. 38y
William son no dates
Lula died Aug. 27, 1860 ae. 10y 13da
Halstead see Marshall
Hamlin Margaret 1907-1946 Mother
Hammond Samuel W. 1859-1922
Alice M. wife of " 1858-1947
Hammond see Irwin - Ruleff
Hand Frank no dates
Hapeman Albert W. 1st Reg. N.Y.S. Mounted Rifles 1847-1929 GAR
Sarah S. Worden - wife of " 1843-1915
Mary A. Worden 1804-1884
Hapeman Charles H. 1845-1930
Levada R. wife of " 1854-1922
Hapeman Eugene J. 1869-1920
Georgia wife of " 1871-1936
Hapeman Floyd A. 1873-1955
Lillian B. wife of " 1875-1945
Harold F. son 1902-1948
Carlton N.Y. Sgt. Co.L, 49th Inf. W.W.I. Died Apr. 19, 1957 born Jan. 9, 1895
Florence M. - wife of " died born Jan. 10, 1899
Hapeman Garrard B. 1873-1911
Maud Jakway - wife of " 1878-1909
Hapeman J.V. no dates
Clara E. wife of " 1856-1909
Maude daughter 1877-1883
Hapeman Judson W. died Feb. 7, 1927 born Dec. 3, 1843
Margaret A. - wife of " died Mar. 23, 1898 born Jan. 24, 1845
Ella B. 1859-1932
Hapeman see Haws
Harkness W. Grant 1871-1956
Jennie C. 1870-1952
Harriet J. 1905-
Harrigan Jay D. 1858-1933
Ida E. wife of " 1863-1931
Harris Charles L. 1861-1942
Minnie Casey - wife of " 1864-1920
Harris Iuman died Aug. 27, 1865 ae. 60y
Maria wife of " died Aug. 11, 1876 ae. 68y 1mo 20da
Harris Edwin died Sept. 7, 1867 ae. 30y 9mo
Kate E. wife of " died July 11, 1865 ae. 28y 10mo 6da
Harris W. DeWitt 1854-1937
Alice T. Root - wife of " 1849-1936
Harris Walter M. born Oct. 28, 1851
Maria F. Curtis - wife of " died May 27, 1900 born Oct. 11, 1852
Harris see Lincoln - Mills
Hart William D. 1843-1910
Laura wife of " 1847-1936
Mabel I. daughter 1874-1934
Ethel A. daughter 1877-19
Hart see Shepard - Thayer
Hartwell see Hurd
Harvey David Co.E., 3rd N.Y. Art. died Feb. 1, 1890 ae. 61y
Biancy 1838-1901
Adelbert 1859-1918
Ella 1855-1928
Harvey Job 1830-1910
Betsey A. Sturge - wife of " 1840-1928
Lester 1869-1913
Emma Mapley - wife of " 1865-1916
Rebecca no dates
Harvey see Cook - Southard
Havens William C. 1866-1932
Louise wife of " 1870-1932
Roy 1892-1950
Florence 1893-1940
Hawker Ernest R. Sgt. 3rd Mech. Regt. Air Service died Dec. 26, 1942
Haws Benj. J. no dates
Sarah S. Cogswell - wife of " Grandma died Apr. 13, 1895 born Sept. 18, 1822
Haws Mary Belle daug. of Eugene & Mary died Apr. 8, 1896 ae. 3y 6mo 6da
Haws Peter Z. died Dec. 18, 1876 born Mar. 13, 1801
Betsey Hapeman - wife of " 2 died Mar. 18, 1871 born Jan. 11, 1806
Adelbert 1858-1923
Haws see Graham
Heath Richard L. son of " Robert & Lucille born or died 1944?
Hebert Frances M. 1906-
Lillian C. 1874-1964
Helmer see Edee
illegible note on side of page: ( ? )( ? )Box 509 John C. bro? Barker? Niagolo? ( ? ) bro  ( ? ) ( ? ) Mary? Graham sister Flint? Mich. (M ? ) Talman sister ( ? ) Mich. Tuscalo? Co. Elizabeth Hein- sister-Erie Co. Pa. Daisy M. B? Flint Mich. ( ? ).
Henry Frank X. 1868-1951
Mary A. 1870-1955
Herrington see Eldridge
Hertel William 1877-19
Mary wife of " 1875-1954
Hickok E. Elijah 1850-1906
Henrietta Mills - wife of " 1852-1927
Higbee Ida G. 1879-1941 Mother
Higgins see Brown
Hirsh Will H. 1873-1954
Minnie M. wife of " 1880-1954
Hirvonen Eric A. 1886-1964
Helga E. 1890-1961
Hildur E. 1910-1956
Hoag James T. 1876-1940
Lulu S. 1876-19
Hodge Francis E. 1937-1953
Hoffman Peter D. died Apr. 22, 1854 broken stone
Martha R. daug. of Peter D. & Welthy died Dec. 20, 1863 ae. 17y 9mo 17da
Mary Ann daug. of Peter D. & Welthy died Sept. 10, 1847 ae. 2y 1mo 15da
Jennie died in Rockford, Illinois died Jan. 23, 1877 ae. 25y 7mo 15da
Hogen see Thayer ?
