Union Hill Cemetery - Village Of Cato, NY (In The Town Of Ira)
(Cayuga County)
Cemetery No. 35
Surname Section "I & J"

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On the west side of the grounds is a building called Kingsley Memorial Chapel , in memory of Jennie A.L. and Ira J. Kingsley, her husband, erected 1963. In the front of the cemetery, built into the hill, is a large vault inscribed Rockwell - 1876 . Another large vault, also built into side of hill, inscribed Silas Kellogg ; and a monument to the Unknown Soldier , presented by the American Legion Auxilliary, Jay LaBuff Post 911 - 1930.

Copied by Flora & Helen Daniells & Mable Crosby 1965

Ingoldby Edward A. (Father) 1908-1946
Irwin George H. 1883-19
Marietta C. 1886-19
Irwin James C. no dates
Ida S. Hammond - wife of " 1858-1926
Jakway Frederick B. 1872-1957
Ida Rhoads - wife of " 1874-1956
Jakway Herman N. 1875-1946
Mary L. wife of " 1878-19
Jakway John I. 1857-1934
Luella wife of " 1860-1898
Ira J. son 1893-1896
Jakway see Carr - Hapeman - Ross
James George 1880-19
Florence Thompson - wife of " 1885-1956
Jessie Father 1848-1916
Addline Mother 1848-1925
James see Bowen
Jenkins Geo. M. no dates
Lillie V. wife of " 1858-1924
Jewell Albert L. 1850-
Helen wife of " 1863-19
Caroline 1838-1921
Jewell Arthur E. 1870-1942
Henrietta 1873-19
Jewell Wilbur M. Co.I, 3rd Regt. N.Y. Art. - 1846-1910
Mary E. Weager - wife of " 1846-1915
Jewell Clarence 1852-1928
Miriam Lee - wife of " 1854-1928
Jewell Wilbur N. 1900-1964
Neva W. Sowarby - wife of " 1904-19
Stanley E. 1880-1945
Cora F. Burke - wife of " 1878-1950
Clarinda Bass - Mother 1824-1914
Jewell see Chase - Gemmell - Timerson - Van Patten
Johnson Robert born England Nov, 21, 1802 died May 1, 1885
Mary E. wife of " died Sept. 29, 1873 born June 27, 1803
Charlotte died Nov. 3, 1877 born Oct. 14, 1830
Johnson Leora E. 1929-1931
Johnson see Burritt
Jones Hillbern son of " D. & C. died Aug. 6, 1918 born Aug. 1, 1849
Frances Derby - wife of " died Jan. 12, 1931 born June 28, 1846
Jones David died Nov. 24, 1888 ae. 64y 8mo
Calista wife of " died Aug. 22, 1876 ae. 51y 10mo
Jones Fred H. 1881-1955
Ora S. 1886-19
Jones Harvey E. Co.G, 75th N.Y.Vol. 1843-1931
Emma A. Wetherby - wife of " 1850-1925
Cora E. 1879-1953
J. Arthur 1872-1950
Maude I. wife of " 1874-1941 buried in Locke, N.Y.
Clarence D. 1871-1942
Estelle J. 1873-19
Jones Henry no dates
Emily A. Doud - wife of " 1827-1913
Jones see Doud - Lee - Snyder
Joralemon, Edgar 1863-1915
Alice 1858-1939
Joralemon see Hall

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Thanks to Linda Jasztal for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

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