Holcomb Allen Father died June 2, 1883 ae. 73y
Nancy wife of " Mother died Feb. 18, 1874 ae. 62y 9mo 9da
Holcomb Amos C. 1851-
Emmaretta wife of " 1851-1913
Charles 1814-1900
Jane J. wife of " 1813-1883
Maryett daughter 1838-1867
Holcomb Abram Allen 1841-1919
Julia Bixby - wife of " 1851-1929
Luella 1872-1893
Holcomb see Cook - Gordon - Merritt - Myer - Taylor
Holmes Joseph 1895-
Flora 1896-1959
Hooker Jane E.V. 1840-1907
Hooker Ray B. 1892-1919
Lucy A. Mott - wife of " 1894-
Laray D. 1918-
Hooker John died Feb. 24, 1864 underground
Chester 1796-1864
Eunice Brewer - wife of " 1806-1891
Hooker see Allen - Turner
Hopkins Edward 1886-1924
Lucy A. 1891-1927
Hopkins Hurlow H. (Harlow) 1859-1918
Ida. V. Acker - wife of " 1860-1947
Hopkins James 1874-1948
Helen M. 1885-19
Hopkins Robert 1842-1894
Margaret D. - wife of " 1845-1922
John H. son 1870-1888
William D. son 1879-1905
Sarah C. daughter 1889-1944
Hopkins see Shaw
Horn Floyd W. 1886-1962
Anna M. 1891-19
Wilson L. 1918-
Horn see Babcock
Hornburg Frank 1872-19
Edna wife of " 1886-1925
Hornburg Mattie E. 1877-1917
Hornburg Wm. H. 1871-1935
Celia 1874-1965
Hornburg see Stampp
Horrigan Samuel D. 1863-1932
Mary A. Navin - wife of " 1863-1936
Bernice A. 1890-1961
Horton see Wells
Hosford see Crowingshield
Hotaling Abram L. 1865-1923
Hotaling Fred 1872-1950
Ada B. 1882-1954
Hotaling Garrett C. died Aug. 16, 1899 ae. 45y
Hotaling James R. 1930-1949
Garrett L. 1873-1947
Mary H. Terpening - wife of " 1876-1946
House E.C. 1855-1949
Julia A. Rich - wife of " 1855-1910
House Dr. Hugh 1921-1965
House Joseph died May 9, 1875 born Feb. 8, 1813
Julia A. wife of " 1819-1895
J. Vernon died Oct. 15, 1878 born Feb. 24, 1848
Howe see Allen - Dolsen
Hoyt Oscar 1834-1922
Josephine Eldredge - wife of " 1847-1921
Hoyt see Crowningshield
Hubbard Alfred 1874-1959
Addie Gullickson - wife of " 1885-1952
Hubbard see Paine - Wallis
Huff James A. died Apr. 4, 1955 born June 24, 1874
Co.L, 202 Regt. N.Y. Inf. Span. Amer.
Hulbert John 1858-1908 Father
Thomas L. 1877-1943
Sarah Pople - wife of " 1881-1934
Leon S. Cooley 1880-1962
Fannie B. Hulbert - wife of " 1884-19
Humphrey Josiah W. died Dec. 7, 1894 born Sept. 17, 1818
Margaret B. Wands - wife of " died June 11, 1873 born Jan. 22, 1830
George W. died Feb. 17, 1904 born Nov. 23, 1853
Mary Cowell - wife of " 1855-1898
Humphreys see Wands
Hunt Henry S. 1844-1908 Civil War
Eliza Follett - wife of " 1839-1923
William F. 1870-1946
Mary Blessing - wife of " 1872-1946
Hunt see Casey - Manwarren - Wilkinson
Hunter Alex died Dec. 12, 1876? ae. 45y
Ellen wife of " no dates
Charles B. son no dates
Hunter Charles D. 1858-1935
Sarah M. Mills - wife of " 1857-1894
Hunter David died Feb. 1, 1879 ae. 80y 11mo 15da
Laura B. died Feb. 19, 1885 ae. 74y 6mo 13da
Clifton L. died Mar. 1, 1876 ae. 10y 1da
Dewight O. died May 29, 1871 ae. 10 months
Martha M. died Aug. 30, 1859 ae. 8y 8mo 20da
David N. Co.B, 15th N.Y. Cav. 1845-1921
Clara B. wife of " 1852-1925
Hunter David E. 1836-1904
Martha J. Van Aernum - wife of " 1835-1900
Hugh W. 1908-1943
Hugh V. 1871-1938
Mary M. 1878-1957
Matthew M. 111th N.Y. Vol. 1842-1907
Antoinette A. - wife of " 2 1846-1927
Hunter Ethel M. 1891-19
Allie 1883-1947
Hunter Hugh died Feb. 22, 1888 ae. 75y
Sallie Daratt - wife of " died June 4, 1878 ae. 61y
Francisco died Apr. 30, 1892 ae. 42y
James B. died Feb. 12, 1915 born Aug. 16, 1844
Edward H. died Jan. 27, 1841 ae. 6 weeks
Hunter Irving 1891-19
Lena M. Groot 1893-19
Philip & Kathy died June 1950
Hunter Willis A. 1861-1933
Annie M. Allen - wife of " 1861-1933
Hunter Virginia H. died Dec. 4, 1925 born Sept. 6, 1846
Hunter see Adams - Allen
Hurd H. Hartwell 1893-19
Ruth M. wife of " 1896-1957
Hutchins see Lawrence
Huxley Scr all (or Sor all) son of " Jacob & C J.
died June 20, 1861/64 ae. 14y 1mo 9da
Hyde see Knapp

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Thanks to Linda Jasztal for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

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